Abnna' Albalad Society

National Network
+972 9 2395077
+972 9 2395077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+970 599 594960
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We have 9 members also many of volunteers, we get fund from other social projects, from rich people, annual paying of members, we look for more projects, funds, exchanges, participating in seminars, workshops...
Mission and Objectives

We are Abna'a Albalad youth association in Nablus working to develop the voluntary work to serve this community in various services through youth, to enhance justice, equality and the respect of human being dignity.
1.Enhancing voluntary work.
2.Developing youth capacity.
3.Community Development.
4.Participating in activating civil society organizations.
5.Enhancing justice, equality, and the respect of the human being dignity.
6.Revive and maintain the Palestinian legacy.
7.Helping the poor and needy families through the various development projects in addition to their annual guarantees in addition to orphans, Also provide free loaf , food packages, provide milk for children in need, and other activities in this field.
8.Environment Campaigners.

Main Projects / Activities

Training Course in Project Cycle Management,Let's Work With Our Neighbors,Slovenia, Value the Difference MIGRATION, Italy, Meaning of Being Volunteer, Media and Child Rights" Toward Media Policy Respects Child Rights",European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights,Pioneered in Voluntary Work & Disables Advocacy in Palestinian Society...

Contact (1) Full Name
Nizar Said
Head of the organisation
Raed Toqan

Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

+972 2 241 3001
+972 2 241 3002
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

RCHRS is composed of a Board of Directors, a General Assembly, a group of volunteers and its team of paid staff, currently counting five full-time and four part-time employees. Our funding comes from private and public international sources, such as European country representations in Palestine as well as international private grantmaking foundations. Our Center conducts theoretical and applied research, educational programs and workshops and undertakes advocacy work to pursue its objectives.

Mission and Objectives

RCHRS is an independent, secular non-profit organization that advocates for, raises awareness about and documents on themes of human rights, tolerance and democracy in the occupied Palestinian territories and in the MENA region. Its aim is to engender a culture of human rights and tolerance by supporting inter-faith, inter-cultural and non-violent dialogue. The RHRS' agenda revolves around four main themes: 1.) Human rights and Tolerance 2.) Civil Liberties 3.) Educational Rights and Academic Freedom 4.) Democratization and Good Governance. Through a wide network of associated individuals and organizations, RCHRS reaches isolated and marginalized areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Within the Tolerance and Human Rights program, we want to anchor the respect and appreciation of cultural, religious and ethnic diversity in Palestinian society, namely by encouraging a reformatory religious ideology respectful of human rights and pluralism as well as by expanding the concept of secularism. Through the Educational Rights and Academic Freedoms program, we seek to counter the non-democratic trends in educational institutions and to increase the respect of educational and cultural rights in Palestine. We also aim at introducing the values of human rights, tolerance and democracy into student culture as well as to increase the participation of students in political processes. By means of the Civil Liberties program, we want to counter censorship so as to safeguard freedom of expression, encourage media pluralism and increase free access to information which we consider indispensable components of a healthy democracy. The Democratization and Good Governance program's goal is to revitalize the discourse on good governance and accountability of the Palestinian government and other political actors and bring about the secularization of the Palestinian political system By achieving more transparent political institutions, we aspire to foster national dialogue and reconciliation so as to achieve social and political peace in Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Iyad Barghouti
Head of the organisation
Dr. Iyad Barghouti

Diversity Development Group

National Network

Lukiškių g. 5, LT-01108 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
NGO ‘Diversity Development Group’ (DDG), founded in 2012, is a non-profit organisation with an objective to carry out scientific, applied and infrastructural projects in the fields of human rights, education, equal opportunities, diversity, migration and integration. The main aim of organisation is to improve and manage diversity towards a sustainable, tolerant and socially responsible society. DDG activities include the following areas: Monitoring of contemporary processes of migration and integration of migrants in order to accumulate, develop and disseminate the theoretical and empirical knowledge about contemporary migration processes in Lithuania; The development of equal opportunities for migrants and other vulnerable groups: monitoring of living and working conditions, human rights and social inclusion, social mobility and networks; Promotion and consolidation of fundamental rights and freedoms: equal rights for migrants and other vulnerable groups in areas of employment, housing, health care, social services and education; policy analysis and recommendations; Preventative actions against xenophobia, racism and intolerance; Fighting against human trafficking.
Mission and Objectives

Inform and educate the society about the various minority groups: dissemination of research results, seminars, conferences, trainings, social actions. Active participation in shaping public attitudes;
Actively participate in the development and implementation of social policies to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups in the society (including prevention of discrimination, promoting tolerance, improving equality and human rights);
While aiming for a harmonious, tolerant and fully integrated society, to create and develop mechanisms for intersectional cooperation: to include governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, academia, independent experts and business sector in shaping social policies, political debates and discourse;
Raise awareness about human trafficking in contemporary societies.
Diversity Development group has implemented or is still in progress more than 20 different projects, trainings and researches in the field, carried out in partnership with more than 70 entities from almost 30 different countries. More information on the projects  can be found on the website http://www.diversitygroup.lt/en/#s-projects.

Main Projects / Activities

DDG team is actively involved in researches and project-based activities on national and international levels. It has been working in the field of migration and human rights for more than five years. Its experience covers qualitative and quantitative research, evaluation of migrant integration indicators and monitoring tools of migration policies. Experts of DDG contributed to the conceptualisation of migrant integration policy model in Lithuania and Lithuanian Migration policy guidelines. For the moment the team consists of  9 members - director, 2 experts, 3 projects managers/researchers, 1 training organizer, 2 research assistants. ALF National Network team will be supported with all possible intellectual support and expertise as well as  necessary facilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Rolanda Sliaziene
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karolis Žibas

Green Prophet

National Network

Karin Kloosterman
PO Box 3602
Tel Aviv


Same as above
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Green Prophet is a grassrooots media organization employing Jewish, Muslim and Christian writers who report from and on the environment in the Middle East, with a cultural perspective that differs from a western one. Our resources are limited - about $20,000 a year that comes through advertising. We've organized a cross-cultural exchange of bloggers in Jordan with Palestinian, Israeli and Jordanian activists, but the education of media and blogging is very limited in the Middle East:http://www.greenprophet.com/2009/12/15/14506/green-writers-jordan-uri/ We've also participated in a Middle East water security conference, with Prince Hassan of Jordan:http://www.greenprophet.com/2010/02/26/17919/water-security-prince-hassan/ We are partnered with a number of organizations including Kindle, and conferences such as the upcoming solar event in Cairo. Achim Steiner, the head of the UNEP reads our news source, according to a public testimony.
Mission and Objectives

Green Prophet is an environment news site reporting on the Middle East. Covering this very unique niche, we’ve been featured on the world’s most popular blogs and newspapers as a definitive source of green news for business experts, journalists and analysts following clean technology development, and social issues related to the environment, in the Middle East – North Africa region.
Rated as a Top 100 green blog in the world on Technorati, and endorsed by the United Nations Environment Programme, Green Prophet’s writers are seasoned journalists and consultants who cover stories in the area of clean technology, design, sustainable architecture, energy, fashion, culture and religion, as well as policy that impacts the Middle East region.
The site was founded by Karin Kloosterman, a long-time environment reporter and activist from Canada, now living in the Middle East. Through Green Prophet she is active on the ground in social change projects, and in researching reports that influence key policy makers.
As a leading information source and changemaker in the Middle East, Green Prophet is a regular media sponsor in major international clean technology conferences. We offer companies a premiere advertising platform for accessing new business channels in the B2B and B2C sphere. For advertising rates, sponsorship opportunities or to send us tips, please email us any time at contact@greenprophet.com.

Main Projects / Activities

To improve coverage of environment news in the Middle East; create a new reality where politics, conflict and blame are no longer the 'hook' in a Middle East news story; improve inter-faith dialogue, and help the Western world connect to projects and shared problems in the Middle East.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Kloosterman
Head of the organisation
Karin Kloosterman
Contact (2) Full Name
Jack Reichert

Center for Sustainable Community Development - CSCD / Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitara Durabila CDCD

National Network

Giubega - 913, Dolj, 1244, Romania
Giubega Village

0040 - 351 433 819
Mobile Phone
0040 - 741075409
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 5062847643
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Center for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD) is a youth, apolitical and nongovernmental organization that militates in favor of Romanian society development. CSCD started in 2007 as an initiative group and in2010 had been legally constituted as an NGO. The activities are based on volunteering – having active 5 youth leaders and trainers and over 50 volunteers – from the rural and urban areas – in the SW Region of Romania and has partnerships with over 15 local actors – public sector – local authorities and private actors. The main activities are related to youth empowerment and active youth participation, using different tools and methods – non-formal education context: workshops, mentorship programmes, youth exchanges, round table, but also capacity building support for the local authorities aiming at setting youth strategies – in the rural areas. These activities are financially supported through the cooperation with the local actors – private and public sectors and through the granting provided by the granting schemes.
Mission and Objectives

- Mission
• to promote the developing activity of creative capacity, the development of youth scientific, technical, artistic, cultural and intellectual creation;
• to develop educational and mentorship programmes for youth leaders and trainers,
- To assist the local authorities to design and implement local youth strategies and youth programmes – capacity building
• to encourage the managerial abilities and organizational aptitudes among youngsters at local, national and international level;
• to promote equal opportunities and youth empowerment through creating access programmes
• the association contribute to the development of Romanian society through promoting youngsters, the values of democracy and the human rights;
The association carries out the following activities:
• organization of seminars, conferences, round table discussions, conferences;
• initiation and participation of projects and programmes in partnership with local and central public administration and other nongovernmental organizations;
• trainings for the members;
• exchanges;
• participation in the events of civil society

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are related to youth participation and youth empowerment. Thus, in the last 3 years, as informal group, CSCD assisted over 40 youth leaders through the mentorships programmes, trainer over 40 youth workers and social workers for the non-formal education field and offered them support for the facilitation sessions, assisted the local authorities from Giubega Village to design the local youth policy, established partnerships with over 40 youth associations from abroad (including partnerships with 2 organizations leading the ALF Networks in France and Lithuania – In Actio), assisted the students’ associations in Craiova to establish international cooperation departments and to implement projects granted through Youth in Action scheme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adina Marina Calafateanu
Head of the organisation
Adina Marina Calafateanu (President )


National Network

06500 GORBIO

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
"Sourire en bandoulière" est une association éditrice de livres sur l'environnement principalement, et organisatrice dévènements, animations dans les écoles, hôpitaux. Elle compte une vingtaine de membres, pour un budget d'environ 10000 euros par an, et compte plusieurs partenaires, parcs nationaux, Fondation Prince Albert II et organismes liés à l'enfance et l'environnement.
Mission and Objectives

Son objectif principal est de transmettre un message aux nouvelles générations par le biais des écoles, afin d'amener celles-ci à une prise de conscience des nouveaux défis de la planète, eau, bidiversité,etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Le principal projet est d'étendre la diffusion des livres mais surtout de continuer à proposer des animations avec leurs messages pour la planète, concernant le cycle de l'eau,les fleuves et la Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Körber Stiftung

National Network

Pariser Platz 4a

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Nora Müller (Program Director)
Head of the organisation
Christian Wriedt

Daugavpils University

National Network

Vienibas street 13
Daugavpils, LV-5401

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Daugavpils University (DU) is situated in south-east part of Latvia. It was founded in 1921 and today is the biggest regional state university and the only university in Eatern-Latvia. DU has five faculties: the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Faculty of Music and Art and the Faculty of Education and Management. We offer 56 study programmes that train biologists, programming engineers, physicists, intercultural relations managers, institutional managers, economists, psychologists, artists, linguists, interpreters, career consultants and other specialists. At the moment the university has 4185 full-time and part-time students who study in academic or professional bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programmes.The main research disciplines of DU scientists are Literary Science, Linguistics, History, Biology, Environmental sciences, Physics, Economy, Sociology, Psychology, Education and Art. DU has eight research centres, almost all of them have allocated the means of various EU projects and have purchased modern equipment (e.g. ZEISS laser scanning microscopes), which allows to conduct high level research in various fields. DU has an advantage to be located in multicultural environment. We cooperate with various institutions worldwide and recently we became a member of EUA. Our University participates in international Erasmus programme. We have 38 partners in 17 countries.

Mission and Objectives

Professional Master’s study programme's "Intercultural Relation": The objective of the programme is, proceeding from the knowledge acquired in bachelor study programmes, prepare professionals of the qualification matching international and local criteria who would be able to organize and supervise work in the sphere of intercultural relations solving problems in a new or unfamiliar environment in multicultural context. Tasks • extending knowledge in cultural and intercultural issues from the theoretical and practical aspect, thus facilitating the understanding of the peculiarities of diverse cultures and cultural contacts; • raising theoretical aptitude with the aim of improving students’ skills of producing, developing, and applying original ideas in their research; • introducing students to the problems and functioning of modern mass media, communications and media, to the principles of analysing the information of Latvian and foreign mass media and other public information in the intercultural sphere; • developing students’ competence of performing the activities of internal and external cultural communication at the institutions associated with intercultural relations; • developing skills of predicting, coordinating and forestalling situations of intercultural crises; • giving an opportunity of gaining experience in planning, organizing, and assessing intercultural events and projects.

Main Projects / Activities

The main research disciplines of DU scientists are Literary Science, Linguistics, History, Biology, Environmental sciences, Physics, Economy, Sociology, Psychology, Education and Art. DU has eight scientific institutes and centres, alomost all of them have allocated the means of various EU projects and have purchased modern equipment (e.g. ZEISS laser scanning microscopes), which allows to conduct high level research in various fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elina Vasiljeva
Head of the organisation
Arvids Barsevskis

Orange Moon Foundation

National Network

Sofia 1784, Mladost 1, 79-4-81

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure and organization: Orange Moon Foundation (OMF) is managed by a management board which chairman holds the representative functions. For its actions the Foundation counts on a large team of highly skilled volunteers. Budgetary resources and funding: The Foundation operates with approximately 15000 euro per year. The sources of funding are national institutions and programmes, private companies and NGOs. The organization has a large experience with Youth in Action Programme. Main actions: The Foundation organize and support festivals, art exhibitions, open seminars, debates, concerts, youth exchanges. The social marketing and education are the main approaches in Orange Moon Foundation’s work. Partners: Orange Moon Foundation cooperates with many student organizations and NGOs in Bulgaria and abroad. The foundation has warm relations with universities, national institutions and media. Key partners in OMF work are the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky” and the University Club for Ecology and Sustainable Development – UNECO. OMF is part of the coalition Climate Action - Bulgaria.
Mission and Objectives

The Orange Moon Foundation’s mission is to promote the intercultural dialogue and democratic values, to defend the freedom of expression, to support both alternative and traditional forms of art, to protect the environment and to introduce the sustainable development into every aspect of the human existence. The organization is involved mostly in cultural, ecological and educational subjects. Its target groups are students, pupils and young people in general, but the foundation also covers a broad spectrum of different themes and social layers.

Main Projects / Activities

The Orange Moon Foundation has organized many alternative events, exhibitions, festivals and actions. The most significant and remarkable projects are “The Freedom of Expression Days” and “Green University”.
The main purpose of the “Green University” project is to provide permanent ecological education in the universities and schools, and to provoke debates on important subjects related with the sustainable development. The campaign has a large practical part - actions of forestation and cleaning of natural territories, actions, related to waste management, air pollution, bio agriculture and so on.
“Freedom of Expression Days” is a student festival, focused on the different aspects of the conception “freedom of expression” – expression in media, artistic expression and creativity, social and political expression. During the “Freedom of Expression Days” the young people meet and work with interesting figures from the journalism and the PR practice, make researches and participate in creating of real social marketing campaigns, they organize and participate in photo exhibition, social advertising contest, seminars. An event, called “Night of the Poets” is also important part of the festival. It is a particular night scene for alternative literary readings and musical performances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristo Panchev
Head of the organisation
Hristo Panchev

Forschungszentrum “Kulturen in Kontakt”, Universität Innsbruck – Research Focus “Cultures in Contact”, University of Innsbruck (Forschungsplattform “CEnT” – Research Platform “Cultural Encounters and Transfers”, University of Innsbruck)

National Network

Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
structure of the organisation, including number of staff employed and/ or partners: 1 head, 1 vice, 39 members budgetary resources available in a year: 4 000, 00 Euro for all of projects and administrative activities sources of funding: University of Innsbruck, Austrian Ministry of Science modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships, conferences etc): concrete projects, conferences and symposiums, seminars and lectures, publications main partners involved in the organisation’s projects/ activities: research groups with similar foci, primarily at European and North-American Universities and universities of the MENA region
Mission and Objectives

Research on modalities, structures, implications, mechanisms, strategies, consequences etc. of cultural encounters and transfers aiming at a better understanding of the aspects mentioned and being devoted to a cultural studies definition of “culture” and a both creative and innovative research approach aiming at a better understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects (in alphabetical order) - Selection
Breaking the Stereotype. Oriental and Occidental Stereotypes in the Course of Time (director: Veronika Bernard; www.breaking-the-stereotype2009-2010.over-blog.org)
Hotel Jugoslavija. Die literarische und mediale Wahrnehmung der Balkankonflikte (directors: Martin Sexl, Arno Gisinger)
IMAGES – BILDER, die man sich macht. An interdisciplinary project on cultural encounters, migration, and ideologies (upcoming; director: Veronika Bernard)
MigrationsautorInnen in Frankreich (1981-2008), ein "literarisches Wörterbuch" (directors and eds.: Ursula Moser und Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner)
Russische Moderne und Intermedialität - Literatur und Film (director: Dunja Brötz)
Conferences/ Symposiums (in alphabetical order) - Selection
An den Grenzen der Sprache: Kommunikation von Unsagbarem im Kulturkontakt.
Internationales und interdisziplinäres Symposium, Universität Innsbruck, 18.-19. Dezember 2009 (coordinators: Manfred Kienpointner, Julia Pröll, Ulla Ratheiser)
Breaking the Stereotype 2010. From Orient and Occident to a Mutual Understanding of Images. An international and interdisciplinary conference, Istanbul 2010 Arts Production Centre, Istanbul, October 22-27, 2010 (coordinators: Veronika Bernard und Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous)
Migrant Europe, NIHMP, Rome, February 11, 2009 (coordinator: Veronika Bernard)
Racism, Slavery, and Literature. Internationales Symposium, Universität Innsbruck, 2.-5. Dezember 2008 (coordinators: Wolfgang Zach, Ulrich Pallua )
Responsibility to Protect: A Canadian Heritage. Peacekeeping, Diplomacy, Media, and Literature Responding to Humanitarian Challenges. Internationales und interdisziplinäres Symposium, Universität Innsbruck, 11.-14. November 2009 (coordinators: Ursula Moser, Thomas Spielbüchler)
for exhaustive information on research, teaching etc. activities see http://www.uibk.ac.at/kik

Contact (1) Full Name
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronika Bernard
Head of the organisation
Prof. Ursula Moser