Student Centre

National Network

Savska cesta 25

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Student Centre was founded in 1957. as a institution responsible for student's meals, accommodation, cultural and intellectual needs. SC is devided into three sectors: Acommodation, Food and Culture. SC employes arround 1000 people. Since the beginning, cultural activity of the Student Centre has been the bearer of Zagreb independent, experimental and art scene. The intellectual and artistic atmosphere of the Student Centre have been created by the continual programs of SC Gallery, MM Centre, SEK, &TD Theatre, Music Salon... SC's main source of founding is the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, but Office for Culture also benefits from Ministry of Culture grants, City of Zagreb, European Comission and other public and private bodies grants. Office for Culture colaborates, among others with, Academy of Drama Arts, 25FPS, Propeler film, Kufer, Trafik, Test!, Queer Zagreb, Szene Salzburg, Spielmotor Munchen and wiht all the most important actors of croatian independend scene.
Mission and Objectives

SC's cultural programme is defined nominally and conceptually into CULTURE OF CHANGE, following the very essence of the Student center, as cultural, social and international meeting point of students and young artists which is characterized by generation shift. Each generation has its interests, its needs and has to have a possibility to realize them.
Our main goal is to create new, innovative, economic, educational and effective modules and frameworks of cultural production in order to influence cultural policies in Croatia and wider.
SC is a place which continually generates new movements on the artistic scene in the fields of visual arts, music, radio, film theater, festival, public discussions, workshops and multimedial projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Culture of Change's theatre production is associated with t&TD Theatre, the only theatre in Croatia that is equally opened to young artists as it is to theatre experts. &TD explores various theatre forms and ways of expression. Musical program is focused on alternative, indie music, experimental and free jazz, ethno, rock and experimental electronic music, besides its regular monthly concert prgrammes, we organize international Music festivals such as Not Only Jazz Festival, The Thirsty Ear festival, Zg Ethno festival. Visual arts program includes exhibitions, performances, and installations. Film activities basically focused in the SC’s Multimedia Center (MM Center) whose basic goal is to present contemporary media art, primarily avant-garde film and video. Radio activities are focused on internet radio station Radio SC. Its basic goals are exploration of journalism, radio production, performative radio situations and actions. Culture of Change also co-produces many festivals and all kinds of interesting projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataša Rajković
Head of the organisation
Niko Vidović

Art Today Association

National Network

36 Konstantin Stoilov str.

+359 32 638868
+359 32 638868
Mobile Phone
+359 888529224
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 897823381
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1.Art Today Association is a non-governmental organization registered in public favour. The association is managed by a Governing Council selected by the General Assembly. 2. from projects about 50,000 euro 3. projects 4. ATLANTIS I Hidden Histories – New Identities. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. REFLECTION OF TOMORROW 10 October - 10 November 2009 - XV WEEK OF CONTEMPORARY ART 4 September – 2 October 2009 AFTER EGO - ART POSITIVE-2009 "SWEET" 10.04 - 25.05. 2009 - Communication Front- new media art and theory project including exhibition,seminar,work shop - Critique of Pure Image – Between Fake and Quotation, including exhibition,seminar, presentations 5. Goethe Institute - Bulgaria Municipality of Plovdiv Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Brandenburg - Germany Rohkunstbau - Germany ArtBOX - Greece SPACE projects
Mission and Objectives

The Association’s aim is to present alternative and experimental forms of contemporary art; to work for their study and documentation; to build an informational data base presenting contemporary authors; to prepare periodical and unique print materials for art; to create a multimedia laboratory and residence program; to implement training programs for young people; to organize seminars, discussions, workshops; to popularize its activity among wide range of people, giving priority to pupils, students and young people.Since its establishment Art Today Association works for the building of the Center for Contemporary Art – Plovdiv.

Main Projects / Activities

Week of contemporary art – Annual international project realized since 1995, presenting authors who work in the sphere of new media, object, installation, photography, performance, alternative dance, music, theatre, theory, and presentations.
Art Positive – Annual project, organized since 2004. The project encourages the creation of contemporary art works by authors who work in Plovdiv.
Artist-in-residence program – gives opportunity to artists from all over the world to reside and realise art projects.
Hidden Histories – New Identities.
Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Curator: Emil Mirazchiev, co-curator: Jakob Racek
10 October - 10 November

Contact (1) Full Name
Emil Mirazchiev
Head of the organisation
Emil Mirazchiev

Föderation für Weltfrieden - Universal Peace Federation in Austria

National Network

Seidengasse 28/4
A 1070 Vienna


+43 650 2588846
Telephone (other)
+43 699 11725599
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+43 650 2588846
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Registered NGO; Volunteers 10000 - 20000 Euro Membership fees, Donations, Grants by the city of Vienna. Network of Ambassadors for Peace.
Mission and Objectives

The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is a global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world of peace in which everyone can live in freedom, harmony, cooperation, and prosperity. Peace is not simply the absence of war or a term that applies only to the relationships among nations. Peace is an essential quality that should characterize all relationships.
UPF encourages all religions to dialogue and cooperate for peace based upon the recognition that human dignity derives from a universal divine source that is the basis of harmony and unification and that all people are 'One Family Under God.'
UPF advocates renewal of the United Nations, including a proposal that the UN create an interreligious council within its structures.
UPF implements its programs through a global network of Ambassadors for Peace. Launched in 2001, Ambassadors for Peace has become the world's largest and most diverse network of peace leaders. They come from all walks of life representing all races, religions, nationalities, and cultures, and commit themselves to:
• Stand on the common ground of universal moral principles, committed to promoting reconciliation, overcoming barriers, and building peace.
• Form a global network of leaders representing the religious, racial, and ethnic diversity of the human family as well as all disciplines of human endeavor.
• Participate in peace initiatives and programs that promote reconciliation and cooperation beyond traditional boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
• Promote and practice the ethic of “living for the sake of others” as the guiding principle for building world peace and a global community.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences, Cultural Events, Evening Lectures

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Haider
Head of the organisation
Peter Haider
Contact (2) Full Name
Mag. Elisabeth Cook


National Network

ATHENS 106 71

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The European Translation Centre - Literature and Human Sciences (EKEMEL) aims at effecting a closer contact between Greek and foreign literatures, through numerous and diverse activities. EKEMEL employs 5 people as permanent staff and collaborates with numerous translators in occasional studies and seminars. EKEMEL is subsidized by the National Book Centre of Greece and the Greek Collecting Society for Literary Works. EKEMEL collaborates with the Hellenic American Union, the French Institute of Athens and Thessaloniki, the Cervantes Institute of Athens, the Goethe Institute of Athens and Thessaloniki, the Italian Cultural Institute of Athens, the British Council of Athens, the International College of Philosophy in Paris, the Foundation of Fullbright, the University of Princeton, the University of Mainz, the University of Malaga, the University of Sapienza, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Aegean, the Institute Ramon Llull (Barcelona), the National Institute for Oriental Languages.
Mission and Objectives

EKEMEL is a workshop for literary translation, with the emphasis on improving translation practice; a nursery for translators from which publishers and professionals in the field will be able to recruit the competent translators of tomorrow. A center appropriately equipped for supporting the translator's task (library, data banks). A focal point for all those connected with the translation process (writers, translators, publishers) through a series of events, seminars and lectures and the publication of "Apiliotis", a quarterly of literature and translation.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Organisation of seminars and round tables bringing together writers and professional translators of literature to examine and improve the practices of the latter.
2. Organisation of meetings between writers and translators concentrating on a particular work, with the participation of professionals and a public interested in creative writing, literary translation and further training.
3. Organisation of meetings and international literary events.
4. The education of students in the literary cultures of the European Union and the practice of literary translation.
5. Publications designed to promote the diversity of works of literature.
6. Publication of a professional revue of European translation.
7. Institution of five Translation Awards in collaboration with the European Institutes of Athens.
8. Organisation of round table discussions open to the general public and conducted by writers and their translators.
9. Two residencies for writers and translators on the islands of Paros and Crete.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Tides Training

National Network

Tides Training 48 Elmwood Aveneue
United Kingdom

0044 2890202026
Telephone (other)
0044 7818036180
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Our organisation is a charity and limited company. We have a board of 9 members and a staff team of 14 people. Our annual turnover is approx. £400,000.00 We receive a small amount of funding from the Northern Ireland Government and some consultancy work. We also have a number of projects funded by European Peace Money and the International Fund for Ireland.
Mission and Objectives

TIDES has an established reputation in both Northern Ireland and internationally for helping lead the development of training modules and capacity building in a range of key cross cutting themes around the sectors of Conflict Management, Good Relations and Diversity across the Community Public and Private through • TRANSFORMATION of attitudes, contexts and relationships • Recognition of mutual INTERDEPENDENCE • Positive engagement with DIVERSITY • The building of an EQUITABLE and just society framed by SUSTAINABLE structures at both a social and ecological level TIDES Training & Consultancy is an ethically based non-profit company which offers Conflict Management, Community Relations and Mediation Training. Our team designs and delivers programmes to empower people with practical skills to: deal with the challenges of everyday life, address the legacy of political violence and engage with a more globalised society.

Main Projects / Activities

We deliver practical and applicable training programmes that empower people to deal with the challenges of everyday life at work and home.The delivery of a Training of Trainers programme in Community Relations, Conflict Management(Mediation), Advanced Group Work Skills and Citizenship. We are involved in building inter-community programmes in areas that have directly experienced violence and ongoing tensions, which can implement effective local strategies working towards conflict reduction, meditative communication and community development initiatives. We are supporting ongoing systemic and organisational management development for these initiatives to help build a sustainable future for local projects. We are directly supporting the evolution, piloting and development of new practice based projects. We are undertaking and supporting the research and evaluation of the methodological base supporting community relations and conflict management approaches. Wherever possible we engage all of these approaches through a collaborative partnership with other organisations working locally and/or internationally for peace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mary Montague
Head of the organisation
liza wilkinson (took over from Mary Montague in 2017)
Contact (2) Full Name
Gary Carpendale

Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo

National Network

Plaza San Bruno, 9, 1º Oficinas

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Foundation operates through different kind of projects, within the several departments (demonstrative projects, technical assistance projects, analysis and research, development cooperation and communication). Although the number of employees may vary from year to year, the average for the last years has been 35 people. The sources of funding are diverse, from public subsidies to particular projects, to private companies paying for consulting and environmental services. The Foundation has a wide net of partners and allies not only in Spain but in Latin America and the Maghreb.
Mission and Objectives

Ecology and Development is a private, independent and global, our mission is to help those who want to act for sustainability: a growing minority of individuals, businesses, media, non-profits, and governments that want to practice or sustainability practice in Spain and Latin America.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation works in a wide spectrum of fields, from environmental protection and development through specific awareness campaigns, organizations advisory projects, CO"2 emissions reduction projects, social intervention as mediator, etc., to corporate social responsibility actions with public administrations and private organizations in areas such as action plans, human rights protection, climate change commitment, etc. We are the representative in Spain for Carbon Disclosure Project and EIRIS, and belong to several environmental and CSR networks in Spain.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miguel Marco Fondevila
Head of the organisation
D. Víctor Viñuales Edo
Contact (2) Full Name
Charlie Castro Lampón


National Network

Dar Chabab avenue Fourat- Hay Mohamadi

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
.Extramuros est une association socioculturelle et artistique qui compte 5 membres. Association fondée en janvier 2010. Elle monte actuellement ses premiers projets dans le domaine artistique et socioculturel en s'entourant d'acteurs et de partenaires ciblés. .Ressources budgétaires annuelles: en cours de recherche. .Sources de financements: en cours de recherche. .Modalités d'action: formation, exposition, éducation, événements... .Partenaires:en cours de recherche.
Mission and Objectives

L’Art et la Culture pour tous
EXTRAMUROS est une association socioculturelle et artistique, elle s'est donnée pour mission de promouvoir l’art, sous toutes ses formes (design, arts visuels, arts plastiques… les manifestations artistiques et culturelles) et de favoriser la création par le biais des formations, des expositions et des publications.
En mettant en place un espace dédié à la formation et à l’apprentissage EXTRAMUROS favorise la transmission , le partage et la diffusion de la création artistique auprès du grand public.
L’association encourage également l’organisation de manifestations (expositions, ateliers rencontres…) en partenariat avec des institutions et des fondations publiques et privées au Maroc et à l'étranger,qui s’engagent auprès d’elle à la mise en œuvre d’une politique de programmation culturelle efficace et ciblée.
L’ensemble de ses activités est voué à la formation, la création et à la diffusion des œuvres d’artistes et créateurs marocains tant au Maroc qu’à l’international.
Par ailleurs, l’association à pour objectif de mener toute action en faveur de l’éducation à la citoyenneté.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets en cours
- Sensibilisation à l’art et à la culture auprès des quartiers « défavorisés »
• Visites et réinterprétations créatives d’expositions.
• Ateliers créatifs autour des différentes disciplines artistiques:
Recyclart, recupdesign, slam écriture, nature et environnement sciences et découvertes…
• Ateliers de création auprès des femmes au Maroc et des femmes issues de l’immigration à l’étranger.
. Ateliers de création plastique et d'écriture au Maroc et à l'étranger auprès d'adolescents issus de l'immigration.
Organisation d’ événements
• Forum des jeunes
• Expositions d’arts
• workshop / ateliers de recherche création
Soutien et partenariat dans la diffusion de la création artistique contemporaine marocaines
.Exposition Local vs Global, MAC Sao Paulo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khadija Kabbaj
Head of the organisation
Khadija Kabbaj
Contact (2) Full Name
Hadia Slaoui


National Network

P.O. Box 1034, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Hassan II avenue, 53000, Ifrane

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Organizational Structure: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary General. Sources of Income: Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, la Fondation du Patrimoine Culturel Judéo-Marocain (Casablanca), Donations, Membership fees. Major Partners: la Fondation du Patrimoine Culturel Judéo-Marocain (Casablanca), Local Jewish Communities in Marrakech, and that of Fez.
Mission and Objectives

- To encourage youth to discover the Moroccan-Jewish culture that has always been present in the Moroccan history, in its everyday life.
- To show youth (in particular) and other members of the Moroccan community (in general) how Moroccan-Jewish life is like and what traditions they have, with the highlight of its uniqueness as well as similarities with Muslim traditions in the context of Morocco.
- To present the Moroccan Judaism as an example of coexistence between Jews and Muslims in the Arab World.
- Provide an atmosphere of learning Hebrew and promote intercultural dialogue.
- Look for ways to touch youth and their interests and link them to Mimouna's mission (e.g. Facebook:

Main Projects / Activities

- Set up Grounds for Muslim Jewish Intercultural Diaologue
- Seminars
- Exhibitions
- Music Concerts
- Books Presentations
- Regular Hebrew Lessons
- Regular Meetings with Moroccan Jewish Communities
- Shed Light on Moroccan Jewish Sites and their unique Architecture
- Social Work

Contact (1) Full Name
Elmehdi Boudra
Head of the organisation
Elmehdi Boudra
Contact (2) Full Name
Laaziza Dalil

Tura Union Club

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
structure of organization: Foundation, an NGO concerned with aspects of cultural, educational and sports for youth sectors, registered in the Ministry of Youth and Sports/ Palestinian under NO. 533, most of the members of educators and intellectuals, volunteers, and has no official positions. Elections are held every two years , the number of board members are 9 members Budgetary resources . Sources of support based on the affiliations of the plenary and some assistance from the civil institutions and some of the projects carried out in the club, and there is no stable source of support. Sources of funding. 1 - community 2 - member affiliations 3 - assistance from non-governmental institutions Modalities of action . youth working together for change Education for Democracy and Human Rights Scout camps Educational seminars, health and environmental Educational and social research Educational projects Main partners Center for development work / together - Ramallah UNICEF USAID World Vision
Mission and Objectives

objectives of the club:
1- Development of talents and skills of the youth groups.
2- Development of talent and technical skills and cultural groups of youth.
3- to provide all possible facilities for the club.
4- Strengthening social ties in the village.
5- Active participation in all forums and public events and private.
6- Building the characters sound physically and mentally to be on the level of responsibility.
7- Communication and overlap with public and private institutions of prestige and progress for the club.
8- help youth groups in various fields, according to the available resources.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth working together for change:
This project started in 2007 until now, and we work as follows
1- math: We provide the support and assistance to young people in dealing with mathematics as a meaningful and not just as a subject, through the development of modern methods of teaching.
2- Arabic language: a focus on the possession of language students well away from a classroom.
3- sport: the development of mathematical skills to the younger generation.
4- drama corner: focus on acting and theater and other technical aspects
5- life skills: to have good communication and deal with the developments of life in the process, and the ability to develop a vision to solve some community problems
Education for Democracy and Human Rights
This project has been this year and aims to develop the skill of youth groups in community building and real participation in all challenges wich faces community , in addition to the clear understanding of their role in society and their rights and their duties.

Contact (1) Full Name
Muaid Masoud
Head of the organisation
Muaid Masoud

Let's change! يلا نغير

National Network
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
يلا نغير هي محموعة شبابية تتكون من 50 شاب وفتاة تكونت المجموعة من شعورهم بالظلم من قبل المجتمع لنافلهذا صممنا علي تكون هذه المجموعة من اجل تنفيذ ما نتمناه
Mission and Objectives

كسر الصعاب التي تواجه الشباب في فلسطين
بناء جيل شاب متعلم قادر علي العيش بكل الظروف
نشر التسامح بين الشباب العالم
ايجاد فرص العمل للشباب وتامين مستقبلهم

Main Projects / Activities

هناك عدة مشاريع تصعب علينا تنفيذها لانه اول ما بدانابتنفيد المشاريع من المصروف الشخصي
قوة الشباب من اجل السلام... الشباب يتحدث و نحن نستمع

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ebeid
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ebeid