Centar za tehnološki razvoj - Razvojna agencija Brodsko-posavske županije d.o.o.

National Network

Trg pobjede b.b.
Slavonski Brod

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
CTR - Regional Development Agency (owned by Brod-Posavina County) is a meeting point where all regional stakeholders (dealing with socio-economic development) share their experience and generate new projects following partnership approach. There are 9 highly educated employees in the Agency covering different areas of regional development: civil society, economic development, agriculture, tourism and environment.
Mission and Objectives

The general objective is directed towards the increase of sustainable living standard in Brod-Posavina County including partnership approach and cooperation with neighbouring countries.
The mission is accomplished by recognizing civil and socio-economic development conditions, creating new job opportunities, and increasing the overall competitiveness of the County compared with neighbouring countries.

Main Projects / Activities

- management of implementation of Regional Operational Programme for Brod-Posavina County
- project evaluation, project preparation, project implementation
- promotion of partnership approach in regional civil and socio-economic development
- education of business start-ups (women and youth) and business services related to new investments
- support to NGOs and local government units in project preparation and implementation including daily activities
- publishing
- market research

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Brechelmacher

DIM - Association for Civic Education and Social Development

National Network

Amruševa 10

+385 1 4555 447
Telephone (other)
+385 1 457 2849
+385 1 4555 447
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
DIM contributes to development of active and socially responsible citizens through non-formal education, partnership development, public policy research and advocacy in Croatia. DIM - Association for Civic Education and Social Development has 10 years long experience in designing and implementing different educational programs (introducing new educational contents and methodologies in the formal educational institutions and through informal education) as well as in policy research in Croatia.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Democratic society in which citizens actively participate in creating positive social change and common good.
Mission: Contribute to social development and social inclusion by encouraging civic participation, informal education and research and advocacy work.
The values and principles of action:
• Participation of citizens in decision-making processes
• Responsibility for the achieved effect - political and social, and personal responsibility
• Learning society - open to new ideas and innovative methods
• Protection of human rights - individual rights and collective rights
• Tolerance and pluralism
• Respect for the rule of law
• Freedom of action and creativity
• Professionalism in the work
• Teamwork and open communication
Program goals 2009 – 2012:
1. Increase the participation and influence of young people in decision-making and social development.
2. Improve the social inclusion of vulnerable social groups in disadvantaged social status.
3. Encourage non-formal education and social development through research and education work.

Main Projects / Activities

Program "With Education Toward Quality“ (2009./2010.) which is dedicated to increasing the quality of social services organizations of persons with disabilities and organizations that work on behalf of persons with disabilities. With this training program we contribute to the development of organizational capacity by providing technical assistance and individual counseling and improve professional knowledge and skills of leaders and professional staff associations of persons with disabilities.
Program of informal education of youth "Youth in the labor market" (from 2004 and on-going) directed students final year of secondary vocational schools in order to achieve and protect their social and labor rights as well as preparation for the labor market.
Program has recommendation of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and consent to distribute the educational - informational brochure "Employment Record Card for Youth” and other promotional materials in public high schools. Within the Program, action research study "My Rights Through Learning and Work" was published and designed a specialized website for young people in the labor market www.radoholik.info (eng. workaholic).
Partnership project with the Croatian Employment Service (2008) with the aim of improving social skills of vulnerable groups - women older than 45 years of age and young unemployed people to 29 years of age.
Guidebook for policy paper writing: “Writing Effective Public Policy Papers: A Guide to Policy Advisers in Central and Eastern Europe” (Quinn, L., and Young, E., Budapest, 2002), which is translated, adopted and published (electronic version) in Croatian language by DIM in 2008;
Research projects related to youth unemployment and social and workers right in Croatia: My rights through learning and work (2008) and Commitment under stress – Planning a long term career in organizations of civil society (2009.)
Research project Analysis of Impact and Development of Youth Policy in Croatia presents a pilot project of collaboration between DIM and Faculty of Political Science that has in future continue with new service learning activities with interdisciplinary approach. Their work was presented in the publication “Evaluation of Youth Policy in Croatia: the application of public policy analysis by political science students” (2006)
Service-learning is a teaching/learning method that connects meaningful community service with academic learning. In order to encourage the introduction of the service-learning methodology in the Croatian educational system we created the web site www.service-learning.net, published the translation of the “Academic Service-Learning Faculty Development Manual”.
Research project Learn with the community aimed to increase the transparency of the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act in Croatia by applying the service-learning method within Public Policy course on Faculty of Political Science in Croatia. We published the study “Evaluation of the Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act: the application of Practical Use of public policy analysis by political science students (2007)
Research project Good governance models in civil society organizations dealing with democratization and human rights (2007.). Study was published in 2010. Values in action: Governing and activism in civil society for democratization and human rights.
In 2005 we published a research study Youth in local government, conducted on a national level with focus on measuring the level of youth participation in political institutions and processes.
UNDP has engaged DIM as Implementing Agency to perform services in respect of producing the National Human Development Report 2004: Youth in Croatia. Aim of the Report was to define status of youth in Croatian society, different youth issue as well as possible solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martina Stažnik

Poplar Trees Association (Jablani)

National Network

Vladimira Ruždjaka 2a (OŠ Jure Kaštelana)
10000 Zagreb

+385 98 98134 34
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Full name: Poplar Trees – Association for promoting civil society values among children and youth

Mission and Objectives

Promotes European cooperation in the youth field Promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular Fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries Cultural diversity

Main Projects / Activities

Debate and mediation club International projects Youth exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Vesna Starešinić
Head of the organisation
Vesna Starešinić

Centar za mirovne studije

National Network

Selska cesta 112a

+385 1 482 00 94
+385 1 482 00 94
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 33 00 183
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Center for Peace Studies is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that promotes human/minority rights, non-violence and social change through connecting education, research, public policies and activism. The CPS grew from various forms of direct peace-building activities in Western Slovenia (Volunteers’ Project Pakrac, 1993 - 1997) and was founded in 1996 in Pakrac.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the organization are: to develop a culture of dialogue and non-violent living, to encourage a creative exchange of theoretical and practical approaches to peace education, conflict transformation and building social justice through study programmes, trainings and public presentations, to research topics relating to the building of a lasting peace and education for peace, with special reference to the Croatian and regional experience, to develop recommendations for the public policies development, to support networking and exchange of experience in peace building in Croatia and the wider region affected by the 1991 war, to provide information, support and partnership to all emerging local initiatives concerned with peace building, to promote activist approach in local communities, to support education on human rights and for human rights, to stimulate human rights protection practice and public policy human rights development, continued self-education of members and participants in the Centre’s programmes, to advance one’s own understanding of peace activism, to launch new models of education and self-education and to link up with the international network of Centres for peace studies.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the main activities that CPS has implemented in the last two years are projects concerning minority rights (with the goal of contributing to bridging social and ethnic divides which are: consequences of war and post war period in Croatia and the entire Western Balkan region), education(program Peace Studies has been implemented for the last 12 years as an one-year educational program for adult, program Mlada Miramida – peace education of youth,Human Rights Schools for high school students, the project of education of Croatian lawyers for human rights), discrimination through giving support to the implementation of the Anti-discrimination Act, Human Security and human rights, and national campaign started in 2005 for affirmation and protection of the asylum right “Croatia – heaven(d) on earth”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julija Kranjec
Head of the organisation
Sara Lalić

DAZ - Drustvo arhitekata Zagreba (Zagreb Architects Society)

National Network

Trg bana J. Jelacica 3/1

10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Zagreb Architects Society is non profit organisation, society of architects with more than 1000 members. DAZ has five employers, and budget of 180.000,00 Euros, from different sources, mostly for City of Zagreb, and architectural competitions.
Mission and Objectives

DAZ is professional organization that works to develop and promote Croatian architecture and urbanism, culture, space and environmental health, in accordance with ethics and usages of architectural call. Interest of DAZ is development of cooperation with related national and international organizations and participation in projects including environmental and heritage care.

Main Projects / Activities

professional educational programs in the field of architecture and urbanism as lectures and seminars, organizing congresses, symposia, conferences, scientific and other meetings, exhibitions...

Contact (1) Full Name
Vesna Vrga Perovic
Head of the organisation
Damir Ljutic
Contact (2) Full Name
Davorka Peric

Vizura aperta

National Network

Mohoroviciceva 16
10000 Zagreb

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Vizura aperta is NGO, with different cultural associations and institutions as partners. Annual Budget is 10.000 Euros. Main sources of fund include: Ministry of culture Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Region of Istria.
Mission and Objectives

Vizura aperta is main project of NGO, it is international multidisiplinary art festival where artists are invited to explore ways of relating their practice formally to the social and cultural context of the environment – the problems of insularity and communication, marginalisation and centralisation, issues of compromise, flexibiltiy and openeness within social structures.
The question of open boundaries in different media is translated to that of cultural difference and co-habitation (through the use of different materials, disciplines and forms, and interactions with the physical and social environment, the architecture, the city squares, the surrounding countryside).difference and co habitation (through the use of different materials, disciplines and forms, and interactions with the physical and social environment, the architecture, the city squares , the surrounding countryside).

Main Projects / Activities

Festival VISURA APERTA is a project involving young international artists. IT is FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART situated in Momian, on the border of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. THE IDEA of the festival is to develop interactions between multifarious art practices and the cultural and social reality specific to the area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davorka Vucic Sneperger

ART RADIONICA LAZARETI (Art Workshop Lazareti)

National Network

Frana Supila 8
Dubrovnik 20000

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Art Workshop Lazareti of Dubrovnik, an independent art organisation, in 1988 started organising exhibitions, performances, lectures and other art events in the public, civic spaces of Dubrovnik. Throughout the more than 20 years of its existence, the position of ARL/AWL has changed, but what has remained the same is the problem-seeking and investigative approach to contemporary art and society, their interaction, interdependence, interrelations and the discourses with which they speak to each other. Today AWL runs an Independent Cultural and Social Center in the premises of Lazareti, Dubrovnik. Through its art programmes, the Antitoxin Programme (workshops,lectures, extra-institutional education, film programmes, panel discussions and public actions, as well as publishing) and the Quarantine project, AWL has brought contemporary art into the life of Dubrovnik, independent art production and culture, as well as critical and theoretical discourses about art, culture, civil society and politics, and opened up a public space for active engagement with the problems of the local community. The annual programmes of Lazaretto Art Workshop comprise the programme of contemporary visual arts in Island Gallery; the programme of contemporary and independent theatre and dance projects and performances – Quarantine Stage; music programmes, film and video programmes; Summer Cultural Fever; Antitoxin – workshops, panel discussions, round tables, lectures, committed programmes, film and video projects and publishing) and the Quarantine Project (for the reconstruction and revitalisation of the whole complex of the former port quarantine area, called Lazaret / Lazaretto, creating new culture, education and art-related contents). AWL has 2 persons fully employed in 2010; it's annual budgets in last 3 years vary from 100.000 EUR to 60.000 EUR in 2009. Sources of funding: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia; City of Dubrovnik; National Foundation for Civil Society Development; Erste Foundation, Dubrovnik-neretva County
Mission and Objectives

MISSION: Improvement of the quality of cultural, artistic and social life in Dubrovnik through development, improvement and stimulation of high quality arts, cultural, educational and social projects and programs, as well as through active contribution to the development of civil society in Dubrovnik and Croatia.
main goals and objectives:
- to promote, stimulate and present productions of contemporary arts
- to promote, stimulate development and improve values of civil society
- to affirm and promote young contemporary artists from Dubrovnik and Croatia
- to develop research based artistic and cultural projects
- to communicate interdependence of contemporary arts with contemporary societies
- to stimulate local development through arts and culture
- to create open space for production, research and communication at AWL centre
- to actively include young people into the processes of artistic production
- to create critical attitude towards arts as well as to society
- to decrease negative trends and effects on public life of Dubrovnik
- to open the space and processes of education through active, immediate and extra-institutional learning and work

Main Projects / Activities

The annual programmes of Lazaretto Art Workshop comprise the programme of contemporary visual arts in Island Gallery; the programme of contemporary and independent theatre and dance projects and performances – Quarantine Stage; music programmes, film and video programmes; Summer Cultural Fever; Antitoxin – workshops, panel discussions, round tables, lectures, committed programmes, film and video projects and publishing) and the Quarantine Project (for the reconstruction and revitalisation of the whole complex of the former port quarantine area, called Lazaret / Lazaretto, creating new culture, education and art-related contents).

Contact (1) Full Name
Srdjana Cvijetic
Head of the organisation
Slaven Tolj
Contact (2) Full Name
Slaven Tolj

Metar 60

National Network

Bauerova 6, 10 000 Zagreb
Krmica III/6. Domaslovec, 10430 Samobor


+385 1 3380 807
+385 1 3380 807
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 522 1131
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Meter60 association was founded on 20 September 2006, as a non-profit organization. It's founders are postgraduates, seniors and masters of the Academy of Dramatic Arts and Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. The organization has 40 active members: several graduate and qualified producers and culture managers, directors, musicians, writers, screenwriters and other artists, members of numerous professional associations, HZSU, HUOKU, HDDU, HRUP, HDFD. Our number is in constant growth. The association brings together young and highly educated people who wish their expertise and talent to be expressed through audio-visual, dramatic, visual arts and performing arts.Over the past three years, Metar 60 has made a successful cooperation with many other non profit organizations, associations, art organizations, production houses, theaters and many others. To mention some of them: Austrian Cultural Forum, Theatre & TD, CKT, Theatre Factory Theatre, ALK Lutonjica Toporko, the Zagreb Chamber Orchestra, Center for Culture and Information Maksimir, City of Novalja, Zagreb, Samobor, associations Istrian Yearbook and open media group, Kufer, HTV and Nova TV, Studio, Croatian Post, ADU, the Jewish Community and many others.One person is permanently employed, and other partners we employ accordingly to the projects we manage. From 2009. till 2012. year we are dependent on the number of donors in order to achieve sustainability. 1) within the Croatia - State Budget – grants from government ministries and agencies, - City Budget - with an emphasis on getting the space from the City of Zagreb - Sponzors - INA, Croatian Post, Croatian Bank, small sponzors, 2) international donors - EU funds - IPA, EACEA (Culture, Media, Youth Participation), EURIMAGES - Embassy (Embassy of the Netherlands, the Norwegian Embassy, Embassy of Finland, the Austrian Cultural Forum) - The international foundations We are constantly training through different seminars, workshops: to mention some of them Berlinale Talent Campus, City University London, Department of Cultural Policy and Management,School of Arts (our president Anamaria Kapulica is there on a scholarship through 2010/2011. ).. Projects implemented by NGOs, and who are prepared not only measurable by its cultural and artistic value but also the social context and the problems that are processed in this context. These are all international projects, suitable for co-productions. They cover the whole range of social and other problems of our society like: all types of violence, PTSP, corruption, addiction, discrimination and human wrights and many other contemporary issues of civil society, especially in Croatian society, with the aim of preventing them. The variety and quality of projects is not limited to the issues of today's civil society and social surroundings, but on deeper reflection on life, of course, in the context of our circumstances and developments, and recent history.
Mission and Objectives

Supporting artist's and artistic activity through "project management" which is often the only obstacle for the realization of creative ideas into projects..
Create fully equipped projects through the development and elaboration of artistic ideas, scenarios and ideas of other artists, and thus contribute to their financing and realization.
Provide legal framework and production service for the realization of art and cultural projects, and actively participate in their implementation. Our goal is to promote art and culture through teamwork.

Main Projects / Activities

Our art and cultural programs are aiming to develop cultural and artistic projects that places Croatian culture in an international context, who are innovative and documented in a way that they can apply the and get grants from EU funds and other foreign foundations.During the last 3 years, Metar 60 finished several projects and started new projects which are under construction, and whose funding is partially provided. We also acquired rights to several cultural and art projects in the field of visual art, music art, drama and audio-visual arts, and provided an option for the filming and production of a number of literary templates from Croatian authors.
Projects finished or in postproduction
Theatre play "Imitators of votes" (A. Tomić and J. Kovacic ..)
Web portal: "www.drame.hr" - an active project (Lana Saric, Ivor Martinic, Maja Sviben ..)
Short film "Pink Express" (John Livaković, Daniel Ruljančić ..)
Short film "reflection" - in post-production (Martin Zenica, Viktor Gloc)
Documentary film "Martićeva 14 df" (Milivoj Puhlovski)
Medium-Metric feature film "One Winter's Night" (Sara Hribar)
In preparation:Feature film "She" (Roman Rozic)
Music-original project "Cello Variations, Neven Šverko" (Neven Šverko)
Feature film "Three Stories about violence" (Iva Semenčić)
Artistic performances, "The Show Must Go On!" (Krešimir-Tadija Kapulica)
Photo exhibition "Nude" (Ana Vrdoljak)
Short film "from Zagreb with love" (Jasna Nanut)
Short film "Silence" (Nikolina Baric)
Short film "Love and crocodiles" (screenplay Ana Djokic)
Adaptations of literary works
Ana Djokic "recipe for happiness";
Marina Sur Puhlovski "Love";
Hrvoje Kovacevic "My Study" and "Secret of the dog") feature films,
"Can drink a little water" (writer Zoran Pongrašić - scenario was based on the motifs of the novel "Baba," the same name author
Feature film "Gumi gumi"; (writer Zoran Pongrašić)
Feature film "Academical" director Milivoj Puhlovski
Feature film "Peter Iljadica" director Milivoj Puhlovski
Animated feature film "Supersvizac," director Mark Dješka
Web portal drame.hr was conceived through an initiative of students and graduates of Dramaturgy department at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, Croatia (ADU). Through our practical work, we became aware of the need for a presentation platform for plays by Croatian authors. In order to stimulate their staging, reading and any other further use, it is important to enhance their public visibility. On this portal you can find plays that have not been published or staged yet, as well as plays that had already been publicly presented. You can also read traslantions into foreign languages, where available, and find out something about the plays’ authors.
Drame.hr portal automatically publishes plays by former or current students of recognized drama schools in Croatia or abroad, plays that won awards at recognized national or private contests, plays that were presented as staged readings at “Mala noćna čitanja” organized by dramatist collective, as well as other plays that passed the editors’ selection.
Pink express deals with homosexuality and all the problems,complexities and discrimination that surround gay people ,in this case in a predominately religious ,south-east european country ,Croatia, but in a modern cinematic way,using an atypical film language , thus giving the substance a new look.
Imitators of voices is inspired by short prose sketches of T. Bernhard. It is a true post-war story recorded in our area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirta Puhlovski
Head of the organisation
Mirta Puhlovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Anamaria Kapulica

Croatian cultural association Napredak-Zagreb

National Network

Bogovićeva 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

00385 1 481 1361
00385 1 481 1361
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00385 98 324 673
Mobile Phone (other)
00385 91 5792 880
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Croatian cultural association Napredak-Zagreb has one employee and members of board and working teams are volunteers or hired for specific project. Sources of funding are based on project accomplishments, membership fees and donations approximately 35 000 Euros on yearly basis. From 1990. Napredak gave out around 2500 students' and pupils' scholarships (2009 datas) and continues to give, organized around 5000 different manifestations like book promotions, concerts, seminars, discussions on actual social questions. Napredak has a wide network of supporters in other organisations with similar goals, and local community.
Mission and Objectives

Croatian cultural association Napredak-Zagreb has a mission to built shared cultures society trough cherishing its' own culture. Our main goal is to stay in peoples' service especially the youth. Continue being an intersection of cultural and intellectual life of Croats and other people in the Region is also very important aspect of our work. We want to help building better environment wherever we are.

Main Projects / Activities

Croatian cultural association Napredak-Zagreb has a wide range of projects in different fields of social life. Scholarship fund "Ivo Andrić-Vladimir Prelog" provides students' and pupils' scholarships on regional level including students from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegowina since 1990.
Since 2008 there is an International festival of old music "Vrhbosna" gathering artists from entire Europe in old towns of Bosnia and Herzegowina in corporation with association "Sveta glazba".
In 2009 started a project "Experiences in struggling against anti-Semitism defending Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war 1991-1999". Project "Croatian compositors" started in 2005 and gathers young Croatian artists, and promotes their work issuing CD on a yearly basis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Tomislav Dubravac
Head of the organisation
Dr. Miran Martinac
Contact (2) Full Name
Mario Milošević

Nezisková organizácia NEO

National Network
Slovak Republic

Blagoevova 9
851 04 Bratislava

+421 (0)944 369 453
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners - board of trustees (3), director, external collaborators (12) Budgetary resources available in a year - 170 000 eur Sources of funding - Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic, Central European Foundation, Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (Slovakaid), SPP foundation Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) - Children charity event "Europe, we are your children" - Slovak developement aid for Serbia "Cooperation without boarders" - Charity football match "NHL stars for kids" - European festival of humour and satire "Kremnica´s gags" Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities - Minstry of Culture of Slovak Republic - Delegtion of European Commision in Slovakia - Custom Administration of Republic of Serbia - Custom Administration of Slovak Republic - Art Agency GaG - Kremnica town municipality - Institute of Polish Culture - Cultural Institute of Hungary - Czech Cultural Centre - Centre of Bulgarian Culture - Open Society Foundation - Slovak media and press agencies - Bratislava - Belehrad Fund

Mission and Objectives

Generally benefcial services: - Production, developement, preservation and presentation of cultural and intelectual values - Creation of cultural, media and communication projects - Projects implemented in order to support the construction of civil society - Artistic and cultural projects - Participation of Slovakia in international projects - Cultural exchange projects - Projects of Slovak developement aid - Networking of cultural operators - Publishing - Annual humour and satire awards - Media campaigns - Social programs

Main Projects / Activities

Cooperation without boarders The project anticipates a creation of conditions for a transef of know-how for the purpose of building an internal control and inspection system in the customs administration of Serbia. The objectives of the project rely on creation of Serbian´s trainer´s network. The projects intentions will carry-out the proposal of internal service regulations for the performance of controlling and inspectory activities in practise reflecting the performance of customs administration as a complex unit. The project sets the pressure accelerating the process of accession of Serbia to norms and regulations of EU. European Festival of Humour and Satire Project is an international event presenting cultured humour, free satire and lively practical jokes' fun with long-lasting tradition (*1981). It is held annually in the centre of Europe, in Kremnica town. For about 300 successful authors, musicians, puppeteers, artists, mimes, clowns, reciters and street artists from European countries perform their best productions. The newest humoristic productions and performances from last season are evaluated by international jury which awards prize Golden gander in particular genres.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. Tomáš Kelley
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Pavol Kelley