Psycho Social Counselling Center For Woman

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Administrative board contain 9 members all of them are women. we have 12 employee Sources of Funding: 1- EU 2. Non governmental Development Center 3. Norwegian Peoples Aid
Mission and Objectives

PSCCW specializes in the area of women empowerment particularly those who suffer from
psychological trauma resulting from exposure to social or political violence.
Main objective is to Contribute to the development efforts and strengthen the participation of women in public life

Main Projects / Activities

1. Rehabilitation Women Victims of Social Violence
2. Women Can Do Change
3. Reduce Violence In Schools

Contact (1) Full Name
Khawla Qaraq'e
Head of the organisation
Khawla Qaraq'e

Towarzystwo Edukacyjne "Wiedza Powszechna"

National Network

ul.Startowa 21 F/12

+ 48 58 345 11 66
+ 48 58 345 11 66
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 48 606 49 43 85
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our organization consists of teachers, academics, sociologists (16 members) and runs the non-public educational centre.Staff: 6 employees.When particular projects were conducted, some experts were bound by contracts on specific work or commission contract. The number of volunteers working on regular basis is 60.Budgetary resources available in a year - about 800 000 PLN. Sources of funding: grants (European Social Fund, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and others. Modalities of action: - conducting courses concerning education and improvement within different fields of knowledge and skills - organizing lectures and talks - organizing training courses and workshops - organizing conferences, seminars and discussion meetings - publishing activity - scientific and research activity - educational tourism Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: schools, universities.
Mission and Objectives

The Association carries out educational activity for the whole of society.
The mission of the Association is disseminating knowledge and humanistic values as well as shaping high intellectual and moral levels of the society.
The main aims of the Association are:
• activities supporting science and education and promoting life-long learning
• preparing members of the society for terms of living in a global community and equipping them with knowledge and skills necessary to function in a global society
• conducting pro-European education, shaping attitudes that would be favourably inclined towards European integration and equipping the Polish society with knowledge and skills necessary to function properly in the unified Europe
• activities supporting European integration and developing contacts and cooperation between societies
• activities supporting the development of citizen society and increasing citizen competences

Main Projects / Activities

The aims are accomplished by the following forms of activities:
- conducting courses concerning education and improvement within different fields of knowledge and skills
- organizing lectures and talks
- organizing training courses and workshops
- organizing conferences, seminars and discussion meetings
- publishing activity
- scientific and research activity
- educational tourism
Main activities:
- adult education (women,unemployed etc)
- teacher trainings
- International youth exchange
- volunteering 50+ and 60+
- projects in the field of global education
- international partnerships (Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci and bilateral projects with NGOs from Belarus and Russia)

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Odrobińska
Head of the organisation
Witold Turnowiecki
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Odrobiński-Staporek


National Network


Telephone (other)
+972-3-6763431; +97252-3541456
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
ActiveVision is registered as a not-for-profit organization. It is backed up by prominent artists and academics. A five members' voluntary board of directors leads 4 part time employees, freelance artists-tutors and a large body of volunteers and interns. Its project oriented budget (€35,000 in 2009) comes from foundations, private donors, partner refugee aid organizations, small independent income and inkind contributions by artists, art schools, community and municipal bodies. We develop and implement art/media workshops and courses, The projects are co-developed with the participants. The materials are created and fully produced by the participants with our professional input and guidance. The outcomes are the basis for public address. Street and gallery exhibitions, DVD's, lectures, awareness campaigns. Among our partners: Amnesty International Israel, The open University, Tel Aviv Municipality, Holon Digital Art Center, Guttman Museum, ASAF Refugee Aid, Minshar Art School, Shapira Community Center, Ruido Photo Barcelona, ActiveStills association and others.
Mission and Objectives

ActiveVision brings to the front stage those who are usually pushed to the margin, the faceless and the nameless. With those who usually act on the passive side of the frame in our society.
ActiveVision was created by a group of visual and documentary artists and photojournalists, sharing the belief in the power of the visual image in creating consciousness and change, of mobilizing social changes via art.
There is a very strong inflow of refugees from Africa into Europe and the Mediterranean. the largest group comes from Darfur. Many of these refugees are youth under 18. We need to create a space for them for expression, free exchange of information, a space for public discourse. Art and media should be harnessed to the well-being and development of the refugee youth and provide them with tools and training. This will contribute to community rehabilitation and promote an essential dialogue in society.

Main Projects / Activities

Under the title of TLV ASYLUM CITY, Activevision offers art/media workshops and courses, using stills photography, video and film making, music and radio, internet, blogs and journalism. The projects are co-developed with the participants, designed to train them, provide knowledge, experience and joy, produce viable materials and strengthen the participants and their community. The products include texts, photographs, personal videos, musical video clips, a printed magazine, website. The materials are created, developed, written, directed, edited and produced by the participants with our professional tuition and guidance. The outcomes are the basis for public address, street exhibitions, lectures and conferences, awareness campaigns.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Carmi Ashboren
Head of the organisation
Ms. Sharon Horodi, chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Keren Shayo

Arab Jewish Community Centre

National Network

109 Kedem St., Jaffa 68051

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
AJCC is an affiliate of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality’s Department of Community Centres. It employs Executive Director, Deputy Director and Coordinators for the different activity areas. It counts about 60 part-time employees (teachers, instructors, administration). All general administration costs are covered by the Tel Aviv Jaffa Municipality. A variety of projects take place at the centre, from artistic workshops and cultural events to social welfare and community empowerment. AJCC works with all philanthropic and social organs in and outside of Jaffa.
Mission and Objectives

The Centre constitutes an extraordinary model in Israel for co-existence. It was established for the purpose of bringing together Jews and Arabs living in Israel and educating towards recognition and cooperation between the nations.
The philosophy of the center is preservation of ethnic, religious and national individuality while fostering better understanding, tolerance and democratic values among diverse populations.
Our work is divided into four strategic areas: Workshops and enrichment activities for all, Educational activities for children, co-existence and democratic activity, Social, welfare and community activities.

Main Projects / Activities

- Enrichment programs combined with the regional school system
- Workshops and educational activities, languages, music etc.
- Day-care Centre for Arab and Jewish Children-at-Risk
- “Voices of Peace” choir
- Youth leadership programme
- Women’s Club
- Duet Festival Celebrations
- Gimnstrada and other sports events

Contact (1) Full Name
Rebecca Sullum (Resource Development Coordinator)
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Abu Shindi (Executive Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Hadas Kaplan ( Deputy Director)

Arabelle - Society for the Advancement of the Visual Arts

National Network

Shedorut Hazionut 12

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
972 52 877 4636
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is a private foundation, headed by a president, and a three person management panel, as well as the general assembly of members (15 members). Budget very limited, yearly 8000 USD. The foundation does not currently employ any person for lack for resources. Plans for expansion are under way. Source of funding: contribution of members, fees from art courses, limited sponsorship from the commercial sector. Modalities of action: Seminars and courses, joint creativity camps and workshops
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Arabelle is twofold:
Advancement of the visual arts in the Palestinian and Israeli societies,
and the promotion of intercultural dialogue through the visual arts.
The visual art workshop of Arabelle also aspires to become a center for cultural meetings, aimed at strengthening the mutual understanding and tolerance among peoples.

Main Projects / Activities

1. visual arts course for children Age 8-14 n the Haifa area
1a. intercultural visual arts course for children: starting from March 2008 and until the end of 2008 with a two weeks summer arts camp, Arabelle will hold a special visual arts course for youth aged 10-16 from all religious denominations. The course will focus the attention on joint creativity, and will end with a joint exhibition for the children. The idea is to bring Muslims, Jews and Christian children together, and thereby promote tolerance and dialogue through the arts. The special course will include: photography, ceramics, drawing, graphic art, sculpturing, folk art and folk dance.
2.Exhibitions for the children, for the young and for professional Palestinian artists
3. Promotion of Palestinian visual art abroad (joint projects in Hungary and Germany)

Contact (1) Full Name
Amir Addi
Head of the organisation
Abed Abdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Marianne Abi Nader Sukha

ASSAF - Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

National Network

Golomb Street 52
Tel Aviv 6617141

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
ASSAF is comprised of seven staff members, each in charge of a specific project within the organization. Sixty volunteers dedicate their time throughout each week for the betterment of ASSAF. The organization values its partnership with other organizations that strive to accomplish comparable goals; ASSAF is a leading member of the Refugee Rights Forum and is a partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). ASSAF is closely linked with the African Refugee Development Center, Physicians for Human Rights, Hotline for Migrant Workers, and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. The total proposed budget for 2010 is $335,814.00. The activities of ASSAF are supported by numerous foundations and donors, including, but not limited to, the UNHCR, The Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust, The New Israel Fund, The Christian Embassy, and so forth. ASSAF’s concrete projects include the Psychosocial Support Program, Refugee Youth Program, and Advocacy and Support Center.
Mission and Objectives

ASSAF believes that only by working on three levels - the individual, the community and the political - can full change for refugees and asylum seekers be achieved. ASSAF's mission is to assist those entering Israel in search of asylum, to strengthen their coping mechanisms so they can better face economic, legal, social, and emotional challenges, and to advocate for refugee rights on the basis of international law, in the aim of facilitating their humane and dignified existence. Through psychosocial and advocacy programs, ASSAF aims to provide a source of familiarity, strength, and support to the refugee community, in addition to encouraging institutional service providers to expand their services to include refugees. ASSAF’s long-term goal is to facilitate policy change; namely, the formal recognition and implementation of refugee rights and a fair asylum process by the State of Israel – an initiator and signatory of the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.

Main Projects / Activities

ASSAF’s platform includes various projects and activities that coordinate to create a holistic response to the ongoing needs of the refugees. The Psychosocial Support Program provides a supportive response to hundreds of refugees, mainly at-risk individuals and families. The goal of this project is to help the refugees regain a sense of normality in their lives and gain emotional support as they transition into Israeli culture. ASSAF has a program for unaccompanied minors and youth in the community. The Refugee Youth Program serves over a hundred young refugees, operating three days a week, five hours each day. The minors come to ASSAF where they can socialize, enjoy a hot meal, and receive support from trained staff and volunteers. At the heart of ASSAF is the Advocacy and Support Center. This Center provides refugees with employment assistance, referrals to services of partner organizations, and potential entry into ASSAF’s psychosocial programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Michal Pinchuk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adv. Michal Pinchuk
Contact (2) Full Name
Yarden Moskovitch
Job Title (2)
International Relations Program Director

Dirasat: the Arab Center for Law and Policy

National Network

P.O.Box 3190
Nazareth, 16131

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Dirasat was founded in late 2006. To date, we employ four regular staff members including a director, a development director, an office manager and a communications director. We also employ independent researchers. Our annual budget is currently between $200,000-$300,000 a year and our main funders are the Ford Foundation, the New Israel Fund, the EU Commission in Israel and the Heinrich Boell Foundation. We are a ‘think-and-do-tank’. As such, our main activities involve skills training, applied research, strategic planning and information dissemination. In addition to collaborating with researchers and other human rights organizations, we are currently working in close partnership with Haifa University, local Arab Authorities in Israel, and the Follow-Up Committee on Arab Education.
Mission and Objectives

Dirasat aims to influence decision-making within the Arab-Palestinian community in Israel, and within state institutions, such that all members of our society will enjoy both individual and collective equality. Our goals are: A) to develop viable alternatives to existing laws and policies (which are sensitive to our community’s distinct identity and culture) and present them to decision-makers; B) to encourage and actively participate in strategic goal setting in light of the root causes of the existing reality; C) to enhance the capacity for strategic thinking and planning among the Arab leadership and D) to encourage the development and adoption of new approaches for attaining substantive citizenship based on participatory, inclusive and democratic processes.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently implementing- or planning on implementing projects in the following areas:
- Establishment of a virtual library of resources
- A study regarding local Arab councils with the aim of improving governance and service provision;
- A project to enhance education of teachers in the Arab sector;
- A series of studies designed to promote employment of Arab women;
- Resarch on the Arab-Palestinian minority in Israel as an indigenous group;
We also publish an annual yearbook.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Yousef Jabareen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Yousef Jabareen
Contact (2) Full Name
Lisa Richlen

Friendship Village

National Network

Kibbutz Maabarot, 40230 – Israel
Maabarot, 40230

Telephone (other)
Jonatan: +972-542-62052, Rimonda:+972- 0547-450876
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
staff employed - 12 Annual income (2008) - 180,000 Euro Main sources: European foundations, European and Canadian Governments, Local government and Haifa municipality. Main partners: Palestinian NGO, Academic institutes in the North of Israel.
Mission and Objectives

The "Friendship Village" focuses on education for inter-cultural understanding, respectful coexistence, inter-cultural and inter – faith cooperation, based on real equality, tolerance, democracy and peace. At the present our Projects include mostly Israeli – Palestinian and Israeli Jewish-Arab joint projects, on different levels.
The message of "Friendship Village" is spread through various, well structured as well as spontaneous educational activities, such as workshops and seminars of various durations. Efforts are devoted to extend cooperative projects with formal and informal educational institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Present Projects (2009)include: “Talk Peace – Make Peace”(Young Politicians' Peace Dialogue) young Palestinian and Israeli political leaders' trust building project, "Woman Educators for Human Rights" Jewish-Arab project for women teachers and students for education, as part of Young Leadership Development efforts of the Organization, "Young People against Racism": an academic course devoted to racism and Israeli society, "One Year of Life for the Society" (Nemashim) – one year long volunteering program for educational work in low-income neighborhood in Haifa, through theatre and art, in purpose to promote self empowerment among inhabitants of this low-income neighborhood and inter-ethnic cooperation between local Arab and Jewish population.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonatan Peled (General Director)
Head of the organisation
Inbal Cohen (Chairman of Board)
Contact (2) Full Name
Jonatan Peled and Rimonda Mansour

iEARN Israel

National Network

Hayated st.7


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
PART OF INTERNATIONAL GROUP ORGANIZATION. 500 volunteers teachers working with their students on collaborative projects all over the world 1000$ budgetary available per year, 50$ payment from schools who are participating. doing projects of all kind of subjects from K-12 all of then PBL.those projects are made via the Internet and face to face if possible main partners are schools all over the world who are part of iEARN
Mission and Objectives

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit organization made up of over 20,000 schools and youth organizations in more than 115 countries. iEARN empowers teachers and young people to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies.

Main Projects / Activities

IIn 1994, iEARN teachers came together physically in Argentina to hold the first iEARN International Conference--which has become an annual event (Australia-1995; Hungary-1996; Spain-1997; USA-1998; Puerto Rico-1999; Beijing, China-2000; Cape Town, South Africa-2001; Moscow, Russia -2002; Japan-2003; Slovakia-2004; Dakar, Senegal-2005; Netherlands-2006) to be held in Egypt in July 2007 and Uzbekistan in 2008. Educators from 70+ countries gather each year.
This conference, which is open to all educators, is a chance to share and learn from teachers how technology is being used in their/your classroom (and to meet other teachers with whom you have been working on-line!). During the year, many other gatherings are held on the national and regional levels throughout the world.
Since 1998, iEARN has held an International Youth Summit in conjunction with the International Conference.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruty Hotzen
Head of the organisation
Ruty Hotzen

The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature

National Network

POB 10051
Ramat Gan 52001

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature is a non-profit organization (“Amuta”), headed by a Board of Directors. The organization consists of a General Director, Hebrew Literary Editor, Editorial Director, Legal Advisor, Bibliographer/Librarian, and three administrative staff members. Budgetary Resources (annual): 700,000 euro Sources of funding: government; private sponsors; agenting fees
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the promotion and dissemination of Hebrew literature in translation worldwide, to acquaint readers with the best of Israeli fiction, poetry and books for children & y/a.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Translation of literary works
2. Major website of Hebrew literature in translation, including a directory of Hebrew authors in English (c. 400 author pages)
3. Bibliographical database of Hebrew literature in translation (incl. individual poems and short stories)
4. Supervision of translations into 69 languages
5. Special projects for Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Indian languages, etc.
6. Initiation and professional support for anthologies of Hebrew literature abroad
7. Compilation of individual and general bibliographies per language or per author
8. Literary agenting services for ca. 300 authors
9. Writers’ Conferences to promote intercultural relations; Translators’ Workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Nilli Cohen
Head of the organisation
Ms. Nilli Cohen