Association Divers-Cités (Montpellier)

National Network

82 rue de la foret Noire 34080

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association culturelle loi 1901 à but non lucratif - 25 membres - partenariat avec le ministère des Marocains Residents à l'Etranger notamment sur le thème " enracinement sans déracinement" - la langue arabe un atout - diversité culturelle et linguistique - Partenarait avec l'association - Fondation Face Herault - Ville de Montpellier - Financement publique et privé - Modalités d'action : conferences - projection et realisation vidéo - enregistrement en studio - Projet actuel: "Art et Cohesion sociale" conferences à travers toutes la France en partenarait avec le Maroc
Mission and Objectives

Promotion de la culture et de la diversité via des actions artistiques ou autres - Cohesion Sociale - Lutte contre l'exclusion culturelle

Main Projects / Activities

Projet actuel: "Art et Cohesion sociale" conferences à travers toutes la France en partenarait avec le Ministere des Marocains résidents à l'etranger - Objectif : diversité culturelle et linguistique facteur de cohesion sociale, contribuer à la lutte contre l'exclusion culturelle et la mise en evidence de la richesse des apports de l'immigration maghrebine dans la société française via des conferences où sont invité le public, les élus, les entreprises et l'etat marocain - Thèmes abordés : Education - Le vivre ensemble - Formation et co-developpement.

Contact (1) Full Name


National Network

154 rue Louis Blanc
76100 Rouen

33 5 44733669
Mobile Phone
33 6 87165909
Mobile Phone (other)
33 6 31 97 17 25
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 1901. Compagnie de Théâtre de marionnette fondé par Marja Nykänen, JC Canivet & Marie de Bailliencourt. CA annuel moyen de 80 000 € dont 70 % en fond propre et 30 % en subvention (Ministère culturel, Région, Département, communauté commune et communes). Action : création, diffusion spectacles dans réseaux traditionnels et milieu rural en France et étranger accompagnés d'action pédagogiques avec les populations (jeune public, âgées, milieu rural, spécialisé)
Mission and Objectives

création et diffusion spectacle en s'appuyant sur des techniques traditionnelles de marionnettes (aquatiques, ombres, fils, gaines) pour faire émerger des formes nouvelles de cet art. Travail avec les populations sur les territoires.

Main Projects / Activities

création d'un projet sur la "Conférence des oiseaux" de Attar, avec l'auteur Mohamed Kacimi, projet de création espérant réunir plusieurs pays (France, Finlande et Maroc) prévu pour été 2012 pour la version française.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marja Nykänen
Head of the organisation
Marja Nykänen
Contact (2) Full Name
Jean Christophe Canivet

Labdaros ir paramos fondas "Žvaigždė Vakarė"

National Network

K. Donelaičio 79-1

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Foundation "Žvaigždė Vakarė" was established by three broad-minded individuals. The management of the Foundation consists of the director (head) and his/her assistant, and it is foreseen to employ three more trustees. There are several companies as a partners of the Foundation - JSC "ETKC", JSC "ULA Technologies", JSC "BVC" and JSC "Latava". Budgetary resources available in a year is a approximately 200.000 Litas (approx. 57.000 Eur). The foreseen sources of funding is private donations, two per cent of personal income-tax, donations from our partners and contribution from other business entities. It is foreseen to organize at least one project in 2011 (including the exchanges program and grants for the youth from socially insecure (disadvantaged)families), and to extend the activity to the assistance and contribution for the refugee youth in 2012.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Foundation is to make the contribution for the reduction of the social segregation of the youth from disadvantaged families and other vulnerable social groups.
There are two main goals in Foundation's activity. One of our primary objectives is to promote and encourage children and young people from disadvantages families and/or other vulnerable social groups for learning and studying.
Another goal is to make efforts for integrating the refugee youth to the local community by supporting their education and other activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation has a few areas of focus for its activity. In 2011 it is foreseen to run project designated to support and encourage the education of children and youth from disadvantages families. Grants will be available to help with education costs such as fees, books and equipment and travel. Grants will be normally made for one academic year at a time. If a grant is made for more than one year, payments in future years will be dependent on receipt of satisfactory progress reports from the individual’s school or university. Also the exchange program is a subject of negotiation with some partners, and exchange program guidelines are under development.
Project of 2012 is designated to promote the integration of refugee children and youth (especially those of Arabian nationality) into local community. Certain funds will be allocated for the educational and cultural programs that will include seminars and lectures on Lithuanian culture, traditions, history and basic laws, meetings and joint events with peers from local community and tailored trips/excursions to some Lithuanian historical places, museums and cultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asta Raškinienė
Head of the organisation
Asta Raškinienė


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 33 215-088
Telephone (other)
+387 33 223-333
+387 33 223-285
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 893 000
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 61 433 788
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has six full time employees and 187 members/volunteers of the organization. For the year 2010 256.234,00 KM (around 131.000,00 EUR)has been spent. Most of the money 95,5% came from the international donors (Germany and Switzerland) and 1,5 from local government and organizations. In our work we are collaborating with other local NGOs (KULT,IPAK, SOS Kinderdorf, Center of Democracy, Medica Zenica, Bread of St. Anthony, New Generation, Foundation for Creative Development, Center for Promotion of Civil Society, Catholic Relief Service) as well as with local government (various ministries, schools, centers for social work).
Mission and Objectives

The focus of work is directed towards causes of addiction. NARKO-NE is educating, supporting and following peer leaders (high school and university students), who are working on activities of practical primary prevention of addiction. We are giving the possibility to youth to gain knowledge and skills so they could through volunteer engagement reduce the risk of emergence of addiction and promote healthy life styles in their community.
Our work is based on informal and participative learning methods with a goal to change behaviour in leasure time. Through professional programmes we are educating our associates from other partner governmental and non-governmental organizations who are supporting and following work of volunteers.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2010 two programmes with several projects have been implemented. "Sign Posts to Healthy Society" consists of four projects directed towards "universal" prevention (Intercity media project, Intercity theatre project, Preventive magazine Preventeen, Intercultural creative weeks.)Second programme is directed towards "selective" prevention. Project "Older Brother, Older Sister" has been implemented and in addition Network Older Brother Older Sister BiH has been further developed. Second project "Education of mentors for work with group of volunteers" consists of six other pilot projects (Training of life skills, Workshops for studying, From playing to Friendship, Creative workshops for children who work in the street in Daily center, Individual coaching for volunteers, Follow ups). These projects give opportunity to students to work with children from rural, marginalized population (Roma, vulnerable children, children in orphanages, girls).

Contact (1) Full Name
s. Magdalena Schildknecht
Head of the organisation
s. Magdalena Schildknecht
Contact (2) Full Name
Natasa Kovacevic

Centre of Arab and Mediterranean Music

National Network

Palais Ennejma Ezzahra 8, rue du 2 mars 1934 2026 Sidi Bou Saïd
Sidi Bou Said

+ 216 71 746 051
Telephone (other)
+ 216 71 740 102
+ 216 71 981 038
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

- Public administrative establishment endue of civil personality and financial autonomy, non -profit organization , ] - Direction / administrative and financial under-direction / Record library under -direction / documentation service / musical animation service / research and studies services . -52 full time employees + contractual partners ( specific projects ). - Budget: approx. 350000 Euros. - State subsidies : different Embassies in Tunisia , CEE , Associations or foreign organizations ( as In Chordais/Greece or Scum/France) .

Mission and Objectives

- Safeguard of the Tunisian, Arabic and Mediterranean musical heritage, through collection, research, filing, musical production , books edition, CDs edition, popularization operations, punctual trainings , scientific meetings .

Main Projects / Activities

-Nearly 40 concerts organized per year . - Organization of conferences and seminars . - Masterclass and workshops regularly organized for young musicians . - Specific manifestations supporting Mediterranean rivers youth meetings like Virtuosos in Ennejma Ezzahra” whose the last edition in February 2006 registered the participation of 15 Arab and European countries . - CDs and books editions . - Organization of musicologic and artistic days in the form of scientific meetings and concerts with the participation of musicologists and musicians of Arab and European countries around various instruments like the “oud and the lute in 96”, the qanun in 1998, the violin in 2001, the “nay in 2002 and percussion in 2004.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Directrice générale
Head of the organisation
Saima Samoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Ali Hammami
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire général

Keren Lahaim

National Network

POB 15122

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our team includes CEO, Resources Manager, Volunteers Manager, Kindergarten Teacher, and 2 volunteers. Our sources of funding include government support, various funds that support our specific projects, and private companies/individuals that are committed to helping us. Our target community is kindergarten children and youth at risk. we currently run 2 projects in that area. Our main partners include the Haifa Municipality Welfare Dept., Kiryat Mozkin Wellfare Municipality, and Hof Hacarmel Municiplity.
Mission and Objectives

To support kindergarten children and youth at risk by operating supplementary programmes for the community.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Supporting 5 Care Clubs for kindergarten children at risk, from rough neigborhoods: We
(A) provide hot meals daily,
(B) help the children overcome their educational gap and prepare them for Grade A, and
(C) run a parenting skills workshop for the parents.
2. Support a Culinary Arts Class for youth at risk in Kiryat Ata. The training has been approved by the Ministry of Education and includes an official Chef's certificate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Noam Nevo
Head of the organisation
Ms. Galit Shemesh

Center for Advancement in Peace Initiatives

National Network

King George 14


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
CAPI was created by four distinguished peace activists who have numerously stood out for their commitment towards peace and their academic as well as political achievements.Mossi, Raz, former member of the Knesset, and co-director of the Palestinian-Israeli radio channel “ Peace voice”, Dr. Paul Mendes Flor, University professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. Shalom Ratzabi, prominent Israeli poet and Professor at Tel Aviv University, Dr. Meir Margalit, member of the Municipality Council of Jerusalem and Coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). Member who have already joined CAPI: Haim Tarsick Meir Abutbul, Claude Rozenkovich, Yosi bar Maguen, Moli Malkiar, Rutty El Raz. CAPIs main source of funding is the Spanish Cooperation Agency.
Mission and Objectives

CAPI is an Israeli non-profit organization which promotes projects and activities to enhance peace and coexistence between the Israeli and Palestinian people. Alongside, CAPI also provides legal assistance to victi
ms of the occupation, house demolitions or evictions.
The main focus CAPI therefore takes regards issues such as humanist education, human rights, conflict resolution, as well as awareness raising.

Main Projects / Activities

Since November 2010, CAPI is implementing a project focused on israeli students, which includes human rights seminars, political tours and conferences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meir Margalit
Head of the organisation
Meir Margalit

Net in Action

National Network

Address: Via Mezzofanti 18 , Bologna , Emilia Romagna ,
Post. Code 40137


+39 340 561 7769
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Net in action (NIA) is a volunteering organisation that organise international, volunteering, educational and formative activities related to the field of social inclusion. NIA has been founded by several volunteers that come from different volunteering experiences mainly international ones.
Mission and Objectives

Inside the framework of socially excluded citizens the main target groups NIA is working with are ex-offenders, migrants, and people in rehabilitation centers. In this field NIA got extensive expertise and is cooperating with the Bologna Justice Centre, with several migrants volunteering organisation and with local rehabilitation centres. With this partner NIA is developing concrete formative and mobility projects both locally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion and spreand of information about volunteering, projects on social inclusion, intercultural communication...

Contact (1) Full Name
Savino di Noia
Head of the organisation
Salvatore Martello

EVA - European Volunteering Association

National Network

Via Crisafulli Elia, 2 - 90128 Palermo (PA)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
E.V.A. European Volunteering Association is an activity organization for philanthropy placed in Palermo, Italy. From time to time we organize meetings, debates, conferences, exhibitions, events, cultural exchanges and / or scientific, cultural twinning and promote the dissemination and promotion of gender issues inherent in the young and the old age and the states of social problems;
Mission and Objectives

• study and develop new and already implemented in collaboration with other research institutions and voluntary associations to monitor the needs on the ground and then modulate the actions against the persons referred to social order,
• promote initiatives that encourage dialogue, comparison, coordination of 'action and operational effectiveness among the various groups and associations in the town of Palermo and the surrounding towns;
• Promoting information activities and training aimed at teenagers, their families and parents of children for a deepening of their educational functions ,
• Protecting, developing defensive action, awareness and knowledge, the rights of disadvantaged groups in the corporate purpose;
• promote the emergence of the problem of early school leaving and social exclusion, in front of the public in order to involve private and public institutions and improve the existing services and to involve these institutions in building a widespread culture of respect for the rights of the weakest sectors of society.
• Educate to voluntary cultural, social welfare, culture of legality and fight the mafia, to 'education and the civil liability, active citizenship and equal opportunities ;

Main Projects / Activities

• promote and enhance a concrete idea of open and multicultural society, which identified 'Immigration and nell'intercultura a resource for the community,
• develop cultural, artistic, recreational and addressed to the above objectives, and to search for forms of support for achieving the aims of the association,
• encourage and support pathways to prevent hardship and youth initiatives support and support related to new staff;
• collaborate and participate in service projects promoted by public bodies, so that they can not substitute for the expertise of these public bodies, and private, in keeping with the aims of the Association and of the same legislation legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dario Torregrossa
Head of the organisation
Dario Torregrossa

Associazione Piccoli Progetti Possibili o.n.l.u.s.

National Network

via Pio Piras n°8

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization number of staff employed: 1 employed, 2 professionals (1 project manager with experience on international cooperation and a cultural mediator, with experience in matter of migrants), 1 cooperant, 15 volunteers with specialization in various field. Partners. local partners in Ciad, CIDIS, Cemsi onlus (center for intercultural dialogue in mediterranean area), University of Sassari, University of Ndjamena. Budgetary resources available in a year: about 150.000 euros Sources of funding( own resources, regional/national contributions). Modalities of action: concrete projects, exchanges, seminars. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Cidis, Cemsi,University of Sassari, University of Ndjamena, Centro d'Ascolto Madonna del Rosario, Fondazione ANRP onlus
Mission and Objectives

International cooperation in sustainability development with non EU countries (especially African countries). Development of project in cultural and social field in Italy: integration of migrants, integration of vulnerable groups in society. Promotion of cultural dialogue in the Mediterranean through seminars and partnership.

Main Projects / Activities

4 Concrete project in Ciad: establishment of a Faculty of Agriculture in Chad, support to rural schools in Chad, a project on gender promotion, various project in favour of poor farmers.
support to higher education of African migrants, the institution cidis (international observatory for the Dialogue in the Mediterranean and Black Sea)

Contact (1) Full Name
Orlanducci Enzo
Head of the organisation
Dr. Angelo Pittau
Contact (2) Full Name
Oliveri Cinzia