DGAP, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.

National Network

Rauchstr. 17/18
10787 Berlin

+49 (0)30 25 42 31-0
+49 (0)30 25 42 31-16
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
General information, including: 1. Structure of the organisation, Fellow and an Assistant. It is supervised by the Director of the including number of staff employed Research Institute. and/or partners It is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and supported by various 2. Budgetary resources available other institutions and enterprises. in a year The Forum’s main objectives are achieved by the organisation of three 3. Sources of funding great international events per year: a Summer School, a New Faces 4. Modalities of action (concrete Conference and an Expert Conference for the DGAP’s international network of experts and partner institutes. The network is actively projects, exchanges, seminars, supported by various Alumni activities. The New Faces Conferences are organised in cooperation with the scholarships etc.) 5. Main partners involved: Swedish Institute for International Affairs and the Norwegian Institute
Mission and Objectives

Traditional security risks are nowadays supplemented by new nonmilitary and cross-border challenges such as securing resources, global migration and integration, global epidemics etc. The “International Forum on Strategic Thinking” offers a platform for promoting discussions and dialogue on these issues, not only from a European perspective, but enhances the debate with perspectives from important global actors and regions, such as Russia, the US, the Middle East and Asia. In addition to the promotion of debate and dialogue on relevant security challenges of the 21st century, the Forum’s main objective of is the creation of an international network among tomorrow’s decision-makers.

Main Projects / Activities

Summer Schools in Berlin are two week-long programs for 20 graduate and postgraduate students (aged 20 -27) from Europe as well as from the US, Russia, the Middle East, Japan and China· New Faces Conferences with 20 emerging research fellows and young strategic experts (aged 28 -35), coming from European countries as well as from the US, Russia and Asia· Expert Conferences on new challenges of international security with high-ranking participants from European countries, the US, Russia, the Middle East, China and Japan· Alumni work with database and big Alumni Conference in November 2005 (further reunion activities envisaged)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dina Fakoussa-Behrens (Head, EUMEF)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Harald Kindermann

Centrul de Asistenta pentru Dezvoltare Durabila si Resurse umane - C.A.D.D.R.U.

National Network

O.P. 77, C.P. 8, sector 3

+4 0737139591
Telephone (other)
+4 0746 061806
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
THE DIRECTION, ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL STRUCTURES of C.A.D.D.R.U. are: a) The General Assembly; b) The board; c) The President/ The Executive Director; d) The Censor. C.A.D.D.R.U. has no employees. Main financing sources: Youth in Action program, sponsors, European Youth Foundation OBJECTIVES. In order to accomplish its mission, C.A.D.D.R.U. has the following objectives: - Forming: developing activities of formal and non-formal education of forming/training on: sustainable development, civic education, active citizenship, social implication, personal development, civic and social responsibility, project management, fundraising, intercultural dialogue (activities with interethnic and intercultural character) and other fields of interests for the mission of C.A.D.D.R.U. - Informing: raising the level of information and awareness regarding civic and social responsibility, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, entrepreneurship and financing sources; lobby and advocacy in the fields mentioned; scientific research in the mentioned fields. - Performing: counseling and assisting people and organizations that want to get involved or develop projects/programs More details in the document attached.
Mission and Objectives

MISSION (SCOPE). C.A.D.D.R.U. has as mission the sustainable development of human resources.
VISION: We will develop human resources through formal, informal and non-formal education by stimulating civic and social responsibility, active citizenship, social entrepreneurship, active involvement, the growth of project management and of intercultural dialogue on these themes.
TARGET GROUP: C.A.D.D.R.U. addresses young people, adults, public and private bodies.
More details in the document attached.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
“E.U. Comunic” was born in the context of Intercultural Dialog Year 2008 in order to further express the need for intercultural communication in our society.
D.I.A.L.O.G.U.E. is a training project within Action 4.3 Training and Networking targeting participants from nongovernmental organisations active in the field of intercultural dialogue and/or media and communications, more specifically a Training Course on a dual theme “Management of Intercultural Projects”.
"Euro-Partners" - developing an open space for structured dialogue, to stimulate new partnerships and collaboration between youth organizations from European countries.
"Incommunicado" - development of training skills in the area of intercultural dialogue for 24 youths from 8 different countries.
More details in the document attached.
More details in the document attached.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Ghioc

e-werk weimar e.V.

National Network

Am Kirschberg 4
99423 Weimar , Thuringia

0049 3643 748868
Telephone (other)
0049 3643 748869
0049 3643 748870
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 177 3254729
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 177 3471981
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. president: Sven Opel, vice president: Juliane Fuchs, treasurer: Dirk Heinje, projectmanager: Katja Schäfer; Members/partners: Bauhaus-University Weimar, Hochschule für Musik Weimar, ACC Weimar, Theaterhaus Weimar, DIGIT Deutsch-Italienische Gesellschaft in Thüringen, Netzwerk filmfest e.V., Schiller 05 e.V., DNT Weimar; 2. ca. 100000€; 3. City of Weimar, Ministries of Thuringia, Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Fonds Soziokultur, Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk, Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk, European Commission etc. 4. literature nights, filmfestivals, theatre-media, artfestivals, workshops, internant exhibitions etc. 5. Akademia Sztuk Pieknch / Aktywne Kobiety, Katowice, United Intimacy, Riga, Latvia, ZINC/ECM / Quingsrtvirus, Marseille, Hacettepe, Bilkent University and Goethe Institute Ankara, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Since 04 the association itself is also producer of art exhibitions, performances and festivals. Beginning with German-Polish cooperations the work enlarged to German-Polish-Latvian and German. Polish-French cooperations in 05. Including partners in Kroatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, art work more and more extended in 06. In 07/08 there is a project planned in Turkey. In preparation of Bauhaus Year 2009, where we are planning three art projects: “Bauhaus under the Influence” (French-Polish-German media-project in cooperation with the BUW), “Alma´s Bar” (temporary artclub at the back of the Bauhaus-Museum) and “A-A-A-A” (multimedia performance about Bauhaus influenced architecture in Australia, Ankara, Amerika)

Main Projects / Activities

Together with the activities of our members, the e-werk weimar e.V. is starting to built up an European Centre of Contemporary Art in Weimar. We are producers of international young (media) art and concentrate on capturing new art spaces in Weimar. We are focusing on European Exchange and on networking between young artists from Europe with international artists.
Main projects: “JuliimJuni” (literature), “backup”, “Trés Court” (filmfestivals), “Perron 26”, „Akteure des Verschwindens“, ,Euphoria!” “Räuber / Laupitaji” (theatre/media), “Schillerfestival”, “UWAGA!Polen kommen” (artfestivals), “New Working Place Europe” (workshops), “Institut für Deutsch-Polnische Raumfahrt” (workshop + exhibition in Krakow), “Mission Europe” (Symposium, travelresearch, intinerant exhibition in Marseille, Katowice and Weimar) etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sven Opel
Contact (2) Full Name
Dirk Heinje

Flinn Works

National Network

Auf der Schubach 88
34130 Kassel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Flinntheater e.V. is a non-profit trust
Mission and Objectives

Objectives: to create theatre that is socially relevant, also for young people to foster new playwriting to create plays with intercultural themes to build regional identity through theatre (in Kassel)

Main Projects / Activities

Flinn Works is led by co-artistic directors Sophia and Lisa Stepf. It has independently produced and presented more than 20 performances in a wide range of different venues and festivals. Always engaging with current social and political issues, the company devises its work in collaboration with professional artists and performers.
Through the investigation of questions that resonate globally, performance, music and text are created with artists who work in different art forms and global locations. The style of each Flinn Works production varies, as determined by the key artists and performers and their specific skills and experiences. Flinntheater has a strong commitment to engaging with the next generation of audience members, and regularly offers education workshops and subsidised tickets for young people from the age of 15 and up.
Flinn Works is committed to intensive research, sarcastic humour, strong soundscapes, multiperspectivity  & polyphony in their artistic language.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sophia Stepf
Head of the organisation
Sophia Stepf
Contact (2) Full Name
Lisa Stepf


National Network

Wolgaster Str. 11

0049 (0) 1 79 50 74 77 8
Telephone (other)
0049 (0) 38354790042
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
We are preparing a film-project about morocco and the new law moudawana. We want to interview women, which were involved in preparing the new law.
Mission and Objectives

Find out if moroccos women are rally involved in the democrtization-project.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dana Fennert
Head of the organisation
Dana Fennert

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Friedrich Ebert Foundation

National Network

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Division of Middle East and Northern Africa, Hiroshimastrasse 17
10785 Berlin

030-26 935 7420
Telephone (other)
030-26 935 6
030-26 935 9233
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. A total of 571 (2005) employees. Headquarters in Berlin and Bonn; academies, various offices in Germany, Europe and abroad 2. A budget of approx. 111 million € (2005) 3. Public funding mainly; Division’s sources of funding: BMZ ( Federal Ministry for Development Cooperation), European Commission 4. In Germany alone more than 130.000 persons took part in some 2.600 educational courses, discussion forums and special-subject conferences in 2005 5. local GOs and NGOs
Mission and Objectives

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), founded in 1925 as Germany’s first political foundation, is a private non-profit organization committed to the precepts of social democracy. Our division’s tasks are: - to contribute to development and safeguard democratic structures - to promote economic reform and social justice - to shape common basic values - to promote the dialogue between different political, cultural and religious currents - to strengthen civil society - to support gender equality - to develop tools for civil conflict resolution

Main Projects / Activities

FES-offices in ten countries in the MENA-region are working with selected partners such as Trade-Unions and NGOs ( for example Women’s organizations, Human Rights organizations). Main activities are: - holding conferences, seminars and workshops - initiating research projects - offering consulting services to Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Being strongly involved in civil society networking, we are contributing to peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians, to a dialogue between Europe and the Arab world, and to realize a Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ralf Hexel, Head Division of Middle East and Northern Africa
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kurt Beck

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit/Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom

National Network

Karl-Marx-Str. 2

+49 331 / 7019-0
+49 331 / 7019-188
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ulrich Niemann, Director International Politics
Head of the organisation
Dr. Wolfgang Gerhardt
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Katja Dumke, Department International Politics

Global Eyes e.V.

National Network

Sredzkistraße 33
10435 Berlin

+49 163 7410364
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
• Global Eyes e.V. is a registered non profit organization. Regular staff members are Britta Mischer, Nana Yuriko (directors) and Bette Kolb (project manager). For workshops we involve external media trainers. • Our budget depends on funds we receive through awards, fundraising, crowd-funding. For individual projects we apply for funding with governmental and non-governmental institutions. Many workshops were financed from our own private funds. The annual budget varies between 10.000 € and 35.000 € • Our funders include RESET, Federal Foreign Office, Deutsche Kindernothilfe e.V. Our website is hosted and funded by RESET (www.reset.to) Awards received: "Deutscher Lokaler Nachhaltigspreis ZeitzeicheN" category youths-ideas; Unesco supported & DM sponsored "Sei ein Futrist"; Mission Sustainability; UN-Decade education for sustainable development. • We host internet-youth TV and (intercultural) youth-media workshops globally. • Main partners among others: Reset, Deutsche Kindernothilfe, Cinema Jenin, Troc Albania, AMURT Haiti, Plan India, YMCA South Africa, Connected Media New Zealand
Mission and Objectives

GlobalEyes TV is a registered NPO. www.global-eyes.tv hosts program made by & made for youth around the globe. GlobalEyes offers youth media workshops world wide - and encourages & supports youths in expressing & sharing their concerns with a strong voice. In our program we promote intercultural dialogue, education, sustainability, democracy and community building. GlobalEyes TV is an informative, inspiring and entertaining online platform and TV program for youth that shows the world from the perspective of young people from around the globe. GlobalEyes TV's role is to provide a platform, the tools and skills for youths to tell their stories via films to an international audience. The over all objective is to give young ambitious people from all over the world perspectives in the media, to generate intercultural understanding and to build a sustainable international network of young media-activists. Especially with our workshops we support this idea.

Main Projects / Activities

GlobalEyes TV is an internationally accessible world culture TV format for youth – with films produced in our workshops and films we receive from partner NGOs. The objectives of GloablEyes are to create a global network by implementing sustainable media-workshops in collaboration with international youth organisations, foundations and NGOs in various countries. We want to encourage youths to become ambassadors for their communities and to contribute to the program regularly. In October 2010 we travelled with 10 young people from Berlin to Jenin / Palestine and held an intercultural Palestinian-German film-workshop at Cinema Jenin. In March 2011 together with local Haitian partner NGOs we hosted a 4-week workshop in earthquake camps in Haiti - as part of the trauma relief efforts of Deutsche Kindernothilfe. We have also hosted youth media workshops in South African Townships (at-risk youth), in impoverished, violent inner-city areas of Kingston / Jamaica, in Thailand, Brazil and Germany.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bette Kolb
Head of the organisation
Britta Mischer & Bettina Kolb
Contact (2) Full Name
Britta Mischer

GlogauAIR gGmbH

National Network

Glogauerstr. 16 10999
10999 Berlin

+49 (30) 612 22 75
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

GlogauAIR is a non profit organization created as a platform to diffuse art and cultural projects. It's main activity is an Artist in Residence Programme where artists from around the world come to work and live in Berlin in an environment of coexistence and reflection, putting their artistic practice in a global context. GLogauAIR is funded by grants given to artists to enjoy an artistic residency as well as ones dedicated to fund exhibitions, festivals and projects. Besides to the Artist in Residence Programme, GlogauAIR generates exchange experiences in form of exhibition, festivals, artist talks and other informal activities such as meals and collective creations.

Mission and Objectives

Our intention is to create a meeting point between artists from all disciplines to work in collaboration, expanding their practice in terms of materials, formats and style. Exchange of ideas and concepts. Promote curatorial experiences. Enable a dialog between creators and public. Give a free space to art and culture specially as a social reflection and a base for social transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

Artist in Residence Programme Exchange programmes: Alien in My Space Perforomance Festival: Home Sweet Home / ELLA (European Live Art Archive)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariona Benaiges
Head of the organisation
Chema Alvargonzalez & Pablo Alvargonzález Ramos
Contact (2) Full Name
Rakel Ochoa

Hanns Seidel Stiftung

National Network

Lazarettstr. 33; 80636, München

+49 891258-284
Telephone (other)
+49 891258-454
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) founded in 1967 is a German political foundation, close to the Christian Social Union (CSU), providing political education „in the Service of Democracy, Peace and Development“ in Germany and abroad. For more than 30 years the HSF has been working in the field of development cooperation with currently around 90 projects in more than 50 countries worldwide. Our international activities based on Christian-social ideals seek to promote humane living conditions and to contribute to sustainable development by strengthening peace, democracy and social market economy. In cooperation with its local partners we realise projects in the following fields: - Political counselling and vocational training - Rural development - Promotion of women and management training - Civil society and constitutional structures
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Zehetmair; Staatsminister a.D., Senator E.h.
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Dietmar Ehm; Mr. Wolfgang Reichel