"Ants" - Youth Association Osijek

National Network

Bisevska 1, 31000 Osijek

+385 31 571 121
Mobile Phone
+385 98 95 010 52
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 98 876 145
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
„Ants“ – Youth Association Osijek is recently founded NGO which promotes personal responsibility of individuals for their own future but also the future of the community they live in, all based on principles of honesty, hard work and care for the creation. The aim of founding this NGO is helping the youth in building better quality of life for themselves but also for generations to come.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: loving the humanity and promoting holistic approach to health of individuals as well as personal responsibility for their own well being and the well being of their community.
Objectives: - gathering of different age groups of youth
- gathering of youth leaders with similar mission on national and international level
- providing psychosocial assistance to the youth with difficult behavior
- providing assistance, training and education to individuals, groups and associations
- organising music and drama festivals with the goal of promoting creativity of youth
- organising sport activities
- networking and exchange with similar NGOs from on national and international level

Main Projects / Activities

Education and training students in conflict resolution; nonviolent communication and presentation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Snjezana Kovacevic
Head of the organisation
Snjezana Kovacevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Goran Zelic

Junior Chamber International Aleppo

National Network

Aleppo Chamber of Industry, Aleppo, Syria

+963 933 41 17 41
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
JCI is a worldwide community of young active citizens ages 18-40 who share the belief that in order to create positive change, we must take collective action to improve ourselves and the world around us. Engaging in activities ranging from community development to international projects, members demonstrate their social responsibility and improve themselves through participation, leadership and action. With over 5,000 Local Organizations in more than 100 countries and territories, JCI forms a vibrant international community of nearly 200,000 active citizens. All members belong to a JCI Local Organization where they focus on finding solutions to improve their local community. Local Organizations are affiliated to National Organizations where members coordinate activities on national and international scales. This structure links JCI members together to form a global grassroots movement creating global impact through local action. The official launch of JCI Aleppo was on the 20th of January 2006 under the patronage of the minister of economy and presence of the Mayor of Aleppo and the president of ICC Syria in addition to a group of commercial and diplomatic guests. JCI Aleppo started with 50 potential members who believed in the JCI vision in creating the positive change in their society, Mr. Bassel Azzouz was the chapter president and he made great efforts in supporting and growth of JCI Aleppo. In 2007 the success continued, as it was a great year for JCI Aleppo with more successful projects in the business, community, individual and international areas. JCI Aleppo soon became a target for many young leaders and entrepreneurs who want to add a positive mark to the society and by mid 2008 JCI Aleppo had a total of 169 active members, of which the majority are active members. For all these reasons JCI Aleppo become a member in the steering committee of CDS (City development Strategy) representing the NGOs in Aleppo.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.
Vision: To be the leading global network of young active citizens.
JCI Values:
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;
That government should be of laws rather than of men;
That earth's great treasure lies in human personality;
And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

Main Projects / Activities

JCI Aleppo works on four areas of opportunities and has various new porjects under each area annualy, the areas are:
Business Development: aims to provide the opportunity for members to contribute to the development of the economic infrastructure, prosperity and well-being of all nations.
Community Development: aims to develop the sensitivity of the individual Member to society problems and knowledge of community dynamics in solving these problems through actual experience."
Individual Development: aims to provide the opportunity for the individual Members to realize his/her personal potential through training program.
International Development: aims to provide the opportunity for the individual Member to contribute to the development of goodwill, understanding, and cooperation among all peoples.
other two new areas of interest, were covered by other areas, will be added in 2010 to allow more focus on them, they are: Environment Development and Youth Development.
JCI Aleppo has implemented through the last four years more than 120 projects in the four areas and with a budget 500.000 USD. in addition to participation in more than 40 international events

Contact (1) Full Name
Muhamad Shabarek
Head of the organisation
Rasha Tabshi
Contact (2) Full Name
Firas Deeb

Fundació Internacional Olof Palme

National Network

Carrer Veciana 38 08023 Barcelona

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Olof Palme International Foundation is organised around two areas: Academic Department, that organises encounters, conferences, courses and seminars, offering formation related to current international affairs and promoting the main objectives of the foundation. The second area is the International Cooperation and Human Aid Department, that gives a quick answer to emergency situations around the world and organises concrete campaigns to provide resources for those who need them. 2 employees are working in each area. The budget predicted for year 2009 is 164,474 euros. The sources of funding come from Public Institutions in terms of public funds, (70,38 %), private funds (21,4 %)and student registrations (8%). Our foundation develops international cooperation projects in third world countries. Educational and health issues, as long as access to drinking water, have a priority. Some of the countries where Olof Palme International Foundation is working are: Palestine, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Algeria, Peru, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Somalia, Equatorial Guinea, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Olof Palme International Foundation is an organization created in 1989 by a group of people, such as Lisbeth Palme, Felipe González, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, Joan Raventòs and Anna Balletbò, in order to make known and spread the main thoughts and works of Swedish Primer Minister murdered: Peace, Disarmament, Human Rights and north-south solidarity.
The main goals of our institution are:
.Defending Human Rights
.Creation of an opinion favourable to the ideas of peace and development.
.Promoting solidarity between north and south to overcome conflicts based on social inequalities, by the adaptation of Economy in order to reach all the society.
.Denouncing all kinds of dictatorships and social and individual aggressions.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects currently being executed or waiting to be started are:
From the International Cooperation and Human Aid Department:
-Student exchange Program in Georgia:
-Enlargement of a building and academic cooperation with Hotel & Tourism School in Namibia
-Human Rights and social development seminars in Equatorial Guinea
-Construction of a Special Education School in Jericho
-University Spanish-Syrian Seminar
From the Academic Area:
-Set of activities, whose objectives are complementing university studies and promoting the values of solidarity in culture of every person interested in our activities. These courses are recognised with university credits by Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
-Meeting at Sant Jeroni de la Murtra
-Economy Meeting at S’Agaró

Contact (1) Full Name
Eduardo Fernández Rodríguez
Head of the organisation
Anna Balletbò i Puig
Contact (2) Full Name
Esther Bermejo Moure

Trajectory @

National Network

Läänemere tee 27-53
13914 Tallinn

+372 6367185
+372 6367185
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 55697733
Mobile Phone (other)
+372 58211274
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Trajectory@ is an organisation which gathers youth leaders, trainers and educators working with and for youth. In the core there are 5 leaders with one employed staff, Secretary General. Our activities are educational trainings for active young people: in 2006 we organized and run Training Course “Celbrate Cultural Diversity. Be inclusive!”, Training Course “Dive`in Diversity”, Round Table for youth from minorities from Baltic States and Russia, The Course “EmPower Station”. Our partners are other youth organisations in Estonia, mainly Tallinn, and many organisations abroad: in Europe, Meda and Latin America. Find more information in our web-site.
Mission and Objectives

TRAJECTORY@ is a non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organisation.
- To promote Human Rights Education and Intercultural dialogue as a pre-requisite for the development of a "culture of peace" and as a contribution to democratic stability;
- To provide youth organisations and youth leaders with knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to further strengthen their role in the building of civil society;
- To empower youth organisations, in particular those working with the most vulnerable groups to develop projects, strategies and activities to address racism, xenophobia, discrimination and gender-based forms of violence affecting them and their community;
- To promote and support life-long learning and non-formal education as useful tools to achieve these goals;
- To provide consultancy to NGOs and educational institutions working with young people and to support the development of value based projects.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2007 we have some training activities planned in Estonia:
February 2007: Training Course for Multipliers combating Homophobia “How do we handle Diversity?” (European coop.);
May 2007: “Getting Global” Training Course, developing sustainable strategies on Global Education (LA Cooperation);
June 2007: “Does Gender Matter?” Training Course on Intercultural and Inter-religious Dialogue around Gender (Euro-Mediterranean cooperation);
July 2007: The Role of Educators promoting Children Rights Education (European cooperation).
And other activities in which we are involved as partners and send our trainers to.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ljubov Lissina
Head of the organisation
Ljubov Lissina
Contact (2) Full Name
Xavier Ignasi Baro Urbea

ODRAZ Sustainable Community Network

National Network

Lj. Posavskog 2

+385 1 46 55 203
Telephone (other)
+385 1 46 55 202
+385 1 46 55 200
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 65 88 03
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ODRAZ is non-profit organisation established in 2000 by experts in the field of sustainable development, community organising, environmental protection,social welfare and other experts. ODRAZ has four full time employees, two permanent collaborators and volunteers. ODRAZ facilitates Community Network with more than 400 members from different sectors and parts of Croatia and i coordinator of Croatian Rural Development Network. Our yearly budget is between 150-200.000 Eur, comming from national funds, EU and other countries. Partners: Milieukontakt International from Amsterdam, Croatian rural development network, City of Zagreb
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is of a society in which well-balanced and high quality development of local communities is secured for the benefit of all members and sectors, as well as for future generations. That means achieving changes in value systems (philanthropy), process (consultation) and mechanisms (partnerships between different sectors). ODRAZ is dedicated to bringing those changes about.
Our vision is that ODRAZ becomes, not only an established and recognized institution, but also financially stable, with well educated and adequately trained and paid professionals, dedicated to delivering high quality results and to responding to the challenges and responsibilities of the future as well as those of today.
Our mission is o motivate and strengthen initiatives in local communities through partnership in order to develop practical and appropriate ways for improving the local economy and environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we are partner in FP7 funded CIVITAS ELAN project and "Sustainable future of rural areas for Croatia" funded by Dutch Matra programme. We also received institutional grant from National foundation for development of civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lidija Pavic-Rogosic
Head of the organisation
Visnja Jelic Mück

Euro-Mediterranean Network for Youth Trafficking Prevention

National Network

11 Yp.Dragoumi STR

+30 6978 688244
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EMNYTP is composed of non-governmental organizations, governmental institutions, and individuals from around the world. EMNYTP recognizes that the challenge to provide adequate programs on youth trafficking prevention requires concerted cooperation among non-governmental groups and organizations, national ministries and departments of education, and other governmental institutions. EuroMed Network for Youth Trafficking Prevention (EMNYTP) is the first Euro-Mediterranean partnership dealing with prevention of trafficking of young people. EMNYTP was initiated in the UK in August 2005 and registered as an independent NGO in September 2006 in Greece. EMNYTP is the only initiative in the region that provides a platform for cooperation, exchange of ideas, support for project development and databases with educational resources and experts on youth trafficking prevention.
Mission and Objectives

- To spur a dialogue with youth and human rights organizations, refugee and migrants’ groups, and women’s and children’s rights groups among Euro-Mediterranean Partnership leading to a renewed commitment to upholding the rights of migrants and asylum seekers and a program of concrete action to achieve that goal.
- To promote collaboration and integration of anti-trafficking activities in the entire Euro-Mediterranean region to improve their long-term effectiveness and sustainability.
- To work as an instrument of coordination to encourage and strengthen co-operation among governmental agencies, local authorities, IYNGOs, local youth NGOs and groups from the countries of Europe and Mediterranean in order to streamline and accelerate existing efforts to combat human trafficking.
o To promote the wide dissemination of information and educational materials of youth trafficking prevention;
o To conduct research on youth trafficking in the Euro-Mediterranean region and facilitate establishment of multidisciplinary teams of experts dedicated to work on youth trafficking prevention.
o To work out and deliver educational programs on human rights education, trafficking prevention and all types of specialized educational resources for youth work with vulnerable communities and groups.
o To working widely on prevention of all types of migration at risk and forced labour.
o To facilitate the communication and exchange of information between its members.
o To coordinate the activities of the member organizations in order to make optimum use of resources in benefit of the communities at risk and the general public.

Main Projects / Activities

By now our Network covers 27 countries, represented by 63 organizations and independent experts, working for youth trafficking prevention via research, human rights educational programs, human rights advocacy and lobbying for youth and immigration policy improvement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kostas Zikos
Head of the organisation
Eleftherios Sardelis

Zavod Krog (Institute Circle)

National Network

Ul. Hermana Potočnika 17
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Institute Circle is a non-profit non-governmental international organization that was founded in 2008 and works in the field of human rights, humanitarian work, poverty eradication, empowerment of vulnerable groups, development cooperation and elimination of other forms of inequality and social exclusion, etc. Institute Circle is a partner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and implements international development cooperation and humanitarian aid on the ground.

Mission and Objectives

We pay special attention to socially endangered families, women and children who are victims of violence, war and to all the vulnerable people and ethnic groups. The projects we implement with partners, i.e. governmental and non-governmental organizations, volunteers and experts, are based on the principle of social responsibility and sustainable development of society in the environment in which we operate and at the same time co-create it. We strive to gain and maintain the trust of all those who contact us. Our work marks us and gives meaning and the point to our lives. Through work, we contribute a small part to the society and community in which we live. We look for optimism and a positive attitude towards the world in good deeds and good people. Our main values ​​are moral and ethical values ​​such as integrity, responsibility, positive attitude, orientation towards people, etc. Institute Circle contributes to respect for human dignity and to a sustainable, fair, inclusive, safe and prosperous society.

Main Projects / Activities

Psychosocial and economic rehabilitation of the most vulnerable people, empowerment of women and children, capacity building, raising awareness on human rights, promoting social inclusion and fighting all types of discrimination.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emina Hadzic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emina Hadžić
Name of Organisation
Zavod Krog (Institute Circle)


National Network

Tel Aviv

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our movement is a one of the largest youth movements is Israel with close to 100 thousand members. Like all youth movements in Israel we get must of our budget from the ministry of education and by the symbolic member fees we take from each member. Our international work is being funded by project we applay to such as: euromed III, Europeans for peace and CONACT. The movement also has Bilateral relations with youth movements, youth labor unions and social organizations and does exchange projects with: Germany, Austria and Palestine. And it is Member of the IFM-SEI International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International.
Mission and Objectives

The movement's mission as we move into the next millennium is to develop models of cooperative life (in addition to the kibbutz), to assist the weaker social sectors, to absorb tens of thousands of immigrant youth, and to continue the struggle for the image of Israeli society as a more just society, egalitarian, democratic, tolerant, Zionist, and peace loving-all this under crisis conditions that are threatening the very wholeness of Israeli society.
The General Federation of Students & young workers in the 21st century is a dynamic organization that is able to build and maintain a base of new, high-quality activity across many age groups, reaching most parts of the population throughout the country, once again giving rise to the dimension of cooperation, voluntarism, and social action in Israeli society, looking toward the vision and dream of a better Israeli society.

Main Projects / Activities

the movement has hundreds of branches, centers and clubhouses throughout Israel, from Kiryat Shemona and the Golan Heights in the north to Eilat in the south. Tens of thousands of Jewish, Arab, and Druze young people are members; young people who work and study in the cities, development towns, kibbutzim and moshavim; affected young people and young immigrants. All are guided and accompanied in ways that are appropriate to them, working to strengthen the intra-movement relationship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadav Elyashiv (International Dept.)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Pesach Hauspater

Arbeitsbereich Interkulturelle Germanistik, Fachbereich Angewandte Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Mainz

National Network

An der Hochschule 2
76726 Germersheim

0049 727450835325
Telephone (other)
0049 727450835534
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
University department hosting around 1200 students from about 90 countries. Specialized in translation, interpreting and intercultural mediation in general. Numerous research projects, with a focus on continous tranining-programs and intercultural cooperation for staff and student exchange. Partners include universities all over the world, the department has strong relations with and interest in the new member stated of the EU, especially the Baltic Republics (for example a partnership agreement with the Univesity of Kaunas), as well as Turkey, Greece and other mediterranean countries.
Mission and Objectives

Academic training and research in the field of translation, interpreting and intercultural communication in general. For the mission statement of the faculty see: http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/dekanat/Leitbild.pdf

Main Projects / Activities

For main projects of the department see: http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/inst/gi/gi-forschung.html

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kelletat
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Sebnem Bahadir

Bertelsmann Stiftung

National Network

Werderscher Markt 6
10117 Berlin

+49 30 275788-125
+49 5241 81-81999
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Private operating foundation; independent, non-partisan organization. As of December 31, 2005, the Bertelsmann Stiftung had a staff of 319 employees. In the 2005 fiscal year, the Bertelsmann Stiftung had total income of approximately €132 million. The Bertelsmann Stiftung finances its project work primarily through income from its holdings in Bertelsmann AG. For further information see below.

Mission and Objectives

The Bertelsmann Stiftung is independent and non-partisan. We design and implement our own projects. As a private operating foundation, our primary goal is to make a meaningful and enduring contribution to society. The Bertelsmann Stiftung encourages social change and strives to contribute to a sustainable society. Working with a wide range of partners, the foundation identifies social problems and challenges at an early stage and then develops exemplary solutions in response. We view ourselves as an initiator and driver of necessary reforms. Our work is guided by our founder Reinhard Mohn’s firm belief that the principles which serve as a foundation for entrepreneurial action can also play a key role when it comes to creating a sustainable society.

Main Projects / Activities

Bertelsmann Stiftung is currently running more than 60 projects. We concentrate in areas where we have established compelling competence through years of experience: higher-quality education, an equitable and efficient economic system, preventative healthcare, a vibrant civil society and greater international understanding. The annual Carl Bertelsmann Prize honours innovative ideas and exemplary responses to pressing social issues. In International Relations Bertelsmann Stiftung publishes the Bertelsmann Transformation Index and hosts among other projects the German-Israeli Dialogue, the Kronberg talks as part of the Europe and the Middle East project and the series of International Carl Bertelsmann Forums. In the field of cultural dialogue Bertelsmann Stiftung is engaged in the Trilogue Salzburg and runs a series of International Cultural Forums. For further details please refer to the website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christian Hanelt
Job Title
Senior Expert Europe, Neighbourhood and the Middle East Programm Europas Zukunft
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Werner J. Bauer