Association Marocaine Femme Sport et Culture

National Network

Hay Hassani Missimi Rue 5 N°54-56(Royal club sportif) Casablanca Maroc

+212-5 22 20 28 84
Telephone (other)
+212 5 22 90 05 72
+212 5 22 20 28 84
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+212 6 61 36 79 83
Mobile Phone (other)
+212 5 6 6136 99 10
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
l’AMFSC se compose d'un bureau executif de sept membres ,d'un conseil et des partenaires ,ses ressourses annuelles disponfbles 2500dh ses source de financement:cotisation des membres ,partenaires, dons elle a réalisé et a participé à des séminaires, des colloques, des congrès, des conférences, des événements culturels et des échanges en rapport avec le développement humain durable par les activités sportives et socio-culturelles (Maroc, Antibes-Juan-Les Pins, Tunis, Saint-Laurent du Var, Rome, etc Ses partenaires :ministres -education nationale-la jeunesse et sports-unicef-l'ipec-pnud-ass méditéranéenne femme sport culture et les autorités locales....
Mission and Objectives

Elle s’est fixée pour mission et objet la promotion et l’intégration de la femme ainsi que le développement de l’enfance et de la jeunesse par le sport et la culture et le partage d'experience. Elle a à son actif l’organisation de plusieurs manifestations sportives et actions sociales et culturelles à l’échelon local, national et international,

Main Projects / Activities

l’AMFSC a réalisé et a participé à titre d’exemples :
• Participation au Forum des jeunes (2003) ayant pour thème la mixité et la place des femmes dans le domaine de la vie sportive méditerranéenne;
• L’organisation d’une Exposition Internationale des arts plastiques (2004) à Casablanca et à Rabat en partenariat avec l’Association Internationale ART-Rain de Norvège (34 artistes de18 pays participants);
• Participation à l’organisation de matches de football au profit des jeunes filles du centre de réhabilitation d’Oukacha, Casablanca (2003);
• Participation de trois (3) femmes artistes par le biais de l’AMFSC à une exposition internationale des arts plastiques en Mongolie (2005);
• Planification et organisation d’actions sportives, sociales et culturelles (2005-2007) en partenariat avec la Fondation Jet Energy (8 éditions de la course des enfants dont une a été internationale pour un total de 28 000 enfants. Des dons de fournitures scolaires (3 000 cartables) et équipements sportifs ont été attribués aux enfants);
• L’organisation de compagnes de sensibilisation pour la pratique des actvités physiques, sportives et culturelles au profit des petites filles et des femmes ayant pour thèmes:
- Non au travail domestique des jeunes filles;
- Courir contre l’abondon scolaire;
- Education à l’hygiène et à la santé;
- Protégeons nos enfants.
projets:l'organisation des rencontres sportives et culturelles internationales pour les jeunes

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Aouam :Championne du monde en Athlétisme et ambassadrice de l'unicef
Head of the organisation
Fatima Aouam
Contact (2) Full Name
Naima Jebrane:Docteur médecin ,actve dans la cultureet le partage d'experience

association bassin guir de développement et protection de l'environnement

National Network

Association Basiin Guir :02 Ain chouater centre 61050 province de figuig Maroc
Ain Chouater

Telephone (other)
002125 36796506
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002125 36796506
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
pour les memebre de l'association : - pour les membres du bureau, ils sont au nombre de 09 personnes dont deux sont des femmes. et ont crée quatre commissions (Commission du montage des projets, commission de la femme, commission de l’environnement et la commission des jeunes et l’échange interculturel). Chaque commission se charge de la réalisation des réunions de concertation et de réflexion avec le public et les acteurs concernés pour étudier les problématiques existantes et proposer des solutions et des idées de projets) - les partenaires de l'association : - les ambassades: Finlande-canada-Allemagne-pays bas-france-suisse . - les ministres,l'agence de développement de l'oriental,fond pour l'environnement mondial,programme artgold,union européenne........ - pour les Sources de financement - Recettes propres (ventes réalisées par l’association) - cotisations des adhérents - subvention des partenaires pour la Modalités d'action : projets concrets, échanges, séminaires, bourses,
Mission and Objectives

L'Association BASSIN GUIR de Développement et Protection de l'Environnement est une association déclarée à but non lucratif. Elle a été crée le 09 février 1999 à la commune rurale de AIN CHOUATER dans la province de Figuig, pour contribuer au développement de la dite commune sur le plan économique, social, culturel et environnemental.
En tant que structure représentative de la population, L'association a un rôle moteur à jouer dans la conception, la mise en œuvre et la gestion pérenne des actions de développement. Elle a notamment pour mission d'informer et de sensibiliser la population aux enjeux de lutte contre la pauvreté, d'enclencher un dynamisme d'auto développement au niveau local, d'identifier les besoins, d'élaborer des Projets spécifiques et d'accompagner la mise en œuvre de ces projets.

Main Projects / Activities

Dés sa création en 1999, l’association bassin Guir a mobilisé plusieurs partenaires et bailleurs du fonds pour la réalisation d’une trentaine de projet, dans les domaines suivants :
1- dans le domaine de l’agriculture et l’environnement
2- dans le domaine de l’éducation et l’enseignement
3- dans le domaine de la jeunesse et l’échange interculturel :
4 - dans le domaine de la formation et le renforcement des capacités humains :
5 - dans le domaine de l’économie sociale et les activités génératrices de revenu :

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
hamid chayet
Contact (2) Full Name

Agir ensemble- Head of Network

National Network

BP: 6050 safi principal morocco
46000 Safi

00212 661876711
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00212 661876711
Mobile Phone (other)
00212 626476144
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

Association Agir Ensemble est une association marocaine. Qui vise à réaliser des objectifs culturels et interculturels et de coopération pour le développement en faveur des jeunes.

Mission and Objectives

- aux activités sociales, économiques, éducatives, culturelles, artistiques et à toute activité liée au développement durable, au développement humain participatif et à la solidarité.et l’utilité publique.

- Promouvoir les échanges culturels et interculturels et l'échange d'expériences, Et établir des relations de coopérations et de partenariats nationales et internationales. Pour instaurer un dialogue des civilisations susceptible de favoriser L’ouverture vers de nouveaux horizons en vue d’un Maroc Pluriel, diversifié, égalitaire et ouvert positivement sur L’environnement national, régional et international.

- L’éducation interactive et socioculturelle, le développement des capacités et des compétences et l'éducation à la citoyenneté.

- Création des centres ou des institutions ou des clubs pour adopter les activités d’orientation, de formation et de rééducation programmée.

- Créer des projets et organiser des grands événements, des formations, des ateliers, des séminaires, des festivals. Conférences, manifestations culturelles et gastronomiques, parrainages etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Agir ensemble est membre de la FAL depuis 2009 , membre fondateur du réseau euro-méditerranéen autonome des jeunes, et membre au réseau de l’université de l’union pour la méditerranée (EMUNI network), on a participé dans plusieurs activités à l’échèle international, et en même temps on a pu organiser des activités euro-méditerranéens au niveau locale comme : L'université internationale du printemps des jeunes – le Forum interculturel des jeunes – le Forum régional de renforcement des capacités des ONG, ainsi qu’une série de formations continus dans tout les domaines de la jeunesse et la société civile depuis la création de l’association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wadii Abdelwahdi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Wadii Abdelwahdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Bassor
Job Title (2)

Museum für Islamische Kunst-within: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

National Network

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 6
10117 Berlin

+49 30 266 42 5201
+49 30 266 42 5202
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The museum forms part of the State Museums of Berlin, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, with a director and a staff of around 50 curators, restorers, other scientists, and technical employees. The budget is part of the general budget of the State museums and is administrated by the General Directorate resp. the Prussian Cultural Foundation. The funding is generated from the German Federal Budget depending on the State Ministry for Culture and Media, and external funds like the commendable allowance by Alwaleed Philanthropies, by the German Federal Foreign Office, and others. The Museum organises 4 exhibitions per annum and at least one international exhibition every three years besides its other core working areas i.e. research in Islamicate arts and cultures, heritage and conservation, and outreach as a protagonist within the German civil society. Main partners are international Museums and libraries, research institutions, world heritage sites as well as private collectors.
Mission and Objectives

The Museum of Islamic Art in the Pergamon Museum Berlin is the only institution of its kind in Germany, the oldest outside the Islamic World (founded 1904) and counts with its approximately 93.000 pieces as one of the major collections of Islamic Art worldwide.  Its encyclopaedic collection covers the material culture of urban centres for nearly 1400 years, spanning geographically from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco to the Indian subcontinent. Recognising this unique position of the museum as well as a directive, it is taking a stance in civic discourses against one-sided debates on culture and migration, uses its expertise to cooperate with schools and other institutions for education, and initiates projects to connect different communities in the society, in and out of the museum space itself.
The Pergamon Museum on Museum Island is part of the UNESCO World Heritage. Every year up to 900.000 visitors go to see the Museum of Islamic Art and over 600 schools work with the educational material produced by the museum. With its rich art and archaeological collection, the Museum of Islamic Art is one of the leading research institutions dedicated to the material culture of the Middle East and neighbouring regions. The institution houses important collections of archival photographs on Islamic art and architecture as well as an internationally outstanding library focused on art, architecture and archaeology in the world of Islam. It continually expands its international cooperation network with research institutes and museums worldwide and in particular with the source countries of our collections.
Besides its focus on the promotion and research of Islamic art and culture, other core areas of the Museum of Islamic Art include the restoration of historic objects, active engagement into the protection of cultural heritage supporting 12 UNESCO world heritage sites, and the advancement of (trans-)cultural education in Germany and beyond. 

Main Projects / Activities

The Museum preserves, studies, restores and communicates the cultural memory of Muslim societies from the Mediterranean to the Pacific, and from Antiquity to the Modern Age. From this particular focus arise museological and scientific duties, but at the same time a civic role. This is all the more the case taking into account the difficult public discourses on Islam and migration in Europe and beyond.
Targetinggroups that, in the broadest sense possible, reflect the social realities in Germany, the Museum of Islamic Arts places a special emphasis on (trans-)cultural education and community work. Especially its regional focus on North Africa and the Middle East appeals the museum team to focus on German Muslim communities and people with personal ties to source countries of our collection. Thereby the strength of the encyclopaedic collection to be able to showcase multiple offers for identity building, in short its possibility to act as a cultural reservoir, can be used for diverse audiences. The Museum of Islamic Art develops these perspectives in projects like a cooperation of local mosque communities and youth centres called “Tamam” to create materials for cultural education and empowerment, or the award winning initiative “Multaka” which trains refugees to guide tours through museums in Berlin, connecting art works and exhibition themes to their own lives and perspectives. At the same time expectations of visitors are to be met to experience another culture in order to find answers to their modern-day questions.
Within the next years the Museum of Islamic Art will move within the Pergamon Museum building and nearly triple its exhibition space. The new layout and concept will unite the multiple aspirations and demands to a present day exhibition of Islamic material and visual culture in new and innovative ways to present the cultural legacy of Muslim societies to a local and an international audience, i.e. to the 4 million visitors of the Museum Island annually. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Stefan Weber
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber

RT (Radio Tirana)

National Network

Rruga: "Ismail Qemali", Nr.11

+355 04 222 84 44
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Director of RT 3 Directors of Programs 1 Director of Production 1 Artistic Director Member of staff: 160 Budgetary Resources: Tax/Publicity/Rent/State Budget

Mission and Objectives

Mission: To inform, educate and entertain the Albanian public, serving the nation and all the groups of society including minority groups.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Without limits: A project in cooperation with Radio Kosovo and Radio Shkupi on Regional Politics, economics, cultural exchange etc... 2. how to use energy. A radio project involving different European radios for sensationalizing the listener on the use and the saving of energy. 3. I live in the Balkan: European Project and cooperation on the nations of the Balkan. 4. An exchange and cooperation between RT & DW. 5. RT & EBU exchange and cooperation. 6. Toward Tomorrow: A cooperation with different European Radios on the future of a Global World. 7. Mythic Ports. A program on the mythic ports of the Mediterranean since the ancient times. 8. And many others project and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zamira Koleci
Head of the organisation
Zamira Koleci
Contact (2) Full Name
Englantina Tafa

Ratiu Center for Democracy

National Network

Pta. 1 Decembrie 1918, no 1

+40 264 317 555
+40 264 306 350
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Ratiu Center for Democracy is a not-for-profit organization, with a staff of 16 and supported by 140 volunteers. Launched in July 2004, The Ratiu Center operates some 20 not-for-profit programs annually in Romania and abroad. The four departments of the oragnization (Research, Learn, Inform, Apply)develop and implement programs such as international conferences, a democracy-themed summer camp with youth from South-Eastern Europe and the Middle East, a theater workshop,a debating club and activities for children in the community. Funding is obtained through the Ratiu Family Foundation, grants and from corporate sponsors. Our partners include the Ratiu Family Foundation in London, the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars,Ibn Khaldun Center for Development (Cairo), Pro Democratia Association and ARDOR-Romanian Association for Debating, Oratory and Rhetoric.
Mission and Objectives

The Ratiu Center for Democracy is a non-profit organization which seeks to further the ideals of the late Ion Ra?iu, a life-long advocate for democracy. The Center's mission is to encourage non-partisan promotion of the values and behaviors associated with democracy. This mission is accomplished through a wide range of activities at local, national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Turda Democracy Gatherings: Annual experiential summer democracy camps offering young people from different religious, ethnic or cultural backgrounds with opportunities to experience the practice of democratic principles first-hand and to witness the result.
Ion Ratiu Democracy Lecture:Annual international lecture and prize, funded by the Ratiu Family Foundation, that recognizes leading democracy activists and thinkers, organized in association with the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington DC.
Human Trafficking Awareness:The Ratiu Center's human trafficking awareness program seeks to ensure awareness and self-protection for all younger members of the Turda community.
Debating Club: Turda's Debating Club encourages young people to discover and practice the skills of parliamentary debate as an essential feature of democracy. Club members participate regularly in regional, national and even international competitions as well as training events organized by ARDOR, the Romanian Association for Rhetoric and Debate and others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Madalina Mocan
Head of the organisation
Teodor Radosav
Contact (2) Full Name
Alis Costescu

Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development at Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch

National Network

Medhat Pasha, old city

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
1.the department is one of several departments which forms the patriarchate. - number of employees 14. Other external employees are project based. 2. the patriarchate,project partners. 3.youth, development, Iraqi refugees, ecumenical and intercultural projects. 4.MECC, WCC, UN agencies, international NGOs
Mission and Objectives

The departments aims empowering the ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue and contributing to the socio-economic development process for communities across the country based on coexistence and peace.
Encourage and empower ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue towards peace and coexistence.
Support capacity building projects aiming developing competences of faith based and NGO's on development.
Support projects with vulnerable communities across the country aiming social integration and poverty reduction.
Build sustainable partnerships towards better society.

Main Projects / Activities

Iraqi Refugees support project on education, vocational training, health and food.
Development projects
working with disadvantaged communities:
training courses on youth work and leadership with disadvantaged youth
volunteers missions to poor areas
seminars on development and youth
trainings on development and project management
creating interactive youth website for development
youth against violence project:
national training courses and workshops on combating violence
production of material
dialogue project:
east- West dialogue seminar
Danish- Syrian youth dialogue
visits coordination to Syria from churches

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Melhem Mansour
Head of the organisation
Mr. Samer Lahham

Lithuanian Youth Centre (LYC)

National Network

Konstitucijos av. 25
11203 Vilnius

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure of the organization - functional style. Number of staff employed - 260. 2. Budgetary resources in year:3.679.333 Eur. 3. Sources of funding: -Funding from State - 1.393.941 Eur -LYC incomes - 2.102.931 Eur -Support from funds - 57.982 Eur -Investment and others - 241.253 Eur. 4. Modalities of action: Yearly projects: “Global Education Week” and „Global Action Week“, International Dance Festival “Bloomy Rain”, Non-commercial Children and Youth Cinema Festival. Youth exchanges “MIX ART”, „Different background one action“, „Discovering possibilities“, Contest for children and youth “Junior Lifeguard”, project “Journalistic Research”, Graffiti Contest and etc. National Teacher Forum; International Conference „Formula of Europe – today's competencies for tomorrow success“. 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Stiftung Sozialpädagogisches Institut "Walter May"(Germany), Das Jugendbildungszentrum Blossin (Germany), Training Association in Denmark (FOF), Skagen Education Centre (Denmark), Hyvärilä Youth and Holiday Centre (Finland), Metsäkartano nature youth and tourist centre (Finland), CEMEA - methodical centre of active pedagogy in France, FICEMEA - international organization uniting various NFE associations in different countries, EAICY - European Association of Institutions of Non-Formal Education for Children and Youth, Lithuanian Non-formal Education Association "Youth Academy".

Mission and Objectives

Lithuanian Youth Centre (LYC) – national non-formal education institution for children and youth, teachers, schools and family. It was originally founded in 1945 as a children and youth after school activities centre. LYC is subordinate to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Lithuania. We actively participate in forming and disseminating non-formal education at the national and international level, providing required services of non-formal education to society. We seek to participate in creating a society of active, motivated and happy people.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Formation of the non-formal education (NFE) policy in Lithuania: * Creation of legal acts regulating NFE; * National-international conferences;„Round Table" discussions /expert workshops; * Suggestions and consultations to the representatives of national institutions, members of education system, teachers. 2. Creation and dissemination of NFE system in Lithuania orientated towards competences and values: * Constant preparation of NFE consultants in many national municipalities of Lithuania; NFE sponsorship system-basket model in Lithuania; * Accreditation and licence system of NFE providers in Lithuania; * Creation of the competence and values measurement system in Lithuania; * Integration of competence and value formation into the new education programmes in Lithuania; * Creation of methods of educating competences and values; * Qualification courses, consultations: o for the teachers and trainers of non-formal youth education ; o for the school communities, participants of education system, parents, children. 3. LYC offers more than 200 activities of non-formal education (NFE) not only for children and youth, but also for adults and disabled people: arts and crafts, sports, musics, Success Academy and other. In all activities methods of NFE are applied.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dalia Navikiene
Head of the organisation
Valdas Jankauskas
Contact (2) Full Name
Vilma Smaliukiene

Institute of Asian and Transcultural studies at Vilnius University

National Network

Universiteto Str. 5, Vilnius
01131 Vilnius

(+370 5) 2687256
(+370 5) 2687256
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

1. Structure consists of Administration (3 people), Teaching Staff (22), Researchers (9), Visiting Staff (7); 2. 94019 EUR per 2006; 3. Governmental and project funding; 4. Studies, research, academic projects, seminars and conferences; 5. Respective institutions (Departments/Institutes of Asian and Middle East and African Studies) in foreign countries; Diplomatic representatives; Governmental and Non-governmental Institutions.

Mission and Objectives

 The Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies is the largest and most diverse academic establishment in Lithuania and the other Baltic states that focuses on Asian and Middle Eastern cultures and societies. The mission of the Institute is to prepare specialists of Asian and Middle Eastern cultures with intercultural and transregional competencies who could contribute to fostering an informed, open and tolerant society. We seek to conduct high-quality research, ground our educational practice in research processes and educate specialists capable of understanding and acting in multicultural contexts.   

Main Projects / Activities


The Institute conducts research and studies in two main fields – Cultural Studies and Anthropology, providing an understanding of transcultural phenomena from a cross-cultural perspective. Extensive studies of the histories, cultures, philosophies, religions, arts, and literatures and contemporary issues in Asia are complemented by anthropological fieldwork conducted in India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, China, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia, Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, and other sites.

The Institute operates three study programmes: BA in Asian Studies (Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, and Indian and South Asian Studies), MA in Modern Asian Studies and PhD in Ethnology.

The Institute’s staff are engaged in various academic activities: implement national and international research projects; conduct translations of classical Asian texts; organize academic events such as conferences, seminars, discussions, expeditions and summer schools; provide consultations for governmental institutions and business enterprises; comment on various Asia-related issues in media platforms.

Within the Institute, the School of Asian Languages offers beginner and advanced courses in Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Turkish and Karaim languages for the general public.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of organization
Head of the organisation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristina Garalytė
Contact (2) Full Name
Assist. Prof. Dr. Karina Simonson

Austrian High School Foundation

National Network

Kadirova street.34797 Ömerli-Ümraniye-İstanbul-Türkiye

+90 216 435 83 50
+90 216 435 83 54
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 375 83 60
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 506 297 96 24
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Alev High School is established in September 2002,ALEV High School is known for outstanding student achievement, a broad programme of extra-curricular activities,and a blend of Turkish and Austrian cultural values.Students are admitted to the high school on the basis of highly competitive national exam for private schools.The school follows a challenging curriculum similar to that Austrian High School under our new 4 year programme, after a year of intensive German preparation.The High school programme is applied in two languages.The core education is in German.English classes begin in the prep class and continue until the senior year students are prepared for TOEFL.Alev High school consists of 28 full time staff;25 Turkish and 3 German.The age of the students range between 14-18.
Mission and Objectives

To create an educational environment that stimulates self-expression and creativity.Our school's mission is to raise young individuals who take Ataturk's principles and reforms as a guide ,who are aware of their own culture and traditions, respectful of human rights, responsible of their duties.

Main Projects / Activities

To enhance the development, students are encouraged to participate in many social and scientific projects such as Comenius, ALF, SEMEP, Volvo, Mondiologo, Learning Circle, etc… ALEV High School believes in the educational value and leadership opportunities gained when students are involved in co-curricular activities. School sponsored clubs such as Art, Music, Sports, Social Affairs, Social Service, Science, Flamme (magazine), Drama, Spanish, Horseriding, Orienteering, Skiing, Hiking, School Band. Through these organizations students participate in annual sports and cultural events, performances of German, English and Turkish
plays and the publication of our yearbook and magazine.As an advantage of being in the country-side, our school holds Orienteering Activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
İrem Parla Usuk
Head of the organisation
Baransel Örnek
Contact (2) Full Name
Nurettin Çelik