Fares Foundation for Social Care

National Network

5 Bakr Fares st., Beside Mansoura Stadium

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 01008164333
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
مؤسسة فارس أهلية غير هادفة للربح مشهرة من وزارة التضامن الاجتماعى تحت رقم تسجيل 1545 لسنة 2007 وفقا للقانون 84 لسنة 2002 تعمل فى مجال توجية الشباب و رعاية الاسرة و المرأة و الطفل و التحول الديمقراطى للمجتمع و تعزيز قيم حقوق الانسان بدأت المؤسسة برأس مال مؤسسين ثلاثون ألف جنية مصرى بهيكل مؤسسين أربعه منهم سيدة و يعمل بالمؤسسة سبعة موظفين و ينتمى لناالعديد من المتطوعين بداية النشاط بحملات توعية للشباب من مخاطر الادمان و أنشاء مركز لعلاج الادمان و لقاءات مع طلاب جامعة المنصورة حول تعدد الاسر الطلابية و دورات تدريبية لادارة الحملة الانتخابية لاتحاد الطلبة و لقاءات حول مسابقة شباب العالم الديمقراطى لكتابة المقال و تدريبهم - و تعمل الان فى مشروع التحول الديمقراطى لطلاب الجامعه تحت مظلة حرية الاعلام بأنتاج مسرحية سياسية تعرض فى النوادى و تقام حولها الندوات و المناظرات و ايضا تعمل فى مشروع مجاكاة الشباب للبرلمان و تشترك مع الصندوق الوطنى للديمقراطية nedو مع مبادرة الشراكه الاوسطية mebi
Mission and Objectives

التحول الديمقراطى للمجتمع و تعزيز قيم حقوق الانسان

Main Projects / Activities

تعمل الان فى مشروع التحول الديمقراطى لطلاب الجامعه تحت مظلة حرية الاعلام بأنتاج مسرحية سياسية تعرض فى النوادى و تقام حولها الندوات و المناظرات و ايضا تعمل فى مشروع مجاكاة الشباب للبرلمان و تشترك مع الصندوق الوطنى للديمقراطية nedو مع مبادرة الشراكه الاوسطية mebi

Contact (1) Full Name
Amer Bakr Abdallah Fares
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Amer Bakr Abdallah Fares

Fondation Tourisme et Patrimoine de Fowa (F.T.P.F.)

National Network

Kafr El sheikh – Fowa – 30 El souk Elgidid
Kafr el Sheikh

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Fondation Tourisme et Patrimoine de Fowa est une ASBL sans but lucratif, créée,par un autochtone, désireux de faire connaître sa ville,située sur les bords du Nil(branche occidentale du Delta) et par une belge qui a découvert,il y a quelques mois,cette ville et ses richesses insoupçonnées. Le comité de l'ASBL se compose comme suit: un président fondateur une co-présidente fondatrice un trésorier une secrétaire un responsable des recherches un responsable en organisation un responsable en relations publiques des membres actifs pas de ressources budgétaires annuelles sources de financement future:le tourisme Modalités d'action: nous voudrions aider à l'amélioration de l'état de propreté de la ville et nous essayons pour se faire d'entrer en collaboration avec "VEOLIA"pour organiser un traitement des déchets. Recherches et recensement du patrimoine de Fowa: avec la collaboration de l'Université de Kafr el Sheikh Ellaboration d'un livret,sur la ville,avec la collaboration du Professeur Mohamed AWAD de la Grande Bibliothèque d'Alexandrie qui sera traduit en anglais par monsieur CLEMENT Colin, responsable de communication et d'édition pour le Centre d'Etudes d'Alexandrie, directeur de la maison d'édition Hardocrates; en Allemand par monsieur STAUH Georges, professeur en sociologie, retraité,associé à l'université de Mayence affilié au centre d'etudes en ethnologie africaine ; en arabe par monsieur AWAD Mohamed, cité plus haut.
Mission and Objectives

Faire prendre conscience par les autorités de la ville et ses habitants que la propreté peut être améliorée et est de la responsabilité de chacun et de tous information par des réunions pour les adultes,conférences dans les écoles etc.... Répertorier les richesses patrimoniales, culturelles,artisanales et culinaires de la ville Créer et organiser un circuit pédestre, passant par les coins typiques; un circuit en calèche dans la campagne environnante et des balades sur le Nil Créer un musée Contacter des responsables en monuments historiques afin que les restaurations entreprises soient effectuées par des personnes compétentes et désireuses de sauvegarder le patrimoine

Main Projects / Activities

comme il est expliqué ci-dessus, donner à la ville un essor nécessaire à l'amélioration des conditions de vie de ses habitants tout en voulant préserver le caractère authentique d'une petite ville du Delta. Cette région méconnue par le grand tourisme est à même de donner de l'EGYPTE une perspective très différente des régions du sud et d'intéresser un tourisme plus culturel. Si le progrès est arrivé jusqu'ici il reste dans la vie quotidienne,citadine et rurale, une authenticité que beaucoup recherchent et apprécient. Il faut que les habitants prennent conscience de ces richesses et les conserves. Depuis le 25 janvier, les jeunes, avec enthousiasme veulent participer activement à ces changements, mais restent fiers de leurs traditions et patrimoine culturel!

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayman Abou Elnagah Salah
Job Title
Chaiman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Ayman Abou Elnagah Salah

Helwa Ya Balady Association

National Network

P.O.Box 88, Borg Al-Arab New City, Alexandria Postal code: 23121

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure of the organization: o Staff employed: 3 o Volunteers: +100 • Budgetary resources: o Private Sector o Member's fees o Individual Donations o Social Activities • Main partners: o Bibliotheca Alexandrina o International Friends of BA • Values: o Democracy o Freedom of Thought o Freedom of expression o Freedom of knowledge o Transparency o Honesty o Justice o Tolerance o Equality o Human Brotherhood
Mission and Objectives

As indicated in the name of the organization, our vision is to establish a modern developed country enlightening the world by the production of its citizens and reviving the heritage and the civilization of its ancestors.
Spreading in the community the values and the skills upon which a developed country can be built and flourish through the Active Citizenship of the community. This should lead to a wide-base change of the community taking a step towards Sustainable Development.
• Active Citizenship:
o Informing
o Training
o Activating/Enabling
• Sustainable Development:
o Environmental Sustainability
o Economic Sustainability
o Social Sustainability

Main Projects / Activities

• Active Citizenship:
o Raising Awareness Campaigns
o Social Caravans
o Workshops
o Models of International Organizations
o Lectures and Seminars
• Sustainable Development:
o Environmental Projects
o Social Activities
o Entrepreneurship orientation

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Elawady
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Elawady

Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assuit

National Network

23 July st., Ibn Sina tower beside Renaissance cinema, Floor 6, Assuit

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2/ 01020066717
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
- Structure of the organization: 1- Chairman 2- Executive Director 3- Coordinator 4- Accountant 5- Executive Secretary 6- Translator 7- Helper - Number of staff employed: 6 employees - Budgetary resources available in a year: 1- Membership Subscriptions 2- Donations 3- Grants
Mission and Objectives

- Association's Mission: "Promoting and protecting human rights through calling for citizens' empowerment without discrimination and implementing sustainable development programs under institutional and moral bases and values." - Association's Objectives: 1. Enhancing and protecting human rights. 2. Tackling any case in which violation of human rights occurs. 3. Presenting any case of human rights in Assuit to the Government as well as providing suggestions that might help in preventing these violations. 4. Cooperating with the United Nations and all other organizations in the field of enhancing and protecting human rights. 5. Increasing the transparency in the field of human rights. 6. Enabling inhabitants to understand their rights and increasing their awareness when dealing with governmental authorities. 7. Creating awareness in community and enabling people to understand their community needs and to discuss human rights issues. 8. Boosting girls’ and women’s rights. 9. Enhancing the rights of the Egyptian children.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects: 1- "Towards Healthy & Clean Environment" Project funded by European Union. 2- "Reform and Democracy Actions in Upper Egypt" Project funded by Freedom House. 3- "No Terrorism, No Violence" Project funded by British Embassy. 4- "Youth Act - Youth Leadership in Upper Egypt" Project funded by Street Law, INC. 5- Institutional Support funded by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Nasser Ibrahim Abou El Oyoun
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nasser Ibrahim Abou El Oyoun

Kenana for Sustainable Community Development

National Network

25 El-Emam Malek st., From El-Tahrir St., El-Zahraa, Sohag

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Strategic goals: improve the living standard of the marginalized groups, particularly women, children and youth in the age of adolescence the creation of an active role of youth in development processes in the society by directing its energies and capabilities in the implementation of the activities to reduce the obstacles in development. spreading information technology applications in development work, and small and micro businesses . the composition of youth that have the capacity and experience of voluntary work and volunteering in civil organizations in Egypt. the implementation of programs and development projects in partnership with various community organizations which have the ability to bring about sustainable development, particularly in local communities. the current capacity (the Board and Executive Action Team expertise and skills) : o good financial system. o good balance in gender distribution - the number of Board of Directors 7 (3 women-4 men) o well trained employment (medical support of women and child - financial planning - how to use the means of modern technologies and methods of documentation - and the role of community participation in development) o the number of members of the general assembly is 30 - The number of full-time members is 4 - 5 volunteers. o the association had good relations with civil society and governmental institutions o the association is a member in the specific union of women in sohag o the Association Human Resources has a great diversity in the capabilities and a clear scientific background and skills and expertise in the field of development) o General participated in a number of exercises to develop the institutional capacity of the exercise is (RBM - legal approach to development - crisis management - good governance - analysis and integration of gender - the design of development projects - the construction techniques of the development of institutional associations of the civil non-governmental organizations - planning to attract volunteers)
Mission and Objectives

Out putting a woman and a child capable of participating in decision making inside the family and in the society , and capable of achieving their goals and dreams , and merge in the society's daily activities
Kenana's motto :
To make every one in the society participate in development, Development will become every one's property
Kenana's mission :
To merge and enable (woman, child , orphans , disabled , teenagers, homeless children , working child) and others from the Marginalized categories of the society in the daily activities through implementing activities and programs ( legal- educational- medical and economic) with the participation of all the civil society categories to build their capacities and activate their participation with the other categories of the society .

Main Projects / Activities

providing training courses on computer skills for recently graduates of high schools and university awareness program for women economical empowerment in cooperation with national council for women in sohag governorate
providing supporting services for women such as issuing national identity cards (ids)
organizing media campaign to raise the community awareness on health issues such as bird flue.
The association is currently implementing a training project for small-business owners on information technology applications through the technological development of small and medium industries ((ICT, funded by UNDP, in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications for three years

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Mohamed Abd El-Lateef

Kenana NGO for sustainable development

National Network

El madrasa st, 15 el nasr way, Sohag

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
History of Kenana NGO for sustainable development and women empowerment. In 2008, a group of development professionals launched a pioneer micro-finance project in the community of traditional Upper Egyptian community in Sohag and Ismaelia. The NGO was the first of its kind in Ismaeliyah, with affiliates in Cairo, Sharkiyah, Marsa Matrouh and sister NGO in Sudan. It was lauded for ICT training for the female graduates, environment protection awareness and small micro credits to a marginalized community that otherwise had no access to financial services. We are networked with other development professionals and together identify in all our projects a target group that are particularly vulnerable: low-income women of female-headed households. At the end of 2005, we have officially created Kenana NGO for sustainable development and women empowerment. The Association registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs as a private, voluntary, non-governmental organization, and the first Kenana office opened in Sohag central street to be accessible by any person in this governorate and around.. ________________________________________ Kenana Today: Since its beginning as a community development organization, Kenana has extended both its field sites and its services as it has grown. In addition to educational and training programs, Kenana today offers literacy programs, health services, and environment awareness seminars with a staff of 6 members and more than 100 volunteers and members. From the beginning, Kenana has recognized the importance of empowering female heads of households. When we were founded in 2005, it was the first feminist NGO in Upper Egyptianto deal specifically with this issue. In the past 4 years, Kenana has emerged as both an influential grassroots organization, environment focused NGO, and a leading advocate for women's rights. ________________________________________ Field Sites: Kenana is active in some of the poorest areas in Upper Egyptianand its suburbs, namely, Tunis Village, El Baliana, Akhmin, Tahta. Government programs do not extend to squatter areas yet and relatively few other NGOs and associations work there. 30% of all households in the Upper EgyptianVillages are female-headed households, 40% of the overall Our programs: Health Program hygiene matters. The prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt, complications arising from marriage and childbirth at a young age, and the general absence of information on reproductive health, all raise serious concerns. To address these problems, doctors have trained ADEW staff in public health issues and conducted larger health awareness seminars in women's homes. Low-income women suffer from a critical lack of information and resources regarding health and Doctors were also hired to provide medical advice and treatment to Kenana clients on a weekly basis. Literacy Program The women participating in "Arab Women Speak Out" requested that a literacy program be established. Kenana complied in the year 2006, recognizing that literacy is pivotal to building women's self-esteem and resistance to legal exploitation. The literacy program uses our center to make the classes more interactive and participatory. Kenana uses film-screenings, field trips, informal tests and extracurricular activities to make learning an enjoyable experience. Environment seminars programs In co-operation with some organizations such as Street Law Inc. in USA we held the first seminar and awareness workshop ion the field of environment awareness, it was in 2007 where we held the "Environment Parliament of Ismaeliyah" as the people of the government encountered the environment officials from the Ministry of environment and keep questionnaining them about the cases and problems they face and how to enhance the environment. Now, we have a partnership with Gender and Water Alliance and another sister NGOs in Sharkiyah (Upper Egypt), Sudan and Algeria. Our network allows us to exchange information and attending the mutual events. Current projects: - A project funded by Arab Human Rights fund of a budget 20,000$ on educating youth on human rights from Oct 2011 until Oct 2012 - A project funded by Netherlands Embassy on Culture and Arts, co-operation between Artists from Sudan and Egypt, for 6 months starts from Feb 2012 of a budget 11,000 euro.
Mission and Objectives

We are NGO based on cultural difference and ethnic varieties background. We are working to create more just and better world for women and youth in Upper Egypt specifically and allover the country generally.

Main Projects / Activities

Democracy practical programs targeting ethnic minorities, young women and men. Human rights promotion activities SMEs for women and disabled people

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To Become your partner and member we wish to spread the ethics and word on Annah Lindh Foundation. We will be here to help, to work on your projects and give feedback and ideas on any concept or new initiative the organization shall make. Also, we wish to join all your events and conferences and to join any country based research project in order to spread justice, human rights respect and acceptance of the differences between people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join ALF for its great support and wide reputation as an aid tool for networking for NGOs in the MENA region. Also, we are hoping to join your activities and be part of your great initiative in one of the most deprived region in the country "Upper Egypt".

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Shaima Aly
Job Title
Projects Consultant
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaled Eid
Job Title (2)
Projects Coordinator

Mousawa Center for Human Rights

National Network

12 Salah Salem St., Floor 2., Port Said
Port Said

+2 066 3359681
+2 066 3323508
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0113389727
Mobile Phone (other)
+2 0118584450
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
** Mousawa Center for Human Rights recorded as a civil company firm does not aim at profit, and although the center established in accordance with the law of the legal profession and the Egyptian civil law, however, that some government departments and banks do not recognize its registing . ** Because of the legal form of the founders had to work through it( civil law company ), the membership of the Governing Council of Mousawa center is limited to lawyers. ** Board of Directors consists of three lawyers, and the Board of Trustees is composed of 9 of public figures, and has limited administrative staff, in addition to the large number of supporters of the center and its activities of lawyers , journalists and trade unionists . ** Could be elected any of the founding members of the Center or acceding as its Chairman.
Mission and Objectives

The Center - according to its founding document - to contribute to the reduction Violations of human rights, strengthen the protection of these rights and spread awareness , activate the application of human rights standards and values, work on raising awareness of citizens , working law and exploited the popular action on human rights issues, and expand the circle of supporters of these issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Legal Assistance - preparation of studies - Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Al Sayed Ahmed Zarad

Mubadra Centre for Promotion of values of Tolerance and Democracy

National Network

641 Al-horeyaa - Janaklees

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Structure: At the top of hierarchy comes the (Board director)who is mainly responsible about monetary issues and funds and below him there is a (general director)who is generally concerned about the distribution of different resources among projects,then below him there is a board composed of (executive director-projects coordinator-trainings coordinator-PR coordinator-HR coordinator) The yearly budget is not yet determined about our sources of funding are through our main partners: 1)Friedrich Naumann ...Foundation for Liberty 2)International Republican Institute (IRI) 3)USAID 4)Y-peer network
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Diversity is the secret to the strength of cultures and Dialogue is the key to building up nations and Freedom is the way to the future Objectives: 1)promotion of the values of tolerance and diversity through interactive programs 2)follow-up and detection of the degrees of political participation and working on its enhancing 3)evaluation and analysis of freedom of expression through journalism and all tools of addressing the public 4)supporting initiatives of dialogue and cultural exchange 5)supporting all kinds of individual initiatives whether it be political,social or scientific 6)training of institutions-affiliated individuals on skills of democratic dialogue,accepting differences and peaceful managing of conflict 3)

Main Projects / Activities

1)weekly political Salon in collaboration with Friedrich Naumann addressing all pressing issues where high-profile speakers are invited to share their opinion 2)weekly (Hypatia discussion) where representatives from different parties as well as political activists are invited to discuss important issues 3)weekly training on how to run electoral campaigns (in collaboration with IRI) 4)monthly training on (ABC politics) for new members of political parties 5)monthly training on human rights

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek EL Sayed (General Director)
Head of the organisation
Elsayed Basiouny

Ir Amim

National Network

27 King George St.
P.O. Box 2239

Jerusalem 94581

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Ir Amim’s has 11 staff members. Its executive director is responsible for day-to-day management. The board of directors is elected every year by the General Assembly to establish the organization’s policy. The General assembly also elects the Audit committee and approves the yearly financial and activity reports. The annual budget is approximately 1,000,000 EUR. Main sources of funding are international and private foundations, liberal Jewish foundations and government support from European partners. Ir Amim operates concrete projects Ir Amim coordinates and cooperates with Israeli, Palestinian and international organizations. Partners include: ACRI, B'tselem, Bimkom, The Economic Cooperation Foundation, Shatil, the Jerusalem Rabbis for Human Rights, Machsom-Watch, Hamoked, Al Maqdase, JLAC, and OCHA. Ir Amim also maintains a network of field researchers from Palestinian and Israeli organizations and works with Palestinian activists in Jerusalem communities such as Silwan/Ras alAmud, Jabal alMuqabber, A-Tur, Sur Baher, Kfar Aqab, Beit Safafa and Issawiyya.
Mission and Objectives

Ir Amim (“City of Nations” or “City of Peoples”) focuses on Jerusalem within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ir Amim seeks to render Jerusalem a democratic, pluralistic city for the Israelis and Palestinians who share it.
Ir Amim envisions a city that ensures the dignity and welfare of all its residents and that safeguards their holy places, as well as their historical and cultural heritages, and works to secure this vision—today, as well as in the future.
Ir Amim aspires to a sustainable political future for Jerusalem, achievable only through a negotiated process between Israel and the Palestinians.

Main Projects / Activities

Ir Amim is active on a number of key fronts and aims to achieve the following:
1. To monitor developments and trends in Jerusalem that have implications for the city's current equitability and political future within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; to analyze the significance of these developments on a future resolution of the city via a two-state solution
2. To help bring Israeli policy in line with the vision of a more equitable and viable city, offering solutions that will enable just living arrangements for the two nations and three world religions that share it, until a political resolution is achievable
3. To raise Israeli public awareness regarding Jerusalem; shift public discourse to a more pragmatic, fact-based exchange that enables Israelis to analyze the ramifications of current policy; and elicit public support for a political resolution
4. To promote the development of infrastructure and capacity building within Palestinian civil society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ir Amim is widely recognized for bringing a profound understanding of Jerusalem in the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict related work and activities. It has earned a solid reputation as a go-to source for timely, accurate and reliable information about new developments in Jerusalem; its expertise in monitoring and advocacy, public outreach and education; and its programmatic partnerships within Palestinian civil society.
Ir Amim has successful experience in forming, coordinating and facilitating coalition and network efforts of Israeli NGO’s, Palestinian neighborhood committees and social activists.
The organization and its staff would greatly value the opportunity to expand cooperative efforts with other Israeli and Palestinian organizations—to share its considerable knowledge base and experience while being able to augment its work with the unique expertise of various partner organizations.
Ir Amim welcomes this vital opening to leverage resources in working towards a sustainable political future for Jerusalem in particular and the region as a whole.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ir Amim is dedicated to promoting human rights and strengthening democracy, equality and pluralism between Israelis and Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Ir Amim prioritizes the importance of and has significant experience in forming coalitions and networks with organizations and individuals mutually committed to its vision and goals.
By joining the ALF network, Ir Amim seeks to engage in dialogue and cooperate with other organizations in Israel, the Middle East and Europe who share these goals, to benefit from their expertise with the goal of increasing Ir Amim’s effectiveness and expanding its impact.
Jerusalem is a microcosm of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, loaded with political, historical, religious and emotional implications.
Ir Amim is recognized for its work to generate a more pragmatic, nuanced public discourse about issues related to East Jerusalem while acknowledging and respecting differences in ideologies, narratives and perspectives. Ir Amim employs a myriad of educational tools to expose the intricacy of the situation in Jerusalem to the Israeli public. Approximately 25,000 Israelis have attended Ir Amim’s renowned study tours and thousands more have attended its seminars and film screenings of its annual Jerusalem Moments film project.
Through its multifaceted educational activities, Ir Amim aspires to re-orient Israeli public discourse on Jerusalem, helping the Israeli public to focus on the realities and ramifications of current actions on long-term Israeli interests.
In the absence of a foreseeable political solution in Jerusalem, Ir Amim is working to develop a new paradigm for understanding the needs of different communities in Jerusalem in order to increase equitability of access and enjoyment of rights for all of its residents—both in the present and toward the end goal of a political resolution for the city.
Ir Amim envisions a process that involves outreach to communities and individuals who have not formerly been engaged in public dialogue, consulting with them on how to develop mechanisms to ensure full citizen rights to all of the residents of Jerusalem.
It is particularly vital that Ir Amim be able to glean best practices from other organizations engaged in peace building activities in areas marked by intractable conflict, particularly those with demonstrated experience in facilitating respectful multi-cultural dialogue.
The organization aims to cooperate with other civil society organizations, involve them in the process of rethinking viable living arrangements for the diverse gamut of social groups in Jerusalem, apply their expertise and cooperate with them in translating visions to action plans.

Contact (1) Full Name
Deganit Ben Shitrit
Head of the organisation
Yudith Oppenheimer

The National Association for Human Rights (الجمعية الوطنية لحقوق الانسان)

National Network

شارع 23 يوليو امام المستشفي المركزي -- مدينة ديرب نجم -- محافظة الشرقية -- مصر
Deir Negm

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
الجمعية الوطنية لحقوق الانسان تتكون من جمعية عمومية ومجلس ادارة يتكون من 7 اعضاء وخمس لجان هي لجنة تنمية الديمقراطية - الشئون الصحية-- الاحصاء وقياس الرأي -- الدفاع عن الحقوق والحريات العامة -- التثقيف والتوعية - بها اثنين موظفين وتمويل الجمعية من تبرعات مجلس الادارة واشتراكات الأعضاء وتعمل في مشاريع ملموسة معظم تمويل انشطة الجمعية ونفقاتها تبرع من رئيس مجلس الادارة ولم تتلقي الجمعية أي تمويل من أي جهة منذ تأسيسها حتي الان رغم أنها مسجلة في المفوضية الاوروبية برقم 127-142/L/ACT/EG واشتركت الجمعية مع مركز ابن خلدون في مراقبة الانتخابات في 2005 -2008 -2010 كما اشتركت مع المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان في تقييم حالة حقوق الانسان في مصر عام 2009
Mission and Objectives

رعاية حقوق الانسان وضمان حياة حرة كريمة - نشر الوعي بثقافة حقوق الانسان - الدفاع عن ضحاياالانتهاكات للحقوق والحريات العامة - رعاية المرضي والمساعدة العلاجية لغير القادرين - اجراء الدراسات والابحاث وقياس الرأي حول تنمية الديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان - واقامة المؤتمرات والندوات والحفلات لصالح حقوق الانسان
وتهيئة المناخ الديمقراطي السليم

Main Projects / Activities

ولقد قامت الجمعية في مجال الدراسات بعمل مشروع الخبز علي الابواب ودخلت في صراع قانوني مع وزير التضامن في عام 2007 - ثم اقامت مشروع لمساعدة المرضي غي القادرين للعلاج علي نفقة الدولة كما قامت بالدفاع عن ضحايا الاعتقالات والتوقيف دون حكم قضائي - والدفاع عن ضحايا الفساد في اثناء الفترة الماضية - كما قامت بمراقبة الانتخابات الرلمانية عام 2005 والانتخابات المحلية عام 2008 والانتخابات البرلمانية عام 2010 وذلك بالاشتراك مع مركز ابن خلدون

Contact (1) Full Name
Kamel Hasan Abdel Wahab Sherif