National Network


+30 22410 65430
+30 22410 69780
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Music Conservatory, Founder and Organiser of the Rhodes International Piano Forum and the Rhodes Art International Music Festival. With Lectures,Seminars,Workshops,Master Classes,Concerts,with local and foreigner Pedagogues and Artists. With four Teachers . Sources of fundings by Local Sponsors, and students fees.
Mission and Objectives

Exchange experiences, knowledge, ideas with Artists and Colleagues from all over the World.
Inspire our students with experts of the Musical World for further improvement.
Raise the local educational and Artistic level and contribute to the cultural development of the local society.

Main Projects / Activities

The establishment of the Rhodes International Piano Forum and Rhodes Art Music Festival, internationally.
Participation in Conferences and Seminars around the world meeting other colleagues,pedagogues and artists for cooperation and exchange of educational Programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Arte Con Anima

National Network

Arte Con Anima
Koskinou, P.B.104
Rhodes 85 100,


+30 2241062213
+30 2241062213
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6945123349
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6947202016
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Arte Con Anima is a non profit company. Occasionally, participates in state programs that promotes employment and engages persons for administration posts. Every year Arte Con Anima organizes the International Summer Music Academy of Rhodes and every second year the International Piano Competition of Rhodes. The budgetary resources available in a year is € 2000 and comes from the participation to the International Summer Music Academy of Rhodes. Our main partners are: Local authorities and local sponsors from the privet sector
Mission and Objectives

Arte Con Anima was founded in order to serve education and culture. Using cultural elements common to different nations and civilizations we build cross-cultural bridges in order to promote an open dialogue. Through learning and artistic activities of participants from all over the world, Arte Con Anima supports artistic creation as well as new art movements and trends.
This cultural journey embarks via the sound of music against a background; the medieval castle of Rhodes. Passengers on this journey are those who believe that culture is our way of living.
Goals - Objectives
The goals - objectives of Arte Con Anima are the following: the cultural development, the cultural dialogue, further education, the development of thematic/alternative tourism, the support of the local economy, the creation of new employment positions, the publicity of the island on international scale and finally, the promotion of volunteerism.

Main Projects / Activities

International Piano Competition of Rhodes. Every two years in April. It is a project that started in 2004 and from that time more than 200 pianists came from 32 different countries in Rhodes and in Greece for first time. The prizes includes money and concerts in Rhodes, Athens and Paris.
International Summer Music Academy of Rhodes. Every Summer in July. Intensive courses for piano, violin and saxophone from distinguished professors and pedagogues. In the future we will invite more professors for different instruments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sergios Aivazis
Head of the organisation
Sergios Aivazis

1st Gymnasium of Charilau, Thessaloniki

National Network

Vosporou 110, 54454 Thessaloniki, Greece

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
It is a school of about 300 hundred students and 30 persons as staff. There is no budgetary resources, except money given to the high school with which we work simultanously, by the municipality. We would like to have exchanges and seminars.
Mission and Objectives

To give education to young people from 12 to 15 years old

Main Projects / Activities

enviromental programmes, health programmes, project about democratic governance of school.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofianou Triantafillia
Head of the organisation
Sofianou Triantafillia


National Network

Avenue 9 Avril

+212 9 70 20 25
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Declared of Public Utility 06 /08/ 1997 For the Cultural, Social, Economic and Sports Development of the City of Tetouan and its Region
Mission and Objectives

The most fundamental concern of the Tetouan Asmir Association is to maintain a positive approach to the problems facing the city of Tetouan despite the fact that the city has known a progressive decline at the social, cultural, economic and environmental levels. Our members do not share the same political inclinations, they belong to different walks of life and professions, and they often have different and even contrasting opinions concerning the same problems.

Main Projects / Activities

We organized numerous conferences on the medina and in the Medina. We have published over twenty five books in Arabic, French and Spanish which are in a variety of ways, related to the Medina. Our publications are now well known in Morocco and abroad, and it is basically thanks to them that we now have important contacts with different government institutions and N.G.O.’s in Morocco and abroad with whom we hope to carry out projects of a cultural and social nature related to the Medina.
Another interesting cultural project of our association is that of cataloguing Tetouan’s private and public libraries by computer. In the context of the Centre of Documentation for Northern Morocco which we created with the Ecole Normale Superieure of Tetouan, we have catalogued more than twenty private libraries of the Medina and surpassed 50000 titles.

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Mohamed Abdelhalak Torres (Président)

PRONI Centre for social education

National Network

Kralja Zvonimira 15

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

PRONI Center is a non-profit organization. Special attention in our work is given to young people, respecting differences in ethnical background, religion, culture, gender and race. In its work, PRONI uses experiences and examples of positive practices from EU. PRONI works with young people, civil society organizations and responsible authorities using an integrated developmental approach in the fields of education, youth work and policy development. PRONI Centre wants to enable young people to take responsibilities for themselves and for development of the society. We are funded by local and international donors (pre-accession funds, National foundation for development of civil society, etc). Our partners in 2009 were P.G.D.I. Beli Manastir, Volunteer centre Osijek, School of social work (Uni. of Indiana and Zagreb), Towns of Vukovar and Sisak etc.

Mission and Objectives

PRONI Center for Social Education is a non-profit organization founded in 1998 as a legal entity in the Republic of Croatia. Special attention in our work is given to young people, respecting differences in ethnical background, religion, culture, gender and race. PRONI Center works in Croatia, with special focus on post-war regions where the strong need for societal reconstruction is present. In its work, PRONI is using experiences and examples of positive practices from the EU, as well as is developing cooperation with less developed countries in this sense (primarily neighborhood countries) where Croatian experiences can help their society development. PRONI works with young people, civil society organizations and responsible authorities using an integrated developmental approach in the fields of education, youth work and policy development. PRONI is striving to encourage cooperation and understanding between people. PRONI wants to enable young people to take responsibilities for themselves and for development of the society they are part of, in which their needs are recognized and responded to at all levels.

Main Projects / Activities

We provide free advice, informationa and education to organisations of civil society and active individuals. We implemented Youth employment support project, and we are running Regional info-centre for youth Osijek, Info-cntre for youth Vukovar and Info-point for youth Sisak. We implemented a research on parent involvement and society development in Vukovar. We educated children in primary schools about EU. One of our core projects in the past was two-year university education for youth and community leaders, in partnership with School of education and communication, University of Jonkoping, Sweeden.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Vukovic-Covic
Head of the organisation
Sanja Vukovic-Covic

Centre for Mediterranean Studies, University of Zagreb

National Network

Don Frana Bulica 4
20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia


+385 20 326 300
Telephone (other)
+385 20 326 382
+385 20 326 390
Mobile Phone
+385 91 503 8057
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Centre for Mediterranean Studies (CMS) is the institution founded by the University of Zagreb to which it legally belongs. The number of staff employed: 13. Budgetary resources available in a year: 80.000,00 - 100.000,00 Euro. Sources of funding: Croatian Ministry of Culture, Croatian Ministry of Science, Local Authorities, Sponsors, European Foundations. Modalities of action: • International interdisciplinary workshops; • Scientific conferences and seminars; • Summer schools; • UNESCO programmes - series of international and national meetings dealing with world heritage (conservation, reconstruction, development); • Research projects with international partners. Main partners: Academies of science, Universities, UNESCO, UNICEF, museums, cultural organizations and institutions, etc.
Mission and Objectives

CMS is promoting specific cooperation initiatives, exchanges and dialogue, bringing together various universities, heritage-management institutions and cultural entities. It has a long tradition in organizing conferences, summer schools, courses and training seminars, all of which follow the concept of a Mediterranean region that includes the entire territory without any limits and divisions.
In accordance to that idea, the Centre is also cooperating with local and regional authorities as well as with numerous NGO's, thus enabling the diffusion of Mediterranean culture and taking care of welfare of the whole Mediterranean community.
CMS conducts multidisciplinary scientific programmes such as:
• International interdisciplinary workshops;
• Scientific conferences and seminars;
• Summer schools;
• UNESCO programmes - series of international and national meetings dealing with world heritage (conservation, reconstruction, development);
• Research projects with international partners.

Main Projects / Activities

CMS projects mainly focus on:
- Mediterranean heritage
- History of Mediterranean Medicine
for example:
-HISTORY OF MEDITERRANEAN MEDICINE – GIORGIO (ÐURO) BAGLIVI, International Seminar, Dubrovnik, CENTRE FOR MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES – DUBROVNIK, 28-30 giugno 2007, organized by: University of Zagreb; Centre for Mediterranean Studies – Dubrovnik; History of Medicine and Health Institute - University of Geneva; Medical School - University of Zagreb.
Commemorating the 300th anniversary of Giorgio (Ðuro) Baglivi death.
- Sephardic culture
- Maritime history and underwater archeology
- Language

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivana Burdjelez
Head of the organisation
Ivana Burdjelez
Contact (2) Full Name
Tanja Grzilo


National Network

Nikole Tesle 9, P.P. 287
20000 Dubrovnik

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

The articles of association were signed on 8th March 1995 by the representatives of 24 legal entities from various parts of the Dubrovnik–Neretva County, including the City of Dubrovnik itself. Constitutionally, Croatian and foreign citizens, as well as legal entities, can be members of EHD. For every activity, EHD engages several associates, specialists for the respective activity. In 1999, EHD organized international conference entitled „Mediterranean – a challenge for common European security“. After that, it launched the cooperation initiative „Mediterranean“, which ended by a conference of Europe Houses from various European countries and their partners from the other side of the Mediterranean, held in November 2002 in Santarem, Portugal. The partners involved in the EHD's projects/activities are both from national and international level. The activities are funded by local, regional, national, and international donors and sponsors from state and private sector. The revenue for the year 2008 was € 69.500.

Mission and Objectives

Europe House Dubrovnik is a non-profit, non-party and non-governmental organization. Its activities aim to affirm the European unification idea and to inform Croatian citizens about the European integration process, to foster understanding, tolerance and dialogue with other states and nations, and to promote Croatia through cooperation with foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

EHD members collaborated closely with the local media from the very start, so as to spread the founding concepts of the association among the largest possible number of citizens. Media-oriented projects have always been, and still remain, at the heart of EHD activities. Other activities are partly local and partly international in character. They are mostly youth-oriented, so that most of EHD associates are young people. In general, these events cover the following areas: educational workshops, lectures by national and international lecturers, exhibitions, round tables, celebrations for Europe Day, international seminars and conferences on European issues, aiding Croatian citizens, especially high-school and university students to attend seminars and conferences abroad, thereby enabling them to learn more about European integration and to enrich their studies with new knowledge. Besides releasing its own publications, EHD also collects and distributes publications on various aspects of European integration, in several European languages.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adriana Kremenjas-Danicic
Head of the organisation
Adriana Kremenjas-Danicic, President

Organization for the promotion of Creativity Merlin

National Network

PULA, 52100

00385 52 387 515
Telephone (other)
00385 52 544 779
00385 52 387 515
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 91 789 44 81
Mobile Phone (other)
00395 91 6004103
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Merlin Association has been active since 2001 in Pula City and Istria County, Croatia The Association administration: Assembly, Management Committee (3 persons) with the President of Association and Supervisory Committee (3 persons). Permanent staff are the director, educators, accountant and 10 women annually. Budgetary resources available in a year : 60.000 EU Sources of funding and cooperated: The City of Pula, the Istria County, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, the Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development in Istria, Netherlands CNF-CEE • Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Club Socializing while doing creative work • Informal education for various skills • Self-employment of women through the original handicrafts • Community projects for marginal groups • Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities The Association has cooperated with the City of Pula, Archaeological Museum of Pula, Ethnographic Museum of Pazin, National Tourist Board, the Employment Office, the Women's Association, Monteparadiso Hackclub, Centre For Civic Initiative Porec, Daily Centre For Work Therapy And Rehabilitation Pula, Tara and Nit from Korenica, Centre For Inclusion And Assistance In Society, Homo, the Open Society, the Romany Association
Mission and Objectives

Merlin Association for promotion of creativity is Croatian NGO concerned with exploration, education and creative activities in everyday life. It encourages the progress of society, and the improvement of living and interpersonal relations.
The Association work with individuals, families, groups and communities is based on the principle of creative approach to life activities, strengthening, active involvement, support of positive initiatives and cooperation, tolerance and non-violence, mutual respect and respect for the diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of activity: Youth and education, Human rights, Roman minority, Heritage and Traditional Arts
Merlin Association has started "Do It Yourself Creative Workshops" as a form of informal education and encouragement for self-employment of unemployed persons, young people and women of different age groups, members of Romany minority and persons with special needs. Projects that are active in community:
1.Projects established in 2002 - ‘’Creative workshops’’: Computer workshop for beginners (unemployed women and pensioners), Preservation of traditional crafts: Cutting out and sewing workshop, Weaving and embroidery workshop; Creative-working activities for persons with special needs.
''Roman smiles" workshop for clay, ceramics and plaster moulding. The educational workshop for design of handicrafts from clay, ceramics and plaster, based on cultural-historical legacy from Roman period of Pula City. During past five years, about fifty items were created at this workshop, all based on the original old Roman theatre masks, and other historical resources. Workshop goal is to teach its participants about monuments, buildings and ancient art objects from local history, and to involve citizens in changing the manufacture of local souvenirs.
2. Projects established in 2004 – Sale exhibition event ‘’Original Splendour Of Arena’’ is dealing with the issue of organizing legal sale at standard souvenir stands, and with the manufacture of quality souvenirs and handicrafts. The aim is to bring closer the ancient artistic items and local history, and to encourage the improvements in the manufacture of handicrafts.
3. Projects established in 2005 - Center for Romany children ''Morning flower''. Playground and the Day Care/ Learning assistance for school children, computer workshop and sewing workshop. The aim is to organize educational and quality activities for pre-school and school Romany children. It also encourages volunteer work and employment of unemployed teachers and educators. 50 Romany children (age 3 – 15) is attending this Center each year. Project cooperates with the local government and Primary School. The programme of preschool education is co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Apostolovski
Head of the organisation
Sanja Apostolovski
Contact (2) Full Name

Association de l'observatoire d'information, de formation, de documentation et d'études sur la violence scolaire

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
l'association en cours de construction
Mission and Objectives

L'Observatoire de la Violence scolaire est à la fois une association et un site crée dans le but d'informer le plus largement possible l'opinion publique et les responsables sur la violence scolaire, c'est-à-dire les diverses formes de violence
nos actions seront
1 : Le rassemblement, des études scientifiques,
creation de base de donné livres document sur web etc......
publication des programmes de lutte contre le phénomène.
, La réalisation et la publication régulière d’un bilan de la violence en milieu scolaire suivant les données du cnes et autres organismes,
creation du journal sur web alerte violence scolaire
L’élaboration de propositions concrètes pour des actions de terrain appuyées sur les résultats des enquêtes scientifiques.pour la formation et l information

Main Projects / Activities

presentation du projet.
- activité de coopération et de prévention de
la violence, scolaire -
- réalisation d un centre de documentation sur la violence scolaire:Médiathèque
- création d une bibliothèque de 300livres de mai 2009 a décembre2010
- réalisation d une bibliothèque web sur notre site -
de juin 2009 a aout 2009
page http://nonviolence.fr.gd/DOCUMENTS.htm
- la formation des animateurs qui interviennent directement
auprès d’enfants et d’adolescents afin de diffuser des valeurs de
respect, d’écoute, et de non violence, et d’accompagner cette jeunesse
à se construire un environnement plus pacifique
Les enfants et les jeunes adolescents et formateurs seront initiés aux techniques de
gestion des conflits et pour acquérir des comportements et des habilités
sociales respectueuses. diminuer l agressivité négative et de violence entre les populations jeunes
formation des animateurs sur 2 régions en Algerie
en 1 ère lieu, ateliers règlement des conflit ( trousse pedagogique antiviolence ) le nombre est fixé a 15 personnes par wilaya) durée en 2 x 6mois d octobre 2009 à mars 2010
-préparation table ronde sur la violence scolaire octobre 2009
-commémorations des journées , de
l’enfance et des Droits de l’Homme) ou participation avec d autre partenaire
- - organisation exposition ou projections films sur la violence scolaire novembre 2009http://nonviolence.fr.gd/M-e2-diath%E8que.htm
création d un réseau nationale contact sur la violence scolaire pour janvier 2010 a 2011http://nonviolence.fr.gd/Projet-d-h-un-site-collectif-sur-la-non_violenc...
Principaux résultats attendus du projet
- formation 20 animateurs qualifiés en animation à la gestion des conflits octobre 2009 a mars 2010
dans d autre wilaya oran tizi ouzou 2010/2011
- 10 animateurs qualifiés en tant que formateurs en gestion positive des
conflits volontaires (population ciblée des jeunes psychologues au chômage)
Principaux partenaires pour ce projet
en voie de contact

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association pour la Pensée, la Culture et le Tourisme

National Network

143, Ain-Touta 05500, Batna, Algérie

Mobile Phone
+213 (0)793187009
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
* L’association est constituée d’une assemblée générale de 15 membres, dont 07 formant le bureau dirigeant, et une liste ouverte d’adhérents ; tous volontaires. Elle active sur la wilaya de Batna en particulier. * Sources de financement : cotisations des membres, dons privés, sponsors et aide de l’Etat.
Mission and Objectives

1.Promouvoir la pensée locale dans tous les domaines : littérature, science, art, éducation, etc. ; encourager l’esprit de l’initiative et de la création par l’encouragement des artistes et des créateurs ; promouvoir la démocratie, le dialogue, la tolérance et la liberté de pensée et d’expression ; déceler les jeunes talents et les faire connaître ; promouvoir le livre par l’encouragement des écrivains et des gens de lettres…
2.Promouvoir la culture locale dans toutes ses dimensions ; animer la culture par diverses activités culturelles ; encourager la création culturelle par l’encouragement des jeunes talents en les faisant émerger ; sauvegarder le patrimoine et les vestiges culturels, et les faire connaître à l’échelle nationale et internationale ; créer des ponts d’amitié interculturels à travers la méditerranée et le monde entier…
3.Promouvoir le tourisme local et l’encourager en faisant connaître ses potentiels ; encourager le tourisme culturel ; protéger l’environnement et sauvegarder le patrimoine touristique…

Main Projects / Activities

(Selon les moyens à disposition) Rencontres, débats, spectacles, célébrations, expositions, publications, sorties et visites, excursions, sensibilisation et mobilisation, actions de volontariat, invitation d’étrangers, échanges touristico-culturels…

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Smaïl BOUKHALFA ; écrivain.
Head of the organisation