Menedék - Hungarian Association for Migrants

National Network

Népszínház u. 16

+36 1 322 1502
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants (Menedék) has been supporting the integration of migrants arriving in Hungary from 1995. The Association plays a central role amongst the organizations working with migrants/refugees in Hungary. Besides the support of migrants, it is very important for us to make the Hungarian society more open toward and accepting of foreigners arriving in our country.
We pursue our objectives as a not-for-profit association independent from politics. We are not involved in direct political activities and do not receive funds or give financial support to political parties. Our projects are founded by UNHCR and EU grants.  Many volunteers support our work. We are working with 22 staff members and more than 100 volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

Menedék fulfills four key functions: 
1) providing migrant-specific support, 
2) training professionals who work with migrants, 
3) raising awareness amongst the majority society, 
4) advocacy.

Our main mission is  supporting the integration of migrants arriving in Hungary. The target group and also our constituencies are the clients (migrants and refugees) themselves, professionals working with migrants/refugees, and members of the general public who are dedicated to our mission. 

Main Projects / Activities

In the course of our work, we have established a complex system of services, through which we have supported and continue to support refugees and other foreigners in finding a new
home in our country.

We also run training courses for professionals who deal with immigrants in the course of their work (social workers, teachers, police officers or armed security guards working in immigration detention centres).

Besides the support of immigrants and professionals, it is very important for us to make the majority society more open toward and accepting of foreigners arriving in our country, as this is an indispensable condition for the successful integration of migrants. In order to achieve this, we try to build a bridge between the host society and immigrants by realizing various educational programs in schools and cultural projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zsuzsa Laszlo
Head of the organisation
András Kováts
Contact (2) Full Name
Katalin Bognar

Upmed 21

National Network

Domaine des Palmiers, 124 Avenue Maurice Chevalier, 06150 Cannes-La Bocca
Cannes La Bocca

+33 (0) 4 94 33 37 92
Telephone (other)
+33 (O) 4 98 01 02 76
+33 (O) 4 98 01 02 76
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
(33) 06 83 28 72 55
Mobile Phone (other)
(33) 06 10 55 46 88; (33) 06 87 09 99 08
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association Loi 1901 Le Comité Directeur composé de 7 membres Ressources budgétaires possibles: 30.000€ Conseil Régional, Conseil Général, Sponsors
Mission and Objectives

Contribuer au grand dessein de l'Union pour la Méditerranée par l'organisation d'événements culturels et sportifs visant à favoriser le rapprochement de l'ensemble des peuples riverains.
Contribuer à la juste cause de l'égalité des femmes dans le domaine de la création artistique ainsi que dans le domaine sportif.

Main Projects / Activities

Promouvoir l'événement sportif et culturel dénommé :"le Tournoi des 2 Rives" Festival euro-méditerranéen de Football Féminin.(la première édition a eu lieu en 2009). Contribuer à la révélation de nouveaux talents dans le domaine artistique et sportif,(en particulier celui des femmes). Organiser chaque année une rencontre des poètes et artistes de la Méditerranée

Contact (1) Full Name
Georges de Rivas
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Allagui Fethi

BENAA Society for Development and Empowerment

National Network
00972 8 2478857
Telephone (other)
00972 8 2474630
00972 8 2474630
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00972 59 9695324
Mobile Phone (other)
00972 59 9768872
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
Benaa association for development and consolidation is a non profit community organization. It was established in September;200and it has the agreement according to the associations law in march;2001which was in the governorate of Gaza. It is a youthful framework which concerns with culture and society development.Its work and programs are offered to three classes of the society:youth,woman,andchildren.It sweeks with great effort to improve the cultural,scientific,developmental and social standard.It is promoted form the business that is created with other organizations which has similar programs,activities and the interactions with the surrounded society to carry out the message perfectly.
Mission and Objectives

we,in Benaa association, are looking for having developed society that realize the important real meaning of the community organizations role the importance of Benaa association for development and consolidation is a non profit community organization.It was established in September; 200 and it has the agreement according to the associations law in march; 2001 which was in the governorate of gaza.It is a youthful framework which concerns with culture and society development.Its work and programs are offered to three classes of the society: youth, woman, and children Benaa association for development and consolidation is a non profit community organization.It was established in September;
200 and it has the agreement according to the associations law in march;2001which was in the governorate of gaza.It is a youthful framework which concerns with culture and society development.Its work and programs are offered to three classes of the society:youth,woman,and children.It seeks with great effort to improve the cultural,scientific,developmental and social standard.It is promoted form the business that is created with other organizations which has similar programs,activities and the interactions with the surrounded society to carry out the message perfect line. It seeks with great effort to improve the cultural,scientific,developmental and social standard.It is promoted form the business that is created with other organizations which has similar programs,activities and the interactions with the surrounded society to carry out the message perfectly its cultural developmental and social message.besides;its important to deal with these organizations in a positive way. Finally role is very significant in sustaining the associations message to build sound Palestinian society

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Project towards democracy
Capacity-building project of cultural centers
Project to strengthen democracy and build the capacity of civil institutions

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostaf Wadee
Head of the organisation
Mahmood Foaad Eed
Contact (2) Full Name
Abed Elsamad Elkanoo


National Network



Telephone (other)
06 61 818 116
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
06 61 818 116
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L'Union Professionnelle Méditerranéenne pour un Développement Durable, l'UPMDD est une association implantée à Marrakech qui accompagne et soutien notamment des initiatives axées sur des projets écologiques majeurs des pays de l'Union Pour la Méditerranée.
Mission and Objectives

L'UPMDD accompagne et soutien notamment des initiatives axées sur des projets écologiques majeurs des pays de l'Union Pour la Méditerranée (habitat, industrie, transport, agriculture, éducation, santé et tourisme).

Main Projects / Activities

Lancement d'un programme pédagogique pour les artisans du bâtiment sur les thèmes efficacité énergétique et énergies renouvelables.
Lancement d'un concours "ecrire et dessiner une planche de Bande dessinée sur le thème de l'environnement au Maroc" cible enfants scolarisés en primaire et secondaire. L'UPMDD entend influencer le système éducatif du maroc à travers ce concours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Udruga alumni Europskih studija (ALES)

National Network

Trg maršala Tita 14 (Sveučilište u Zagrebu)

+385 98 386 073
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We are association of graduated students of European studies of the University Paris 2 (Pantheon-Assas) and the University of Zagreb. We have 50 members and so far have been voluntary working in exchange of knowledge between Croatia and France and spreading European values to general public in Croatia. Our budget in 2009 was 2.200 HRK, all gathered through member fees. Our projects consisted of organising and holding conferences and seminars on EU issues, involving distinguished guest speakers. Our main partners were other professional associations, French embassy and individual experts.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of European cooperation, development of European values, exchange of knowledge and competences, cultural and educational exchange of experts from Croatia and Europe

Main Projects / Activities

Share of information, knowledge and experiences among our members and between our association and other associations and institutions in issues related to the European union and European integration processes and spreading knowledge through seminars, conferences, projects... to the benefits of general public in Croatia, networking with other associations and professionals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Hoić
Head of the organisation
Sanja Hoić
Contact (2) Full Name
Rahela Jurković

HRVATSKI FOTOSAVEZ /Croatian Photographic Union

National Network

Dalmatinska 12, Zagreb
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 4848 793
+385 1 4848 793
Mobile Phone
+385 91 1003 888
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Croatian Photographic Union is a national non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit trade association of photographic associations and other legal entities which accomplish programmes of technical culture in the field of photography, photographic creativity and photographic techniques, and affiliating in the Union and membership in the Union are voluntary. The highest governing body of the Union is Assembly composed of representatives of Union’s member clubs elected for a term of four years. Assembly elects the president and vice-president of the Union, the Executive Board, Supervisory Board and the Court of Honour, for a period of four years. Croatian Photographic Union has two employees: Secretary General of the Union and professional associate. The Union receives earmarked funds for its activities through the Croatian Community for Technological Culture whose member it is, and for individual programmes accepted upon applications on specific calls for proposals. Modalities of action are listed in Main Projects / Activities.

Mission and Objectives

Encouraging, promoting and coordinating the overall activities in photography; preparing and carrying out the tasks in the public needs in culture and technical culture of the Republic of Croatian related to photography and especially the national programmes of out-of-school and extracurricular acquirement of knowledge and skills in photography; encouraging and promoting children’s and young people’s photographic creativity; presentation of achievements, promotion of photographic work and photography as well as of international cooperation; harmonization of activities of its member-organizations in the development of technical culture, photography and photographic creativity; the realization of other objectives of the Union and of needs and interests of its members; care for the improvement of professional performance and training of professionals; nurturing the spirit of unity, the value of photographic creativity, humanity, tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation and friendship between people regardless of their political, racial, ethnic and religious affiliation and worldview

Main Projects / Activities

Verified programmes for children and the young: thematic and incentive photo-workshops, summer photo-workshops for the young under the topic „Ambience - cultural heritage“, international summer photo-workshops with heritage related topic, national photography competition for the young, professional trainings for mentors in the programmes for children and the young Organization of photographic contests - thematic contests for the young and contests for clubs members Photography exhibitions: in the Art Pavilion in Zagreb (Croatian photography, international contemporary photography); national contest exhibition “Croatian Photography”; exhibitions of photographs taken during the programmes for the young International co-operation: International Heritage Photographic Experience - Croatian Photographic Union is the bearer of this programme in Croatia; International Federation of Photographic Art /FIAP/ - full operational membership Publishing: “Croatian Photographers” edition - launched in 1995; catalogues of exhibitions organized in the Art Pavilion in Zagreb; publications on the programmes for the young

Contact (1) Full Name
Predrag Bosnar
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Predrag Bosnar

Association For Women with Social Problems

National Network

Lagjia 2, Rr. Sefer Efendi , Prapa gjykates se Shkalles se pare

00355 52 234 600
Telephone (other)
00355 52 234 404
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00355 692103315
Mobile Phone (other)
0355 682588991
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Association for Women with Social Problems (AWSP) has a 10 year experience in the field of womens' rights protection. It is a non governmental organization that has extended its activities from the city in the suburb and rural areas of Durres District. Actually the number of staff employed is 4 full time and 7 part time. AWSP is member of the Albanian Network for Women Empowerment, a member of the National Steering Committee of Children Alliance, a member of the Albanian Coalition Against Child Trafficking. Its financial support is made possible by the international donors that are situated in Albania.

Mission and Objectives

To protect women's right To promote women's potential an to raise women presence in the public life

Main Projects / Activities

AWSP is implementing two main projects, the Social Center for Women in Durres ( funded by the Swedish foundation Kvinna till Kvinna) and the Community Center for women and youth in Spitalla (suburb) funded by the EU commission These projects are focused on: a)reduction of domestic violence through direct psycho-emotional,legal and medical assistance b)capacity building of local governors, police officials and community on domestic violence legislation c) advocacy campaign for the opening of gender offices in rural areas Community Center for Women and Youth in Spitalla (suburb) area is focused on delivering services for women and youth such as: a)information on employment possibilities and professional qualifications b)vocational courses for youth c)awareness meetings on topics related to women and youth issues d) social and environment activities e) advocacy for raising women participation in community decision making process f) legal and medical consultancy for women

Contact (1) Full Name
Armela Bejko
Head of the organisation
Bajana Ceveli

Akademija za politicki razvoj / Academy for Political Development

National Network

Ilica 5
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 45 76 179 (office)
+385 1 556 00 36
Mobile Phone
00385 91 731-6642
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Academy for Political Development is structured as follows: Steering Board of 8 members, Executive Director and Programme Assistant (the latter being employed by the APD). Average budgetary resources per year is cca 100.000 EUR, depending on the projects' scope. Donors and partners currently include: Council of Europe (as APD is a member of the Schools of Political Studies of the Council of Europe network), European Commission, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Royal Norway Embassy in Zagreb, American Embassy in Zagreb and the British Council. Academy runs the annual educational programme (consisting of 3 weekend seminars and Summer University for Democracy in the Council of Europe in Strasbourg), organises regional seminars „Linking the New Leaders“ (including partner organisations and participants from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania), as well as annual conferences, evening lectures and panel discussions. Partners include aforementioned institutions, as well as our partner organisations from the region (SE Europe).

Mission and Objectives

Academy's vision is to contribute to the quality of political processes in Croatia by providing political education to young leaders and by motivating them to participate in public affairs. Academy's mission is developing democratic political culture and promoting dialogue and cooperation among future leaders.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects and activities include: annual educational programme (3 weekend seminars and Summer University for Democracy in Strasbourg), regional seminars, annual conferences, public discussions and evening lectures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Petković
Head of the organisation
Iva Petković

Tala Dance Center

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Artistic organisation, director, art director (2 free lance dancers, choreographers and teachers), 2 employed and 22 pedagogs. City of Zagreb and Ministry of culture are financing projects.App.500.000,00Kn a year. We are creating since y.2006 network of partners for exchange, coproducing, education and presentation thru all our programs. Danse a Lille, Zodiak dance center Helsinki, Atelier de Paris, ITI UNESCO Zagreb and Cyprus, East West Center Sarajevo, NDA Partners...
Mission and Objectives

PLESNI CENTAR TALA je neprofitna umjetnička organizacija osnovana 14.veljače 2000.godine. Osnivači su Larisa Navojec i Tamara Curić, umjetnice koje već duži niz godina uspješno djeluju u suvremenom plesu kao profesionalni plesači i koreografi školovani u inozemstvu.
Plesni centar popularizira suvremeni ples kod djece, mladeži i odraslih kroz pripremanje i izvođenje različitih programa u području plesa:
- izvođenje i stvaranje kazališnih predstava
- edukacijske programe
- svakodnevne treninge, radionice, tečajeve, predavanja, informacije
i kontakte
- organizaciju plesnih projekata i manifestacija
- poticanje i podržavanje inicijativa za razvoj plesne umjetnosti
- suradnju s kulturnim i drugim institucijama i umjetnicima na
različitim projektima u svrhu realizacije programa

Main Projects / Activities

We make performances in our production (12 till now), education in different programs-over 400students, we organize Plaform of young choreographers since year 2000 and we are croatian partner in regional program of Nomad dance academy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Casa da Esquina - Associação Cultural

National Network

Rua Aires de Campos nº6 3000-014 Coimbra

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Structure of the organization: 3 directors, 1 producer. Budget: 21.000. Source of Funding: city hall, Cultural Ministry - national and regional. Modalities of action: Creations (site-specific projects in the public space)formation (arts, gender, youth education)and residencies (arts), seminaries conferences (art in public space, gender, plastic arts )
Mission and Objectives

to create high quality arts project in collaboration with different artistic areas

Main Projects / Activities

Modalities of action: Creations (site-specific projects in the public space)
formation (arts, gender, youth education)and residencies (arts),
seminaries, conferences (art in public space, gender, plastic arts )

Contact (1) Full Name
Filipa Alves