REC Country Office Montenegro

National Network

Ivana Crnojevica 16/II
81000 Podgorica


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
REC is international organization with 17 country offices in central and Easter Europe. In Montenegro the REC officially established the Office in 2004 signing the Agreement with Government of Montenegro.
Mission and Objectives

The REC Country office Montenegro has 4 employees and follow the organization mission: solving environmental problems and supporting accession to EU.We provide neutral platform for all stakeholders, thus connecting all sectors in the aim of reaching sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

- Education for Sustainable development;
- Local biodiversity action plans;
-Green Pack-multimedia education package for environmental education;
-Cleaner fuels in Montenegro;
Local development for municipalities Herceg Novi and Cetinje;
- LEAPs;

Contact (1) Full Name
Srna Sudar Vilotic
Head of the organisation
Srna Sudar Vilotic

Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples - University of Padua (Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca e servizi sui diritti della persona e dei popoli - Università di Padova)

National Network

Via Martiri della Libertà 2, (Post Code: 35137)

0039 049 8271817
Telephone (other)
0039 049 8271813
0039 049 8271816
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The structure of the Centre is composed by the Director, the Scientific-Technical Committee and the Assembly. The number of staff employed varies between 15 and 18 people, including: secretary’s personnel, aggregate professors, visiting professors, researchers, the staff of the peace human rights archives, interns and, annually, four national civil service volunteers. The sources of funding of the Centre include: the scientific and didactic structures of the University of Padua that adhere to the Centre, the Ministry of the University and of Research; the Region of Veneto; the European Union, the Council of Europe and other international organization for specific initiatives and other public and private subjects interested in the development of the activities carried out by the Centre. The average budgetary resource varies between 600,000€ and 900,00€ depending on the number of agreements and projects. The main institutional partners involved in the Centre’s activities are UNESCO, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Region of Veneto. The modalities of action include seminars, conferences and concrete projects, for example, the collaboration with the Joint European Union/Council of Europe Programme entitled “Setting up an active network of independent non-judicial human rights structures” (Peer to Peer project)
Mission and Objectives

The Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples, established in 1982, is the structure of the University of Padua devoted to carry out educational, formational and research activities in the field of human rights.
The Centre is actively working toward these objectives within the framework of a continual interaction with vital realities such as civil society organisations, schools, local and regional authorities, and international institutions.
The Centre is the first infra-structural response of the Italian university system to the Universal declaration of human rights and to the recommendations of important international institutions such as the United Nations, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

The Centre carries out the following activities:
- Academic programmes: 1) Degree Course on Political Sciences, International Relations, Human Rights (three years); 2) Master Degree Course on Institutions and Politics of Human Rights and Peace (two years)
- UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
- Jean Monnet Chair on Globalisation and Inclusiveness in the European Union
- Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Political System
- Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence on Intercultural Dialogue, Human Rights, Multilevel Governance
- European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization, based in Venice, organised together with other 40 European universities.
- Research on relevant topics referring to human rights and peace, human security, human development, international democracy, national institutions for human rights, intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area).
- Peace Human Rights Archive Database.
- Courses for Teachers on active citizenship, human rights, peace, intercultural dialogue, with the support and cooperation of the Ministry of Education and the Region of Veneto
- The Library “Piergiorgio Cancellieri”
- Conferences/Events/Seminars
- Publication (Quarterly “Pace diritti umani/Peace human rights” and (Volumes), Pocket Books, and CDROM).

Contact (1) Full Name
Cinzia Clemente
Head of the organisation
Professor Marco Mascia
Contact (2) Full Name
Pietro de Perini

Baltic Department of the Fondatione Mediterraneo (BDFM), for the History of the Transfer of Technologies, in foundation

National Network

Ülikooli 18, 50090, Tartu – Estonia

+372 511 81 51
+372 737 53 01
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Amb. Thomas Kamerrar

Iracké fórum v České Republice (Iraqi forum in Czech Republic)

National Network
Czech Republic

Loučimská 1051/3, Prague 10, 102 00

+420 223014446
Telephone (other)
+420 602 834 247
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+420 602834247
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Voluntary organization founded in 1992 to gather Iraqis and their families living in the Czech Republic.Member base count more than 280 members,with majority elder members.Membership fee present the only resource that can help to secure our activities.We coordinate with the Czech Arab Organization" to integrate our members directly with the Czech society and to settle cultural and social understanding between the two nations.We look forward to more organizations and Czech institutes to coordinate and to establish partnership.
Mission and Objectives

Main goal of our organization is to integrate Iraqis to European Culture and social tradition and to impact more comity of nations .

Main Projects / Activities

Lecture , seminars , press and Bulletins

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sabih Aladdin
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Rustam Khairulla

Libanonský klub v České republice (Lebanese Club in the Czech Republic)

National Network
Czech Republic

Žitná 45, 101 00 PRAHA 1
Praha 1

+420 272656474
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1) The Club is made of 7 board members: President, Vice-President, Head of External Affairs, Head of Cultural Affairs, Treasurer, & 2 reserve members. The Club has 2 internal auditors. All these work for the Club on pro bono basis. The Club has no paid staff. 2) The budgetary resources stem mainly from annual club membership fees; secondary resources are from entrance or participation fees of the club (they are re-invested into the club) 3) Sources of funding are the registered member’s of the club 4) The club is involved in cultural & social activities bringing the Czech-Lebanese communities closer together. These activities included: sports events (football, ping-pong matches, annual trick-track competition), social events (annual get-together party), cultural events: exhibitions, music events and poetry evenings. 5) The Club prefers to work with Czech based NGOs on events such as the Czech-Arab Association & the Multicultural Centre as well as universities.
Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese Club in the Czech Republic is a Czech NGO catering for the Czech-Lebanese Community. It is involved in cultural and social activities that bring the two communities closer together.

Main Projects / Activities

1)Sports events: annual football, ping-pong, trick-track matches.
3)Cultural events: exhibition, poetry recitals, public lectures and debates.
2)Social events: annual get-together party, musical concerts, poetry recitals and literature events.
All the events are open to members of the Club and the wider public. The Club stresses being involved within the Czech community hence often it joins events related to the above three organized by other like-minded NGOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hassan Ezzeddine
Head of the organisation
Mr. Hassan Ezzeddine
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Wafic Tahtah

Charitable Society for Youth Welfare and Empowerment (Tatweer)

National Network

West Bank – JENIN Jenin chamder bulding -5 floor
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Establishment of the Association: The Charitable Society for Youth Welfare and Empowerment (Tatweer) was established in 2004 and it is registered in the Ministry of Interior under license No. JN-861-C The association came to meet the needs of students and youth at all stages within Jenin Governorate, where the association seeks with all its capabilities to meet the needs of young people in various fields. The association specializes in the youth segment, which is a fragmented segment that suffers from multiple problems within Palestinian society. The association attaches great importance to university students, especially in the post-graduation stage and seeks to develop their capabilities in all fields in order to provide them with sufficient experience to qualify them to enter the labor market. The association also activates the role of youth in all cultural, political, economic and social fields to make them active individuals in society.     The Foundation's Objectives:   - To develop a spirit of volunteerism, initiative, communication and communication among young people through participation in local, regional and international activities that contribute to developing and promoting universal human values Raising the capabilities of youth in terms of rehabilitation, training, providing opportunities, and providing local and international experiences for developing and empowering youth Working to alleviate the psychological, social and economic pressures of young people with special needs and vulnerable groups, and to assist them to integrate them into society and provide them with opportunities to participate. Spreading environmental awareness among young people.            - Promoting the concept of democracy through dialogue, seminars and workshops, and creating a state of cultural and social mobility among youth
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Basma Shraim
Job Title
Board membe shadi
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanan yaseen
Job Title (2)
Program officer

Hotline for Migrant Workers

National Network

75 Nahalat Binyamin, Tel Aviv, 65154
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
We are a Tel Aviv-based human rights organization with one office in Israel employing some 10 people and activating about 150 volunteers on a regular basis. Our yearly budget stands at close to half a million dollars and funding includes UK-based and American foundations, along with occasional support from non-Israeli governmental sources such as the UN, the EU, the US State Department. We also enjoy support from private donors abroad and in Israel. While we provide assistance to undocumented foreign nationals in detention centers nationally, our main aim is social change. As such, we conduct legal work, advocate with government, work with the media and the public and more. Partners include NGOs in Israel such as Kav LaOved, the Association for Civil Rights, Physicians for Human Rights, the Refugee Rights Clinic, NGOs in client source countries, relevant government ministries, international human rights organizations and more.
Mission and Objectives

The Hotline for Migrant Workers (HMW), established in 1998, is a non-partisan, not for profit organization, dedicated to (a) promoting the rights of undocumented migrant workers and refugees and (b) eliminating trafficking in persons in Israel. We aim to build a more just, equitable and democratic society where the human rights of all people are paramount civic and political values. Our objectives are:
 To establish and safeguard the social and legal rights of migrants in Israel.
 To ensure fair and competent legal representation and due process and strengthen the rule of law.
 To improve judicial review in detention centers.
 To enable migrant workers and refugees to advocate for themselves.
 To ensure our target groups, decision-makers and the Israeli public have access to reliable and updated information.
 To promote public policy that prevents exploitation and trafficking.
 To promote public knowledge about and engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

The HMW was founded by a group of citizens disturbed by the exploitation and abuse of migrant workers in Israel. With initial assistance from the NGO Kav La’Oved, the HMW was able to fill a critical deficiency in existing services by assisting foreigners under arrest and slated for deportation. Through trips to detention centers, we came into contact with other groups in need of assistance including survivors of sex and labor trafficking, unaccompanied foreign minors and refugees. In addition to direct service, our work has expanded to include legal advocacy, public policy activities, public education and training of government officials. Hotline organization and staff have many awards: we were honored by the Sderot Conference for Society (2007) and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (2001). In 2009, we received the National Prize for Combating Trafficking in Persons from the Israeli government.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maike Harel
Head of the organisation
Shevy Korzen
Contact (2) Full Name
Shevy Korzen

Cinema Jenin e.V

National Network

Eugenstr. 29
72072 Tuebingen

0049 7071 368163
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
In the light of the principle “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948); Cinema Jenin promotes, at alocal and international level, the values of the aforementioned declaration, and of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. While duly reckoning the importance of traditions and cultural values of each population, for the protection and the harmonic development of human dignity, Reckoning the significance of international cooperation for the improvement of every human being’s living conditions, particularly in the developing countries.
Mission and Objectives

Cinema Jenin is a non-profit organization consisting of filmmakers, cultural advocates and investors dedicated to globally promote cinema culture in such a way that sustainable development and cultural understanding along with free and fair education are encouraged. We are currently engaged in supporting an old cinema located in Jenin, a Palestinian town in Israel's occupied territories.

Main Projects / Activities

The “Cinema Jenin” association is set to: a. To make aware the local community of the reality of social and economical destitutionaffecting the Palestinian Territories, with particular regard to the city of Jenin, its refugeecamp, and the surrounding territories. The association gathers economic resources, means and skills, to be used towards the tonalities of theassociation itself, and that are employed to create and maintain its projects. b. To promote, create and sustain, in collaboration with other associations, initiatives and projects on the provincial territory that are set to the affirmation of the values of peace, tolerance, and cultural integration. c. To relate cultural operators, public institutions, companies and investors, sharing aninterest in “social enterpreunership” in the territory of Jenin and its refugee camp, with the finality of setting up cultural and ludic activities, promoting recreation and development among the local youth. d. To encourage the development of the local economy by enhancing techincal and professional skills. e. To encourage the development of children through the values of sport, focusing on moments of learning and play. f. To sustain cultural activities taking place in the recently rebuilt Cinema Jenin (Azzaytoona Street 1, Mugamma'a Basat Tinin, Jenin), promoting inter-cultural exchange and an humanitarian education. The association is based on core values such as ecology, democracy, equality of opportunities and rights, liberty, and human dignity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcus Vetter
Head of the organisation
Marcus Vetter

Association of protection of nature, rivers and environment “EKO-PRO”

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 33 232 280
Telephone (other)
+387 62 563 941
+387 33 232 280
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+387 62 563 941
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
“EKO-PRO” is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization based in Sarajevo. Organisation was established on 2006 by unuiversity students and high school students who felt the need to introduce a practical example of changes in the low level of public awareness of citizens and needs to protect the nature and environment.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organization EKO-PRO is to "planning, improve situation and development of the environmental sector" through the development and implementation of various programs and projects that contribute to economic, urban and sustainable development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
• Cooperation with the competent authorities and decision makers in order to propose measures for environment protection
• Cooperation with universities, schools, professional associations and other organizations in BiH and abroad that deal with environemntal protection.
• Gathering and engagement of young people for friendship, protection and improvement of environment, nature and health.
• Organization (alone or in cooperation with other organizations) expert consultation meetings, forums and seminars in order to develop the environmental awareness of members and other citizens
• The engagement of scientific and professional workers to work on scientific, technical and research projects in the field of environmental protection and human health
• The collection of scientific and technical literature in the field of environmental protection and health
• Organization of the departure of its members to attend seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. organized by other associations or self-organization for the purpose of their education to work on projects to protect, preserve and improve the environment, nature and health
• Collaborate with health care organizations on actions and projects related to health and the environment
• Work on the conservation of biodiversity (the diversity of plant and animal species) in the region and protect threatened species
• Encourages the work on projects to protect, preserve and improve the environment, nature and health.
• Initiate assessment of local, social, economic and environmental conditions and needs of all members of society from the individual level to the business and other organizations in order to create a sustainable community development (economic and environmental compliance).
• Encourages cooperation with the sports institutions in order to educate athletes about the environment
• Initiate development of eco-tourism in the region in accordance with the law

Main Projects / Activities

In order to reach mentioned goals and objectives, the Association of EKO-PRO implements activities through a number of areas of activity. There are few of them in environmental sector:
- Support to municipalities and local communities, representing them the European standards for urban and sustainable development
- Participation in planning and defining the principles of sustainable urban development and application of the same
- Active participation in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of certain strategic or development documents, lows etc (on different levels)
- Planning, implementation, analysis and publication of certain research and results related to sustainable urban development, etc.
- Participation in the implementation of activities related to the reduction of waste
- Participation in educational seminars related to waste and adverse impacts of waste
- Enhancing/raising public awareness about taking responsibility and caring for the environment through proper waste disposal and recycling, etc.
- Participation in the implementation of activities related to water protection and water resources
- Participation in educational seminars related to water protection
- Organization of public campaigns on the need to protect water
- Organization of public events, meetings, seminars and other forms of educational events (independently or in partnership with other NGOs)
- Creation, publication and distribution of materials and manuals
- Enhancing public awareness on environment protection
- The initiation and implementation of activities related to cross-border cooperation
- Cooperation with local, cantonal, federal and state governments, other organizations and stakeholders in planning and implementing various environmental programs, etc,
- Cooperation with local authorities in creating the development of strategic documents

Contact (1) Full Name
Damir Balukovic

Helsinki multicultural family falcons

National Network

Pukinmäenkaari 3-5F70, 00700 Helsinki

+358 45 3155 003
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+358 45 3155 003
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The association was established with the aim of promoting intercultural dialogue among children of african descent and the Finnish society in the Greater Helsinki Area through education of both youths and parents. Since its inception, we have engaged services of teachers from different cultures to teach children of school age. This was necessary because there was little or no serious commitments by other NGOs to initiate such program in the middle of 1990s. This was due to the fact that there were few immigrants living in Finland as compared to now. Our association impacted much on the children and our dedicated programs have enhanced pre-school children's ability to cope in different schools of their choices. We have been partly sponsored by individual families. I can proudly say that our contribution to the Finnish society in the integration process is yielding fruits. We organise various multicultural events and programs, trips to different cities, organise camps where all the parents and the children of multicultural background interact socially. As examples, we play diffrent cultural games from various countries including Finnish children in order to enhance wareness levels about tolerance.
Mission and Objectives

Creating an environment that is non-discriminating, selfless contribution to society that will enhance multicultural understanding in the new global village.
Provide children of foreign backgrounds with crucial information that will assist in their endeavour to integrate into Finnish society.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Organise twice a year (April and November each year)multicutural camps within Finland where other foreign or ethnic associations are invited to participate,(for example, the Finnish Falcons)asssit in giving free lectures on selected topics. (Next camp due in November 2010)
2. Youth alive program 2010, November/December. This is a weekend program where youths are encouraged to organise and manage mini-seminars that all children can participate and express themselves. In the seminars, children are especially encouraged to teach different culture-related topics from their original countries and a question and answer session is embedded into the program to ensure that they understand the core objective of the program.
ally advised to teach different cultures from their original countries and a question and answer session is embedded into the program ensure that they understand the core objective of the program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stephen Kin