Save a Child's Heart (SACH) in Memory of the Late Dr. Ami Cohen

National Network

1 Borocohov Street, P.O. Box 121
Azur 58008

+ 972 (3) 558-9656
+972 (3) 558-9657
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 (52) 8669 449
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1. SACH is managed by a board of directors and SACH's executive director. SACH's Staff includes an executive director, an office manager, a families' caretaker, an expressive art therapist, a grants coordinator, a bookkeeper, a medical secretary and a maintenance worker. 2. The FY2011 budget is $6,155,000. 3. The SACH activities are funded by SACH's various supporters, private foundations and donors, who contribute annually to the SACH activities. SACH has a fundraising network with offices in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Holland, Canada, United States, Switzerland, Australia, Kenya, Vietnam and Ghana. 4. Main Partners: The Wolfson Medical Centre (WMC) - SACH is led at the WMC, a governmental non-profit hospital, an affiliate of the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. The pediatric cardiac medical team includes approximately 70 people. Medical Partners - SACH works with a reliable medical partner from each of the developing countries SACH works with.
Mission and Objectives

SACH's mission is to improve the quality of pediatric cardiac care for children from developing countries, who suffer from heart disease and to create centers of competence in these countries.
SACH's objectives are: (1) to provide life-saving cardiac surgeries for children from developing countries at the WMC; (2) to Provide a full outreach training program for the medical personnel from these countries in Israel; (3) to hold pre -operative and follow-up clinics; leading medical missions to partner countries for screening, operating and training.
SACH patients come from around the world: from St. Vincent and Ecuador in the American Continent to China, Sri Lanka and Vietnam in the Far East; from Russia, Moldova and Ukraine to Ethiopia and Zanzibar; from Jordan, Iraq and the Palestinian Authority to Nigeria and Congo – 42 different locations to date.
Presently, there are more than 1,000 children on our waiting list.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Bringing to the WMC in Israel 150-200 children annually, in need of heart surgery who cannot be operated on in their countries due to lack of knowledge and necessary infrastructure. Likewise, SACH holds a cardiology clinic in Israel every Tuesday for Palestinian children from Gaza and the West Bank.
2. Training 3-6 medical personnel each year from partner sites in Israel at the WMC, an affiliate of the Sackler School of Medicine at the Tel Aviv University, for in-depth post-graduate training in all facets of pediatric cardiac care.
3. Traveling to partner sites in developing countries in order to:
? Evaluate pre- and post operative patients, together with local personnel in joint cardiology clinics;
? Operate on patients together with local personnel in those partner sites that have the minimal required standards in terms of infrastructure and personnel;
? Offer onsite training in various related fields: cardiology, cardiac surgery, intensive care, anesthesia etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Simon Fisher, Adv. Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Simon Fisher, Adv. Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Ronni Ehrlich-Gal, Grants Coordinator

Modus Vivendi NGO

National Network

Krizovljanska 1
HR-10000 Zagreb

00385 1 36 33 510
003851 36 35 398
Mobile Phone
00385 98 22 88 88
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
• The Modus Vivendi organizational structure consists of: the assembly, president, vice president and secretary. All members of the organization are volunteers including president. Modus Vivendi NGO has no staff and/or partners employed, • Budget amount planned for this year is approx. 10.000 U.S. dollars total, • Modus Vivendi sources of funding are: member fees, donations and grants, • Action modalities of Modus Vivendi are: books and journals publication, educational campaigns, workshops, seminars, meetings, training sessions, roundtable and conferences organization, • Modus Vivendi major partner involved in the organization's projects/activities is HUKON - Croatian Association of Local and Regional Government Consultants.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the Modus Vivendi NGO is to promote and encourage the social inclusion, transparency and fairness. Main Strategic objective of Modus Vivendi NGO is to develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning through promotion of all types and levels of formal and informal education and learning. Organizational mission is to support civil society initiatives and to promote tolerance, solidarity and mutual understanding between European citizens, encouraging the active participation in creation of public policies, using their full capabilities and skills through education and involvement in decision-making processes. Organization is active in development of positive values of civil society, human rights and democratic freedoms. Main objective of Modus Vivendi NGO is building a culture of entrepreneurship through the affirmative educational system, close cooperation between science and industry, collaboration between sectors and transfer of knowledge and technology. (From Modus Vivendi Statute, article 6)

Main Projects / Activities

"Application of IT tools in the function of promoting economic reform and development of entrepreneurship” is our main recent project. Modus Vivendi has also other activities like promoting tolerance, solidarity, social responsibility and mutual understanding between European citizens and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Modus Vivendi NGO has free capacity to facilitate actions of civil society in the field of education, culture and creativity, peace and dialog, intercultural learning, media and public opinion. Our organization is credible partner for promoting people-to-people exchanges, intercultural dialogue and in creation and implementation regional civil society initiatives and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We in Modus Vivendi NGO think that we share same values and complementary program goals with ALF Network members.
Also we want to get relevant information about similar activities in the region and establish new potential partners. Our members wish to participate in gender and intercultural dialogue.
We would like to exchange experience, best practices, project ideas, available resources and tools with other civil society organizations. According to the Statute, Modus Vivendi NGO may join alliances and networks (article 13) and cooperate with similar organizations in Croatia and abroad (article 6).

Contact (1) Full Name
Kruno Gajger
Head of the organisation
Kruno Gajger

Association Univers du Conte

National Network

Centre Culturel Pilote, Route Gremda Km 1 - Impasse Ben Saïd- 3003 SFAX-TUNISIE

Tél : 216 97 017 934
Telephone (other)
00216 74 228 712
Fax : 00216 74 297 117
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
00216 21 133 890
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Association culturelle non gouvernementale œuvrant à la revalorisation du conte et des conteurs et de leur rôle dans l'éducation, l'art et la vie, elle cherche aussi à développer le plaisir de lire chez l'enfant à travers le conte et la lecture. équipe de 5 membres partenaires:Direction de la lecture publique-Tunisie ; Fédération Nationale des associations des amis du livre et de la bibliothèque; Bibliothèque régionale de Sfax,Réseau Méditerranéen du conte HAKAYA(Jordanie),Centre National de la Luttérature Enfantine(Egypte), Radio de Sfax,Complexe Culturel de Sfax,Association des amis du livre et de la biblioyhéque de Sfax

Mission and Objectives

- Organiser des compétitions pour découvrir les enfants et les jeunes doués dans le domaine de la narration du conte. - Organiser des cycles de formation et d’ateliers à fin d’initier les jeunes conteurs et de les qualifier au métier de conteur dans les établissements et les associations culturelles, éducatives et de l'enfance. - Créer des clubs du conte dans les établissements culturels, éducatifs et de l'enfance afin de revaloriser le conte et encourager les enfants doués en matière de conte. - Organiser des ateliers d’initiation et des cycles de formation pour les parents en vue de les sensibiliser à l'importance de la narration des contes pour leurs enfants dès le premier âge. - Organiser un festival annuel de conte dans les établissements culturels, éducatifs et de l'enfance à Sfax et dans ses zones rurales et ses quartiers populaires. - Inciter les moyens d'information à jouer un rôle important dans la revalorisation du conte et des conteurs dans la société et les sensibiliser à collaborer avec l’association dans ce domaine

Main Projects / Activities

Création d’un corps de jeunes conteurs Ce projet part d’un constat concernant la faible présence du livre et du conte dans l’environnement de l’enfant, à l’âge préscolaire. Il consiste à créer un corps de jeunes conteurs professionnels, choisis parmi les jeunes diplômés motivés dont la plupart sont à la recherche d’emploi, et ce à travers des cycles de formation théorique et pratique dans le but d’animer des séances de contes et de lecture à haute voix auprès des crèches, des jardins d’enfant, des Bibliothèques d’enfant et des familles et autre structures de l’enfance.... Le projet vise la réhabilitation de la tradition orale, moyennant le conte profitant aux enfants d’âge préscolaire. Il permet la formation de 16 jeunes diplômés au métier de conteurs et de lecteurs-animateurs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par la collaboration avec les associations similaires

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

chercher des partenaires méditerranéens dans le domaine du conte et de la lecture

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohja Naïfar
Head of the organisation
Abderrazek Kammoun
Contact (2) Full Name
Taoufik Kalamoun

African Center of Slovenia

National Network


+386 590 203 18
Telephone (other)
+ 386 31 683 542
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure: The African Center (ACS) is headed by the Chair and executive committee, voted by general assembly, which is composed of all the members of the ACS. Currently two people are employed full time, working on a project. Most of the activities of the ACS are carried out by volunteers and free lance contracts. Partners: ACS is a founding member of SLOGA, a platform organization for non-governmental, non-profit organisations that are active in the field of development cooperation, global learning and humanitarian aid. It cooperates closely with various Slovene NGOs. ACS has also close partners in Ireland and Great Britain, as it is currently working on a common project Budgetary yearly resources: approx. 60.000 EUR Sources: membership fee, projects, donations, co-funding contributions from governmental institutions (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) The main activities of ACS are focused on: projects, workshops, round tables and discussions, lectures and small publishing activity.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ACS is to become an open organization, which will be recognized widely for its values and knowledge on African topics.
ACS wishes to secure equal possibilities in the society, respect for human rights, freedom, and responsibility for African immigrants.
In ACS we try to raise awareness about the mutual global connection.

Main Projects / Activities

ACS is currently conducting a EU commissioned project entitled: Images of Africa from an African Perspective, which is a Public Awareness and Capacity Building Programme that aims at raising awareness on development issues in the EU from an African perspective through the development and promotion of positive images of Africans and African countries and to build the capacity of African people living in the EU to deliver development education programmes focused on positive images of Africans and African Countries.
The project is conducted with two partners from Ireland and GB. In addition to the above project, ACS has conducted in the past several projects in the field of culture, youth education, music and theatre, development education and organized a number or lectures and round tables, focusing on promoting positive dialog, African culture, cultural exchange, mutual respect for cultural differences and tackling the issues of integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACS has very good experiences in working with partners on an international and national level. With these experiences as well as our stated objectives, we believe that ACS would be a valuable asset to ALF and could importantly contribute to the realization of its programmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ACS would like to join ALF in order to enlarge its activities and exchange information and experiences also through cooperation with countries across the Mediterranean. We see a big potential in forming partnerships with ALF members. The ALF values and mandate for mutual respect of differences between cultures, religions, societies in general, as well as promoting the strong pluralistic civil society goes in line with the mission of ACS.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Zveza društev Mladinski center Postojna

National Network

Vilharjeva ulica 14,
p.p. 126

6230 Postojna

+386 (0)5 7263 286
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 (0)42 334 616
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- association of societys (zveza društev) Skytower, MKDC Postojna and KŠOPP (klub študentov Pivke in Postojne), staff employed 3-4, 50 volunteers - in Year 2011 we had ca. 170.000€ budgetary resources - national resources (Urad za mladino), local resources (občina Postojna), European Social Found, Youth in Action, donations - projects, exchanges, workshops, seminars, cultural and artistic events - main partners: MKDC Postojna and KŠOPP (klub študentov Pivke in Postojne)
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the Youth center Postojna is to provide quality leisure activities for young people, which is achieved in the daily operation, free internet access and organization of various cultural and artistic events (concerts, theater, exhibitions, literary evenings).
MCP is an organization where the youth are engaged, an organization where their opinion counts and motivated youth workers care about their local/regional/international projects.

Main Projects / Activities

- daily center for youth in Postojna
- MCP is the organizer of two major festivals: ''Festival drugačne muzike v Trnju'' being an international festival of alternative music (MCP provides logistical and technical support) and ''Poletni kulturni festival Zmaj 'ma mlade'' being our ''house'' festival, covering all kinds of cultural production throughout the month of August.
- regional resource center for NGO's, BOREO
- Our young voluntary workers are repairing and modernizing our youth center which is also a Multimedia center, so we can organize different seminars for young people, cultural events, travelogues lectures
- we have an EVS (European Voluntary Service) accreditation as hosting, sending and coordinating organization

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

our contribution to the Network would be sharing excellent project ideas, be a reliable partner to national/international partners, helping to learn and grow all included people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- to develop international projects in the field of intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatjana Hvala
Head of the organisation
Samo Vesel


National Network

Mosećka 62
21000 Split

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
"Srce" is founded in Split. Vesna Jerković is president. "Srce" also has it's council, some voloteers. But only one person works professionaly. "Srce" is non profit - young people with spetial needs (between 17 - 33 years). It has about 70 - 80 members. "Srce" has many activities: bowling, art and music workshop, horse therapy. "Srce" 's budget is about 30-40,000 Euros, money is get from state institutions, donators and often we earn money by selling our products. We haven't any partnership yet, this is our first try.
Mission and Objectives

Each man has the same rights, weather he is ill or not, weather he is woman or men, with faith or no.
We want society without barriers, multicultural dialogue, not selfish people.

Main Projects / Activities

Horse therapy, bowling, art and music workshops.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can awake our citizens that we have rights to live, to learn, to travel... We want to remind them that every man in every moment in his life could be a "person with special needs". My country must follow the low in everyday life's.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to meet new people, make cooperative project, learn about other countries. We do not want to be limited because we cant speak, hear or walk.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vanja Škrobica
Head of the organisation
Vesna Jerković

Insaan: Česko-arabské centrum kulturního dialogu, o.p.s. (Insaan: Czech-Arab Centre for Cultural Dialogue)

National Network
Czech Republic

Drtinova 557/10, Praha 5, 150 00
15000 Prague

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information

Structure: Director, Board of Trustees, Supervisory Board Funding: ethical and transparent - private donors, corporate donors, governments, EU

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is dismantling stereotypes and prejudices by creating shared understanding between European and Arab societies.

Main Projects / Activities

Exhibitions of modern art; movie and music festivals; translation and publishing of modern Arabic literature;conferences, roundtables and seminars;research.

Contact (1) Full Name
Šádí Shanaáh
Head of the organisation
Šádí Shanaáh


National Network


+90 2324839159
+90 2324895767
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 5309322885
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 5306945423
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Karatas High School was founded in 1887 so it is an historical and old school. It is located in the centre of Izmir by the seaside. It has also a wonderful landscape of the city. We are a public secondary school.
Mission and Objectives

Since our school is in the centre of the city, our students are composed of immigrants from the other regions of Turkey as well as local students. For this reason our school reflects mosaic of different cultures. Our school is a high school, which prepares students for university education during four years after the eight-year compulsory education. There are about 1600 students who are between 14 and 18 years old.

Main Projects / Activities

Our school has 2 Comenius projects .The first and finished one Religion-Culture-Tolerance occured at 2008-2010 project term;the second one URBANSCAPE belongs to 2011-2013 project term. We also have finished 2 welldone e-twinning projects: Let's Make Friends (10.11.2009), Natural Beauties of Europe (27.08.2010).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Turkey especially educational institutions are aware of only National Agencies as a source of new projects. We can promote first of all the name and then the aims of ALF to our similar institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We expect that we can observe an intensive mobility of the European communities equally within the country borders and on the whole continent. It causes a necessity of development specific sorts of dispositions in our students and also in youth workers: respect for difference, openness and tolerance. An effective work on this values equally at homes and school is a guarantee of a successful intercultural dialogue.And we know that The Anna Lindh Foundation’s Calls for Proposals are one of the instruments to support the development of transnational civil society projects and to mobilise the National Networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

ACERT – Associação Cultutal e Recreativa de Tondela

National Network

Rua Dr Ricardo Mota – Apartado 118
3461-909 Tondela

00 351 232 814 400
Telephone (other)
00 351 232 814 405
00 351 232 814 409
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 351 912 262 418
Mobile Phone (other)
00 351 917 262 480
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Non profit organization for public utility , with 30 working people 10 of them in full time; 2. 600.000€; 3. Ministry of culture, Ministry of youth, Tondela Municipality; 4. professional theatre companies, and all the programming of the Vovo Ciclo cultural center, exchanges mainly with Mozembique, Cabo Verde and Brazil, in 2005 we organized a session of the European Diploma on Cultural project Managed in partnership with the Marcel Hicter Foundation ; Tondela municipality, Ministry of culture, ANIMAR, several theatre groups from all over Europe, and in Mozambique, Brazil and Cabo Verde Having been formed in 1979, ACERT has the carrier of a multidisciplinary actuation in terms of the artistic areas, and grounded its creative strength on the original core: TRIGO LIMPO teatro ACERT. This particular situation - a theatre company generating a cultural association - is the main feature of the dynamics of ACERT, and influences decisively its attitude and evolution: the growth of a transversal project, in terms of the promotion of events; artistic formation and production, based on a highly professional team of theatrical agents who have guaranteed its operationality as far as the management of a continued permanent programming project is concerned. It has perpetuated itself as a cultural structure in a region of our country that asserts itself by: - Incorporating a permanently renewed and renewing artistic practice, within a steadily efficient communitarian relationship, in order to potentiate didactical circuits of conquest of varied publics and audiences who strongly feel, above all, the lack of cultural offers. - Projecting artistic experiences within an enlarged basis of local , regional, national and international itinerancy that favours the capitalization of experiences and contacts, so as to implement and potentiate the project as far as the artistic experimentalism, the innovation of methodologies and the geographical enlargement of audiences are concerned. - Searching for actuation practices that support the development of the project, as a widening factor of different geographical areas, and thus attracting urban publics who can be added to the communitarian interconnection and allow the achievement of a consistent whole plan of local insertion, namely through the boldness of both the practices and the established targets. - Permanently innovating the means of performance and intervention (the human resources - creators, technicians, animators -, the space, the equipments, the offer of services, the artistic formation and the cultural creation) so as to guarantee an increase of quality in programming, conditions offered to the creators and therefore to the publics. - Maintaining the level of artistic and professional exigency and self-demand, which has been made real by the formative updating and exchange of experiences, essential factors to continue a process of balanced and equilibrated growth. This practice made possible for ACERT to implant itself geographically, and to project itself in the cultural life of the country, though the identity it gives to the direction of a transversal, didactic, effective and daring artistic intervention, in order to transform cultural habits. It is worth stressing out that the district of Viseu, though it has today an indisputable cultural offer and projection, was once considered as a region without cultural practices, spaces or habits. Although we definitely don’t consider ACERT as the sole protagonist of this change, it would be absurd not to point out its the important role it played in this transformation.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the organization is to highlight the need of cultural work for the local sustainable development.
Education true culture
The possibilities of a cultural project outside the big centre cities in Portugal

Main Projects / Activities

Professional theatre company; Novo Ciclo – resource cultural centre managed by the association; Common cultural network with 7 municipalities of the centre region in Portugal; EQUAL project for gender questions;

Contact (1) Full Name
Miguel Cláudio Torres Bruno
Head of the organisation
Carlos Alberto Antunes da Silva
Contact (2) Full Name
José Rui Martins


National Network

16 quai de RIve Neuve


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L'association se compose de quatre personnes dont une salariée à temps partiel chargée de la communication et de la production. Annuellement l'association a une budget d'environ 70000€. Le Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône, le Conseil Régional de PACA , le CUCS (Politique de la ville de Marseille) et la Fondation Abbé Pierre étaient les financeurs en 2009.
Mission and Objectives

La promotion et la valorisation de la culture tsigane dans le but de de réduire les discriminations dont ils sont victimes régulièrement.

Main Projects / Activities

L'association a pour but de produire et d'organiser le festival Latcho Divano ("le bel échange"), festival d'environ 10 jours qui a lieu chaque année depuis 2008 autour de Romano Dives, le 8 avril.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurène BLANC
Head of the organisation
Laurence JANNER