Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music

National Network

K.Barona street 1

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
JVLMA stands for Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music. We offer professional undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and academic postgraduate programmes in music performance, conducting, composition, music science, music pedagogy and choreography. Doctoral level studies are available in the field of history and theory of music. Scientific research and artistic creativity are the cornerstones of all professional and academic study programmes.Academy has the legal status of a derived public entity; it has its own emblem and flag. JVLMA is under supervision of Latvian Ministry of Culture.Academy is finaced by state budget as well as by self incomes, besides we activly work with different project and funds financial tools implementing cooperation and development projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main goals of the Latvian Academy of Music are to provide studies of exceptional quality in subjects of music, choreography and education sciences, humanitarian and social sciences; to conduct research projects in arts sciences; to encourage artistic creativity of the young musicians.
Academy supports further education and cooperates as independent entity with foreign institutions for arts and education.

Main Projects / Activities
Contact (1) Full Name
Ilona Grodska (project manager)
Head of the organisation
Profesor Artis Sīmanis (rector)

association des amis du festival interational du film de l'enfance et de la jeunesse

National Network

BP 658 PTT SOUSSE 4000

+216 73 224 995
Telephone (other)
216 21 182 180
+216 73 224 995
Mobile Phone
+216 97 451 022
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

il s'agit d'une structure autonome crée par d'anciens cinéphiles.le festival est financé d'une par par des subventions publiques et des donations privées sous forme de sponsorisé . le fifej est le seul festival tunisien qui œuvre pour l'a promotion du cinéma pour jeunes et pour enfants.de par sa notoriété le festival collabore avec plusieurs partenaire publics et privés nationaux et internationaux a savoir a titre indicatifs le ministere de la culture,l'institut français de coopération,festival de giffoni fillm expierence ,la fondation farabi

Mission and Objectives

promouvoir le cinéma pour enfant et pour jeunes/favoriser l'échange entre les jeunes du monde entier/Doter le festival d’un cadre associatif lui permettant de capitaliser ses ressources humaines, de mieux encadrer les jeunes et d’étendre son action pour la diffusion de la culture cinématographique.Contribuer au renforcement du tissu associatif autonome de la région de Sousse.Faire en sorte que les prochaines sessions du festival confirment la vocation du FIFEJ en tant que manifestation d’envergure nationale et internationale organisée par et pour les jeunes.relancer le programme de « l’éducation permanente par l’image » aussi bien dans la région de Sousse qu’à l’échelle nationale 5- Créer un pole régional de production de films à petit budget orientés principalement vers les jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

en plus du volet cinématographique le festival organise la rencontre internationale des jeunes qui regroupe en moyenne 300 jeunes dela tunisie et de l'etranger.mais le festival est aussi le premier acteur sur le terrain de l'education par l'image qu'il dispense en continue .

Contact (1) Full Name
Hassan Alilech
Head of the organisation
Anouar Al Fani

club unesco alecso tataouine

National Network

maison des jeunes tataouine avenue ahmed tlili 3200

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
bureau local a tataouine , membre a la fédération tunisienne de clubs unesco et alecso comprend 05 membres . sources de financement:abonnement,don... projet:projet éducatif avec les écoles associes a unesco ,et avec d'autres associes.... Partenaires principaux:école tounket ,école maouna club des jeunes et de science tataouine union des écrivains tunisiens a tataouine et mednine et association assadaka franco-tunisien
Mission and Objectives

participation avec l'UNESCO et l'alecso ses Objectifs idéales.

Main Projects / Activities

projet éducatif avec les écoles associes a unesco ,et avec d'autres associes
projet environnementale avec club des jeunes et de science tataouine
séminaire avec union des écrivains tunisiens a tataouine

Contact (1) Full Name
tahar NAGADH
Head of the organisation
tahar NAGADH

Qadora Camp Youth Center

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- Structure of the Centre consists of the President of the Administrative Body,, 7 administrative staff members and 190 member volunteers. - There is no fixed budget per year, because the center has no steady income, the main dependence on support from local as local institutions, voluntary contributions from individuals, or from international institutions. - In 2008, the center's annual budget is $ 16,000, and in 2009 $ 13,000. -The methods of work in the sessions of awareness / cultural workshops / Scouting / Sports / Social. The Main partners are community (members).
Mission and Objectives

Our goals are sport / scout / cultural / social.
- Integration of young people in the community.
- Communication with the surrounding world.
- Entertaining themselves.
- To maintain the Palestinian heritage, customs and traditions.
- Breaking Alhawwajr between young men and women.
- Development of skills and abilities of young people.
- Development of youth initiatives.
- Development of leadership skills and community integration.

Main Projects / Activities

Arts & Sport.
- Folklore team, consisting of 25 members / Established 2008 / internal and external promotions, and training throughout the year.
- Scouts / 130 members.
- A football team.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hekmat Bessiso
Head of the organisation
Mr. Marwan Khiri
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Omar Hayek

Future Vision Association for Community Development

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We are a non-profit developmental organization registered with the Ministry of Interior since 2005. Our focus has been to support children, youth, women and families in the Greater Bethlehem District and to help youth overcome the many challenges of living in the unique circumstances of the West Bank. The Association is interested in helping those youth who are residents of the refugee camps. We work in collaboration with local and international partners to achieve our goals and have established relationships with diverse community groups.

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Improving community groups through resources mobilization and concerted efforts pursuant to the sustainable Development. Mission: Future Vision is a grass root, nongovernmental, not-for-profit developmental association. It is created to offer specialized services to the marginalized communities in Bethlehem Governorate especially targeting women, youth, and children. The Association places great emphasis on the increase of youth participation in community development in its social, cultural, economical, health and political aspects. Objectives: 1. Reinforcing women’s role in decision making at the micro and macro environments. 2. Empowering children’s capability to participate in various activities in their community and focusing on community support in exercising their rights. 3. Developing youth’s ability to enable them to enhance their opportunities in the community.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Providing professional training to youth in the field of community development by qualified staff (teachers, social workers, and other trainers). 2. Holding cultural and educational activities (including camps, lectures, workshops, and discussion groups) about issues of public interest. 3. Raising awareness regarding women rights and the empowerment of Palestinian women to achieve effective community participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manal Al-Azraq
Head of the organisation
Emad Abd Almehsen Salem
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed mousa

Juzoor Foundation - Jerusalem Youth Parliament

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Board/Director/ 3 units: Continuing Professional Unit, Community Development Unit, Admin Unit. 31 Employees: 14 Females, 10 Males. Funding from different resources such international organizations, consulates, representatives Modalities: youth exchanges, trainings, seminars, camps, networking, voluntary, conferences partners such local CBOs and NGOs, and international youth organizations. Youth Websitewww.jyouthp.org Main Website of Juzoorwww.juzoor.org
Mission and Objectives

To endorse the health of the Palestinian community by adopting a multi-sectoral rights-based developmental approach, based on social indicators and national priorities.
Strategic objectives:
1. Promote a holistic approach to health and social development.
2. Fulfill the needs of all Palestinians based on the social and national indicators.
3. Build the capacity of women, youth, community, health providers and others to strengthen the health sector.
4. Promote a human rights based approach.

Main Projects / Activities

Recently, Juzoor Foundation runs 9 projects local, regional, and international. Some of its current project: Jerusalem Youth Parliament to promote the role of the youth in Jerusalem, Saving our Water to raise awareness of the Palestinian's Right to Water, Empowering YOUTH to activate youngsters as citizens, Horizon Project to reduce the Sexual and reproductive health Risks for the ages 12 to 17, Community Based Approach to Diabetes Management, Improving Women’s Access to and Utilization of Reproductive Health Services, Capacity Development and Advocacy on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies for the ages 10 to 17 and it is implemented in Palestine - Lebanon- Yemen, Promoting Women’s rights, combating violence against women: Building a sustainable legal-health-social service referral system in the Palestinian Occupied Territory, School Canteen Project to improve the health lifestyle through nutrition habits, and others project.
The projects are long or short term - the range is between 4 months to 36 months.
Some of the activities:
- Trainings and workshops
- TOT on different subject
- Seminars
- National Conferences
- Summer Camps/Winter camps
- Festival for students and youth
- Study/Learning tours
- Educational Sessions
target Groups: Youth, Children, Women, and Eldery

Contact (1) Full Name
Shadi Zatara
Head of the organisation
Dr. Salwa Najjab
Contact (2) Full Name
Jennifer Dabis

The Palestinian Early Childhood Education Programs (PECEP)

National Network

Palestine_Gaza_ Al remal_ Al hasham building
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Long-term goals: Achieving integrated and balanced growth for the children in all the dimensions of their cognitive ,skills, and compassionate personality like : the primary principles for math, reading, writing, order, cleanliness, independence, self-reliance and the ability to create and innovate , solve his problems, and to modify his behavior(  Aggressive,  inwardness, acquisitions love). Short-term goals: It can be achieved by monthly plans prepared by the supervisors which can be applied in daily plans by the educators like: 1.       Commitment to the rules of proper behavior and ease of movement gently and regularity. Preservation of resources used in the Games and bring it back to its place and asking for permission  in situations that require it. 2.       Employment and efficient use of material, taking into account relevantguidance that facilitate  using them properly. 3.       Paying attention to  the outside appearance of the child and prepare him to the integration into the society in a more socially acceptable way. 4.       The provision of appropriate educational services for disabled children and help them integrate into their  small community(the kindergarten) and provide them with  opportunities to enjoy according to their conditions.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Rabah
Job Title
Head of the organisation

İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Youth Assembly

National Network

hamidiye cad. çelik han no:1 sirkeci İstanbul

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The youth council, which was found by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, is an organization that gathers young people from different economic, social and educational backgrounds and provides them with creative projects in which they can take part actively with in a positive social structure. The youth council thus gains strength from the city's young citizens and they in turn gain strength from the youth council. There are 22 commissions (EU adaptation monitoring, foreign relations, tourism etc…), included our educated and equipped young members. Each commission has activities about its topic, then prepares and presents the projects to the youth assembly. Between each commission there is a connection about the accepted facilities and projects. The workings that enriched thanks to other academicians and related foundations are used to be a reference for some applications of local government.
Mission and Objectives

our mission is to reach young people who especially live in Istanbul but also we are in contact with all European young people.we want young people who are 16-25 aged to come together and make projects together about social, politics, education, living, human rights, women rights also child rights, the rights of minority rights.
Producing projects that help young to feel and show their own existence in social classes. Render the saying active participant young feasible

Main Projects / Activities

The youth council, which was found by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, is an organization that gathers young people from different economic, social and educational backgrounds and provides them with creative projects in which they can take part actively with in a positive social structure. The youth council thus gains strength from the city's young citizens and they in turn gain strength from the youth council.
There are 22 commissions (EU adaptation monitoring, foreign relations, tourism etc…), included our educated and equipped young members. Each commission has activities about its topic, then prepares and presents the projects to the youth assembly. Between each commission there is a connection about the accepted facilities and projects. The workings that enriched thanks to other academicians and related foundations are used to be a reference for some applications of local government.
Our main project was 5th Youth Congress. We covered over 1400 youth in Istanbul with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and also we made a project called poverty is not history. we presented this project in England.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mustafa Erdağı
Head of the organisation
muzaffer demir
Contact (2) Full Name
Mehmet Beşir Akıncı

Israel Tennis Center

National Network

Kfar Hayrok Junction
POB 51

Ramat Hasharon

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ITC wish to enhance social, psychological, and physical development of Israeli youth through the medium of sport. It provides a healthy, structured environment for children from all walks of life, teaches values of cooperation, self reliance and persistence, and provides opportunities for children to reach their own level of excellence. ITC operates 14 centers located in disadvantaged neighborhoods or outlying development towns, catering to more than 21,000 children weekly – out of which 6,785 are supported financially by the ITC. We address a variety of social needs, improving the lives of developmentally challenged, underprivileged and at-risk children and helping immigrant children to gain confidence, transcend social barriers and gain a sense of belonging and identity in new surroundings.
Mission and Objectives

 To give every child in Israel – regardless of background, religion or physical ability – the opportunity to learn the game of tennis
 To provide community development and outreach programs
 To promote and develop world class Israeli tennis players

Main Projects / Activities

We provide a healthy and structured environment for children and youth from all walks of life, teach values of cooperation, self reliance and persistence, and provide opportunities for every child to reach his own level of excellence. The Israel Tennis Center has also received the coveted Israel Prize in 1989 and the Prime Minister's Award in the framework of the 60th Anniversary Celebrations of Israel in 2008 for extraordinary work with children throughout the country. We provide programs for children at risk, for Ethiopian children, for disabled children (physically and mentally)and for toddlers and programs for Coexistence between Arab and Jewish Children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Nava Celnick
Head of the organisation
Mr. Danny Gelley - CEO

Jeune Chambre International de Tunis

National Network

National automobile club -Avenue Habib Bourguiba-

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

JCI TUNIS est une association a but non lucrative a intérêt national , avec plus de 100 membre, comme principal partenaire c’est l’Etat tunisienne, est les sociétés privée, nos action se base sur 4 domaine l’individu, la communauté, le monde des affaires affaires, et l’internationalisme

Mission and Objectives

Un mouvement international de jeunes décideurs acteur du progrès économique et communautaire de leur environnement

Main Projects / Activities

Projet2010 : 1-patrimoine culinaire, 2-biocarburant un pas vers le développement durable, 3-La finance islamique ,et 4-Un enfant Une Joie

Contact (1) Full Name
Asma Sarray
Head of the organisation
Manel Abelwahed
Contact (2) Full Name
Slimen Bousrih