Gdańska Fundacja Terapii i Rozwoju - Therapy and Development Foundation of Gdansk

National Network

ul. Ciołkowskiego 7c/3


+48 604 966 390
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The members of the foundation are the head, the secretary, members of the board and members of the council. The foundation cooperates with volunteers. Most of the funds come from sponsors as well as from the City Council of Gdansk. The main partners involved in projects are the City Council of Gdańsk, Radio Plus, State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of foundation is therapy, personal and artistic development of children and adults. We intend to achieve our goal by creating a centre for art-therapeutic activities in Gdańsk.
1. Development through contact with art.
2. Equal opportunities for the development of children with disabilities.
3. Women personal development through art
4. Psychological help in case of mental crisis

Main Projects / Activities

1. The flying school – art therapy for disabled children
2. The blue dress – theatre workshop for women, who look for new opportunities to develop
3. The school for parents – workshop for parents, who would like to come into better relations with their children

Contact (1) Full Name
Alina Joanna Wiśniewska
Head of the organisation
Alina Joanna Wiśniewska

Platform Spartak

National Network

PO Box 668, 2501CR, The Hague
The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Platform Spartak is an interdisciplinary platform for anybody interested in Eastern Europe. Everybody can contribute to this platform.Our association receives a structural Operating Grant from European Commission's the Youth in Action programme. We are an association made up of a board, which in turn gives assignments to a number of freelancers. The board is responsible the general planning, finances and general goals of the association. The freelancers are responsible for running the office on a daily basis. Recurring freelancers have distinguished roles within the organisation.We organize a wide range of projects, like youth exchanges, music festivals, lectures, seminars and debates. Main topics are arts, culture, intercultural dialogue and youth. We collaborate with a network of like minded partner organizations in Europe. Most of our contacts are situated in Southeastern Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Spartak’s main goal is to strengthen the bond between East and West in the broadest sense: culturally, politically, but first and foremost directly and individually, by bringing together young Europeans from all parts of the continent, inside and outside of the Union. By these means we try to make young people aware of the differences and similarities within the “European family”.

Main Projects / Activities

Platform Spartak is active in several fields:
1. International youth exchanges
Diverse topics are covered in the exchanges organized by Spartak. In recent years we worked on topics like European awareness, music and arts, history, comic drawing and environmental awareness. Locations have included Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Poland and Finland, but also in the Netherlands.
2. European Voluntary Service (EVS)
Platform Spartak is a sending organization within the European Voluntary Service (EVS) of the Youth in Action programme, which allows young Dutch citizens (18-30) to pursue a unique working and learning experience abroad, working as a volunteer anywhere in Europe. Projects range from three months to a year.
3. Lectures, conferences and seminars on European topics
The scientific debate on European topics is important to Platform Spartak. That’s why we organize local, national and international conferences and seminars on European themes.
4. Festivals
In 2008 two Spartak EVS-volunteers were co-initiators and co-organizers of the 3-day youth festival Streets Kumanovo, which promoted interethnic dialogue in Macedonia. In 2009 Spartak helped organize similar festivals in Serbia, Kosovo and continued to support Streets Kumanovo. In the summer of 2010 the concept of ‘Streets’ was also implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Eastern-Croatia. Three promotional events were organized in The Netherlands. The festivals are organized in cooperation with local partner NGO’s and youth organisations, who are involved in all stages of the organisational process. Streets festivals aim to bring multi-ethnic young people in peripheral regions and cities together through cultural participation and the shared experience of a music concert.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janneke Francissen
Contact (2) Full Name
Pieter van Leeuwen

Kamoni Kamocha - Israel Gay Youth

National Network

P.O. Box 23001
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Israel Gay Youth Organization (IGY) was established in 2002 and has since grown into the largest and most widespread LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) organization in Israel, with activities in 22 cities and towns across the country – from Kiryat Shmona in the north to Be'er Sheba in the South. More than 1,500 young people regularly attend these activities and the numbers are rapidly growing. The organization employs 5 hired staff members and over 150 volunteers. We are headed by a Board of Governers. Our main sources of funding are the Ministry of Education, municipalities, National Social Security, foundations, businesses and private donors. Municipalities and the Ministry of Education are also partner organizations, and we partner with many NGOs, especially from the LGBT community, in all our projects. Our projects focus on LGBT youth - social groups, program in schools, youth club, youth leadership.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth, help them achieve self-acceptance and help them grow as individuals, thus creating a network of young, confident LGBT leaders for Israel’s future society.

Main Projects / Activities

Social Groups and Youth Club
• LGBT youth meet for social activities in their home town once a week. The group provides them with peer support and role models.
• At our Tel Aviv youth club, young people come from all over Israel to meet other LGBT people of their age in a place that is their own.
• Topic groups: HIV positive, transgenders, religious groups, lesbian empowerment.
Nir Program
Named after Nir Katz, the program is Israel’s Gay-Straight Alliance. The program aims to eliminate school bullying and homophobia and make schools a safe, welcoming place where LGBT teens can thrive.
Leadership Programs
Developing leadership skills in youth and young people by giving them opportunities for leading change.
Web Portal –
IGY youth portal is the only website for LGBT teens, with forums, articles and online support.
International Seminar
In December 2011 we will host an international LGBT youth seminar

Contact (1) Full Name
Maya Naveh
Head of the organisation
Avner Dafni
Contact (2) Full Name
Nir Zernyak

Association for Independent Media Culture / Udruga za nezavisnu medijsku kulturu

National Network

Šenoina 21/1

+385 1 4659 138
+385 1 4659 138
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+985 95 9062 660
Mobile Phone (other)
+985 91 1896 585
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

AIMC has 18 members, of which the majority are professional journalists. The governing body is the Assembly, which consists of all members, and Board of directors, which consists of 5 members. Statute provides that the primary editor of the Association is necessarily member of the Board of directors. Editor and news editor / journalist are constantly employed. Other journalists and other staff are working on part- time or voluntary basis. H-Alter has about 40 individual associates. Budgetary resources available in years: 2006. - 30 000 euro; 2007. - 37 000 euro; 2008. - 56 000 euro. Main sources of funding: Foreign donors - Academy for Educational Development / USAID, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Zagreb / MATRA program, Balkan Trust for Democracy / German Marshall Fund National donors - the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Municipality of Zagreb. The primary AIMC project is the web portal H-Alter, but most of the other projects have also media character and take place on the same portal. The main partner organizations are the Center for Peace Studies, Institute for the Development of Education, Croatian Journalists' Association, Cenzura Plus, Student Centre-, University of Zagreb.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Forming of informed and educated public, development of democracy and promotion of journalism trough our portal, which produces an electronic newspaper articles and other forms of media, and educational activities. The objective of the AIMC: the provision of public right to information and education on fields of civil society, culture, social sciences and politics. AIMC special objective is ensuring the public right to information and education about the following topics: - Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights; - Civil rights and liberties; - Women's Rights, Gender Equality and issues related to the LBGTQ population - The protection of nature, man's environment, health and space, biodiversty and animal rights; - Workers' rights and social justice; - Rights and social inclusion of persons with disabilities and children with difficulties in development; - Problems related to migration, seeking asylum, human trafficking, prostitution; - Expansion of democracy and citizens' involvement in decision-making on public issues at all levels; - The constitutionality and the constitutional system of the Republic of Croatia, and international law; - Transparency of authorities; - Civil Society and the Internet

Main Projects / Activities

The primary AIMC project- web portal H-Alter; (Donated by the cooperation the National Foundation for Civil Society Development in the non-profit media project) - Civildreta, the increase of public knowledge about civil society's impact and values. (in collaboration with the Center for Peace Studies, Radio 101, Open TV, donated by AED / USAID and BTD / GMF's) - Civil Society Forum (donated by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands / Matra Kap program) - The right of journalists to access information (donated by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development) - H-Alter Culture (donated by the City Office for Culture - Zagreb and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia)

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Svirčić
Head of the organisation
Toni Gabrić
Contact (2) Full Name
Mašenjka Bačić

Assosiation for promotion of human rights and media freedoms "Cenzura Plus"

National Network

Cenzura Plus, Šetalište Bačvice 10
21000 SPLIT

+385 (0)21 489 167
Telephone (other)
+385 (0)91 503 0112
+ 385 21 488 445
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 (0)91 503 0112
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 (0)98 934 3450
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Cenzura Plus is non-profit, non-governmental organization. It has 4 full-time experienced employees (staff), 4 regular, weekly volunteers and at least 10 outside part-time coworkers. Cenzura Plus has huge commitment to its values and nourishes Transparency and principles of Good Governance in its work. Organizational structure is democratic and its financial management fallows strict rules and best practices. Annual budget is on the level of 500.000 kn (70.000 - 80.000 EUR) and organization mobilize significant amount of volunteer work. It is supported through Non-profit media programme of National foundation for development of civil society and Institutional support. Our other donors were and are Academy for Educational Development – AED/USAID, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of U.S.A. in Zagreb and City of Split. It is active member of Regional network for civil society development – Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), of European network with similar aim – European Citizens Action Service (ECAS) and of European network for gender equality and social justice – Women in Development Europe (WIDE). In its work it cooperates with many non-governmental organizations from Croatia and Western Balkans and other important stakeholders (it has many partners on its projects and programmes). Basic methodology of work is TV production, other public communication tools, education, public advocacy,..
Mission and Objectives

CENZURA PLUS is non-profit, civil society organization situated in Split, that through methods of independent media (TV) production, out-institutional education and public advocacy, promotes human rights, media freedoms and works on development of civil society, all with aim of building modern, democratic and just society in Croatia. Our priorities are:
1. Improvement of Media Freedoms, Media Responsibility and status of Non-profit Media in Croatia;
2. Improvement of Women Rights, Human Rights and Rights of Minorities’ status;
3. Improvement of Civil Society’s status, Citizens Participation and Cross-sectors Cooperation;
4. Increasing of Social Responsibility of all society actors (corporate, in particular – Corporate Social Responsibility);
5. Promotion of Anti-corruption activities in community, Peace building and facing with the past, Inter-cultural dialogue and Regional Cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Cenzura Plus has several Projects, some of bigger are: Media project (TV production and advocacy) and Anti-discrimination project.
More than 12 years now, we make our TV show on weekly bases. It is important to emphasize that TV show CENZURA is one of TV programs with highest rate of viewers on regional levels in Croatia. It is telecast directly, in live, (Fridays at 9 p.m.) in prime-time on regional television TV Jadran, that covers whole Split-Dalmatian County, biggest county in Croatia, and some others parts of Dalmatian – big parts of surrounding counties. It is also broadcasted on digital TV – MAX TV (with 180.000 viewers), cable TV – B Net (with 350.000 viewers) and Internet television SMART TV. Regularly it is telecasted on local television ATILA, in Bjelovar and on Zadar’s City television GTV. On that way CENZURA manages to cover large area in Croatia and number of 2.000.000 potential viewers, that is approximately half (1/2) of whole Croatia’s population. TV shows CENZURA last 60 minutes, each. Guests of TV shows are persons best for each particular theme, from all three society sectors and whole Croatia, 1-2 of them per show.
Our guests were, among many others respected persons from public life in Croatia, from Croatian president Stipe Mesić, to Carla del Ponte, Monica Macovei, Gudrun Scyman and Maria-Pia Boethius.

Contact (1) Full Name
Željana Buntić-Pejaković, vice-president
Head of the organisation
Blagica Kujundžić, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Tanja Giovanelli, office manager

Autonomous centre - ACT

National Network

Dr. Ivana Novaka 38, 40000 Čakovec, Croatia
HR-40000 Cakovec

+385 40 390 047
+385 40 390 048
Mobile Phone
+385 98 819 149
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 98 819 674
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Autonomous centre - ACT is non -profit non-governmental organization which supreme management body is assembly; organization has board of directors (president and 4 members) and executive director. ACT has between 3 permanently employers and 5-10 permanent professional associates. Budget for 2008. was 98.500,00 €. Sources of funding include national and international donors and incomes from self financing – Autonomous centre founded Ltd. which offers design and print services for CSOs. Organization implement two multiannual programs, two festivals every year and 3-4 new projects every year. Some of partners were: National foundation for civil society development, County of Međimurje, City governments, Regional development agencies and 10-15 civil society organizations from Croatia.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: ACT is a non-profit organization that works on the development of civil society and community through non-formal education, informing, consulting and promotion to induce social change in areas of open technology, social entrepreneurship, philanthropy and media.
Strategic objectives (2009-2011):
1. Strengthening ACT as a education center;
2. Strengthening ACT as a center for the civil society development in northwestern Croatia;
3. Popularization and promotion of social enterprises issues in Croatia.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Program of regional development and strengthening the ability of civil society organizations in northwestern Croatia is partner project with Nacional foudation for civil society development and KVARK CSO. Program works through education, consulting and informing of CSOs.
2. club.act includes presentations, lectures, workshops, projections which promote issues which organization deal with.
3. Education activities – Organization organizes courses and workshops on areas of new technologies and (self)employment for vulnerable groups like unemployed, minority groups...
4. ACT implement multi-year project of education of peer trainers for issue of prevention of alcohol/drugs addiction.
5. ACT carry out 2 festivals:
a. FreeFest is education international manifestation regarding new technologies, new media, free software, free culture;
b. ACTFest is international music festival who promotes free licenses in creativity.
6. Community library Tabula rasa deals with humanistic and social sciences (books, CDs, DVDs) with lots of reading matter available in reading room.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teodor Petricevic
Head of the organisation
Stjepan Mikec
Contact (2) Full Name
Vugrinović Andrea

British Council Croatia

National Network

Ilica 12

+385 1 4899 500
Telephone (other)
+385 1 4899 505
+ 385 1 4833 955
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 385 91 4813 705
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The British Council is the UK’s international organization for educational opportunities and cultural relations. It has offices in 110 countries around the world with headquarters in the UK. The British Council Croatia has the staff of ten employees including the country director. The British Council receives some funding from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other grants. We also receive revenue from managing international contracts. We work in three programme areas: intercultural dialogue, creative and knowledge economy and climate change. In Croatia we are active in the following areas: arts and culture, education, exams, scholarships, society and science.
Mission and Objectives

We connect people worldwide with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK and build lasting relationships between the UK and other countries.
Our vision:
'The future for the UK in this crowded, dangerous, beautiful world depends on people of all cultures living and working together on foundations of education, mutual understanding, respect and trust.'
'We build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide.'
Valuing people, Integrity, Mutuality, Creativity and Professionalism

Main Projects / Activities

Education: scholarships for postgraduate study in the UK, Learn English
Arts: Creative Collaborations
Society: Intercultural Navigators, Living Together, Skills@Work
Science: Beautiful Science, Famelab, Science Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosana Besednik
Head of the organisation
Adrian Chadwick


National Network


+385 52 217 464
Mobile Phone
+385 99 226 84 02
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 98 928 12 57
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
ORGANISATION MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 1. ASSEMBLY - composed of all regular members of the association, the 32 2. PRESIDENT - Marjan Sinošić 3. GOVERNING BOARD (7 members) 4. SUPERVISORY BOARD (3 members) EMPLOYEE: 1 (executive director)
Mission and Objectives

Mission statement of our organization:
Human and the environment in interaction is the main idea of our mission.
The objectives of the association are the development, improvement and affirmation of culture in the community through our activities. Particular emphasis is placed on creating a dynamic relationship in the communication between the man and ambiance. Goals are implemented through an interdisciplinary approach and teamwork consolidation workshops with specific sectors related to art, design, transfiguration of urban elements and raising the quality of life .

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities which achieves our objectives are: educational, development and social programs of culture.
- Culture and Education programs: seminars, courses, workshops;
- cultural development programs: programs focused on visual design, professional teams, research
- social programs of culture : programs aimed at working with young people, elderly, poor,people with disabilities, addicts, etc.) (Statute, Art. 7.)
Main project:
- "Create because I am" - a project on addicts resocialisation through the educational work.
- Nonprofit media project of TV production
- Affirmative signs - project of creation signs which promote main values of human life and society.
- Different art workshops: wall paintings, sculpture, clay, stained glass, puppet theater for kids etc.
- Documentary production
- More then 100 realisation in field of visual art, mainly wall paintings and murals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sinošić Marjan
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Community Foundation Slagalica

National Network

31000 OSIJEK

+ 385 31 213 255
+ 385 31 213 255
Mobile Phone
+ 385 91 35 35 453
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Community Foundation “Slagalica” is established in April 2007, becoming a legal body on 29 August 2007. Founders are local NGOs Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights and Organization for Citizens Initiatives. Organizational structure includes governing board and staff/executive team. Governing board has nine members reflecting local community with members coming from local media, SME and large companies, local authorities, CSOs, public institutions etc. Governing board role includes strategic planing, grant approval, networking, fundraising etc. We have two staff members - director on full time basis and program assistant as part time staff member. We are partners to the National Foundation for Develeopment of Civil Society in decentralisation of their grant giving programs. Budgetary resources available in a year cosists of grants and contracts for services with total amount of 544.344,00 kn (74.570 Euro)with tendency to grow in 2009 up to 130.000 Euro. Main sources of funding are: National Foundation for Development of Civil Society, City of Osijek, WINGS - Global Fund for Community Foundations, C.S. Mott Foundation and individual donations. We implement our mission through grant making, projects, cooperation and exchange with similar organizations and institutions. Main partners involved in the organization's activities are some of our donors, several local NGOs and a local busines sector.

Mission and Objectives

Purpose of CF Slagalica is advancement of citizens' quality of life through the promotion of multiculturalism, social and economic stability, development of citizens' activism and democracy as well as preservation of natural and cultural values of the City of Osijek and Slavonia and Baranya region. In order to realize this purpose, CF “Slagalica” has a mission to support local philanthropy, development of sustainable funds, grant making and giving of financial support as well as to encourage social and corporate responsibility. Our key objectives are - promotion of philanthropy on local and regional level - mobilization of local resources in order to meet community needs through assessment of community needs and existing giving programs; - improving organizational capacities for mobilization of local resources through securing institutional stability and visibility of CF Slagalica - networking on national and regional level - improving financial capacities of CF Slagalica through enlargement of endowment as a precondition for long term stability

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/ activities are: • Promotion of philanthropy • Community initiative actions – community actions that mobilize and gather local resources in implementation of annual or multi-annual actions • Grant giving program of CF Slagalica based on needs assessment • Fund for community projects • Fund for Humanitarian Aid and Actions – urgent and current need of individuals and groups • Donor service program • Partnership with National Foundation for Development of Civil Society in decentralization of their community initiative funds • Cooperation and networking in order to enhance national and regional cooperation between similar community foundations and grant giving organizations in promotion of community philanthropy • Networking for mutual support, exchange of experiences • Institutional development: • Human resources capacity building

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Zloić Jelena Gordana

Croatian Environmental Press Centre

National Network

D. Neumana 2, 31 000 Osijek, Croatia

+385 31 201 599
+385 31 201 599
Mobile Phone
+385 95 804 9554
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Media
General Information
CEPC is non-governmental organisation of environmental journalists from Croatia. We have 2 staff and a number of correspondents and consultants.
Mission and Objectives

Croatian Environmental Press Centre aims to improve public understanding of environmental issues by improving journalist skills and media coverage on environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2004. CEPC publishes Independent Environmental Magazine - Alert at web adress Alert is only environmental magazine in Croatia which provide news, reportages, interviews, announcements and other features on daily bases.
Each year CEPC organise conferences and workshops aiming to improve dialogue between media,journalists and NGOs, state officials and economy sector.
Strengthening Environmental Journalism in Croatia is long term project with main aim is to provide educational and administrative support to environmental journalists in Croatia and make connections and contacts with other organisations and experienced individuals.
Main activities of the project are:
- providing up-to-date, relevant informations on courses, workshops, seminars, trainings,
- organising workshops and journalist meetings,
- providing relevant informations on environmental protection in Croatia.
2007 - 20.000 EUR
2008. - 15.000 EUR

Contact (1) Full Name
Ljiljanka Mitoš-Svoboda
Head of the organisation
Ljiljanka Mitoš-Svoboda
Contact (2) Full Name
Kartus Kruno