Dínamo - Associação de Dinamização Sócio-Cultural

National Network

Rua das Ameixoeiras, 3
2635-465 Rio de Mouro - Sintra


+351 96 98 22 442
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Dínamo is composed of 150 young people aged 16-25 (mostly), including migrants and youth at risk. Dínamo’s office is composed by 3 staff members plus several punctual local volunteers. Dínamo works in several fields like training, exchanges, youth policy lobbying, community development, social inclusion, intercultural dialogue and Human Rights education. Dínamo promotes youth participation and democracy projects at local level through the cooperation with its local partners like Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins and promotes also international activities with an extensive network of internacional partners. Dínamo counts with a budget of 221.000€ for 2012 coming from international institutions like the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the European Youth Foundation, private foundation like the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and local partners.
Mission and Objectives

Dínamo is a local/regional youth NGO born in Sintra aimed at raising and facilitating youth participation in civil society.
Since 2011 Dínamo works in a long term strategy called “Sintra is Also Yours!” based in three main aims linked to specific objectives:
Empowerment of young people and local community development. To develop activities and support the empowerment of young people, through youth exchanges, communities initiatives and other educational activities.
Promotion of mechanisms and necessary conditions for youth participation: to create and support mechanisms of youth participation in the district of Sintra and to raise the public opinion for the importance of youth participation in the civil society.
Youth work empowerment: to qualify youth workers, through training courses with Non-Formal Education principles, to improve the youth work and the social responses at local level, mostly in the field of youth participation and the Human Right education.

Main Projects / Activities

Following the “Sintra is Also Yours!” long term strategy Dínamo develops several projects in cooperation with its local and international partners.
The main projects in the strategy are the creation of the first Local Network for Youth Participation (2011-2012) and the following Local Needs Assessment for Youth Participation (2012-2013).
Beyond this, Dínamo is working in the development of a Non-Formal Education Training Center and in other local and international youth projects.
At local level Dínamo is member of the working group “(I)Nova Tapada”, in strict cooperation with the Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins, that aims to build an intercultural dialogue and respect in the community of Tapada das Mercês promoting intercultural activities and creating occasions of mutual learning and cultural diversity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Dínamo works since 2008 in the youth field and has developed since then several local and international projects. During this period it has improved its experience in the youth work and in Non-Formal Education and now is ready to share these competences in the ALF network in a local, national and international level.
With the long term strategy “Sintra Also is Yours!”, officially recommended by the Council of Europe, Dínamo focus on the youth participation field, becoming a national reference in term of training courses and good practice about youth participation and Non-Formal Education.
We can offer to the National Network and to all the ALF members our experiences in these fields, such as our practice in the Euro Med cooperation with the Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins in the district of Sintra. We will realize also all the effort to be an active member of ALF, sharing our project and activities, applying for the ALF grants and collaborating with the other members in order to realize meaningful project about Euro Med cooperation, intercultural dialogue and citizenship.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the Long Term Training Course for Euro-Arab Cooperation in Youth Project promoted by the Council of Europe and the League of Arab States, Dínamo took contact with a person of ALF and understood immediately the importance of being part of the Portuguese National Network with its main local partner, the Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins (AACITMM) to increase their cooperation at local level and to improve the action for the promotion of pluralism and cultural diversity.
Dínamo and AACITMM work together in different projects in a complementary way. AACITMM has developed a great social work in the multicultural community of Tapada das Mercês giving support in different ways to the migrant people, fighting against the social exclusion and promoting a culture of respect and mutual understanding. Dínamo adds to this cooperation its experience in youth work, also with young migrants and youth at risk, mainly, but not only, in the field of youth participation and Non-Formal Education. Nowadays Dínamo and AACITMM share the same space in the Tapada das Mercês neighborhood giving to the community a daily support.
Dínamo and AACITMM work together, with other public institutions and NGOs, in the community development working group “(I)Nova Tapada” promoting intercultural activities and sharing experiences since 2009. However this group is aware of its limits in term of budget and possibilities. Is exactly for this reason that Dínamo has decided to present this expression of interest to be a member of the Portuguese National Network of ALF. We decided to apply this expression of interest also because ALF offers one of the few possibilities for grants for Euro Med cooperation from an international independent organization.
We strongly believe that, through the support of ALF, we can increase and improve the local cooperation and the community development in order to provide to the local community, in which are represented more than 28 nationalities, the necessary social support in the field of intercultural dialogue, civic participation and democracy.
We want also to join the ALF network to learn more with the other members about Euro-Arab cooperation, sharing experiences and good practices. ALF is a recognized international network in Euro Med cooperation and being a part of it can introduce us and put us in contact with important organizations and NGOs to develop more and better actions and projects. We consider that the cooperation with the ALF and its members will show quickly its results at local level, among the working group and the local community, improving our action and our work for the mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society working for a common future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matia Losego
Head of the organisation
Sérgio Xavier

City Culture Institute (Instytut Kultury Miejskiej)

National Network

ul. Długi Targ 39/40

+ 48 58 760 72 16
Telephone (other)
+ 48 663 87 2016
+48 58 740 2015
Mobile Phone
+48 663 87 2016
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
City Culture Institute is a municipal cultural institution responsible for organisation, coordination and promotion of events delivered in cooperation with a network of cultural entities from Gdańsk and the metropolitan area. The scope of activities includes also functions of a local cultural observatory, research and analytical body and think-tank in the area of the city’s cultural development strategies.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Established to coordinate the process of the candidacy for the title of the European Capital of Culture 2016, the institution continues a range of projects initiated during application period. These including: activities in Gdańsk's districts (Monumental Art Festival, Gdańsk School of Mural, Local Guides, Gdańsk Neighbours' Day, Streetwaves Festival), Narrations Festival – Installations and Interventions in Public Space, European Poet of Freedom Award and International Festival of Literature, Gdańsk Blog Forum, Active Citizens and others. Institute as well leads Cultural Information Point and works in the field of promotion and publishing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Urbańczyk
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Szymańska

Association of Citizens Against Tolerance of diversity - ToPeeR

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 53 205 370
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
ToPeeR is organized and worked through the whole organization: Youth Forum (working with and for marginalized groups), Consumer Protection Forum, the Forum for gender equality (women) and the Resource Centre to develop and support civil society organizations. Has 165 members. 2 people are employed for an indefinite period and 7 per contract agreement. ToPeeR is one of 23 Friendly Youth center in Bosnia and Herzegovina The organization is sustainable because it has permanent contracts with the Ministry of Trade and Tourism and the five-year partnership agreement with the Association XY (Global Found). The annual budget depends on the organization of projects that applied, and the average of the last three years is 65.000 KM. In the period of 2009 - 2012. sources of funding are the EU, the Global Fund and the Italian government UG ToPeeR operates through projects and community work through the principle of development with community participation. The main partners of our association XY Sarajevo, Human Rights Office Tuzla, Sarajevo and the Mosaic Foundation, CSPC Sarajevo; Municipality Doboj, Kindergarten Doboj , Centre for Social Work Doboj
Mission and Objectives

VISION: Improving Life in the community, civil society development, democratic relationships, life worthy of human beings with the right to work, education, health and social care, environmental protection and sustainable development, humanity.
The mission of our organization is acting in the affirmation and creation of the regulated community whose members have equal opportunities for social inclusion, economic justice and environmental responsibility.
The objectives of the organization are:By an own activity to affect on the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to contribute to the process of democratization and national reconciliation at the local and wider level and involvement in all forms of struggle to accelerate the process of democratization of the whole society.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Maximize coverage of effective HIV prevention and care among most at risk populations – Global Found
2. The culture of living – financed by the CHF.
3. Dialogues II – in the partnership with the organization the Bureau for the Human Rights Tuzla – financed by the European – promotion of the work of the selected representatives of the national minorities and advocating activity on the amendment of the law that regulate this area.
4. MAIM Alternative measures to the institutionalization of the minors without a parental taking care and support and support to the young in the special state of the poverty and neglect – financed by the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Republic Italy (the project in three phases: campaign and advocating the provider families and monitoring).
5. Initiative for the protection of the waters in the basin of the river Spreča – CLEAR MIND FOR CLEAR WATER – financed by the Europe Union and in the partnership with the Centre for Development and Support from Tuzla - advocating for making a Regulation Plan for arranging the bed of the drainage basin of the river Spreča.
6. Advocating for making the Law on Social Protection.
7. Anti-Corruption Program for Youth "Jolly Ambassadors

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have the experience, human resources and a developed sense of fairness and honesty

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The principle of UG ToPeeR development with community participation, and our aim is to give our contribution to improving mutual understanding, respect and tolerance among different cultures and nations. As a member of the Network would have the opportunity to exchange experiences and establish cooperation with organizations in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Snezana Seslija
Head of the organisation
Snezana Seslija
Contact (2) Full Name
Jusuf Makarevic


National Network

Cinnah cad. No:35/16 Çankaya

00.90.555 254 58 56
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00.90.555 254 58 56
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
About Development Workshop: A group of young people established the Development Workshop group in 2003 to support and become a part national and international development efforts. The Development Workshop was then organized in November 2004 as a cooperative by experts and professionals from such diverse fields as social anthropology, sociology, physical anthropology, international relations, politics, biology and forestry. It is common knowledge that cooperative type of organization in the field of social development is quite rare in both Turkey and elsewhere. The reason for choosing this type of organization was to contribute to development of ideas in the field of development, become an active actor in different areas of development and to ensure democratic participation of partners to the management of the cooperative. The Development Workshop is a cooperative established to support the development of the country and to contribute to the success, sustainability and replicability of projects at any scale. The Development Workshop develops and implements programmes geared to institutional capacity building in non-governmental organizations and producers’ unions in such areas as governance, social development, education, children and youth. The areas where the workshop is relatively stronger include development of development programmes and projects, research and capacity building, beekeeping, seasonal employment and working children. Objectives of Development Workshop • Mitigation of poverty and deprivation, • Protection and development of natural environment, • Strengthening the social status of women and gender balanced development, • Combat against child labour, • Developing regional cooperation, • Sharing and solidarity, • Designing sustainable development models. Principles under the objectives of Development Workshop • Mitigation of poverty and deprivation, • Participation and openness, • Sustainability and replicability and expandability, • Disadvantages, • Strengthening the social status of women and gender, • Protection and development of natural environment. Fundamental Working Principles of the Development Workshop • Institutional independence, • Openness and transparency, • Originality and innovativeness, • Efficiency and effectiveness, • Freedom and democracy, • Division of labour, • Collaboration and solidarity, • Scientific approach and objectivity, • Participation, • Volunteer work and development of human resources, • Professional approaches.
Mission and Objectives

Basic aims
• To fight against poverty and deprivation,
• To protect and develop natural resources,
• To fight against children workmanship.
Other aims
• Integration of young people to the development process,
• Strengthening women’s position, and a social gender-balanced development,
• Promoting the European Union integration process,
• Developing international regional cooperation,
• To establish Development Academy,
• To constitute a network based on sharing and solidarity among persons and institutes relevant to development, and to introduce model studies.

Main Projects / Activities

Work being conducted and completed by Development
• “Guide for Development Organizations in Turkey” (February-December 2004)
(Supporting Agency: UK Embassy)
• “Development of Stock Breeding in Mesudiye District of Ordu” ( July 2005)
(Supporting Agency: Mesudiye Development Foundation)
• “Child Poverty in Turkey: Cases of İzmir and Diyarbakır” (February 2009-2010) (Supporting Agency: METU Scientific Studies Project Coordination Unit)
• In situ Monitoring of Reforestation Work along Baku-Tbilisi Pipeline (Supporting Agency: BTC)
• Turkish Union of Beekeepers Strategic Planning Work (2010)
• “Life Situations of 0-6 Years Old Children of Seasonal Agricultural Workers” ( September 2009- December 2011) (Supporting Agency: Bernard van Leer Foundation/the Netherlands)
On going work by Development Workshop
• Interventions For The Children (6-14 Age Group) Affected By The Seasonal Agricultural Immigrations (July 2011-October 2012) (Supporting Agency: The Royal Netherlands Embassy)
The Development Workshop has decided to conduct its activities under four major headings starting from 2011. These are:
1- Governance and Development
2- Social Development
3- Children and Youth
4- Institutional Capacity Building
The Development Workshop has various project ideas in the context of its main programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ertan Karabıyık
Head of the organisation
Ertan Karabıyık
Contact (2) Full Name
Tanju Kuruoz

Arada Culture and Art Organization

National Network

Lüleci Hendek Cad. 22/1 Uğurhan Apt. Tophane, Beyoğlu

+90 554 3477868
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 532 3209037
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Arada Culture and Art Organization has been established in 2011. Serkan Bozkurt is head and art manager of the organisartion. Evrim Doğan is general coordinator, Saime Bozkurt is web designer and Regina Picker is responsible for international relations. Arada organizes festivals, concerts and realized its first Project “ Arada Interdisciplinary Art Festival” in between 26 and 29th of May. The initial aim of the organization is acquiring new sharings and new expression forms by bringing together different cultures and art branches, the organization also had applied this aim in the first festival. Arada is a studio and dance lessons, theatre workshops, performance take place. Festivals are funded by sponsors. General expenses are covered by lessons and workshops.
Mission and Objectives

- We aim to catch young artists who can't find an opputunity to show their works and provide an environment that show their works.
- We would like to establish a platform that provide transmission and relationship between different art disciplines.
- We aim to create a sharing environment by bringing together young artists from different countries.
- We would like to create interactivity in all activities and make people use their creativity by an inclusive approach.

Main Projects / Activities

Arada is a new organization. Arada Interdisciplinary Art Festival is a first project of the organization. Arada's main activity is organizing interdisciplinary art festivals between countries that would establish new cultural sharings and provide an environment for young artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serkan Bozkurt
Head of the organisation
Serkan Bozkurt
Contact (2) Full Name
Evrim Doğan

Palestinian Farmers Association

National Network

Gaza City , AL Shouda St. ,Palestine Tower ,1st Floor .Apartment No. (4)
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Farmers in Gaza Strip

Mission and Objectives

-Improve the standard of living and food security for farmers and rural women.   -Diagnosis of problems and constraints facing the difficulties the Palestinian farmers in the different areas and work to find appropriate solutions. -Raise the professionalism of Palestinian farmers to absorb the new scientific and applied the holding of specialized training courses, conferences and workshops. - And the work of agricultural development projects to serve and support the Palestinian farmers. -Work for the establishment of a marketing or more to secure the principle of fair trade for agricultural products.   -Work vigorously and tirelessly to establish a fund for agricultural insurance to meet the emergency.   -Help the Palestinian farmers to reduce production costs. - Enhance the developmental role of Palestinian women.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through workshops, activities and projects to be implemented with the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To promote and develop the capacity of the organization and networking with other institutions

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Chairman of board directors
Head of the organisation


National Network

Vimmelskaftet 41A, 3
1161 Copenhagen K

+45 44 99 55 06
Telephone (other)
+45 44 99 55 06
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
General Information
1) We're 2 permanent staff and 4 project assistants. 3)Customers 4)see website 5)International commission of the Lawyers; Arab commission of the Human Rights; etc
Mission and Objectives

Consultancy firm with 15 years of practical experience in advising on every aspect of CSR and advised both leading Danish companies and large international companies on CSR.
We provide services to help companies with all types of CSR challenges in relation to social, environmental and economic sustainability as well as identifying CSR opportunities that can create value.
We offer CSR courses for individuals and for SMEs challenging the participants to apply the acquired CSR knowledge in the development of concrete CSR projects.
We have developed an e-learning tool, “learnCSR” to help companies to train their employees in CSR. We donated 2 of these modules to Global Compact for free access.

Main Projects / Activities

See website

Contact (1) Full Name
Sune Skadegård Thorsen
Head of the organisation
Sune Skadegård Thorsen

Centre for Fine Arts of Brussels

National Network

23, avenue ravenstein
1000 Brussels

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Centre for Fine Arts is a public body 'Société anonyme de droit public à finalité sociale’ with 400 employees and 200 cultural partners. Its average turnover stands at around €30 million per year with the following funding sources: Belgium and its regions, the European Union, and various private sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

The CFA stands out as the arts centre par excellence in the cultural landscape of Belgium and Europe. As a European House for Culture, it plays a crucial role as a meeting place for the various international communities established in Belgium, and for the European Union.
As a growing multidisciplinary institution with almost 400 employees, 200 national cultural partners, the CFA is a driving force behind international artistic initiatives to strengthen ties between Europe and other continents and foster intercultural dialogue. It is a platform where the diversity of Europe and other cultures can be exhibited to an international audience. The Center for Fine Arts effectively is becoming a place of meeting and debate on the goals and challenges of culture in today’s globalised world.

Main Projects / Activities

In the past, the CFA has develop various international artistic and cultural projects with its network of partners across the globe in all artistic fields, from exhibitions, to music, performing arts, debates, theatre, cinema, photography or architecture.
To name but a few examples of exhibitions: The Festiva Visionary Africa in 2010, a traveling exhibition in African cities co-organised with the European Commission, and which is now in Cairo; A Passage to Asia-25 centuries of exchanges between Asia and Europe, an exhibition developed at the occasion of the 8th Asia-Europe meeting; China-The Forbidden Kingdom, and the State of Things, two major exhibitions organised in Brussels and Beijing in 2007-2010. Other examples includes the multidisciplinary festival Europalia (on Brasil in 2011) ; the Mexico multidisciplinary Festival in 2010 covering all artistic fields (exhibitions, music, cinema, poetry, theatre..and ‘lucha libre’).
All these events are also combined with exciting cultural programs of the CFA such as the Balkan Traffic Festival (financed by the EU and hosting 7,000 people in one weekend), the Souffi Night, The Arab Film Festival, the European summer of Photography, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In addition to exploring common synergies with national members, the CFA is open to act as a true platform to use the arts as a driver of dialogue between the cultural sector, citizens from all countries, the business world, and policy-makers, including at EU level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The CFA (Bozar) has a long term ambition to stimulate intercultural dialogue in particular with a specific focus on the Mediterranean world. for 2012-2014, it is putting into place a cultural programme with various events and actions focusing on Egypt, Turkey or Cyprus through major exhibitions, multidisciplinary festivals and debates.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frederic Meseeuw
Head of the organisation
Paul Dujardin
Contact (2) Full Name
Kurt Deboodt

Lithuanian College of Democracy

National Network

Studentu str. 39, Vilnius LT08106

+370 65541414
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+370 65541414
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Lithuanian College of Democracy (LDUK), founded in 1997, a voluntary non-governmental organization seeking to promote the ideas of democracy in society. The College organizes seminars, develops projects and programs for the promotion of democracy, civic education and development to carry out the program of public education, public debates, publication of material, and promotion of researches.
Mission and Objectives

The main activities are the following:
Initiation of a change in society. Civic education curriculum development and non-governmental organizations;
Development of civic leadership training projects for teachers, class teachers, social educators, child welfare professionals and non-governmental organizations as well as usage of interactive methodologies;
Integration of the project “Citizen” into university civic education programs, network collaboration fostering of children and the youth, education of capacity building to solve problems;
Lithuanian NGO working in the interest of the child, building a coalition and development of the “NGO Confederation for Children”;
Active participation in the protection and implementation of the child rights and ensuring the participation of children, drawing government attention to child and youth issues;
Publishing methodological material;
Development of national and international conferences on civic education of democracy issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Lithuanian College of Democracy has been organizing the project “Citizen” in Lithuania since 1997, which was recalled as the “Future Citizen” in 2007. The project methodology is based on the Center for Civic Education (Kalabasas, USA).
The U.S. teacher project “Citizen” was taken by Eastern and Central European countries and successfully implemented in more than 48 countries all over the world. The College in association with the Institute of Social Communication integrated the “Citizen” module to the teachers of social study bachelor’s and master’s programs and prepared the social pedagogical training for teachers and lecturers coordinating this project.
2007 Lithuanian College of Democracy has successfully performed the project “Education of Citizenship and Democratic Values Applying Innovative Methods” under the European Structural Funds of the Single Programming Document for 2004-2006 Priority 2 “Human Resources Development” in the measure 4 ” Development of Conditions for Lifelong Learning”.
Also Lithuanian College of Democracy organizes annual summer academies or camps for children and young people and runs on social projects or initiatives each year, for example – “Youth and Media”, “Do not leave the child aside,” “Orange Star” and etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lithuania College of Democracy could contribute by promoting a comparative approach to the analysis of social work, civic society and intercultural communication (mutual understanding between cultures);
enhancing the development of knowledge, skills and experience;
shaping society changes and policies;
reflecting on best practice and encouraging the international dissemination and exchange of information on significant developments.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It will give us a chance to learn from other organizations and people by sharing best-practice knowledge and practices and will support the intercultural communication (mutual understanding between cultures) development on national and international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egle Kvieskaite
Head of the organisation
Egle Kvieskaite
Contact (2) Full Name
Migle Matuzaite

Search for Common Ground - Brussels Headquarters

National Network

Rue Beliard 205 – box 13, Brussels

+32-2- 736 72 62
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Search for Common Ground works to prevent and end violent conflict before, during, and after a crisis. Search has a 32-year track record of equipping individuals and societies to find alternatives to violence. We strive to build sustainable peace for generations to come by working with all sides of a conflict, providing the tools needed to work together and find constructive solutions. We work in 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America, with 88% of our staff working in their home countries.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to transform the way the world deals with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and toward cooperative solutions. Instead of tearing down an existing world, we focus on constructing a new one. We do this through a type of peacebuilding called “conflict transformation.” We shift the everyday interactions between hostile groups of people, so they can work
together to build up their community, choosing joint problem-solving over violent means.

Main Projects / Activities

Conflict and differences are inevitable. Violence is not. We harness conflict for constructive change. Search works at all levels of society to build sustainable peace through three main avenues: Dialogue+, Media+, and Community+.
Whether at the local or national level, we bring people together across dividing lines to discover and achieve shared goals. We work with those traditionally in power and those without a platform, often women and youth.Examples: mediation, training youth leaders, back channel diplomacy, and more.
While a dialogue affects dozens, media impacts millions. We use media to stir up thoughts and discussions across a whole society about the root causes of violence and how to overcome differences.Examples: TV dramas, call-in radio shows, music videos, and more.
We provide a safe space for people to work out their conflicts at the local level. With some creative thinking, we bring divided communities, neighbors, and families together to discover their common humanity.Examples: soccer matches, participatory theater, shared farming projects, and more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ronan Sweeney, Programme Assistant
Head of the organisation
Shamil Idriss
Contact (2) Full Name
Sonya Reines-Djivanides, Director