Resources for Development Center "RDC"

National Network

35 Al-Obour Buildings, Floor 23, flat 8, Salah Salem St., Heliopolis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
RDC is a private partnership dedicated to community development, governance, and communications. It has been working in Egypt since 2005 before re-established under the current name as a result of chnaging the legal framework. RDC invests in capacity building and organizational development for civil society organizations; in developing and upgrdaing the human resources; in market research and applications of the online tools such e-advocacy, e-democracy, and e-polling.
Mission and Objectives

RDC build sustainable capacities of community organizations and provide state-of-the art methodlogies in project planning, management, and evaluation.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Evaluating the three years project "International Human Rights Law Outreach Program" carried out by the American University in Cairo and funded by USAID.
2- Provding the Catholic Relief Services with technical assisatnce and capacity building for its local partners to better implementation of their USAID funded project "Youth Take Actions"

Contact (1) Full Name
Hany Ibrahim Fahmy

Saed Association for Development and Human Rights

National Network

11 Almahad Alazhary Street, Brageel , Guiza
6th October

+202 33454075
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0105531822
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Saed Structure: -Board Members -Executive Director -Project Managers -Financial Manager - Staff and Volunteers Source of Funding 1- Future Foundation under the umbrella of Ibn Khaldun Centre for Development Studies . 2-FLDO Future Lights for Development Organization under the umbrella of cairo Association for Population. 3- Donation from Board Member and General assembly Current Activities: Saed is a member in the Of NGOs Coalition against FGM. Saed is a member in the Independent Committee for Observing Elections under the umbrella of Ibn Khaldun Centre for Development Studies . Partners: IOM International Organization for Migration IREX National Council for Human Rights Ibn Khaldun Centre for Development Studies Cairo Association for Population CDS Centre for development services
Mission and Objectives

Saed seeks achieving comprehensive and sustainable development to the people and societies in need in all fields : economic ,cultural ,educational ,environmental , social, health as well as promoting all human rights and democracy, and empowering people.
1-Support and empower the local societies, especially, rural and random areas
2- Enhancement education, health, environment and economic development.
3-Supporting and developing youth, women , children and disabilities.
4-Participate in creating job opportunities, focus on micro industries .
5- Promoting health and environmental services .
6- Raising awareness as well as supporting human rights and democracy throughout Egypt.
7- Establishing the culture of transparency.
8- Combating all forms of corruption.
9- Advocating for the rights of women, children and disabilities.
10-Advocating for the rights and interests of inhabitants of slums and communities far from the capital .

Main Projects / Activities

Current Activities:
Saed is a member in the Of NGOs Coalition against FGM.Saed orgnizes some symposiums to raise the awareness of people with the bad effects of FGM.
Saed is a member in the Independent Committee for Observing Elections under the umbrella of Ibn Khaldun Centre for Development Studies .Saed is preparing to observe the next elections of PMs .

Contact (1) Full Name
Hala Elhabashi
Head of the organisation
Hala Elhabashi

Sahm El-Theqa foundation

National Network

Housing media, Building 61, Flat 4, Ismailia

002 064 33 10 226
Telephone (other)
002 064 33 10 226
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 010 1520 765
Mobile Phone (other)
002 016 3032 949
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Organizational structure of the foundation: Founders: Dr. / Mohamed Ramadan (Professor, Faculty of Physical Education). Mr./ Mahrous Saif al-Islam Mahrous (accountant). Miss./ Nihal Nasr El-Din Mohamed (researcher and trainer in the field of human rights). Board of the foundation: Dr. Mohamed Ramadan (Chairman) Mahrus, Saif al-Islam (Treasurer) Entesar Mohammed (Secretary) Sally Mohamed is a (member). Nematt Hassouna( member). The staff members : - Executive Director: Nihal Nasr El-Din. Executive Secretary: Rasha Mohamed Ahmed. Human recourse manager: Mahrus Saif El-Islam Mahrous Accountant: Wa'ad Mohamed Khalil. Field coordinator: Mohamed El-Saied. Program coordinator: Safa'a Sife El-Eslam. We finance our projects and activities via donations and sponsors, such as the AUC, business men, networking.
Mission and Objectives

Purpose and Mission Statement The purpose of SAHM EL-THEQA is to serve the poor communities through the Developmental and Rights Based Approach interventions, based on the lessons learned and previous experiences of the applied projects all over Egypt.  Proclaiming and demonstrating the new Developmental and Human Rights Methodologies which maximize the benefit from the available local Resources.  Working through a network of talent and prominent Partners of National and International NGOs.  Encouraging partnership in Human rights and Developmental Initiatives. our main focus is the youth political participation and intercultural dialogue.Sham El-theqa run number of the awareness raising projects. We are working through a net working to support our activities and projects. we receive donation form the founders to be able to support our work.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main Project is youth political participation,it is awareness raising program for youth to drew their attention to the importance of there participation. The other project is awareness raising program for the young women workers with their economic and social rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nihal Nasr el Din (Executive Director)
Head of the organisation
Nihal Nasr el Din (Executive Director)

South Egypt Development Association at Qena. (SEDAQ)

National Network

31 Helali street, Elmanshia area, Qena

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
SEDAQ has 6 projects, there are 24 full time and 40 part time staff work in it. SEDAQ has 12 partners NGOs in four districts. the budgetary resources available in a year is LE. 500,000. The source of funding are donors, community and fees. Our main activities are raise awareness by seminars and brochures, empower by training, exchange experience by cross visits. We have partners from civil society organization and governmental organization.
Mission and Objectives

SEDAQ mission: We are South Egypt Development Association at Qena governorate, Egypt, empowering marginalized and weak groups (women & children) at Qena governorate by exclusive developmental projects. SEDAQ objectives: -Support women and children. -Support human rights. -Strength friendship with other people. -Develop the community in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

-Protecting children at risk project with cooperation from Caritas Egypt. -Resisting eye diseases at Qena governorate that funded by The Japanese Embassy. -Developing the political participation of women at Qena district that funded by the Canadian Embassy. - Developing the political participation of women at Qena governorate that funded by the USAID. -Hot line of rescuing children at risk that funded by the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. -Transportation friend to environment project that funded by UNDP.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Adel Ghazaly Ahmed
Job Title
general manager
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Abd elrahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Abd elrahim

Arab Office for Youth and Environment "AOYE"

National Network

3A Masaken Masr Lel-Taameer, Zahraa El-Maadi Str., Zahraa El-Maadi, 1st Floor

+20 2 25161519
Telephone (other)
+20 2 25161245
+20 2 25162961
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 100 11 88 99 8
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
AOYE is established 1978 and registered at the Min. Of social affairs at 1990. It has 18 permanent Employee. The Budgetary resources in the year 2011 is 4.5 Million Egy. Pounds Sources of funding from different sources such as EU, Foreign Embassies in Egypt, UNDP, DFID Projects - Conferences - Researches - Exchange Visits - Training Courses - Field Work Partners: MIO-ECSDE, GEF, UNISDR, EU, Nile Basin Discourse, Media, UNDP, ALF.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: “Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE) seeks to be one of the best NGOs working in the field of Environment and Sustainable Developmental on the National, Arab, Mediterranean and International levels through its comprehensive environmental action plan that has an economically sustainable approach that offers integrated services and activities towards protection and conservation of the environment, capable to provide full enabling to its beneficiaries”. AOYE is the Secretariat of the Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED) in Cairo, Egypt. RAED includes more than 100 NGOs from across the Arab countries. These NGOs share their experiences and exchange information on environmental and developmental issues in the Middle East profiting from the cooperation and shared knowledge of the group. As the secretariat for RAED, AOYE is responsible for publishing and printing a monthly newsletter- "Montada El-Biah". AOYE is the Arab speaking representative of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO/ECSDE) in Athens, Greece. Vision: “Together to Achieve Sustainable Development” Objectives: • Mobilizing the community to adopt new environmental patterns of life • Increasing environmental awareness among students and youth in different areas • Preparing and implementing programs and projects that aim at sustainable development. • Developing partnerships with different associations, organizations and institutions that are concerned with environment and sustainable development; locally, nationally, regionally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

- Ana El-Masry - Nile Basin Discourse - Egypt National Discourse Forum - Youth X Change - ALF "partner" - Mediterranean Environmental Program - H2020 "ENPI project-EU"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have experiences that we could share with others, and being an umbrella of tens of organizations in all country, we could add value for the ALF network in Egypt and all Mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AOYE is one of the first organizations which joined ALF network since its inception and we have worked in cooperation with ALF in many projects as partners with other Mediterranean agencies. AOYE is working closely in the Mediterranean Region and it has many associates in this region. ALF network is a valuable tool to sustain our work locally and regionally and we could through it exchange experiences and implement more activities for the sake of better and safer Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Emad Adly
Head of the organisation
Dr. Emad Adly

Doha Association

National Network

13, Nadjem Mohammad District
Ain Defla

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
la structure d'organisation : on a un bureau exicutif , conseil d'administration et des commissions on a 43 personsonnes de 22 ans moyenne d'age. notre resources budgétaires sont : les souvension de l'état , cotisations individuels et les sponsors. notre modalités d'action sont par des projets concrets , sensibilisations et les séminaires.
Mission and Objectives

devloppment de la culture de voluntariat cher le publique.

Main Projects / Activities

on a organisé plusieurs projets comme : la sensibilisation " lire un livre " de 27 /02/2010 à 22/04/2010, et la sensibilisation " soits beau " de 28/10/2010 à 21/12/2010 et maintenant on est en cours de la deuxieme édition de la sensibilisation " lire un livre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moussa Guettari
Head of the organisation
Moussa Guettari
Contact (2) Full Name
Dilmi Kheris

Club Scientifique Espace du Savoir

National Network

Faculté des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Cité Frantz Fanon, Bp 35000

00231 (0) 24 91 38 66
00231 (0) 24 91 38 66
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00213 (0)553 065523
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
La création de ce club répond au déficit d’animations scientifiques constaté au sein des universités algériennes. Le club a donc pour but d’encadrer les activités des étudiants, de promouvoir les activités scientifiques. En l’espace de quelques années, le Club Scientifique Espace de Savoir est devenu un véritable lieu de rencontre, ouvert à la communauté scientifique nationale et internationale, qui compte aujourd’hui plus de 1500 adhérant. Le financement des activités est assuré par des sponsors, industriels et universités, et plusieurs projets sont financés par nos partenaires à titre d’exemple Fondation de France (2008), des formations à Berlin Allemagne, financés par la fondation Friedrich Ebert. Dans une démarche de développent durable, le club soutient aussi, en partenariat avec l’Association Écologique de Boumerdès, une intense activité orientée sur les objectifs de protection de l’environnement, conciliant les impératifs économiques et sociaux et la sauvegarde des ressources naturelles et de la biodiversité.
Mission and Objectives

Notre club, depuis sa création est devenu un lieu de rencontre et d’échange au niveau national, et travers ces partenaires nationaux et internationaux, plusieurs actions ont été menus, on travaille dans le demain scientifique, des séminaires, des rencontres, des formations et d’actions de sensibilisation contre la drague et le sida ainsi que pour la préservation de l’environnement sont les principales activités d’on organise chaque année.
A l’aide de nos partenaires plusieurs projets d’actions ont été fait depuis l’année 2006, et plusieurs étudiants ont bénéficié des rencontres d’échanges à l'étranges, et ça dans l’optique de renforcement de capacité personnel des individus et de la société en général

Main Projects / Activities

En collaboration avec différentes associations partenaires, le club propose de multiples outils techniques et pédagogiques aux étudiants, leur permettant de se perfectionner et de s’initier à des compétences méthodologiques complémentaires.
Il organise également des échanges avec des jeunes à l’étranger. Le club participe également à des manifestations grand public (Mer en fête, info plage, clean Up the Med, journées de l’environnement, et expo-sciences et technologie…).
Pour l’avenir, le club prévoit d’élargir davantage ses activités scientifiques, en renforçant ses liens de partenariat avec d’autres universités et organismes étrangers. Le club envisage d’organiser un congrès international sur les Matériaux et développement durable, CIMDD’2013, en collaboration avec l’université Paris DIDEROT (Paris7) France.
Et procède aussi à la création de la revue scientifique international « Matériaux et innovation ». Plusieurs actions sont au menu et le plan d’action ne caisse d’être en amélioration permanente.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Kennouche Salim

Association culturelle " TARWA N GAYA"

National Network

Redjoauna el bour 15006 Tizi-ouzou Algerie

+213 770 31 41 31
Telephone (other)
+213 550 22 94 61
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
15 membres dont 84 adherants devisés sur 05 ateliers : musique ,chorale , théatre ,dessin et cinema . Notre association est partenaire avec leo lagrange du maroc , jazz bond association de france et de théatre inbrevolta d'italie . Notre structure a le droit a une survention annuelle qui est le Budget primitif par les services competents . Notre association encourage les jeunes assoifés de la culture pour tout projet national ou international.
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir la culture en general ,venir en aide pour l'enfance en difficulté sociale,échanges culturels ,organisation de seminaires, organisation de festivals nationaux et internationaux,soutiens pedagogiques...

Main Projects / Activities

Organisations de seminaires,organisations de festivals dont notre association est l'organisatrice du concours national de la chanson amazigh ,organisation des échanges culturels,promotion du tourisme solidaire ,organisation de camps de vacances pour les jeunes et moins jeunes...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Faire rassembler le maximum de structures et creer un reseau qui pourra être le pont avec ANNA LINDH.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Elargir le champs d'activitées culturelles dans notre pays et faire exporter la culture Bèrbère dans le monde entier ,organiser et participer à des échanges de jeunes dans le cadre d'euro med.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr MALKI Hacene
Head of the organisation
Mr RADJI Youcef
Contact (2) Full Name
Melle ARAB Mounia

Association les amis de l'environnement

National Network

37,bd aissat idir 22000
Sidi Bel-Abbes

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
association les amis de l'environnement Les amis de l'environnement,est une association de protection de l'environnemnt fondée en 1989 par des jeunes cadres universitaires,son objectif est: -Participer à des actions de protection de l'environnement -Promouvoir des projets d'investissemnt en Algerie -Organisation de salons,séminaires,collogues,débats,... -Création des liens d'échanges,et d'informations
Mission and Objectives

Les amis de l'environnement,est une association de protection de l'environnemnt
fondée en 1989 par des jeunes cadres universitaires,son objectif est:
-Participer à des actions de protection de l'environnement
-Promouvoir l'éducation à l'environnement en Algérie
-Organisation de salons,séminaires,colloques,débats,...
-Création des liens d'échanges,et d'informations.
-Promouvoir des projets environnementaux et developpement durable en Algerie

Main Projects / Activities

Promouvoir l'éducation à l'environnement en Algérie
L'education à l'environnement est l'activité principale du projet

Contact (1) Full Name
Mustapha SAADI

Austrian Institute of Technology Department Safety and Security

National Network

Donau-City Strasse 1, 1220 Vienna

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
150 employees composed from scientists and technologists including the field of digital libraries. Budgetary resources available in a year: 12 Million €. Sources of Funding: State of Austria, Research and Innovation project funding. Partners: Research Institutes, Industry, culture organizations in Mediterranean and European countries.
Mission and Objectives

The Safety & Security Department is making a significant contribution to ICT and is devoting concerted efforts to guaranteeing operational efficiency and reliability of all critical infrastructures – both private and public – especially in times of potential ecological, economic and political crisis.
We are committed to fostering the roll-out of national infrastructure as well as the deployment of state-of-the-art technologies in the area of public administration (eGovernment, eEnvironment, digital libraries), power grids, health care (eHealth), transportation networks, payment systems, telecommunications, Internet as well as the business and industrial sector with a view to positioning Austria at the forefront of the European ICT industry.
Safety & Security are the two important aspects of ever-increasing relevance for today’s citizens, which will also take centre stage in the information society of tomorrow.

Main Projects / Activities

The main research areas are „Intelligent Vision Systems“ on the basis of hard- and software engineering in due consideration for todays trends regarding miniaturization and integration on their dedication in critical infrastructures, „Highly Reliable Software and Systems“ with the focus on future testing and validation technologies for autonomous systems such as robots or intelligent driver assistance systems, as well as „Future Networks and Services“, where research focuses at maintaining the long-term safety and security of huge amounts of data as well as the security in distributed networks for digital libraries (Federation and Preservation of cultural heritage) and next generation health care (eHealth) and medical care systems (AAL).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to act as a "Force de Proposition" in the field of federation and preservation of Mediterranean heritage and link Austria with most of the Mediterranean countries we are working with.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since 2 years we have been developing essential services for the federation and conservation of digital cultural contents in the context of the Union for the Mediterranean. The cultural objectives of the Anna Lindh foundation fit perfectly with our know-how and our philosophy regarding an equal dialague between the Mediterranean Countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Grégoire Besnier
Head of the organisation
Helmut Leopold