
National Network

42, La Canebière
13001 Marseille

+33 4 96 11 04 60
Telephone (other)
+ 33 4 96 11 04 76
+33 4 96 11 04 77
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Space culture Association Law 1901 created in 1976, officially agreed by the Town of Marseilles and subsidized by PACA region and the Bouches du Rhône Department . The building, located in the middle of the city, shelters 22 employees and is opened to the public 6 days out of 7 to fulfill our mission of cultural information to general public and the promotion of the cultural activities suggested in Marseilles and in the region . Annual budget: 1,5 Million euro Principal manifestations : Meetings of Averroès, Biennial of Young Creators of Europe and the Mediterranean, Curtain rise (crossing of public the sport and culture), + of infos on our Internet site
Mission and Objectives

The association has as objectif to participate in the cultural development in the city of Marseilles , particulary for :
- the training actions , information counsil .
- to provide studies and services in the cultural field .
- The coordination , prefiguration and / or the organisation of the cultural manifestations in Marseilles .

Main Projects / Activities

Culture Space:
Publishing a monthly agenda for Marseilles ,reperatory guides by the artistic sectors .
Organizes a direct cycle and culture for the professionals .
Exempt the counsil to the cultural association .
Organizes and products Averroès meetings : round tables for : "
to think the Mediterranean of two rivers"
organizes and produces the Marseilles participation in Biennial Young Creators of Europe and the Mediterranean (Member of BJCEM association): selection of the artists, promotion, accompaniment, diffusion of their work, organization of workshops in amont de la Biennale

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Jacques Gilliard, directeur
Head of the organisation
Bernard Jacquier
Contact (2) Full Name
France Irrmann, responsable Pôle Evénements

Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme

National Network

5 Rue du Château de l’Horloge BP 647 Code Postal :13 094
13 094 aix en provence

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
1. Number of staff members of Euromed Pole of the RAMSES project : 6 and number of partners : 33 2. RAMSES budget: 3.4 millions Euros per 4 years.
Mission and Objectives

To enhance scientific values and the European area of research and to diffuse it beyond Europe while gathering a group of specialists and researchers .

Main Projects / Activities

The projects and activities of RAMSES ? are defined on the scientific level through three large axes: memories, conflicts and exchanges, to which are added integration tools , training actions and diffusion of research operations. The principal objective is to build a new field of research : the Euro Mediterranean students , in order to analyze and to compare several disciplines : archaeology, history, studies of the old texts, ethnology, sociology, sciences political…

Contact (1) Full Name
Thierry FABRE
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

La Pépinière à Ventenac

National Network

5, route de Saint-Nazaire
11120 Ventenac en Minervois

04 68 43 53 52
Telephone (other)
06 17 34 37 30
Mobile Phone
06 17 34 37 30
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Ventenac en Minervois est un village du Sud de la France, à 30 km de la Méditerranée, entre Montpellier et Toulouse. Il se trouve au bord du Canal du Midi, classé patrimoine de l'humanité par l'UNESCO; L'association dispose d'un espace de 400 m2,spécialement aménagé pour des projections de cinéma et de vidéo. Elle organise une exposition par an, pendant 2 mois.
Mission and Objectives

L'association la pépinière à Ventenac a pour mission d'organiser des expositions d'art contemporain. Les media privilégiés sont la vidéo, la photo et le cinéma. La thématique générale est la Méditerranée, lieu d'échange et de confrontation. L'objectif est de permettre la production, l'exposition et la rencontre d'oeuvres et d'artistes venus du Nord et du Sud de la Méditerranée. En 2010, l'exposition présentée s'intitulait "LOIN", elle présentait les travaux d'artistes qui s'interrogeaient (sur les plans éthique et esthétique)sur la manière de filmer et de photographier les autres.

Main Projects / Activities

En 2011, l'exposition prévue regroupera des artistes issus du Maghreb et de France et travaillant sur le thème de la transe et du cri : Yazid Oulab, Ange Leccia, Zined Sedira. En 2012, La Pépinière présentera le travail réalisé à Tanger par Alda Terraciano avec des étudiant de l'Ecole d'arts visuels de Marrakech.

Contact (1) Full Name
François Moulignat
Head of the organisation
François Moulignat

Individual member: Roy Sher

National Network

10B Ein Karem st. Ein Karem

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Roy Sher is a producer and director of Fiction and Documentaries films. Born in 1977 in the city of Haifa, Israel, Roy studied at the Tel Aviv University film and TV department, in which he had directed a number of short Fiction and Documentary films. In the last 3 years Roy is engaged with an acclaimed international multi-disciplinary project titles 'My Sweet Canary' on the life and music of the Queen of the Greek Rebetiko, Roza Eskenazi
Mission and Objectives

Roy Sher is a Director and Producer in the Documentary and Fiction fields. As such he aims to direct and produce films. He is also engaged in Creatively Producing music concerts on international scale.

Main Projects / Activities

The 'My Sweet Canary' project is centered around the feature documentary film, but is also a number of by-0products that were created around it, such as:
1. A soundtrack Album.
2. A Concert ensemble featuring an internationally acclaimed musicians that perform in the World music festival scene,as well as on international stages around the world.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think that the kind of projects I am engaged in introduce the regional culture that we live inside to the people of my country, and most important, create a dialog between the people of this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think that the kind of projects I am dealing with now, and in the future, are projects that aim at connecting people, stories and culture from the region of the world I come from, which is the Mediterranean. Through the network , I intend to establish contacts and meet colleagues that share the same enthusiasm as me.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roy Sher

Učilište za obrazovanje odraslih - IDEM

National Network

Ilica 48

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
One employed person. Sources of funding: EU funds IPA IV component, self-financing, local government, donations and foundations. We work with teachers, preschool teachers, teaching assistants, mobile expert teams and parents on increasing their competences to work with children with disabilities and to work with diversity. Our main partners are Local Authorities, Croatian employment Service, Agency for VET and Adult Education, parents, schools and preschool institutions.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective is developing of inclusive educational model, increasing educational process quality and protection and promotion of human rights on national level. Our mission is to improve level of social inclusion in Croatia and Region.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
- transformation of special institutions into centres for support to regular schools and preschool institutions (Centre for Autism Zagreb, Centre for Rehabilitation Zagreb, Centre for Education Velika Gorica, Centre for children and youth Karlovac, Centre for Education Ozalj)
Main Activities:
- education for teaching assistants
- education for mobile expert teams
- workshops for teachers and preschoolteachers
- education for inclusive teachers and preschool teachers
- supervision
- promoting and marketing activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote Network's values and work in a field of social inclusion in cooperation with Network. We can also participate in all future activities that Network plan to do in our Region and all our projects could be done in cooperation with Network. As we are unique institution for formal and non formal education in this field, we see our role as developing, promoting and innovative in Croatia and Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to contribute to Network's work and to improve inclusive services on National and Regional level. As we already have developed models of inclusion and we work in that field over 17 years, we want to share our knowledge and experiences with other relevant institutions and organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Darko Kobetić, prof.
Head of the organisation
Darko Kobetić, prof.

Organisation of Youth "Youth in the EU"

National Network

Prilaz tvornici 41
22000 Sibenik

+ 385 (0) 22/212 834
Mobile Phone
+ 385 97 778 778 1
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 385 97 778 779 1
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We have 40 members Structure of the organization: congress, board of organisation, president, members Budgetary: from 10 000 to 12 000 euro Sources of funding: national budget, donation and the local self-government Actions: projects and seminars based on the young people Partners: Club tehnical culture "Enter" and "Šibenski consumer" (Organisation of consumer)

Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives of Organisation is to promote the values and quality of the European union, to expand the knowledge of citizens about European union, the development of organisations and civil initiatives, promoting volunteery and fleeting the rights of the young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Information the citizens about EU, organisating the leisure time for young people and protect their rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our experience and capacity on the Sibenik-Knin County we contribute with our seminars and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, we wont to promotion the new projects and developt the partners cooperating.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Mrša
Head of the organisation
Martin Mrša
Contact (2) Full Name
Živana Junaković

Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies

National Network

Trg Stjepana Radića 3
10000 Zagreb

+385 (0)1 6111 563
Telephone (other)
+385 (0)1 6111 586
+385 (0)1 6119 680
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

1. Public institute, 33 employees, 24 researchers (sociology, psychology, history, demography, political science). 2. 720.000,00 kn 3. Ministry of Science, Education and Sport 4. Projects 5. Ministries of the Republic of Croatia

Mission and Objectives

The main function of the Institute is to stimulate the comparative study of migration, minorities and ethnicity, to promote a public understanding of the complexity and reality of these topics, and also, through research and discussion, to stimulate the implementation of new policies and activities that might aid in the resolution of problems in the fields of migration, minority and ethnic studies.

Main Projects / Activities

•Organisation and implementation of scientific research; •Publication of the Institute's research results, as well as of the research results of other scientists dealing with migration, minority topics and ethnicity; •Organisation of scientific and professional discussions (symposia, conferences, round tables) in the field of migration, minority and ethnic studies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The aim of joining the ALF Network is co-operation with other scientific and professional institutions and individual researchers both in Croatia and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Perić Kaselj
Head of the organisation
dr. sc. Marina Perić Kaselj

Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Kulturalnej Widok

National Network

ul. Mazowiecka 37f m.13 15-301 Białystok, Poland

+48 662 476 834
Telephone (other)
+48 512 757 506
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+48 662 476 834
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 512 757 506
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Widok Association is a non-governmental organization established in 2000. Currently it has 20 members. It has a yearly budget of around 100000 PLN. The main sources of funding are: individual donors, 1% income tax deduction, Stefan Batory Foundation, grants from governmental and other non-governmental organizations. The main modalities of action include: scholarship programme (main activity since 2003), concrete art and education projects, publishing activity. Association's main partners are Stefan Batory Foundation, Kurier Poranny (local newspaper), Arsenal Gallery (Bialystok), Slendzinski Gallery (Bialystok), University of Bialystok, Stanislaw Staszic Colledge of Public Administration in Bialystok.
Mission and Objectives

Widok Association's mission is to develop and promote activities supporting cultural education within society and propagate information about culture, as well as to support individuals and organizations undertaking such actions.
Association's activity is in particular aimed at children and adolescents from poor urban and rural areas, disabled people, people in danger of social exclusion and all people whit difficult access to culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Artistic and education workshops, plein-air workshops, exhibitions, publications, organizing cultural events, scholarships for poor and artistically gifted children and teenagers, scholarships for art students and young artists, cooperation with individuals and institutions for the purpose of gathering information and exchanging experience regarding cultural education, organization-economic consultancy and aid for association members as well as other subjects interested in the association's activity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Widok Association is a well established non-governmental organization operating in Bialystok and eastern podlasie region. We can contribute over 12 years of experience as well as a tight group of energetic and devoted members. Our contacts with other oragnizations, public institutions and private companies can also prove valuable in future projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because the ALF Network will allow Widok Association to spread its activity to the whole world. It will also enable us to participate and contribute to international projects. The worldwide network of contacts within other organizations and institutions will also help us to widen our activity and create better and more attractive projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Siwerska
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Godlewska
Contact (2) Full Name
Konrad Pormańczuk

Fundacja Glebokiej Demokracji (Deep Democracy Foundation)

National Network

pl. Kossaka 3/6 31-106 Krakow

48 505 476 964
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Deep Democracy Foundation has no employed staff and in the moment we work volountary only. Our resources are small as we are new organization, approximately 8000 for the year 2011. Our founding are private donations and grants for the projects. We do concrete projects, exchange with other organisations, seminars (payed and nonpayed)
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is the creation of a world in which the voice of every human being would be heard and taken into consideration in the decision-making process.
We share promote the idea of Deep Democracy, which is not only a method, but also a way of existing, of making decisions and of personal, relational, family, political and organizational development. A Deeply Democratic approach is the main and fundamental way to realize all the statutory purposes of the Foundation.
THE GOALS of the Foundation:
* 1. Promoting and teaching the idea and practical application of Deep Democracy, as well as involved democracy, building an open civic society, supporting democratic ideas and solving social conflicts.
* 2. Social help, especially helping people who are socially excluded, endangered with exclusion or who have difficulties with social re-adaptation to integrate, re-integrate and join the social fabric.
* 3. Increasing the consciousness and psychological well-being of people coming from marginalised, discriminated and disadvantaged social groups, as well as people from groups that are potentially endangered with marginalisation, discrimination and social exclusion.
* 4. Acting in aid of science, education and upbringing.
* 5. Acting in aid of: the development of self-awareness, the promotion of knowledge about the functioning of human psyche, the dynamics of interpersonal relations, the decreasing of discrimination, the reduction of violence and social pathologies, the increasing of the awareness of deep democracy, also in relation to the richness of psyche and human inner life.
* 6. Promoting and organising voluntary work based on the theory and practical implementation of Deep Democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Grundtvig's and Leonardo partnership projects.
Seminars about post war collective trauma between Polish, German and Jewish people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing our experiences about interculture conflict and collective trauma work with emphasis on deep-democracy approach.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share mutual experiences and to learn from the net-partners about sustainable ways of multiculture approaches.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Palusinski
Head of the organisation
Robert Palusinski

Stowarzyszenie Artystów Polskich

National Network

18/14 Berka Joselewicza Street
31-051 Kraków

+48 794 752 127
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+48 792 674 711
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 790 757 282
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Stowarzyszenie Artystów Polskich (SAP, Piolish Artists Associacion) is a non-profit organisation which promotes creativeness of young artists in different fields such as music, literature and art. All people involved in Association’s actions work on volunteer basis. The head of the SAP is Jacek Ajdanović - young cellist and composer. In Association Board there are also Marta Ciesielska, Weronika Krówka, Roman Czura and Bogusława Hubisz-Sielska. To achieve objectives SAP is organizing artistic events, festivals, concerts, conferences, lectures and exhibitions. Every year SAP organizes music festival “New Music New Faces”. Because of a small budget, which consist of an individual donations, we cooperate with sponsors to make the festival a successful event.
Mission and Objectives

- development of music, literature and art
- promotion of young artists
- promotion of national culture abroad
- promotion of Kraków
- development of civil society
- actions for European integration and cooperation between cultures

Main Projects / Activities

- organization of a music festiwal "New Music New Faces” which is an only independent festival of contemporary music in Poland. Idea of the festival is to present and promote creation of young artists but also remind forgotten composers of the 20th century. During the festival audience could hear works not only Polish but also Belarusian, Chinese, Croatian and Ukrainian artist.
- participation in Sarajevo Winter Festival 2012 in which Polish music will be promoted
- participation in 12th International Triennale of Architecture, Kraków
- organization, in cooperation with Polish Institute in Minsk, a concert “On the centenary of birth of Karol Szymanowski”
- civil society actions – consultations on the new philharmonic building, actions for giving the street name of Marek Stachowski

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network in order to promote our festival “New Music New Faces”. We have already been able to establish contacts with organizations in Balkans countries but we would like to inform more countries about our initiative. We would like to invite young musicians from Euro-Mediterranean countries to take part in our Festival and present their creativeness during the festival.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacek Ajdinović
Head of the organisation
Jacek Ajdinović
Contact (2) Full Name
Michalina Miedzianowska