Students' Forum Institute

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners The SFI has over 50 members forming the General assembly and electing every two years the nine Board members. The SFI is led by a director and employs 2 to 4 project staffs and a part-time accountant. SFI's work is supported by a seconded German expert and a local expert paid by the German Development Service. Regularly international interns are based at the SFI. Budgetary resources available in a year: 2008: USD97,000; 2007: USD80,000; 2006: USD54,000 Sources of funding: Norwegian People's Aid, German Development Service, S.O.S., cooperation with Palestinian NGOs, donations from individuals, membership fees - Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Project implementation, micro-grants, trainings - Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Sharek Youth Forum, Youth Parliament Bethlehem, AEGEE – Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l'Europe
Mission and Objectives

Supporting and strengthening a democratic Palestinian society that is based on justice and equality by enhancing the political and social competence, confidence and capabilities of Palestinian students and youth
The Student Forum Institute (SFI) is a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-partisan organization. Its role is to develop the capabilities of the Palestinian youth and student body in all educational, political and social areas. It provides them with the necessary experiences in order to enhance their awareness and understanding of sound governance, the rule of law and democracy, with the aim of increasing political and social involvement among the Palestinian youth which will lead to a positive change within their society through advocacy and lobbing campaigns
Enhance the competence and capabilities of the Palestinian student body and youth
Address and mitigate social inequities affecting Palestinian students and youth
Establish and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders
Improve financial and administrative processes to maintain a transparent, effective organization

Main Projects / Activities

AEGEE exchange “EuroArab – understanding each other's challenges” (since 2009)
New Membership System (since 2009)
summer camp (2009)
Youth for Change (since 2008)
Bisan training course (since 2008)
proposal writing training course (2008)
Youth Parliament Bethlehem (since 2007)
Anti-Discrimination Unit (since 2007)
Media training course (2007)
youth conference for peaceful conflict resolution (2007)
academic and career guidance (since 2006)
Youth leaders (2005-2007)
Youth Lobbying (2005-2007)
scholarships (since 2004)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Juliane Drews
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ramzi Odah

SIRAJ Information and communication Center- Salfeet Municipality

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Salfeet information and communication telecom center siraj is established to be the first of it's kind in Palestine as an initiative and support from Palestinian economic council for development and construction (PECDAR) and salfeet municipality to serve more than 50 thousands citizens in salfeet. This center differs from other internet and computers cafes that spread all over country areas in: 1- Providing comprehensive services in telecoms and information technology field and society development. 2- Providing this service with the best global specifications in speed and quality. 3- Supplying a secure and total controlled environment to encourage different society classes using internet without afraid of using it. 4- Encouraging society classes using this technology such as women, farmers and those who are looking for a job. 5- This center will be the connecting point between salfeet and the electronic government that has been prepared for it.
Mission and Objectives

This center vision is to be the development gate for the society in salfeet.
Center objectives:
· Create a new generation convoys' telecoms and information technology.
· Developing and qualifying women sector and the ignorant people of the population and special need people.
· Let advanced technology reaches all and not to be limited in specific classes and groups.
· Developing life skills such as creative thinking through some programs and activities (unmethodical).
· Training unemployed young people occupational training in order to facilitate jetting job opportunities.
· Raise social recognition.

Main Projects / Activities

SIRAJ center focuses on partnership concept between society and local institutions, there for our center is being connected with huge number of local, Arabic and foreign universities, also with training and development institutions in all areas.
Beneficiaries and aimed groups:
Salfeet information and communication telecoms center SIRAJ provide its services to all individuals and instantiations in Salfeet.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Sulaiman

Mosaica Center for Inter-Religious Cooperation

National Network

154 Derech Beit Lehem
Jerusalem 91533

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Center include a general director + a projects manager + an administrator. Professional staff hired per program as suppliers (group facilitators, program evaluators etc. annual budget is $500,000. Source of funding are Foundations and private donors. we develop and implement concrete projects, we hold seminars and provide scholarships for educational programs in schools. The strategy of Mosaica is to partner with the Islamic Movement to fulfill our goals and keep a symmetrical approach between the parties.
Mission and Objectives

Mosaica's vision is founded on the premise that effective dialogue between Jews and Muslims is only possible under conditions of mutual trust in the realm of religion. This derives from the understanding that today's conflict in the Middle East is based not only upon territory but on culture, ethnicity and religion, which are at the roots of the conflict and the key to its resolution.
To widen the inter-religious coalition of religious leaders in the region and the circles of inter-religious diplomacy established at the Alexandria Summit, amongst others, by creating a cadre of religious leaders who will serve as prominent agents for dialogue and change between and within the different religious communities.
To deepen the inter-religious dialogue between Jews and Muslims in the Middle East through educational programs and dialogue sessions, and by training facilitators to implement such programs.
To establish a cadre of learned religious leaders who would disseminate moderate interpretations of religious sources used by extremist factors. This would provide legitimacy and religious validity to the recognition of the Jewish people and the State of Israel instead of standing in the way of dialogue. These leaders would take vigorous steps, among widespread populations, to publicize their interpretations in the written and electronic media, in academic publications, mosque sermons, educational institutions, community centers and elsewhere.
To establish a joint inter-religious forum to confront regional and worldwide occurrences of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
To develop and implement a new model of conflict management and resolution within the framework of inter-religious dialogue, the multi-dimensional model.
To produce and disseminate comprehensive and reliable knowledge to the general public, academicians, educators and policy makers.

Main Projects / Activities

Our leading programs:
The Jerusalem Inter-religious Educational Leadership Program (JELP) – building a net of more than 30 schools in East and West Jerusalem
Rabbis and Imams Program (MANDAT): The first coalition of religious leaders which will work systematically on an on-going basis to reduce tension between Jews, Muslims and Christians in the Middle East
Women between East and West,” whose goal is to create cooperation in the field of tourism between Jewish, Muslim and Christian women from East and West Jerusalem
Inter-Religious Encounters in the 21st Century: Turning from 9/11 to the Obama Era: Discussions with the Public, which comprises a series of panel discussions accompanied by films. This program will provides an on-going public stage for moderate voices in the debate between the Muslim and the Western worlds and will explore the effect of this debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and vice versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gita Hazani
Head of the organisation
Gita Hazani

Association for Development in Akkar (ADA)

National Network

Akkar - Beit Ayoub
Akkar 3316

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
community 12 persons resources from our members contributions concrete projects, Seminars
Mission and Objectives

1. Promote the concept of sustainable development with particular emphasis on youth engagement in the society 2. Encourage volunteering and Promote citizenship concept 3. Build the capacity of individual, organizations and communities in the various sectors (environmental, social, developmental) 4. Provide training services, raise awareness and conduct research 5. Establish specialized centers to empower individuals and organizations’ role in the society

Main Projects / Activities

- Training about municipalities Role and regularizations - Rehabilitations of Beit Ayoub Main Square - Art Quiz

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ali Omar
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ali Omar
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Melhem

Fantastično dobra institucija - FADE IN (Incredibly Good Institution - FADE IN)

National Network

Nova Ves 18

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 3233 001
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 91 3233 002
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Fade In was founded in 2000 as a non-profit organization that produces documentaries, PSA’s and TV content that focuses on civil society issues. Bodies of the Organization are: the Assembly the Management Board the Chairperson Sources of funding: National Foundation for Civil Society Development; C.S.Mott Foundation, Ministries, Local authorities, Embassies in Croatia, Own income -Production of audiovisual projects (reportages, documentaries, promo films for NGO, Internet video)
Mission and Objectives

The goals of associating into Fade In are to promote and encourage:
• qualification of members of association, members of other organizations or people who are interested in working with media
• an active care for creating the cultural, educational and other interests of the citizens, especially the young
• protection of human rights and the development of freedom, primarily as the right of the individual and only on that basis the rights of a group, including the nation
• pleading for the equality of sexes
• contribution to the rousing of the environmental awareness of the people and protecting the environment, protecting the animals’ rights
• citizens initiatives and their right to self-organization in building the autonomous civil society
• communication, cooperation and solidarity of the people because of protection of freedom, realization of justice and reaching the economic social and environmental prosperity for everyone
• pleading against the militarization and other forms of violence upon the society, developing the nonviolent methods
• rejecting violence, and especially war as a method of solving problems between individuals, groups and states
• linking and cooperation with other civil, media, cultural and art groups, in Croatia and worldwide
• creative use of modern technologies and their communicational application

Main Projects / Activities

-Civil Society in Croatian Media
-The Third Sector
-Documentary films

Contact (1) Full Name
Morana Komljenovic
Head of the organisation
Morana Komljenović
Contact (2) Full Name
Magdalena Petrovic

MTU Rahvusvaheline Maja (International House Tartu)

National Network

Narva mnt 9
51013 Tartu Estonia

+372 51 32891
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

International House Tartu is independent non-governmental organization that works in community building and social cohesion, decreasing intergroup stereotyping, stigmatizing and xenophopbia in Estonia. We do so through creating intercultural connections in the community, through arts and education (including teacher trainings), and through our social enterprise (giving refugees and other vulnerable groups a chance to get on the labour market). In addition, we are also often involved in hybrid initiatives that entail applied research and hands-on activities. 

Mission and Objectives

To develop Estonia´s integration capacity and intercultural competence; to strengthen ties between new and old migrants and native inhabitants of Estonia and to provide space for personal encounters between people of different groups; to support adaptation of new immigrants in Estonia, including labour market adaptation. 

Main Projects / Activities

  Activities: Intercultural spaces, trainings, development of materials to different target audiences-

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing our competence on integration and ICC, providing contacts to experts in our partner countries; organizing events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF work is very much overlapping our everyday activities and is consistent with our objectives.


Contact (1) Full Name
Anastasia Pertsjonok
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Anastasia Pertsjonok

Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare

National Network

Viru str 22/1-11

+372 5560 2993
Telephone (other)
+372 3972 226
+372 631 1735
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 5341 7810
Mobile Phone (other)
+372 55550303
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare (SSCW) is a part of national organisation Estonian Union for Child Welfare ( the SSCW are 20 active members and more than 100 members participating not constantly in different projects and campaigns. The organisation is run by a 3-membered management and has an elected board of trustees. The budget consists from organisation’s own membership fees, state support, foundational support for project based activities, independent donations and other own resources. The budget in a year is approximately 100.000€. Organisation main programmes: 1. Children and youth welfare (Human rights and development of civil society). 2. Intercultural and Interregional Dialog 3. Integration in East Europe. 4. UN Millennium Development Goals achievement and supporting them 5. Social exclusion of young and adult people. 6. Policy development and participation in children and youth affairs SSCW main partners: Peace Child international, Estonian Youth Council, Local Governments, other local and regional NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare empowers children to take responsibility for peace, human rights and the environment through education, leadership development and direct participation in the events that shape our world community.
Our organisation is against nationalism, discrimination and other issue what can provide antidemocratic processes. The SSCW is an organization with a long-term tradition and experience in the work for creating a safe environment and possibilities for full development of children with the participation and assistance of all members of the society.
For better fulfilment of its objectives SSCW undertakes activities in cooperation with public sector institutions, other NGO- s and other interested bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

For all history of SSCW we have done more than 46 projects around the county, country and also on the international level. The main projects were: „ Language schools „Sipsik, Vestlus”, ”Small Lady”, „Men`s games”, „Festival of Cultures”, “My Home – is My Future!” Art campuses, „History and researches” , „Health of big family”, „HELP ME”, „Telephone of Trust – Psychology help line”, „Debates campus”, „All different all equal”, World Youth Congress: 2005 Scotland, in Canada”, „Pay attention on the child”, “World Youth Forum 2006 Bucharest, “Faith in Europe”, ”1st and 2nd international meetings Water and Youth in Buenos –Aires 2007, Zaragoza 2008 ”, “European - African Youth Summit in Lisbon 2007”, “European Conference on the participation of young people with fewer opportunities.”, “Active Ida-Virumaa Citizen”, “Gender empowerment”, “Young active citizens in action”, “Deep 2 in Europe –youth exchange”, “Peace Child Alpha Omega international project – musical performances”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vassili Golikov
Head of the organisation
Irina Golikova
Contact (2) Full Name
Taisi Valdlo

The Israel Association of Feminist and Gender Studies (IAFGS)

National Network

POB 4770, Tel Aviv 61047
Tel Aviv

02-6716096 (Deborah Greniman)
Telephone (other)
03-5402225 (Ruth Lamdan)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
054 4317651 (Ruth Lamdan)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Chairperson + 8-member board Budgetary resources available this year: NIS 11,000 Sources of funding: Foundations and funds Modalities of action: conferences, seminars, website, publications Main Partners: Bar Ilan University, The College of Management: Academic Studies; heads of gender studies departments in universities and academic colleges in Israel
Mission and Objectives

(1) Creating a central source for information on feminist and gender studies in Israel;
(2) Disseminating knowledge produced by feminist and gender studies by means of conferences, a website, and publications;
(3) Providing a networking, resource and support center for all those engaged in studying or researching feminist and gender studies in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

Annual conference (forthcoming topic: Adoption, Surrogacy and IVF)
Annual book celebration – presentations by authors of new books on feminist and gender topics
Seminars (recent topic: Sexual Harassment in Academia)
Website: – providing an information center on feminist and gender studies in Israel, and some information on activity around the world.
Publications: A peer-reviewed Hebrew periodical or annual collection of new articles in feminist and gender studies is projected, to address the lack of Hebrew scholarly publication venues in this field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Deborah Greniman
Head of the organisation
Prof. Yaffah Berlovitz
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Ruth Lamdan

Les Ballets C de la B

National Network

Citadellaan 40
9000 Gent

+32 9 221 75 01
+32 9 221 81 72
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+32 496 270 150
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Les Ballets C. de la B. vzw is Flemish non-profit organisation that is working in the field of modern dance-theatre. 4 Choreographers are working actively with the company at this moment. The company is structurally supported by the Flemish Government (900.000 € a year till 2009 granted). The own income of the company through performing all over the world is about 3.500.000 € a year. The company employs the equivalent of 41 full time jobs (2005) Dancers and artists engaged by the company have roots in many countries. From Germany to New Zealand, from Argentina till Israel, from Iran till Burkina Faso. Main partners Theatre de la Ville Paris, France, Ruhrtrienalle, Germany, Holland Festival, Netherlands, Sadler’s Wells, London, Great Britain. …
Mission and Objectives

The company’s aim is to do research in the field dance-movement and how other artistic disciplines can be integrated in dance. Much attention is giving to the position of the choreographer during creation. The dancers’ own dance -vocabulary is given as much as room as possible during the development of the creations. The result is that one can see human beings dancing more than dancers dancing in the performances of Les Ballets C. de la B. vzw

Main Projects / Activities

‘VSPRS’, première 16 February 2006 in Paris. Tour in Europe till April 2007. Mei-June 2007 tour in South East Asia and North and South America. VSPRS is a performance of Alain Platel.
‘Import/Export’, première 13 November 2006 in Montreal, Canada. Tour till June 2008 through out Europe and North America. Import/Export will be a performance of Koen Augustijnen
‘Once more with feeling’ première 1 October 2006 in Brussels a performance of Christine De Smedt.
‘Zero Degrees’ ongoing tour of a performance of Akhram Khan (London) and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui (Les Ballets C. de la B. vzw).
The company is giving workshops on a regular base.
Last years several people of the company went to Ramallah to give classes and workshops in cooperation with Palestine Cultural organisations (El-funoun Popular Dance Group, The ashta Theatre and Popular Art Centre Ramallah). In March 2006 Bâche of Koen Augustijnen was shown in Ramallah and Bethlehem.

Contact (1) Full Name
Herwig Onghena (Financial Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Iris Raspoet (artistic coordinator)


National Network

AMERIKIS 11,10672

+30 210 3624291
+30 210 3622400
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
XENE-YWCA Greece is a NGO with more than 500 member women and a lot more volunteers. The body has an Executive Committee and a BOD which is elected every year in the National Assembly out of the 120 representatives from 25 local centers. Legal representative is the organisation's President, who runs for a year, along with the Vice president,General Secretary,Treasurer. The BOD has a regular meeting every week and the EC every 3 months. The Organisations employs 15 professional staff members on a a full time basis and a lot more on project basis. Main sources of income are Membership fees Estate property Donations Funds The Greek YWCA works continuously to inform and raise the awareness on issues, which affect women and the societies in which they live. It seeks to develop women’s potential to act as responsible citizens. It acts in cooperation with other women’s groups and on the basis of present day conceptions of equality and solidarity. XENΕ-YWCA Greece is • a national body linking together the local XEN centers around the country • a member of the World Association of YWCAs member of the European Association of YWCAs corresponding member of the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels (E.W.L.) and participates with 55 other Women’s Organisations in the Greek E.W.L. platform member of the European Liaison Committee of Development NGOs and of the Development Education Forum of the NGDOs • a member of the IRIS network on vocational training for women in Europe • a member of EWA Association – the European Retravailler
Mission and Objectives

The Greek YWCA works continuously to inform and raise the awareness on issues, which affect women and the societies in which they live. It seeks to develop women’s potential to act as responsible citizens. It acts in cooperation with other women’s groups and on the basis of present day conceptions of equality and solidarity, in order to
Since its foundation in 1923 XENE-YWCA Greece, works in the communities to empower women
• Organizes action programmes and services which give women the opportunity to acquire necessary skills and competences to enter or re-enter the job market
Discover their talents, develop and upgrade their skills, pursue personal interests
• Trains women to practice modern methods of management and project planning
• Improves their understanding of :Third World issues and how they relate to the international economic order and the causes and problems of migration
• Communicates the idea of volunteerism in society
• To broaden their awareness of social issues and the impact on the local issues they encounter within their voluntary community work.
YWCA Greece is a member of the World YWCA in the global women's volunteer movement presently made up of 100 autonomous affiliated national associations and 22 developing associations, working with more than 25 million women and girls in over 122 countries. The purpose of the World YWCA is to develop the leadership and collective power of women and girls around the world to achieve human rights, health, security, dignity, freedom, justice, and peace for all people. The YWCA is a trusted partner at local, national, regional and international levels. It has an established reputation as an effective, independent organization with demonstrated capacity to deliver excellent programmes on a global scale and to advocate for a better world at local, national, and global forums.

Main Projects / Activities

XENE-YWCA GREECE promotes local projects on the following areas
- Women's leadership development and capacity building
Advocacy,Media,Strategic planning, Fundraising
-Building networks with other NGOs,national government, academic Institutions
-Working on key programmes on the World WYCA priorities
-On local level improving the lives of young girls and women with community projects based on local needs(literacy, improving skills, health and exercise, culture, children activities etc).

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation