Israeli Children - Rights of Children of Migrant Workers

National Network

c/o Yonatan Shacham
Kehilat Budapest 3, Tel Aviv, Israel 69701

Tel Aviv

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Founded in 2009 by migrant workers and Israeli citizens, the “Israeli Children” organization aims to protect the basic rights and halt the threat of deportation of children to migrant workers who are born, raised and educated in Israel. Responding to the dire need and status of the migrant community, the organization spearheaded the public call to prevent deportation and violation of basic rights of migrant workers, their spouses and children. “Israeli Children” is a dynamic activist-based organization that aims to shape new and clear policy directive on immigration rights in Israel’s reality today and is committed to mobilizing public support in favor of migrant workers and their families, specifically children.
Mission and Objectives

The “Israeli Children” is fully run by migrant workers and Israeli citizens who work side by side to resist human rights violation and the threat of deportation of children to migrant workers who were born, raised and educated in Israel. The organization is a dynamic grassroots, volunteer-based organization that uniquely combines community empowerment of migrant families with public and legislative outreach activities. In only two years, “Israeli Children” was instrumental in reprioritizing the topic onto the public agenda, influencing public opinion and changing governmental migrant policies. The organization relies heavily on Israeli citizens and migrant workers who volunteer and serve in key leadership and Board. There are only three part-time staff members. The organization works in partnership with other organizations such as the Hotline for Migrant Workers and Physicians for Human Rights. Israeli Children has an annual budget of 200,000 USD and is mainly supported by private donors throughout Israel, several philanthropic partners in the USA and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Legislative and Advocacy Outreach- The organization established ties and working relations with stakeholders, elected officials, public figures, Ministers and MK’s in order to set new, clearer policies on the status of children to migrant workers in Israel.
Public Actions and Outreach- The organization mobilized great public support and shaped public stances in favor, through public campaigns, demonstrations, generating petitions and staging public events at critical points throughout.
Family Casework - The organization provides family-based casework tailored to the social and lingual needs of the migrant community, including: translation services, legal representation, one on one accompanying of children and their families, facilitating meetings within the community and via the internet and social networks.
Public and Media Outreach- The organization was instrumental in placing a public spotlight on the topic of children of migrant workers, reprioritizing it on the public agenda and shaping public opinion, utilizing diverse media outlets and social networks

Contact (1) Full Name
Yonatan Shacham
Head of the organisation
Rotem Ilan
Contact (2) Full Name
Rotem Ilan

Association Tuniso-Euro-Méditerranéenne des Jeunes (ATEMJ)

National Network

67, Avenue El Béhi Ladghem 2037 Ennaser 2. Ariana Tunisie

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Association Tuniso-Euro-Méditerranéenne des Jeunes (ATEMJ) est un ONG qui a été récemment crée par un groupe de jeune hautement qualifié. Elle est présidée par Mr Med Issam Khemakhem, Juriste et Directeur Général d'un Bureau d'Audit et de Gouvernance. L'équipe comprend 12 personnes chacune d'elle est chargée de sa commission en rapport avec l'Union Européenne et les pays de la Méditerranée.

Mission and Objectives

L’Association Tuniso-Euro-Méditerranéenne des Jeunes (ATEMJ) est un organisme non gouvernemental à caractère scientifique qui aura comme objectifs : • De soutenir les efforts de la Tunisie pour l’obtention du Statut avancé avec l’Union Européenne et qui fera de la Tunisie un partenaire stratégique avec cette dernière. • De travailler pour des relations plus étroites et plus solides avec les pays Euro-méditerranéens • Renforcer les connaissances des jeunes et des enfants et de mieux développer leurs niveau culturel afin de pouvoir s’impliquer dans la reconstruction du pays. • De consolider des notions d'ouverture, de tolérance et d'acceptation d’autrui dans les différentes strates sociales. • De Contribuer à la mise en place d'un pont culturel entre les jeunes Tunisiens et la Jeunesse Euro-Méditerranéenne en vue de l'échange de connaissances et d'expériences, et l'accès à d'autres cultures. • De contribuer à l’intégration de notre culture tunisienne dans l'espace Euro-Méditerranéen. • De comprendre le processus de décision de l’Union Européenne et l’Union pour la méditerranée, principalement centré sur les procédures qui organisent la relation entre ses différents organes. • D'organiser la simulation des travaux de l'Union Européenne. • De Contribuer à la diffusion des principes et des valeurs de la démocratie.

Main Projects / Activities

L’Association Tuniso-Euro-Méditerranéenne permet également à renforcer les relations entre les jeunes Tunisiens et les Jeunes Euro-méditerranéens à travers : • La promotion des projets partenariaux. • La promotion des compétences tunisiennes. • Initiation et formation dans le domaine diplomatique. • La promotion des compétences créatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Med Issam Khemakhem
Head of the organisation
Med Issam Khemakhem
Contact (2) Full Name
Kais ben Brahim

Nebras Ajyal Association for Community Development

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Chairman of the Board of Directors : Dr. Deeba Mousa El Zein Executive Manager : Eng. Mohammed Hassan Elian Rehabilitation center manager : Asmaa Ahmed El Motawaq Medical center manager : Dr. Nahed Abu ALNoor Established in 2001, in the town of Jabalya in North Gaza - Palestine at the hands of a group of academics from the MS and Ph.D. holders and licensed by the Ministry of the Interior under the number (7095) and by the Social Affairs under the number (473) and the Ministry of Education and the scope of work in the area of northern Gaza Strip the association own a bulding for managemen and a center for rehabilitation in addition to have a charity clinic in rent.
Mission and Objectives

Main Objectives :
Assembly concerned with many things to achieve many goals specially : :
Provide care and rehabilitation for the disabled.
1. Interest in the affairs of women and develop their capacities and enhancing their role in society.
2. Interest in youth and development and work on their effective participation in society.
3. To provide relief aid to the poor , the needy and those affected by the events of Al-Aqsa Intifada.
4. Provide guarantees for orphans and children of martyrs and also university students with poor families
Development Goals:
The Association works to achieve many different goals of development
and specially :
1.Take care and attention to women and make them aware of their affairs and defend there rights in all areas.
2. Accusation youth and working to develop their abilities in levels.
3. Care and Training of mentally disabled according to sound pedagogical principles to have a right to life and progress towards better and better, like other members of the community
4.Raise the educational level of children with learning difficulties in order to adapt stage of education like the rest of their colleagues.
5. Preparation of teaching methods appropriate for each category of mental retardation and achieve the objectives of educational programs for them and preparing teaching aids for the disabled mentally.
6. Defend the rights of disabled children and care of their problems through the discovery and adoption of rehabilitation programs within the Assembly
7.Educate the community and especially mothers how to deal with the disabled through education, counseling and home visits.
8. Educate the community and especially mothers how to deal with the disabled through education, counseling and home visits.
9. Cooperation with international associations that serve children with disabilities in order to contribute to the provision of appropriate conditions for them and search for them with assistance from within and outside the home.
10. Delivery of humanitarian assistance to all segments of society, through the Department of Relief and humanitarian aid through international donations, whether at the level of Arab and Islamic countries or other European.
11. Preparation courses and workshops to the prevention of disabilities through early intervention programs.

Main Projects / Activities

1. قامت بمشروع مسح ميداني لحصر المعاقين في المنطقة والممول من UNDP بقيمة 4.000$ دولار أمريكي.
2. مشروع تهيئة أطفال صعوبا التعلم والممول من دولة عمان بقيمة 6.000$ دولار أمريكي.
3. مشروع تأهيل المعاقين والممول من UNDP بقيمة 8.400$ أمريكي.
4. مشروع الدمج الإجتماعي والممول من MAP – UK بقيمة 10.800$ دولار أمريكي.
5. مشروع التدخل المبكر للجنين من خلال متابعة المرأة الحامل والممول من البنك الدولي بقيمة 54.000$ دولار أمريكي.
6. مشروع في البنية التحتية ممول من قبل مؤسسة إنقاذ الطفل وذلك لإنشاء مبنى دائم للجمعية والتي كانت كلفته 62.000$ دولار أمريكي.
7. مشروع لتأثيث المبنى ممول من قبل البنك الإسلامي بمبلغ 13.700$ دولار أمريكي, وذلك لتأثيث المبنى الجديد الخاص بالجمعية.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Hassan Alian

Ministry of Culture of Montenegro - Head of Network

National Network

Njegoseva St. 81250 Cetinje, Montenegro

+382 41 232 583
Mobile Phone
0038269100 370
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Boris Abramovic, Advisor for Fine Arts, Design and Creative Industries
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Milena Raznatovic

Forum MNE

National Network

Bratstva i jedinstva 4
81000 Podgorica

+382 20 602 710
+382 20 602 710
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 326 730
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 69 600 306
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
FORUM MLADI I NEFORMALNA EDUKACIJA (Forum MNE) is active in Montenegro since 2002: first as PRONI Institute for Social Education, than as Forum Syd; and now as Forum MNE. Based on vision and mission, the organisation has developed four main components of work: - Education of youth leaders and youth workers – University course “Leadership and developmental community youth work”, - Development of youth work – setting up community youth clubs, - Creating network of volunteers – training and supporting volunteer initiatives, - Developing youth policy in Montenegro – capacity building stakeholders and supporting process of development at national and local level. Forum MNE has central office in Podgorica and has opened youth clubs and networks of volunteers in Podgorica, Kotor, Ulcinj, Niksic, Rozaje, Berane, Tivat, Herceg Novi, Cetinje (network of volunteers). Organization is employing 14 persons (all local staff) and has network of about 100 volunteers. Forum MNE works with annual buget of cca 300.000 eur, fundraised mainly through international donors (e.g. SIDA). Forum MNE is localized from international project to local NGO by decision of founding assembly and Board of Forum Syd on 28th March 2007. Organization is part of Forum Syd network and continues to work in partnership with this international NGO on developing local strategy for community development through non-formal education and youth work. Organization have developed Human resource management policy, Child-protection policy, Quality assurance of community youth work policy, Volunteer policy and is organizing course for professional youth workers in cooperation with Montenegrin University and based on University of Jonkoping regulations. Organization has issued several publications: Youth camps as a model of working with vulnerable youth groups, Youth camps tool kit, Organizing learning exchanges, Youth work in Montenegro, etc…
Mission and Objectives

VISION: A peaceful and just society where young active citizens contribute to its development. MISSION Forum MNE is an organization working towards the realization of the vision by providing support to the development of young people into conscious, responsible and active individuals. Forum MNE will enable them to recognize, demand and realize their rights and contribute to the development of a peaceful and just society. We are developing and realizing programs based on non-formal education, community youth work, volunteerism, youth creativity and activism. We are supporting the development and implementation of strategies relevant for youth in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders in the society. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 1. Support to young people in their efforts to realize own rights and full potential 2. Contribution to the reform of education and recognition of non-formal education and youth work 3. Encourage and support interaction, responsibility and citizenship among youth and different groups in the community 4. Networking and efficient management of resources 5. Development, implementation and monitoring of youth related strategies and forming of structures for youth

Main Projects / Activities

Based on vision and mission, the organisation has developed four main components of work: - Education of youth leaders and youth workers – University course “Leadership and developmental community youth work”, - Development of youth work – setting up community youth clubs, - Creating network of volunteers – training and supporting volunteer initiatives, - Developing youth policy in Montenegro – capacity building stakeholders and supporting process of development at national and local level. Forum MNE has 6 years experience in working with different donors, managing projects cooperating and reporting in accordance with agreement. Here is list of recent projects and donors: • Annual program of developing capacities for and realization of professional and volunteer run community youth work in Montenegro - funded by SIDA • Youth club Konik (working with Roma youth) - FAKT • Prevention of children and youth trafficking program “Youth resilience” - Save the children • Summer educational youth camps - USA embassy, Norway embassy, FOSI, UNICEF • Youth conference on Montenegrin path towards European integrations - UNICEF • Youth alternative art and social issues Festival - FIKUS - Ministry of culture, media and sport of MNE, USA embassy

Contact (1) Full Name
Dijana Uljarević
Head of the organisation
Elvira Hadžibegovic Bubanja (Executive Director)

Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro - FORS MONTENEGRO

National Network

Ivana Milutinovica 10

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
FORS Montenegro is a Regional Development Agency established on the initiative of employees of CHF International.The establishing process for FORS Montenegro has been initiated by those directly involved in community development initiatives in Northern Montenegro i.e. members of CHF International as individuals, along with representatives of partnering municipalities, that displayed their initiative and identified the necessity of establishment of a body to coordinate and lead economic development activities in the region. FORS Montenegro has taken up a highly significant role in implementation of development projects in the north of Montenegro. To carry out these activities, FORS cooperated with the other stakeholders in this region, such as: Government Ministries, Mayors of municipalities, Businessmen, representatives from agricultural, educational, cultural, tourism and health sectors, non-governmental organizations, both local and international. Through this valuable cooperation, FORS, began to gain the trust of the above-mentioned institutions, is being approached to provide consultancy services, or involved in the different development activities, principally in development and implementation of local community projects.
Mission and Objectives

Mission:FORS Montenegro is the organisation that actively cooperates with local instittutions and citizens, regional and international organizations, as to mutally realize projects, which aim is to hasten sustainable development that conduces to the attraction of investments, motivation of development of micro, mini and medium enterprises, promotion of competitive advantages of Northern Montenegro and retching of participation of citizens into projects that are resulting to the improvement of life standards and are directed to promote the protection of life environment.
Vision:FORS Montenegro is a reliable partner and a leader in abetment of sustainable development of Northern Montenegro.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its establishment, FORS has implemented or commenced implementation of different activities, predominantly in the following fields: 1)Regional positioning (setting up priorities, project identification, support in implementation, and implementation)2)Supporting community strengthening projects through economic development, 3)Surveys, analysis and IT sector projects
Finished projects:CRDA-E (USAID funded project), Improvement of reproductive health (EU funded project), PFOA establishment (SNV funded project)

Contact (1) Full Name
Veselin Sturanovic
Head of the organisation
Veselin Sturanovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Emil Kocan

The Greens of Montenegro (Zeleni Crne Gore)

National Network

Ivangradska bb (Zgrada MZ Tolosi)
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Greens of Montenegro is registered as non governmental organization on March 21, 2002. The Greens of Montenegro have Management Board and it gathers 45 members, President of Management Board and two Vice Presidents. We also have Executive Board which is operational body and it gathers 12 members. Presidents of management Board is the president of Executive board as well. Executive director jointly with technical secretary and project coordinator are managing projects realization. W e are member of several networks: IUCN, MIO-ECSDE, CEEweb, HEAL...
Mission and Objectives

Basic motive for foundation of this organization and its goal is gathering of citizens, enthusiasts, specialists and organizations interested in realization of the idea and the goal of making Montenegro an ecological state, and acting in direction of preservation, improvement, affirmation and promotion of natural and cultural values of Montenegro. In that purpose, NGO educes activities within a local community, where organizations operate on the territory of Montenegro, in cooperation with other organizations and Government agencies and institutions, and international organizations as well.

Main Projects / Activities

• Round table “Sustainable Development in Montenegro”, December 2002
• Round table “Renewable Energy in Montenegro – Possibilities of Using Solar
Energy”, July 2004
• Round table “3E for Tara” – ecologic, energetic and economic aspects of announced building of hydroelectric power plant “Buk-Bijela”, October 2004
• Project “Port Milena for new times”, 2005 & 2006
• TV reportage “When beauties posses taste and smell - Bar”, 2007
• Printing and distribution of color book "Daddy, you can save the Planet! – second phase "/ 2010

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojana Tesovic
Head of the organisation
Bojana Tesovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Branko Lukovac

Zona Kulture

National Network

Neznanih junaka 99/a, Podgorica
81000 Podgorica

+382 69 050 036
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 050 036
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 69 371 620
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Zona Culture is NGO, founded by group of artists at 1999 in Podgorica, with aim to promote and improve cultural activities in Montenegro as well as creation of an network with similar organisations, individuals, artists and culture institution in the region with goal to improve conections and exchanges of expiriances in the fild of art ad culture. Main partners are GTC (German tehnical cooperation),Ministery of Culture,Prohelvetia, USAID/ORT. Annual budget resources for activities are 10 000 Euro.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion and improvement of cultural and arts activities in Montenegro as well as exchange of expiriance between individuals and cultural institutions in the region.Promotion of crative industries.

Main Projects / Activities

" Art trail" supported by GTC (German tehnical cooperation). Main activitis is presentaions and promotion of Art trail,as well as creative center settled in village Smokovci, rural part of Montenegro with goal to promote thet region as an turistic destination, trought artistic interventions ( creation and setting up of artists works sculptures and instalations on the Art trail).

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Rakcevic
Head of the organisation
Igor Rakcevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Irena Jankovic

Educo Centre

National Network

Kralja Nikole 29

+ 382 20 633 977
+ 382 20 633 977
Mobile Phone
+ 382 67 225 734
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 382 69 514 578
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Educo Centre is a non-government organization from Podgorica, Montenegro. The Educo Centre believes that our society does not need increased resources, but more knowledge and greater will. The Centre aims to revive a development which is based on respect towards our natural surroundings. Educo Center has 6 permanent employees and a great number of associates. The Centre has also set up a small English School and Translation Bureau, which contribute to rent and office costs and provide modest contribution to staff salaries. The school has the license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro. All the Educo Centre activities are carried out in several main sectors: - Education - Environmental protection, environmental education and promotion of sustainable activities - Socio – economic aspects of local economic development - Advocacy We cooperate with Ministry of Education, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Institute for nature protection, Institute for nature protection, National Parks, experts and NGO’s representatives, and we try to improve co-operation of the governmental and non-governmental organisations. Our activities in the fields of education and environmental protection are great opportunities for collaboration throughout the region
Mission and Objectives

The Educo Centre believes that our society does not need increased resources, but more knowledge and greater will.
Vision: Humanity worthy of nature
Mission: Through creative activities which raise awareness of citizens, policy research and defining alternative solutions, through influencing government institutions and the private sector, we can encourage sustainable development in Montenegro and region. The Educo centre wishes to contribute to the integration of ecology in all spheres of social and economic development.
School system that promotes creativity, development of analytic capacities, individuality and which presents a basis for more responsible and human society
• Improved Montenegrin elementary school system curriculums and plans
• Provided the equal opportunity for quality education for all Montenegrin children.
• Reinforced cooperation with international organizations referring to educational issue.
To provide adequate use of natural resources in Montenegro.
• To provide application of environmental standards and principles of sustainable development in development strategies of the Republic of Montenegro Government
• Improved financing of environmental problems in Montenegro
Increased environmental awareness of Montenegrin citizens

Main Projects / Activities

Educo Centre’s activities in Sector of Education
In this field, we are acting in both, local and national level.
The main our projects in the sector of Education are:
- The project »New Opportunities For Children With Special Needs«
The overall objective of this project is to improve socio-economic status of a group of children with special needs, beneficiaries of the ’01 June’ Educational centre in Podgorica..
- The project “Environmental Education – The Route To Sustainable Development”.
The prime objective of the project was to promote environmental education through writing and printing environmental activity books, holding environmental workshops for children and pushing for environmental education to be integrated in regular school curricula, in particular through organizing a round-table discussion and through media campaigning.
Educo Centre’s activities in The Sector of environmental protection, environmental education and promotion of sustainable development
The Educo Centre is planning to increase the level of awareness through education campaigns advocating the necessity to protect and preserve the natural potentials.
The Educo Centre is engaged in the promotion of the concept of sustainable development and European ecological standards in Montenegro.
We hereby particularly point to the project “European Ecological Standards – To Make it Clear to Everyone”.
Educo Centre’s activities in the Sector of Advocacy
One of the most important project, referring this area of our activities is The Initiative for Establishing of an Eco Fund in Montenegro.
We hope that our activities will bring closer our country to UE community

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Scekic
Head of the organisation
Valentina Scekic
Contact (2) Full Name
Danka Jankovic


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 56 740 742
+387 56 740 691
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+387 65 595 456
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 65 635 189
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our target group consists of youngsters at all ages whose interests we shall be advocating through a series of activities, which we are planning to implement in the future. Membership within “La Vita E Bella” is open for all young people regardless of their sex, religion, nationality and race. Implementation survey was initially planned for the territory of Milici municipality only, but with the support from the youth councils of Bratunac and Srebrenica it has been expanded towards their municipalities too, which has given more meaning (connotations) to this initiative itself. - 228 members - Budget: 24 000 KM per year - Partners: UNDP, CARE International, GTZ, Thogether - France, OSCE, Wings of hope fondation, local goverment... - Networks: hCa network, INMEDIATE, Toghether - Youth in action
Mission and Objectives

“La Vita E Bella” is a nongovernmental unprofitable organization, which has been operating since in august, 1999. It provides assistances within the municipal area and makes its contribution in improving position of the youth in respect of political and apolitical principle.

Main Projects / Activities

- Projects:Youth within the municipalities of Milići, Bratunac and Srebrenica – living conditions, social activities, expectations from the future and interethnic bilding, theater, video projects, workshops, ecology...

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandar Djukanovic
Head of the organisation
Dragoslav Brajovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeljko Ostojic