The Swedish Middle East & North African Group

National Network

Hantverkargatan 48,
c/o Go Interprise AB,


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Swedish Middle East & North African Group (The MENA-group) focus on Swedish /EUs relation to Middle East and North Africa. We were funded in 2004 as an official NGO and are around 100 members and have 4 employees. We are active in the youth field within Swedish-European relation and it's relation towards the MENA-region. We are open for all young people from 18-30, and have local and international activities. Themes have been social inclusion, xenophobia, Exchange cultures. We aim to give interested youth and members, experiences in own and other cultures, development and culture cooperation within EU and the Mena-region, though different actors (e.g., EU-youth Program, Swedish Development Agency etc) as well as to develop individual and work in group skills. We cooperate
Mission and Objectives

Working for a greater understanding between Sweden, EU and the Arab World.
Working against racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and homophobia.
Create interest for the Arab Countries, Arab Culture and create cooperation based on mutual understanding and respect.
Promote and support Arab Cultural Activities and involve Arab Youth to take part in the organisation.
Promote interest among other ethnic minorities and Sweds for the Arab region
Promote and support Arab integration and mutual understanding in between Arabs.

Main Projects / Activities

Working with health and STI (Sexual Transmitted Infection)and HIV-prevention.
LGBT-rights, Gender equality, Fighting Racism and Xenophobia,International Involvement. etc.
Working with cultural activities and international involvement of Swedish Youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Senna
Head of the organisation
Ali Andolos Albasri
Contact (2) Full Name
Olov Lindblad

The Swedish Hospital-Teachers’ Association

National Network

Rabyvägen 18

+4640 332 488
Telephone (other)
+4613 224 218
+4640 337 008
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46734 456 339
Mobile Phone (other)
+46734 343 343
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Swedish Hospital-Teachers’ Association is a non profit organisation for teachers who work in hospitals with children in somatic wards, psychiatric wards and treatment centres. Hospital teachers work in hospitals with children in somatic wards, psychiatric wards and treatment centres. Our aim/purpose is to represent and communicate the views and professional interests of teachers in hospitals. The association has the following objects: to work for educational contributions of the highest standard for children in hospitals and treatment centres, to be a link to organizations and authorities, to promote the professionalism of the members and to give information and service to members. We have 126 members of about 150 hospital teachers in Sweden.
Mission and Objectives

The Swedish Hospital-Teachers’ Association is a non profit association with the purpose to represent and communicate the views and professional interests of teachers in hospitals.
The association has the following objectives:

- to work for educational contributions of the highest standard for children in hospitals and treatment centres
- to be a link to organizations and authorities
- to promote the professionalism of the members
- to give information and service to members

Main Projects / Activities

Annual we arrange regional meetings in every area and twice a year we arrange a national meeting. Our mission is to increase our collaboration with HOPE, Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe to arrange and have meeting for hospital teachers in Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Klas Brunnander
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Karin Svensson

Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Young Journalists

National Network

Östra Andersgårdsgatan 5b
41715 Göteborg

+46 735350134
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Young Journalists is a non-profit organisation which aims to support dialogue and cooperation between young journalists from the EU and MENA (Middle East and North Africa). EMAJ relies on donations in order to realize workshops and run an online magazine with around 40 contributors from the EU and MENA. EMAJ is run on voluntary basis.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of EMAJ are:
Exchange of knowledge
Cooperation between young journalists from the EU and MENA – network
Education of young journalists in balanced and critical intercultural journalism - competence
Common journalistic projects – professional experience
More nuanced, critical, well-informed intercultural journalism
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue particularly in regards to human rights, peace and tolerance
Realisation of the objectives of European Charta of Human Rights and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, particularly the freedom of speech and press.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in and development of EMAJMagazine, which is developed as a project within the organisation
Trainings which aim to raise the competence of the participants in the field of intercultural journalism
Guidance and practical training of young journalists from both regions as part through the EMAJ-Academy and the EMAJMagazine, available within the network and beyond
Cooperation with partner organisations (for example European Youth Press, EYP and Middle East and North Africa Committee, MENAC)

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Ferhatovic
Head of the organisation
Marina Ferhatovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Letizia Gambini

Fair Trade Hellas

National Network

Veikou 2, Acropoli
11742 Athens


0030 210 3614070
0030 210 3614070
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Fair Trade Hellas is a non-governmental organization and was founded in 2004 by Marina Sarli. It is the first organization in Greece to promote the fair trade philosophy. Its main aim is to promote responsible consuming in Greece and to put Fair Trade products in the Greek market contributing in this way at the eradication of poverty globally. The main activities of Fair Trade Hellas are: To promote Fair Trade products and in this way help small producers from developing countries. To promote volunteering by sending and hosting volunteers. To organize and realize educational activities and discussions in schools about sustainable development and responsible consumption. To organize seminars, experiential workshops and info meetings about fair trade, volunteering and responsible consumption. To participate in various national and international campaigns about global poverty, social inclusion and universal human rights. To participate in festivals and cultural events and promote Fair Trade philosophy.
Mission and Objectives

Promoting fair trade to fight global poverty and educating people to sustainability, responsible consumption and participation

Main Projects / Activities

Youth in Action Project
Hellenic Aid for Development Education
Europe Aid for Development Education
Life Long Learning

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Sarli

EGEAC – Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural

National Network

Calçada Marquês de Tancos, n.º 2
1100-340 Lisbon

(+351) 21 882 00 90
Telephone (other)
(+351) 21 885 56 54
(+351) 21 882 00 98
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+351 91 947 751 63
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Municipal company EGEAC emerged, in 2003, from the reformulation of the social designation and status of EBAHL – Equipamentos dos Bairros Históricos de Lisboa, E.M., created by Lisbon Municipality in 1995. Our social object is to manage and preserve Lisbon’s main cultural facilities, such as the Castle, Fado and Puppets Museums, the Monument to the Discouveries, three municipal theatres and one cinema, as well as to organize Lisbon Festivities and several other cultural events. It’s also our duty to bring culture and events in urban spaces to all kinds of audiences, promoting social inclusion within the city. For the development of all those skills, EGEAC counts on 172 regular employees, managing a 10 million Euros annual budget, mainly from municipal subsidies, ticketing income and sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

We want to be liders in cultural creation and production in the city of Lisbon, as well as a reference on the management of cultural equipments and events, helping to create heritage, artistic and cultural values of excellence.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment these are the cultural equipments and activities managed by EGEAC (with numbers of visitors in 2009):  Castelo de São Jorge (St. George’s Castle) – 967.225  Padrão dos Descobrimentos (Monument to the Discoveries)- 131.775  Teatro Municipal Maria Matos (Maria Matos Municipal Theatre) – 27.893  Teatro Municipal São Luiz (St. Louis Municipal Theatre) – 51.498  Cinema São Jorge (St. George’s Cinema) – 128.041  Museu da Marioneta (Puppet Museum) – 28.038  Museu do Fado (Fado Museum) – 29.692  Festas de Lisboa (Lisbon Festivities) – more than 2.000000 All of the equipments and events (Lisbon Festivities) mentioned above, have their own diverse activities, including shows and educational services, as you can see in “additional information”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rui Catarino
Job Title
Responsável Área Projectos Institucionais
Head of the organisation
Joana Gomes Cardoso

Foundation for European Studies

National Network

ul. Bałuckiego 1/16

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Foundation for European Studies (FEPS) is based in Wroclaw, Poland. Projects carried out by the Foundation are financed by the following institutions: Polish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Batory Foundation, Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe. The Foundation manages a budget of around 200 000 PLN a year with an increasing tendency. The Foundation consists of a two-person Executive Board and Foundation Council and is run by the Director. The Foundation constantly cooperates with two project managers. The main partners of projects conducted by FEPS are: Heinrich Boell Foundation, Weiterdenken Dresden, Batory Foundation, the Center for International Relations Warsaw, DemosEuropa Centre for European Strategy, UNESCO Initiatives Center and chosen Polish, German and Balkan universities. FEPS is concentrated on projects concerning media monitoring, enhancing the development of civil society in Poland and Eastern neighbors as well as on studies of German history and politics.
Mission and Objectives

FEPS was founded in order to enhance and facilitate high quality interdisciplinary research in Social Sciences and Humanities, to promote new methodological approaches and to link academics, ambitious students and practitioners. This way, FEPS also contributes to the bottom-up reform of the Polish system of higher education - by promoting best practices and connecting ambitious researchers from Poland with their counterparts in other countries.
FEPS works in four main areas: the contemporary German studies, media and public opinion, the condition of the European Union, and Transitional Justice. All our programs are interdisciplinary and engage political scientists, philosophers, sociologists, historians and social psychologists, but we also welcome contributions from other disciplines. Beyond these the Foundation runs activities aimed at improving the think tank environment in Poland.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently FEPS leads projects connected with monitoring activities as well as publishing and holding workshops and conferences. One of the most important ones that just has been finished was to reveal the shortcomings of information to the public from the media regarding the social impact of Polish intervention in Afghanistan. Another monitoring project concentrates on specifying and improving the exchange of information and the level of coordination between the different local, regional and national representatives of Poland (members of the EU’s Committee of the Regions, of the Sejm’s Committee for European Affairs, the regional MPs and NGOs and the local and regional administration). Another important project named ‘Think Tank Generator’ aims to attract Polish and German students to write texts suitable for Think Tanks requirements. FEPS runs also variety of projects concentrated on supporting non-formal education, from August 2011 there are seminars run in Belarus among youth workers, educators and teachers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Mlynczak
Head of the organisation
Klaus Bachmann
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Tomaszewska

Hiwar Center for Youth and Women's Empowerment

National Network

Ramallah-Albireh, Orabi Street
Palestinian Territories

00970 0 02 2413349
00970 2 02 242 3138
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 970 599782879
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 597177077
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Hiwar was established in 2010 and our registration was issued in 2011 , it is made of a group of young activists devoted to social change in Palestine. Our activities are mainly ; training , cultural exchange , dialogue forums , workshops , networking. We support our activities from local sources.
Mission and Objectives

Hiwar is an non governmental organization that works on women's and youth empowerment so that they are able to actively contribute to the decision making and sustainable development through dialogue. Hiwar seeks to empower women and youth so they part take in decision making . Hiwar seeks to open channels of dialogue between Palestinian Youth locally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Capacity building 2. Dialogue program 3. Networking and Advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Abdel Rahman
Head of the organisation
Iman Abdel Rahman
Contact (2) Full Name
Natasha Khalidi

Not To Forget Association

National Network

Jenin Camp
Palestinian Territories

+970 599 788 815
+970 42 50 50 21
Mobile Phone
+970 599 788 815
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Women's Not to Forget Society is a Palestinian non-profitable women NGO; established after the events of the 4th April 2002 in Jenin city and its camp. It was established as a response for the catastrophic situation that the camp witnessed, and as a natural answer for the urgent need for a Women's Society that serves the women sector at the camp which suffers the apparent deliberate negligence. As a result of lack of services and programs that the women and kids suffer in our Palestinian society particularly; and the Arab society in common, the society; established by a group of Palestinian activities and intellectual women; concentrated its care in developing the women, kids, and youth sector. The society tries; through its projects and activities, to widely work at all the health, psychological, cultural economical, social and charity domains to help the targeted sectors.
Mission and Objectives

Not to Forget Society began its relief activities in coordination with the International Organization just at the end of the Israeli massacre against the Palestinian people in Jenin Camp on April 2002, where the Israeli forces lodged to killing the Palestinians, demolishing their homes, and dismissing them from the camp, just as they have done to them when they dismissed the Palestinians from their own villages on 1948. The beginning of the society's activity at that time was aimed at preventing a Human Crisis, where the society managed; with the lack of sources to provide several factors of help and assistance for the needy.

Main Projects / Activities

- Psychological and Social Aid Program for Jenin Camp Kids. - Handicraft Project for Jenin Camp women. - Assisting the Youth Initiatives "Bader" Project. - Developing a youth cadre project on the Refugee right. - Jenin Camp Charity Bakery. - Project of Activating the Women Role at the NGOs. - Human Cases Charity Loaf project. - School bags and uniform for Jenin Camp students. - Dentist mobile clinic - Maternity unit - Swing unit - Educational toys project

Contact (1) Full Name
Farha Abu Alhaija
Head of the organisation
Farha Abu Alhaija

Youth Without Borders Association - YWBA

National Network
+972 599 207 778
Telephone (other)
+972 9 2340 444
+972 9 2341 444
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 207 778
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 599 669 666
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
Youth Without Borders Association (YWBA), a non-governmental, non profitable voluntary association, has its headquarters in Nablus and its activities cover the northern governorates (the West Bank). YWBA was registered at the Ministry of Interior on the 7th of March 2005 under No. NA-825-S with approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sport. It was initiated by a group of well-educated Palestinian youths who are aware of the important role of youth in the community. Therefore, YWBA is considered an extraordinary association in Palestine as it brings together youths from three heavenly religions: The Samaritan, Christianity, and Islam. Moreover, its members hail from urban, rural areas and refugee camps. The sources of funding for YWBA is the projects initiated by international and local donors, as well as annual participation fees from it's members and donations from local community. YWBA participated many times in Euromed exchange programs,Training programs and Seminars, since 2005 we participated in more than 15 youth exchange programs and activities, YWBA also participated in most of conferences and seminars related to Youth related topics nationally and Internationally, YWBA annually provide Youth sector with scholarships opportunities for talented, special needs, marginal groups and limited financial resources youth.
Mission and Objectives

We aim at developing a strategy based on the needs, and experiences of the targeted categories of youth by establishing projects, serving the youth sector, working against the negative phenomena in the community such as addiction, violence, poverty, unemployment and Aids.
Moreover, YWBA works on raising awareness about the importance of conserving the environment, organizing volunteering activities to spread and enhance this concept, designing counseling programs that deal with youth problems and lead them to the appropriate solutions, and implementing some activities which may help in the process of Psychological De-Briefing.
YWBA is looking forward adopting legislation regarding youth which may affect their life and their future. At the same time, these legislation's will guarantee their rights, their general freedom and the intellectual, political plurality which suit the values and principles of the democratic civil community, without contradicting the values of the Palestinian community which have historical dimension

Main Projects / Activities

Our main interest is focused on working at national and international level, where we fight for the best interest of the youth and carry out various activities to promote youth organizations like:
1- Legal collaboration with the Palestinian legislative council, on youth related regulations and laws and national youth policy.
2- Training of youth leaders especially young women in the rural areas.
3- Seminars and workshops on youth related issues.
4- Organizing youth oriented events "summer and voluntary work camps"
5- Representing young people's interests to the governmental bodies.
6- Providing information for youth organizations.
7- Development of local youth structure.
8- Leisure and sport artistic competitions, and festivals.
9- Youth exchange programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Radi Alwanni
Head of the organisation
Dr. Eyad Othman
Contact (2) Full Name
Eyad Othman

Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas

National Network

Avenida da Liberdade, 64-F, 7400-218 Ponte de Sor
7400-218 Ponte de Sor

+351 213420614
Telephone (other)
+351 213420670
+351 213420670
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Sete Sóis Sete Luas Festival experience born from the curiosity and the initiative of a group of students of the high school of Pontedera supported by the help of a Portuguese writer. In the last year of the High school, 1987 these young dreamers, with the passion of the theatre, founded the GRUPPO TEATRALE IMMAGINI. At the end of the 80's they obtained several awards for the play "Edipo Re". Eager to go beyond the Italian boundaries, they decided to "fly" toward the lands of Alentejo(Portugal). Here, after two artistic projects in the countryside of Montemor-o-Novo, they realized some shows and they met José Saramago. With the modesty and the fancy of dreaming typical of adolescents, they invited in Pontedera the Portuguese writer, who accepted the invitation and who gave to the group the rights for Italy of the book "L'anno 1993". From that moment on, there were put the bases to give life to this interesting exchange between Italy and Portugal: in 1993 born the Sete Sóis Sete Luas Festival under the aegis of José Saramago and directed from its first version by Marco Abbondanza. Step by step the project grew up and expanded: not only renowned artist took part to the project (Evora, Dario Fo, Carlos Paredes, Bernardo Bertolucci etc…), but also new countries started joining it: Spain in 1997, Capo Verde in 1998, France in 2005 Croatia in 2008 and Brazil in 2009, always preferring the peripheral areas instead of the big centers.
Mission and Objectives

• It's a cultural Network characterized by 10 countries – Brazil, Cape Verde, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal and Spain - that highlight lively and direct relations with small centers and artists.
• It's a travel in the Mediterranean and lusophone world: a travel made by meetings and exchanges. The ones who travel are the artists, the cultural operators and the same spectators.
• It's a Festival that seeks people and not squares or monuments.
• It offers contemporary folk music and figurative art from the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• "Shuttlecock" of the cultural tourism; the public can follow it in its various stops, travelling around the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• Direct experiences of music, art and tastes through the production of excellent food and wine products from the countries which take part to the project.

Main Projects / Activities

• It's a cultural Network characterized by 10 countries – Brazil, Cape Verde, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal and Spain - that highlight lively and direct relations with small centers and artists.
• It's a travel in the Mediterranean and lusophone world: a travel made by meetings and exchanges. The ones who travel are the artists, the cultural operators and the same spectators.
• It's a Festival that seeks people and not squares or monuments.
• It offers contemporary folk music and figurative art from the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• "Shuttlecock" of the cultural tourism; the public can follow it in its various stops, travelling around the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• Direct experiences of music, art and tastes through the production of excellent food and wine products from the countries which take part to the project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Abbondanza
Contact (2) Full Name
Paulo Gomes