National Network

Fra Bonina 5 - 21000 Split , Croatia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
establishment in April 2012 we are new , dr Adel Said president , Tatiana Said manger. we have not tel now budget , all our money it is private. We are searching sources for funding our projects4 example,seminars,workshop,theater,festival We don't have partners, but we have the Croatian main library support our activity .
Mission and Objectives

The only way for the rise of the people / is the knowledge
And Culture is the way of knowledge
Culture is a people’s ammunition in the war for life
To the Renaissance, development, progress
And what is most important in the culture is recognize with the other
And research ways to cooperate for the exchange of science and the arts ,
The development of technological has helped the acquaintance, exchange and cooperation
Where the universe has become a small village
One people - one family - one sky
The culture and art promote loving spirit life of humanity and renunciation of war and the differences
Our motto:
Culture and art is a bridge of cooperation and the advancement of the peoples for that we work in cultural and art the main language , in our world for make peace

Main Projects / Activities

- first Arabic festival in Croatia
folk, fin art , theater ,dance , music, books translated , cinema , and this festival first steep to make Arabic culture center for all this zone, but we have lung way to talk about cultural Arabic in this zone no any knowledge about Arabic world , we start with Egypt next month , seminar for Naguib Mahfoz and we make for hem documentary
we hope too to make theater only for our work and group from here to make by movement our theater , Arabic cultural to give the Adriatic zone this knowledge about Arabic world

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i am stile new association here and only me work in this kind of work Arabic cultural and i am sure by this way we will found way for economic
bcz Croatia full of sources
spicily for touristic

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to found way and partner to help us in our projects
we r in new zone poor knowledge about Arabic cultural , and i need to experience and support

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Adel Said
Head of the organisation
Dr Adel Said
Contact (2) Full Name
Tatjana Said

Hrvatska edukacijska i razvojna mreža za evoluciju sporazumijevanja (HERMES)

National Network

Barčev trg 14

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Managing Board of HERMES consists of President, Vice-President and Activities Coordinator. Neither the Board nor any of the other members are employed by the organisation, but working as volunteers. Work on project activities is paid from the project budget. Funding is project-based. Modalities of action include projects, trainings, workshops. Main partners involved in projects/activities have been Anne Frank House, Kreisau Initiative, Za in Proti, European Youth Parliament Croatia, Bringing Europeans Together Association.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of HERMES is education for democratic citizenship, through developing and applying innovative (non-formal) educational programmes with a view to promoting non-violent communication methods such as structured and critical thinking, active listening and radical empathy as conflict resolution/prevention tools.
HERMES’s objectives are fighting discrimination, contributing to active participatory citizenship, promoting intercultural learning and facilitating the building of an inclusive pluralistic democratic society.

Main Projects / Activities

HERMES has so far done workshops and trainings for a number of other organizations in Croatia and internationally ("Rhetoric of Dicrimination" for Anne Frank House and Humanity in Action, for example). HERMES is currently working on implementing the Anne Frank House Free2Choose/Free2Create program in Croatia, the Model European Union Zagreb project, and bringing the Model International Criminal Court project to Croatia. HERMES's activities revolve around teaching debating skills as a means of empowerment for vulnerable social groups, especially young people. Free2Choose/Free2Create is a multimedia and debate workshop for secondary school students, dealing with human rights conflicts relevant for the lives of young people today. MEUZ is a simulation of policy-making on the European level aiming to reduce the so-called democratic deficit among youth.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HERMES can promote the work of the ALF Network in Croatia and among its partners, share best practices throughout the region and link citizens and other groups and organizations with similar challenges and interests within Croatia the way the ALF Network does across the Mediteranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

HERMES believes that partners and support gained through the ALF Network would facilitate promoting its values and achieving its objectives. HERMES is committed to the value of intercultural dialogue and seeks to foster developing of inclusive communities.
By joining the Network, it would become part of a wider network of shared values and thus stronger in its capacities to promote them on a the local and regional level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Mikic
Head of the organisation
Julia Mikic

Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Democracy

National Network

20 Emek Refaim St.
Jerusalem 93105


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Molad is an Israeli think tank devoted to the development and promotion of a progressive vision for the state of Israel. Molad works on projects in three main themes: security and strategy; citizenship and community; and economics and society. Molad's governance structure consists of a Board of Directors, a Public Council chaired by former Speaker of the Israeli Knesset Avraham Burg, and an Academic Council chaired by Professor Avishai Margalit.
Mission and Objectives

Established in January 2012, Molad aims at becoming a hub for progressive thinking in Israel, drawing the most creative and innovative intellectual and social forces in the country, facilitating exchange of ideas and amplifying their impact on Israeli society and politics.
Molad’s principle undertaking of is to counter a long-lasting attenuation of political reason in Israel by proposing a unified vision of the State of Israel as a progressive democracy in the Middle East.
Molad focuses on generating new content, sharp ideas, and incisive analysis, all with a view to a strategic and conceptual realignment of existing and emerging forces within Israel’s progressive community. Molad strives to influence views, positions, and decision-making in and about Israel.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through sharing ideas and research and taking part in discussions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To facilitate contact and exchange with like-minded institutions in the Middle East and Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Avner Inbar
Head of the organisation
Avner Inbar
Contact (2) Full Name
Maya Zinshtein

The Mofet Institute

National Network

The Mofet Institute, Shoshana Parsitz 15, Tel Aviv 69378
Tel Aviv

050-887 5552
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The founders/directors of the Center for Technology and Multiculturalism are ICT professionals, heads of ICT in their respective colleges.The Center has a Steering Committee and an Advisory Board. The budget is mainly from the Ministry of Education in israel, staff of 16, Budget resources $397,134 Projects: courses, conferences, school projects and classes Partners are the Ministry of Education and the Teacher colleges in Israel
Mission and Objectives

The Center aims to build bridges and cooperation among secular and religious Arabs and Jews in Israel, through effective use of the Internet and other cutting-edge technologies. Most specifically, it seeks to:
* Develop innovative educational models that connect cultures, using advanced technologies and applying these to schools;
* Enable Israeli teachers of diverse cultural backgrounds, to acquire knowledge and experience in using the Internet and other advanced communication technologies as teaching tools, while getting acquainted with each other;
* Develop and integrate on-line teaching units that inculcate acceptance of, and respect for those who are "different", both in teaching colleges and in schools;
* Create an inter-cultural online community comprising the teaching staff of teaching colleges and schools;
* Forge multi-cultural ties among faculty members and students at Israeli teacher education colleges; and among school students;
* Stimulate cooperative ventures in multiculturalism, among colleges and with the Ministry of Education, in Israel, as well as in other countries facing multi-cultural challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center develops contact and collaborative learning within small multicultural groups, progressing gradually from on-line communication--which guarantees equal footing--to face-to-face interaction.
It operates on five levels:
1) Inter-college multi-cultural IT conferences for educators;
2) Joint innovative multi-cultural IT courses for Jewish and Arab student teachers;
3) Joint innovative multi-cultural IT courses for Jewish and Arab in-service teachers;
4) Joint multi-cultural IT courses for students in Jewish and Arab schools; and
5) Teaching units in teaching colleges that contribute to reducing prejudices among future teachers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Elaine Hoter
Head of the organisation
Dr. Miri Shonfeld

Clowns Without Borders Ireland

National Network

c/o 14 Gandon House, IFSC, Dublin 1

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Clowns Without Borders Ireland is a company registered as a business name with the Companies Registration Office. It also has a CHY number from the Revenue Commissioners. There is a Board and there are no staff employed, all work on a voluntary basis. There is no fixed budget - it depends on fundraisers undertaken by artists and grants received from Culture Ireland. The annual budget is around 12,000 Euros. Projects are tours to areas in crisis or conflict to bring laughter to the children. In addition workshops are undertaken to give skills to young people in the area so that they may have an opportunity of employment in the area. Partnerships are with UNHCR, Warchild and local NGOs in the area being visited. There are 9 countries who have Clowns Without Borders and we have a loose network on an international basis.
Mission and Objectives

"No child without a smile" CLOWNS WITHOUT BORDERS offers laughter to relieve the suffering of all persons, especially children, who live in areas of crisis including refugee camps, conflict zones and territories in situations of emergency. We bring levity, contemporary clown/circus oriented performances and workshops into communities so that they can celebrate together and forget for a moment the tensions that darken their daily lives. We aim to provide emotional relief to children. Underscoring this objective are four points of focus: 1) to perform for as many children as possible and bring laughter and healing for a brief moment in their lives. 2) to establish connections with local grassroots organizations that are working to alleviate the suffering of communities. 3) to connect local performers to these organisations so that celebrations of laughter can continue on a more frequent basis after the expedition is over. 4) to gather information and assess the situation in the regions we visit in order develop future expeditions to the regions.

Main Projects / Activities

In October 2006, the Irish undertook their first misson to Nepal for refugees and orphanages in association with UNHCR. Working primarily with the Bhutanese refugees in Damak, 3 artists performed for over 18,000 children throughout Nepal in 21 performances. This tour was funded by Culture Ireland. In March 2007, A four person Irish party went to Lesotho to lead a misson for Project Njabulo which provides psychosocial support through laughter and humour to children and communities affected by HIV/AIDS and poverty in Southern Africa. There were 31 performances for 8,000 children and 5 workshops. This tour was funded by the artists and was in partnership with Clowns Without Borders South Africa. Also in 2007, 5 artists went to Uganda to work with post civil war refugees and internally displaced people. There were 18 performances for 16,000 spectators and 12 workshops. This was funded by fundraisers undertaken by the artists themselves in partnership with Warchild and UNHCR. In November 2008 4 artists visited Palestine to work with refugees. In co-operation with the Palestinian Circus they undertook 13 performances for 2,000 spectators and 10 workshops. This tour was funded by Culture Ireland.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Comiskey
Job Title
National Development Officer
Head of the organisation
Colm O’Grady, Chairman

Åbo Akademi University, Department of Comparative Religion

National Network

Fabriksgatan 2
20500 Åbo

+358 35822153270
+358 35822154902
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
  2. Research
General Information
The department has three full-time employed people and several researchers. It is run on state and project funding. The department provides teaching and research in comparative religion with various partners.
Mission and Objectives

The department's mission is to excel in teaching and research in comparative religion both in Finland and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

YARG – Young adults and religion in a global perspective, Centre of Excellence 2015-2018.
Several individual research projects on Muslims and religious diversity in Finland.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Nynäs
Head of the organisation
Professor Peter Nynäs

CoopNet - Initiative

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
CoopNet was originally establish in 2004 by an agreement of 9 finnish NGOs for strenghtening cooperation with development programs particularly in Turkey and northern Iraq. Since 2004 CoopNet has initiated several joint activities and CSO-networks (incl. NGOs, also university departments) between Finland and Turkey and northern Iraq as counterpart countries. CoopNet is working very closely in cooperation also with Refugee communities and NGOs as key partners.
Mission and Objectives

To Establish and facilitate partnerships and programs between CSO:n and other interested partners between Finland and Turkey.
Key fields are human rights, media, youth and programs supporting civil society development, also social economy programs for employment for key target groups.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ikka Jaakkola

Asociación Formación Social

National Network

Gran Via 59- 10ºA

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Su funcionamiento está regulado a través de la Asamblea General de Socios, la Junta Directiva y el Comité de Dirección. Para la realización de actividades cuenta con 52 voluntarios y 2 empleados en tareas administrativas. Los recursos disponibles en el ultimo año han sido de 41.500 euros, siendo sus fuentes de financiación las cuotas de socios, donaciones, subvenciones, contratos y matrículas de inscripción Ha llevado a cabo cursos, seminarios, jornadas e investigaciones Sus principales socios: 1) Alejandro Córdoba (experto en Responsabilidad Social de las Organizaciones, RRHH y Proyectos de Cooperación Internacional con Argelia). 2) Javier barranco (experto en RRHH, tercer sector y comunicación-marketing)
Mission and Objectives

Promover la participación de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, a través de la formación y la gestión social

Main Projects / Activities

Asesoría de Desarrollo Organizativo y formación de empleados y mandos de Organizaciones Sociales y profesionales
Jornadas y estudios sobre voluntariado
Investigación, diseño y gestión de proyectos sociales

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

El know how acumulado por AFS, a lo largo de su trayectoria, permite que pueda aportar un valor añadido importante a los proyectos relacionados con la dinamización social, la participación, la educación, la cohesión social, la solidaridad y el ejercicio de derechos y responsabilidades en las sociedades civiles de los diferentes países euromediterráneos

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AFS lleva más de 40 años promoviendo la dinamización de la sociedad civil española, a través del desarrollo de las organizaciones vinculadas a la misma y de la educación y la participación de las personas que las integran. Su aspiración a hacerlo desde una perspectiva integradora le impulsa a unirse a aquellas Organizaciones que buscan acercar a las personas como medio para promover el dialogo entre culturas y el respeto por la diversidad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alejandro Cordoba Largo
Head of the organisation
Manuel Sanchez Alonso

Palestinos Sin Fronteras

National Network

C/ Travesia del cañon Nº 11, planta 2, puerta C
Alcobendas, Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Structure of our organization mainly depends on the volunteers who are guided by a broad of directors. We rely on project-based funded and we run periodical seminars and workshops.
Mission and Objectives

Palestinians Without frontiers believes in good media- a persuasive and conversational style- to communicate its program and projects to all Palestinians. Palestinians without frontiers is not only an observing human rights body, it is also an executive device focused on developing the organization of Palestinian society, its rules and its infrastructure.

Main Projects / Activities

Internal Relationships.. • Palestinians without frontiers is seeking to create a strong and coordinated base which depends on rational and healthy rules with different foundations and all the homemade strips. All of that come from our understanding to the objective unit on the level of increasing the Palestinian homeland. • Palestinians without frontiers encourages Palestinian societal openness on cultures and scientific and civilized achievements alongside urbanism and legality. It encourages the meeting of minds and an open emotional yet civilized dialogue between the East and West, and the arrangement of the human brotherhood principle. External Relationships.. • According to our view on the necessity of creating an Arab profundity and international dimension, we try our best to encourage Palestinian society to be open towards the cultures and the scientific, civil, legal, environmental, economical and constructional achievements for people. • We have to encourage the meetings which offer civilized dialogue between East and West concentrating on the principle of human fraternity. Social Development.. • Working towards ways that best contribute to forming civil society by arranging seminars and workshops which convey this concept in a simple and easy way. • Contributing to developing the abilities of the Palestinian people's sons and daughters through arranging specialized programs that aim to develop the available facilities with new creativity. • Designing studies, research, projects and campaigns to improve the service stream, civility, health and transport, education, arts, culture, environment and children in custody. • Putting forward civil society culture and concepts in dealing with foundations, groups and individuals. Depending on the principle of respecting opinions of others and encouraging calm civil dialogue, respecting individual freedoms limits and Palestinian society’s traditions and culture. Human Rights.. • Palestinians without frontiers maintains as a base the nationality and its rights, to build the foundations of the modern democratic Palestinian state. • Observing and respecting thoughtful, cultural, political and civil freedoms of the Palestinian as basic principles to the state’s fundamental duties and to respect people’s rights in Palestine and to respect their general and particular freedoms as a basic part of the civil, organic and juridical construction of Palestinian society. • Encouraging the establishment and observation of foundations which concern human rights, the civil freedoms, environment, childhood, motherhood, freedom of thought and the press as well. These foundations should be strong minded, standing up for their members beyond alignments that depend on political, ideological, and religious loyalty.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Jammali
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Jammali
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Nasser

Asociación Jóvenes hacia la Solidaridad y el Desarrollo (Jovesolides)

National Network

C/ Silla, 10, 46980 – Paterna (Valencia)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Board, General Coordinator, Partners and volunteers, Assembly, 7 workers Budgetariy resources: € 368,479.08 Sources of funding: Membership fees and donations financial income Bancaja Foundation General government grants Modalities of action: Concrete projects and scholarships Main Partners Involved: International Network Jovesolides Taula Cívica Sud de la Mediterrània Coordinadora Valenciana de ONGDs Plataforma de Voluntariat de la Comunitat Valenciana Fundación Esplai
Mission and Objectives

1. Promoting equal opportunities and supporting local development in communities
with fewer opportunities through young people's qualification and slowing down the
brain drain phenomenon.
2. Contributing to a more equal society based in social justice and breaking symbolic and
cultural representations that marginise poor people.

Main Projects / Activities

− International Development Cooperation: We focus our actions in projects that
support and foster young leaders in Latin American countries.
− Codevelopment: Our work in this area concentrates in preventing migration
through the access to post-secondary education and improving and strengthening
competences of young people with fewer opportunities. Moreover, we also support
migrants associations on different fields to empower them.
− Development Education and Awareness Raising: We work on projects that provide
detailed background information regarding development cooperation, migration,
interculturality, etc. in formal as well as in informal education. All our actions in this
field tries to educate to act in a spirit of worldwide solidarity and to enable citizens to
develop a critical understanding of development topics and encourage them to get
involved themselves.
− Information Society: This area aims to foster social inclusion of people with
fewer opportunities (specially the Romani community) through the use of New
Communications and Information Technologies and bridge the digital gap.

Contact (1) Full Name
Boutaina El Hadri
Head of the organisation
Lourdes Mirón Mirón