Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste LV Berlin e.V.

National Network

Glogauerstr. 21
10999 Berlin

0049 30 612031332
0049 30 612031338
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
registered association, NGO, Non profit, 40 employees, DBU, DSD, Inwent, BMZ, International, State and regional agencies, worldwide partnerorganisations,for more details see website:
Mission and Objectives

international political education and youth exchange

Main Projects / Activities

volunteer service national, International, workcamps national, international, heritage conservation with volunteers

Contact (1) Full Name
Torsten Schramm
Head of the organisation
Johannes Zerger

Development Bulb

National Network

Ozolciema 24/1-104
Riga LV1058,

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
Development Bulb has established partnerships with Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and Riga Technical University. Internationally, Development Bulb cooperates with Centre for Civil Integration and Inter-Ethnic Relations (CCIIR) in Georgia. Development Bulb is a member of Latvian Platform of development for cooperation. There are no employees in DB, all work is done voluntarily. So far ca 8 volunteers have contributed to various projects of DB. DB as an NGO working in development, annually applies for ODA funding of Latvia's government. There are no stable funding sources for DB yet. Development Bulb is a nongovernmental organization of Latvian experts in field of cooperation for development and education. Though the NGO itself has been established in 2008, our team has been working in field of cooperation for development since 2005 already. Activity of Development Bulb is both internal – dedicated to improvement of cooperation for development in Latvia, and external – aimed to identify examples of best practice in Latvia in order to forward them to less developed countries, uniting both state and non-state organizations, municipal institutions and representatives of private sector. Main goals of the Development Bulb are: 1) to facilitate innovative approach to development cooperation, realizing needs of partner states of Latvia in development cooperation and finding relevant Latvian experience in reply to these needs; 2) to improve establishment and growth of entities working in field of development cooperation in Latvia by means of research and methodology development projects and implementation of best practice examples of other states, for instance, assessment experience for development projects. Fields of activity of Development Bulb are: Education for development Research in fields of cooperation for development and education for development Development of methods of assessment for development projects Implementation of development projects Evaluation of development projects Organization of international conferences dedicated to subjects of cooperation for development Organization of arts and culture events aimed to facilitate comprehension of development processes in Latvia and worldwide among public
Mission and Objectives

Development Bulb is a nongovernmental organization of Latvian experts in field of development cooperation and education. The mission of Development Bulb is to foster development and better living conditions through improvements in education in less developed regions, uniting state and non-state actors, municipal institutions and representatives of the private sector.
The main objectives of the Development Bulb to be achieved in long-term are: 1) to facilitate innovative approach to development cooperation, realizing needs of partner states of Latvia in development cooperation and finding relevant Latvian experience in reply to these needs; 2) to improve establishment and growth of entities working in field of development cooperation in Latvia by means of research and methodology development projects and implementation of best practice examples of other states.

Main Projects / Activities

Development Bulb visits Belarus for partner search visit, and organizes a roundtable for Latvian NGOs discussing opportunities and obstacles related to cooperation with Belarus.
Possibilities of e-learning in Georgia: a way to upgrade education system with easily accessible resources
In 2008 DB received a grant of the Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of Latvia for implementation of the e-learning project. In cooperation with Georgian non-state organization “Centre for Civil Integration and Inter-Ethnic Relations” (CCIIR) DB invited managing officials from universities of Batumi, Kutaisi and Gori, University of Medicine, Ilya Chavchavadze University and Ivan Yavakhishvili University of Tbilisi, also representatives from Ministry of Education of Georgia and non-state organization CCIIR. The group visited Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and Riga Technical University, where they participated in training workshops about the development and maintenance of e-learning platforms. Representatives from Georgian universities discovered effective low-cost solutions to upgrading university IT infrastructures and using affordable tools for e-learning.
Other projects with Development Bulb team member involvement
Shaping Development Co-operation in the World and in Europe: a Latvian Perspective
In 2007 DB team implemented a project together with Latvian NGO GLEN Latvija. The project was financed by the Latvian MFA, and it’s aim was to facilitate involvement in development co-operation studies at Latvian universities located outside capital Riga. The project aimed to raise awareness of development co-operation among university students and professors. The project stimulated university professors’ commitment to the field of development studies and student interest in development issues. During visits to universities students were also introduced to opportunities for development studies in universities abroad.
Facilitation of computer literacy in municipalities of Georgia
Members of DB also took part in GLEN Latvia project “Dimensions of sustainable development in regions of Kazbegi and Borzhomi” and a project of Riga Technical University Center for remote studies “Facilitation of computer literacy in municipalities of Georgia.”
The Promotion of Development Studies in Vidzeme University College
The aim of the project was to deepen the understanding of students about development cooperation in Latvia and the world. The objective of the project was to prepare the track of International Development Policy studies in prospective Master’s level program of International Relations. The project involved the design and pilot of two new study courses on “Development Theories and Practice” and the “ICTs in Development: The perspective of E-democracy,” as well as the design of 6 new course curricula, visits of 4 guest lecturers and one visiting professor in the field of sustainability of development projects. Students of Political Science and Tourism Organization program prepared three research papers University’s public library purchased textbooks in the field of development studies. Project materials in Latvian are availableon University’s website.
Facilitation of computer literacy in municipalities of Georgia
Members of DB also took part in GLEN Latvia project “Dimensions of sustainable development in regions of Kazbegi and Borzhomi” and a project of Riga Technical University Center for remote studies “Facilitation of computer literacy in municipalities of Georgia.”
Dimensions of sustainable development in regions of Kazbegi and Borzhomi

Contact (1) Full Name
Maija Kale
Contact (2) Full Name
Elina Veide

IDA Innovatie

National Network

Haagsebos 31
2715 XP Zoetermeer

+31 79 35 222 61
+31 79 35 222 61
Mobile Phone
+31 622 529 861
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
General Information
Founder is Abraham de Kruijf. IDA works as a network, has many relationships in The Netherlands, in Chile, Israel, Palestine, USA. In governments and NGO's. Like the network Volunteering for Peace, in the city of Hebron, Palestine/Westbank. We do projects, research, work on location in other countries. The societal activities abroad (Middle East) are payed from the income of the work. There is not yet a separate funding but this is necessary. There is not yet sufficient income in IDA or from other sources to be able to finance the projects.
Mission and Objectives

IDA Innovatie is specialist in change towards cooperation. In business and government organisations in The Netherlands. Clarifying and designing business and societal processes, coliving and coworking, inspired by and taking into account of making (your) values more explicit.
There are projects where values are included and also more traditional projects.
Next to this there are societal activities, see the next box Main projects/activities.
Final objective / purpose / motto: 1) To prevent unnecessary suffering. 2) It can be done! (Het kan wel!, Dutch posterorganisation Loesje.)

Main Projects / Activities

Activities for improving life circumstances:
a) working in Dutch organizations in business, government and NGO's.
b) In Chile we were in 2000-2001 the cofounder of Habitat for Humanity.
c) In Israel and Palestine we work with both governments, citizens, and NGO's to help to change towards peace. This project has three lines. 1) Concrete peace proposal for Israel and Palestinians, called "Peace will come why not now". 2) The project title we print on t-shirts and shawls and offer them to the people as well as the leaders for motivation also via the heart. 3) Clarifying the relationship of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and the secular world. Through an inquiry form that brings people insight and helps to dissolve (pre)judices.
d) Societal / Humane Responsible Globalization (SRG), bottom up, for villages/cities, states, EU, and wider. This is an equivalent for governments who do not have a focus, like there is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the business world. This has been launched in a conversation with Mr Barroso. EU and NL are not yet fully partnering.
e) further development of the content and the practice of democracy, internationally, since 1992.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abraham de Kruijf
Head of the organisation
Abraham de Kruijf

Associazione Expoitaly (6 organizations represented)

National Network

Corso Avezzana, 26 - 80059
80059 Torre del Greco (NA)

081 8474337
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The organization is an association for social utility. The staff is composed by the president, 2 employees and some volunteers. The funding are mainly from project financed by regional and national authorities. Expoitaly is involved in concrete projects to promote and disseminate the values of peace,solidarity and equality among peoples. Expoitaly's main partners are the local network of municipalities, Associazione Cineclub Procida and IPSC (already member of the ALF).
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to promote education for civil responsibility and active citizenship through the respect of human rights and civil and equal opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects involving youngsters: Bibliopolis, Informando, Noi per Voi, S.O.S.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Altiero
Head of the organisation
Antonio Altiero
Contact (2) Full Name
Valeria Altiero


National Network

via Derganino 20

0039 3280738131
0039 0236510809
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3771722706
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MEDInaTERRANEA is an italian-arabic association based in Milano, Italy. The members come form different mediterranean countryes. The work of the association is mostly made by volunteers with the inclusion of the arab communities existing in Italy and immigrants. We work in partnership with many associations working in immigration and cultural medition field and we are in the net of Lombardia's Ngos (CoLomba). We are found by local authorieites, EU and private italian foundations and by services linked to advartising of products and services linked to the arab-italian cooperation. The association works mostly on communication through bilingual material. The mail project is an arabic-italian free press in Milano, Wa also organise international training courses about conflict management and intercultural dialogue.
Mission and Objectives

The mail objectives of MEDInaTERRANEA are:
- promotion of reciprocal understanding and knowledge between different communities, with a particular attention for EU countries, SOuth Oriental Europe and Mediterranean countries
- promotion of exchange of informations and competences between people coming from different communities and to create arenas for dialogue and confrontation
- Increasing the knowledge about musica, literary and artistic cultures through contact between people, groups, communities and associations
- To promote the approaching between cultures through movement of young people between mediterranean coasts
-Cultural and linguistical mediation

Main Projects / Activities

- Increasing the number of arabic books in Milano's libraries and cataloguing of arabic titles translitterated in latin letters
- EU exchanges about intercultural dialogue (promoters and participants)
- Creation of web sites in arabic and italian for language/cultural learning through medias
- Creation of an italian-arabic free press about immigration topics and with the involvement of mediterranean institutions, boards, companies, associations, journalists, students...

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Sergi
Head of the organisation
Marco Sergi

Terra del Fuoco

National Network

Corso Trapani 91 B

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Terra del Fuoco is an association for social promotion in cultural field, founded in 2001 by a group of young people springing from the students’ movement in Torino, Italy. It is an NGO operating in the field of international cooperation. The activities are organized based on four strands of intervention: – international cooperation and cooperation to development – education to active citizenship in an European context – cultural promotion and social support to migrant communities – social and cultural promotion in the Mediterranean area. Since 2005 Terra del Fuoco adheres to Libera – Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie, a second-level organization committed to the social struggle against mafias, operating on a national level. The main objectives in our work are: - To promote the social and economical development of depressed areas, above all of the new fellow member Countries of EU and the Countries within the EU area of influence, through international cooperation. We intend to promote and extend the social anti-mafia through the promotion of democratic processes, of the culture of human rights and of the social struggle against international organized crime. - To promote the cultural growth of the young European citizens and the sense of European citizenship, through international youth exchange and international educational projects. - To promote the social role of the migrant communities through projects focused on social and cultural support; to promote multicultural education, especially among the young and younger Italians; to support the overcoming of the cultural gap among the young migrants of the second generation.
Mission and Objectives

Terra del Fuoco is an NGO promoted by a movement of young people committed to support the process of European integration, sustaining an idea of Europe based upon the dignity and the rights of persons. Terra del Fuoco believes the constitution of a transnational, federal, solidal subject to be the generational objective of the latest sons of the 20th Century. Building Europe can create an example to other geographical areas, as well as a balancing structure for the whole world.
Therefore, we mainly work in the fields of international cooperation, especially with the Countries of the recent and future Europe, we develop youth programmes of education to European citizenship, and on our territories we promote the integration of migrants, particularly coming from the Countries of our cooperation projects, supporting the composition of a new social background and a new citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

TRAIN OF MEMORY. Since 2005, the Train of Memory brings Italian students to visit the former extermination camps in Poland. It is, first of all, a year-long educational path. It focuses upon four keywords, spelling its timetable also: history, intended as analysis of the World War II phenomenon, of its effects on territories and of the lowest points reached in the recent global history. Memory, intended as personalization, encounter and confrontation with the few remaining witnesses, with the entities working in order to preserve memory, and above all with the places impregnate with it. Testimony, that is the encounter with all the situations that at present show the loss of dignity and human rights, in order not to forget that the “must not to let it happen anymore” depends upon collective effort by everyone, at at last commitment, our proposal for all, in the small ambition of our everyday lives, to be able to look out and contribute not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The Train has also a local extension named MEMOBUS.
IL DADO: Since 2005 we work upon the safeguard of a Rom community in Borgaro, nearby Turin.
We assist underage youngsters in the educational field whereas adults are supported in job-hunting and all bureaucratic issues – due also to the recent membership of Romania gained in the EU. In 2008, Il Dado is born: the first experience of auto-restructuring and auto-building addressed to the Rom community in Piedmont.
Other projects are focused on both the youth education and promotion of active citizenship, and on the social promotion of migrant communities, especially of Roma communities in Italy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Sartori
Head of the organisation
Oliviero Alotto

Centro Studi Medì. Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo

National Network

Via del molo 13a - 16128

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Centro Studi Medì was created in 2003 by a group of NGO in Genoa, as a temporary project. In 2007 Medì became itself a NGO. Medì has organized various social researches in Genoa and in Regione Liguria, perhaps. Medì has a board council (five persons); a Scientific Director (Prof. Maurizio Ambrosini) and an Operative Director (Dott. Andrea T. Torre); The budgetary resourses amounted annually 250.000€. Medi collaborates with University of Genoa, University of Milan, Caritas Italiana, ISMU (Milan), FIERI (Turin).
Mission and Objectives

Medì conducts social research in the field of international migration; organizes courses, conferences and seminars for scholars and social workers.
Medi through his activities documents the processes of integration of foreign peoples in the context of Italian society

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003 Medì has realized many social researches commissioned by public authorities (Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova).
Medì organizes, every year, since 2005, a Summer School on Sociology of Migrations in collaboration with the University of Genoa and the University of Milan and sponsored by Italian Association of Sociology (AIS), FIERI (Turin), Foundation ISMU (Milan), Immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas/Migrantes (Rome).
Medì also collaborate with OECD and has organized, in may 2009, Teacher Education for Diversity Experts OECD Meeting.
In 2008 has been established the Prize Mondi Migranti-Carige funded by Fondazione Carige; the prize is awarded to important scholars and professor, known for their studies in the field of international migration. The first three editions of the prize were awarded to Saskia Sassen (2008), Ulrich Beck (2009)and Immanuel Wallerstein (march 2010).
Medi created in 2007, Mondi Migranti. Review of studies and researches about international migrations, published by Franco Angeli. (Indexed on Google Scholar).
Medì Publications
M. Ambrosini, D. Erminio, A. Ravecca (ed.), Primo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2004
L. Queirolo Palmas, A. T. Torre (ed.), Il fantasma delle bande. Genova e i latinos, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M. Ambrosini, A. T. Torre (ed.), Secondo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M.Ambrosini, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), I latinos alla scoperta dell’Europa (atti del convegno), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005•
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), Terzo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, 2006
F. Lagomarsino, A. T. Torre (organización y supervisión de), El éxodo ecuatoriano a Europa. Jóvenes y familias emigrantes entre discriminación y nuevos espacios de ciudadanía, Abya Yala, Ecuador, 2007
M. Cannarella, F. Lagomarsino, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), Hermanitos. Vita e politica di strada tra i giovani latinos in Italia, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2007
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, (ed.), Quarto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, 2007
• D. Erminio, Immigrati e lavoro autonomo, Imprenditori transnazionali a Genova, Working Paper, Medì, 2008
F. Lagomarsino, A. T. Torre, (ed.) La scuola plurale in Liguria. Una ricerca su didattica e mediazione culturale, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, (ed.), Quinto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, Ed. Medì, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, E. Abbatecola (ed.), Famiglie in movimento. Separazioni,legami, ritrovamenti nelle famiglie migranti, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2010

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea T. Torre
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Vinci

EURO Association

National Network

Via Imperatore Federico, 60

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organisation: 10 people employed in the Association. Main partners involved in our activities are: Center of Justice for Minors in Sicily; Penal Institutions for Minors in Sicily; Penal Institutions for Adults in Sicily; Theatrical Companies in Palermo, in Milan and Bologna. EURO Association has obtained the certification for its Quality System in the training activities in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001.
Mission and Objectives

EURO Association is a Sicilian non-profit center which main aims are:
- facilitating the access in the job market through the organization of vocational training courses;
- operating for the social and environmental recover of Sicily.
The main sectors of intervention are:
- research,
- training,
- guidance,
- creation of firms,
- support for the realization of initiatives financed by the E.U.
EURO has an excellent experience regarding the opportunities offered by the funds of the European Community which have given the economical support for the realization of important projects for the local development, realized in collaboration with Sicily’s local corporates and public bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

- ESF Programme
Project Title: “A young hope from an ancient tradition” (1997);
Beneficiaries: young prisoners/ex-prisoners of Palermo’s Prison for Minors;
Contents: Survey, Training addressed to Trainers, Training/Guidance/Work Experience/ Support for the employability of Beneficiaries within the sector of sicilian gastronomy;
- ESF EQUAL Programme
Project Title: “S.O.L.E.”, promoted by Palermo’s Provincial Government di Palermo (2002);
Beneficiaries: young prisoners/ex-prisoners of Palermo’s Prison for Minors;
Contents: Survey, Dissemination, Training for Trainers (teachers and social workers of Palermo’s Justice Office for Minors), Training/Guidance/Work Experience/ Support for the employability of Beneficiaries within the sector of restaurant services.
EQUAL Programme:
Project Title: IPM Di Scena
The purpose of IPM DI SCENA project was the promotion of the learning culture and the growing of professional competences of minors held in custody in Penal Institutes for Minors in Palermo, Milan and Bologna, thanks to actions linked to the theatre activities. The theatre represented for young prisoners the possibility of considering themselves as actors, protagonists of significant and communicative actions.The first aim was encouraging the cultural promotion of young offenders, thanks to the theatre professional training and the spectacles’ output creating a bridge between the prison and the whole world. One of the most import results has been the realisation of a Festival of Theatre realised in the Penal Institute for Minors in Palermo, Milan and Bologna.
ESF Programme:
Project title: "Dal Corpo alla Parola"
The project aimed at the social and educational rehabilitation of young offenders in Penal Institute for Minors in Palermo thanks to 3 different artistic training concerning Art Therapy; Music Therapy and Body Expression and Dance.
At the end of the training, an exhibition of paintings and creations made by young offenders has been realised.
During a final conference a video has been shown about the path done by offenders during their experience.
A training for operators of the Penal Institute for minors has been realised.
ESF Programme:
Project Title: FOCUS Project
A theatre performance has been realised by deaf beneficiaries; they also realised stagecraft and scenograph guided by qualified theatre experts.
It has been realized 1 Course of "Graphic and computerized Arts" addressed to adult offenders.
The exhibition “I Fiori Blu” has been realised under the patronage of the Province of Palermo showing the artistic works realised by offenders during their training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Grazia Farina
Head of the organisation
Anna Palazzolo

Youth and minority initiatives, education and integration progress society Latvia

National Network

Saulkrastu novads, Saulkrastu lauku teritorija, "Jaunciruli" LV-2160

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
The Latvian NGO “Youth and minority initiatives, education and integration progress society” is new one, established in October 2007. Our supported and realized projects are providing space for young people to engage in various activities, such as culture, performing arts, democracy, education, sports etc. All our members are volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

“Youth and minority initiatives, education and integration progress society” has received a special public benefit organization status, issued by Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia, which grants reduction of taxes to the companies and bodies, who are transfering support donations to our organization and their projects.
Feel free to contact us for any kind of ideas, questions and suggestions!

Main Projects / Activities

Bigger realized projects: support and organization of local and international music projects and concert tours of Latvian choir "Anima" (Saulkrasti), Russia theatre projects for ethnic minorities (russians) in Latvia, support of publishing of 3 books for school youth and students “Logical schemes. Microeconomics” , “Innovation actions in Latvia” and “The art of Creative thinking”.
In 2010 our organization is joining International training course "IYI Improving the quality of international youth projects" in Croatia. Project supportet under YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAME.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martins Ansonskis
Head of the organisation
Martins Ansonskis


National Network

2, rue de Pornic
44710 ST Léger les Vignes

0033 (0)6 25 06 22 77
Telephone (other)
0033 (0)6 76 35 24 90
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Togezer Productions est une association culturelle basée sur Saint Léger les Vignes prés de Nantes (44) en France. Entouré d'un directeur, d'un président, d'un salarié, de plusieurs musiciens et de techniciens, Togezer Productions collabore avec la ville de Nantes, de Saint Herblain, l'Agence culturelle, le Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire, le Conseil Général de Loire Atlantique, la DRAC, Culturesfrance. Ses différents partenaires en France lui permettent d'établir différents dialogues avec l'Egypte dans le cadre d'un échange culturel autour d'une rencontre musicale entre musiciens français et égyptiens de différentes générations. Son partenaire principal égyptien est l'ECCA-Makan avec lequel il tente de promouvoir une culture égyptienne en danger et une culture moderne en perpétuel mutation.
Mission and Objectives

Togezer Productions est une association culturelle dont l’objet est de promouvoir des rencontres artistiques et humaines autour de la musique en mettant en place différents évènements culturels et missions pédagogiques en France et en Egypte.
De la volonté d'échange et de découverte, elle souhaite que ces activités artistiques soient accompagnées d'un volet pédagogique et ludique.
Egyptian Project : une rencontre musicale France-Egypte
Suite aux différents voyages, rencontres, résidences, concerts réalisés en France et en Egypte depuis 2000, Jérôme Ettinger, directeur, producteur et musicien au sein de Togezer productions vous propose Egyptian Project, une rencontre magique aux accents modernes et traditionnels, à la croisée des arts et des visages, des illustrations chorégraphiques et vidéos.

Main Projects / Activities

Production culturelle et éducation :
Togezer Productions souhaite développer plusieurs tournées en France et en Egypte avec des concerts de la création Egyptian Project pour tous publics, des rencontres, des débats, des ateliers, sensibilisations et concerts pédagogiques orientés vers la jeunesse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jérôme ETTINGER : directeur
Head of the organisation
Jérôme ETTINGER : directeur
Contact (2) Full Name
Marine Misser : chargée de communication