Dominoes - Organization for Promotion of Women's rights

National Network

Bosanska 4
21000 Split

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Dominoes are feminists non-profit and non-governmental organization established 2003 by 7 women, civil activists. Today organization has more than 30 members, 6 employees and 20 volunteers. All employed staff and 2 volunteers who are working in the office are member of Executive Board, and the Management board has three members. Budget for past three years was more then 100.000,00 Euro. For 2009 budget is 150.000,00 Euro. Sources of founding are: National foundation for Civil Society Development EU Commission National and local public bodies Main programs/actions in past three years: political empowerment of women and integration of gender equality policy; Economical empowerment of women (new models for women on labor market); Media visibility of CSOs (more then 40 TV shows about CSO), international conferences and seminars about women in politics and women on labor market, research and exhibition - History of Woman of Split and Dalmatia; sociological research about w omen's role and position in City of Split. Direct legal and physiological support for women. Main partners of project are educational institutions such as Department of Sociology, University of Split, High School of Economy, NGOs and local communites. Dominoes are member of few local, national and international networks: Women's Network of Croatia, Feminists Initiative for Another Europe and European Women's Lobby.

Mission and Objectives

DOMINOES are women's, nongovernmental and nonprofit organization. We promote women's rights and empowering women to take active role in all parts of society and changing patriarchy in modern social system in which both, men and women will have equal rights and opportunites. Objectives: - promotion of women's rights - empowering women to take active role in political and other parts of social life, especially on local level - gender equality policy integration on local level - physiological and legal support to women who suffer violence - media visibility of CSO - research of history of women of Dalmatia - strengthening international cooperation, networking and connections with women's organization in Europe and Regions of Balkan and Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

- Creating new models for improving women’s position and integration of gender equality on local government policies in City of Split, Lead manager, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy in Split, partner on project; EU Commission (88.000 EUR)main goal: improving women's position and integration of gender equality policy on local policies in City of Split; main activities: sociological research: women's position in City of Split; pre-election campaign and support group for women politicians - Citizen's Initiatives - media visibility of CSO - program, National Foundation for Civil Society Development; 41.100,00 EUR; main objectives: . to increased knowledge on CSOs in local community by TV CSOs independent production, to raise information and awareness of public, target groups and stakeholders about civil society,to create independent media space on local TV for CSOs transparent and public work; activities: 18 TV shows on local TV about civil society and NGOs activities; Creating new models for employment - partner project; Lead Manager CESI Zagreb, Partner Dominoes; 110.000,00 EUR; EU Commission; main objectives: raising opportunities for unemployed women over age of 40, first employed women and single parents; activities: workshops and ELCD courses for unemployed persons, support group for unemployed women, conference.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirjana Kučer
Head of the organisation
Kučer Mirjana
Contact (2) Full Name
Goranka Škoprc

Euromediteranski Forum (EMEF)

National Network

Mihanovićeva 36 C

+385 21 780 300
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385(0) 95/ 910-7758
Mobile Phone (other)
+385(0) 98/334-207
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
1. EUROMEDITERANSKI FORUM - EUROMEDITERRANEAN FORUM (EMEF) Non-governmental organisation, a part of Croatian civil society which supports think tank of independent multi-disciplinary theorists and intellectuals who endeavour to produce analysis or policy recommendations in various topics and issues of Barcelona process – Union for Mediterranean (UfM). 2. Of-funds fees, dues and donations of members and supporters, organizations or companies. 3. Available funds, Croatia and EU. 4. Organizing of panel debates and public hearings, lecture courses, seminars, publishing of briefing papers and establishing of databases related to the Union for the Mediterranean and the development of the Adriatic region 5. Other NGOs in Croatia and abroad
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
EMEF fundamental goals are promotion of dialogue between the state and the civil sector in Croatia concerning the Union for Mediterranean as well as the establishment of joint action of the public and state institutions in accordance with the special opportunities of development of the Adriatic region.
Civil public awareness and participation in public life;
- Securing the transparency and accountability of government and local authorities;
- Enhancing civil society involvement in public policy;
- Promotion of UfM in Croatia;
- Rethinking of Croatian Mediterranean strategy and policy of Croatia in Union for the Mediterranean (UfM);
- Development of Croatian collaboration with UfM countries;
- Defining the role of Croatian Adriatic Region in UfM .
- Establishing the City of Split as one of the Mediterranean centre towns.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/Activities:
- Creating UfM NGO network;
- Making analyses, studies and projects in UfM topics;
- Proposing the initiatives related to UfM activities;
- Public dialogue with Croatian government and local authorities in Adriatic region;
- Organizing workshops, seminars, conferences, panels, debates and other public events on various UfM themes and issues;
- Publishing the briefing papers and educational documents.
Current areas of activities:
1. Mediterranean between policy of conflict and culture of dialogue;
2. Economy in Euro-Mediterranean partnership and UfM;
3. Energy prospects of Adriatic region of Croatia;
4. Architecture, traffic and urban development of coastal towns in Croatia;
5. Telecommunications and digital divide on Mediterranean;
6. Fishing policy in the Adriatic Sea;
7. Tourism in the Mediterranean;
8. Protection of the sea environment and the Barcelona Convention;
9. Croatian perspective on role of Balkan in “Mediterranean 2030” project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tonči Tadić
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomislav Radman

European Society of Women in Theological Research - Croatian Section

National Network

Kredarička 1a

+385 21 319 366
+385 21 344 154
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 1776 117
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 21 344 154
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
ESWRT-CS is a association of women, 15 members from Croatia and region.
Mission and Objectives

ESWRT-CS connecting women that conducting research in the areas of theological and religious studies. ESWRT -CS is working on promotion of women legal human wrights, dignity of women in religion and society and establishment of dialog and cooperation with related organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

organisation of conferences, meetings, summer schools and workshop about themes and issues in feminist theology, religion studies and related fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jadranka s. Rebeka Anić
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana s. Thea Filipović

Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development

National Network

Riva 8
52100 Pula

+385 52 212 938
+385 52 351 511
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure of the organisation The Foundation has been founded by the Istrian Regional Government. The purpose of the Foundation is the development of the partnership and civil society in the Istrian Region. The Foundation is intended for citizens, citizen associations in the Istrian Region, bodies of local authorities in the Istrian Region, as well as units of local authorities in the Istrian Region. The Foundation bodies are the following : a) Foundation Board b) President of the Foundation The Foundation Board has a president and four members who are appointed by the Founder for the period of 4 years. Currently in the foundation , we have 5 employees, of which one is the Director of the Foundation, secretary , person in charge of international cooperation, person in charge of project coordination, and person in charge of financial coordination. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year (2008) In 2008 , we had available the following budget: 2.000.000,00 kuna. This has been assured by the Istrian Regional Government, National Foundation for civil society development, City and county fund, and other supporters (mentioned in the sources of funding). 3. Sources of funding The basic assets of the Foundation at the moment of its founding consist of the founders’ share and the amount 100.000,00 Croatian kuna ( in letters :one hunder thousand kuna). Other than the mentioned assets the means of the Foundation are raised by the donations of the Founders, supporter members, foundation activites , donations of Croatian and foreign private and legal persons , as well as economic expoitation of the assets in accordance with Article 16 of the Law on Foundations. 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities a)The Istrian Regional Government b) The National Foundation for civil society development in Croatia (seating in Zagreb) c) The European Commission through the Europe for Citizens Programme d) The city and county Fund (which consists of cities and counties in the Istrian Region) e) Bussiness sector supporters (Pula Airport, BM Euromont, Banks) f) ALDA, Association of Local Democracy Agencies, seating Strassbourg g) Local NGOs: Suncokret, Informo, Zum , Smart, Gong, h) Istrian Development Agency i) BPW- association of business professional women j) The Governmental NGO office seated in Zagreb

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has been founded with the basic purpose of developing partnership and civil society in the Istrian Region. For the purpose of achieving its main goals the Foundation offers informational, professional, and financial support for various programmes which promote sustainability of non-profit sector, cooperation,citizen initiative, philantropy , volunteering, improving the institution of society, as well as other programs which realize the basic purpose of the foundation. The Foundation has three main functions: 1. Financial - it entails publishing Tenders and support for various organizations 2. Informative - offers basic information about civil society and its function 3. Educational - organization of various workshops, lectures and seminars.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year we evaluate the implementation of projects that we finance. Our employees go to site visits to see the implementation processes of the projects, and later on they deliver detailed reports of projects activites. Project I.C.E. is sufinanced by the European Union thorought the programme “ Europe for citizens”.Promotion of Active European Citizenship “ Projects under measure 3 “ Support for projects initiated by civil society organization” of Action 2 “ Active civil society in Europe”. Partners in the project: Istrian Regional government, ALDA , Suncokret,Zum, Informo. The project has the overall objective to broaden the knowledge and the understanding of the European Union and the process of European Integration in general among Croatian citizens. Specific objectives to wide the knowledge and information of the target groups about the EU and the understanding of European integration process., promote European priority themes, European citizenship , intercultural dialogue and volunteering.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helga Može
Head of the organisation
Helga Može


National Network

Nazorova 2
51410 Opatija

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

A grassroots NGO, oriented to promoting and establishing of culture of peace and non-violence; main activities are the workshops, public debates and publishing issues, for create the relationships of trust and peace between people affected by the war in ex-Yugoslavia. Our focus are women (and gender issue in the war and peace problem), and youth because we will create a bridge between the experience of veteran peace-activists and the new generations, to build their capacity for peace culture in the future. We also are working on other problems of our community, as anti-trafficking issue, gender issue (strengthen women in politic), working together with other organizations , networks and groups.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is building the culture of peace and nonviolance, and establishing the project for that - especially the regional women's network for peace, and media for promoting and stabilising of new culture.

Main Projects / Activities

- workshops for women "Why I am for Peace" (2 days); - workshops for schools "Why I am for Peace" 3 x 1 hour(3 weeks), public manifestation for peace, publishing the Peace issues (planed 3 per year); - participating in relational women's peace network (about 30 NGOs)

Contact (1) Full Name
Shura Dumanic
Head of the organisation
Šura Dumanić

Breza Youth Association

National Network

L. Jagera 12
31000 Osijek

+385/31/271 818
+385/31/272 583
Mobile Phone
+385/98/90924 67
Mobile Phone (other)
+385/98/937 81 68
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Youth Association „Breza“ is non-govermental humanitarian organisation settled in Osijek, Croatia. Our main goal is to promote interest of youth in inclusion at social community and making them eligible for independent living. Purpose is to encourage promoting and developing interest toward they own personal interests by organizing and providing quality free time, supporting and providing help which is needed for successful accomplishment school obligations, help in seeking job and encouraging and stimulating free enterprise by providing professional and counselling help in dealing with personal difficulties. Special emphasis of our work is on prevention asocial conduct with creativity.

Mission and Objectives

Organization formed living community in Čepinski Martinci which is a small village in Eastern Slavonia – Croatia, which is a first living community in Croatia with work-occupational programs. Living community helps children and youth without family support, or with dysfunctional family relationship to that level that their living in family is not further possible. In cooperation with Swiss living communities and their centers for social welfare, for four years we conduct “Experience pedagogy” programs exchanging volunteers and beneficiaries. Also, we developed prevention programs for violence and asocial behavior demonstrated in youth population. Those programs are out-institutionalized and focused on creative projects and active involvement of participants.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: - Organizing manifestation for children and youth (Land without borders, Evening lights) - Organizing workshops (making candles, angles….) - Participating on professional gatherings (seminars….) - Organizing humanitarian aid Our most recognized projects are: “Evening of lights” , “Land without borders”, “Children’s house DOKKICA”. 1. Evening of lights: dance performance of children creations in National theater Osijek in period of Christmas and New year….(see 2. Land without borders: This project project is designed as seven days workshops that gaher great number of children and teenagers, whose task will be to create, explore and learn new music, dance, teather, painting, modelling, scultpuring etc. skills. Every year manifestation has a different theme and name: On the bridge (2004.) I can (2005.) Shining in the Dark“ (2006.) „And Flying“ (2007.) „Like a cloud“ (2008.) (see Project has mision and vision for empower Euro-Mediterian cooperation in segment of making intercultural dialogue, diferences between cultures trough developing tolerance and new 3. Children’s House DOKKICA: The project „DOKKICA“- Children Creative House in Osijek, in accordance with Proposal of national strategies to prevent disturbances in the behaviour of children and youth between 2008 and 2012, should be a prevention program (a pilot project) working with children and youth and including different activities (assistance in studying, organisation of free time, psycho- emotional help, help children with various difficulties, creative workshops, assistance in family education…). (see In Association working seven people as full time job employees ( 3 caregivers, administrator, president of Association, psychologist and coordinator of project) and lot of volonteers as helpers. As non-government organization, “Breza” is financed trough projects by local government, ministries national foundation, Swiss partner and other sponsors and donors. Our partners are: City of Osijek, Center for social care, Volonteer center Osijek and lot of institutions as schools, children’s home and NGO’s.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vargović Suzana
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vargović Suzana

Higher Council for Youth

National Network

P.O.Box 1794

Telephone (other)
0096265604717 - 0096265534291
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. 1500 2. 10, 000 000 JD 3. Government 4. Exchanges Seminars 5. UNDP, UNICEF, Peace Corps, JICA, koica
Mission and Objectives

1. Development of young men and women who are aware of themselves and their abilities, loyal to their country and take part in its progress, able to deal with the variables. 2.Establishing youth centres and needed venues.

Main Projects / Activities

Training on life skills, healthy life styles, leadership, planning skills, IT and language courses.

Contact (1) Full Name
HE Prof Dr Sari Hamdan
Head of the organisation
HE Prof Ahmad Masarwah
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Muntaha Obeidat, (Director of Organizations & International Cooperation)

Syria Youth Parliament

National Network

Jamarek, Baramkeh, Before Ministry of Higher Education

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
60 members representing all governorates in Syria with 50% male and 50% female and decentralized venue for sessions. 5 sessions every round parliamentary year and local youth parliament network in every governorate.
Mission and Objectives

To prepare youth leaders who are able to exercise their roles of responsibility in a positive and efficient way, in a developmental and character building process through the challenges and debates presented by the Youth Parliament experience
General objectives:
To open a space for young Syrian people to present their ideas about the challenges they face as the youth of Syria today, with a focus on current issues including education, work opportunities, the environment and social development, and how to deal with and surpass these challenges.
To train young people to participate actively in public life, particularly in voluntary and society-building activities.
To strengthen the sense of citizenship and sense of belonging of young people to Syria.
To open new, exciting channels of direct dialogue with policy makers.
To reflect the wide range of views of young people who represent the different regions of the country.

Main Projects / Activities

There will be 7 committees in the Youth Parliament to prepare the parliament’s manifesto, as follows:
Education and scientific research
Health, population, and sport
Culture, media, and communication
Environment and Sustainable Development
Employment, training, and entrepreneurship
Administrative, financial, and external relations which in turn would be responsible for:
The organizational hierarchy and internal bylaws of the Youth Parliament and its responsibilities
The funding policy of the Youth Parliament work
Establishing the qualification measurement policy of the work of the Youth Parliament
Suggestions and complains

Contact (1) Full Name
Melhem Mansour
Head of the organisation
Abdulsalam Haykal

L'atelier de la Source du Lion

National Network

113 avenue Mers Sultan - Etage 6, Appartement 11

+212 (0)6 73 62 08 06 / 10
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
La source du lion, en l’espace de 15 années d’exercice, a insufflé une réelle dynamique autour de l’art contemporain au Maroc, en en faisant un véritable enjeu impliquant la ville, les médias, les galeries professionnelles sur place. Les multiples partenariats et collaborations de la source du lion au niveau local et international participent à faire de la ville de Casablanca un espace de rencontre et de dialogue universel. En 2008, la source du lion a ouvert à Casablanca une plateforme de recherches, d’expérimentation, de production et d’échanges artistiques, «L’atelier de la source du lion», projet pilote au Maroc. Sources de revenu : partenariats, financement sur projet, souscriptions, résidences, vente des éditions. Individus et organisations avec lesquels l'association est actuellement en collaboration : CasaMémoire, Casablanca, Morocco ; Association Commune, Marseille, France ; Bruits de frigo, Bordeaux, France. Membres principaux et leur poste : Hassan Darsi, Président de l’association et artiste ; Florence Renault-Darsi, trésorière et directrice artistique.
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
La source du lion est un projet d’artistes. 15 années de projets dans et en dehors de Casablanca, 15 années de questionnements aussi, sur le positionnement de l’artiste et la place de l’art, l’art étant envisagé en terme de projet, projet ouvert sur les questions touchant au social, au politique, à l’économique, à l’environnemental, au culturel…
Le concept de « passerelle artistique » est l’élément central autour duquel s’articulent les activités et les projets de la source du lion. Il engage l’art et les artistes dans des processus confrontés au contexte local - social, politique, économique et culturel et interroge les modalités d’ancrage de l’art à la société. Un moyen de créer des liens dont la finalité est d’établir un dialogue entre les acteurs et les publics, d’aider les artistes à diffuser et à faire évoluer leur travail et d’encourager les nouvelles formes artistiques contemporaines –performances, installations, vidéos, interventions in –situ…
Objectifs :
• Créer un cadre propice à la réflexion et au travail dans un espace adapté aux besoins contextuels, en termes d’atelier, de résidence, de production et de diffusion.
• Créer un lieu ressource offrant aux artistes la possibilité de travailler à leur rythme, sans limitation de temps ni contraintes horaires, conditions essentielles à la recherche et à l’exploration.
• Créer des conditions favorables à l’échange entre les artistes pour développer une dynamique de rencontres, de réflexions et d’actions partagées.
• Créer des passerelles entre les pratiques artistiques et les pratiques sociales.
• Offrir un espace qui soit à la fois lieu de vie et de rencontres, permettant à des artistes d’horizons différents d’échanger autour de leur pratique artistique.
• Donner une meilleure visibilité sur le plan national et international a la production artistique marocaine.
• Favoriser la transmission des connaissances et du savoir-faire dans le cadre des arts plastiques.

Main Projects / Activities

Le développement de la dimension d’accueil et la construction réciproque de liens constructifs avec les publics locaux (acteurs de la vie associative, artistique, éducative, étudiants, scolaires,…) s’effectue par l’organisation de circonstances de rencontres et de découverte et de moments d’échanges (ateliers, séminaires, workshops…).
Dans une démarche transversale, le lieu tente de développer des projets interdisciplinaires, avec des créateurs dans d’autres disciplines, écrivains et poètes, artisans, chorégraphes, architectes…
L’orientation générale du lieu favorise la production in-situ, sous forme de résidence de pratique et de recherche permettant aux artistes d’aller à la découverte et d’explorer le contexte local dans lequel évolueront leur production — contexte artistique,
socioculturel et politique. Cette orientation est dictée par le positionnement de La source du lion dans le paysage artistique marocain — volontairement en dehors du circuit des rares galeries ouvertes au Maroc. Sont donc privilégiés les projets dont la
démarche présente le plus d’ouverture vers la société.
Activités principales : résidences d'artistes, expositions, programmation "hors les murs", rencontres mensuelles ("Une heure/Une oeuvre"...), éditions / publications, projections, liaison avec les publics (visites d'expositions...), formation (création vidéo, gravure/sérigraphie).

Contact (1) Full Name
Hassan Darsi
Head of the organisation
Hassan Darsi
Contact (2) Full Name
Florence Renault-Darsi

Servizio Civile Internazionale

National Network

via Cardano 135

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Servizio Civile Internazionale (SCI Italy) is part o the wordwilde movement, Service Civil International, a peace organisation that co-ordinates short and long term voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The network spans 5 continents: it has 43 branches and groups worldwide and an ever growing number of partner organisations. SCI is also consultive member of Unesco and of the European Council. SCI Italy counts every year on more than 500 associated. Every two year the directive board of the organization (Consiglio Nazionale) is elected. The organization can count on a National Office, with 9 paid staff, and several Regional and Local Groups. Most of the funds come from the Euopean Commission, both at National and European Level. Some project are founded by the Italian Ministry of Foreing Affaires and by local authorities, as well as from internal fundraising. The avarage balance-sheet is about 450.000 euro every year
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is a world of peace, social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict.
Our mission is to promote peace and intercultural understanding through volunteering and international voluntary projects.
All SCI activity is based in the belief that all people are capable of living together and co-operating with mutual respect and without recourse to violence to solve conflict, thus promoting intercultural dialogue and the feeling of belonging to an international community. This implies a strong work at community level, with an interaction among generations, based on mutual exchange and on the preservation of skills and of memories.

Main Projects / Activities

SCI-Italy as part of an international movement, promotes intercultural learning and the empowerment of grass root organisations and citizens through their active participation to voluntary projects and exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Pizzolla