MS Action Aid

National Network

Borgergade 14
1300 Copenhagen K

+45 77 31 00 00
Telephone (other)
+45 77 31 00 00
+45 77 31 01 01
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
+45 24 40 31 81
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The General Assembly is MS' highest authority. All members of MS can participate in the General Assembly. Important policy initiatives are put before the General Assembly, and it is the setting for exchange of ideas in connection with the activities of the Secretariat in Denmark, the Country Offices abroad and the members of the organization. The Board is chosen by the General Assembly. MS’ secretariat is made up of 30 employees. MS’ budget for 2006 is 155.5 million DKK. Danida is the organizations main funding source. MS has over 200 partners in Africa, Central America, Asia, the Middle East and the Balkans. Our partners range from big national organizations to small community based groups, and partnerships usually stretch over a number of years and involve common goals, and mutual sharing and learning.
Mission and Objectives

MS’ mission is to provide opportunities for action for people who accept shared responsibility for global sustainable development. MS promotes understanding and dialogue among people. Together with partners, we promote popular participation and democratisation in the North and the South. We endeavour to enable poor and other marginalised people to realise their vision of a dignified life. The aim is to put an end to poverty by challenging the structural causes of poverty. In our work, we focus on democracy: to ensure that poor people have influence both locally and globally. Democratic development by the people requires the possibility of participation and a common effort – not only when the votes for parliament and referenda are cast. But every day when decisions are made – regarding education, work, health and the use of public funding.

Main Projects / Activities

MS works by means of development assistance through partnership, youth exchange, development education, campaigns, and policy advocacy. MS has over 7000 individual members and more than 80 institutional members - and many active members' groups all over Denmark. In Denmark, MS provides information and education materials, and engages in advocacy activities on development, globalisation and third world issues. MS’ main activities take place outside Denmark, though. We have 7 country programs (Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique), a regional program in Central America, a regional training centre in Tanzania, collaborate with a youth network in the Balkans, take part in a consortium in Afghanistan, and we are starting up activities in North Africa and the Middle East. MS supports development and advocacy work based on the initiatives of local organizations, institutions and associations in the countries where we work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Poya Pakzad
Job Title
Communications Officer
Head of the organisation
Lars Udsholt (Secretary General) ---- Søren Hougaard (Chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
Metine Due (MENA Program Manager)
Job Title (2)
ME Programme Manager

Gravitations Centre for Action Philosophy

National Network

Danneskiold-Samsoes Alle 55,2 – 1434 Copenhagen K

+45 32 55 66 21
Telephone (other)
+45 41 11 14 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+45 30 28 66 21
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. NGO, 2 full-time staff members, partner organisations in Denmark and Scandinavia; app. 50 members of the organisation 2. budget in 2007 app. 10 000 €; exp. budget 2008 app. 40 000 €; 3. Private members and partners, sponsoring, public and private foundations, corporate and community counselling; 4. Concrete projects in arts/cultural change, seminars, symposions, network dialogues, publications; 5. ECCO International, Research Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Refugees.
Mission and Objectives

Facilitation and creation of new perspectives and new action forms within cultural change processes; Investigations and experiments within cultural sustainability; Assisting in the development of new social and cultural forms of action and collaboration across local cultures, expecially in a north-south axis; Education of youth in Denmark according to aims of promoting philosophical and anthropological reflection and sustainability; Promoting debate around alternative political and cultural agendas in the fields between subcultural groups and movements and public spheres.

Main Projects / Activities

"Invisible Lives", project to visibilise conditions of illegal migrants in Denmark; "Cultural Sustensions", workshops on cultural sustainability across countries; Founding the Danish branch of Cultura21 international network; Symposiums on sustainability and philosophy; Publications of working papers from January 2008; partner in founding Publishing NGO "Samlingen" from January 2008; Courses in World and Action Philosophy; Assisting to research networks and working groups

Contact (1) Full Name
Oleg Koefoed, chairman
Head of the organisation
Oleg Koefoed, Ph.d.
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Henrik Vigh, board member

The Danish National Commission for UNESCO

National Network

Vester Voldgade 123, 4
1552 Copenhagen V

+45 3392 5216
Telephone (other)
+45 3392 5413
+45 3392 5492
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+45 2013 5215
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
1. The National Commission consists of the following bodies: The General Assembly, which meets at least four times a year, the Executive Committee, four Sub-Committees dealing with: Education, Science, Culture and Communication. The Secretariat employs four persons. 2. Approximately 0,3 mio. DKK for NC-activities in Denmark 3. The Danish Ministry of Education. 4. Seminars and hearings 5. Various partners
Mission and Objectives

The aims of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO are to • promote the work of UNESCO in Denmark, • advise the Danish Government on UNESCO questions, • advise the Danish Delegation to the General Conference of UNESCO and • act as an intermediary between UNESCO and Danish authorities, institutions and organisations within the areas of education, science, culture and communication. • The National Commission may also independently express its own views on UNESCO matters in public.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to promote the work of UNESCO in Denmark, the National Commission shall: 1) disseminate knowledge of and stimulate interest in UNESCO’s programme and work through its own information work and in co-operation with other involved organisations; 2) co-operate with Danish organisations within UNESCO’s areas of competence, with particular reference to mutual information and consultancy; 3) maintain a close co-operation with involved ministries and agencies, the Danish Permanent Delegation to UNESCO and the national commissions of other countries, including in particular those of the other Nordic countries; 4) make statements about UNESCO’s activities, including proposals received from UNESCO regarding the organisation’s programme and budget etc.; 5) provide information about UNESCO’s General Conference, Executive Board, international meetings and decisions of the National Commission; 6) take other initiatives to promote the purpose of the National Commission’s activities, including any initiatives necessary to implement various decisions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jens Dalsgaard
Head of the organisation
Jens Dalsgaard
Contact (2) Full Name
Susan Parwini
Job Title (2)
Fuldmægtig - Ministeriet for Børn, Undervisning og Ligestilling

Save the Children Denmark (Red Barnet)

National Network

Rosenørns Alle 12

+45 35 36 85 49
Telephone (other)
+45 35 36 85 17
+45 36 39 11 19
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Save the Children Denmark is a private Danish NGO comprising a General Secretariat, Communications Dept., Fundraising Dept., International Program Dept., National/European Program Dept., Administrations Dept. – totally 70 staff in Denmark. Country offices in Uganda, Bangladesh, Angola, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Guatemala. 2. DKK 122 million (2004) 3. Framework agreement with Danida, EU funding and private donations, memberships 4. Programmes and project for the promotion of and fight for children’s rights. 5. National governments and authorities, national NGOs
Mission and Objectives

Save the Children fights for: • A world respecting children • A world listening to children and learning • A world where all children have hope and opportunities Save the Children Denmark is part of International Save the Children Alliance – working in more than 100 countries in the world. Save the Children is the world’s largest independent children’s organisation. Save the Children fight for children’s rights. We deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives in Denmark and worldwide.

Main Projects / Activities

Protection of children against sexual abuse Protection of children in war and crises – child soldiers Protection of children without parental care, and refugee children Child labour Education Protection of children in humanitarian crises Psycho-social support of children Emergency education and learning Provision of food and non-food

Contact (1) Full Name
Herluf G. Madsen
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mimi Jakobsen


National Network

Christians Brygge 3
1219 Copenhagen

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
KVINFO is a grant-maintained self-governing institution under the Ministry of Culture. The Centre also undertakes projects financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other public and private donors. KVINFO’s governing body is composed of representatives from research institutions, research libraries and women’s organizations, international development sector and journalism. KVINFO has more than 20 full-time employees.
Mission and Objectives

KVINFOs vision is a free, equal and diverse society. We strive to make equal opportunities regardless of gender a common and engaging matter nationally as well as internationally. KVINFO is Denmark’s knowledge centre for gender, equality and diversity. KVINFO provides a gathering point for contemporary discussion on gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

We achieve our objectives by – collecting and generating information – activating knowledge and finding new ways to achieve de facto equality – entering into dialogue and partnerships
KVINFO works internationally in the Middle East and North Africa region. KVINFO runs a library with over 20.000 books and journals, political publications on equal opportunities and women's issues. KVINFO’s Mentor Network matches refugee and immigrant women with women who are already active in Danish society. KVINFO’s services include and extensive website with online news, a magazine, expert databases, the online Biographical Encyclopedia of Danish Women, The History of Nordic Women’s Literature and other sources to women’s history.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarina Blomqvist
Job Title
Senior Consultant
Head of the organisation
Nina Groes

Dar Al-Ma'mûn

National Network

13, route de l'Ourika, Tassoultante, 40 000 Marrakech, Maroc
adresse postale : Dar Al-Ma'mûn c/o Ourika Prestige, BP.2219, Bureau de poste Marrakech Principal, 40000 Marrakech, Maroc


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association à but non-lucratif de droit marocain. Un conseil d'administration (Président, Secrétaire, Trésorier) et trois salariés. La source actuelle du financement est du mécénat, principalement en provenance de la société Ourika Prestige, porteuse du projet hôtelier Ithaque sur le même site. Nous sommes actuellement en attente de nouveaux partenaires tels l'Unesco (programme Aschberg), Marseille 2013 (France), Fondation de France, les université de Marrakech, Rabat et Casablanca, et de partenaires privés tels Royale Air Maroc. Nous sommes désormais affiliés à plusieurs réseaux médias tels transartis, resartis,,,, -Résidence d’artistes internationale : favoriser l’émergence et la professionnalisation d’artistes marocains, africains et étrangers. Production d’œuvres, Aide à la mobilité des artistes et des œuvres. -Promouvoir l’artisanat traditionnel marocain par un travail collaboratif avec des artistes émergents internationaux. -Traduction de textes anciens et modernes de l’Arabe vers le Français. -Favoriser l’alphabétisation et l’éducation populaire auprès des enfants, des adolescents et des adultes.
Mission and Objectives

Dar Al-Ma’mûn considère la culture comme un vecteur de développement économique et social local. Toutes les activités que nous proposons visent simultanément à promouvoir la culture marocaine à l’international, à encourager l’art contemporain au Maroc et dans les pays du Maghreb, à favoriser l’émergence d’artistes marocains et africains sur la scène internationale. Dar Al-Ma’mûn encourage la créativité des pays d’Afrique en s’affirmant comme tremplin de diffusion à l’international par le biais notamment de la francophonie.
Dar Al-Ma’mûn favorise l’échange interculturel par la traduction de textes de langues arabe vers le français et inversement. Pour se faire, nous accueillerons à partir d’octobre des universitaires marocains et français afin d’effectuer des recherches en traduction à partir de la bibliothèque de 15000 ouvrage présente sur site.
Enfin, Dar Al-Ma’mûn favorise la créativité, l’alphabétisation et l’accès à la connaissance auprès des populations locales en proposant des ateliers spécifiques conduits par les artistes et chercheurs universitaires accueillis en résidence.

Main Projects / Activities

Dar Al-Ma'mûn lance un appel à candidature à l'international trois fois par an pour les artistes plasticiens et réunit un jury de professionnels de l’art contemporain pour la sélection de quatre artistes. Les artistes sélectionnés bénéficient d'une bourse de production de 5000 euros, d'un billet d'avion aller-retour, d'un logement et sont restaurés durant toute la durée de leur séjour de trois mois à cinq mois. Les artistes sont logés chez l’habitant. Leur atelier de travail de 100 m2 par artiste fait partie d’un bâtiment dédié de 1000 m2 (quatre ateliers + une salle de diffusion pour des expositions, des conférences et des projection cinématographiques)
D’autre part, durant le séjour des artistes, nous proposons un programme de visites de professionnels internationaux personnalisé (avec des critiques d’arts, des directeurs d’institution, des commissaires d’exposition), au rythme d’une visite par semaine.
La diffusion des artistes en résidence se fera soit sur place, en interne, soit par le biais de partenariats avec des institutions au Maroc et à l’étranger.
Concernant les traductions littéraires, nous allons créer à court terme une maison d’édition afin de publier les recherches effectuées sur place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julien Amicel, co-Directeur
Head of the organisation
Monsieur Redha Moali, Président
Contact (2) Full Name
Carleen Hamon, co-Directeur

Eskişehir Governorship R&D, Project Coordination Centre

National Network

İki Eylül Caddesi No: 121 Kat: 3

+ 90 222 231 10 22
Telephone (other)
+ 90 222 233 28 23
+ 90 222 231 10 22
Mobile Phone
+ 90 505 715 56 73
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 90 506 316 74 02
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
We are a non-profit public body called “Eskişehir Governorship R&D Project Coordination Centre”. In order to supply and sustain economical and social balances, our team is responsible of giving consultancy services regarding promotion of the implementation of the projects, informing guidance and introduction activities and access to related sources to all public bodies/organizations, local administrations, universities, CSOs and vocal centers; leading, monitoring and coordinating the projects in Eskişehir. Besides, we can develop and implement our own projects as a team. Our team: Ahmet Baykal Head/ Project expert Işıl Akataş Project expert Gülay Bayındır Project expert Derya Korucu Project expert Ali Demircioğlu Representative of Special Provincial Directorate of Administration Dede Kürşat Representative of Provincial Directorate of Health Aziz Albayrak Reresentative of Provincial Directorate of Agriculture Yavuz Korkmaz Reresentative of Provincial Directorate of Agriculture Korhan Acar Representative of Munucipality Şule Yılmaz Representative of Munucipality İhsan Kaymak Representative of Commercial Exchange
Mission and Objectives

We aim to make research and development works in order to make Eskisehir to a pilot province. We carry out works compatible to the policies of European Union Candidacy Period and European Communautarie; to province strategic map and national development plan. Also we are implementing projects parallel to them.

Main Projects / Activities

National Projects:
1. “Let’s overcome the handicaps” Project for handicapped persons 09.09.200-22.10.2009
2. “Employment at schools for disadvantaged people; social service for the benefit of society” project (03.08.2009- 16.01.2010)
3. “Employment at village of Beyazaltın Köyü; social service for the benefit of society” project (07.09.2009-06.01.2010)
4. Application to Grand Programme of Japanese Ambassadorship for the village Hekimdağ to support the employability of women.
5. Application to UNIFEM for “Fund for Gender Equality”
Trans-national Projects:
*Application for “Support for European Cooperation in Education and Training”
*Comenius School Project titled “Stereotype of European Teachers”

Contact (1) Full Name
Gülay Bayındır
Head of the organisation
Ahmet Baykal
Contact (2) Full Name
Derya Korucu

Association for Social Change - Sosyal Değişim Derneği

National Network

Istiklal Caddesi, Bekar Sokak, 16/3, 34435 Beyoglu, Istanbul

+90-212-292 34 39
+90-212-292 34 39
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0534-394 64 77
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information
The Association carries out advocacy work, launch campaigns, and conduct research, training, lobbying and similar activities in its priority themes of activity to fulfil its mission. Structure: Association has about 50 members. The association has chosen the issues such as discrimination and racism, hate crimes, climate change, water issues, equality for women, cultural heritage and support for disadvantaged groups as priority areas for its 2010-2013 work schedule. ASC currently carries out a project on hate crimes with the support of the Open Society Foundation and the Consulate of Netherlands in Istanbul. An another activity which encompasses of building a network on hate crimes and racial discrimination as well as establishing a monitoring centre on such issues is supported by the London based Global-Dialogue. Budgetary resources: Mostly grants and donations.
Mission and Objectives

The Association aims at creating a civil society that is democratic, respectful of human rights, mindful of cultural and ideological differences as a source of richness. To this end, the association shall carry out advocacy work, launch campaigns, and conduct research, training, lobbying and similar activities in its priority themes of activity to fulfil its mission.
1. The Association shall respect democracy, equality, participation and differences while conducting its activities,
2. The Association shall attach great importance to gender equality, not only in its own administration but also in its activities,
3. The Association is against all forms of violence and discrimination,
4. The Association respects all rights and liberties enshrined in international conventions,
5. The Association supports the use of art as an instrument in the pursuit of its mission, and strives to protect cultural heritage,
6. The Association adopts a participatory and pluralistic democracy understanding as a lifestyle,

Main Projects / Activities

• An international film festival against racism, ethnic discrimination and hate crimes
• An international festival for intercultural dialogue
• Campaign for a hate crimes legislation
• Monitoring Centre
• Network against hate crimes and racial discrimination
• Training seminars on hate crimes
• Regional and local media awareness action
• Monitoring of daily newspapers
• International conference on hate crimes and discrimination

Contact (1) Full Name
F. Levent Şensever
Head of the organisation
T. Cengiz Alğan

Centar za kulturu "Trešnjevka"

National Network

Park Stara Trešnjevka 1
10 000 Zagreb

00385 (01) 3027 411
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Trešnjevka Cultural Center is founded by the City of Zagreb municipality; Center employs university degree or equivalent in social or cultural studies. There are 13SOCIO employees currently working in the Center. Within Center there are: - TNT theater; performing play for both youth and grow up public - TREPS (Trešnjevka dance scene); conducting and performing various dance projects - GLAZBENI PODIJ (Amateur music); organizing an important state championship in chir singing and concerts of jazz, classical and traditional music. Glazbeni Podij also aggroups more than one hundred amateur music ensembles - MODULOR GALLERY; specializes in architecture and design exhibitions - GLAS TREŠNJEVKE (Trešnjevka voice); local news magazine - SOCIOCULTURAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT; conducts projects concerning: civil society, new approaches in both cultural production and communication, social and cultural capital, multiculturalism, bioetics, fashion and urban sociology, quarters' identity, new social models, new models in solidarity, new religious movements, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Trešnjevka Cultural Center, Towns sociocultural institution, conducts and promotes various cultural and educational programs, encouraging individual and group creation, lifelong learning and creative involvement during ones spare time in order to enhance life quality. The mision is conducted through seminars, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, film projects and theater, dance or music performances.

Main Projects / Activities

Centers main Projects and Activities: seminars for both professional and amateur artists lectures covering different socio-cultural or artistic fields applied art workshops and exhibitions amateur art performances and exhibitions professional art performances and exhibitions theater performances dance performances concerts dance workshops theater workshops socio-cultural training programs visual art seminars and performances Sociocultural Projects Departments' main activities: -BIOETICS; an attempt to help fill in the gap between theoretical bioetics topics and everyday life. -POLIS; enhances civil society development and political culture -VISUAL CULTURE AND IDENTITY; an interdisciplinary project targeting all aspects of culture that determine meanings imprinted in culture through visual means -MEDIA IN LOCAL COMMUNITY; takes an insight into local media and educates citizens to take an active role in media communication and through that, an active role in local decision making and policy. -RESEARCH PROJECTS; cultural researches, conducted in order to serve as basis for redefinition of position and aims of cultural institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veselko Leutar
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ljiljana Perišić

Regional Environmental Center - Country Office Croatia

National Network

Djordjiceva 8a, HR-10000 Zagreb

+385 1 4810774
+385 1 4810844
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The REC Country Office Croatia (REC Croatia) was founded in 1993, and currently operates with a staff of 5, including social and natural science background (biology, chemistry, education, linguistics, public administration and finance, IT). It is entirely project-funded, with an aproximate annual turnover of 300,000 EUR. Our projects are funded mainly by various EC programs, EU governments funds as well as some US and UN agency funds, through calls for tender, direct funding and partnerships. REC Croatia expertise includes Information Dissemination; Transboundary Cooperation in the Protection of Natural Resources; Capacity Building for Governmental Authorities and Industry; Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making; Strategic Environmental Assessment; NGO Capacity Building, Networking and Grants Management; Waste and water management; Energy efficiency; Sustainable development of local communities. REC CO Croatia actively participates in regional projects that originate from and are set up by the REC Headquarters, and also works by implementing own national projects. The CO implements the national component of regional projects by disseminating information on project status, carrying out background research, arranging meetings, organizing and facilitating trainings and workshops, providing logistical support. Since 1999, the Croatian REC office has been actively involved in the implementation of regional and national projects dealing with institutional strengthening and environmental policy development in light of EU accession (Environmental Assessment; assistance in environmental law drafting; environmental financing; strengthening environmental enforcement capacities), within the Stability Pact for South East Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The REC is an international organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems. It fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision making. The REC was established in 1990 by the United States, the European Commission and Hungary. Today, the REC is legally based on a Charter signed by the governments of 29 countries, including Croatia, and the EC.

Main Projects / Activities

• Neretva Delta Forum for the Sustainable Use of Shared Natural Resources (funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - BiH Cooperation Office)
• Assistance in Priority Environmental Investment Programme Development and Implementation (funded by EC EuropeAid)
• Assistance in Environmental Law Drafting in SEE & Monitoring Transposition and Implementation of the EU Environmental Acquis in Croatia and Turkey (funded by EC CARDS)
• SECTOR - Supporting Environmental Capacity Building Organisations in South-Eastern Europe (funded by SIDA)
• Sustainable island and coastal development in Šibenik-Knin: Awareness raising, capacity building and multi-stakeholder planning for sustainable development and social transformation in Croatia (funded by MATRA programme through Wageningen University and Research Centre)
• From Latvia to Croatia and Macedonia: Capacity building for implementation of EU environmental policy on local and regional level (funded by German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety & German Federal Environmental Protection Agency (through BEF Deutschland; Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, Croatia)
• From Estonia till Croatia: Intelligent Energy Saving Measures for Municipal housing in Central and Eastern European Countries - INTENSE (funded by EC- Intelligent Energy Europe - IEE)
• Promoting Financing Mechanisms for Eco-Innovation in South East Europe
• Support to the Establishment of Regional Waste Management Centers in North-West Croatia and Eastern Slavonia
• Country Survey on Environmental Integration Tools in Croatia (funded by International Institute for Environment and Development
• Enhancing Access to information and Public Participation in Decision Making on Water and Environment, Danube Regional Project
• Business Planning for Cleaner Production, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects in Croatia
• Water and wastewater training for industry - IPPC Directive implementation in Croatia
• Waste Management in Dalmatian Counties
• Technical Assistance in EC Grant Scheme Management - Croatia
• Approximation of Croatian Water Management Legislation with EU Water Acquis

Contact (1) Full Name
Irena Brnada
Head of the organisation
Irena Brnada