Hope for Blagoevgrad

National Network

2 Ivan Shishman Str.

+359 888 778842
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
This is a youth organization run by founding members and volunteers. Currently available approx. 1000 Euro in membership fees and donations. Main actions - "Be a Leader - Pass It On" (youth project), partnerships in projects run by International Initiatives for Cooperation. Main partners - municipalities, district administration, NGOs
Mission and Objectives

To work for the constitution of civil society, democratization and transparency in local and central government; To support, initiate and develop the ideas of young people and implementation thereof; To create conditions for development and conduction of artistic, educational, scientific and cultural forums of adolescents and young people.

Main Projects / Activities

"Be a Leader - Pass It On" - project funded by the State Agency on Youth and Sports at the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria; partnership in projects managed by IIC and other NGOs in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefan Savov
Head of the organisation
Krum Palapuov
Contact (2) Full Name
Krum Palapuov


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
structure 1 president,1 vice-president,1 accountant,86 members budget-90% member donation 10% sponsorship modalities of action youth exchanges+voluntary work town hall+from some project private firms
Mission and Objectives

organization and developing the activities for and with young people, cultural, entertainment, educational, touristic, social, sport activities to the local and international level; workshops linked to the major interest area for youth: social responsibilities, environment, health, social programmes for children and youth with disabilities (we have a specialised Centre for rehabilitation and special education), cultural and social integration for minorities, cooperation inter-regional and intercultural field

Main Projects / Activities

organization and developing the activities for and with young people, cultural, entertainment, educational, touristic, social, sport activities to the local and international level; workshops linked to the major interest area for youth: social responsibilities, environment, health, social programmes for children and youth with disabilities (we have a specialised Centre for rehabilitation and special education), cultural and social integration for minorities, cooperation inter-regional and intercultural field

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Pedersborg Skole

National Network

Rustkammervej 76
4180 Sorø
DK Danmark


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Pedersborg Skole is established in 1915. It's a public school. Today it has 625 students ageing from 6 to 16; a staff of 84. Since it is a public school, the school budget is given by the government and the commune. As a school we produce and take part in international projects, attend seminars, have international exchanges between students and teachers.
Mission and Objectives

One of our main missions is to prepare young people to live in a global world and be a world citizen. Since we live in a small country, it is very important to learn and be in contact with other countries for mutual understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

We have accomplished a Comenius project with schools in Wales, Italy and Spain. We organized teacher exchanges both alone and by AFS International.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abelone Bergløv
Head of the organisation
Henrik Madsen
Contact (2) Full Name
Inge Høy Larsen

Passepartout Theatre Production

National Network

c/o MICO
Bådehavnsgade 42
2450 Copenhagen sV

+45 2094 8889
Telephone (other)
+ 45 41263204
Mobile Phone
+45 2094 8889
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Passepartout Theatre Production (PTP) was formed in 2007 in Copenhagen by theatre director, dramatist, actor Jacques S. Matthiessen together with dramaturge, actor Peter Sloth Madsen. PTP is a Nordic theatre association with a specific selected committee, consisting of talented people with different skills and backgrounds. The frame or the “Passepartout” is based on a national and international network, where the main focus is to establish possibilities for production, finance and performance between Nordic countries and other countries. For PTP it is important, that all theatre productions have a high quality level within professionalism and artistic expression. In 08/09 PTP created two cross-cultural family performances in Mali and Nepal. Both performances were played over 50 times and were furthermore on a three-week-tour in Denmark. Among other projects can be mentioned • A youth collaboration project in Mozambique • Theatre project with streetkids in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. • Cultural exchange with theatre artists from Burkina Faso, Mali, Nepal and Lebanon. PTP has no continuously budgetary resources available, apart from membership subscriptions. All financing happens through fundraising. In the theatrical season 2008/2009 PTP received 915.000 Dkr. through fundraising and in 2010/2011 900.000 Dkr. through fundraising. PTP’s main partners involved in the association’s projects are 1) Danish Center for Culture and Development: CKU/DCCD. http://www.dccd.dk/dccd/cku.nsf 2) Danish Art Council: Statens Kunstråd. http://www.kunst.dk/statens-kunstraad 3) Danish Embassy’s.
Mission and Objectives

Passepartout Theatre Production (PTP) regard it as the most distinguished duty to act as the Nordic theatre platform for unique cross-cultural theatre in order to promote and extend intercultural understanding which is more actual and necessary than ever before, because of migration and international trade. Integration between people, culture and diversity happens through working together and it is PTP’s ambition to embrace cultural diversity within theatrical expression and artistic individuality and the association aims to work from an equal cultural collaboration between the individual participants artistic visions and professional qualifications. Because of financial and technical reasons it can, however, be difficult to carry through intercultural artistic projects. More important was the absence of a production platform or a production office for the work with cross-cultural theatre productions and PTP was created to complete that specific need for an association that exclusively focuses on cross-cultural productions in a wide perspective. It is PTP’s mission to collaborate with both industrialised countries and less developed countries around the world – an anthropological theatrical collaboration. The organisation strives for developing a synergy effect between the diverse cultures and thereby hopefully create a better cross-cultural understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Spring 2011 - a cross-cultural collaboration between Lebanon and Denmark. The creation of 2 puppet theatre performances for children with the theme: The 3 Generations: Old, adult, child. We are working on a theatre collaboration between Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Burkina Faso in 2012.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacques S. Matthiessen
Head of the organisation
Jacques S. Matthiessen
Contact (2) Full Name
Karin Ahnfelt-Roenne

Danish Refugee Council Youth (DFUNK)

National Network

Fælledvej 12, C
2200 Copenhagen

25 88 35 20
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
DFUNK is the national youth network of the Danish Refugee Council. DFUNK has 7 regional groups in Denmark: Storkøbenhavn, Sjælland, Fyn, Nordjylland, Vestjylland and Østjylland and Sydjylland. Groups meet about once a month. Besides these regional groups, the Board of DFUNK has established International Section. The Cultural section is about to be established. The Board has 7 members and 2 suppleants. DFUNK has about 800 members pr. May 2010, and the amount of members is rapidly expanding. DFUNK gets some basic funding for its functioning from Danish Refugee Council. Besides this, we have profits from our events and the membership fee. DFUNK works on volunteer basis, but has one employed Youth Consultant at the office, as well as a trainee.
Mission and Objectives

DFUNKs goal is to engage young people to promote better conditions for the young refugees and young people with other ethnic background than Danish, in Denmark and abroad. We want to promote volunteerism and to engage young people of different ethnic backgrounds to common volunteer projects.

Main Projects / Activities

DFUNK arranges different events and projects, and has an active meeting agenda. One of the main events of the year is the pant collection campaign during the Roskilde Festival. More information about our mission, objectives and activities can be found from www.dfunk.dk

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas Farr
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aja Heinze

Dansk Bibel-Institut (Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology)

National Network

Frederiksborggade 1B.1
DK-1360 Copenhagen K

+45 33135500
Telephone (other)
+45 39697929
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A private school for university level. Budget: 6 mill D.Kr. by private donations. Staff: 8 professors and 6 in administration. Modalities of action: Offers bachelor of theology accredited at University of Wales.
Mission and Objectives

Teaching students training for ministry and cross-cultural communication at home and abroad; research on classical theological culturally sensitive communication, e-learning

Main Projects / Activities

Developing cultural-based and technology-enhanced learning for Ancient Mediterranean languages, especially Biblical Hebrew, as well as field tours for students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolai Winther-Nielsen
Head of the organisation
Dean Børge Haahr Andersen
Contact (2) Full Name
Jens Bruun Kofoed

Espiral Entitat de Serveis

National Network

Rutlla 20-22, 17002 Girona

0034 972 241 036
0034 972 241 036
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0034 635 433 911
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 656 667 837
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
ESPIRAL ENTITAT DE SERVEIS is a private non-profit organization founded in 1992, who aims at promoting social actions and projects allowing people and communities to achieve their own global development and growth, avoiding exclusion and encouraging solidarity and transnational cooperation in a sustainable development world frame.
Mission and Objectives

Basic lines of action:
Promote life long learning. We participate in a number of European projects promoting life long learning, together with other entities in Europe.
European Mobility. We offer work practices and language learning abroad. We do, as well, welcome people willing to have a work experience in Girona.
Management and advising to local organization and administration about participation and development of EU projects.

Main Projects / Activities

- European projects: Fit4Work, Brave New Work, Learning Lab for Integration, Media Playing Communities, FAIRstart, Xploit!, Interreg, etc.
- Local/regional projects: Sodalis, Aula Europa, etc.
- European Mobility Office: Prometeus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isabel Coll
Head of the organisation
Joaquim de Toca de Ciurana
Contact (2) Full Name
Imma Fuyà

Association Adam pour le développement et la formation

National Network

N° 5 imb 27 Avenue Mohammed 5 Sala Al Jadida

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’association Adam a été crée le 31 mai 2005 par une assemblée générale qui a élu 9 membres éducatifs de bureau, des comités et un conseil administratif. elle répond à un grand besoin (de jeunes déscolarisés, diplômé sans emploi, femmes vulnérables, et enfants issus des familles non stables) à travers la formation professionnelle, le renforcement de capacités, l'alphabétisation, l'insertion à l'emploi, la création des AGR, la sensibilisation et l'échange culturel..., Depuis sa création 3643 adhérents bénéficiaires de ses actions, les adhérisations et subventions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales constituent ses sources de financement. L’association a organisé plusieurs séminaires, compagnes de sensibilisation, festivals culturels des expositions artisanales, des soirées musicales, des colonies de vacances,... Nos partenaires : L’INDH, Handicap International, SCAC, Région de Rabat Salé, ADS agence de développement social, Ministère de la formation professionnelle. USAID/MSI Formations et expériences de l’association : Les membres de l’association ont participé à plusieurs journées d'étude et modules de formation: Gestion administrative et financière, Techniques d’identification de besoins, Ingénierie de projet, Communication, Planification stratégique, AGR, coopérative, Approches genre et participative, Médiation, Construction de partenariat...etc. Plaidoyer
Mission and Objectives

La mission que notre association s'est assignée est de venir en aide à la population la plus nécessiteuse et de renforcer les associatifs et créer un climat favorable au développement.
Concrétiser les valeurs et principes humains: solidarité, coopération, sacrifice, bénévolat, l'engagement le respect des cultures et pluralisme.
Nos objectifs se résument dans:
La promotion de la qualification professionnelle et la contribution à l'indépendance financière des jeunes et femmes vulnérables,
Le renforcement de leur implication dans la vie publique et la gestion des affaires locales
L’échange culturel, le dialogue et le partage d'expériences.
Développer les relations de coopération et de solidarité avec les partenaires intéressés au niveau local et international en matière de développement dans le cadre de la concertation et réseaux.

Main Projects / Activities

La cible :
Les jeunes déscolarisés (menacés de délinquance), les jeunes diplômés sans emploi et les femmes défavorisées.
Nos projets:
Institut polyvalent (INDH 2006/2010)
La promotion de la micro entreprise (Handicap Int, 2008 SCAC2009, ADS2010/2013)
Le centre social de qualification professionnelle (ministère de l'emploi et formation professionnelle 2010/2013)
L’échange culturel (AMIDEAST 2008/2009)
Programme wit "femmes et technologie"(Tanmia.ma, Microsoft, le FMEI et l'Institut International d'éducation depuis 2009)
La qualification technologique (OCDL à partir de 2010)
L’alphabétisation (délégation de l'éducation nationale 2006/2008).
Nos activités principales:
Le renforcement de capacités des associatifs,
La qualification et formation professionnelle,
La sensibilisation et la mobilisation, la création des AGR,
L’organisation de journées d'études, séminaires, forums et festivals...

Contact (1) Full Name
Khadija Baryala
Head of the organisation
Khadija Baryala
Contact (2) Full Name
Saida Echaoui

NVO Art Dulcinium

National Network

Stari Grda bb


+382 30 421 124
Telephone (other)
+382 30 422 004
+382 30 401 181
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+382069 517 175
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 67 803 886
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
In this organization we are all graduated artists, painters, sculptors, ceramics, etc. Usually budget for year is from 3.000 to 4.500 euros, depend on projects and budget. Montenegro Ministry of Culture. Municipality of Ulcinj, private sector. Art project as, simposyum, art colony, exhibitions, etc.
Mission and Objectives

• Promotion of tourist beauties of our country.
• Producing one artwork together in interaction;learning through doing.
• Cultural connection between our country and European countries
• Influencing the decrease of stereotyping and conservatism and increase of individual power within the strong, civil society.
• Making the basis for further cooperation, both short and long-term.

Main Projects / Activities

-2001 “Art Dulcinium”, art project with Jung artists from Ex-Yugoslavian Republics. Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia.
-2004 “Balkan Dulcinium Art”, art project with Jung artists from all Balkan countries, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Greek, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Slovenia.
-2005 “Servantes Dulcinium Art”, art project celebration of the 400th anniversary of the publishing of Servantes' "Don Kichote" the art colony was organized in Ulcinj gathering young artists from the Mediterranean region, Spain, Greek, Turkey, Slovenia, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania.
-2006 “Montenegro in the eyes of American artists” represents art colony with young participants from USA and artists from Serbia and Montenegro and Kosovo.
The art colony enables ‘connection’ between our country and USA as a leading world art and cultural scene.
-2008 “Euro Art Dulcinium” The art colony organized in the Old Town of Ulcinj, and it gather all the young artists from the area (Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo) and European Countries (France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Austria, Slovenia, and England).
-2010 „Art of our neighborhood” The art project with artists from countries which are bordered with Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo.
NGO Art Dulcinium organized a lot of exhibition
-2002. . SKC “Studenski Kulturni Centar”, Belgrade.
-2004 . “YUBIN”, Belgrade.
-2005. “Gallery 28” Temisuara, Romania.
-2005. “Gallery of Ministry of Culture”, Pristina.
-2005. “Reale Gallery”, Ulcinj.
-2005. “Art Gallery”, KC Ulcinj.
-2006. “YUBIN”, Belgrade.
-2006 . Gallery of Fine Artsi, Tirana, Albania.
-2006. . La Carboneria, Sevila, Spain
-2006. Gellery “Frinzgar”, Ljubljana, Slovenia
-2006 Kula Balsica, Ulcinj
-2007 . “YUBIN”, Belgrade
-2008. “Kula Balsica”, Ulcinj
-2008 . Cultural Centar, Toledo, Spain
-2010 Palata Venecija, Ulcinj

Contact (1) Full Name
Vahida Hasanagic Nimanbegu
Head of the organisation
Vahida Hasanagic Nimanbegu
Contact (2) Full Name
Renata Masanovic Rijavec

Styrelsen for International Uddannelse (Danish Agency for International Education)

National Network

Bredgade 43

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Agency for International Education under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. As Management helps us to strengthen Denmark's position in the global community by promoting education internationalization, intercultural understanding, integration and global vision.
Mission and Objectives

Vision Internationalisation is a fundamental element of education in professional institutions, educational and economic priorities and the citizens choice of training and learning process.

Main Projects / Activities

We work from the objectives of: • Being a national center of excellence that collect, process and disseminate information • To promote mobility and global education cooperation • To promote recognition of foreign educational and professional qualifications • To advise, guide and support the citizens, institutions, organizations and businesses • To develop and propose policy measures and implement policy decisions that strengthen education relevance, quality and profile in a global perspective.

Contact (1) Full Name
Benedikta Harris
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sofie Carsten Nielsen