National Network

Ul Opalchenska 6a
Veliko Tarnovo

00359 62650931
Mobile Phone
00359 885342364
Mobile Phone (other)
00359 886313017
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
This is a newly-formed foundation, and all members work on a voluntary basis at present. The committee consists of 5 British people (4 live in Bulgaria and one in the UK); between us we have a wide range of skills and knowledge gained in the areas of social care, education and management. Our projects are supported by a large number of volunteers as and when necessary. To date our projects have been small (providing text books for a school, organising Christmas parties for children's homes, etc) and have been funded by private donations and various fund-raising projects which we have organised. As our organisation has grown so has our ambition - we are now interested in partaking in larger projects and will be looking to obtain funding for these from a wider range of sources. Our partners are Izberi Lunata and Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development. We have also forged links with a number of institutions in the Veliko Tarnovo area - Kolio Ficheto school, Balvan Children's Home and The Day Centre for Children with Disabilities to name but a few.
Mission and Objectives

Our main aim is to actively promote and protect the rights of vulnerable people in Bulgaria, regardless of age, sex or religion. On a day-to-day basis we try to meet the basic needs of as many disadvantaged people as possible. On a longer term basis we are hoping to provide sheltered accommodation for young adults leaving the care of the authorities, at the same time time providing them with life skills and training which will enable them to become socially and economically independent

Main Projects / Activities

To date our activities have consisted of providing basic necessities and equipment for various groups of individuals in the Veliko Tarnovo area, and of enhancing the quality of life in several children's homes by financing and organising Christmas parties and presents.
Our next, small scale project will be to organise and finance a camping experience for some of the older youngsters in the care of the municipality.
Our long term project is to acquire and adapt premises so that they are suitable for accommodating youngsters leaving the care of the authorities, and also provide facilities which will enable lifeskills and training to be taught, thus giving the young people the means to become socially and financially independent

Contact (1) Full Name
Christine Fox
Head of the organisation
Christine Fox
Contact (2) Full Name
Christina Anne Campbell

Individual member: Eetta Prince-Gibson

National Network

1 Nachshon St.

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
I am personally involved in media efforts as well as a number of dialog and task groups between Israelis and Palestinians, from both within Israel and from the West Bank. I am a senior journalist and editor and speak frequently on issues related to the conflict in the Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

I wish to promote efforts to encourage "peace journalism" and to investigate, together with Palestinians and others from the Mediterranean, how we as journalists can contribute to peace in our region. I have participated in a number of such activities and would particularly like to start a "Peace Journalism" forum here in the region.

Main Projects / Activities

I would like to establish the institute that I described above and participate in activities sponsored by your foundation that would help journalists in the region learn from the experiences of other journalists and other regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eetta Prince-Gibson
Head of the organisation
Eetta Prince-Gibson

Municipality of Belogradchik

National Network

6 Kniaz Boris I str., P.O. box 3900, Belogradchik

+359 936 53161
Telephone (other)
+359 936 53161
+359 936 53248
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Municipality of Belogradchik is a governmental structure around 86 people are employed in the municipality departments. The budgetary sources come from the state budget and incomes from local taxes. The town of Belogradchik gained its popularity with the natural heritage of the region.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of the Municipality are: Strategic planning and development of the municipality; development of the tourism as a main economic sector.

Main Projects / Activities

Due to its natural phenomenon,The rocks of Belogradchik, the Municipality is included in the contest "The New 7 Wonders of Nature".

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Miroslav Vatev
Head of the organisation
Mr. Emil Tzankov
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Aleksandar Aleksiev

Association on Refugees and Migrants

National Network

6 "Ljulin Planina" 6, Sofia 1606, Bulgaria

+ 359 2 952 01 63
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 896 390 572
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure: Board, President, Staff: two part-time employed persons: Executive Director & Accountant; Relevant partners & volunteers, depending on the project 2. Budget: 2009: 12,000 GBP; 2010: 3,500 GBP 3. Sources & Funding: Donor Organizations, Foundations, International Organizations 4 Modalities of action: concrete research projects, exchanges, seminars, national & international conferences 5. BHC; UNHCR; Open Society; ECRE; Bet Debora Network; ISSRPL; Pancho Vladigerov Museum & Foundation; Organization of Bulgarian Jews 'Shalom'; IPhR-BAS;

Mission and Objectives

The Association on Refugees and Migrants–Bulgaria (ARM-BG), is a registered Charity, partnering over the years many organizations, and was established in the year of 2000 as a social innovation and inter-cultural forum, research institute and legal instrument for exploring, communicating and protecting the rights and life space of Bulgarian and EU old (ethnic minorities)and new minorities (refugees & migrants).

Main Projects / Activities

ARM-BG activities: 1. Advocacy & Legal Protection: 2000 & 2002 Open Society and UNHCR sponsored Projects for pro-bono legal protection of refugees & migrants; 2002: Participation in drafting the Asylum & Migration Law of Bulgaria; 2. Publications: 2000- 2002 monthly magazine: “The Refugees Today & Tomorrow”; Articles: "Anpassung an die Asyl-und Einwanderungspolitic der EU", Asyl in Osteuropa: Vor der Festung Europa (Gegen Ost-West Informationen N: 4/2000,Vienna, Dez.2000; “The Adaptation of Bulgaria to the EU Asylum and Immigration Policies”, published in “Asylum in the Countries of the Shengen Periphery, Ljubljana, 2001”; “Challenges and Implications of European ‘Replacement Migration’ Policy”, Berlin, 2007, Irmgard Coninx Stiftung; Book: “The Asylum Door and Migration Window-Subsidiary forms of Protection", Sofia 2002, ISBN: 954 9738-08-6; 3. Conferences: Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2000: “National Round Table on Migration”; Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2000: Organizer of ECRE/ICVA International Conference on “Refugee Issues in South-Eastern Europe; 2009 International Conference on: "Migration, Communication & Home; Jewish Tradition, Change and Gender in a Global Context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Tania Reytan-Marincheshka
Head of the organisation
Tania Reytan-Marincheshka
Contact (2) Full Name
Magie Nazer

Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development (BASD)

National Network

p.b.138, 1680 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development (BASD) is an international non-governmental organization for the promotion of knowledge-based economy, sustainable development, civil society and social inclusion throughout the world. Its’ headquarter is located in Sofia, Bulgaria. BASD is a part of a wide network of non-for-profit and research organizations, regional agencies, governmental and other institutions in all Balkan and European countries, and in Central Asia and Middle East. At present, BASD has eight permanent collaborators (social scientists, economists, engineers). A network of external experts and selected partners is being involved in concrete projects. • Budgetary resources available in a year – BASD is newly established (in June 2009) • Sources of funding – Donations or grants. • Modalities of action - BASD specializes in complex implementation of and consulting on project cycle management focused on raising subsidies from European Union and other development funds. • Main partners – RDA Senec-Pezinok, Slovakia, Public Health Association, Bulgaria, Union of Macedonian women – Macedonia; Union of women entrepreneurs – Albania;Union of Bulgarian Journalists; International Academy of Architecture;

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: • Assisting local communities, governmental institutions and international organizations implement programs that directly support sustainable development initiative, especially in the field of education • Strengthening capacity for sustainable economic and social development • Providing economic opportunity and life long learning • Make business more socially aware and responsive to the needs of society in the international arena • Creating opportunities for exposure and interaction between people of different cultures and nations • Scalability, through partner organizations and networks • Influencing policy decisions at all levels • Addressing discrimination in all its forms • Encouraging a high level of cooperative reflection on the integration of ecological principles and traditional values in the economic planning and legal framework of developing economies. Values: • Activating Commitment • Demonstrating Integrity • Living Diversity • Enjoying Participation • Striving for Excellence

Main Projects / Activities

BASD is operating in the following scope of interventions: • Socio-economic development, coherence to EU and national policies of to achieve the objectives of the Lisbon agenda - a knowledge-based economy, sustainable development; • Applying, implementation and management of programs and funds financed by the European Union or other sources, including Technical assistance; • Consulting SMEs, Women's Entrepreneurship; • Energy efficiency and energy renewable sources; • Architecture; • Activities related to development of the labor market; • Activities related to development and preservation of human resources and policies in this area, demographic trends protecting human rights; • Education and lifelong learning, development of education and training; • Arts and Culture; • Social inclusion, social economy, social and health services; • Regional development, cross-border, transnational, interregional cooperation; • Tourism, Rural Development; • Fisheries and Aquaculture

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lalkovska
Head of the organisation
Anna Lalkovska
Contact (2) Full Name
Neli Lalkovska

European Initiatives for Cooperation

National Network

1 B Voinisha street, Razlog

+359 898451838
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Association is governed by Board of Directors (3 people) and the members are volunteers. It is funded by sponsors and mainly takes part in common local and international initiatives, organized and held by partner NGOs or authorities. The activities of European Initiatives for Cooperation are: seminars, training courses, meetings,youth consulting, active partnership and cooperation with other organizations on national and international level in common activities.
Mission and Objectives

Development and establishment of active participation in the civil society as well as promoting cultural dialogue between the ethnic, religious and social groups in the region. Building a working network with social potential in the region in purpose of contributing the development of the civil society and common cultural initiatives on national and international level; Protection of the environment in the region.

Main Projects / Activities

European Initiatives for Cooperation apply for funding from national and European institution but still has not an approved project. However, it is actively involved in local initiatives. Various youth and educational activities are organized and held by the association. It cooperates with local NGOs and authorities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Radoslava Ivanova
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Radoslava Ivanova
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Kadeva

Sport Orienteering Club "Pirin" - Razlog

National Network

58 "Saint Saint Cyril and Metodius" street

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
7 members and 10 volunteers work in the Sport Orienteering Club. It is funded by the Municipality of Razlog and it applies for funding within national and European youth and sport programs. The members and volunteers take part in local and international youth sport initiatives and contests as partners of the local authorities and NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Training young people and potential trainers in sport orienteering; participation in sport activities in Bulgaria and other European countries.

Main Projects / Activities

The Sport Orienteering Club organizes contests, youth sport initiatives and trainings with the cooperation of it's local and international partners. It has implemented the project "It's Such a Fun to be Together" within Action 1.1 of Youth in Action Program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgi Kiselov

Profi LTD

National Network

12 Parva str., Banya 2778, Bulgaria

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The company has 3 main associates. The main sources of funding of the company are related to the organisation of different educational courses for professional qualification and prequalification.
Mission and Objectives

Organizing educational and training courses in the field of professional qualification and prequalification.

Main Projects / Activities

organisation of language courses and courses for qualification and prequalification; translation and legalization of documents; consulting in the field of identifying job opportunities in and outside the country; trade;

Contact (1) Full Name
Nezabravka Korunova
Head of the organisation
Nezabravka Korunova
Contact (2) Full Name
Ivaylo Mitov

We the Women Movement

National Network

4 "Krali Marko" Str.

+359 73 88 50 49
+359 73 83 16 32
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information

"We the Women" Movement does not have permanent staff, but works with over 300 volunteers along with its 22 founding members. The organization has over 16 000 EUR annual funds from projects, donations and economic activity. "We the Women" Movement concentrates on charitable events and small projects, as well as assistance to actions initiated by other NGO and International Initiatives for Cooperation in particular.

Mission and Objectives

Protection of democracy and humanism, protection of the rights of children, women and families. It supports and promotes the realization of women in the economic and social life, strives to teach and affirm Bulgarian heritage and traditions, assists the social adaptation of women in post-pension age, actively promotes protection of environment and organizes public events for strengthening traditional values.

Main Projects / Activities

"We the Women" Movement organizes a number of charitable events, such as assistance for a "Protected Housing" for mentally disadvantaged young people, a charitable event for restoration of a church, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Zdravka Chimeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Zdravka Chimeva
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Bogdana Tampurtsova

Werkstatt der Kulturen

National Network

Wissmannstr. 32

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Project of a "gemeinnütziger Verein", number of staff: 15, basic funding through the Senate of Berlin, project resources to be generated elsewhere. Running several weekly series of events, large yearly events, cooperations with partners, in own house (hall for 300, club for 100, seminar rooms for 20-50 people; restaurant with garden attached) and elsewhere.
Mission and Objectives

To produce and present transcultural art - in music, dance, movies, literature; to encourage interreligious dialogue and political discussions on integration/migration; to help in empowerment of minority groups, to work against racism.

Main Projects / Activities

„Black History Month“, annual 4-week festival of black culture and history in February; "creole global - Global Music Contest“, annual world music competition; „Arab Song Jam“, monthly series of workshops and concerts of Arab traditional and popular music; „Gnaoua Festival“, annual festival of Moroccan religious trance music; „WorldWide Music“, weekly series of World-Fusion concerts; weekly series of jazz concerts featuring the house’s own „Little Big Band“ and other ensembles; „Beyond Spring“, monthly series of movies from the Arab world; etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paul Räther
Head of the organisation
Philippa Ebéné
Contact (2) Full Name
Nasi Nikpay