Teatri di Pace (Theatre for Peace)

National Network

Via Postiglione n.8

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO with voluntary permanent staff: consilium (3 members), president, scientific staff (2 members), administrator (1 member). Partnership with Legambiente Puglia and Trani, annual budget 5000 euro Public founding and euopean call Concrete project (theatre and dance), exchange and seminars
Mission and Objectives

“Theater for peace is a NGO that wants to build bridges of dialogue with the purpose to effect a constructive resolution of the cultural, ideological and social conflicts.
Work with artists and trainers that operates in disadvantage areas with the objective to create a net of young artists for peace that believes in the cultural cooperation as occasion of learning and permanent formation and in the creativeness as process of social transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

Theaters of Peace Association of Social Promotion constituted in 2008; principal objectives: promotion, production and diffusion of cultural and artistic activity (theater, dance, music and visual arts generally, with an elevated educational and formative content);
2009: Partner in the project financed by the Region Puglia (Assessorato to the Mediterranean - Cooperation with the Third countries) on the echo-tourist revaluation in the district of Jezzin (Lebanon).
July 2008: Partners in the project Youth in Action ACTION 1 “Best practice in sustenable development and water resources in European-mediterranean area” (Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Slovenia).
August 2008: Partner in “Maktub” show produced by the company ResExtensa in collaboration with Legambiente Puglia and international partners (Israel, Palestine, Ireland, Switzerland)

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Alessandra Lanzilotti
Head of the organisation
Maria Alessandra Lanzilotti
Contact (2) Full Name
Monica Ricco


National Network

Str. Aleea Madarasi, nr.5, bl.D10A, sc.1, etaj 6, ap.31, BUCURESTI, sector 3, cod postal 032305

0040 726 321 226
Telephone (other)
0040 724 578 771
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
ASOCIAŢIA PENTRU EDUCAŢIE MULTICULTURALĂ (The Association for Multicultural Education) is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization founded by a group of five young people, with academic backgrounds in History and Political Sciences, for the purpose of launching and developing social and cultural programs for youth in Romania and abroad. As sources of funding: own contribution, sponsorship and 2% from the annual incomes tax campaign. Some of the action modalities are youth exchange projects on different topics (dialog between cultures, environment, minorities, racism, cultural heritage). Our main partner is: Agentia Nationala pentru programe comunitare in domeniul educatiei si formarii profesionale, part of Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports Romania.
Mission and Objectives

The Association for Multicultural Education is highly interested in coordinating projects in the field of heritage protection and conservation, in promoting and disseminating the European cultural values among the youth, the initiation and participation in national and international volunteer programs, the development of civic, cultural and educational activities for the disadvantaged people, in educating the young people and the community about the promotion of sustainable development and environmental protection, implementing activities aimed at environment preservation and ecological balance, in carrying out joint projects and cooperate with other similar national and international partners.
Our aim is to provide opportunities, develop and empower young people in general and also young people who are disadvantaged phisically, educationally, economically, socially and culturally through self-help and self-governing collective development activities. We want to provide them the access to information and to stimulate them to become actively involved in projects of national and European interest (environment, social inclusion, multicultural dialogue, equal rights, urban and rural development, antidiscrimination, health) in order to learn and guide others in their turn. After all, they could become an Europeanizing force by changing everything that others have not and for that reason they must be consulted and involved in the decisions affecting the future... the future of Romania and Europe!
The Association for Multicultural Education’ members have acquired a relevant prior experience in youth and civil society issues, participating in a multitude of projects organized by national and international NGOs, where they have acquired the skills and the mechanisms of youth networking.

Main Projects / Activities

Our current projects and activities are related to youth exchange and voluntary services.
The founding members experience gained since 1999 - up to day, in organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, summer schools programs and trainings in international organizations like NATO and EU, and national academic institutions is a strong asset for our present and future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Individual member: Anas Nawafleh

National Network

The main street , Wadi Musa

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
I usually participate in other organizations' activities , i also have lots of connections through which i promote development -related projects .
Mission and Objectives

My Experience as an activist and a volunteer who seeks sociopolitical reforms made ‎me realize some facts about the importance of building trust bridges between the ‎state, any state as a political unit, and its individuals in a way that demonstrates ‎societies’ abilities to develop, culturally and socially, basing their progress on justice, ‎equality and responsible expression of freedom.‎

Main Projects / Activities

For the past four years, I’ve been involved in the development process of my ‎community through working on and participating in activities that touch directly the ‎needs of the society and cover the most important sectors of sustainability-based ‎development. Supporting Education, working for women empowerment, raising youth ‎awareness, political responsible participation, Fostering urban development, and ‎promoting socioeconomic reforms are my areas of interest, thus the areas I wish to ‎achieve progress with regard to on the long run.‎

Contact (1) Full Name
Anas Nawafleh
Head of the organisation
Anas Nawafleh

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

National Network
00972 8 28225700
Telephone (other)
00972 8 2825710
00972 8 2825720
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
GCMHP has currently 151 employees. The total budget for the year 2009 is USD 2,877,758 GCMHP is currently Financed by an assortment of donors 1. The Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), 2. The Dutch Government, the RCT, 3. SDS Switzerland and 4. CFD Switzerland. Consortium finances approximately 70% of the total budget of the three year project. In addition, there are four other donors 1. Norwegian Government, 2. Acsur Spain, 3. Arab Women Association and 4. Grassroots USA GCMHP has cooperated with several Ministries and Non-Governmental Organizations, namely: 1) Ministry of Health 2) Ministry of Higher Education 3) PRCS – Palestinian Red Crescent Society 4) National Rehabilitation Association The cooperation has taken several forms namely: • Capacity Building of professionals and para-professionals. • Mutual referral of cases. • Services delivery jointly with or under the supervision of GCMHP professionals. • Joint public awareness. meetings • Coordination and networking.
Mission and Objectives

A Palestinian society that respects human rights and in which people live in dignity, free of oppression, and feel that their well-being is promoted
To develop GCMHP as knowledge-based institution to enhance the capacity of the community in dealing with mental health problems based on the principles of justice, humanity, and respect for human rights.
Children: Contribute to creating a non-violent environment where children can (grow) enjoy a healthy psychological development and where their rights to live peacefully are secured.
Human rights: To promote human rights and break the cycle of violence and human rights abuses that lead to mental health problems.
Women Empowerment: To contribute to the reduction of violence against women and to address its consequences in the Gaza Strip
Organizational development (strategic issue): To develop GCMHP to become knowledge based centre inspired by highest institutional professional and academic standards.
General Activities: that support and complement the strategic goals detailed above but that does not fall directly under any of these goals.

Main Projects / Activities

OBJECTIVE 1: CHILDREN (GOAL 1): To reinforce the factors enhancing resiliency in Palestinian Children
Objective 1.1: Contribute to developing the professional (Teachers-School counselor) capacity within schools to counter violence (risk Factor # 1) among children
Objective 1.2: Assist in developing a healthy psychosocial environment for children
Objective 1.3: Establishing a modeling approach in children service delivery in Strategic Partners
Objective 1.4: Influence psycho-social environment for the protection of children's and youth’s rights and the promotion of non-violence culture
Objective 1.5: Influence the social agenda of the Palestinian Society regarding children's and mental health
OBJECTIVE 2: Human Rights: (GOAL 2): To To assist in establishing a Palestinian Civil Society that comprehends and adopts proper human rights and mental health practices
Objective 2.1: Establishing a modeling approach in mental health service delivery for Strategic Partners
Objective 2.2: Assist in building a new turn taking in dialogue and respect among Palestinian civil society
Objective 2.3: Assist in improving the mental health of Palestinian people through the sensitization of Palestinian civil society to uphold human rights principles
Objective 2.4: Combat the human rights violations and the continuous cycle of violence through empowering Palestinian-Israeli Human Rights Organizations’ partnership
Objective 2.5: Enable victims of violence -referred to GCMHP centers by partner organizations- to cope with their traumatic experiences and evaluate the quality and impact of the rehabilitation process towards assuring best practice.
Objective 2.6: Influence the social agenda of the Palestinian Society regarding human right and mental health
OBJECTIVE 3: Women (GOAL 3) : To contribute to the reduction of violence against women and to address its consequences in the Gaza Strip
Objective 3.1: Broader scope of Protecting and empowering women victims of violence and at risk
Objective 3.2: Improve targeted communities awareness and abilities to address gender issues
Objective 3.3: Develop legal and social framework to protect women against domestic violence
OBJECTIVE 4: Institutional Capacity Building (GOAL 3): To transmit GCMHP school of thought as cultural movement to the Palestinian Civil Society
Objective 4.1: Develop new generations of mental health professionals
Objective 4.2: Build institutional capacity of GCMHP and other associated partners
Objective 4.3: Establish psychosocial services in grassroots organizations
Objective 4.4: Polarize Public and professional opinion towards proper community mental health and human right practices
Objective 4.5: Developing the capacity of Human Rights, Rehabilitation and Psychosocial NGOs.
Objective 4.6: Establishing of specialized applied research platform
Objective 4.7: Identifying the most efficient psychotherapeutic/ empowerment techniques used by GCMHP in order to standardize a cultural sensitive Intervention models

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Barbara Celinska-Ismail
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmed Abu Tawahina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rana Ayad

Nationwide Academic Cultural Center

National Network

10 Rawa Str.


+962 79 5555 480
Mobile Phone
+962 79 5555480
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
10 staff members 3000 JDS educational projects ministry of education
Mission and Objectives

Youth enlightment

Main Projects / Activities

Training Courses
Youth enlightment progrmas

Contact (1) Full Name
Mai Awwad
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mai Awwad

Club Culturel Ali Belhouane – Tunis

National Network

31 rue de Palestine, Lafayette – 1002 - Tunis BP 219 – 1002 Tunis Belvédère
1002 Tunis

00216 98 354 861; 00216 22 865 497
Telephone (other)
00216 25 962 005 50501171 naceur mehdeoui
00216 71 321 281
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

• l’organisation de divers rencontres et manifestations au niveau de la capitale Tunis et dans toute la Tunisie ( tel que par exemple, des expositions, des ateliers de peintures et de marionnettes, projections de films, des spectacles théâtrales et musicales ………) • L’organisation et la participation à des échanges de jeunes et culturelles avec des différents pays Euro-méditerranéens et aussi du reste du monde afin d’élargir les horizons des jeunes pour un futur meilleur.

Mission and Objectives

- Missions et objectifs. Le Club Culturel Ali BELHOUANE est une association crée à Tunis le 15 Janvier 1977, elle œuvre pour / - la promotion des différentes formes de culture auprès des jeunes et des enfants - la contribution aux activités culturelles. - Promouvoir la mobilité des jeunes issues des milieux défavorisés ainsi que le dialogue et l’apprentissage non formel.

Main Projects / Activities

- Les associés. le Club Culturel Ali BELHOUANE a fait des accords de partenariat et de jumelage avec certains organismes : à l’échelle national la Direction générale de la jeunesse, ministère de la femme, association des anciens de Bir El Bey, IFC – Tunis, le Centre Culturel Italien à Tunis, l’office des ouvres universitaires du nord et aussi à étrangers avec des ONJ en Allemagne, France, Maroc, Algérie, Jordanie, Italie, Espagne, Grèce, Luxembourg, Turquie, ………….

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sami Essid
Contact (2) Full Name
Houda SLIM

Teatro Punto (Stichting Commedia )

National Network

de Kempenaerstraat 11 A1051 CJ Amsterdam Nederlands

0031- 651893763
Telephone (other)
+31 (0)20 486 23 62
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro Punto is a theater company under the artistic leadership of Katrien Van Beurden and Carlos García Estévez. It is a theater company which develops performances and workshops, based on Modern Commedia dell' Arte.With an international team of actors, Teatro Punto is active in countries such as The Netherlands, America, France and Spain. Its workshops are designed for professional actors and for theater academies such as the Arnhem acting school, the Wagner University in New York, the Ipan theatre in Paris and the Frank Sanders Music Theater Academy in Amsterdam.
Mission and Objectives

Teatro Punto makes theatre where the actor is the author of the story. As the actor on stage is stripped of supports such as extended settings and a fixed script, he can become the author of a tragicomic show. He does this through movement, text, techniques, imagination and the drift to perform.Teatro Punto’s main source of inspiration is Commedia dell'Arte. With its famous masks and archetypes, Commedia dell'Arte is the first professional actors' theater in history. Some such better known archetypes are Pantalone, an old man that holds on to anything because death is calling, and Il Capitano, the one who pretends to be everything he's not. Hatred, fear and desire are significant emotions brought forward by these characters. The most important motives are survival, love, money and starvation. Teatro Punto occupies itself with the archetypes of today while developing a very characteristic and contemporary universal actors' theater. Full of acting possibilities it is precise and vulnerable, yet above all else it is alive. The Company wants to bring together nationality's. In popular tradition the Archetypical mask appears as a social liberation from taboos and as a cultural expression of the common people. The archetypes from Commedia dell'Arte come from Popular Culture. All of them have appeared from the antiquity to our present days. They are universal and immortal.

Main Projects / Activities

Because the archetypes and its masks are universal, is is a theatre form witch can be played every where, with everyone, and for everyone.
If you take for example the archetype of Pantalone, an old man that holds on to life because death is calling, you see that in all the world the recognise the oldness, but depending the cultural, there circumstances and background, they are different, Threw this theatre we learn in wat we are different but maybe more in wat we have in common. Teatro punto Tours around witch shows and workshops the teach theatermakers the technique op Teatro punto and they create schools where different nationality's work together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katrien van Beurden
Contact (2) Full Name
Iris van Es


National Network

Valkas 1, Riga, LV-1010

+371 67222208
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
NGO Zinībsaite as a legal organization was founded on February 2, 2009. The name - "Zinibsaite" (knowledge-band) means that our targets has drawn things related to education and professional development. We want to encourage the harmonious development of personality that capture people's creativity, mobility and competitiveness. NGO Zinibsaite members come from a variety of industries, such as social work, sociology, finance, public relations and communications, information technologies, architecture and design, construction and pedagogy. Although despite the fact that the organization as legal formation is new, its members have already accumulated a significant experience in project development and implementation with active participation in other NGOs, government and municipal bodies, as well as with business structures.
Mission and Objectives

The organizations objectives is to promote development of human resources by improving every individual's skills and professional competences. NGO also stands for improving peoples standarts of living, as well as for promoting equal knowledge acqusition oportunities for all social groups via modulation the educational solutions of modern information and communication technologies. Support activities that create a coherent and effective solutions to develop some strong, specific and competitive aspects of region. Also to promote people's sustainable development and economic competitiveness, ensuring a coherent approach to economic, social and environmental development, involving local people and communities so that they in their turn will benefit from it. We will promote various opportunities for all groups in society (children, youth, adults, people with special needs and senior citizens). Not less we will participate in establishing a better environment that ensures sustainable development and attractiveness of regions where people want to live, work and invest. It is important to us to make Latvia more interesting and accessible for both - residents and visitors, but at the same time retain their own characteristics and the natural and cultural heritage attractivity.

Main Projects / Activities

Zinibsaite currently operates on a voluntary basis, including all employees and as an independent organization, which receives no funding from any governments or political parties or religious organizations, it is an essential condition to attract financial resources in form of project tenders in order to reach our objectives.
The current key activities are associated with strengthening capacity and working on several new education-based projects, as well as development of new and maintaining the existing cooperation contacts with international partners for participation in cross-border programs. We are also working on attracting new members to our organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Indra Steinerte
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristine Mihnevica

Citizens Democratic Initiative Project

National Network

Jozsefa Antala 3, 31300 Beli Manastir
Beli Manastir

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
CDIP is working through the president, assembly, board of directors (5 members) and supervisory board (3 members). CDIP has 23 members, 3 employees and 15 volunteers. Partners are National foundation for civil society, PRONI centre for social eduaction, Volunteers centre Osijek and Social care centre Beli Manastir, etc. Donors in 2010 are : Ministry od science, education and sport, Ministry of regional development, forestry and water eceonomy, Osjecko-baranjska county and City Beli Manastir. Projects and rpogrammes in 2010 are: programme "Salter" - support programme for civil society organizations and active individuals, Info clubs project, Projects aiminig to stop addictions (Information and education against addiction), Hand of friendship project (activities with foster children and foster parents), and SOS computer project.
Mission and Objectives

Citizens Democratic Initiative project - CDIP is non governmental, non profitable and imapartial association which through principals of tolerancy, understanding and cooperation, education programmes and civil organization, support active participation of individuals and groups in creation of civil society and democration. CDIP objectives are: to eduacte citizens about democracy and democratical processes, to develop democracy through presentation of democratic relationships, to develop ability of the citizens for taking place in social processes, to encourage individuals in taking over active roles in positive social changes aiming on develop of civil society, encouraging culture of life in multiethnical communities of the principals, tolerancy, freedom of speach, human rights of everybody, no mather of ethnical, religious or cultural differences and to support other NGO-s which are establishing their working programmes on democratic principals and encouraging civil society through assembling available informations.

Main Projects / Activities

Activites that CDIP are implementing are divided in three programmme areas: community organizing, democracy and civil society development and work with young people. CDIP activities are relized through: workshops (educate citizens about basic principals of democracy), education of citizens through organizing tribines, round tables, seminars, quizes, publishing actions (party papers, biltens, newspapers, brochures, books), preparing and distribution of educational materials, leaflets and posters, organization of public manifestations, concerts and gathering, education for medias (radio and TV shows), education of citizens through giving help and support in their selforganizing in search of rights, starting legislative initiatives, lobbing and mediating throught citizens and their elected spokesmen and questioning public opinion about actual social problems, consultations with groups and individuals, work with young people (abot addictions, non violent communication, volunteering) and european integrations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Alagic
Head of the organisation
Mirela Alagic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Rebrina

ECOWEEK - Habits Change ... Climate Change

National Network

Kibbutz Kramim D.N.Hanegev 84963

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Staff volunteering: 3 Staff employed: 1 (part-time) Partners: 5 Budgetary resources: Rely on parent organization in Greece Sourcees of Funding: Foundations, EU (expected), Government Action: Annual conference and worshops, co-organization of conference and workshops, documentary screenings, lectures & discussions. Main partner: FoEME (2010), NISPED (2010), SCE College (2009), ECOWEEK (Greece) (2008-2010)
Mission and Objectives

Mission to raise public awareness on environmental issues and involvement of public and youth in sustainable living. Since 2008 to empower young architects and students of architecture to adopt sustainable design and green buildings. Since 2009 objective to become a platform for young architects and Architecture students to work side by side established experts and professions, and to encourage dialogue between Israeli, Palestinian, European and American young architects and students of Architecture, in learning and designing 'green' buildings.

Main Projects / Activities

ECOWEEK 2010 Young Architects Forum for Greeen Architecture, Community and Sustainablity - international conference and workshops bringing together Israeli, Palestinian, European and American young architects and students of Architecture, with established architects from the region and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Elias Messinas, CEO
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elias Messinas, Founder and CEO