National Network

Borriesstr. 28
30519 Hannover

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

NGO with 2 permanent and a number of further free lance workers. Budget depends on projects we run; in the moment approx. 80.000 € yearly budget, but only from projects. We don't recieve permanent funds, project funds are received by European Youth in Action Programme, City, Federal State.

Mission and Objectives

Profondo runs non-profit projects in the field of non-formal education. We aim at better youth participation, higher quality of non-formal education and integration of people with immigration background. We aim at youth self organisation and initiative and try to be no obstacles, but supportive coaches for this.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth participation projects (Large Scale Projects "Welcome? We come!" in 2004/2005, "YouPS-Net" 2005/2006; Youth Democracy Project "INTEGRAL" 2008/2009, Project on Structured Dialoge 2008/2009) Seminars and trainings (national seminar for youth initiatives 2002 - 2009, trainings for peer coaches Conferences ("Please do disturb!" for the German NA Youth 2004, European Conference on Peer Training & Education 2008) etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frank Schmitz
Head of the organisation
Frank Schmitz und Laura Ihle

City of Chemnitz (Stadt Chemnitz – Bürgermeisterarmt)

National Network

Stadt Chemnitz, Bereich Oberbürgermeister, Abt. Europäische und Internationale Beziehungen, Protokoll, Markt 1
09111 Chemnitz

0049 371 1526
0049 371 1596
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The Chemnitz City Council administrates a city with about 250,000 inhabitants located in the former East Germany. The city is an important industrial and cultural centre and the capital of the region. It has links to 12 twin cities in Europe, Asia, Africa and America and is member of the Euro cities Network. The city has been implementing several trans-national projects in the fields of city planning, environment, youth work, culture, equal opportunities, education and others. Some of the projects have been carried out in cooperation with NGO’s. The projects are financed with funds of the city council, the EU and foundations.

Mission and Objectives

Main Projects/Activities: The city has experiences in several EU-Programmes like Interreg, Horizon, Erasmus+, Creative Europe and works also with foundations. Projects are carried out in all fields of integrated urban development including cooperation with communities in the region. Chemnitz will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025.

Main Projects / Activities

The city of Chemnitz has experiences in several EU-Programmes like Interreg, Sokrates, Youth for Europe, City Twinning and works also with foundations (e.g. Robert Bosch). The projects are carried out in almost all areas of urban life. The city cooperates also with the rural areas around the city.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pia Sachs
Job Title
City of Chemnitz - EU-Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Sven Schulze (Mayor)

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP). German Institute for International and Security Affairs

National Network

Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4

+49 30880070
+49 3088007-100
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Board of Trustees (Stiftungsrat) is SWP's highest supervisory and decision-making body. It appoints the Institute's management, approves broad outlines for its research and guarantees its independence. All important decisions are taken by a two-thirds majority of Board of members. SWP was set up in 1962 by private initiative in Ebenhausen, near Munich, and given the legal status of a foundation. Late in 2000 its headquarters moved to Berlin, which has been SWP's new home since January 2001. Since January 1965, when the Bundestag unanimously backed the establishment of an independent research centre, the Institute has been federally funded. This support is supplemented by contributions from other research sponsors. There are currently more than 130 staff working at SWP's German Institute for International and Security Affairs. SWP has eight Research Units employing more than 60 scholars.
Mission and Objectives

The German Institute for International and Security Affairs of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) is an independent scientific establishment that conducts policy-oriented research on the basis of which it then advises the Bundestag (the German parliament) and the federal government on foreign and security policy issues. The analyses and publications produced by SWP researchers and their participation in national and international debates on key issues help to shape opinion in their respective domains.

Main Projects / Activities

See homepage

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Günther Maihold
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Volker Perthes

Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW) - University of Mainz

National Network

University of Mainz

+49 6131 3922701
+49 6131 3924736
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Research Centre on the social, political and economic development in the Arab world; 15 scholars 150,000 Euro Public funding, fees of associated members Various research projects; global information centre on Middle Eastern Studies; organisation of at least three conferences per year on Middle Eastern Studies The head quarters of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES), International Association for Middle Eastern Studies (IAMES) and the International Council of the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) are based at CERAW.
Mission and Objectives

CERAW coordinates a global network on Middle Eastern studies, forwards the latest information on Middle Eastern studies to some 3000 scholars via email-lists on a weekly basis, and carries out research on current development in the Middle East in the field of social sciences and humanity .

Main Projects / Activities

CERAW coordinates a global network on Middle Eastern studies, forwards the latest information on Middle Eastern studies to some 3000 scholars via email-lists on a weekly basis, and carries out research on current development in the Middle East in the field of social sciences and humanity

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Guenter Meyer
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Guenter Meyer

young.euro.connect e.V.

National Network

Meierottostraße 6

+49 - (0)30 – 88 55 24 47
+49 - (0)30 – 88 47 13 92
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The young.euro.connect e.V. was founded in 2004 in Berlin. The Association pursues exclusively and directly ‘gemeinnützige’ (charitable or non profit) objectives in accordance with § 51 AO. The Association has no self-interest; it does not primarily pursue objectives pertaining to the business interests of any individual. The Association´s Executive Board carries out the business of the young.euro.connect e.V. and deals with all organisational duties. It is made up of three people: the Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and the Treasurer. The current chairman is Wolfgang Klein, a prominent journalist and Editor-in-Chief of the political talk show "Maybrit Illner".
Mission and Objectives

The Objective of the Association is the promotion of political dialogue between young people in Europe and other regions and cultures as well as the promotion of tolerance in all facets of the concept of understanding between nations. This Objective shall be achieved particularly through financial, idealistic and organisational support provided to appropriate events for the general public.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association´s main activity is the organization of the political-literary project Young Euro Connect. Since 2005 the Young Euro Connect project takes place annually in several cities in Germany and other cities in Europe (for more information please see the attached file). In addition, the Association cooperates with other national and international organizations on projects promoting democracy, tolerance and European intergration. The Association also publishes books and articles on Europe and its values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Herr Hannes Minz
Head of the organisation
Herr Wolfgang Klein

Deutsch-Marokkanisches Kompetenznetzwerk (DMK) e.V.

National Network

Postfach 460323

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Honorary Chairmans Mrs. Wieczorek-Zeul: The German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development H.E. Rachad Bouhlal: Moroccan Ambassador in Berlin Executive board: 4 people Advisory board: 4 people Extended Board: 12 people Sources of funding: project with German and Moroccan institutions (GTZ, BMZ, ministry of diaspora, Fondation Hassan II..) Actions: university partnerships, It caravane, industrial poresentations and training.. Partner: GTZ, BMZ, Al Akhawayn University,..
Mission and Objectives

- Promotion of technology transfer and investment projects in Morocco - Reinforcement of integration of Moroccans into the German society - Promoting international understanding, culture dialogue and development cooperation

Main Projects / Activities

- School and mobile library bus for Aguelmous, southern Morocco - Promotion of scientific cooperation with the University of Cady Ayyad Marrakech and the University Hospital of Ibn Tofail Hospital (donation of medical instruments and training) - Dual Masters in computer science between Technical University of Munich and Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane Morocco - Mentoring Program for Moroccan students at German universities - An innovative tool for staff development and talent with which motivated mentees (students) during your studies, career and life planning through the experiences of successful and competent experts should be encouraged - Documenting Moroccan immigration history in Germany (50th anniversay of Moroccan immigration in Germany) - - Argan d´or: Supporting Araganarie cooperatives in marketing their products (Argan oil etc.) in Germany and abroad

Contact (1) Full Name
Karim Zidane
Head of the organisation
Dr. Karim Zidane
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Azzedine Maaroufi


National Network

P.O. Box 16440
2500 BK The Hague

The Hague

+ 31 70 31 36 602
+ 31 70 31 36 301
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
06 46 02 46 11
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Cordaid is based in The Hague, where about 240 staff are employed. Together with 890 professional partner organizations in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America we work to bring over a thousand development projects to a success.Currently we receive a grant from our government which is our main source of funding (70%). Other resources are from donations, EU grants and foundations. Our annual budget in 2010 reached 170 million of which 30 million for humanitarian aid.
Mission and Objectives

Cordaid works towards a sustainable better future for the world’s poorest people and most excluded groups. This is why we fight poverty and exclusion in places where it is most needed and areas that are most difficult to reach: places where armed conflict, underdevelopment and natural disasters hit hardest. We do this hand in hand with 850 local civil society organisations, local communities and, wherever possible, in cooperation with local governments, business and industry.
Together, we engage in a comprehensive poverty-reducing strategy: working towards better and more affordable healthcare and welfare facilities, greater economic self-sufficiency and food security. Where natural disasters occur often, we provide emergency aid in times of crisis. Before they strike, we reduce risks and create early warning systems; after disasters we are part of the reconstruction efforts. In areas in the grip of armed conflict, we reinforce social processes of dialogue, reconciliation and sustainable peace. We fight exclusion by strengthening the position and the voice of the disadvantaged and the oppressed, by empowering them to participate in decision making processes, by promoting transparency and good administration in failing or weak states.
We do this both on the ground, at flashpoints of conflict and in the middle of the most harrowing poverty, and at international forums and policymaking institutions in New York, Geneva and Brussel.
Worldwide, over a billion people live with the impact of armed conflict every day. They struggle with abject poverty, social exclusion, fear and insecurity. Their chances for advancement are minimal at best.
With the Conflict Transformation programme, Cordaid is attempting to use these conflict situations to bring about sustainable, positive change. Development projects in the programme are not only focused on the immediate consequences of a conflict (like relief for refugees) but designed to get at the root causes. People can only better themselves when they are safe, actively involved in solutions, able to assert their rights and in a position to earn their daily bread.
The conflict transformation programme focuses on areas plagued by politically motivated extreme violence, where the population pays the price for the fight between rebels, terrorist organisations, bandits and criminals, army and police. In many countries, like Sudan, the Congo and Guatemala, resource conflicts and political conflicts go hand in hand. The harvesting of natural resources confronts local communities with pollution of the living environment, loss of agricultural land and organised physical violence.

Main Projects / Activities

The work of Cordaid is specifically designed to connect the local with the national and global level in order to engage youth for more peace and security in conflict zones. This work is done together with strategic alliances. We cooperate with network organizations committed and specialized the following: identity building of youth to strengthen their resilience in conflict zones, training of youth in leadership skills to participate in local & (inter)national decision-making with regard to peace and security issues and influencing local & (inter)national policy to engage more youth in local and (inter)national decision making on peace & security.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our expertise by sharing our knowledge on enhancing emerging leadership in the Middle East. We can share our network and invite members of the Anna Lindh network to join us in advocacy on enhancing emerging leadership in the Middle East

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We work in the Middle East on enhancing emerging leadership (particularly youth and women). We seek partnership with like-minded organisations who share the same values with regard to bridge building between communities, peace & security.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeanne Abdulla
Head of the organisation
René Grotenhuis
Contact (2) Full Name
Willemijn Leenhouts

Scientific Children - “Enfants scientifiques”

National Network

Samarkand Street,4

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

- 5 Members - Programs Committee - Committee on Training - Resources Committee - Administrative Committee - Public Relations and Marketing. - Donations. Membership subscriptions, partnership٫٫٫ - Scientific camps - competitions - Debates - Training - Support for adults - Seminars - Exchange Camps and competitions "World Wide"-Award... - Ministry of Women and Children, Ministry of Education, Ministry of communication technology, community groups, civil society associations, institutions and scientific organizations

Mission and Objectives

“Enfants scientifiques” (scientific children) is a scientific NGO working to give aged between 12 and 18 years, who are motivated and with a high intellectual potential, the adequate framework for their high initial skills. The early interference in a child's life, by encouraging his high potential; increases its chances to develop positive attitudes to its future success. This elementary finding, which naturally motivated us to create and establish an adequate structure with our aiming: Developing the mental health and emotional well-being of the child and improve its mental and scientific skills. Evolving in an environment in harmony with the expectations of the child, provides a strong basis for the development of its skills. It is therefore important that the child could benefit of a favorable environment helping development, mental, emotional and intellectual.

Main Projects / Activities

Children are supervised; they participate in different activities such as competitions, various scientific games and discussions, in order to encourage exchanges and performances and of course to develop the strengths of everyone of them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hassen Jaafar
Head of the organisation
Hassen Jaafar
Contact (2) Full Name
Montasser Kammakh

National Alliance for Volunteer Action (NAVA)

National Network

28 A "Petko Karavelov" street

00 359 32 625-197
00 359 32 625-197
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 359 898 331-904
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The National Alliance for Volunteer Action (NAVA) in Plovdiv has been established as a non-profit organization in public benefit in May 2000. The framework of NAVA comprises two programs: the Volunteer Centre and the “Big Brothers/Big Sisters” Program. NAVA has a headquarter in Plovdiv and 26 volunteer centers in Bulgaria.The main activities of the organization are: recruitment of volunteers for different social directions, training of volunteers in skills for communication with different groups with special needs, motivating and supervising volunteers and maintaining the network of Volunteer Centres around Bulgaria. The sources of funding come from findraising and project management.
Mission and Objectives

NAVA’s main purpose is to serve as a mediator between NGOs and people willing to volunteer. National Alliance for volunteer action has the following main goals:
• To create, maintain, and support the administration of comprehensive methodology for volunteers management.
• To create, update and maintain effective system for monitoring the public confidence and necessities of Bulgarian society for volunteer issues. To identify fields of business and alternatives to volunteer.
• To be an active mediator between organizations/institutions working with volunteers and the people willing to be volunteers.
• To create, endorse and distribute positive models of coordination between children in need (children with communication deficits) and their social environment.
• To enrich and enlarge the youth’s knowledge of skills to volunteer, problem solving related with communications arisen at child age.
• To assist and support for the legality of volunteerism in Bulgaria

Main Projects / Activities

In 2004 NAVA was awarded by the District Governor for its entire contribution in the civil society development in the whole region, as well as was honored by international jury with award for Best project of the 2006 Year.
In 2005 NAVA, in partnership with other Bulgarian NGO’s has created and managed the most impressive Complex for social services for children and families support. Some of the following services have been provided since its functioning: “Primary prevention”, “Deinstitutionalization”, “Supportive programs for children with disabilities”, “Specialized support”,” Mother and a child”,” Center for street children support” and etc.
In 2007 the National Alliance for volunteer action created and promoted Regional resource center for social services for children and families” located in Plovdiv, that ensure support to all Community-support centers in the relevant Municipalities ,develop the social services’ methodology, programs for individual and group work with clients, policies and standards for provision of social services to clients, as well as permanent supervison and evaluation of local teams , working with children and families in the Municipalities.
In 2009 NAVA expanded its National Network to 24 Regional and Local Volunteer Centers at the territory of the country, that are hosted by partner organizations. That appears to be the largest National Volunteer Network in Bulgaria as a whole. Each Volunteer Center, as well as NAVA, gained long-term experience in the development and management of projects, directed to young people and children.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that Network cooperation is the most successful way for all NGO's to develop their strategies and ideas better. Exchanging of experience, sharing difficulties and successes, team working, and elaborating of common projetcs and initiatives affords organizations to "survive" in the complicated financial and social crisis. NAVA may contribute to the National Network's development through provision of experts in different spheres of the community-life, volunteers aged 15-75,involvement in projects of the organization and involvement in trainings, provided by the National Training Center of NAVA.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

“National Alliance for volunteer action” Foundation has been working with volunteers at the territory of the whole country for more than 10 years. Volunteers’ labor appears as one of the most active form of civil participation. We are permanently searching for new opportunities and forms of gratuitous labor giving for the development of civil communities. We truly believe that joining ALF Network will strengthen our capacity develop and participate in programs on international level, and gain experience and new ideas from the other members of ALF. The National coordinator of ALF for Bulgaria is a member of our National Volunteer Network, so we perfectly know all young people working for the "International Initiatives for cooperation" Association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina Hristoskova
Head of the organisation
Reneta Paountcheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Vera Kirilova

Mediterranean College

National Network

8 Pellinis Street & 107 Patision Street
GR-11 251

Athens, Thessaloniki

Telephone (other)
0030 211 770 9450
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Governed by an Executive Board and managed by a Head. Follows a function-based structure where units are formed according to operational processes. There are two major departments: the Academic and the Administrative. Staff Number: 34 administrative – 15 full time academics & 102 part-time academics Funding & Resources: Private financing through students’ tuition fees Main Actions: • Provision of fully-fledged UK academic programmes in Greece • Organisation of seminars, workshops, lectures, cultural and other open social events [Xinis Educational Festival (, Valaoritou Project (] • European Student Exchanges • Promotion of student employability through a career’s network • Scholarship scheme Partners: British Universities and Educational Institutions: University of Derby, Edexcel International, London Centre of Management. Individuals, business firms, non-profit organisations, municipalities, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Mediterranean College entered its fourth decade remaining firmly committed to the proud tradition of bringing the best of higher education in Greece through its collaboration with major foreign universities. Being a private college of – primarily - professional studies, Mediterranean College offers challenging undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and is committed to life-long learning. As a teaching-oriented institution of higher learning, the College emphasises on the provision of high standard teaching services and multiple opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Along with the investment in its resources in accordance with the students’ needs and the pursuit of academic excellence, the College also makes strong efforts in facilitating the needs of its local communities as well as those of the country itself, by initiating projects designed to develop links between its Schools and the local communities, as well as by organising cultural events in or outside the college boundaries.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities and projects of Mediterranean College are:
• Undergraduate and postgraduate Education
• Organisation of educational activities: Seminars, workshops, lectures, etc
• Organisation of major Educational or Social Festivals/ Events (e.g. Xinis Educational Festival, e.g. Valaoritou Project)
• International recruitment activities
• Career Office activities
• Alumni Office activities
• Students’ Union & students services
• Volunteering events and charity actions
• European Student Exchanges
• Participation in research Projects and International Academic Fora
• Student Creative Competitions (eg. Recycling Project)
• Development of Projects with the local authorities (Municipality of Thessaloniki and Athens)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Contribution of Mediterranean College to the Anna Lindh Network in Greece shall be unique in reaching local youth via the Colleges campus in both Athens and Thessaloniki. Considering the College’s profile of a 34-year history in the Educational field and the continuous communication with young people, Mediterranean College can assist the Greek Network in:
• achieving the goals of transmitting the Euro-Mediterranean values
• promoting cultural cooperation and social dialogue via the implementation of the aforementioned projects
• supporting other projects of the national network
• improving awareness of the network’s work in over 2,000 students of Mediterranean College
• improving awareness of the network’s work in over 5,000 students from other Educational Organisations of Xinis Educational Group

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will enable us to share our work with other members around the 43 member countries, exchange ideas and find new partners for our future projects.
Another reason for us to join the Network is the role we wish to play as Mediterranean College in the field of Mediterranean Education and Research.
More specifically, our goals for our first year membership at ALF are:
1) to conduct a survey on Mediterranean youth study preferences
2) to promote informal education and collaborate with other members of the network for the 4th year biggest Educational Festival in Greece, Xinis Education Festival, March-June 2012
3) to meet other members and explore future project partnerships
Both of the above projects aim:
1) to enable local youth to gain qualifications and improve skills by receiving relevant certificates of attendance (via the free seminars/training sessions and workshops of the Festival)
2) to assist Greece and Mediterranean countries overall in raising the number of international student recruitment and intercultural exchanges
3) to expand collaborative opportunities with other members and implement projects together

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Xini
Head of the organisation
Professor Sophocles Xinis
Contact (2) Full Name
Philis Ramtsiou