Jerusalem Culture and Civilization

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Jerusalem….. Culture and Civilization: It is a cultural and art program that presents range of the Palestinian folk culture in its all various aspects. This can be achieved through a range of activities and events from the cultural heritage that shed the light on the cultural aspect of Jerusalem. We aim to make the visitors of the city from different backgrounds, interact directly with the Palestinian heritage. These activities will happen as part of the cultural and the artistic interaction between the Palestinian culture and a variety of global cultures. This project is financed through the framework of the Polish foreign assistance for 2010 administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” © 2010 JERUSALEM CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ARTICLES, EXCERPTS, AND TRANSLATIONS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.
Mission and Objectives

1. To set the stage for cultural communication.
2. Create a suitable environment for the cultural interaction between the visitors of the holy city and the Jerusalemite intellectuals and artists.
3. Introduce the visitors to the main cultural and historical sights of the city.
4. Express the Palestinian folk arts in a modern and artistic way that simulate other cultures
5. Flourishing tourism in its different parts: internal and external
6. Develop the Palestinian folk arts through the opening of new jobs for the local youngsters.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural and artistic events:
Jerusalem…Culture and Civilization program presents range of various cultural and art activities which express the Palestinian folklore and aims to make the audience of the show interact with the folk heritage.
The program will include the following activities:
A movie (A tour of Jerusalem)
Folk crafts bazaar
Folk dance (Dabkeh)
Folk music
Palestinian traditional customs
Palestinian traditional food
Tour of Jerusalem
The movie presents a tour of Jerusalem in which we will try through the scene to provide the historical originality and the religious importance of the holy city. In addition, to introduce the culture of Jerusalem which is not less important than the sanctity and the significance of the place.
Folk Crafts Bazaar:
To introduce the folk crafts which Jerusalem was famous of. The Bazaar expresses the sanctity and the originality of Jerusalem and reflects the creativity and the brilliance of folk artist.
Traditional Dance (Dabkeh):
Dabkeh is one of the most distinctive features of the Palestinian folklore that expresses the culture, dreams and the livelihood of the Palestinians. Dabkeh will be introduced by dancers from “Siwar”, who will present a dance routine from the folklore that embodies parts of the Jerusalemite traditional wedding
Folk Music:
Palestinian folk music summarizes the cultural and the historical depth of the Jerusalemite and their attachment to their land.
It also expresses the creativity of the folk artist, where in this part a collection of folk music and tones will be connected to various traditional and cultural events. In addition, it sheds the light on various traditional music instruments.
Palestinian Traditional Customs:
It is considered one of the most important features of the Jerusalemite identity in which distinguishes it from other people in the world. These customs are as various as the geography of the land and multiplicity of the society classes.
Beside all that, a collection of traditional customs for various Palestinian cities will be shown.
Palestinian Traditional Food:
This part presents a range of Palestinian traditional food which is connected to the Jerusalemite identity, and the various social occasions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Bidoun
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Bidoun
Contact (2) Full Name
Malk Zablh

AL-Maqdese for Society Development MSD

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+972-54 7520 249
Mobile Phone (other)
+972-57 7520 249
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Strategy and Methodology - MSD’s strategies and philosophy: “Human Rights First” - Who we are: Al-Maqdese for Society Development (MSD) is a Palestinian non-profit and politically independent non-governmental organization established in Jerusalem in February 2007 as an initiative by academics, lawyers, social activists and human rights defenders. Al-Maqdese came as a response to the pressing needs and challenges of the Palestinians, and as a reaction to Israeli daily human rights violations in Jerusalem. - Vision: Our vision is for Palestinians in Jerusalem to enjoy all their political, social, economic and cultural rights. - Mission: Our mission is to maintain the Palestinian existence and balance in Jerusalem by raising their awareness of their rights. We aim to protect these rights through advocacy and lobbying while also monitoring, documenting and publicizing all Israeli violations against Palestinians. - Strategic goals: Al-Maqdese has strategized its work through its 3-year Strategic Plan 2010-2013. The Plan contains 3 goals and 9 objectives, to be achieved through 14 action programs including 74 activities. - MSD’s Developmental approach: Our developmental approach is a “participatory and bottom-up approach”. This includes both: the programmatic/strategic level on the one hand, and the projects and programs interventional level on the other hand. Consequently, to prepare projects’ documents and write project proposals, MSD always goes through a complete design phase (planning phase) of each project. - MSD’s experience in designing and managing programs: In the course of its work years, MSD has planned, designed and implemented several projects and programs. They vary from small initiatives to multi-components projects like the Database Project and the Legal Clinic program. Beneficiaries and participants in MSD activities are not limited to Jerusalemites who live in Jerusalem but also Jerusalemites who live outside the city. For instance, MSD's Legal Clinic receives, through email and phone, request consultations from Jerusalemites who live in Arab countries in addition to other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. In the course of the past three years, MSD managed 16 projects. Most of these projects are relevant to the local and national plans priorities on different levels. Then MSD insures the relevance of its projects to the priorities of “Ending the Occupation Building the State”. We have successfully won grants from 15 different sources for the 3.5-years organization age, 8 of them are from external donors. In this regard, we, moreover, succeeded in partnering the French Consulate (our new donor) with the Spanish Cooperation-AECID (our first donor since 3 years). MSD both funding growth and financial size improved and shows our work sustainability. For instance, the funding growth was increasingly developed in the course of 2007 – 2008 – 2009 - 2010. Respectively, the annual budget was US$ 19,000 – 100,500 – 305,000 – 407,500 – 331,500. We are proud that our projects were included in the UN CAP 2010 (Consolidated Appeal Process) for the 1st time (project no. OPT-10/P-HR-RL/32874/R/12948), besides projects from international NGOs (link:$FILE/MYR_2010_oPt_SCREEN.pdf?OpenElement), see page 58. It indicates and certifies that MSD is mature enough to design programs, get funds and manage such projects. - Partnerships: We pay a specific attention to create partnerships with other organizations at local, regional and international levels. But, besides that, we choose value added partners, not any partner. The PR and Development Department in MSD carries out this mission.

Mission and Objectives

MSD’s strategic goals are: 1. To defend Palestinian human rights in Jerusalem, by making them readily available and practicable 2. To raise awareness among Palestinians in Jerusalem of their rights, the tools available to get them, and of International Humanitarian Law 3. To continue improving MSD capacities and abilities to achieve its goals, mission and vision Values 1. Al-Maqdese believes in: International Humanitarian Law (IHL), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Human Rights Law, The Four Geneva Conventions, The Hague Regulations, The Universal Human Rights Declaration, The Convention on the Status of Refugees, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child. 2. Democracy 3. Good governance 4. Civic participation and voluntary work 5. Equality 6. Transparency, integrity and accountability 7. Professionalism and precision 8. Impartiality 9. The rule of law

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects (as of 07/2010): Closed projects:  Legal Clinic, phase I (institutionalized as a department)  Summer Camps Project  Revive Prophet Moses Season Project Ongoing projects:  Legal Clinic, phase II: Human Rights defending, International mechanisms in the confrontation  Data Bank on Human Rights Violations, phase I  Reyadah Anti-Drugs Project, phase I: awareness  Protection of Jerusalemite workers rights in the Israeli labor market, phase I: awareness  Together for a Better Youth Future – Voluntary Work Program  Promoting Palestinians Participation in the Elections. Upcoming projects:  Data Bank on Human Rights Violations, phase II  Reyadah Anti-Drugs Project, phase II  Knowledge of Jerusalem: to preserve the historical legacy  Protection of Jerusalemite workers rights in the Israeli labor market, phase II: defend in front of courts 1.2 Al-Maqdese Strategic Plan 2010-2013: As you deal efficiently with the present, it is very important to deal with the future likely. So, Al-Maqdese planned its vision for the medium term for its work field that is dynamic and punctuated with many obstacles and challenges especially in East Jerusalem. We try to plan our work on the existing and future expectation and projection and modality situation but many other surprises appear. And the experiences prove and still proved that many challenges and strategic issues appear or arise because of the outer challenges which need interferes with financial, lobbying and advocacy reflection. For all these reasons, and others, Al-Maqdese set its 3-Years- Strategic- Plan (2010-2013) to be ready to activate it depending on previous evaluation and prediction of the future trends. We prepared the plan depending on participatory planning approach, which means that, all employees, administrative and technical levels, target groups, different MSD’s governance levels and partners have participated in the planning process to cover all sides. This team has participated in the process from the analysis phase to the formulation of goals and objectives (planning phase). The analysis phase consists of many trends, the most important, for instance: an analysis of all the Palestinians, Israeli and international organizations active in the human rights field in Jerusalem. The analysis was accurate which classified the work priorities of all organizations on the one hand, and then predicted their work trends in the near future, on the other hand. The objectives behind such analysis are; to avoid repeating other organizations activities, and to meet people’s needs that other organization does not cover. Al-Maqdese through this analysis identified many challenges, needs and violations with no coverage by other organizations. The strategic vision level, the plan intensively concentrates on the human rights sector as it’s the most pressuring challenge in Jerusalem which needs a confrontation through several serious initiatives and effective programs. We will not ignore the most painful violation against Palestinians in Jerusalem which is house demolitions. While preparing the Plan, we concluded that designing and implementing initiatives in such pressuring environment and cases in the human rights field is essential for both short and long terms. From structural and content point of view, and after the vision, mission and values, the strategic plan includes 3 goals, 9 strategic objectives; we aim to achieve them through 14 action programs that include 74 different activities. Through the implementation of these projects, Al-Maqdese will work guided by development and sustainable thinking method and will commit to the following: Ensure quality in both performance and outputs intended by our beneficiaries. Insure integration and diversity of activities and programs to realize the notions:”best use of resources” and “Making value for Money”. Concentrate on programs and projects in the medium term. Connect the organization mission and priorities with the sector trends and priorities on the national level especially, “Ending the Occupation State Building plan” declares by the Palestinian Government 13/08/2009). 2. Approach of Al-Maqdese: Organizational profile of MSD is rich in the area of fighting HR violations and effort toward the restoration of socio-economic situation of marginalized areas and group in Jerusalem. MSD is the sole organization who combines these works in this specific area, East Jerusalem. Through publications, advocacy, lobbying and media, MSD strives to raise awareness on HR, their violations as well as on legal, social, cultural and economic rights as basic HR.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moaz Zat`ari
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Bashar AZZIH


National Network

Rua António Passaporte Lote1 R/C direito
7005-300 Évora


212 763 381
212 745 209
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
967 804 255
Mobile Phone (other)
935 712 495
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Cultideias it's a private company that develops its work in the areas of culture, innovation and social development of individuals and organizations. The team comprises 15 people from different work areas and the company has more than 10 oder partners involved in our projects, like Biblioteca Pública de Évora, InvisibleDesign, Comissão Nacional para as comemorações do Centenário da República, cidades Alcultur, Observatório das Actividades Culturais, Consortium Erasmus, Agenda 21 for Culture among others. Our annual budgetary resources are 750.000€ and the sources of funding come from sale of services within the culture and local development. Cultideias main actions are: -Culture and Cooperation -Local and Regional Development -Social Innovation -Organizational Development and Qualification
Mission and Objectives

Cultideias it's an organization that takes on local development, social cohesion, culture and citizenship as the structural dimensions of its mission, its projects and its activities.
CultIdeias share the perspective that people's development, its classification and valuation professionals are indispensable conditions for the development of organizations, communities and territories.We incorporate intervention strategies that take social values ​​of cohesion, innovation, diversity and respect for differences and the different, and uses the culture and art as well as "tools" for inclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

- Design, development and management projects
- Evaluation of public policies
- Evaluation of programs, projects and interventions
- Planning
- Political and social inclusion
- Cultural Communication
- People management and team
- Cultural policies
- Education through art
- Support for public administration and local governments
- Training and qualification
- Production and cultural programming
- Policy development
- Financing Programs
- Networks and partnerships
- Cooperation and intercultural dialogue
- Equipment management
- Cultural mediation
- Funding and training for public
- Quality
- Cultural Tourism
- Heritage, Museology and museums
- Design and organization of exhibitions and expository speeches
- Social Economy
- Organizational Development
- Education Projects
- Innovation and creative projects
- Development of diagnostics and monitoring social and educational
- Entrepreneurship
- Design and implementation of projects in the areas of childhood and youth
- Cultural and social Marketing

Contact (1) Full Name
Dra. Sofia Martelo
Head of the organisation
Dr. Vitor Martelo
Contact (2) Full Name
Dra. Helena Neves

TEMPO - Teatro Municipal de Portimão

National Network

Teatro Municipal de Portimão
Largo 1º de Dezembro, 8550-538 Portimão


282 402 479
Telephone (other)
282 402 485
282 402 471
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
969 892 244 (João Ventura)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
TEMPO - Teatro Municipal de Portimão is a department of the Municipality of Portimão; employs 20 persons; the budget of public ressources in a year is about €800.000.
Mission and Objectives

We are boosters, producers and facilitators of culture, which translates to an inclusive service catalog of cultural products we make accessible to a growing number of citizens that are always at the center of the decisions-making process. (additional information at our website)

Main Projects / Activities

We program activities in the areas of the performing arts (theater, dance, music, multidisciplinary projects...) and other cultural related events such as conferences and cinema and literature. We also have an educational department that develops projects on the area of spectator development, adult, senior and schools. We intend to develop a multidisciplinary project related with cultural diversity mainly centred on the Mediterranean area.(additional information at our website)

Contact (1) Full Name
João Ventura (Artistic Director of TEMPO - Teatro Municipal Portimão)
Head of the organisation
Manuel da Luz (Mayor of Portimão)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Cristina Correia

Ron Shulamit Conservatory

National Network

Ibn Danan 30

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organization: The Conservatory operates in 2 branches in Jerusalem, one co-ed, one all girls. 2 principals, 45 staff, 7 board members, and 450 students comprise the conservatory. Budgetary resources available in a year: approx $1.3 million Sources of funding: We operate via funding from the Dept. of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the National Insurance Institute, the JDC, State Bequests, the Dept. of Welfare, the National Lottery, tuition, foundation funding and donations. Modalities of action: Our activities include classes / lessons, orchestras, ensembles, concerts, therapy, master classes from visiting musicians, production of 4 cd recordings. Students from low-socioeconomic backgrounds, or of unique talent receive scholarships for their studies, or for therapy. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: The local community board and Levinsky College.
Mission and Objectives

Ron-Shulamit Conservatory's motto is "music, everyone deserves it." We believe that the arts have the power to bring people of different backgrounds together in creative, positive activity. The conservatory maintains a chamber orchestra composed of religious and secular musicians, and has a music therapy program for children and young adults with special needs who are mainstreamed in activities and concerts with the students of the conservatory.
In our "Jewish Music Preservation" project, music from Jewish communities around the globe is researched, recorded and performed by our orchestras, reviving pieces and bringing these representations of various cultures to a new generation of listeners. Community concerts and free open houses are held on a regular basis, in addition to performances in nursing homes and schools, as part of the goal of enriching the cultural life of Jerusalem residents and bringing the benefits (cultural, educational, social, creative and personal) of music to all.

Main Projects / Activities

Building Bridges: There exists in Israel a large divide between the religious and non-religious, with both groups avoiding each other, or in the worst case, openly hostile towards each other. Misconceptions, stereotypes and biases abound. Our programs bring together these two groups around their shared love of music, and they learn to see their similarities instead of their differences. This aspect of pluralism and coexistece extends to the staff, board, and student body of the conservatory.
Music For All: Community concerts and free open houses, early childhood intro to music classes, explained performances in schools, music therapy and mainstreaming for children with special needs, concerts in nursing homes and areas hit by terror attacks.
Jewish Music Renaissance Project: Music from Jewish communities around the globe is researched, recorded and performed by our orchestras. Compositions are also specially written for our performance groups. We have put out 4 cd's as part of this project.
Educational Advancement and Economic Independence for Women: Ron Shulamit runs the only B.Ed. program for women from low socio-economic backgrounds whom otherwise would not get a higher education. Through the program they gain a higher education and a career, helping them break out of poverty.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shira Barzily
Head of the organisation
Arieh Chasid

The Movement for Life in Dignity

National Network

31 Rambam Street, p. O. Box 5171 postal code: 84151
Beer Sheva

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
2 workers (executive director and resource coordinator), Ebert Program intern, 4 advanced students of Ben Gurion University, Social Work Studies, conducting their practicum Funds granted: $63,550 - New Israel Fund, Beer Sheva Municipality, Shatil and anonymous donor. Grants review: Israel Endowment Fund - $9,450 Arison Foundation - $25,000 Sparkplug Foundation - $5,000 Buxbaum-Neta Foundation - $5,000 Samuel Rubin Foundation - $5,000 Modality of work: Individual support, seminars, lectures, workshops and support–group meetings, protests lobbying in the Knesset to promote legislation List partnerships with other organizations: The Association for Civil Rights in Israel – cooperate in lobbing and presenting position papers. The Welfare Department of the Beer Sheva Municipality – conducting training and workshops The Coalition for Affordable Housing – cooperate in holding a conference on affordable housing in Beer Sheva and the South. Ben Gurion University, Social Work Studies - offers their advanced students to conduct their practicum with the Movement.
Mission and Objectives

The Movement for Life in Dignity's mission is to reduce the cycle of homeless populations in different communities in Israel by preventing eviction of people from their home. The Movement encourages, supports and empowers citizens to stand for their rights, to believe in their ability to change their reality, to influence, to act out with critical thinking, and to respond with action to changing the status quo - both in front of decision makers and in the media as well as in the public arenas.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are focused around three areas:
1. Individual support: advice and assistance in finding solutions for the Movement's applicants, including guidance in dealing with banks, the authorities, legal petitions and advocacy until reaching a solution to each problem, using constructive struggle methods. When necessary the support includes physical presence at the house of the applicants.
2. Provision of information: providing accessible knowledge and information to utilize mortgage rights and to motivate for action through seminars, lectures, workshops and support–group meetings for those who struggle with mortgage repayment.
3. Public and political arena: initiating high-profile protests and operating in the political arena through lobbying in the Knesset to promote legislation that will ensure housing for all, both by purchasing and by long-term lease.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachel Amram
Head of the organisation
Haim Bar Yaakov

The Jerusalem Intercultural Center

National Network

PObox 1477

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
The JICC has around ten on staff, working to solve daily issues in Jerusalem that require crosscultural work.
Mission and Objectives

The Jerusalem Inter-Cultural Center (JICC) aims to assist the city residents, of various identities, in becoming active and responsible partners to the development of their communities. For this purpose, the JICC stimulates and encourages programs that promote community dialogue in the city.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects involve assimilating cultural competence in the city of Jerusalem with various services that provide services in the city.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hagai Agmon-Snir
Head of the organisation
Hagai Agmon-Snir

Theater Can

National Network

Bilu 28

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
"Theater Can" is a Community interest company, centered in Tel-Aviv. The theater is comprised of an acting group, a creative staff and an admuinistrative board. Funding arrives per project, largely from Tmuna Theater and/or the culture department, and the theater's patrons.
Mission and Objectives

1. To create and support a theater troupe which will create a unique interdisciplinary language for the performing arts, and will express it through shows and plays.
2. To sustain an array of professional workshops for the purpose of development, study and research of the unique language of the group, and for the purpose of training proffesionals in the field.
2. To serve as a center for the surronding community, allowing arts to serve as a tool for self-expression and social discussion.
3. To be a relevant, contemporary theater that deals with issues effecting the local and global community.

Main Projects / Activities

Led by the criticaly acclaimed director, Shlomo Plessner, and the talanted playwright, Ido Borenstein, the theater create shows and workshops.
Theater Can premiered with its controversial play: "Dogs", a biting comedy that addresses the much tabooed aspect of the Israeli reality - How do the men in this conflicted reality, both Jewish and Arab, can overcome the roles they have been assigned to in society?
Dealing with issues of gender, acceptance and cross-generation relationships, have been important subject matters for the leading creating forces in the theater.

Contact (1) Full Name
Premshay Hermon
Head of the organisation
Shlomo Plesner


National Network

Emek Refaim 57 apartment 5 Jerusalem Israel 93141

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Bama Tova NPO consists of a presedent and another 6 directors. Yearly budget approximatly $50,000. sources of funding - endowments from private individuals and foundations
Mission and Objectives

Our goals:
- To situate Jerusalem as a focus for artistic activity.
- To serve as a bridge among the various streams in Israeli culture, and between Israeli culture and the world's cultures in general, and particularly as a bridge to Iran through the artistic medium.
- To encourage creativity that follows processes which reflect change and which challenges the status quo and has the strength to influence the reality of Israeli life and society.
- To provide financial and artistic support to artists.

Main Projects / Activities

modalities of action:
mutual activity days in usualliy disparat communities,
2 full theater productions in the Jerusalem theater,
supplying budding actors with rehersal studio space.

Contact (1) Full Name
Benyamin Yakovian
Head of the organisation
Benyanmin Yakovian

Politikos tyrimų ir analizės institutas

National Network

V.Žalakevičiaus 4A-34

+370 686 26260
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Institute for Policy Research and Analysis is an independent, autonomous, non-political, non-profit organization based in Lithuania. Our board consists of three qualified professionals. Main source of funding - based on projects and State procurement. Main partners: Lithuanian Council of Youth NGOs, youth NGOs and NGOS working in the field of Human Rights education, State department of Youth affairs, numerous municipalities in Lithuania, Research Institutes in Finland and Flanders (Belgium).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission - to contribute to development of public policies and it's actors (stakeholders). Fields of our activities - research, policy analysis, operational performance improvement.

Main Projects / Activities

As listed above, we conduct research and analysis of public policies (main areas: youth policy, education, social welfare, democratic institutions), at the moment we conduct research on Cross-sectoral cooperation in the youth policy (National level). We also offer educational courses for politicians, public servant and civil society organizations

Contact (1) Full Name
Marius Ulozas
Head of the organisation
Marius Ulozas
Contact (2) Full Name
Nerijus Miginis