The Arabic organization for international cooperation

National Network

Address : 127 Sudan street mohandeesen - gameat eldoal Arabia- mohandessen – Egypt.

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
founders for AICO- are elite calipers group from foreign and Arab remarkable youth its board and advisory board consists of a lot of remarkable people with high reputation in international cooperation fields believe in understanding and cooperation as the best ways for a better world. System performance: AICO works with the methodology of CIVIL SOCIETY performance as an Arabic organization. It has rights to enter any foreigners and Arabic members in its board according its policy, it has its own budget and resources, partnerships: a lot of partners benefit from AICO services like : embassies universities, Arab league organizations , UN organizations, research centers, human development organizations. ARAB-WEST POLICY DIALOGUE ON COMMON SECURITY AND CONFIDENCE-BUILDING - Human Rights chapter-committee member "Enhancing the participation of Women and Youth in Public life" – YOUTH AND DEMOCRACY IN ARAB WORLD PROJECT .
Mission and Objectives

AICO- provides its services to national, regional and international levels as a media consultant house through offering experiences, consultations, visibility studies in human development field providing databases for the projects in different sectors. ? AICO- concerns with activation the levels of Arab human development levels also calls for networking relations and exchange information and experiences at : national, regional international levels. ? AICO calls for providing the suitable environment, which enables the civil society to play its role as a partner in development process by creating new jobs and training. ? In addition, the organization encourages the maintains of human rights and democracy principals, improves relations among, Egyptians, Arabic and international NGOs. ? AICO - seeks to correct the stereotypes for woman achieving gender legality to enhancing woman role. ? It seeks to make the progress in human achievements to encourage international cooperation and e

Main Projects / Activities

? The organization seeks to activate and improve the Arab movement performance: politically, economic, socially, ? culturally, media …. To be a universe movement by build dialogue and cooperation bridges with all friends and partnerships all over the world. ? Mechanism of operation . Activities: Offer All Consultations in Different Aspects of Education, Media and Management, Political Analysis ? Training Programmers and Development of Leadership Skills and the Human Resources. ? Services of Conferences & Workshops, Seminars. ? Academic Services, As Researches, Studies & Survey... For Egyptian and Arabs researchers. ? Making All Marketing, Economic & Media Feasibility Studies. ? Held Training Courses For Seeking Jobs Require Skills As Diplomatic –Media – Military. ? Offer Services for the Civil Society And Governmental Bodies. ? Planning For Elections Campaign. ? Preparing Of All Communication Campaigns & Advertising For Private And Public Sectors

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Hanan Yousef
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Dr Hanan Yousef

Sohag Community Development and Caring for People with Special Needs Association

National Network

El Emari building 44 entrance (1,2)

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Number of individuals working for the associations is 32. The number of the volunteers is 23.the board has 9 members. Our funding resources are grants or self funding through the sustainability of some past projects;The micro loans unit has ensured the continuity for the social activities and the health services . There are also clinics and a rehabilitation center which provide medical services with pittance. The girls education supporting fund provides scholarships for dropped out girls.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: Caring the children with special needs, their families and the female breadwinners through carrying out many developing programs; social, economic, educational and microfinance programs. Our vision: SNA seeks to improve the quality of life and find a better future for the local community through the comprehensive development.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities: Economic activities: Micro-loans for female breadwinners and youth who are low-income Health Activities: Medical clinics for children with special needs - Rehabilitation Centre for mentally handicapped children - Physical Therapy Centre - compensatory equipments Educational activities: Scholarships for girls dropped out schools - Raising awareness - Classes for improving girls educational levels through the older sister activity - The Friendly school for street children Services: Humanitarian activities; food collection, clothes ,blankets ..etc - Institutional support for small associations - Issuing officials documents- Advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayman Sedek Mahmmoud
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmed Abdullah El Smahy

Association International du Film d'Animation (ASIFA)

National Network

Animation Department -Fine Arts Faculty
Minia University


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
the only Arabian and African chapter of ASIFA (Association International du Film d'Animation) (International Animated Film Association)
Mission and Objectives

Networking for Animators in Arab world and Africa

Main Projects / Activities

ASIFA tries to develop several international projects for the benefit of the art of animation.
One of the most successful projects is the International Animation Day, coordinated by our French colleague on the ASIFA Board, Juliette Crochu.
A really important project for the promotion of animation among the youth is the ASIFA Workshop Group; it's roots are going back until 1979 !
Every year a worldwide animation project, composed of several regional children animation workshops, is realised and gets presented at the most important animation festivals.
stART is an art project on ASIFA.NET, that presents minimalistic animations of international artists.
More projects can be started, when the initiative of the regional ASIFA Groups is strong enough.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ghazala
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ghazala

Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS)

National Network

Block 1331, Dr. Ahmed Zaki St. El Nozha El Gedida, Cairo

Telephone (other)
00(202) 26221434
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
No. of Ceoss Employees, 340. CEOSS Partners and Donors for examples Foundations and Corporations Ford Foundation International Finance Corporation NGOs and Religious Organizations such as Centre for Development and Population Activities Christian Aid Christian Blind Mission Dan mission Multilateral Agencies and Governments British Council Canadian International Development Agency Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Egyptian Association for HEALTH AND Environmental Development Embassy of Switzerland Embassy of Japan Embassy of the United of America European Union Med A United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) United Nations Development Program United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations World Bank
Mission and Objectives

The mission of CEOSS is to promote the sanctity, equity, and harmony of life. It seeks to contribute to transformation of society by nurturing moral and spiritual awareness, enhancing a sense of belonging promoting respect for diversity, addressing conflict and advancing social justice for individuals and communities. The mission of CEOSS is implemented according to the following major goals. • To improve the quality of life in impoverished communities • To empower communities and individuals with sustainable development • To promote a culture of dialogue based on pluralistic democratic approaches and respect for Human Rights. • To promote religious and social enlightenme

Main Projects / Activities

Forum for Intercultural Dialogue (FID) at Ceoss The Forum for Intercultural Dialogue aims to encourage and support a culture of dialogue, pluralism and acceptance of "the other." With a special focus on youth, religious leaders civil society leaders intellectuals and scientists, dialogue will support Egyptian society's advancement toward participation and democracy. The exchange of ideas and opinions will encourage Egyptian Society to be more transparent with other societies, building bridges of common understand and encouraging cooperation between cultures. The FID including 5 main programs: New Generation: Regional Groups Opinion-Makers Roundtables: Arab Dialogue Network International Dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Nabil Naguib Salama
Job Title
Media and public relations director
Head of the organisation
DR. Andrea zaki
Contact (2) Full Name
DR. Andrea zaki
Job Title (2)
head of organisation

défaf pour les Arts et les Cultures (ADAC) ضفاف للثقافات والفنون

National Network

73 Mashroue Raba'a Elestesmary,of El Nozha street, Beside Akkad Mall, Flat 2, Nasr City, Cairo

+202 24 18 37 08
Mobile Phone
+012 959 959 6
Mobile Phone (other)
+012 73 92 226
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
défaf is a non-profit organization that aims at empowerment of society through culture and arts, while connecting sources of knowledge and encouraging inter-civilization dialogue. défaf promotes culture as a tool for socio-economic and political development. The organization pioneers and champions the initiation of creative ways and unique programs for cultural, political and intellectual interaction between diverse culture, in a way that supports social inclusion and benefits diverse societies, especially women and less fortunate members of the society, to create a sustainable future and improve quality of life and harmony.
Mission and Objectives

défaf is a non-profit organization that aims at empowerment of society through culture and arts, while connecting sources of knowledge and encouraging inter-civilization dialogue. défaf promotes culture as a tool for socio-economic and political development. The organization pioneers and champions the initiation of creative ways and unique programs for cultural, political and intellectual interaction between diverse culture, in a way that supports social inclusion and benefits diverse societies, especially women and less fortunate members of the society, to create a sustainable future and improve quality of life and harmony.

Main Projects / Activities

ضـــفاف للثـقافات والفـنون
Connecting Cultures
من نحن، الأهـداف، وسـائل التواصل، آليات التـفاعل والتـنفيذ
ضفاف .. من نحن:
جمعية ضفاف هي مؤسسة ثقافية اجتماعية غير ربحية، تسعي للتنمية البشرية والثقافية والعلمية عبرالتواصل الاجتماعي والإنساني والمعرفي، من خلال تفعيل دور الثقافة وتشجيع الحوار بين الحضارات‫.‬ كما تهدف الجمعية الی تأهيل أفراد المجتمع الأولي بالرعاية كالمرأة والمكفوفين وبسطاء الناس من أجل إحداث تطوير ثقافي وسياسي وفكري للمجتمع بصفة عامة وللفئات المهمشة بصفة خاصة، وذلك عن طريق طرح افكار وبرامج ثقافية وابداعية فريدة لخلق فرص جديدة لتلك الفئات للاندماج في المجتمع والتمتع بحياة افضل‫.‬
أولا: المعرفة وحوار الثقافات والحضارات
إذا كانت المعرفة بالآخر ستظل هى العامل الأهم في تأمين التواصل معه وتقدير انجازاته الثقافية والحضارية .. فالترجمة هى السبيل الوحيد للتعرف على أحدث ما أنتجه العقل الإنساني من أوعية المعرفة، وهى أيضا امتدادا لجسور الثقافة والتلاقي بين البشر. ولذا، فان جمعية ضفاف للثقافات والفنون، قد وضعت نصب عينيها على دعم حركة الترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغات المختلفة والعكس، من أجل إثراء المكتبة العربية والأجنبية. ولذا، وضعت الجمعية مجموعة من الأهداف بما يخدم المعرفة وحوار الثقافات والحضارات:
1. إحياء حركة الترجمة والنشر للأعمال الكلاسيكية والمعاصرة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغات الأجنبية المختلفة.
2. العمل على تبادل المعارف عبر إعادة العصر الذهبي لحركة الترجمة إلى العربية .
3. توحيد جهود المؤلفين والكتاب والمترجمين لإنتاج إصدارات مشتركة للغات الأجنبية المختلفة.
4. توفير المزيد من الكتب الأجنبية القيمة المترجمة إلى العربية للقارئ العربي.
5. إثراء المكتبة العربية بالمعارف فى مجالات العلوم والطب والفنون والفلسفة.
6. مساندة صناعة الكتاب والنشر فى المجال الإلكتروني وترويجها فى الساحة الدولية
ثانياً: المرأة
1. رعاية المرأة ثقافيا وعلميا وفكريا.
2. إعانة المرأة على المشاركة فى العمل السياسي من أجل شغل مناصب قيادية سياسية فى مرحلة ما بعد الثورة المصرية، خاصة وأن دورها على الساحة المحلية سياسيا وثقافيا واجتماعيا يتضاءل بشكل ملحوظ .
3. تعريف المرأة بالظواهر السلبية الشائعة في المجتمع والتصدي لها، مثل الزواج المبكر للفتيات وزواج القاصرات، الخ...
4. دعم القوافل الطبية على الساحة المحلية لنشر الثقافة الطبية لدى المرأة الريفية.
ثالثاً: المكفوفين
1. رعاية المكفوفين والمكفوفات رعاية شاملة طبيا وتعليميا وتثقيفيا وترفيهيا .
2. تأهيل المكفوفين والمكفوفات لكى يكونوا أعضاء فاعلين فى المجتمع بما يكفل لهم تحقيق ذواتهم من ناحية .. وتحقيق دخل مادى يعينهم على مواجهة متطلبات الحياة بطريقة كريمة من ناحية أخرى .
3. تنمية المواهب الفطرية والرياضية والفنية والإبداعية وتدريبهم على إتقان هذه الملكات كل فى مجال هوايته وميوله .. وتكوين فرق فنية جماعية فى الموسيقى والغناء والكورال والإنشاد .. وإشراكهم فى المسابقات المحلية والدولية الخاصة بالمكفوفين والمكفوفات .
4. تأهيلهم للاندماج فى مجتمعهم تدريجيا حتى يتحولوا إلى أشخاص طبيعيين لا فرق بينهم وبين المبصرين.. فى محاولة لتأكيد شخصيتهم وتنمية إحساسهم بالثقة بالنفس، وأنهم يعاملون كأفراد منتجين فى المجتمع .
5. تدريبهم على استخدام أجهزة الكمبيوتر ( الحواسب الآلية ) والقراءة والكتابة بطريقة ( برايل ) وغيرها من الوسائل التكنولوجية المستحدثة .
6. توفير أماكن لتجميع المكفوفين والمكفوفات لعقد الدورات التدريبية وورش العمل لتأهيلهم فنيا وعلميا وثقافيا ، وتدريبهم على كل هذه الوسائل مع توفير الأجهزة الحديثة وأجهزة الكمبيوتر والآلات الموسيقية وكتب المكفوفين.
7. عقد الندوات وإقامة المعسكرات لقيامهم بكافة الأنشطة الفنية والرياضية والاجتماعية والثقافية والترفيهية بحرية كاملة تحت إشراف خبراء متخصصين فى التعامل مع المكفوفين.
8. توفير مكتبة سمعية تقدم لهم كافة البرامج التعليمية والفنية والثقافية عبر الوسائل السمعية الحديثة ( iPod ) ، ( CD) ، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر.
رابعاً: أهداف عامة
1. دعم حقوق الإنسان سياسيا وثقافيا واجتماعيا.
2. دعم الحركة الديمقراطية وتشجيعها فى المجتمع، كي يمارس كل مواطن كافة حقوقه السياسية المشروعة .
3. اقتراح مشروعات تشغيل الشباب حديثي التخرج.
4. توعية المجتمع بوسائل الحفاظ على البيئة
الوسائل وآليات التنفيذ:
1. تنظيم أنشطة وندوات ومؤتمرات.
2. تنظيم دورات وورش عمل تأهيلية لغوية وعلمية لمختلف الكوادر.
3. تنظيم رحلات ثقافية وترفيهية لفئة الشباب من غير القادرين.
4. إصدار مجلة أو نشرة دورية بالإنجازات.
5. تنظيم دورات تدريبية لتنمية المهارات الفردية والجماعية فى الإدارة الحديثة والتنمية البشرية والتنمية الإدارية للشباب والمرأة .
6. تنظيم معارض وأنشطة ثقافية وفنية.
7. المشاركة والتدريب والتأهيل الثقافي والتعليم الأكاديمي.
8. إقامة الحفلات الفنية للفرق الموسيقية والغنائية والكورال والإنشاد.

Contact (1) Full Name
Professor Hanan Mounib
Head of the organisation
Prof. Hanan Mounib

Development NO Borders

National Network

2 El Margoushy St,Behind Hadeket Al Tefl , Nasr City , Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Board, Activities committee, International Relationship committee, Office committee, HR committee, fund committee. Modalities of action: - inside Egypt 1- Our Stories…Our Culture; September 2002 2- Youth and Leisure; July 2003 3- Together On The River; March 2004. 4- Three Events In Our Life; July 2004. 5- Those Still Alive; August 2004. 6- Young Woman … Our Future; November 2004 (Cairo- Alexandria) 7- Our Clothes ... Our Culture; November 2004. Outside Egypt: Dnb shared in many youth exchanges , Cms , study visits also member association of YEU Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: - EFGHermas - Egyptian federation for youth associations - Youth for exchange and understanding YEU
Mission and Objectives

Development No Borders is an Egyptian non-governmental youth organization based on young people voluntary work, who aim to develop themselves and their society. We started in February 2003, believing that we can make a difference. Vision: Creative youth … Capable of development …In all aspects of life Mission: To encourage working on development and youth creativity whilst preserving our Egyptian identity in the midst of the globalization age by implementing charity works and indulging young aiming ideas through our youth who believe in their role in developing the society.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Euro-Med cultural exchanges and seminars 2- Family helping project 3- Clothes fairs 4- Soft skills courses

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayman Elshamy
Job Title
President / Head of International Relations Committee
Head of the organisation
Ayman Elshamy
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Magdy
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Egyptian Association for Educational Resources ( E-era )

National Network

23 Nazieh Khalifa St. Suite 5, Third Floor, Heliopolis,

(202) 22595328
Telephone (other)
(202) 22595329
(202) 22595328
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1- The organization is structured to include: *Board of Directors *Manager *Treasurer *Secretary *Heads of Projects *iEARN Egypt Directing Board *Country Coordinator *Students' Board *Teachers' Board *Parents' Board 2- 50,00 US Dollars 3- Funds, grants and fundraising campaigns 4- Science and environmental Camps; national, regional and international Conferences; video conferences; Physical Exchange program; Youth Summits; training and workshops; introducing IT equipments in public and experimental schools 5- Egyptian Ministry of Education, Integrated Care Society, Wadi Environmental Science Centre, The Regional English Language Office at the Embassy of the United States of America in Cairo, and the Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Centre.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create and sustain a network of learners, educators, NGOs and international organizations. We work globally and collaboratively to empower youth to be critical learners and thinkers, establish friendly relations based on equality and mutual respect to play a constructive and interactive global role through cross-cultural dialogue. We connect youth to make a difference.

Main Projects / Activities

International Education and Resource Network in Egypt (iEARN Egypt)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Dalia Abd Allah Mahmoud Khalil
Job Title
Head of the organization
Head of the organisation
Dr. Dalia Khalil

Egyptian Association for the Assistance of Juveniles and Human Rights(EAAJHR)

National Network

16 Abdel Moteleb El Sanadily St.-El Mesaha station –Fesal-El Giza

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Egyptian association for the assistance of juveniles and human rights is a non-profit NGO defamatory number 3210 of 2008 was established by a group of lawyers and human rights defenders. and those interested in children's issues and women in particular and issues of society in general its aim is to provide legal aid for juveniles and women, also supporting and developing the democracy awareness to citizens and deepen the knowledge of the role of the parliaments and ensuring the individuals freedom and equality among them trough spreading democratized concepts and ideas and its reference in constitution and Egyptian laws and international agreements. The associations adopts the policy of defending juveniles and women in all aspects and needs especially lawful ones, survey the children exposed to risk and reasons leading to this situation and take action to remove these reasons monitoring and documentation of violence against women and help them confront these crises through providing legal support and advice, psychological and social through experts working in the association, also the association mind the extreme importance to confront the violence committed against juveniles of depriving them from their rights and freedoms and detain with adults.
Mission and Objectives

1-Protects of minors and women rights inside and improve Egypt’s image aboard. 2- Offering aftercare to the juveniles for the purpose of rehabilitation after his release to re-integration into the society. 3-Cooperation with all the governmental bodies and national councils and NGOS existed in Egypt and Arab world in the field of human rights in general and juveniles and women rights in particular to create a better tomorrow . 4-Putting a plan of action for the definition of the rights of juveniles and women and the most related laws and international agreements. 5-Work on the application and activation of international agreements and treaties on human rights in general and rights of juveniles and women in particular. 6-Receive complaints from citizens and offering legal support to juveniles and women, monitoring and documenting violations in any site in Egypt. 7-Prepare studies and researches in order to spread the awareness of the culture of human rights and the rights of juveniles and women with coordination with international institutions concerned with human rights. 8-Study of laws and legislations concerning juveniles and their application and discuss their compatibility with modern penal philosophies and link the process being made in the field of physiology and sociology and criminology, punishment and access to provide better care for the juvenile. 9-Working in promote the role of the level of care and penal institutions for juveniles and women and activating the role of these penal intuitions in the reform and rehabilitation. 10-Preparing aftercare programs for juveniles to help them to return to community and provide suitable employment opportunities 11- Studying places of detention and the existing care homes, monitoring and documenting the existed violations and work on facing these violations in accordance with law and international documents for human rights. 12-Work to activating the role of social workers and physiologists within care homes and provide better access to rehabilitation services for the juvenile will help reformulating of his personality and his return to society as a good citizen and an active member. 13-Work on changing media's point of view towards juvenile's issues, including reinforcing their rights and make them able to integrate into society. 1- Adopting several juveniles issues and defend them free of charge and offering legal support and advice. 2- Holding a seminar on the new law of the child and child rights in collaboration with the Arabic organizations for penal reform and the Human rights Association for supporting prisoners. 3- The implementation of the lawyer's electronic library in which the distribution of the CD-ROM (CD) was done through including the new law of the child, also the most important international conventions and treaties concerning child rights and what arises from the conventions and treaties of human rights. 4-Suing the minister of the of the interior affairs (as him) forcing him to allocate places for the detention of juveniles separately from adults to implement what comes at the provisions of the human rights convention and Egypt's new law of the child ,and it is the first judicial activate for the new law of child. 5- Implementation of a training course for 25 lawyers to train them in the use of the international conventions related to the issues of juveniles before the national courts. 6-Preparing a training index which is distributed free of charge on the lawyers dealing with juveniles issues for the purpose of culturing them with the international conventions concerning rights of the child and the related issues and how to use the international conventions before the national courts. 7-Holding a seminar on the theme of family disintegration and child rights with collaboration with the association of tiny hearts and the Arab association for penal reform. 8-The association organized a workshop in cooperation with the Egyptian organization for humanitarian relief and rehabilitation on (ways of activating the role of social specialists and workers inside juvenile's care homes ) participated by a group of interested in juveniles issues and children exposed to danger issues ,also a group of social and psychological specialists working in some home cares as well as some NGOS that came out with a series of important recommendations which was put forward and discussed for the activating the role of the social specialists inside home cares to return benefit to the juvenile and reformulation of his personality and present him to society as good person. 9- The association had adopted the activity of extraction the papers of the identity (mechanized birth certifications-ID cards)for juveniles and women inside care homes with a self fund from the board members and with assistance of a group of volunteers working in the association. 10-The association implement the project of providing legal support for juveniles that aims to provide the legal support to juveniles at arrest and during investigation and trial through providing legal support from the lawyers team working in the association ,this project was already been executed with cooperation of the German embassy in Cairo that provided in kind contributions to the working team that was computers and stationeries. 11-The project (our future is in our children's hand) is being implemented in cooperation with the Irish embassy in Cairo that aims to the formation of a lawyer's network with 60 volunteered lawyers from governorates (Red Sea-Aswan) to provide legal support for juveniles in those governorates ,also launching a hotline named as (line of rescue for juveniles)as well as a website to the international information network to receive complains of any violations committed against juveniles in those governorates and delivering it to the lawyer's network to take all the necessary legal proceedings . 12- EAAJHR is a member in the public committee for protecting childhood in Giza Province. It works out some definitive meetings with the public to present the committees' role in identifying the policies of creating better conditions for the child. 13- EAAJHR participated in the international conference to put a guiding law for the child under the auspicious of Jones Hopkins University in the United States. The conference was convened in Palestine Hotel in Alexandria, in October 2010. 14- EAAJHR is a member in the Egyptian Coalition for Supporting Democracy in November 2011. 15- Working out a research on the phenomenon of children exploitation in the electoral process, a sort of forced work in which, it violated the Law 126 (Year 2008) of the new child law and Law 64 (Year 2010) of combating human industry. 16- EAAJHR is preparing now to start working on the activities of the project (Juveniles' justice between reality and desire) in cooperation with the Foundation for the Future in Jordan (FFF) and we will start in June 2011.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Training of lawyers on the use and the application of international conventions relating to juveniles and women such as child rights convention and the convention of eliminating all kinds of discrimination against women. 2-Work on establishing a volunteer lawyer's network nationwide to provide free legal support in juvenile's issues and women issues. 3-Legal participate in offering proposals of projects seeking at the improvement of juveniles and women situations. 1- Preparing researches, studies and organizing scientific and educational seminars and preparing workshops. 2-Supporte the culture of development and rehabilitation of juveniles and facing the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency with the latest scientific methods and technical studies. 3-Create a field study unit within the task of monitoring and documenting violations, and report such violations to be presented, and make proposals and recommendations to address them. 1- Field visits to the families of juveniles and makes them aware of the proper treatment of juveniles, and understands their requirements to reduce the phenomenon of juvenile's delinquency and the family becomes the first line of defense for the juvenile. 2-Touring and following up the care homes and penal institutions and communicate with the stuff of these institutions, and work to increase the awareness of the important and central role for them in reevaluation of the behavior of the juvenile. 1-Awareness juveniles within places of detention from damages of up normal sexual practice and urged them to good behavior. 2-Raising the awareness of juveniles toward the use of first aid in cases of injury, especially cases of poisoning of wounds and wrong injection cases. 3-Raising awareness of the ways of prevention of infection diseases and reduce its spread. 4-Urge the commitment of hygiene measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as scabies. 1- Adopting several juveniles issues and defend them free of charge and offering legal support and advice. 2- Holding a seminar on the new law of the child and child rights in collaboration with the Arabic organizations for penal reform and the Human rights Association for supporting prisoners. 3- The implementation of the lawyer's electronic library in which the distribution of the CD-ROM (CD) was done through including the new law of the child, also the most important international conventions and treaties concerning child rights and what arises from the conventions and treaties of human rights. 4-Suing the minister of the of the interior affairs (as him) forcing him to allocate places for the detention of juveniles separately from adults to implement what comes at the provisions of the human rights convention and Egypt's new law of the child ,and it is the first judicial activate for the new law of child. 5- Implementation of a training course for 25 lawyers to train them in the use of the international conventions related to the issues of juveniles before the national courts. 6-Preparing a training index which is distributed free of charge on the lawyers dealing with juveniles issues for the purpose of culturing them with the international conventions concerning rights of the child and the related issues and how to use the international conventions before the national courts. 7-Holding a seminar on the theme of family disintegration and child rights with collaboration with the association of tiny hearts and the Arab association for penal reform. 8-The association organized a workshop in cooperation with the Egyptian organization for humanitarian relief and rehabilitation on (ways of activating the role of social specialists and workers inside juvenile's care homes ) participated by a group of interested in juveniles issues and children exposed to danger issues ,also a group of social and psychological specialists working in some home cares as well as some NGOS that came out with a series of important recommendations which was put forward and discussed for the activating the role of the social specialists inside home cares to return benefit to the juvenile and reformulation of his personality and present him to society as good person. 9- The association had adopted the activity of extraction the papers of the identity (mechanized birth certifications-ID cards)for juveniles and women inside care homes with a self fund from the board members and with assistance of a group of volunteers working in the association. 10-The association implement the project of providing legal support for juveniles that aims to provide the legal support to juveniles at arrest and during investigation and trial through providing legal support from the lawyers team working in the association ,this project was already been executed with cooperation of the German embassy in Cairo that provided in kind contributions to the working team that was computers and stationeries. 11-The project (our future is in our children's hand) is being implemented in cooperation with the Irish embassy in Cairo that aims to the formation of a lawyer's network with 60 volunteered lawyers from governorates (Red Sea-Aswan) to provide legal support for juveniles in those governorates ,also launching a hotline named as (line of rescue for juveniles)as well as a website to the international information network to receive complains of any violations committed against juveniles in those governorates and delivering it to the lawyer's network to take all the necessary legal proceedings . 12- EAAJHR is a member in the public committee for protecting childhood in Giza Province. It works out some definitive meetings with the public to present the committees' role in identifying the policies of creating better conditions for the child. 13- EAAJHR participated in the international conference to put a guiding law for the child under the auspicious of Jones Hopkins University in the United States. The conference was convened in Palestine Hotel in Alexandria, in October 2010. 14- EAAJHR is a member in the Egyptian Coalition for Supporting Democracy in November 2011. 15- Working out a research on the phenomenon of children exploitation in the electoral process, a sort of forced work in which, it violated the Law 126 (Year 2008) of the new child law and Law 64 (Year 2010) of combating human industry. 16- EAAJHR is preparing now to start working on the activities of the project (Juveniles' justice between reality and desire) in cooperation with the Foundation for the Future in Jordan (FFF) and we will start in June 2011.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Sayed El Badawy Mahmoud
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Sayed El Badawy Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
rabab abdo

Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs

National Network

Maadi, Osman Towers, next to family Cinema

+20 2 25281091/2/3/4/5/6
+20 2 25281093
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Bridge-building think tank with links with similar think tanks involved in foreign policies in their nations in various countries of the world. Also interacted with civil society organizations inside and outside Egypt that are of relevance to Egyptian national interests Budgetary resources come from membership fees, donations and other accepted by the board. Partners include: Chatham House (London); Ahram Centre for Strategic Studies(Egypt); Euro-Med. Study Commission (Portugal); Parliamentarians for Global Action (New York) and many other local and International NGOs and think tanks.
Mission and Objectives

Providing an objective and well sounded understanding for international and regional issues that are pertinent to Egyptian Strategic national interests on all levels: geopolitical, economic, social and cultural

Main Projects / Activities

Holding conferences, seminars with relevant institutions on both levels: international and national. Exchanging visits with similar bodies. Inviting relevant speakers of various backgrounds; Egyptians and international to discuss topical issues with members and to give the right picture to the press on them

Contact (1) Full Name
Amb.mohamed mounir zahran
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
mohamed mounir zahran
Contact (2) Full Name
Amb. mohamed hagazy

Environment Care and Integrated Development Association

National Network

4 Diab St., Gleem

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
No. of staff 5 employees plus 3 volunteers The Association's service presents specified sectors of aid such as : - Consulting, training, evaluation. - Institutional shoring and building capabilities - Employment -Setting seminars and scientific conferences - Care of both mother and child . - The Association has contributed in the training and skills-building and raising of twenty five institutions in the region of Al-Marg. and twenty five others in the region of Al -Matareyya . - Environment protection and preservation. - Mainstreaming of Gender in the programs and the plans of the Institution.
Mission and Objectives

The Environment Care and Integrated Development Association is a fourteen years experience - organization, which has been founded by Alexandrian Sons who were eager to work for the welfare of their people, whether if they live in the town, country , poor slums, or even in the extreme and far sides . And to push the wheel of the social and economical development and for the environmental resources protection .
As well as stimulating, mobilize ,magnify the attention of both public and private organizations attention , and encourage the public contributions and individual initiatives in order to push the wheel of development.
one of other goals of the Institution is to set basis and proceedings of the evaluation of the environmental effects of some enterprises, and to decrease the unemployment , poverty ,and to confirm the idea of self-employment ,and the attention of the training of youth in order to qualify them ,whether they were graduates or beneficiaries of the Egyptian Economic Reform Program. And to confirm the gender programs. in addition with training in several specified fields.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association's service presents specified sectors of aid such as :
- Consulting, training, evaluation.
- Institutional shoring and building capabilities
- Employment
-Setting seminars and scientific conferences
- Care of both mother and child .
- The Association has contributed in the training and skills-building and raising of twenty five institutions in the region of Al-Marg. and twenty five others in the region of Al -Matareyya .
- Environment protection and preservation.
- Mainstreaming of Gender in the programs and the plans of the Institution.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelzaher el Hakim