IAED, International Academy for Education and Democracy

National Network

Nørre Voldgade 12A, 4.
1358 Copenhagen K

+45 7026 2004
Mobile Phone
+45 2343 9593
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
NGO with board and 2 employees, work based on project funding, development of educational tools and projects, seminars etc. Partnerships with Adult education organizations in Denmark and internationally, Association for World Education, Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute and others.
Mission and Objectives

IAED's mission is to develop, design and execute learning processes relating to democracy at all levels from local to global.

Main Projects / Activities

Democracy and globalization edu-game, development of educational tools, international dialogue projects, Arab Danish Democracy Academy, innovative democracy projects in local areas in Denmark, development of teaching practices on climate issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jakob Erle
Head of the organisation
Director Jakob Erle

ACV - Associação Cidadania Viva

National Network

Estrada Militar 23 A, Damaia

+351 214740230
+351 214740231
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
TEAM ACV: Board and fiscal board (7 volunteers) 1 Executive Director (staff) 1 Designer (staff) 1 IT Technical support (staff) 1 Social Assistant (staff) 1 Non-formal Education trainer (staff) 5 EVS Volunteers 5 Local Volunteers BUDGET 2010 - €300.000,00 2009 - €250.000,00 SOURCES Lifelong Learning Programme, Youth in Action Programme, PAMA-Amadora´s local support programme, Youth Institute, Lisbon City Hall, Portuguese Employment Center. 2009/10 APROVED PROJECTS Hosting: Intervideo dialogue - Youth Exchange Sons e Imagens das Nossas Vidas - Youth Iniciative East & West Take Action Next - Seminar Youth & Democracy in Europe - Seminar Dar oportunidade aos jovens - Youth Iniciative Synergic Hands and Ideas - EVS Colouring Amadora's Neighbourhoods - Youth Exchange Sending: 30 Youth exchanges 10 seminars 12 internships 1 voluntary, MAIN PARTNERS 2009/10 Local: Amadora City Hall, Lisbon City Hall, Amadora Social Network, Damaia´s Local comission, Associação Jardim Escolas João de Deus International: In Action - Lithuania Semper Avanti - Poland Institut International des droits de l’homme et de la paix - France Eil - UK Giosef - Italy
Mission and Objectives

Our mission:
To empower young people through their ingenious and art, turning them into active citizens in their community in support of a sustainable development.
1 Goal Listening
Ensuring access to information regarding all activities of the ACV and specific initiatives for young people from our network partners.
2 Goal - Participating
Fueling activities in Portugal and abroad that enable the development of intercultural skills and facilitate the social integration of young people in the global community.
3 Goal - Learning
Provide the opportunity for young people to acquire knowledge and skills to his personal, academic and /or professional development through training national and international programmes.
4 Goal - Collaborating
To encourage and involve youth in community work, enabling them to collaborate on specific actions and activities that develop a sense of responsibility and promote partnership and volunteerism based on the spirit of cooperation.
5 Goal - Entrepreneuring
To support and empower young people to become autonomous in finding the best solutions to their socio-professional life, encouraging their active participation in support of their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Activities:
A01 | Connect !
Team ACV, Globish Newsletter, Public presentations, local festivities, campaigns
A02 | + Citizenship
Democracy and Human Righst education Seminars, Networking, Partnership Building Activities
A03 | Let´s Go...
English classes, 28 WeeksParty, Human Rights and Non-formal education worshops, Local Youth Exchanges, Cultural Events, exhibitions, workcamps, outdoor activities
A04 | Europe and the World
Youth Exchanges
A05 | Educae
Local and international Internships (Lifelong Learning Programme LLP, Youth in Action Programme YAP)
A06 | Orientare
Trainnings (LLP,YAP)
A07 | BLA - Local Action Group
Hosting EVS and local volunteers, community support programs,
A08 | International Voluntary Service
Sending EVS Volunteers
A09 | Iniciative
Youth Initiatives, ACV curriculum, Youth Clubs
A10 | U Dare!
Job Shadowing, Professional trainning, Microcrédit, Entrepeneuring projects, Job opportunities

Contact (1) Full Name
Inês Duarte
Head of the organisation
Ana Catarina Estevão
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiago Ramalho


National Network

Rua do Forno do Tijolo, 54 - 5ºEsq - 1170-138

+ 351 213 152 267
+351 213 151 368
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+351 91 959 07 30
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1.production direction: Catarina Saraiva technical direction: Carlos Ramos accountancy: Renata Mota assistance artistic direction:Bojana Bauer assistance production direction: Bojana Bauer. - production: Jasper Walgrave close encounters production: Carina Lourenço encounters production 2005/2006: Carmo Serpa comunication: Catarina Medina 2.155.000 € - alkantara + 100.000 € – alkantara festival + project-related grants and co-productions from EU and various cultural institutions in Portugal and abroad. 3.alkantara is supported by Portuguese Arts Institute / Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Lisbon. 4.International exchange projects, e.g. Dançar o que é nosso 1998-2004, The Journey 2004 (Mediterranean), Encounters 2005-2006 (Portugal-Brazil-Mediterranean); alkantara festival – 2 till 18 June 2006 5.For the festival: various theatres in Lisbon. For exchange activities, Raiz di Polon (Cape Verde), CulturArte (Mozambique),..
Mission and Objectives

alkantara focuses on the performing arts on a local and global level, seeking to further exchange between artists from different cultures and backgrounds. Besides presentation, it also develops artistic research and exchange projects, experimenting with new formats.
We hope to be instrumental in turning Lisbon into a bridge between cultures and a point of reference for the international performing arts scene.

Main Projects / Activities

The most visible and ambitious project is the alkantara festival, a multidisciplinary and intercultural festival, dedicated to the presentation of contemporary performing art from all over the world.
In between festival, the organization invests in artists' residencies in Portugal and abroad, the production of international arts projects and the realization of initiatives that aim to stimulate the debate on interculturalism at home and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Walgrave
Head of the organisation
Helder Sousa
Contact (2) Full Name
Ricardo Carmona

Associação Maumaus – Centro de Contaminação Visual

National Network

Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 100 – 1º Esq. 1150-227 Lisbon

+351 21 354 73 83
Telephone (other)
+351 21 352 11 55
+351 21 352 11 55
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1) Director: Jürgen Bock Guest Faculty Members: Renée Green, Judith Hopf, Narelle Jubelin Advisory Board: Luís Campos e Cunha, Andrew Renton, Gertrud Sandqvist Production: Vera Carmo, Carlos Alberto Carrilho 2) current year: €100,000 3) private/public and national/international funding, fees from students 4) Independent Study Program of Visual Arts (lectures, project development, group criticism, tutorials, analysis and discussion of texts, student exchange) International Residency Program (artist's residencies) Lumiar Cité (exhibition space) Publisher (related art books) Film production 5) DGArtes/Ministério da Cultura, Instituto Camões, Goethe-Institut, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Museu Colecção Berardo
Mission and Objectives

Maumaus was created in 1992 as a non-profit institution focusing on teaching and promoting contemporary art.
The teaching component began as a School of Photography in the classic sense and developed into an internationally recognised Visual Arts School, where students gain experience in all techniques used in artistic expressions. Today the core activity of Maumaus comprises an Independent Study Program and an International Residency Program that offer international artists an intellectually dense and practically demanding atmosphere after their studies and first experiences in the art field; a place for cultural dialogue and the production of knowledge.
As a publisher, Maumaus translates into Portuguese relevant texts regarding how meaning is produced in the contemporary art world and publishes artists’ books.
Maumaus also produces projects and exhibitions that reflect on the specificities of their context and site, in and out museological structures.

Main Projects / Activities

Independent Study Program of Visual Arts
Exchange Program: with the MFA from the Malmö Art Academy/ Lund University
International Artists Residency Program: promoting cultural dialogue and the production of knowledge through visual Art.
Exhibitions at Maumaus Gallery Lumiar Cité reflect on subjects related to the nature and complexity of territories that today define the metropolis, with particular focus on those recently built, but with no clear identity, such as Alta de Lisboa, where the space is located.
Film production: Mali born Manthia Diawara's documentary, Maison Tropicale, is a postcolonial excavation into African identity, art and the notion of cultural patrimony
Publishing: TITANIC´s wake, project by Allan Sekula, documenting his photographic sequences and essays inspired by the contemporary political.
African Screens: produced with the City of Lisbon is a cinema/conference program curated by Lydie Diakhaté and Manthia Diawara that draws attention to new directions and creative visions in contemporary African Cinema.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carlos Alberto Carrilho
Head of the organisation
Jürgen Bock
Contact (2) Full Name
Vera Carmo

Bacalhoeiro Colectivo Cultural

National Network

Rua dos Bacalhoeiros 125, 1º-2º 1100-068

00351 218864891
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1 - Non-Profit Youth Cultural Association Board's Members:Francesco Russo, Inês Brito, Martina Maña, Núria Zaragoza, Pedro Fidalgo. 8.500 members. 2 - 80.000 € 3 - Youht Portugues Institution, European Youth Project 4 - EVS, workshops, Performing Arts Events 5 - Lisbon Municipality, IPJ.
Mission and Objectives

Bacalhoeiro is a non-profit cultural organisation with about 8.000 members, mainly related to the artistic and cultural area of Lisbon. This association was created aiming to promote an alternative artistic expression place, covering a need in the cultural Portuguese tissue. Therefore, we focus our work in two main directions: developing projects inside and outside our head-quarter. On the one hand, we develop pedagogical activities in the neighbouring area and we work hand in hand with the Town Council, in order to increase the artistic knowledge of the young population through leisure activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Bacalhoeiro offers a daily programme of activities and dedicates every day of the week to a different artistic discipline: Tuesdays, films and cooking; Wednesdays, dancing; Thursdays, performances, Friday DJ sets, Saturday concerts, and Sunday experimental acoustic jazz. Every three weeks, there is a new plastic art exhibition.
Moreover, Bacalhoeiro offers a wide range of workshops and develops punctual projects with the involving area and with other organisations.
It receives young people through European Voluntary Service Project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sérgio Alves

City School Porto

National Network

Rua Júlio Dinis, 220
4050-318 Porto

+351 22 01516 17
Telephone (other)
+ 351 22 609 85 81
+ 351 22 609 85 83
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 351 910841036 53
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 351 91 244 81 12
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Since 2005 City School Porto develops activities related with Professional Training (teaching/learning services, management, equal opportunities, national and international relations). It has 5 full-time collaborators and a solid group of external part-time workers and trainers. The training sessions require the student’s presence and serve to the acquisition of knowledge and/or improvement. We participate in seminars and projects as organizers and as lecturers. We execute training programmes and other academic activities; applications to national and EU projects. Our partnerships are Portuguese public and private institutions. For the moment the financial resources are our own.
Mission and Objectives

Human capital has acquired a growing relevance, and its constant need of update and perfection is essential for this competitive world. This increases the role of formal and/or informal Professional Training.
This company works dynamically for the following objectives:
Participation of youngsters and adults in Training sessions;
Acquisition of Know How in matters of the development of professional and personal capacities;
Implementation of development programs;
Creation of workshops favouring creativity and several activities (courses, seminars, workshops, etc).
And promote:
Inter-cultural tolerance;
Non-formal learning methods;
Marketing of innovative products within this area;
Equal opportunities (gender, racial, cultural, social, among other).

Main Projects / Activities

City School is an entity with a large range of Studies in Europe, such as: languages, training, environment, accountancy, IT, and promotion of equal opportunities.
• Develop the implementation of instruments, methods and participating and pedagogical techniques, to adequate the training context for each group systematically.
• Conception of new pedagogical materials (brochures, leaflets, partnerships, pedagogical and cultural activities, blog creation) is also included in what we aim to explore/develop.
• Study of languages, we also develop many other courses in very different areas.
• Develop tailored training according to the specific needs of each client.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cláudia Bastos Martins
Head of the organisation
João Bastos Martins
Contact (2) Full Name
Rute Domingues

Gabinete Cultural da Câmara Municipal do Fundão (Cultural Cabinet of the Municipality of Fundão)

National Network

Praça do Município, 6230-338 Fundão

+ 351 275 779 060
Telephone (other)
+ 351 275 779 940
+ 351 275 779 947
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+ 351 96 4939072
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 351 96 8340422
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
La Municipalité du Fundão dispose dans sa structure organique d’un Cabinet Culturel dont le Directeur Général Adjoint, Mr. FERNANDES Paulo est responsable. Les ressources budgétaires disponibles pour l’année 2007 sont de 8 000 000 €, intégrés dans un budget global de 80 000 000 €. Les sources de financement proviennent de nos propres revenus comme les taxes, les licences et les impôts municipaux, bien comme les versements de l’administration centrale. Les principaux projets de ce cabinet se réfèrent à la gestion de la programmation culturelle insérée dans tout le territoire, à l’engagement entre Tradition et Contemporanéité, afin de contribuer à renforcer l’identité locale avec les diverses pratiques artistiques et culturelles. Les principaux partenaires sont tous les agents culturels au niveau locale et régional avec lesquels nous développons de manière très proches tous nos projets.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Vasco Miguel
Head of the organisation
Mr. Fernandes Paulo
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Rainha Miguel

Grupo Teatro do Oprimido de Lisboa - GTO LX

National Network

Travessa do Corpo Santo,21, 3ºEsq
1200-131 Lisboa


+351 213 476 319
Mobile Phone
+351 962 892 673
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1.NGO with 6 employees for the all the organization struture and we have 10 volunteers working with us. 2. 100.000€ per anum 3. EQUAL Initiative; Gebalis; Portuguese High Commissioner for Immigration and Inter-Cultural Dialogue 4. Social Empowerment using Forum Theatre Methodology, workshops and training in Forum Theatre Methodology. We also created the Multiply network composed of groups of Theater of the Oppressed LX GTO. Trained and certified by GTO LX, these groups use this method of multipliers to intervene in their own communities. The network covers more than 12 active groups in various parts of the country, consisting of populations as diverse as young people at risk, teenage mothers, elderly, immigrants or returnees. 5. Professional Theatre Company "A Barraca"; Multiply Network;EQUAL Initiative; Gebalis; Portuguese High Commissioner for Immigration and Inter-Cultural Dialogue; Moinho da Juventude Cultural Association
Mission and Objectives

The GTO Lx is the Theatre of the Oppressed Group of Lisbon, a non governmental organization engaged in stimulating active and conscious participation of the citizens in the construction of society.
We develop community intervention projects in critical neighbourhoods working directly with the population in order to provoke an awareness process about their realities and encouraging individual empowerment.
Our methodology incentives the beneficiaries to create Forum Theatre plays based on their issues and personal realities. These plays are then presented to the whole community, creating a common ground where shared problems are discussed and solutions explored, promoting social empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

.“DRK”- Forum Theatre group composed by young people of Zambujal and Cova da Moura neighbourhoods, two infamous boroughs in the outskirts of Lisbon. This group is currently working autonomously, using Forum Theatre to intervene in their communities and acting as multipliers of the methodology, training new groups in the Forum Theatre technique.
They are the result of the DiverCidade Project, an EQUAL initiative, in which the GTO Lx is responsible for community empowerment through Forum Theatre
“R2” An adaptation of Shakespeare’s play, Richard II, performed by young people of Casal dos Machados, Zambujal and Cova da Moura and presented in the National Theatre D. Maria II in Lisbon.
This project was the result of a collaboration between theatre director Nuno Cardoso and GTO Lx. This work allowed these young people to participate in a professional theatre production.
“RVA!” A Forum Theatre group composed by young people from the Vale da Amoreira. This neighbourhood was considered by the government as a critical and priority area.
The group is currently working with GTO LX and has already created two Forum Theatre plays.
Besides this projects, we also have forum theatre projects with disabled and elderly people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diogo Brito de Mesquita
Head of the organisation
Gisella Mendoza

Teatro do Elefante

National Network

Pta. Amadeu de Sousa Cardoso, nº4 - 2º Dto.
2900-164 Setúbal


+ 351 265 535 640
Telephone (other)
+351 927751881
+ 351 265 535 640
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 351 966 434 317
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro do Elefante was founded in 1997 and employs three persons, besides several project collaborators. Its main partner it’s Setúbal City Hall, but has partners around the world. Have around 60000 euros of budget for 2010 and it's sources are City Halls, Portuguese Government and Private Foundations. Work's on concrete projects, national and international exchanges and artistic residences. For 2010 its main partners are Setúbal College of Education, Montijo City Hall and Portuguese Social Security.
Mission and Objectives

Teatro do Elefante main activities are to create performances and workshops and other events of cultural and artistic character, either in Setúbal, as well on tour from North to South of Portugal. Positioning it self as an itinerant group Teatro do Elefante also develops educational and social projects with the aim of promoting awareness on civic and environmental matters, such as equality opportunities and multicultural exchange – directed, mainly to young people. Nowadays, is working with local partners, as the City Hall and cultural organisations, on a programme for the formation of new audiences in Setúbal. This programme intend to develop a series of activities promoted by and for the youth - performances and workshops – and is based on the idea that the artistic expressions, as well as all cultural activities in general, contribute to the identification with/of a community, promoting the social involvement of minority groups in the society, specially ethnical and social-economical excluded groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Twelve years after its formation, Teatro do Elefante announces a new training program in the field of Performative Arts, taking place in Setúbal. Performative Arts Scholl aims to provide diversified training experiences, which globalize several artistic disciplines as Physical Theater, Theatrical Dance, Circus and Music, among others. This initiative is pioneer in Setúbal Region in the field of non-formal education. The experience of training is complemented with participation in artistic projects. In the wake of the apprenticeships, trainees have the opportunity to integrate the creation and production of performances. Participation in projects will happen in partnership with artistic structures, museums, libraries and cultural centers. The project began in the towns of Setúbal e Montijo, in partnership with secondary schools integrated on neighborhoods with social and economical disadvantage, and the financial support of the City Halls. The project includes artistic residences and international exchanges, with the main objective of promoting the multicultural awareness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Sales
Head of the organisation
Fernando Casaca
Contact (2) Full Name
Marlene Aldeia

Regional Environmental Centre - Poland Country Office

National Network

ul. Grójecka 22/24, 02-301 Warszawa

48 228238459
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
REC Poland supports policies related to environmental protection and civil society development, including support to NGOs, biodiversity protection, climate protection, eco-education and the promotion of sustainable development. Initially, the work of REC Poland focused mainly on supporting the development of NGOs in Poland. Over 300 grants were awarded, contributing significantly to the creation of a robust environmental movement in the country. In 1996, REC Poland was awarded the title “best grant donor” by Polish NGOs. Another important area of activity is biodiversity protection, including public communication and nature conservation. REC Poland supports the implementation of the Natura 2000 network: it has organised communications workshops for hundreds of nature protection staff; produced several publications promoting nature protection among local communities; and elaborated a national strategy for public communication for Natura 2000. REC Poland also coordinates direct nature protection activities, which in recent years have covered more than 400 habitats of rare plant and animal species. In the field of climate change, REC Poland focuses its activities on changing attitudes and behaviour by developing educational programmes for the general public, as well as knowledge exchange between experts and decision makers. As a result, more than 10,000 schoolchildren have been involved in climate protection activities, and local government officials have been given the opportunity to learn about recent technological developments aimed at climate change prevention. REC Poland supports sustainable development through experience exchange and the promotion of concrete policies and technical and organisational solutions. It is active in a range of areas, including environmental impact assessment, transportation and agriculture. REC Poland's sustainable development activities have an impact on nearly all municipalities in Poland. REC Poland strives to influence the habits and attitudes of the younger generation and to encourage them to participate in environmental activities. More than 300 workshops for around 6,000 teachers have been organised and handbooks published by the REC are available for use in nearly all secondary schools and many elementary schools in the country. No less than 300,000 children and teenagers have taken part in educational activities organised by REC Poland.
Mission and Objectives

REC Poland supports sustainable development in Poland by improving ecological awareness, initiating pro-environmental changes in society and the economy, and coordinating the international exchange of experience in various fields of sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

•Communication on nature protection
•Ecological education
•Nature conservation
•Climate change and energy
•Environmental assesments

Contact (1) Full Name
Michał Miazga
Head of the organisation
Michał Miazga