The Co2 Crisis Opportunity Onlus

National Network

Via Quadrio, 30

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Co2 Crisis Opportunity Onlus is a non governmental organisation working on social communication. It consists of 6 founders, members of the Board, seven main consultants, several temporary advisors, four employees and thirty volunteers. The budgetary resources available for the year 2009 have been € 250.000,00. The organisation collects private funds through fundraising campaigns and public funds through public applications. The Co2 Crisis Opportunity onlus promotes international cooperation projects, non formal education workshops, media training activities and culture promotion project in Italy, Lebanon, Brasil and Cuba with the aim to build and strengthen international twinnings and cultural exchanges. The Co2 works with other non governmental organisations as Arci, Legambiente, ARCPA -Beirut, Viramundo, Amigos da Vida, El Mambì, Paulita Conception School of Art. The Co2 uses to collaborate also with the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry, the local municipalities, the Experimental Cinematography Centre, AGI Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, Regione Campania, Accademia dell'Immagine, Conservatorio Alfredo Casella l'Aquila.
Mission and Objectives

The Co2 Crisis Opportunity Onlus wants, through documentaries, films, information and press campaigns, to promote human rights in order to guarantee the full development for every human beings, to strengthen cultural and ethnic integration and to stimulate social cooperation by deepening the integration between non profit organisations and civil society movements. We want to strenghten our message for the promotion of social business through all major means of communication: tv, press and internet.

Main Projects / Activities

We have produced a documentary on the commitment of the over 30.000 italian families that every year welcome 15.000 children from Chernobyl and its surroundings affected by the nuclear crisis. Since january 2008, we are present in Lebanon. In the country, we collaborate with the italian cooperation in order to consolidate intercultural exchange. The Co2 works with brasilian NGOs in order to further its example of creativity applied to social issues: "Many eyes, one story", an audio-visual path in the heart of the most populous and cruel brasilian suburbs (favela)in Rio de Janeiro, Rocinha. The Co2 organised in L'Aquila, during the summertime, "Campi Sonori, prologo della rinascita", a rich programme of cultural events performed by local institutions and special guests in the tents of the territories rocked by the earthquake. The Co2 promotes in Naples a music workshop for 15 students of Naples suburbs involved in the production of the Lucariello's (rapper from Naples) album "Veleno Fertile". The laboratory is focus on music crafts as a concrete alternative to the illegal activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Rigon
Head of the organisation
Rachele Bonani

Associazione Costiera Amalfitana Riserva Biosfera Onlus (ACAR.BIO)

National Network

Via Medica 3, Tramonti (SA) CAP 84010, Italy
Tramonti (SA)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The organization is an NGO with a staff of 7 people. The Budgetary resources available in a year is about 20.000 euros from European Projects, Local bodies and members donations. ACARBIO's main partners are from Lebanon (MedoDesign), Malta (Europe Direct Mosta Malta), Greece (Development Company of Kefalonia & Ithaki), Egypt(eknowledge), Jordan (Hashimite Fund), Palestine (Municipality of Ramallah), France (Centre de Conservation du Livre), Spain (ass. Cielo Oscuro Murcia, Municipality of Almeria), Portugal (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Social)
Mission and Objectives

ACAR.BIO is engaged in organization and coordination of projects which aim to strengthen the Amalfi Coast candidature as Biosphere Reserve. Its activities focus on the conservation and safeguard of the natural and historic-cultural heritage of the Amalfi Coast, by promoting any kind of sustainable development in the field of the environment, the tourism, the mobility, the energy. It also pays particular attention to the conservation and protection of historic buildings, monuments and marks left by the ancient civilizations. The Amalfi Coast was recognized in 1997 by UNESCO as World Heritage. The mission of our organization is to let the Amalfi Coast become a Biosphere Reserve within the MAB programme lead by UNESCO in order to enhance a sustainable usage of the resource in our area.

Main Projects / Activities

ACAR.BIO is also involved in the Starlight Reserves Initiative and in June 2009 has realized an Astronomic Observatory in Coast of Amalfi, officially recognized within the initiatives for UNESCO Starlight. It has organized, on behalf of the Province of Salerno, three events in the schools of the area within the Week of Education on Sustainable Development 2009 promoted by UNESCO (9 – 11 – 13 November 2009).
ACARBIO is cooperating with several international partners (Malta, Lubnan, Greece, Egypt, Jordan, France, Spain) in many projects within different European Programmes such as ENPI, Intelligent Energy, Interreg. You can find more info about it in the curriculum in attached.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Sannino

Consorzio ABN A&B network sociale

National Network

Via F.lli Cairoli, 24, 06125 Perugia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ABN Network is a pool of cooperatives (social and common cooperatives) constituted in 1997 on the initiative of some Italian social cooperatives of the Umbrian territory of the province of Perugia. The pool was born with the aim of sharing integrated strategies targeted to pursue human promotion and citizens’ social integration objectives, as established in the art.1 of the L.381/91. Nowadays, in ABN cooperatives work approximately 2500 persons, of which nearly 1600 are employed in social cooperatives of type B and, 570 are disadvantaged persons, and approximately 460 employed in social cooperatives in type A services to people. The pool is structured on the model of the network company, in which various subjects join their own specificities, frameworked in shared strategies, in order to integrate various functions and to optimize the performances, following rigid qualitative standards and the “paper of the values” of the pool. The ABN Pool has developed in the years a managerial system more and more careful to the offered services quality, to the organization efficiency and the effectiveness, to the respect of the atmosphere, the social responsibility towards its own workers. Such engagement is attested and sanctioned, from 2005, also by the attainment of the three certifications concerning: quality management system, in compliance with the international norm UNI EN ISO 9001:2000;, environmental management system in compliance with the international norm UNI EN ISO 14001:2004; social responsibility management system (ethics), in compliance with the norm SA 8000:2001. For the attainment of their own goals, the Association has a common bottom made of: a) associates’ quotes and b) private and publics contributions c)selling services ABN collaborates with trade unions, non-governmental organisations, local development agencies, local authorities, Universities and research centres. ABN has a Balance shet total of euros 35.273.444,00.
Mission and Objectives

ABN has the aim to integrate the type A social cooperation (management of socio-medical and educational services), the type B social cooperation (job inclusion for disadvantaged people) and the common cooperation activities, operating on multiple plans:
- working for the social inclusion, both through the social participation and through the development of the occupation;
- mainstreaming the “good practices” of the job and social integration and inclusion of disadvantaged persons on the regional, national and international territories;
- to guarantee the products’ quality through its trademarks (specificly the “social product” quality and mainly as regards the one tied to the working integration of the disadvantaged persons);
- to realize coordinated plans, in active partnership with the public beings and related to the social realities of the territory, also investing its own resources, in a perspective of “participated” welfare;
- to allow the social companies development and their new entrepreneurial plans, in the “connection strategy” perspective inside the territories.
ABN has, moreover, developed a specific skill in the management of job inclusion for people coming out the job market, both on behalf of public beings and by itself.

Main Projects / Activities

Main fields of activities:
- TRAINING: ABN has an accredit permission by the Umbrian Region in order to exercise the following activities of professional training for the following typologies: advanced training, continuous and permanent training
- START_UP: ABN made the start-up process for many new cooperatives and other companies typologies in the national territory and gave support to many entrepreneurial development plans
- RENEWABLE ENERGETIC SOURCES: activities in the thermic solar area, in the photovoltaic field, biomasses, aeolian,...
- Evironment and sustinable development: with project in Italy and in Albania

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Velloni
Head of the organisation
Roberto Leonardi

European Research Centre for Ancient Near-Eastern Cultures (CAMC) – University of Tartu

National Network

Faculty of Theology, Tartu University, Ülikooli 18-310, 50090 Tartu
51001 Tartu

(+372) 375300
(+372) 375301
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Academic education and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Annual international symposium of Ancient Near Eastern Studies in spring. Co-operation with the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Naples.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ambassador Prof. Thomas R. Kämmerer PhD (Director)
Head of the organisation
Prof. Thomas R. Kämmerer

Servicio Civil Internacional

National Network

C/Ronda de Segovia 55, oficina 2, Madrid

0034 913663259
0034 9136632 03
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Servicio Civil Internacional Madrid (SCI) is a non-profit making and non-governmental organisation (NGO) established in 1987. It is the Spanish branch of Service Civil International, an international voluntary service organisation.
Mission and Objectives

Servicio Civil Internacional (SCI) promotes peace and international understanding, mainly using international workcamps as a tool to reach its aims. SCI uses international workcamps as a fundamental instrument, because it considers that by living together with other cultures and communities people can become aware of conditions and realities existing in the world.
SCI acts in a non-violent way as a catalyst for change within individuals and society,-takes appropriate non-violent international action in situations of tension, war and injustice, supports action which promotes international solidarity, justice, mutual understanding, participation in policy-making at all levels, and respect for individuals as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, promotes and organises voluntary service activities in co-operation with local communities as well as other local, national and international organisations, as a means of fostering greater confidence between people of different social, cultural, political or religious backgrounds by working, learning and living together.

Main Projects / Activities

The main method used by SCI to promote peace and justice are short and long-term international voluntary service projects. Over 320 Spanish volunteers participate in these activities every year, including East-West and North-South exchanges and the EVS program.SCI also organises international seminars and solidarity campaigns, education and training courses and seminars, individual trainee-ships. The activities cover a wide range of fields including: anti-racism, N/S solidarity, anti-fascism, ecology, gender-issues, rights of children, women, elderly and handicapped people, environment protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miruna Popa
Head of the organisation
Juan de Miguel Salanova
Contact (2) Full Name
Teresa Seoane Barcenilla

Mouvement des MRE Democrates

National Network

Loenermark 850
1025 VN


+31 (0)659059550
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Le Mouvement des MRE Democrates est une organisation non gouvernementale dont l objectif principal est de promouvoir les intérêts de la communauté marocaine auprès des pays d accueil et au sein du Maroc. Le MMRED a une structure démocratique, inclusive et tolérante.
Mission and Objectives

Les buts concrets du MMRED:
1. Constituer une force de réflexion sur les potentialités et les contraintes qui sont communes et qui se présentent à toute la communauté marocaine à l’étranger.
2. Développer des stratégies et des programmes pour promouvoir une meilleure image du marocain à l’étranger
3. Mettre en oeuvre, en collaboration avec les autorités compétentes des programmes de formation et de sensibilisation sur les cultures des pays d’accueil, les modalités d’intégration et de maintien de l’identité marocaine
4. Constituer une force de réflexion et de proposition, au niveau du Maroc, sur les modalités de représentation de la communauté marocaine dans les instances institutionnelles du pays qui ont un domaine de compétence lié aux intérêts de la communauté marocaine à l’étranger.
5. Développer et mettre en oeuvre des programmes au niveau du Maroc pour
a) Identifier, faciliter et protéger les opportunités d’investissement
b) Organiser d’apprentissage de l’arabe et le tamazight, surtout aux jeunes de la diaspora, dans le cadre de colonies de vacances et autres activités
c) Faciliter les moyens de transport au Maroc en faveur de la communauté:(e.g.: tarifs raisonnables tout au long de l’année comme un moyen de promouvoir le tourisme marocain et comme un moyen de permettre aux jeunes générations de garder des contacts fréquents avec leur pays d’origine en vue de rendre service à une phase ultérieure)

Main Projects / Activities

Jamal Eddine Ryane a été élu Président de d’une nouveau mouvement qui s’occupe des questions d’immigration et des immigrés sous le nom de « Mouvement démocratique des MRE » à la suite de son constitutif, le dernier samedi 8 et dimanche 9 août 2009 à Rabat.
Caractérisé par la séance d’ouverture de la Conférence, à laquelle ont participé des cadres associatif, intellectuel et économique après le discours de Jamal Ryane, qui a confirmé la nature des objectifs de la fondation émanant du contenu du discours de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI, pour l’émancipation de la communauté marocaine à participer au développement, par le biais de diverses infrastructures, et l’orateur a proposé un certain nombre de projets et de programmes, qui constituent un élément essentiel de la formation de ce mouvement, un cadre destiné principalement à contribuer à la formation d’un service supplémentaire dans le pays et de servir les membres de la communauté à l’étranger, sur la base de la présence d’institutions efficaces dans les domaines législatif, exécutif.
Les travaux de la Conférence, qui se caractérise par la poursuite de plus de deux jours, l’annonce par les premiers signes de la stratégie globale du mouvement, qui vise notre unité nationale, comme l’une des principales priorités, en plus de la politique, sociale, économique, religieuse et culturelle à l’extérieur, de la question des femmes et de l’éducation, et les domaines connexes la préservation de l’identité nationale à travers le principe de dévouement à enseigner l’arabe et l’amazigh Marocains à l’étranger pour les enfants. Dans ce contexte, les délégués ont exprimé leur volonté et leur désir de citoyens marocains ont le droit et la capacité à servir le pays, et de soutenir les différents programmes qui s’inscrivent dans les priorités et la vision pour atteindre les objectifs souhaités,
la Conférence s’est également félicitée de la circulation de toutes les propositions sérieuses pour chaque énergie et des acteurs individuels ou des associations, qui reflète la valeur ajoutée de la formation du service de la communauté marocaine à l’étranger. Pour sa part, et après la ratification du projet de Loi fondamentale, a été élu président du mouvement qui a donné naissance à un corps sain qui cherche à embrasser le présent pour servir l’avenir, grâce à des outils basés sur l’approche réellement démocratique et le principe de transparence et de coopération, et a souligné que le mouvement va continuer à ouvrir ses portes aux contributions et de tous les acteurs qui sont en mesure de fournir l’avenant nécessaire et positif. Ce qui correspond aux aspirations de rejoindre et de servir l’intérêt public des Marocains résidant à l’étranger, et dans l’intérêt du Royaume du Maroc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamal Eddine Ryane
Contact (2) Full Name
Zohra Maurel

Lumen Film

National Network

Korte Prinsengracht 17d, NL-1013 GN Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 623 26 00
+31 (0)20 625 48 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+31(0)6 512 42 068
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Lumen Film is a foundation Staff employed: 2,5 or many others appointed for the duration of a project Lumen Film is funded by making projects Main partners: VPRO, HOS, NCRV, VARA, NPS, RTBF, VRT, ERT, ORF, BBC, WDR, NOGA, CHANNEL 4, ZDF, MTV, YLE TV, SVT, DUNA, RAI, ARTE and regional, national and international funds,
Mission and Objectives

Lumen Film specializes in the development and production of innovative documentaries, and related activities, for television and theatrical release. Working with some of the best young and more famous directors from Europe, it has firmly established its international reputation in the past years.

Main Projects / Activities

Lumen Film productions were broadcasted all over Europe and shown in selection on major international film festivals. Prestigious awards were won: from the 'Grand Prix 2000' of the Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival for NOSTALGIA by Tato Kotetishvili and Ineke Smits, to the ‘Maysles Brothers Award for Best Documentary’ at the Denver International Film Festival 2005 for El PERRO NEGRO by Péter Forgács and ‘Best Feature Length Documentary’ Tribeca Film Festival 2005, ‘Best Feature length Documentary’ Hungarian Filmweek 2006, for the same film.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cesar Messemaker
Head of the organisation
Rien Hagen

Escola Secundária Manuel Teixeira Gomes

National Network

A. S. João de Deus, 8500 Portimão - Portugal

00 351 282 450 410
00 351 282 415 049
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
00 351 962514062
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Teachers: 161 teachers; staff: 53; students: 1 500.
Mission and Objectives

Secondary lever.
Scientific and humanistic studies.
Values: respect for the universal right to education; equality; the respect for relgious and cultural diversity; citizenship and solidarity.

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre; e-learning plataform; PACE - Socrates / Comenius; Foreigners support; health; enviroment; TIC; Cultural heritage; professional studies; pre-universitary studies in Sciences and technologie and Humanities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Telmo Eduardo Marreiros Soares
Head of the organisation
Telmo Eduardo Marreiros Soares
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria da Graça A. Mateus Ventura

Individual member: Dr. Sean Patrick Donlan

National Network

FG020, University of Limerick

+353 61 234199
+353 61 202417
Mobile Phone
+353 86 886 2605
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Individual researcher.
Mission and Objectives

My current research focuses on legal and normative diversity in the European past and the Mediterranean present.

Main Projects / Activities

I’m co-editing a book on the Western legal traditions. I’m also leading an interdisciplinary project on Mediterranean legal and normative hybridity, the mixtures and movements of state laws and other norms in the region. Scholars from the Mediterranean and around the world have committed to work on the project. My research and teaching interests include comparative law, legal history and theory, and public law. My work has included comparative law, comparative legal history, constitutional history, intellectual history, and legal history and theory. I am founder and Vice-President of the Irish Society of Comparative Law and Secretary of the National Committee (Ireland) with the International Academy of Comparative Law. I am Chairman of Juris Diversitas and on the Executive Council of the Irish Legal History Society and the European Society for Comparative Legal History.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sean Patrick Donlan
Head of the organisation
Sean Donlan

Center for Nonproliferation Unconventional Threats - NEXUS

National Network

7, Pincota Street, Ap. 18, Sect 2
P.O. BOX 71-88


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Area of Interests: - Biosecurity - Environmental Security - Human Security - Energy Security - Transnational Organized Crime - International Terrorism - Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Partners: - Information Resource Center of the Public Diplomacy of the US Embassy in Bucharest, Romania (Lili Stoian - - Regional Center of High Studies for Prevention of Bioterrorism, Bucharest, Romania - The Information Center for Security Culture, Bucharest, Romania (Adelina Palade -
Mission and Objectives

- To study and research the security environment focusing on the unconventional threats
- To create a thematic virtual library in Romanian language related to the unconventional threats against the human security
- To organize a Resource Center on unconventional threats, adressing to students, teachers, researchers and/or any other interested persons or groups
- To organize conferences, seminars, trainings and any other forms of education adressing to the young generation and specialized persons and/or groups
- To publish newsletters, reports, evaluations and prognosis related to the area of interests

Main Projects / Activities

- International activities
- Human Security Culture
- Research
- Education and Training
- Publishing

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation