
National Network

c/ l'Escorxador, 19-21

08720 Vilafranca del Penedès

034 938923574
Telephone (other)
034 938923746
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Assotiation à but non-lucratif 50 membres Équipe de direction et gestion de 16 membres Budget annuel: 50.000 euros Financement: administrations locales et regionales, et ressources propres Action: projets internationaux, actions sensibilisation, échanges, seminaires. Partenaires: au Maroc, AFFA-Rif (Forum de Femmes), AZIR, SOURIF, Rif-Théâtre. En Espagne: Alkantara, Amnistia International, Cono Sur, CEAM.
Mission and Objectives

Pour l'Équité dans les rapports humains et entre les peuples, équité de genre, participation democratique.
Appuyer les organisations du Sud qui travailent pour le progrés social et economique des peuples
Promovoir des rapports de collaboration des assotiations du Sud et du Nord
Favoriser l'interaction positive et créative entre les communautés immigrée et autoctone
Avancer vers l'égalité entre hommes et femmes, au Nord et au Sud

Main Projects / Activities

Avec AFFA-Rif: projet d'éducation pour l'égalité et contre la violence dans 15 écoles du Rif
Création et exploitation de l'Exposition: Maroc, le voisin inconnu
Journées de connaissance-débat sur La Méditerranée en proces de changement
Échanges culturels dans la Mediterranée
Séjours solidaires dans le Maroc, en col·laboration avec nos partenaires au Sud
Travail en reseau en Catalogne pour sensibiliser à la solidarité et la justice dans les rapports internationaux
Élaboration de documents de sensibilisation et cooperation
Presence dans les médias locales (presse, TV, radio) pour sensibilisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Jordi Junyent Parera
Head of the organisation
Jordi Junyent Parera
Contact (2) Full Name
Josep Giménez Noguera

International Organization for Migration

National Network

Kornish al Tijara New Sham

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Syria continues to host the largest externally displaced Iraqi population in the region. A vast number remain in need of urgent assistance; their economic and social situation may be steadily worsening as existing resources are incrementally depleted, remittances are reduced and opportunities for lawful employment remain limited. In parallel, Syria is currently witnessing the impact of a drought (linked to climate change), which has affected the country since 2006. In particular, over the past six months, internal migration has increased dramatically due to a loss of livelihoods. Estimates of the total magnitude of this phenomenon range from 40,000 to 60,000 families. Such population movements, coupled with existing pressures on key infrastructure stemming from the prolonged residence of a large Iraqi community in Syria, may severely affect social stability in the long run, hinder development in various ways, and exacerbate challenges associated with irregular migration. In Damascus, IOM continues to work in partnership with the Syrian government, UN agencies and civil society to respond effectively to emerging migration-related issues – particularly in the fields of emergency and post-crisis migration management and regulating migration. IOM is also supporting relevant government entities to build a comprehensive policy framework for effective migration management.
Mission and Objectives

IOM continues to assist refugees resettling to the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Sweden and some Scandinavian countries. This activity also includes family reunification.
IOM Damascus has assisted the movement of more than 27,000 refugees in Syria since 2006 – majority of who are from Iraq – to 13 resettlement countries. IOM's role includes coordination, health assessment, treatment, cultural orientation, providing ground transportation and air transportation to the refugees’ final destination, providing escorts and airport assistance at the ports of departure, transit and arrival.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Movement under the United States Refugee Programme, Australia, Canada, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries for refugees and family reunification
2-Capacity Building on Identifying and Assessing Human Trafficking and Providing Protection to Victims of Trafficking in Syria
3-Capacity Building for Border Control Management
4-Assistance to Iraqi Female-headed Families and Victims of Trafficking

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarmad Toumeh
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Maria Rumman
Contact (2) Full Name

Y & M Publishing House

National Network

Second Floor, Building No.33, 29th May Street, Damascus

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Y & M Publishing House includes five employees. The yearly budget is about 35.000 Eu. The funding of the Y & M Publishing House is personal. Y & M Publishing House concentrates on spreading the culture and communication between the nations. It also concentrates on fighting violence and enhancing peace.
Mission and Objectives

Spreading the culture and awareness of freedom of opinion and expression, belief, variety and tolerance inside the Syrian society.
Spreading and popularizing new cultural values inside the Syrian society like repealing the distinction against women, childhood rights, environmental culture, the consumer protection, observance of the people with special needs, the rights of the psychological patients, aids patients, the right of housing, the rights of minorities, right of development, the freedom of personality and canceling the execution punishment.

Main Projects / Activities

Y & M Publishing House is just established and the year 2010 will be the start.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yara Bader
Head of the organisation
Yara Bader
Contact (2) Full Name
Mazen Akell

Syrian Environment Protection Society (SEPS)

National Network

Souk Al-Haal Al-Jadid, Jaddet 3, Al-Zaim Bldg. No. 8/11 , P.O. Box 420 Damascus -Syria

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Vision of SEPS: Establishing of our NGO Our Society (The Syrian Environment Protection Society) is the pioneer Non-Governmental Organization and the first Environmental movement that had been founded and announced publicly in Syria. Our Society board of founders is consisting of a group of professionals specialized in different fields of environmental sciences, engineering (agricultural, architectural, civil), medicine, dentistry, law and education. Our aim, values and principles: We aim at positively healing , correcting and shaping the natural and urban environment, combating the threats against our Environment and clarifying the misconceptions using the awareness campaigns, thereby improving people’s living conditions and their habitat. We value: - Environmental sound use of resources as it secures development opportunities for future generations. - Cooperation in a spirit of partnership as it leads to successes. - Transparency and integrity as they produce clarity, and so create trust. Environmental problems in Syria Environmental Background: Syria’s population expansion rate of 3.6% is placing increasing pressure on the country’s resources. In addition to that industrial and agricultural sector activities are affecting a large number of components of the environment including water, land resources and air. In turn these effects all have a negative bearing on the economic and social well being of the population as a whole. Pressures on the Environment: human settlements in Syria have always been concentrated on the fertile valleys along the banks of rivers, however, increasing demands for natural resources has exceeded the sustainable capacity of these areas, while waste from human settlements and industrial sites have further harmed the environment, the pressures that have given rise to severe environmental problems include: - Intensive cultivation especially the increase in irrigated crops which now accounts for (85-90%) of fresh water consumption. - Increasing urbanization which led to crowded urban sprawl and a decline in the living conditions. - Increasing pressure on the biological resources. - Increasing industrialization with subsequent energy demand, and excessive polluting waste. - Increase in demand for domestic potable water (growing at 4.2% /year). - Over hunting, Overgrazing, over fishing. Priority Problems: - Contamination, depletion and dissipation of water resources. - Poor air quality and air pollution (industrial and urban). - Deterioration of urban environment and uncontrolled urban expansion. - The growth of illegal settlements. - Poverty and population growth. - Inappropriate solid waste disposal (domestic, industrial “hazardous & toxic”) and waste water pollution. - Degradation of biodiversity and habitat deterioration and poor use of biological resources. - Soil, land and rangeland deterioration & degradation (soil salinization , land contamination and erosion ). - Deforestation and desertification. - Lack of public awareness on environmental issues. - Lack of industrial zones. - Food contamination, food diseases & epidemiologies, food security, environment security. - Coastal degradation. - Excessive use of agro-chemicals and pesticides. - The wrongful hunting. - Cultural heritage degradation (archaeological and historical sites). Strategy of SEPS: 1- Build capacity and general education 2- Working for appropriate environmental laws and legislations. 3- National awareness campaigns and training programs. 4- Information exchange and research. 5- Seeking for Policy development and institutional adjustments. 6- Prevention of contamination and depletion of water resources By conducting pricing studies, and by drawing integrated water resources management plans. 7- Land resources conservation By finding methods for protecting the agricultural lands and controlling illegal settlements. 8- Poor air quality control By conducting a transport, traffic and vehicles studies which include: the implications of using unleaded fuel(Gasoline), ways to hasten replacement of old vehicles, establish an air quality management center. 9- Protection , rehabilitation of Biodiversity By planning and establishing: Natural reserves and protected areas, Gene banks, National Parks, Bio-safety, and Eco-tourism. Activities that are added to the strategy of actions: - Promoting public awareness and environmental education for the problems and threats on Environment & Ecosystem resulting from pollution, degradation and over-exploitation and that could be done combined with educational and promotional activities. - The publishing of books, brochures, stickers, calendars, notebooks, posters, greeting cards …etc. about Environment. - Arranging of lectures, meetings, seminars, journeys to different places inside and outside Syria. - Arranging of campaigns on city and country level to respond to urgent Environmental matters and problems. - The conducting and implementing of projects and ventures in various Environmental fields according and depending on the availability of funds. - Taking the initiative and submitting the recommendations, suggestions and modifications for amending or enacting new laws relating to the general interest and corresponding to the Environmental requirements for all sectors of people.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives and goals of this Society are:
1st)Objective: Working to elevate and spread the Environmental awareness and ecological education necessary to increase the concern for protecting the natural resources .
2nd)Objective: Participating and contributing in the preparation of researches and studies on Environment and presenting the results to the responsible authorities to implement the appropriate procedures .
3rd)Objective: The cooperation and coordination with the government ministries and the concerned firms and establishments to develop and improve methods for conserving the Environment and protecting the nature and the ecosystem.
4th)Objective: The cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations and agencies that are dealing with Environmental issues to develop programs and projects for the protection of Environment and preserving its integrity.
5th)Objective: The carry out of campaigns for the cleanliness and safety of our surrounding Environment and defending it against human threats by the help and support of the mass media.
6th)Objective: Arranging for meetings, seminars, workshops, on national level targeted to discuss and treat the urgent Environmental problems.
7th)Objective: Working to put suggestions and recommendations when drawing up law proposals concerning Environment issues.
8th)Objective: Participating in the Arabian, Regional, International, activities relating to matters and topics of Environment and Development and means of protecting the ecosystem and natural resources from pollution and overexploitation.
9th)Objective: The contribution in the planning mechanisms of programs , projects , and activities around Environment and applying what is appropriate as the financial resources allocated is enough and allow to do so .
10th)Objective: The establishment of information bank or center to collect and exchange data and up to date information from local, Arabian, and International organizations and resources.

Main Projects / Activities

READ ABOUT IT IN OUR TWO WEBSITES www.enviro-syria.org & www.seps-sy.org

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ghassan Shahin

Centar edukacije i kreativnoga razvoja - Cekra/Center of education and creative development - Cekra

National Network

Antuna Mihanovića 9, 31 000 Osijek

+385 98 937 81 68
Mobile Phone
+385 98 937 81 68
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Cekra is new organisation established in March 2011 in Osijek, Croatia. Center "Cekra" cooperates with local and international organisations on projects in field of education in global.
Mission and Objectives

Our main goals are workshops and trainings for other organisations and institutions in field of projects making, communication, long-term education, medias relation and organising events.

Main Projects / Activities

Cooperation in international events: Art & Earth, 2011-2012

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivana Šibalić
Head of the organisation
Ivana Šibalić

Hippocampe. Art et Citoyenneté

National Network

14 rue Fatma Fehria, 1082 Mutuelleville

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Notre statut est celui d'une association tunisienne. Les membres fondateurs sont au nombre de 13 personnes, âgées de 20 à 75 ans et parmi lesquelles figurent des plasticiens, des cinéastes, des critiques d'art, des musicologues, des photigraphes, des universitairesn, des médecins et des journalistes. Nous avons projets concrets, l'un pour 2011, l'autre pour 2012. Nos partenaires sont le Ministère de la culture, le Ministère de la femme et des associations de femmes (ATFD et AFTURD).

Mission and Objectives

NOTRE MISSION : Contribuer au développement régional et à l'éveil à la citoyenneté, par le biais de l'art et de la culture1. NOS OBJECTIFS : 1.Favoriser le rayonnement et le dialogue des cultures méditerranéennes 2.Contribuer au développement régional par la promotion d’un tourisme culturel et solidaire 3.Dynamiser le patrimoine culturel des régions de l’intérieur et y encourager la créativité 4.Développer une meilleure connaissance mutuelle entre les jeunes des deux rives de la Méditerranée, favorisant la paix entre les peuples

Main Projects / Activities

Nous souhaitons promouvoir un tourisme culturel vivant générant une interaction des touristes et de la population locale dans une relation humaine fondée sur l’ouverture, le respect, et l’envie de mieux connaître l’autre. Par l’organisation de festivals culturels et d’ateliers de création dans les régions défavorisées du pays, nous voulons créer des espaces de rencontre véritable des cultures. Nous espérons contribuer ainsi à l’émergence d’une culture de paix et de solidarité, conduisant à la fraternisation des peuples.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Faten M'hamdi

Jeunesse sans Frontières - Tunisie / شباب بلا حدود - تونس / Youth Without Borders - Tunisia

National Network

9 rue Mohamed Ali Annnebi - Montplaisir 1073 Tunis

+216 71901013
+216 71 277 238
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 97 184 756
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 23 743 036
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

ASSOCIATION A VOCATION GENERALE Le bureau directeur de l'association compte 11 membres bénévoles Un coordinateur au niveau de chaque région

Mission and Objectives

-Contribuer à la promotion de la culture du dialogue, de l'esprit d'initiative et des valeurs de volontariat et l’ouverture sur l'autre. -Participer à l’enracinement des valeurs de la citoyenneté et de l'identité nationale chez les jeunes. - Contribuer à sensibiliser les jeunes à la nécessité de préserver les biens publics et privés. - L'organisation de programmes de formation, de stages ou d'activités visant à faciliter l'intégration des jeunes dans la société civile ainsi que le suivi de leurs préoccupations et aspirations. - La participation à divers séminaires et réunions sur le plan national, régional ou international, afin de faire connaître les compétences tunisiennes dans tous les domaines. - L'organisation de colloques et la publication de recherches et d'études dans divers domaines (santé, environnement, sport, éducation, développement ...).

Main Projects / Activities

- L'organisation de programmes de formation, de stages ou d'activités visant à faciliter l'intégration des jeunes dans la société civile ainsi que le suivi de leurs préoccupations et aspirations. - La participation à divers séminaires et réunions sur le plan national, régional ou international, afin de faire connaître les compétences tunisiennes dans tous les domaines. - L'organisation de colloques et la publication de recherches et d'études dans divers domaines (santé, environnement, sport, éducation, développement ...).

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Mreža za nasljeđe Jugoistočne Evrope (SEE Heritage Network)

National Network

P.O.Box 85 Škaljari bb

+382 32 30 25 20
+382 32 30 25 21
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 773 890
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
SEE Heritage is a Network of non-governmental organizations from South East Europe. It was established in 2006 and registered in 2009 as NGO with headquarters in Montenegro. The work of SEE Heritage network is aimed at protecting and promoting our common heritage which is leading to sustainable and responsible development. The network has 21 members, dedicated to the protection of cultural heritage. It employs a secretariat, based in Kotor, Montenegro. Its organizational structure includes a Managing Board (6 members)and Assemby (one representative from each member). The work of the Network and its Secretariat is supported by the Headley Trust, United Kingdom and the Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) with funds provided by SIDA, Sweden. General activity areas that will enable the Network to accomplish these goals include education, conservation, awareness-raising, management of cultural heritage, research and capacity building.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the SEE Heritage network is to work towards protecting and promoting the common cultural heritage with the aim of encouraging sustainable development of the region.
The vision of the SEE Heritage network: South East Europe (SEE) - region where people cooperate, understand and respect each other on the basis of their cultural differences, believing that cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is a valuable resource.
Our strategic goals include:
- Strengthening the regional network of NGOs
- Improving the general management of cultural heritage throughout South East Europe
- Having a greater influence on decision makers
- Improving outreach to the general public
- Promoting the NGO sector’s work throughout the region
- Increasing general awareness of the heritage of South East Europe
- Generating joint projects and activities through the Network.

Main Projects / Activities

Alongside its regular annual meetings, the SEE Heritage Network organized a public debate entitled “Cultural Heritage and its Misuse in Political, Ideological and other Causes”, a workshop and public presentation “Devastation of Cultural Heritage”, and two conferences: “Cultural Heritage Tourism and Sustainable Development” and “Cultural Landscapes: The Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in South East Europe and the Role of NGOs”.
The Network published a booklet entitled “Cultural Heritage and its Misuse in Political and Ideological Causes” and launched a public appeal urging local and national governments of the SEE Heritage region to stop the indifference towards the devastation of SEE heritage.
Recently, the Network prepared a second public appeal, urging governments of the region to adopt and implement the European Landscape Convention.
The website www.seeheritage.org is one of the most important concrete results of SEE Heritage’s work. SEE Heritage aims to make this website an important portal for the cultural heritage of the SEE region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marijana Davidović (SEEH Network Secretary)
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Kapetanović
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Kapetanović

Initiative Grenzen-Los! e.V.

National Network

Wiclefstasse 3210551 Berlin
10551 Berlin

030 488 15 220/1
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Initiative Grenzen-Los!e.V. is an association of young people (mostly students and young graduates) in their 20s and 30s with very different backgrounds. Four people comprise the board and there are about 30 active members.(see www.grenzen-los.eu). The main project is: JugendtheaterBüroBerlin (Youth Theater Office Berlin), which is funded by the XENOS Program of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Social and Labour Affairs with a three-year budget of 500.000 Euro. The goal of the project is the organization of a 3-day festival in October 2011 in the Haus der Kulturen (Berlin). Main partners are: The Freedom Theater in Jenin, House of Culture Berlin, Grips Theater Berlin.

Mission and Objectives

We are a non-profit organization committed to promoting political education and socio-cultural community works. We are engaged in inter-regional and international cultural exchange and aim at encouraging young people and young adults to actively participate in the society they live in and take over responsibility by taking over social and political commitments. The aim is to promote the critical debate concerning social processes through the means of education and emancipation. We are committed to strengthening equal rights through the systematic promotion of the underprivileged in society. The activities are directed against any forms of prejudices, racial, sexist and social and discrimination and exploitation and the violation of human rights.The main activities are political education and socio-cultural community works with underprivileged youngsters, scientific research concerning racism, organization of panels and forums concerning adult education in the sphere of theater,music and film.

Main Projects / Activities

Besides the main project “Youth Theater Office Berlin” there are several other venues the Initiative Grenzen-Los! e.V. is undertaking right now: The following projects are taking place: • NIAR- Network against Islamophobia and Racism, organizing scientific publications, exhibitions, panels concerning the topic • SKET- Schnelle Kulturelle Eingreiftruppe, Free Adult Theater Company

Contact (1) Full Name
Lena Hellwig
Head of the organisation
Lena-Gülcan Orhan
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Rabbow


National Network

Avenue des Chasseurs 20
1410 Waterloo, Belgium


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Founded in 2010, Revolve Magazine covers international politics, energy and art. With contributors and editors from around the Mediterranean, Revolve relies on donations and advertising to subsist. Revolve Magazine offers a fresh perspective on current affairs with in-depth analysis and thought-provoking political essays, coverage of innovative energy projects and profiles of emerging artists.
Mission and Objectives

Surrounded by Europe, Asia, Africa and the Arab world, the Mediterranean is a place of encounter where ideas, goods and new technologies can be exchanged and created. Dedicated to innovation around the sea, this special section highlights new (eco)tourism, energy and trade projects and looks at sustainable ways to preserve and develop the region’s rich natural and cultural heritage. In 2011/12, REVOLVE has a special focus on WATER examining current and future challenges to this scarce resource and discovering innovative solutions to growing problems such as pollution and drought.

Main Projects / Activities

Revolve's WATER AROUND THE MEDITERRANEAN is directed by Francesca de Châtel. Through a series of essays, features and interviews with decision-makers and analysts, this section sheds light on key issues, including trans-boundary water management in strategic basins; the impact of climate change; alternative sources such as desalination and treated waste water; and the future of agriculture in the Mediterranean. Aiming towards a widely-distributed booklet for the World Water Forum 2012 in Marseille, Revolve is combining insightful opinion pieces with on-the-ground reporting. WATER AROUND THE MEDITERRANEAN gives readers fresh insights into challenges facing the Mediterranean region and how they may be addressed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stuart Reigeluth
Head of the organisation
Stuart Reigeluth
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca de Châtel