Al Ma’mal Foundation for Contemporary Art

National Network

8 Al Jawalida St, New Gate, Old City P.O.Box 14644, Jerusalem 91146
Palestinian Territories

+(972) 2 6283457
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Al Ma’mal is a non-profit organization, based in a former tile factory located in the New Gate, in the Old City of Jerusalem, and serves its surrounding community and the city’s visitors through a contemporary art programme of learning, creating, and presenting. Since 1998, Al Ma’mal has been a hub for art and education, in spite of the situation on the ground, building bridges with the world and honouring Jerusalem's own enduring qualities as a complex, culturally rich, ageless city. Through the learning and public programs, it has engaged the communities among which it is situated, providing spaces and opportunities for disadvantaged young people – disadvantaged in many more ways than the usual meaning of
mere poverty – to experience the potentialities and liberating impacts of creative action and visual thinking. In the heart of our vision, we consider a vibrant Palestinian society in Jerusalem and its surrounding areas is primordial to ensure the needed diversity, dynamism, and agency for future
generations and we continue to:
● Promote Palestinian art, culture, and heritage through creative and engaging programs and knowledge production.
● Advocate arts and culture for development and raise awareness of the importance of arts and culture in social and community development both locally and internationally.
● Empower and support artists and cultural practitioners with tools, skills, and knowledge for self-expression, development, production, and growth in the respective fields.
● Explore and present Jerusalem through multi-faceted interdisciplinary programs and content about Jerusalem to become a destination for Palestinian
narratives and perspectives in the City.

Mission and Objectives

A. Promote the Arts: Promote Palestinian art, culture and heritage in Jerusalem through creative and engaging programs and knowledge production. B. Activate a Dynamic Cultural Space: Create a dynamic art and cultural space inside the Old City accessible to the diverse Palestinian community, becoming a model for an equitable, successful and vibrant community that is supportive of the arts; C. Explore & Present Jerusalem: Curate and present multi-faceted exhibitions, interdisciplinary programs and content about Jerusalem to become a destination for Palestinian narratives and perspectives in the city. D. Advocate Arts & Culture for Development: Raise awareness to the importance of art and culture in social and community development both locally and internationally. E. Advance Dialogue & Exchange: Avdvance dialogue and exchange amongst cultures, focusing on socially engaged projects and collaborations linking Palestine with the rest of the world, developed through partnerships locally and internationally. F. Empower & Support Artists: Empower artists and cultural practitioners with tools, skills, and knowledge for self-expression, development, production and growth in their respective fields. G. Strengthen Community Resilience & Development: Strengthen resilience of the broader Jerusalem community and promote local neighborhood development.

Main Projects / Activities

Al- Ma'mal targets: School students, children, youth and the elderly, Palestinian & International artists, artisans, cultural practitioners, professionals and experts.
The cultural community in Jerusalem, West Bank and 48 Historic Palestine, Palestinian schools and faculty, university art faculty teachers and fresh art graduates.
Community centers & civil society organizations, local and International tourists and expats living in Jerusalem.
The various communities living in East Jerusalem, the Old City and its surroundings.


Key Activities and Intervention Models:
- Professional training in art, media, and design
- Art Learning programs within schools
- Summer Art Camp
- Art production and presentation
- Exhibitions
- Live performances
- Seasonal festivals and markets
- Artists talks
- Tours

Contact (1) Full Name
Shireen Mufdi
Job Title
Programs manager
Head of the organisation
Jack Persekian

Association of family integration and community education charity

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
General Information
1-Structural alintemaa association has 7 board Members 2-General Assembly alintemaa Has 28 members of general assembly 3-Staff alintemaa Has 10 employees 4-Budgetary budgetary 10,000 $ a year 5-Sources of funding * usaid * mercy corps
Mission and Objectives

1- the empowerment of women within the Palestinian family.
2- promote the values ​​and principles of belonging among the members of the Palestinian family.
3- Improving the role played by the family in the Palestinian social fabric.
4- care and child protection within the Palestinian Family.

Main Projects / Activities

*Family Protection Program: designed to provide care and protection factors within the family to ensure a family's ability to provide a healthy environment and social.
*Family Development Program: to provide the Palestinian family life skills to help them to change the modern reality of family and culture so as to ensure better functioning of the family in important sectors such as education, socialization and human resources management.
*The emergency relief program: to provide for poor families.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ala abo daf
Head of the organisation
Nahed Al Rifai
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Abd Alrahman Alghafier

ALmustakbal Society for Development and Environment

National Network
+972 8 2566 137
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 598 194 608
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 597 678 591
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ALmostakbal has 7 board members. Almostakbal has 23 members of general assembly. ALmostakbal has 3 employees 2.Budgetary : 8000$ a year Sources of funding: .Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(fao) .MA'AN Development Center
Mission and Objectives

AlMUSTAKBAL Society for Development and Environment is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Bureij.
The establishment of the Future Society for Development and the Environment In early 2007 a ​​true reflection of achieving the goals of a group of young Palestinian aspiration to participate in and contribute to the development process and Mahafezpaly environment at the same time.
ALMUSTAKBAL society Goals:
.Support voluntary action and development of members of the community.
.Should form the promotion of development in several areas, especially environmental, cultural and economic development.
.Completion of projects related to sustainable development.
The development of youth participation in the development process.
Maintain the integrity of the environment and the protection of citizens from the dangers of environmental pollution.
Development of environmental awareness to the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Future Society for Development and Environment currently accomplishing a project for one year with the support and funding from the FAO, this project is to provide meals for a group of students are weak blood in males prep school, that is the processing of these meals through the Assembly and the delivery of the school by two days a week.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed ALsawalhe
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Mesleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Samra

The Palestinian Institute for Communication and Development (PICD)

National Network
+970(972) 8 2886556
+970(972) 8 2886554
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Fathi Sabbah Board Chairman Hazem Balousha Chairman Deputy Samah Namleh Treasurer Asmaa Al- Ghoul Secretary Hamed Jad Member Amjad Al-Shawa Member Samir Zaqout Member Sources of funding UNDP, PNA, PALTEL, BBC Modalities of action : workshops, training days, seminars, press releases.
Mission and Objectives

PICD aims at developing the educational and quantitative level of the Palestinian journalists and Media, and attempts to cultivate the Palestinian experiences and qualifications in the local media organizations.
Objectives :
1-Prmoting the respect of freedom of expression, and guarantee the right of free opinions and beliefs for all
2-strengthen the public's right to know, the right of access to information, and broadcast it.
3-Follow up the violations against the freedom of expression and opinion, and the freedom of journalism, which guaranteed in the law especially the Intellectual property.
4-Respect the principles of human rights, and enhance it within media.
5-promote the values of tolerance, brotherhood and equality among people, and keeping the community.
6-work on the development of vocational and raise the level of professionalism, and enhance the independence of the Palestinian press, and development, to contribute to building a free and democratic society.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project: Sensitizing Journalist to Women Issues

Contact (1) Full Name
Fathi Sabbah
Head of the organisation
Fathi Sabbah

Al-Shamal Welfare Society

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The organization is ruled by board of 9 directors and elected every two years by the general assembly. Also, the ministry of interior monitors and audits the charity works and financial files; the ministry of health monitors periodically the charity's hospital. The charity's hospital built by Turkish donation, and its income covers the essential needs for the charity and the hospital. Beside the hospital, the charity works in others fields including primary health awareness, community development and establishing woman small businesses. The charity, has diverse partners including municipalities, local NGOs and committees represents the local community.
Mission and Objectives

The mission:
Al-Shamal Welfare Society is non-governmental organization provides medical services, health and community care for mothers, kids and the family; and works to let them participate in the community developments works via awareness and jobs creation programs to enhance their life and health conditions to be effective members in the community.
Enhancing and developing the medical infrastructure level in Gaza.
Securing the primary health for mother, kid and family.
Empowering the woman role in developing the rural communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Maternity and kids hospital.
External clinics.
Health and Environmental awareness.
Rural community development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Nihad Taha
Head of the organisation
Dr Mohammad Shabat

Rehabilitation and Development of Palestinian Women Center

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Our center includes five officers and seven volunteers Activities implemented: • Educational and awareness meetings to mothers and fathers. • Educational meetings for speech and language problems. • Sessions of psychosocial intervention for mothers and girls. • Entertainment day for Orphans.
Mission and Objectives

Our major Objectives:
The strategic objective: the development of women , promoting and practice the respect for women's rights among women and men.
The special objectives:
• Raising awareness of Palestinian women and men of women's rights and democracy.
• Raising awareness of women's developmental and administratively.
• Empowerment of Palestinian women at the media , technical and development fields.
• Management a perpetual public debate among the Palestinian society variant representatives that reinforce the women's role and the reality of Palestinian women in the public life.
• Creating a comprehensive , easy and coherent information system about women that allows identification of women's activities and their participation in the society.
• Management of public dialogue which is deep and continuous between all segments of Palestinian society.
• Organizing intellectual, cultural and cognitive activities with the purposes of increasing the awareness of Palestinian women to her duties and rights.
• Encouraging the research and educational activities for women and contribute to print and publish books and reports.
• Contribute with the drafting of projects ,Laws, plans, programs and policies laid down by the competent authorities.
• Establishing an organized communication between the female groups and feminist organizations at the regional and international levels to exchange knowledge and experiences.
• Investment Company's money and participation in public and private projects in the buy and sale.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities:
• Child-care programme.
• Education and awareness of women programs.
• Development and rehabilitation of women program.
• 'From every neighborhood, there is a producer woman' program.
• Rehabilitation of women in Israeli jails program.
• Social and psychological counseling program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad al Hadad
Head of the organisation
Maissara Al-Qeshawy
Contact (2) Full Name
Abeer Abo Oudah

Youth Thoughts Development Association

National Network
+972 599 324 774
Telephone (other)
+972 598 948 800
Mobile Phone
+972 599 324774
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
General Information: • YTDA has 7 board members. • YTDA has 50 members of general assembly. Partners: + CIVITAS INSTITUTE; + SHAREK YOUTH FORUM; + Self funding.
Mission and Objectives

+ The development of intellectual capacities of young people
+ Encourage voluntary work among young people in community service
+ Work to consolidate the concept of civil society
+ Advancement of the Palestinian national heritage
+ University graduates to embrace and utilize them in educating future generations

Main Projects / Activities

* Creative thinking workshops for youth;
* Capacity building for youth and adolscents;
* Youth exchange programs locall and regionally.

Contact (1) Full Name
emad ali zaqout
Head of the organisation
fady ahmed khyer elden

Sama al Shamal Charitable Society

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
* Structure .. Sama al Shamal works on community development issues including community awareness, psychosocial support for children, capacity building for youth and children.. General Information : * Sama has 7 board members. * Sama has 36 members of general assembly . * Sama has 2 employees. * Budgetary 37830.00 NIS a year 2010
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
Sama al Shamal seeks development of Palestine Community based on integrity, cooperation, tolerance, and productivity aiming for peace, democracy, human liberty , and social Justice.
Objective :
1)establish the principles of the country on the basis of freedom, justice and equality.
2)Establishing the Islamic principles of tolerance in the hearts of young people.
3)Preparation and support small projects in support of the Palestinian family.
4)Activate the role of women in Palestinian society.
5)Create sports teams and revitalization.
6)building a good citizen and cultured carry out its duties towards the nation and works to develop and progress.
7)Focus on Children at all stages of life.

Main Projects / Activities

* training in the field of psychological intervention for children at the headquarters of the institution and the beneficiary of the 45 children up to age 12 years.
* Implementation of the project to enable children to meet their needs and in partnership with the Society for Community Rehabilitation WAC.
* Training members of the Assembly to implement a project to enable children to cooperate Agricultural Society - Beit Lahiya.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Nabhan
Head of the organisation
Fayroz Ghaben
Contact (2) Full Name
Ammar Assalia

FONDS SABIEDRIBAI (Fund for Society)

National Network

Raina blvd. 2 - 3

+371 67216433
+371 67216434
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 26558079
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
FONDS SABIEDRIBAI (Fund for Society) is a new and active organisation, our team consists of 6 members. We are working with EU financed projects in educational, social and youth programmes. We are creating international projects with partners from different countries. Our projects are about education for young people and people at risk.
Mission and Objectives

Our aims are:
- education, science and culture encouragement;
- charity;
- sport support;
- protection of the environment and cultural monuments;
- raising social welfare and improvement of living conditions of the poor and socially disadvantaged groups of people.

Main Projects / Activities

The project "LET'S DO IT BETTER" (Grundtvig partnerships, we are partners, budget 10 000 EUR) aims to improve the quality of teaching in order to strengthen integration processes in society and the labor market among learners. These tasks, although different in every organisation, contribute to eliminate the problem of social exclusion.
Through a multilateral exchange of experience, we plan to improve the quality of our services for students as representative part of various social groups. The project aims to propose and promote popular not-formal education as a tool for target group's empowerment in order to eliminate social exclusion.
Our goal is to learn from each other and share best practices, working in partners’ own country and during international meetings.
Project partners are from: Italy, Turkey, Greece, Spain and France.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aija Lokenbaha
Head of the organisation
Aija Lokenbaha
Contact (2) Full Name
Ginta Salmina

Comet-ME : Community Energy & Technology in the Middle East

National Network

Tel Hai 3
Jerusalem 9210703

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Comet-ME is an Israeli-Palestinian organization providing basic energy and clean-water services to off-grid communities using environmentally and socially sustainable methods. We facilitate social and economic empowerment of some of the poorest and most marginalized communities in the occupied Palestinian territories through the installation of renewable energy systems, provision of clean water services, capacity building, and reliable maintenance. Our work has developed out of a long-lasting relationship and commitment to the marginalized Palestinian communities in the south Hebron hills. Initially a voluntary initiative, Comet-ME carried out its first installations in 2006, and formally incorporated in Israel as a public benefit company in September 2009. Today, we are a vertically integrated utility, providing basic energy services to 20 communities encompassing over 1,500 people. In 2013 we entered the field of off-grid water pumping and filtration solutions, and in 2014 began providing clean-water services to the households in our energy install base. Comet-ME is currently the leading provider of sustainable rural electrification services in the region, and an innovator in the field of off-grid water technologies. Comet-ME employs 11 staff members – 6 Palestinian and 5 Israeli. We rely mostly on grants from international foreign offices and development agencies, as well as some private foundations. About 60% of our budget goes to electric and hardware components, purchased both internationally and locally. Facebook page: YouTube channel:
Mission and Objectives

To empower marginalized rural communities through the provision of basic energy and clean-water services, in a way that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

Main Projects / Activities

At Comet-ME we design, install, and maintain renewable energy systems and household water pumping, distribution, and filtration systems to marginalized off-grid Palestinian communities in the occupied Palestinian territories. We currently provide electricity to 20 communities in the area of South Mount Hebron. A significant part of our work is capacity building and knowledge transfer to community members and local professionals on the use, production and maintenance of renewable energy systems.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tamar Cohen
Head of the organisation
Elad Orian