TRUST - Emun

National Network

15 Naomi Street

+972 2 6729317
972 26711579
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
972 522861779
Mobile Phone (other)
972 523922087
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
General Information
TRUST is a new non-profit that has been formed with an initial staff of Director and Secretary/assistant, and a Board of Directors. Two U.S. private donors have provided start-up funding and requests to various U.S. family foundations and international organizations are in process for further funding. Current planned projects include local interfaith and interfaith dialogues in Israel, seminars and exchanges in the MENA region, joint Israeli/Palestinian activities, and international dialogues. Partners for future projects include Palestinian NGO’s -- MEND, Sharouq, Hope Flowers School, PARC; International NGO’s --URI (United Religions Initiative), PEACE X PEACE, Rising Tide International
Mission and Objectives

The goal is to build trust among people through education, dialogue, conflict management, and activities that will promote non-violence, reconciliation, healing and love. This will be accomplished through activities between Israeli Jews; between Israeli Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Druze; between Israelis and Palestinians; and between women of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

On the Israeli Jewish level, a Solidarity Visiting project between the women of Sderot and Jerusalem. On the interfaith Israeli level, dialogues between women, and between religious and spiritual leaders. On the Palestinian/Israeli level, dialogues and joint activities. On the MENA level, a planned Young Women’s Interfaith Training Conference and Year long activities, as well as a joint Women’s Visiting project with Jordanian women. On the international level, dialogue with U.S. women, and with women from Africa, South America, Asia, and Europe. All women’s activities are carried out with the support and involvement of men.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elana Rozenman
Head of the organisation
Elana Rozenman
Contact (2) Full Name
Elayne Cohen

Women in the Picture Association

National Network

Haamada 1

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Women in the Picture Association is a non-profit organization with the objective of promoting films made by women internationally alongside the exposure of Israeli and foreign women filmmakers to the Israeli audience. The Association's signature project is the International Women's Film Festival, which takes place in Rehovot for six years now. The project is prepared by a steering committee of six women during a whole year. The committee watches, sorts, discusses and assembles an innovative, bold and original program. The festival is supported by significant bodies and organizations, such as: the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, the Council of Cinema, the Municipality of Rehovot, the Rehovot Foundation of Culture, the Delegation of the European Commission to the State of Israel, the Lottery (Pais) Council for Culture and Art, Israeli film funds, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies, the Second Authority for Television and Radio. Among the projects the association advances: • The International Women’s Film Festival in Israel • Grants and scholarships to women filmmakers for writing a script for a feature • Screenings and meetings for the advancement of equality between the sexes among youth in the ages of 11-18 • Empowering and Advancing Women in the Periphery through Films made by women • Establishment of a new and unique archive of films directed by women in Israel
Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the association:
*To promote and expose films made by women from Israel and the world
*To change the status of women filmmakers in the film and television industry in Israel
*To promote equality and social justice for women using women-made film
*To expose the Israeli audience to films directed by women, which focus on women and their world.
In order to fulfill our goals, we have established a pioneering international film festival in Israel, that focuses on films directed by women only and which put women and their world in their center. These festivals have as a long tradition in Europe, but in Israel this is the first festival focusing on advancing films made by women. Such films allow a profound critical look on our lives and we believe that they can lead a social and conscious change among the audience.
The association’s activity focuses on curating exceptional fascinating programs of film by women world wide. During the International Women’s Film Festival in Rehovot, a large audience is exposed to the films and in the months following the festival, films, meetings and seminars go out from the festival to other towns and cities around the country from north to south. The objective is to maximize the exposure of such films, alongside a novel public discourse which is to challenge existing patterns in Israeli society and allow a new look on our lives here.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association's signature project is the International Women's Film Festival in Rehovot whose mission is first and foremost, to allow women to desire, to create, and to reveal their work.
Each year the festival screens approximately 70 films directed by women from Israel, Europe, USA and other locations. The Festival grants the extraordinary opportunity of direct encounters with filmmakers, the opportunity for female debate on selected social and humanistic fields, and of course, the viewing of a variety of films.
In addition to promoting and advancing women film makers, the Association is dedicated to promoting equality and women's rights, especially in peripheral locations where traditional roles are still common and women have fewer opportunities to advance and express themselves. This project aims to raise awareness to the status and advancement of women in the periphery through the screening of films created by women which feature women and their worlds.
In 2008, the association also started to award Israeli filmmakers with grants to allow them to continue their work in the film industry. In order to increase the representation of women in the film and television industries as well as to change the sad statistics of 5% representation of women out of all filmmakers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naomi michaeli
Head of the organisation
Anat Shperling
Contact (2) Full Name
Sigal Vanunu Gadish

I'lam: Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel

National Network

PO Box 2631, Nazareth 16000, Israel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
I`lam Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel is a non-profit NGO based in Nazareth . It was founded in 2000 by a group of Arab Palestinian journalists and academics. I`lam is the only Palestinian media NGO which seeks to strengthen the media cadre, raise awareness and educate Palestinian society in Israel in media practices. It also seeks to democratize media policies and practices within the local Arab and Hebrew language medias, towards the realization of media rights in Palestinian society. I`lam is deeply committed to the democratization of media policies, media practices, and the media landscape in Israel. Our approach can be seen as two-fold: promoting media rights and empowerment. Media Rights supports impartiality, fairness, and equity in Israeli media policy, in conformity with democratic values. Furthermore, we encourage Israeli media institutions and practitioners to adopt more professional, unbiased standards in their coverage of the Arab citizens of Israel. Through Empowerment we aim to empower Arab society, particularly Arab journalists, by promoting equal access to the Israeli media, by encouraging the free flow of information and representation at media bodies and institutions, and through the fostering of professional standards.
Mission and Objectives

To promote democracy, human rights and freedom of expression and information for Arab society in Israel, and to advocate for fairness, equity and impartiality in Israeli media coverage;
To protect and promote the media rights of Arab media practitioners and media institutions;
To professionalize the work of Arab media practitioners and institutions and to advocate for progressive and pluralistic norms;
To raise awareness of Arab journalists about their professional rights and Arab society of their communication rights;
To empower and equip Palestinian citizens of Israel to build effective and sustainable relationships with the Israeli, Arabic and global media landscapes.

Main Projects / Activities

Within our 4 projects are a number of initiatives:
Arabic Media - The Forum of Journalists, Media Rights, The Media Charter, Arabic Media Monitoring.
Hebrew Media - Improving Coverage of Arab Citizens in the Hebrew Media, Advocacy Work: Media Laws, Policies & Regulations
Trainings and Video Production - to build capacities of Arab journalists and to increase awareness to the status of Arab citizens of Israel through various video productions and documentaries.
International Relations - to develop a network of international contacts with foreign journalists, media organizations, and international NGOs; o facilitate the contacts between Palestinian journalists in Israel and the international community and provide them the tools to cooperate with international networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nasser Victor Rego
Head of the organisation
Dr. Amal Jamal
Contact (2) Full Name
Muna Abu Baker-Bargouty

The Open University of Israel (OUI)

National Network

1 University Road

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Open University of Israel (OUI), one of eight universities in Israel, founded in 1974, currently has approximately 47,000 students. Open admissions, flexibility in tailor-designed study schedules and OUI teaching methods distinguish it from other universities. Technology in the service of self-study methods combined with open admissions and flexibility allows OUI to extend access to higher education to all Israelis from high school age onwards, irrespective of prior scholastic records, place of residence or occupation, nationality or religion, or economic status. Israelis abroad and others across the globe also have access to an OUI education. Once admitted, all students are expected to conform to the highest academic standards. Those who are not capable will not succeed in earning a degree.
Mission and Objectives

As indicated above, the basic social mission of OUI is to extend access to higher education to all Israelis from high school age onwards, irrespective of prior scholastic records, place of residence or occupation, nationality or religion, or economic status. This, in turn is intended to contribute to the overall objective of creating a better educated society among all cross sections of the population. Thus, OUI also invests in student support programs to bridge the gaps that often exist between various populations and completing a university education. This includes accessibility for special needs populations, Hebrew language advancement courses for students whose mother tongue is Arabic, and financial aid to cover tuition for students demonstrating financial need.

Main Projects / Activities

The OUI offers 700 courses in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Engineering. All courses are developed by foremost experts in their respective fields. They are designed as autodidactic study materials, based on written texts, which have earned a prestigious reputation for academic quality. Advanced technologies are used, including interactive websites for all courses, multimedia courseware, as well as audio and videotapes and other digitized learning aids. Moreover, the OUI operates over 50 study centers throughout Israel where students are provided face-to-face tutorial sessions with other students. This makes it possible for students to study anytime, anywhere, at a pace that suits their lifestyle.
OUI academic departments include: Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, Department of Literature, Language and the Arts, Department of Education and Psychology, Department of Management and Economics, Department of Sociology, Political Science and Communication, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Natural Sciences. OUI is committed to research. OUI boasts the Shoham Center for Technology in Distance Education which cooperates with OUI's Research Center for Innovation in Technology and Learning. Likewise, OUI has a Research Authority to promote the research on which all academic learning thrives.
In addition to the Hebrew language courses provided by OUI, some courses have been translated into Arabic, Russian, English and Spanish. Distance learning technology has facilitated student registration throughout Europe and the Former Soviet Union for courses in all of the languages in which they are offered.

Contact (1) Full Name
Harriet Gimpel

Manor-Cabri, Amuta

National Network

Kibbutz Cabri, D.N. Ashrat 25120

+972 4 995 2745
+972 4 995 2744
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Manor-Cabri is a Non-Profit established by 7 member corporations, to provide education services to the region's population. It employs nearly 100 teachers and administrative workers. Yearly budget about 3.5 million USD, with various sources of income: Ministry of Education, Regional Municipality, tuition and donations. Modalities of action include middle school and high school, regional programs in the arts and sciences, humanistic values education(seminars). Main partners include neighboring schools (Jewish and Arab schools), the regional council, and a private foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Manor-Cabri Association, located in the heart of the Western Galilee, just five miles from the border with Lebanon, is an educational institution for youth 13-18 years old, which combines studies in the arts, sciences and humanities.
Established in 1987 we serve a diverse student body population of approx. 570 students from kibbutzim, moshavim, development towns and cities all over the Western Galilee. Manor-Cabri staff is concerned with producing innovation, engaging students in critical thinking, and strengthening students’ commitment to justice, equality, good citizenship and community involvement.
Manor Cabri Staff has developed numerous educational projects, some with a regional reach and others are award winning with a national impact on policy makers.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects include:
•The Arab-Jewish Regional Center for Excellence in Physics Research
•Jewish-Arab Theater Workshops and Productions
•Israel Cultural Heritage, a multi-disciplinary Jewish education program for middle school
•Theater Workshop for the Mentally Disabled (Voluntary work in ENOSH club)
•Social & Economic Justice Seminar, resulting in 50% of graduates volunteering to national service before the army
•Fringe theater series for theater students in the Galilee
•Kadar Center for Research-based Learning

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mr. Yaron Chemel, CEO

CoPro - Documentary Marketing Foundation

National Network

P.O.B 14581
Tel Aviv 61143

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
CoPro – Documentary Marketing Foundation RA (The Israel Forum for International Co-Productions) is a one-of-a-kind Israeli establishment that promotes the Israeli documentary production by connecting Israeli filmmakers and producers with foreign producers and broadcasters. Throughout its 12 years of activities, CoPro's events have yielded: over 203 Co-Productions; more than 130 representatives of European commissioning editors and head of Film Foundations (buyers and investors) from leading TV networks around the world; over 35 million dollars were invested in Israeli documentaries through CoPro; and 98 million viewers of Israeli documentaries around the world. CoPro which was founded, and is headed, by Ms. Orna Yarmut created a turning point on the Israeli Documentary scene. Until its foundation in 1999, there were some international co-productions; however, since then more than 203 international co-productions were formed through its events. From the moment a film is accepted by to CoPro and until its presentation some six months later, its maker receives personal and consistent guidance.
Mission and Objectives

• To foster dialogue between Israeli filmmakers and foreign counterparts
• To offer international audiences new and interesting insight into the Israeli actuality and social complexities
• To promote and nurture young talented Israeli Arab and Jewish filmmakers
• To raise funds for Israeli-foreign co-productions
CoPro’s Agenda includes the following principles:
Promoting multiple services –providing resources, information and avenues of communication for independent filmmakers, industry professionals and film enthusiasts, Assuming that independently made films are important as a powerful means of expression for all walks of our society.
Supporting independent creative filmmaking
when the rip between rich and poor is ever growing, privatization is the order of the day, media organizations are struggling to survive and public broadcasting is collapsing. . CoPro feels responsible and is committed to supporting and maintaining quality documentary filmmaking in Israel.
Equal opportunities – CoPro provides independent filmmakers with various levels of experience and expertise, assisting them in expressing their own exclusive viewpoints, and facilitating interaction between the creative and the business communities.
Professional training – Today’s media demand expert, competent and skilled personnel, well versed in the media market rules. It requires social competence, cultural tolerance and flexibility, and humanitarian commitment – all being crucial in this highly sensitive intercultural industry. CoPro Documentary Marketing Foundation offers and advances such suitable training.

Main Projects / Activities

The Israel International Co-Productions Market
For the 14th time in a row, in May 2012, the Co-Productions Market will take place in Tel Aviv and will be attended by 40 foreign representatives from of the most important TV networks around the world.
The event combines different activities, which take place concurrently:
Pitching Sessions - The chief event of the Co-Productions Market is a two-day pitching Forum. During these days, 24 Israeli filmmakers will be given the opportunity to present their scripts and films-in-progress to the visiting television and Film Foundations executives. The pitching sessions are moderated by Pat Ferns, a leading producer in Canada.
As part of the activities of 2012 French Delegation, 6 French producers will also pitch their projects to an Israeli panel of media representatives and to an audience of Israeli filmmakers.
One-on-One Meetings- The pitching is followed by one-on-one meetings. After the presentation, television executives shall meet with the filmmakers whose scripts interested them the most.
Close Encounters - launched in 2007, aims to foster collaboration with producers from countries Israel has relations and film treaties with.
The guests receive a catalogue of the Israeli documentaries on-offer for co-production, already partially funded locally. CoPro facilitates private meetings of interested parties within the Co Production market.
DocuShuk – The Israeli Documentaries Market- a stimulating platform for the marketing of Israeli documentaries in which representatives of local and foreign networks enjoy as many as 200 documentaries, screened in private viewing-booths. The English – French catalogue is categorized by themes and includes some of the most prominent Israeli filmmakers.
CoPro Retrospetive- every year CoPro holds a tribute to one foreign TV network.
Master classes during the market
CoPro also publishes a biannual book- CoPro Guide - written and edited by Yoram Schaffer. The guide contains comprehensive information on international film foundations and festivals across the world, and various international treaties and accords.

Contact (1) Full Name
Orna Yarmut
Head of the organisation
Orna Yarmut
Contact (2) Full Name
Dorit Avruch

Agency for International Programs for Youth

National Network

Mukusalas str 41, Riga
Riga, LV-1004

+371 67358069
Telephone (other)
+371 67358065
+371 67358060
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Agency for International Programs for Youth is governmental agency established with the aim to promote non-formal education, active youth participation, volutary work, youth information and mobility. The main activities of the Agency are related to promotion and implementation of „Youth in Action” programme in Latvia (it is a National Agency). Apart from this, it is involved in many other programmes – Eurodesk, Swiss Contribution Programme, E-Twinning, Europa Diary and others. The Agency has been coordinating the Latvian Network of Anna Lindh Foundation since 2008.

Mission and Objectives

1. To inform governmental and non governmental organizations, public and local authorities about non-formal education for youth, international youth cooperation and European youth programs. 2. To ensure the coordination, supervision and quality control for all projects under the competence of the Agency; 3. To cooperate with EU and other country institutions for thedevelopment of new international youth programs and projects in Latvia. 4. To organize the dissemination of implemented international youth project results, development processes and new opportunities in the field of youth work; 5. To promote the development of new international youth projects between EU and other countries in order to provide the experience of non- formal education and intercultural learning to Latvian youngsters and youth workers.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Informative activities for promotion of international youth projects and particularly EU program „Youth in Action” and non-formal education; 2. Trainings and seminars for youth workers in order to develop the quality of international youth projects and to raise awareness about non-formal education, involvement of youngsters with less opportunities and disabilities, and other priority issues; 3. The administration of the EU program „Youth in Action” in Latvia trough project selection, supervision, control and evaluation; 4. EURODESK (European Youth information network) operation in Latvia and sustaining the national youth information network; 5. Implementing „Swiss contribution” programme. 6. Coordinating E-Twinning programme. 7. Coordinating the Latvian Network of Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnese Karklina
Job Title
Head of the International Cooperation and Support Division
Head of the organisation
Daina Sproge


National Network

L. Paegles iela 2d-26
Cesis, LV-4101

+371 64123915
+371 64123915
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 26011102
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Culturelab is an independent organization (NGO) with 2 employees + others involved within running projects. Sources of funding are self-income and project grants from public funds. Culturelab cooperates with local self-government, Ministry of Culture of Latvia, Vidzeme University, research company and other cultural organizations in Latvia. Culturelab highly values exchange of expertise with international partners operating in the field.

Mission and Objectives

Culturelab is aiming to individual and community development through arts and cultural activities – creative and innovative use of cultural resources (both physical assets as well opportunities in cultural engagement).

Main Projects / Activities

Culturelab operates as a catalyst, building platforms and giving tools to cultural organizations and public authorities in following areas: * Urban renewal and revitalization * Arts and positive change in communities, building community identity * Culture as economic engine for local development * Personal social development of youth through arts and culture * Cultural diversity and cooperation for sustainable development

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilona Asare
Head of the organisation
Ilona Asare
Contact (2) Full Name
Baiba Tjarve

Latvian Contemporary Dance Choreographers Association

National Network

Dzirnavu St. 46, Riga, LV-1010, LATVIA

+ 371 9211203
Telephone (other)
+ 371 9802459
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 371 9211203
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 371 9802459
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organization consists of four board members responsible for decision making and more than 30 members (number increases regularly). The Association collaborates with several dance and arts management centres, as well as, with the independent artists. The Association doesn’t have a regular budget; all the activities are based on the project basis. The main sources of funding are State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia and Riga City Council. The activities of the Choreographers Association include: concrete projects (dance festival, dance performances, research, collaboration with other fields etc); workshops and master classes both for professionals and amateurs; educational programs for schools etc.
Mission and Objectives

Contemporary dance development in Latvia (including education, research, and artistic creation) based on regular collaboration with international partners and partners from other fields of arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Dance festival “Time to Dance”
Collaboration with Olga Zitluhina Dance Company
Encouragement of research within the dance field
Dance workshops and master classes both for professionals and amateurs
Educational programs for schools etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Inta Balode
Head of the organisation
Ilze Zirina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilze Zirina

Latvian Academy of Culture

National Network

Ludzas street 24
Riga, LV-1003

+371 671401275
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC) was founded o¬n December 29, 1990. In 1991 the first 63 students commenced their BA study programme. There are about 700 students at the LAC: The academic staff of the LAC includes about 80 university teachers (30 professors and associated professors, 20 assistant professors, 45 lecturers). Graduates of Academy of Culture held notable positions at diplomatic institutions in Latvia and abroad, develops cultural ties among Latvia and Nordic countries, deal with international cooperation issues at Latvian and international companies, carries out cultural projects, work o¬n international image at Latvian institute, are competitive and required teacher of humanities (liberal studies) at the schools in Latvia.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Since 1997 the Latvian Academy of Culture has arranged regular students research conferences. Lecturers and students are also active in publishing the results of their research, as well as their presentation at international and national conferences. In compliance with the study profile of the LAC there are also important artistic and creative activities besides research. They are performed both by the students and the teaching staff of the Academy. The teachers of the theatre art make their artistic projects at most of the state dramatic theatres, often involving the students of the Academy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aija Melbarde
Head of the organisation
Prof. Ruta Muktupavela