National Network

34 chemin de la vignette
06200 Nice

Telephone (other)
+33 6 03 86 24 79
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
•Structure de l'organisation, nombre de membres de l'équipe et/ou des partenaires •Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles •Sources de financement : (en cours): subventions publiques, mécénat,sponsoring •Modalités d'action (projets concrets, échanges, séminaires, bourses, etc.): 2 événementiels publics, 1 rencontre lycéenne,1 Portail Internet, des enregistrements (films, audio), des coopérations avec 12 programmes experts •Partenaires principaux associés aux projets/activités de l'organisme : organismes de recherche, Fondations, Collectivités locales, correspondants en Méditerranée, ...
Mission and Objectives

• Développer une culture euro méditerranéenne, en explorant plus particulièrement l'univers des coopérations euro méditerranéennes dans de multiples champs de connaissances • Créer un Festival pérenne dédié à l’Euro Méditerranée et à ses développements à travers de multiples coopérations faisant appel à différents champs de connaissances, notamment les sciences, la médecine, les arts, la philosophie, l’histoire, etc., • Promouvoir des rencontres entre différentes représentants de ces champs de connaissance afin de développer une approche pluridisciplinaire de l’Euro Méditerranée dans ses développements modernes, et encourager de nouvelles formes de coopérations

Main Projects / Activities

Mise en place d'animations permettant à la société civile méditerranéenne de partager les recherches effectuées par le monde expert méditerranéen dans le domaine environnemental.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raulet Eric
Head of the organisation
Raulet Eric

Institute for development Studies

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Board of directors, Executive manager, secretary, treasurer, PR department, Programs manager, Units Units: Democracy & civil Education unit , Science research & studies unit, Information development & building unit , Women & children development unit, Training & academic work unit, Media Unit number of employed staff: 7 number of volunteers: 25 Annual budget 2009: $70,000 Sources of funding: NPA, UNDP, ADA, Islamic relief Modalities of action: projects, video conferences, seminars, researches Partners:University of Strathclyde, Aalborg University, American University of Beirut, Welfare Association, Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), PNAY Society
Mission and Objectives

Mission statement:To become a leading developmental resource, research & academic institution in Palestine
1-Reinforcing the culture of democracy and civil community
2-Development and modernization of management systems and electronic partnership between various civil society institutions.
3-Reinforcing the culture & strategy of the scientific research & studies related to national development process
4-To develop the Palestinian women and children
5-Developing the reality of academic work in the Palestinian society

Main Projects / Activities

- Networks for reinforcing the concepts of dialogue and tolerance among the students parties in the Palestinian University
- video conference sessions with local, regional and in international universities
- Researchers
- digital library
- capacity building
- partner in the Mediterranean virtual university MVU

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ashraf Mansour
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohammed Meqdad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ahmed Alqarout

Fundació Plataforma Educativa

National Network

Garrotxa, 7-9 baixos, 17006 Girona

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Plataforma Educativa Foundation originated from Plataforma Educativa 3ESSES Association. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to educational work since 1994. Our patrimony is affected to activities of public interest in the field of social action with respect to persons in situations or at risk of social exclusion and like-minded organizations with whom to develop joint projects. In 2002 the association became a foundation governed by a 12-member board of directors. It is registered in the Foundations Register of the Government of Catalonia, number 1790. As a Development NGO it is registered in the Spanish Register of International Cooperation and in the Catalan Agency of Cooperation and Development since 2006. In order to articulate effective responses to the needs of our beneficiaries and the emerging social needs of the community, in the last decade Plataforma Educativa has grown into a group of ten nonprofit organizations coordinated by Plataforma Educativa Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

To design, create, and develop programs and services which improve the quality of life of persons and groups in situations or at risk of social exclusion.
The will and ends of Plataforma Educativa constitute a rich tapestry of intentions, actions, methodologies, and alliances which help us define and develop projects and programs designed to answer historical and emerging needs of persons in vulnerable groups.

Main Projects / Activities

o Career counseling and job placement for people with disabilities or in other vulnerable groups
o Employment for people with intellectual disabilities or in other vulnerable groups
o Child, adolescent, and disabled residential care
o Foster care
o Preschool management
o CSR consulting
o Training
o International development
o International programs and projects with people and organizations in the public, business, and social sectors
o Volunteering

Contact (1) Full Name
Guillem Compte
Head of the organisation
Jordi Pascual

association sodema

National Network

centre birmezoui province khouribga

+212 0668573535
Mobile Phone
+212 0668573535
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
nombre bureau 07 nombres adherents 80 au 31/06/2010 objectfs: solidarite avec les mre developpement et organisations des actions sociales a l'honneur des mre
Mission and Objectives

developpement a l'honneur des mre

Main Projects / Activities

festivale socioculture
projets agr

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelhakim Elfrayji
Head of the organisation
Daoufi Abdellatif


National Network

TomTom Mah. Yeni Carsi Cad. kaymakam Resat Bey Sok. 11/A Galatasaray Beyoglu

0090 212 244 44 99
0090 212 244 22 90
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0090 533 336 40 64
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
garajistanbul is a contemporary performing arts space that was opened in January 2007 with the leadership of Övül Avkıran and Mustafa Avkıran. Located in Beyoğlu, Istanbul, under Galatasaray garage, it is 600m2 empty space which was once a carpark, and designed so that it can be re-designed by each artist who comes to produce work inside. To realize its mission and objectives, garajistanbul has been structured as an art cooperative non-governmental organization. It has been organized from bottom to top by widening its supporters stage by stage from artists to members, individual and institutional supporters, and finally state and international networks. It has transformed from “an only artistic entrepreneurship” to the “cultural transformation project” in which around 200 performing arts professionals are included, through the contributions of 54 individual supporters, 36 institutional supporters, and of local government and state ministries.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of garajistanbul is to be a local formation of the universal contemporary performing arts and develop cultural transformation model with its multiple, democratic and independent structure.
The objectives are:
a) to create an innovative, provocative, comfortable and dynamic center for the presentation of local and international contemporary performing arts productions.
b) to create an independent and umbrella center that brings together “accumulated” productions that have been performed abroad so that they could stand united in their country and enables the sustainability and continuity of productions of the independent performing groups/artists.
c) to create a new design, performance and audience culture through its multi-purpose architectural design, dynamic infrastructure and high quality of technical equipments and empty space.
d) to be a meeting point for artists from different disciplines, for audiences from different cultures, languages and regions.
e) to create a meeting and interaction space from Anatolia to garajistanbul, from garajistanbul to Europe; from Europe to garajistanbul, from garajistanbul to Anatolia.
f) to encourage Turkish and European contemporary performing arts professionals for international co-productions, collaborations and for establishing sustainable networks between them.
g) to be one of the main actors in the project of “Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture.”

Main Projects / Activities

Regular programming of theater,dance and music, prodicng its own productions for theater, music and dance, publishing contemporary arts magazine called as "gist",managing international and local projects with many partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Aytunc Demirkaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Banu Cetin (international projects)

Fondation Khadija tnana pour l'art et la création

National Network

lot Tazghiti NR 111 1ER étage Martil/Maroc
Martile/ Tétouan/Maroc

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L’art, est un instrument, qui, peu jouer un rôle important pour atténuer les problèmes socio-économiques du pays. Pour l’artiste peintre, Khadija Tnana, la promotion de l’Art fait partie de ses préoccupations. Longtemps adjointe au maire de la ville de Fès, chargée de la culture, aujourd’hui peintre et dramaturge, Khadija Tnana souhaite partager son savoir, son patrimoine artistique et sa passion pour l’Art.. C’est dans cet esprit, qu’elle a créé en 2009 une fondation, dans la région d’Azla. Elle a acheté un joli terrain situé sur une colline pour y créer ce centre qui contribuera à relever les défis du développement durable à travers la région La Fondation Khadija Tnana pour l’art et la création Créée en 2009, la Fondation Khadija Tnana pour l’art et la création, est une fondation privée à but non lucratif. Son bureau est constitué de cinq personnes : Khadija Tnana en est la présidente. La fondation œuvre pour la promotion des domaines artistique et culturel et encourage la créativité et la participation à toutes les activités et initiatives au niveau local, national et international Le Centre « Fondation Tnana » Ce centre d’une surface de 2,7 hectares est situé sur la colline dénommée « Soihel », à 3 kilomètres d’Azla. Il sera construit en matériaux locaux, selon une architecture qui respectera et s’intègrera parfaitement à la beauté du site. Il sera constitué de 3 unités : - Un centre culturel/artistique : centre Fondation Tnana. Afin d’intégrer au mieux l’activité du complexe dans la vie de la région et de la commune, les habitants d’Azla (en particulier les femmes et les jeunes) pourront bénéficier de l’utilisation de deux salles qu’ils pourront utiliser comme ateliers pour pratiquer divers arts. - Une Auberge touristique. - Une coopérative d’habitants composée d’artistes. Une partie de terrain a été cédée à une coopérative d'habitations pour les artistes, marocains et étrangers, pour créer une dynamique dans la revitalisation du complexe. Description du centre Fondation Tnana Le Centre Fondation Tnana où se dérouleront les activités culturelles et artistiques sera constitué de :  Une salle polyvalente pour tout genre artistique, d’une capacité de 250 places.  Une salle pour l’exposition permanente des œuvres acquises par la Fondation.  Des ateliers pour les artistes.  Deux salles pour les associations locales.  Une boutique.  Un local pour l’administration. L’auberge touristique et artistique comprendra :  16 chambres, pour les touristes ruraux et pour les artistes.  Un café restaurant. La Coopérative d’artistes sera constituée d’une dizaine de maisons, celles des artistes adhérant à la coopérative.  1- Tnana Khadija, artiste-peintre.  2- Naima Zitan, réalisatrice de théâtre.  3- Meryam Zhimi, actrice.  4- Safae Errouas, artiste peintre.  5- Mohamed Echchair, artiste peintre.  6- Younes Rahmoun, artiste peintre.  7-Farida Belyazid réalisatrice de cinéma  8- Carlos Marin, architecte  9-Naima Demny, Secrétaire générale de la Faculté de Droit Casablanca Les ressources de la Fondation se composeront de : 1- dons de Khadija Tnana, (terrain, les œuvres, et une somme d’argent non défini encore 2- la cotisation des nombres des adhérents 3- des dons des membres bienfaiteurs 4- et la source budgétaire annuelle de l’auberge
Mission and Objectives

1. But du centre « Fondation Tnana »
La culture est la clé pour installer l'identité et la défendre. Un complexe Culturel et artistique ouvre la voie à la renaissance d'un développement global de la région. Les objectifs du centre sont :
 Mobiliser la population de la région pour protéger sa culture afin d’édifier les bases solides de son identité.
 Dynamiser l’action culturelle dans la région.
 Développer les potentialités artistiques et culturelles des jeunes de la région.
 Faire sortir la région de son isolement en créant des activités culturelles, artistiques et socio-économiques.
 Encourager et développer la créativité des femmes, une priorité pour la fondation.
 Créer un espace permanent de communication et de rencontre entre les artistes et les créateurs marocains et étrangers.
 Tisser des liens entre la culture et l’art du Nord et les autres cultures nationales et internationales.

2. La promotion de l’éco-tourisme
 Attirer le public international à découvrir le Maroc autrement.
 Valoriser/protéger les espaces naturels marocains.
 Responsabiliser les populations locales et les touristes à la préservation des espaces naturels.
3. L’impact économique/social
 La création d’emplois au sein du centre culturel.
 L’augmentation du tourisme aura des répercussions économiques positives pour tous dans la localité.
 Education/ouverture des populations grâce à la culture

Main Projects / Activities

Activités du centre « Fondation Tnana »
 Organisation de conférences et colloques autour de l’art et la culture à une dimension nationale et internationale afin de tisser des liens de coopération entre Artistes.
 Création d’atelier de formation autour des beaux arts au profit des jeunes de la région.
 Création d’une coopérative d’art pour les jeunes artistes de la région.
 Elaboration d’un festival annuel d’art dans la région.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khadija Tnana
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanane chemcham

Magic Factory

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 61 722 167
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 722 167
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 61 315 700
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are very young organization which has not had an opportunity to conduct a personal projects yet. The organization consists of three members who are currently in progress. The head of the organization Boris Balta, is a professional actor and is currently Master of Science in patriarchal gender norms and stereotypes in the film BH. Ajsa Mevkić as vice president, is a graduate journalist. Nedim Hogić as the third member of the organization mastering in international law. When it comes to partner organizations, we are currently in negotiations with several of them, such as HCA-Tuzla, or the Earth of children. In general, the objectives we work on are developing the social environment, especially for youth. Projects such as the shooting of feature films, the development of gender awareness, writing, recording, publishing books, then searching for scholarships and sending young people to education will be the primary effect of our plans.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to provide opportunities for youth activities and implement their ideas. We will also work on developing of creative mind that will seek to egalitarianism in our social systems. One of the key problems of socialization is the prevention of openness and communication among young people (in our Country). Solutions which we think is good is to open the potential of young people. We will try to make it through practical work that will later be archived and analyzed.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Recording of feature film
2.Issuance of drama in verse and rhyme
3.Recording rock album
4.Issuance the book of patriarchal norms
5.Scholarships for students

Contact (1) Full Name
Boris Balta
Contact (2) Full Name
Ajsa Mevkic

Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Center

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل

+970 22750030
+970 22750030
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 599255573
Mobile Phone (other)
0522 695 238
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Alrowwad is an independent nongovernmental organization composed of 7 board members and 39 general assembly members and 6 part time employees, and had 3 associations of Friends of Alrowwad in France, USA and Switzerland. 2. Alrowwad has no fixed funding contracts, main funding come through projects and donations. For the year 2005, the budget was 337,000 NIS. 3. Projects, donations from friends of Alrowwad and tours of performances. 4. Alrowwad main activities is theatre and folk dance ,video filming , editing ,animation projects, computer training, languages training, and scholarships for university students, besides psychological guidance and follow up for children and parents. 5. Main partners include: popular committee in Aida camp, UNRWA, UNDP, French consulate, European commission, Friends of Alrowwad in France, USA, Switzerland and Italy, Badil Center, "Oxfam Belgium and German government for the building and finishing of the new centre", Alawda-UK "Adopt a family pro

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Al-Rowwad is an independent, dynamic, community-based centre which encourages normal childhood by targeting behaviour, knowledge, concepts and practices. Specific Objectives: 1.To establish a theatre group that strives for a gradual change in society, and allows children to respond to needs arising from stress and confinement. 2.To carry out tailored and specialized training courses to enhance children’s capacity towards managing change. 3.To promote the awareness of the community through children by employing various tools such as theatre, dance, puppets, art, animation…etc. 4.To carry out needs assessment within the community to respond to priorities within the mandate of the centre. 5.To equip the centre with information and communication technology in order to strengthen networking and the exchange of information. 6.To establish an effective organizational structure with clear rules and regulations as well as clear terms of reference for qualified and volunteer s

Main Projects / Activities

1.Theatre, puppet shows and Dance 2.Video filming and editing and animation movies 3.Art workshops 4.Languages: English, French, Arabic depending on volunteers 5.Psychological guidance and follow up with children and families 6.Discussion groups/plays/drawings on themes concerning Gender, Human rights, Children rights, Palestinian refugees/children issues, Environmental issues, volunteerism and community building. 7.Supportive education for children who have difficulties in learning at school (mainly in Arabic, English and Mathematics) 8.Scholarships for university students in need.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Abdelfattah Abusrour (Director)
Head of the organisation
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل
Contact (2) Full Name
Azhar Abusrour

association universitaire al-irfane du theatre et de la culture

National Network

la salle des activités culturelle, la faculté de droit souissi alirfane Rabat

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
l'association travail dans le milieu universitaire avec les étudiants, elle a devenus nationale a partir du 2010 maintenant on cherche a crée d'autres branche de l'association dans d'autres ville universitaire en plus de Rabat, notre partenaire principale est l'université mohamed V souissi
Mission and Objectives

notre mission:
- développer la creation et la production artistique au sein de l'université
- la participation au nom des universitaires dans les manifestations artistiques nationales et internationales
- l'animation culturelle de l'université marocaine

Main Projects / Activities

chaque année on organise:
- la semaine culturelle de l'association
- des spectacles et des soirées artistiques
- des conférences
- participation dans les festivales du theatre et du cinema au maroc et en dehors du maroc
- l'animation des ateliers artistiques au sein de l'association

Contact (1) Full Name
khalid el jazouli
Head of the organisation
khalid el jazouli
Contact (2) Full Name
insaf charrat

Valley of Springs Regional Council

National Network

Valley of Springs Regional Council

Valley of Springs Regional Council

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Valley of Springs (Beit Shean Valley) along Israel's eastern periphery with Jordan, is a natural and cultural treasure. Its name reflects the 30 freshwater springs in the area. This abundance of water has attracted different cultures to the region. Remains found in the area testify to Roman and Jewish settlements here over 3,000 years ago. Today, the Valley boasts a population of over 12,000 who share the vision of responsible development. An ambitious campaign to attract young families to build their homes here is under way. With its efforts grounded in the natural resources and human capital, The Valley engages in tourism, entrepreneurship, advanced agriculture and quality education, while maintaining environmental integrity and a high quality of life. There are many modalities of extermemly diverse actions, hence these are not described here. Our main partners are citizens, visitors, businesses, funding bodies and many Government and non-government agenceis.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make the Valley of Springs an attractive destination to visit and to live in.

Main Projects / Activities

A prize winning education system.
Diverse cultural activities.
Ongoing tourism development.
Citizen services.
A dance school and music conservatory.
and many more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erica Dyson
Head of the organisation
Mayor: Yoram Karin