Youth Centre HAMBARINE

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00387 65 450 429
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
There are 5 people involved in the organization, and we also have volunteers and associates involved in the education of youth, projects and organizations djece. Yearly budget is around 65,000.00 KM, funding sources are donations, contributions from volounteers and donations to the projects. Projects of our organization is based on training, workshops, sports activities, sections, community developement, social programs, help seriously ill children, helping old and sick persons.
Mission and Objectives

•Psychosocial support to all young people and especially young traumatized people (displaced, refugees, young people from various families, young people with problems in adaptation, and others);
•Support for the recognition of young people with creative abilities and all aimed at enhancing the cultural values of society.
•The collection of donations that would help young people to each other through various educational, creative and recreational activities or grants that would help other young people, specific groups of population (the old faint, disabled) for the purpose of advancing humanity and basic moral values of society.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects consist of: working with young pre-school children (4-6 yrs. old), building a playground for children, exchanging young people - connecting Prijedor (BiH) and Trentino (ITA), organizing youth camp in August 2009 with young people Prijedor (BiH) and Rovereto (ITA).
We are also working on a project based on finding jobs for young people by program "Moj prvi posao".

Contact (1) Full Name
Emina Sarajlija
Head of the organisation
Azra Novkinic

SANUS association Prijedor

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
052 232 828
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Udruzenje "Sanus" Prijedor has its assembly in which all members take part. The Assembly appoints both Board consisting of five members and president, who is automatically Board member. There are no employed people in "Sanus". Our organization is project related so it employs people on projects, and its budgetary resources depend on those projects. Main sources of funding are local authorities and foreign donors. "Sanus" main partners are Environmental Coalition of the Una River Basin, Association "Udruzene zene", and Youth Council of Municipality of Prijedor.
Mission and Objectives

"Sanus" is a non-profit and nongovernmental association which works towards active participation of individuals and group in creating civil society and democracy based on principles of tolerance, understanding and cooperation. Its objectives are sustainable development, increasing public participation in decision making processes, and increasing role of women in public life.

Main Projects / Activities

"Sanus" focuses its project in three main areas - environment protection, youth issues and gender issues. It is a member-NGO of Environmental Coalition of the Una River Basin, and most environmental project are implemented in cooperation with the Coalition. Those are mainly project of raising public awareness and increasing public participation in decision making process. "Sanus" is a member of Youth Council of the municipality of Prijedor, and as such works on all issues related to youth including participation in decision making process, creating youth policies etc. As for the gender issues, "Sanus" cooperates with "Udruzene zene" association in projects regarding women participation in politics in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Maksimovic
Head of the organisation
Mirjana Maksimovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Dragan Zrnic

South East European Youth Network

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 (0)63 943 029
+ 387 33 466 661
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+387 (0)63 943 029
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
South Eastern European Youth Network (SEEYN) is a network organization involving 15 member NGOs entire South Eastern Europe region. SEEYN is registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina where Secretariat in Sarajevo is based. The structure of the organization is made of General Assembly made of member organizations, Steering Board and Executive Director. Currently Executive and Financial Director are full time engaged in Secretariat while part time staff (fundraiser, consultant and trainers) are spread around SEE region. Main funding sources: EC Youth in Action, Regional Environmental Centre, European Youth Foundation, Danish MFA, membership. Budget 2007: 208,000.08 Euro Focus of SEEYN is set on youth volunteering. SEEYN operates in 3 intervention areas: service, exchange and development and network maintenance. Besides members, main partner organizations are numerous youth and volunteering NGOs from SEE region and EU and international networks. We are members of CEV and youthCAN.
Mission and Objectives

‘The vision of SEEYN is to achieve a stable region with developed mutual understanding without prejudices among young people through their mobility, co-operation, and active role in society’.
• To empower youth to built stable & peaceful region as active citizens;
• To create fertile ground and conditions for youth mobility;
• To promote and support adequate government policies for the youth;
The focus of SEEYN activities is set on:
• Inter cultural Learning;
• Volunteering and Youth Employment;
• International Cooperation;

Main Projects / Activities

SEEYN implements activities in three different strategic intervention areas :
1. SEEYN Service: training and consultancy, promotion and advocating for volunteering and researches and publication on volunteerism
2. SEEYN Exchange Programs and Development: long term volunteers exchanges, short term exchanges and local volunteering clubs
3. SEEYN Network Maintenance

Contact (1) Full Name
Domagoj Kovacic
Contact (2) Full Name
Lejla Miovic

UG Obala Art Centar / Sarajevo Film Festival

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387(33)20 94 11
Telephone (other)
+387(33)26 33 80
+387(33)26 33 81
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Festival Platform Sarajevo Film Festival is an international film festival with a specialized focus on the region of Southeast Europe (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey). High quality programming within 12 festival sections, a strong industry development segment (CineLink), an educational platform for young filmmakers (Sarajevo Talent Campus) and outstanding presence of the international film industry, film authors and media representatives alongside a paying audience of over 100.000, all confirm that Sarajevo Film Festival is the leading event of its kind in the region, recognised by both professionals and the wider audiences. Council of Ministers BiH - Ministry of Civil Affairs, Government of Federation of BiH - Ministry of Culture and Sport, Canton Sarajevo - Ministry of Culture and Sport, City of Sarajevo, Stari Grad Municipality, Centar Municipality, Novi Grad Municipality, Novo Sarajevo Municipality, HT - E R O N E T, Raiffeisen Bank d.d. BiH, ORBICO, DHL, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, OPA, Austrian Embassy, Council of Europe, French Embassy, Dutch Embassy and others financially support Sarajevo Film Festival. The budget of the 15th Sarajevo Film Festival is 2.610.000,00. Sarajevo Film Festival has 20 full-time employees, 15 regular associates and around 700 season workers on preparation and realization of SFF.
Mission and Objectives

Strategy and Values
Through careful festival profiling towards the region of South-Eastern Europe and segments Competition (Feature, Documentary and Short Film), CineLink Project Development and Co-Production Market, Sarajevo Talent Campus and adjoining Sarajevo City of Film project, the Festival aims to foster the creation of a modern cinema scene and successful audio-visual sector in the region. By setting up training, development and educational projects geared towards advancing quality and providing opportunity and access, the Sarajevo Film Festival acts as a potent catalyst for regional industry development. Regional cooperation, as a mean of maximization of potential but also of solidarity and identification of common goals, is at the heart of this endeavour. Further, as its activities are conducted within the context of an international film event, the Festival is able to not only draw wide attention to regional cinematography but also facilitate the creation of important networks and the opening of cooperation channels between the regional film professional and their international counterparts.

Main Projects / Activities

CineLink project is the backbone of the festival`s Industry Section. It is a development and financing platform for carefully selected regional features destined for European co-production.
In cooperation with the Berlin International Film Festival and the Berlinale Talent Campus, Sarajevo Talent Campus, the educational programme of the Festival, was launched in 2007, offering an intensive programme of lectures, workshops, discussion panels, and screenings for young directors, actors, producers, and screenwriters coming from South-Eastern Europe.
Sarajevo City of Film is a project created in 2008 as a natural extension of the goals defined by the Sarajevo Talent Campus, aiming to utilize experiences and knowledge gained at the Campus for practical application and creation of low-budget short films.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jovan Marjanović
Head of the organisation
Mirsad Purivatra
Contact (2) Full Name
Asja Makarević

IMIC - International Multireligious Intercultural Center

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Organization has four members in board of directors coming from different religions (Catholic - Franciscan, Orthodox, Jew and Muslim. There are more than 2000 members who are involved in implementations of projects from time to time. They are professionals from different fields working on research projects, lectures, organizing exhibitions, meetings on cultural and religious diversity. Funding depends on donors who support our projects. IMIC prepares research projects, organize seminars, symposiums, conferences, trainings, internships. Partners are: Embassies of USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Egypt. Ministry of Education, City of Sarajevo, European Commission, various Jewish, Christians and Islamic Organizations, many non-governmental organizations from region, Alexandrina Library, National and University Library in B&H.
Mission and Objectives

IMIC provides a platform for the promotion of inter-religious dialogue and development of discourse on justice and peace in B&H and in the South East Europe. The organization supports the goal of a multireligious, multiethnic and multicultural society in B&H, and promotes a complete democratization and reintegration of the country and its people, securing of human rights and culture of tolerance, reconciliation and mutual understanding. Foremost, among the goals of the IMIC is the facilitation of understanding the central role played by the spiritual dimension in the peace process. The IMIC is active locally as well as globally in its support of peaceful encounter and understanding through theoretical dialogue, often together with the international organizations, and bringing communities together in prayer, action, and day-to-day shared life. Our Center is convinced that tolerance in multireligious Bosnia-Herzegovina must be safeguarded. This is more essential here than anything else. Multireligious tolerance through dialogue is the guarantee for lasting and sustainable peace in the country.

Main Projects / Activities

Multireligiosity an Reintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004) and since 2005 pilot project »Woman, religion, politic«.
Project »Religious Studies at University in SE Europe in 21st century« together with Arizona State University, Oslo and Sarajevo University« in 2007
Projects that IMIC implements at the moment and the most recent projects are:
▪ Inter-religious Dialogue through education and communication of the youth in multicultural society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and publication of results of this project/research- (with support of Soros education department and local communities)-2007/2009;
▪ Cooperation with Embassies - we look for possibilities of organizing events/lectures/performances etc with embassies in B&H) in order to promote cultural heritage from different countries.
▪ Improving the services of IMIC Library -2008/2009; (Modernization of library consisted of few thousands library materials on religions, ecumenism, dialogue between religions, history, philosophy, cultural heritage, human rights and gender;
Singing Memorandum of Understanding with Library of Alexandria (and providing internships for librarians in BA)
▪ Section of Literature on Women’s rights and Religion- 2008/2009;
▪ Faith and Community: Dialogue (with support of Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs of the US Government and IREX)-2007-2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Arijana Aganovic, project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Marko Orsolic, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabina Pstrocki, project coordinator

Association for culture and art CRVENA

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 61 257 013
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 387 61 257 013
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association for culture and art CRVENA is gathering committed artists, theoreticians, practitioners and project managers with the purpose to initiate the societal changes through affirmation of independent culture and art, on the principles of activism, feminism, ecology, individualism and solidarity. CRVENA is membership based organisation, registered in June 2010, and it currently consists of more than fifteen members with great experience in civil society and arts and culture. The Association is managed by the Executive Directress and five-member Steering Committee that consists of prominent public persons from both Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. CRVENA is member of regional initiatives in the Western Balkans and partner in several projects which are being developed.
Mission and Objectives

CRVENA Association affirms the existing, and creates new free spaces for cultural and artistic creation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world.
Program areas in which CRVENA is active are: women's production, development of public policies, cooperation with governmental institutions, organising events, and publishing. Employed methods of work are research and analysis, awareness raising, coordination and networking,, education, database/digitalization, documenting, counselling/advisory activities, activism, main projects/activities.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Advocacy campaign for the creation of cultural policies on the local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. The Book Club for girls
3. Participation in international exhibitions
4. Monument to Heroines
5. WomenOnlineMediaArtNet WOMAN

Contact (1) Full Name
Danijela Dugandzic Zivanovic

Citizens association „Something more“ (Nešto više)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
036347296 (Mostar)
033 788 741
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association currently employs seven full time employees. Association also has an outside contractor, accountant, network of 15 consultants whose services are used as needed, and a network of 51 volunteers. Current donors: The Whalen Family Foundation Oakland USA, European Commission, USAID, Centers of Civic Initiatives (CCI), Dutch Development Agency, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Austrian Agency for Technical Cooperation (ADA). Main partners are CRP from Tuzla and OKC from Banja Luka. Both organiztions are from BH. More about concrete projects you can find in attached file. Buget for next fiscal is about 270 000 EURO.
Mission and Objectives

Our vision:
A Bosnian Herzegovinian society that is morally responsible and tolerant and promotes competency, safety and togetherness through mutual care of the individual and community.
Our mission:
“Nešto Više” motivates positive changes in society by offering opportunities to individuals and groups for formal and informal education, networking, work, joint experiences and helping others, all in order to make competent and responsible leaders who, by believing in themselves and others, foster openness and belonging to their society.
Our goals
Connecting people from BiH with people from the rest of Europe and the world and providing opportunities for exchange of experiences,
Extinction of prejudice and closed systems of values in BiH,
Professional advancement,
Work with students and improvement of studying conditions,
Providing information and resources for postgraduate study in BiH and abroad,
Protection and improvement of mental health in BiH,
Improvement of socio-economic living conditions in BiH,
Providing various forms of assistance to the disadvantaged in society,
Collaboration with European and world associations with similar program orientation,
Institutional strengthening and development of the Association through constant education of employees, introduction of contemporary methods in work, involvement of high quality external collaborators and creation of partner network,
All those goals determined by Association bodies, which are in accordance with law.

Main Projects / Activities

Get employed by volunteering – volunteer to get employed (2010-ongoing): Project contributes to the decrease of unemployment of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening their competitiveness in the work market, and by advocating for adopting and improvement of the volunteer law in BiH.
Employment of youth in rural areas (2010-ongoing): Citizens’ Association “Nešto Više” will in the partnership with GOPA mbH – Youth Employment Program (YEP) ensure employment of 3 young people 18 to 30 years of age as well as temporary employment of minimally 20 other individuals of the same age group in the areas of three rural communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ACCORD: Development of agricultural cooperatives (2010-ongoing): In partnership with Center for Development and Support Tuzla, NV will focus on internal development of seven agricultural cooperatives and their agricultural producers with an aim to increase competitiveness at local and regional market place. In the fruit/vegetable sector, two cooperatives will be certified and operational by HACCAP standards, while seven cooperatives and 200 already operational farmers will be certified and operational by GLOBALGAP standards.
Building capacities of adaption to drought in agribusiness (2010-ongoing): In partnership with Center for Development and Support Tuzla, project will serve at least 10000 farmers in north-east Bosnia and Herzegovina who will get an opportunity to implement adaptive solution in fighting with drought through measures of support that will be adopted by state, entity, cantonal and local institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Djermanovic
Head of the organisation
Aleksandar Bundalo

Association Timitar

National Network

172 Avenue Hassan II – Immeuble Fouzia, 80 000 Agadir
80 000 Agadir

00212 28 82 03 38
00212 28 84 81 75
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00212 60 23 76 34
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association Timitar – Association à but non lucratif. Equipe formée de 2 personnes permanentes et de stagiaires et/ou salariés saisonniers (4 à 7 par an) Sources de financement : - partenariat avec la Région Souss Massa Drâa. - mécénat et sponsoring - Travail sur des projets en co financement Les partenaires principaux : • Région Souss Massa Drâa • Groupe Akwa • Institut Français d’Agadir • Sfinks Festival - Belgique • Forum Babel Med Musique- France • Mercat de musica viva - Espagne
Mission and Objectives

- Organisation du festival de musiques du monde : Festival Timitar – 4ème édition en 2007.
- Mise en valeur du patrimoine artistique et culturel de la région Souss Massa Drâa.
- Dynamiser la création artistique régionale par le biais de rencontres d’artistes

Main Projects / Activities

- Festival Timitar d’Agadir.
- Activités de résidences d’artistes : rencontres entre des artistes de la région du Sud du Maroc avec des artistes étrangers.
- Aide à la production d’albums notamment des groupes qui ont travaillé dans les résidences.
Certaines actions marquantes :
• 2003 - Création Hip Hop – Unis’Sons – en partenariat avec le Conseil Général de l’Hérault
• 2005 - Création en partenariat avec El Mercat de Musica Viva de Vic en Espagne – Conexión Argan
• 2006 - Création en partenariat avec le Festival de Langon– Driss ElMaloumi / Pascal Lefeuvre
• Création en partenariat avec la Cité de la Musique de Marseille en 2006. Financement par FAL – Cantates des Rives
• Création 2006 - 3MA – Driss El Maloumi Rajery et Ballake Sissoko - en partenariat avec L’Institut Français d’Agadir, le Centre Culturel Albert Camus – Antananarivo et le Centre Culturel Français de Bamako et Culture France.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brahim El Mazned
Head of the organisation
Directeur Artistique Brahim El Mazned
Contact (2) Full Name
Stephanie Ailloud

Espace Associatif AMSED

National Network

65, Avenue John Kennedy , Route Zair, Rabat – Morocco

00212 5 37 75 93 52/53
00212 5 37 75 00 980
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0 6 62 72 17 57
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mouman Abdelkader (directeur)

Espace Associatif

National Network

55, rue Mellouiya Appt. 1 Agdal, Rabat

00212 5 37 77 43 41 /46 /48
00212 5 37 77 41 83
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Anass Elhasnaoui (President)