Slovene Philanthropy - Association for promotion of voluntary work

National Network

Poljanska cesta 12

+386 1 430 12 88
+386 1 430 12 89
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+386 51 351 340
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and: Slovene Philanthropy´s mission is carried out in three different centers: Centre for Development and promotion of Voluntary Work, Centre for Psychosocial Assistance to Refugees, and Centre for Promotion of Health. Each centre is running its own programs but all have been closely cooperating and interweaving their activities. No. of staff: 22. Budgetary resources available in a year 2009: 821.462 Eur. Orgnisation´s usual surce of funding: FIHO – Foundation for Finacing Disability and Humanitarina Organizations, European commission, Norwegian and EEA Finacial Mechanisms, Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Ministry of Interiaor, Ministry of Public Administration, ministry of Education and Sport, Municipality of Ljubljana, private donors, membership fees, publishing activity, own sources from services. Modalities of action: concrete projects, promotion, education, networking, advocacy, psychosocial assistance ... Main partners involved in the organisation´s projects/activities: voluntary organizations, organizations from the field of migration …
Mission and Objectives

Slovene Philanthropy is an independent, non-governmental, non political, non-profit organisation, established in 1992, with aim to developing and promoting different forms of humanitarian activities in Slovenia. Its objective is to encourage and pread volunteering and other charity work in social field by developing programs of voluntary work, by promoting volunteering through training and educating volunteers, organizers and mentors of voluntary work, raising public awareness on voluntary work and developing the network of voluntary organizations throughout Slovenia. Care for social security of citizens and legal protection of vulnerable social groups are important activities of the association as well.
Centre for Psychosocial Assistance to Refugees was established in 1994 under the umbrella of Slovene Philanthropy. The main project activities of the centre are: guardianships for separated children, monitoring of reception conditions for asylum-seekers in Slovenia, integration programs for refugees and other migrants …

Main Projects / Activities

- Dissemination and developing of voluntary work in Slovenia,
- Projects for asylum seekers and refugees (psychosocial assistance, advocacy, learning assistance, organising of events …),
- Projects for separated children (guardianship, learning assistance, organising of activities, advocacy …),
- Advocacy for migrant workers,
- Programs tailored to young migrant integration,
- Film festival: On the road,
- Training and education activities for volunteers and experts,
- Health centre for people without health insurance,
- Voluntary work in hospitals,
- Promotion of sexual and reproductive health,
- Global education and development cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Franci Zlatar
Head of the organisation
Tereza Novak

Chios Institute for Mediterranean Affairs (CIMA)

National Network

Pirgos, Volissos Village,Chios 82103, Greece

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
As CIMA is a young organisation, the hierarchy is flat organised. The head of CIMA is the board of directors, consisting of 4 members. The board is steering and controlling the work of the three departments, dealing with relation to Euromed Entrepreneurs, Civil Society and Academic contacts. Beside the Board of directors, the Honorable Board is advising and supervising the work of CIMA. CIMA has at the moment a total staff of 8, not included volunteers in the CIMA Network. CIMA is depending on one hand on fund-raising and external support for the different events and sources as European Union funds and income through conferences. As CIMA is in its first business year, no exact numbers on the budget can be given yet. CIMA is working together with a variety of partners on different programmes. Partners are local institutions, companies and organisations for activities on Chios, up to international Institutes, Universities, Network and Think Tanks for the Euromed Fora. In General CIMA is open for all interested partners in order to organise sustainable projects. The activities of CIMA are open for all interested individuals, organisations or companies. The Calls for papers are published via our Homepage and Social Media.
Mission and Objectives

CIMA facilitates developments fostering awareness of the Euro-Mediterranean project through the following four channels:
1. The provision of services for entrepreneurs who wish to develop their activities at the basin level to contribute to the development of an entrepreneurial spirit and to the regional creation of economic activity;
2. The lobbying of public authorities to promote basin-oriented projects, thus contributing to the diffusion of a spirit of regional trust and cooperation;
3. Participation in the ongoing political and academic debate concerning Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, with the aim to inform the public thus facilitating the appropriation of the project by the peoples;
4. The organisation of civil society meetings, cultural events and professional trainings at the basin level, contributing to the mobility of both persons and ideas as well as promoting cultural dialog.
In so doing, CIMA wishes to contribute to the fulfillment of the ambitious objectives set forth by the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the European Neighborhood Policy.

Main Projects / Activities

CIMA is organising different kind of events, bringing together people from allover the Euromed Region.
The current activities are:
- The Euromed Forum for Cultural Diplomacy
- The Euromed Forum for Young Researchers
- The Chios Summer School on Sustainable Tourism
Further on CIMA is engaged in supporting different cultural events and in preparing projects in international networks.
A permanent Internship program is launched at the headquarter of CIMA on the island of Chios.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Barthel
Head of the organisation
Eleftherios Eleftheriadis
Contact (2) Full Name
Mathieu Rousselin

Stichting Arab Film Festival (Foundation Arab Film Festival)

National Network

Postbus 218
3000 AE Rotterdam

010 244 48 15
Telephone (other)
010 225 09 52
010 476 99 15
Mobile Phone
06 22 800 825
Mobile Phone (other)
06 14 233 013
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

1- Foundation Arab Film Festival has a board of 3 members and a staff of 25 workers (3 full time, and 22 freelancers) and around 50 volunteers. 2- The AFF budget is € 250.000, a year. 3- The main sources of funding are governmental organisations and Dutch cultural funds 4- The AFF organise film festivals, seminars, workshops and debates. 5- The main partners of the AFF are: Municipality of Rotterdam, VSB funds, Doen Foundation, Thuis Kopie Funds, and The Euro med of the EU

Mission and Objectives

The Arab film Festival – Rotterdam is a yearly cultural activity organized by the FAFF, the object of the festival is to support the Arab cinema and the Arab filmmakers, to promote better understanding among the Arab and European people, and to be a means for developing the art of film industry. The festival take place for 24 days during the month of June from every year, in Rotterdam and four other Dutch cities.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organisation of the yearly Rotterdam Arab Film Festival - Organisation of Caravan Euro-Arab Cinema in The Hague, Amsterdam, Utrecht, and other Dutch cities - Organisation of workshops - Organisation of debates, seminars…

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Chouket (Director)
Head of the organisation
Rosh Abdelfatah
Contact (2) Full Name
Wafaa Boubnad

Individual member: Mr. Han Bakker

National Network

Egelantiersstraat 167
1015 RA Amsterdam

00 31 6 11 36 16 40
00 31 20 625 84 72
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Han Bakker is a consultant working in the field of international cultural relations. Han Bakker was part of the program staff of Rotterdam Cultural Capital 2001, was responsible for the international cultural program of the Netherlands EU Presidency 2004 and is currently responsible for the development of the House of Cultural Dialogue in the Netherlands, which from September on, gradually will develop into a national and international program. It’s main source of financing are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture. Organisation, budget, project are currently under discussion.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Han Bakker
Head of the organisation
Han Bakker

Individual member: Mr. Dick Douwes, Erasmus University

National Network

PO. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam

+31 104082487
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Erasmus University Rotterdam has been in existence in its present form since 1973. Its history, however, dates back to 1913, the year in which the Netherlands School of Commerce was founded through private initiative with broad support from the Rotterdam business community. The statutory recognition of higher education in commerce and economics as an academic discipline resulted in 1939 in a change of name. The NHH became the NEH or Netherlands School of Economics.

Mission and Objectives

The principal tasks of Erasmus University Rotterdam are the generation and transfer of knowledge proceeding from a high degree of social engagement. To this end, the university pursues knowledge in an inquiring, critical, investigative and flexible manner, with a strong international orientation and based on the values of professionalism, teamwork and fair play.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Dick Douwes
Head of the organisation
Dick Douwes

Individual member: Ms. Jeanneke Den Boer

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Jeanneke Den Boer
Head of the organisation
Ms. Jeanneke Den Boer

Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT) (Royal Tropical Institute)

National Network

P.O. Box 95001

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) is an independent centre of knowledge and expertise in the areas of international and intercultural cooperation. KIT is a not-for-profit organization that works for both the public and the private sector in collaboration with partners in the Netherlands and abroad. KIT conducts research, organizes training activities, and provides consultancy and information services. Central to KIT's approach is the elaboration of practical expertise in policy development and implementation. KIT stewards cultural heritage, organizes exhibitions and other cultural events, and provides a venue for meetings and debate.
Mission and Objectives

The aims of KIT are to contribute to sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and cultural preservation and exchange. Within the Netherlands, it seeks to promote interest in and support for these issues. KIT conducts research, organizes training activities, and provides consultancy and information services. Central to KIT's approach is the elaboration of practical expertise in policy development and implementation. KIT stewards cultural heritage, organizes exhibitions and other cultural events, and provides a venue for meetings and debate. A key objective underlying KIT's work is to enhance and exchange knowledge of and understanding for different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

KIT Development Policy & Practice
KIT Intercultural Management & Communication
KIT Information & Library Services
KIT Publishers
KIT Tropentheater
Tropenmuseum Junior
KIT Tropenmuseum

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Mirjam Shatanawi (Conservator Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika)

Universal Esperanto Association - Commission for Middle East and North Africa

National Network

Nieuwe Binnenweg, 176NL- RotterdamNederland

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- UEA is a Non Governmental Organization, in relation with Unesco and UN. It employs 10 people. The Commission for Middle East and North Africa is a specialized branch of UEA, consisting of people from Europe and Arab speaking countries. - for the Commission: 5 to 10 thousand euro per year. - donation by Esperanto speaking people. - Courses of the international language Esperanto by internet or in presence, workshops, congresses.
Mission and Objectives

To teach the international language Esperanto and to use it as a tool for bringing toghether peoples from Europe and the countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

- An internet course in Arabic, - Congresses. See about the last in Amman:

Contact (1) Full Name
Renato Corsetti, Via del Castello, 1 IT-00036 Palestrina, Italy
Head of the organisation
President of the Commission - Marie Helène Dessart

Coiste Na N-Iarchimi

National Network

10 Beechmount Ave, Belfast BT 12 7NA

028 90 200770
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Coiste Na N-Iarchimi is the umbrella organisation of the former Republican political prisoner network throughout Ireland. We have 12 formal groups based in various parts of the country, and a number of informal groups associated with us. Our network would employ 65 full-time workers and numerous volunteers. We are funded through the European Peace fund, set up to address the legacy of the conflict here in Ireland.Our main areas of work include, conflict resolution, legacy, advocacy,youth, political tourism,support services and education, consortium (Former political activists)inter-community and inter-national engagements. Our main partners in this project are Community Foundation Northern Ireland. We interact and engage with other governmental, statutory, and community organisations accross the island of Ireland.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: 'Coiste Na N-Iarchimi is the umbrella organisation encompassing groups and individuals working for the social, economic and emotional well being of current and former Republican prisoners and their families. Coiste Na N-Iarchimi co-ordinates the efforts of its members in an atmosphere of self help, encouragement and mutual aid.'

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects include, legal initiatives relating to discriminatory practice and injustice against former political prisoners, support and counseling services, education burseries, youth: local, national and international events, summer camps, arts, drama, inter-community engagement, schools and colleges, outreach with ethnic minorities and local communities, educational projects, inter-generational and sectarianism, political tours of areas of conflict, working with victims groups and former political opponents, peace building projects with young people, citizenship and global programmes and youth work, skills and good practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Danny Murphy
Head of the organisation
Micheal Culbert
Contact (2) Full Name
Micheal Culbert


National Network

IV proleterske 1

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
The PHENOMENES is an NGO organisation estabilished in 2005 and based in Kolašin, city on the North of Montenegro. Fenomeni’s mission is to promote cultural and artistic values, to link cultural differences, to develop cultural and social citizen’s consciousness, to stimulate professionalism in the media, to develop educative media’s role in a society throw different social, cultural, media and educative contents offered to citizens. Also, the NGO FENOMENI is very active in the society with the aim to overcome social and cultural differences.
Mission and Objectives

Vision of the Association is: Culture Without Borders
The mission of the Association of phenomena: Linking Cultural diversity, developing cultural and social awareness of the citizens. Promoting professionalism in the media, develop educational role of media in society through the provision of social, cultural, and educational content medisjkih citizens. Action in the community to overcome social prejudices and cultural differences.

Main Projects / Activities

NGO Phenomena has been a partner in the project of the Regional Centre advocacy NGOs Nature as well as the project raising the criteria in the touristic services. Donor of the project : USAID-ORT.
Also, NGOs Phenomena are involved as a partner in the implementation of other projects of the NGO Nature: the making brochure of the Botanical Garden, and create a web site for the Touristic organization of Kolasin. Currently we are partners in the project "Center for promotion of sustainable development" implemented by NGOs in collaboration with the Rokfeler Brothers Foundation.
Our NGO have been supported the Balkan Fund for the project "Economic empowerment of women" which was implemented during 2007. year.
In 2007 we realized project "Cultural heritage of Kolasin.
Also, in March 2007. NGO Phenomena have become part of the coalition "For our city," which is under the Watchdog project followed the work of the newly formed municipal police in Kolasin. The project was funded by USAID / ORT and implemented by the NGO-Fondas from Podgorica.
In 2007. and 2008 the Phenomena implemented the project titled "What people say?" which was supported by the Montenegrin Parliament.
During 2008 the Phenomena implemented educational and promotional campaign, "You have right to know". Part of the activities supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection.
NGO Phenomena in 2009 start with publishing books. We are publish book of stories "Heroes".
In 2009 NGO Phenomena are realized by the project when I know I will not say which part of the funds received from the Commission for the allocation of money from the revenue from games of chance.
The Phenomena participation as a partner in two projects of NGOs Parents for pupil`s: the project Open School, as well in organizing activities in Kolasin Amateur Theatre.
In 2010 we carried out programs about cultural heritage of Muslim and Bosnians in the north of Montenegro, the project about young people and their health. In 2010 we get some funds for publishing activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Slobodan Šabeljić