WYG savjetovanje

National Network

Zemunička 4

+385 1 384 3684
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
WYG SAVJETOVANJE is a Croatian company specialising in consultancy related to the EU programmes and projects. We have currently 6 employees. Most of them are Croatian experts having many years of experience in different socio-economic sectors, but also the experience in working in different intercultural settings and within the teams consisting of experts coming from different European countries. Projects that we are currently implementing in Croatia are EU-funded projects in the sectors of education, employment and infrastructure. Furthermore, we are a member of an international (European) consultancy WYG Group that has for many years acted as a positive catalyst in improving the quality of life for people in over 40 countries, by working with governments to meet their social obligations and by helping foster social and economic development of the countries and people.
Mission and Objectives

Our focus is to provide technical assistance and training to different Croatian public and private institutions and companies. We are mostly working in the socio-economic field, especially in the sectors of regional development, human resources development and labour market. We are also providing education to the adult learners in the form of seminars and trainings around the themes that are related to the European integration and Croatian accession to the European Union (EU).
Our goal is to help Croatian beneficiaries understand European policies, reap the benefits of the EU pre-accession assistance and the EU programmes which are opened to Croatian participants.

Main Projects / Activities

WYG SAVJETOVANJE core business is related to the European context and working in trans-national environment. We are providing technical assistance to Croatian institutions and all other legal entities in preparing and implementing their, mostly, EU-funded projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rahela Jurković
Head of the organisation
Davor Čilić

Hyvärilä Youth Centre of Finland

National Network

Lomatie 12
75500 Nurmes

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00358 505708634
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Hyvärilä Youth and Holiday Centre is one of Finland’s 9 Youth Centres financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Hyvärilä has functioned as a national youth centre since 1982. Hyvärilä exists through and for the young. Our special strength is our wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. As a youth centre, we develop our activities in accordance with the ideas of sustainable development and to keep a Quality Handbook. ' Hyvärilä Youth and Holiday Centre serves travellers, youth and event organisers on the north shore of Lake Pielinen in Nurmes, Finland. We provide accommodation and catering as well as facilities for events and celebrations. We form part of the Bomba tourist area. The all year round resort amenities include various saunas, course centre, hiking paths and nature trails, canoes, fishing equipment, snow shoes, rowing boats and handicraft activities, to name a few. We offer a wide selection of comfortable accommodation possibilities from high standard holiday apartments to modest hostel rooms. The Karelian nature with its tree-covered hills, the proximity of wilderness at the eastern border and the integration of the orthodox and Karelian cultures into the programmes of Hyvärilä is considered as the strengths of the centre. In addition, Lake Pielinen offers a perfect setting for water activities, such as paddling, fishing and rowing a church boat. A safety and environment auditing is carried out in Hyvärilä. Our instructors are professionals and take the safety of our guests into consideration when planning our programmes.

Mission and Objectives

Hyvärilä exists through and for the young. Our special strength is our wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. As a youth centre, we develop our activities in accordance with the ideas of sustainable development and to keep a Quality Handbook. We produce youth services for the town of Nurmes: confidential personal contact, coaches, facilities, activities. We aim to offer happiness and a sense of direction to youngsters through confidential dialogue, coaching, facilities for doing things. We act as partners in strengthening social skills, healthy habits and everyday life skills for the young. Nuotta-coaching, for example, provides opportunities to try new activities. The Nuotta-coach provides support, feedback and helps in processing experiences. Coaching is planned to meet the individual needs of each youngster through co-operation. One of our most important functions is to help youngsters to find their own path to multi-culturalism. We’re a member of the European Network of Youth Centres, aimed at promoting international youth travel. It’s our job to find the best way for each individual – most important is personal motivation. The goal is to improve the internationalization of the Finnish youth, as well as to provide unforgettable non-formal learning experiences for the visiting international youth groups. The purpose of all the international youth work is to promote acceptance of difference, cultural understanding, cultural awareness and intercultural dialogue. We practise multi-culturalism also at Hyvärilä: foreign volunteers and trainees keep us on our toes even when we’re not hosting international events!

Main Projects / Activities

Hyvärilä exists through and for the young. Our special strength is our wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. As a youth centre, we develop our activities in accordance with the ideas of sustainable development and to keep a Quality Handbook. We produce youth services for the town of Nurmes: confidential personal contact, coaches, facilities, activities. We aim to offer happiness and a sense of direction to youngsters through confidential dialogue, coaching, facilities for doing things. We act as partners in strengthening social skills, healthy habits and everyday life skills for the young. Nuotta-coaching, for example, provides opportunities to try new activities. The Nuotta-coach provides support, feedback and helps in processing experiences. Coaching is planned to meet the individual needs of each youngster through co-operation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Youth Centre is able and willing to contribute our experience and expertise from the past 35 years of youth work and educational activities. We are hoping to engage in the network, also through bringing our own regional, national and international partners and their knowledge to the table. As mentioned before, our activities and projects involving children, young people and professionals working with them can be also offered to support the field of youth work and education through the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our interest is to diversify our practices, and gain more reliable partners to work with. We feel that the ALF network could be a potential way to do so, and are keen to explore the opportunities it offers to the Youth Centre's strategy and daily practices. We hope to be able to set up new initiatives and projects that are aligned with both, our and ALF networks aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ekaterina Sysoeva
Job Title
International Coordinator
Head of the organisation

Tampere University of Applied Sciences / MEDA-Institute

National Network

Kuntokatu 3, FIN-33521, Tampere
00000 Tampere

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information

www.tamk.fi, www.medainstitute.fi, www.logivo.fi

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Anasse Bouhlal
Head of the organisation

Individual member: Mrs Anneli Jäätteenmäki

National Network


+32-2-284 5614
+32-2-284 9614
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
Member of European Parliament, Former Prime Minister and Minister of Justice in Finland
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

- Member on Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection
- Member on Committee on Women's' Rights and Gender Equality
- Member on Delegation for relations with the United States
- Substitute Member on Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Substitute Member on Subcommittee on Security and Defense
- Substitute Member on Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
Specific responsibilities include: EP reporter on Barcelona process

Contact (1) Full Name
Member of European Parliament, Mrs Anneli Jäätteenmäki

Initiative Urbaine

National Network

9, rue Ibn Al Baittar
Derb Saad
Hay Mohammedi


00212 5 22 61 77 91
Telephone (other)
00212 5 22 60 59 52
00212 5 22 60 47 00
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00212 6 61 20 10 98
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Initiative Urbaine a été crée par des jeunes femmes et hommes bénévoles du quartier Hay Mohammedi. L'association est organisée autour de 3 espaces: un siège social, un centre de langues et de communication, et un espace omnisports. L'association est actuellement composée de 6 salariés permanents, 12 salariés contractuels, 34 enseignants vacataires et une trentaine de bénévoles actifs. L'association a deux sources de financements: - Fonds propres par activité à travers le soutien scolaire, les cours de langue et l'informatique - Fonds par projets, venants de l'Union Européenne, la Fondation de France, la Fondation du Futur, l'INDH. Initiative Urbaine met en place des projets de développement territorial dans les domaines de l'accompagnement parascolaire, l'orientation et la formation professionnelle, la démocratie et la participation citoyenne, les arts urbains. Initiative Urbaine a des partenaires nationaux et internationaux, avec lesquels des conventions cadres ont été signées, tel que Dia et Étudiants & Développement. Initiative Urbaine est membre du Programme Concerté Maroc depuis 2006, et a intégré le comité de pilotage en 2011.
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
Initiative Urbaine vise l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des habitants et l’épanouissement de la jeunesse de Hay Mohammedi, par la promotion et la participation aux actions communautaires.
Notre ambition est que nos projets s’inscrivent dans une démarche de transformation des mécanismes plutôt que l’aide à des services directs – certes nécessaires – mais ne reflétant pas nos orientations.
Objectifs :
- Améliorer le niveau de scolarité des enfants et des jeunes
- Renforcer l’employabilité des femmes et des hommes, jeunes et adultes
- Consolider le lien entre la population et son territoire

Main Projects / Activities

Initiative Urbaine mène des activités dans 3 domaines principaux:
- Education et accompagnement parascolaire; soutien scolaire, cours de langue, informatique, alphabétisation, club enfant et sport.
- Animation du territoire et participation citoyenne; formation et mise en réseau des associations de Hay Mohammedi; recueil de la mémoire des habitants de Hay Mohammedi et publication d'un livre; renforcement et développement des arts urbains; renforcement des capacités de participation des enfants à la vie démocratique locale.
- Orientation, formation et insertion professionnelle; constitution d'un guide des pratiques dans le domaine (dans le cadre du Programme Concerté Maroc), formation et professionnalisation des jeunes animateurs, accueil et orientation professionnelle des jeunes diplômés chômeurs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noémie GAILLARD, Responsable Département Développement & Partenariat
Head of the organisation
Abdeljalil BAKKAR, Président
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilham AASSAASSI, Assistante Département Développement & Partenariat

International Foundation For Training & Development

National Network

LOT BELBEKKAR 1 , Rue Chorfa , N 816

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Œuvrer pour l’amélioration du bien être de la population aux caractéristiques socio économique dégradantes par l'encadrement pédagogique, artistique, culturel, sociale, sportif, sanitaire, des enfants & des jeunes. Sa Vision : IFTD est une association structurée, capable de mobiliser et faire impliquer les acteurs locaux pour améliorer le bien être dans un climat de démocratie et de solidarité. Ses Moyens : 1. Des actions de proximité. 2. Une bonne communication avec les acteurs locaux (société civile, ONG , services techniques, commune et autorité locale. 3. Grande capacité de mobilisation. 4. Une meilleure connaissance pratique du terrain 5. Une diversité de profils 6. Une adhésion inconditionnelle des groupes cibles, aux apports de l’action. 7. l’intégration de l’approche genre dans toutes les activités. Sa méthodologie du travail Une approche participative : La population est impliquée dans les différents projets mis en place aussi bien au niveau de la conception (dialogue, débats, analyse de situation, identification des besoins, dimensionnement des composantes des projets) et de la réalisation, qu’au niveau du suivi (maintenance, entretien et gestion)à travers des atelier de concertation.
Mission and Objectives

Ses objectifs et Axes d’interventions :
1. Apporter l'encadrement nécessaire aux femmes en vue de les insérer dans le développement durable.
2. le Renforcement des capacités des acteurs du développement local
3. renforcement de compétences des associations
4. Contribuer au soutien à la scolarisation des jeunes filles rurales.
5. Améliorer la qualité de vie de la population à partir de la considération de l'être humain comme valeur en soi.
6. Contribuer à la promotion du développement humain, par le biais des programmes de l'éducation, sensibilisation et motivation socio-économique.

Main Projects / Activities

newly-established organisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Mhamed EN-NOSSE
Head of the organisation
Mr Mhamed EN-NOSSE
Contact (2) Full Name

Association Zraig pour le développement et la cooperation

National Network

Hay Al Imarat N°1 B.P : 29 Guenfouda

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

le bureau de l'association est composé de 9 membres élus par mandat de 4 ans;l'association cherche les ressources auprès des bailleurs de fond internationaux.l'association est sur le point de finir la dernière tranche du projet de lutte contre l'échec scolaire avec un budget de 2000000dh.principaux partenaires: agence de développement social et programme concerté maroc

Mission and Objectives

1)- Développement économique social et culturel de la région 2)- Formation professionnelle et assistance des jeunes 3)- promoteurs Encouragement et encadrement des agriculteurs et des éleveurs 4)- Perfectionnement des sports 5)- Soutien des : femmes, jeunes, enfants et indices 6). Soutien du domaine culturel et encouragement de la scolarisation

Main Projects / Activities

Activités principales : Soutien et sensibilisation, scolarisation, amélioration du niveau de vie de la population rurale - Donne des sessions dans l’éducation sur les droits de l’enfant et la citoyenneté pour les enfants de l’établissement scolaire a la commune rurale de Guenfouda. -la création d’une classe de préscolaire à l’école EL BAIDAK de Guenfouda nombre des bénéficiaires 20 enfants en partenariat avec la délégation de l’éducation nationale JERADA. - création d’un espace vert qui contient un café et deux boutiques nombre des bénéficiaires 3 en partenariat avec l’I.N.D.H. -financement de 23 projets pour améliorer la situation des familles pauvres par des crédits sans intérêt en partenariat avec l’association ISSAAF Jerada solidarité et développement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abbaoui Mohamed
Head of the organisation
Abbaoui Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Hicham Moumeni

Three Faiths Forum Middle East

National Network


077 511 6533
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Three Faiths Forum Middle East brings together Israeli Jews, Christians and Muslims who would otherwise not have come into contact with one another. The programmes we run are of an educational nature, based on learning about the identity of the other through faith and texts. Based in Jerusalem, we run our programme in different educational settings. Our three main projects seek to engage young Jews, Christians and Muslims, who never before had the opportunity to explore faith and identity together. These encounters encourage people to interact in a positive way with each other who might never before have looked each other in the eye. Our particular niche lies in the value that faith provides the deepest talking point there is: it informs our society, our community, our culture, our religion, our family and our day-to-day life. There is no other aspect of life, here, based in Jerusalem, that provides a starting conversation point for all these areas of life. This value is transformed into practice through our day-to-day activities where workshops are designed and run in conjunction with other organisations in the field, to fulfil the aim of involving Jews, Christians and Muslims in bespoke faith-based workshops. Working closely with other interfaith organisations in the region, who welcome our particular focus on education and young people in the greater realm of coexistence work, we run programmes in conjunction with the Israel Encounter Association, Interreligious Coordinating Council of Israel and the Jerusalem Inter Cultural Centre to name just three of our partners. Our work combines the dynamism of a tried and tested educational programme, the challenge of the Israeli-Palestinian setting and the prestige (and funding until Dec 2010)of the Three Faiths Forum.
Mission and Objectives

The Three Faiths Forum Middle East offers bespoke educational programmes to Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem who would otherwise never meet, let alone interact.
The programmes we run encourage young people to learn about each other recognising faith as the key component to religious identity. Our two main programmes seek to engage young Jews, Christians and Muslims by giving them the opportunity to explore questions of faiths and identities together.
These programmes aim to foster positive dialogue encounters which participants will draw upon for a lifetime.

Main Projects / Activities

Hospitals Programme:
Over one hundred Israeli and Palestinian students studying medicine and nursing in Israeli hospitals took part in Three Faiths Forum Middle East programmes this year. A study session entitled ‘Healing and Suffering’ was developed specifically for the Hospitals Programme which encourages dialogue from a faith perspective on issues of illness, health, miracles and belief in God. Texts are presented from the Tanakh, New Testament and Qur’an on the theme by the students, and the session is a facilitated in a particular manner that encourages both specific comments on the text as well as references to personal identity.
Study sessions are run at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, Herzog Psychiatric Hospital in Jerusalem, and Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot. Sessions are facilitated in Hebrew and/or Arabic and texts are presented in both languages.
Seminars for Visiting Groups
Three Faiths Forum Middle East organises interreligious seminars for groups visiting from abroad. Bringing Jews, Christians and Muslims together to present ideas on their identity and faith to visitors binds them together in an unique way. Additionally, their dialogue serves as a fascinating encounter for visiting groups representing the greater possibility of encounter between the faiths in this troubled region.
Recently the Three Faiths Forum Middle East ran an interreligious seminar for an Italian pilgrimage group of thirty-six participants last week on the scenic Mount of Olives, Jerusalem. The group had expressed a desire to learn about Jews and Muslims on their trip to the Holy Land, as well as to participate in bespoke 3FFME study sessions. The theme of this particular study session was Prayer, and the three different traditions of prayer – Jewish, Christian and Muslim, were presented and discussed by the group’s participants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miriam Feldmann Kaye
Head of the organisation
Miriam Feldmann Kaye

DALMATICA VIVA - Center for Sustainable Development of Dalmatia

National Network

8. Ravnice 7, 10 000 Zagreb
Vinka Pribojevica 12a, 21450 Hvar
Ostrica 15, 22232 Zlarin


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Steering Committee: Marin Julien Cukrov, Master in Law and permanent court interpreter for the French language, President of the Steering Committee. He has experience in tourism, state and public bodies on the affairs related to international law. Volunteer experience he has gained in a number of actions mostly on island Zlarin and on legal issues of environmental protection. Adela Golub, M. A. in Political Science, vice president of the Steering Committee. She has experience in tourism, state and public bodies in jobs related to design of training programs, international cooperation and projects, local and regional politics, in the field of human rights (gender equality) and as a writer. Davor Cukrov, Ph.D., member of the Steering Committee, is senior inspector of nature protection in Šibensko-kninska County with extensive experience in education and science in the field of biology in Croatia, Austria and Switzerland. No employees for now due to the fact we are relaitvely new organization. For period December 2010 - August 2011 we received 2000EUR for educations by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Main partner organization: Naturfriend International and Touristic Board Zlarin.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to develop good policy management in Dalmatia, strengthen the role of the islands, sustainable development in economic, social and environmental terms: nature conservation and environmental protection, sustainable tourism, promotion of renewable sources of energy and acceptable management of natural resources by applying the principles of sustainable development.Sustainable development is the mission of the DALMATICA VIVA.
Main activities through which we will work towards the fulfillment of our goals are promotion and creation of sustainable forms of tourism as well as eco-tourism through quality management of cultural and natural heritage, environmental protection and promotion of renewable sources of energy. Creation of sustainable economic projects and initiatives, design of development solutions that include rational energy consumption and clean, renewable energy resources are also the focus of our activities.
We will monitor and promote European policy in the field of regional development, tourism and environmental protection that we will regularly inform about. This development can not develop without analyzing vital issues at the local and regional level, raising awareness and problem solving orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

Since we are new, we are now implementnig our first project: education on Regional and Local Policies of the EU in the Dalmatia

Contact (1) Full Name
Marin Julien Cukrov
Head of the organisation
Marin Julien Cukrov
Contact (2) Full Name
Adela Golub

Stowarzyszenie Orientarium

National Network

Oleandry 2

+48 604600524
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has been established in 2011, it is funded mainly by the membership gees, all members of organization work voluntarily. Stowarzyszenie Orientarium starts the activity, however it has already organized few local initiative, like film festivals or Arabic game - tawla - tournament. The organization was found in order to work in the fields of cultural relations and multiculturalism. Organization would like to specialize in cultural and social actions, research activities and scientific events. It would like to initiate international cooperation with similar organizations at Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of Stowarzyszenie Orientarium according to its statute are:
- Conducting and supporting educational activities in the field of culture, economy, politics,religion, philosophy and social issues, the Middle East.
- popularize knowledge about the European Union countries, in particular Poland, the Middle Eastern countries among the citizens
- work towards a better understanding of distinct cultures, suggesting the idea of multiculturalism,
- initiating, expanding scientific interests,
- build an environment conducive to scientific work and research
- work for the development of information society and market economy based on knowledge
- promoting the development of intercultural communication
collaboration with individuals / organizations, educational, governmental and public institutions in Poland and abroad ..
- supporting its members in their own initiatives, consistent with the statutory objectives of the association.
- promotion of culture, art

Main Projects / Activities

Stowarzyszenie is new organization, which did not implement any projects, however its members were individually active in scientific organizations and other institutions.
Organization has plans for the future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Gabriel
Head of the organisation
Natalia Bahlawan