Youth Club "Under the Same Sun"

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of organization: - Board of Directors - Executive director (full-time job) - Finance manager (full-time job) - Technical assistant and IT educator (full-time job) - Coordinator for field activities /refugees, children without parents/ - Moderator for youth movie club - Technical assistant /internet cafe/ - Activist, worker in internet cafe - Sport activities educator - Translator and English language educator - Activist, sport activities Yearly budget is around 50.000 euro. We gain funds from local and international donors, from Jablanica Municipality and we also have own sources like internet and movie club, membership fee, equipment and rooms rent, graphic and web design services, Tourist services, cinema etc. Main partners are: Norwegian people's aid, Mozaik foundation, Helsinki citizens assembly, ORC Tuzla, Jablanica Municipality, Vejle Commune - Denmark, Youth Council - Jablanica and other organizations from BiH.
Mission and Objectives

Youth Club “Under the Same Sun” located in Jablanica acts in the area of Jablanica Municipality and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Youth Club helps children, youth, teenagers and adults to use their free time productively through education and sports activities. Through these activities, Club gives young people opportunity to participate in democratic society development processes with principles of tolerance regardless of any kind of discrimination.
Youth Club “Under the Same Sun” wants to become remarkable for its activities with civil society in broad community and to make the cooperation with other organizations from BiH and worldwide. Our goal is to develop self financing system that will enable continuity of our work and existence. After several propositions of Board of Directors and Executive personnel of the Club, we brought out the motto that says: “WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU. JOIN US!”

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects are:
Jablanica Summer, International youth summer camp, educational summer camp, cinema, youth hostel construction, film festival, antidiscrimination etc.
- ICT informatics education lessons
- Foreign languages teaching lessons
- Prevention lessons /alcohol, drugs etc./
- Sport activities /tennis, basketball, volley-ball, canoeing, swimming school/
- Internet and movie club
- Graphic and web design services
- Public advocacy
- Tourist services
- Support to formal and informal groups of people, mostly youth
- Youth creative workshops
and many other daily projects connected to specific days like Earth Day, International Youth Day, International Day Against Drug, International day on AIDS prevention, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emil Balavac
Head of the organisation
Haris Halilhodžić

Mostar Youth Theatre

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 36 558 485
+387 36 558 486
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Mostar Youth Theatre - MTM - was founded on the 24th February 1974. The main part of our work has been dedicated to the continuous and systematic theatrical education of children and young people. For this education the best progressive modern European methods have been followed. The performances of the Mostar Youth Theatre are an ongoing creative process. The young people who attend MTM are involved and trained in all elements of performance, especially free improvisation, acting games, physical theatre, movement, voice, pantomime, dance, masks, various styles of acting etc. Through such work MTM has had the following results: young actors continuing with their further acting education; young actors obtaining professional engagements; young actors who become permanent members of MTM; a regular audience becoming more and more faithful and enthusiastic in their support of the work. The theatre has been financed from the budget of the City of Mostar, who are its founders. It also receives funds from cantonal, federal and state ministries, as well as from international donnors wherever possible. The main partners of the theatre are: local/federal/state ministries of education, science, culture and sport, the Centre for Drama Education, the Faculty of Humanties, the Faculties of Drama Arts and various other local and international organisations and individuals.
Mission and Objectives

The Mostar Youth Theatre is not only „teatar“, or „pozorište“, or „kazalište“ (i.e.: teatar – theatre, pozorište - theatre in serbian language, kazalište – theatre in croatian language).
The Mostar Youth Theatre is teatar as well pozorište and kazalište.
The Mostar Youth Theatre is before everything an idea.
The Mostar Youth Theatre is a project of new, open, actual, research ways of doing the art of theatre. It is a place of creative exploring, in which the saint rule is esthetics, but, even beyond that, its superior rule is the ethics. It's a profile of the "third theatre", in which it is essential to have amateur love for theatre next to professional arrangement and results.
The Mostar Youth Theatre is not a theatre in which everything is about work.
The Mostar Youth Theatre is way of living.
The show never ends there. It's a living organism which is constantly changing, enlarging, exploring...
Actors work there even when there's no play or rehearsal, due to the fact that there's always something new to learn there.
The Mostar Youth theatre is turned to the future taking all the wealth given from past and present.
The Mostar Youth Theatre is turned to the world to study, but also to teach.
The Mostar Youth Theatre is a bridge for the future.
The main tasks of the Mostar Youth Theatre are:
• The furtherance and development of drama education work, learning from the experiences of drama pedagogy in BiH;
• The furtherance and development of speech culture and culture of public events;
• The development of the methodology of drama education;
• Help in the work, and additional education, of teachers and educationalists for drama education work;
• Cooperation with educationalists and drama schools:
• Helping to promote drama-talented students;
• Preventing young people from any forms of addiction;
• Protecting the reputation and expertise of its members;
• Using drama education work in dealing with, and releasing, the consequences of trauma.

Main Projects / Activities

The Mostar Youth Theatre has the following activities: children's theatre groups; a youth theatre group and the senior professional MTM groups.
The Mostar Youth Theatre also organizes an International Theatre Festival of Authorial Project. It aims to assemble as good a collection of new ideas as possible from within theatres internationally. The Festival is held every year around the last weekend of August. MTM awards four equal awards for authorial approach in any element of the performances of the festival program.
In addition, the Mostar Youth Theatre has established an annual International award called the “Grozdanin Kikot” award for the five individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to the development of drama education. The awards are presented at a ceremony on the 24th February each year in Mostar, on the occasion of the Mostar Youth Theatre‘s birthday.
The Mostar Youth Theatre, through the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia & Herzegovina (CDOBiH), is the member of the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA).
The Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, participated in the second programme - Play Against Violence 2, in Projects: Network, Steps and To stay or to go.
Its biggest projects implemented so far are:
Pax Bosnensis, War and Theatre, FACTORY, and numerous others.
It is also important to mention that Mostar Youth Theatre is the BH Centre of ASSITEJ.
One of the most recent relevant activities of our theatre is the participation at the festival of the Theatre of the Oppressed, which took place in April and May 2009 in Palestin and Israel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sead Djulic
Head of the organisation
Sead Djulic
Contact (2) Full Name
Armin Hadzimusic

Bosanski centar za dramski odgoj (Bosnian Centre for Drama Education)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387/36/558 485
+387/36/558 486
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
CENTRE FOR DRAMA EDUCATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA became a member of IDEA – the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association – on the 27th March 1997.The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a member of IDEA, enjoys co-ordination with this association. With member associations representing more than 50 countries around the globe, the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association aims to promote and advocate drama/theatre as part of a full human education and to provide an international forum for those working as drama/theatre educators throughout the world. Members of each member association are automatically accepted as members of IDEA by virtue of their organization's status as a member association. IDEA's activities include publications, projects, international congresses and meetings, the dissemination of research and the international exchange of drama/theatre workers. One of our International work is co-operation with the National Association for the Teaching of Drama. NATD is the professional association for Drama Teachers in the United Kingdom, and worldwide. The members of NATD are teachers from all phases of education, including specialists and non-specialist teachers who have Drama as one part of their remit, Theatre in Education Companies, Teacher Trainers and Trainee Teachers. NATD was established in 1974 to "draw together and provide support for all those concerned with Drama-In-Education in all forms and at all levels." It is working to develop a new, humanising, child-centred curriculum and has a committed Internationalist perspective. Since 1999, The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is involved in the Art for Social Change programme of the European Cultural Foundation. Through this Programme, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina realised several Projects, which are addressed to the young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the first programme - Play Against Violence 1 - created a network of professionals established in South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia). The member of the Centre can be any individual and/or organisation which deals with drama in education and theatre in education. The managerial bodies of the Centre are: • The Assembly, • The Presidency, • The Supervisory Board, • The Court of Honour. The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, participated in the second programme - Play Against Violence 2, in the Projects: Network, Steps and To stay or to go, DELTA, The Power of Drama against Juvenile Violence, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Educational drama uses a group of methods for teaching and learning which employ drama expression. Drama expression means a way of expression in which real or imagined events are explored by unperformed role-play or performed improvisation.
The primary aim of drama education is to educate for life. It is meant for children and young people of all ages.
Drama education does not aim at training for professional work with drama arts.
The CENTRE FOR DRAMA EDUCATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA was formed with the aim of developing drama education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- The furtherance and development of drama education work, learning from the experiences of drama pedagogy in BiH;
- The furtherance and development of speech culture and culture of public events;
- The development of the methodology of drama education;
- Help in the work, and additional education, of teachers and educationalists for drama education work;
- Cooperation with educationalists and drama schools;
- Helping to promote drama-talented students;
- Preventing young people from any forms of addiction;
- Protecting the reputation and expertise of its members;
- Using drama education work in dealing with, and releasing, the consequences of trauma.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded, there have been several projects which of regional cultural co-operation. One of the biggest projects was "The PAX Project", which was implemented in partnership with CARE International. It was set up as a key component of CARE's civil society programme in July 1997, and has continued until March 2000 as a peace-building and social reconstruction project focussing upon young people out of school and children in schools with their teachers.
There have been two principal strands to the PAX Project's work:
1. promotion of multi-ethnic peace-building work with youth theatre groups;
2. development of a participatory learning approach for classroom peace-building work.
The PAX Project’s goal has been "to foster a sustainable local environment of peace and multi-ethnic tolerance across all three main communities that comprise Bosnia and Herzegovina".
This work has been conducted on a national basis. In addition, the Project has been continually linking work done within Bosnia and Herzegovina with inter-Regional work (especially with Serbia and Croatia) with the same focus on peace building and reconstruction. The pre-war network of theatre artists of former Yugoslavia has been to a small, but significant degree, maintained and reconstructed on the axis Zagreb-Mostar-Belgrade. There is now a firmly established tri-partite co-operation between CDOBiH and its two sister organisations in Croatia, HCDO (Croatian Centre for Drama Education) and in Serbia, CEDEUM.
The "productive distraction" of the work has aided the quality and pace of peace-building in all its different aspects: trauma healing, breaking down barriers between those previously on opposed sides, conflict resolution, the development of mutual respect and understanding, reconciliation and social reconstruction.
In the last 10 years, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in co-operation with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, has been organising and leading various numbers of workshops in all Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the region of South-East Europe. Attendance at the national and international workshops and conferences has been sought, almost invariably successfully, from all the 'groups' or 'communities' of B&H. This was achieved by setting up local "separate" workshops in the first place, then by inviting participants to the next national workshop. On other occasions the fact of a workshop, conference, or festival being international has 'given cover' to people from the different 'groups' to attend. The presence of guests from Croatia and Serbia (as well as other Balkan states) has been particularly important in this respect. The focus of these activities has been cultural or educational. This has prevented a situation where people feel manipulated into 'peaceful coexistence' or 'reconciliation' on someone else's terms or agenda.
Since 1999, each February, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is organising the International Conference. Until now, we realised the International Conferences under the following titles: “The causes of violence amongst young people and the role that theatre and drama can play in dealing with them”; “The role of theatre and drama in protecting children’s rights”; “Theatre and boundaries”; “The healing power of theatre”; “Where are we now?”; “Multicultural dialogue: chance or problem?”.
Since 1998, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina has established an international award called the “Grozdanin Kikot” - award for five individuals/organisations who have made significant contributions to the development of drama education. Some of the laureates of this Award are: Eugenio Barba, Denmark; Augusto Boal, Brazil; Josef Krofta, Czech Republic; Linna Atel, Jordan; Nicos Govas, Greece; George Soros, USA; Guy Williams, UK; Vladimir Milcin, FYR of Macedonia; Gradimir Gojer, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Vladimir Krusic, Croatia; Ljubica Beljanski Ristic, Serbia and Montenegro; Stig Erricson, Norway…
Since 1999 the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina prepares and publishes the only magazine for drama, theatre and education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Throughout these years, this magazine became a regular Magazine for theatre, drama and education workers in this area, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. Apart from the editing board from Bosnia and Herzegovina, our co-operators are also Vlado Krušić (Croatia, HCDO), Jelena Sitar (Slovenia, director), Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić (Serbia, CEDEUM), Milan Mađarev (Serbia, theatrologist) and many others.
The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in co-operation with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, is organiser of the International Festival of Authorial Poetry in which, until now, have participated individuals and groups from all continents. This Festival is a place of meeting of important world theatres, artists and young people who are beginning their work in the world of theatre. On the “Alternative Academy”, which is a part of the Festival, some of the most important one-week workshop leaders have so far been: Katcura Kan, Japan; Marcos Martinez, USA; Julian Boal, France; Zigmunt Molik, Poland; Ana Wolf, Argentina; Marco Lully, Italia; Julia Varley, Denmark; Roberta Carerri, Denmark; Charles Renault, Netherlands; Victor Goultchenko, Russia; Jelena Sitar, Slovenia; Zeljko Vukmirica, Croatia; Ferid Karajica, Serbia and Montenegro…
Since 2003, each year in April we are organising the BH Festival of secondary schools’ theatre groups. The duration of each festival is one week and all festival participants are present all the time in the festival. Usually on each Festival are 8 groups with approx. 100 young people – participants. Also, during each organization of this festival, 15 leaders of these youth theatre groups and 5 theatre artists are participating in discussions about performances, as well as leading workshops for participants and group leaders.
Since 2001, each May the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is organising the Festival of Children’s Theatre groups. This Festival is taking place in Gračanica and it is 3 days long. The children of 10 theatre groups from all Bosnia and Herzegovina are present during all festival time. The group leaders and the school teachers are holding several workshops, in which they present how they work in schools using drama and theatre as a tool for education.
The main aim of these events is to stimulate drama education and its systematic introduction in schools as a part of the future school curriculum.
In November of each year CDOBiH is organizing a Forum of Drama Writers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Jury chooses 5 new drama texts and 5 youth theatre groups with 5 directors are invited on a period of one week. Together with the writers, they work to create stage readings of drama texts. After this one-week work, there is a presentation of all 5 groups to a public audience. This joint work aims to help young writers, but also directors and young actors. This work provides them research for new ideas and the opportunity to check ways of continuing to the final product – to the performance.
The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a member of IDEA, enjoys co-ordination with this association. With member associations representing more than 50 countries around the globe, the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association aims to promote and advocate drama/theatre as part of a full human education and to provide an international forum for those working as drama/theatre educators throughout the world. Members of each member association are automatically accepted as members of IDEA by virtue of their organization's status as a member association. IDEA's activities include publications, projects, international congresses and meetings, the dissemination of research and the international exchange of drama/theatre workers.
Since 1999, The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is involved in the Art for Social Change programme of the European Cultural Foundation. Through this Programme, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina realised several Projects, which are addressed to the young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the first programme - Play Against Violence 1 - created a network of professionals established in South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia).
The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, participated in the second programme - Play Against Violence 2, in the Projects: Network, Steps and To stay or to go, DELTA, The Power of Drama against Juvenile Violence, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sead Djulic
Head of the organisation
Sead Djulic
Contact (2) Full Name
Izida Sakic

Culture Association For Protection Heritage

National Network
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
CAHP is a national, autonomous, non – profit specialized association with intangible cultural heritage including traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions/folklore, was established in Gaza Strip in 2001 by a group of traditional knowledge and folklore activists To achieve the planned objectives of the strategic plan, the consultants carried inception Workshop, Desk Review, Semi Structured Interviews (Key Informant Interviews), Focus Groups with Staff, Focus Groups with Beneficiaries, Stakeholders analysis, Donors, CAHP Workshop. Besides, the consultants established a reference framework for the future outlook including: • The activities of CAHP will be limited in Gaza Strip • The target beneficiary groups will be female and male youth • The field of CAHP work will be the Palestinian intangible cultural heritage • The organizational structure of CAHP is a matrix type organization • The management is based on budget- performance approach with minimal deviation from the planned targets of goals, objectives, results and activities
Mission and Objectives

Philosophy: CAHP's philosophy is to think globally, cooperate regionally and act locally with the view to shape and manifest authentic spirit, intangible cultural heritage, and identity of the Palestinian people.
Vision: Plays leading role in conserving intangible cultural heritage including Traditional Knowledge, and Traditional Cultural Expressions/Folklore within the Palestinian community and facilitating their transmission to the next generation.
Mission: CAHP is a non-governmental Cultural organization with the purpose to conserve traditional knowledge and folklore among female and male youth and children through capacity building, awareness and education, Public folklore and Studio crafts programs that is responsive to the needs of Palestinian society. While implementing its work, CAHP is guided by the principles of integrity, respect, honesty, accountability, tolerance and transparency.

Main Projects / Activities

CSHP, in cooperation with Palestinian Association for Human Rights and Democracy Education " Our Rights" implemented joint activities for children "After the school" for 3 months with focus on education strengthening courses.
Establish children library project with support from Qan'an education development center and Norwegian People Fund.
CSHP cooperated with SHAREK Youth Forum to train (2) university graduates to develop their cultural professional experience and competence

Contact (1) Full Name
Abd El Rahman Nayef El Salipi
Head of the organisation
Abd El Rahman Nayef El Salipi
Contact (2) Full Name
Anwar Maliha

O.O.Odisej Bratunac

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
organization has three employees. of one hundred and twenty members and has a fixed ten volunteers working in the field in accordance with the needs or personal interests. Year budget is currently approximately 10,000 euros. currently the most active organizations in the field of building peace. Trenutačno main partner is the organization CARE / nwb.
Mission and Objectives

Youth organizations' Odysseus' in Bratunac is an independent organization, registered in 2001. year alone and / or partenrima, implementing programs, development of cultural and sports events, informal education, and organized acts and actively contributes to ravnopravnijem and inclusion of youth in social and decision-making processes and creating opportunities and conditions for employment.
• Providing informal education of young people;
• Help in solving the health problems of youth;
• sports, cultural and creative raising youth;
• Enabling better material and social position of young people;
• Implementation of activities that contribute to the peace process and međuentitetskoj cooperation;
• Development of youth policy.

Main Projects / Activities

''I want to know their rights''
Donor: CARE International
Project Budget: 3900.00 KM
Start-end implementation: March-semtebar 2004.
The second phase of CARE's program''Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina''enabled the organization to implemenrira projects related to the part of the mobilization of communities and implementing projects in areas that are proposed by the donors. We have decided for the area of human rights because it has not processed with the intention to point out to the young people their basic rights shall not be kršena by no one, not even the government and state institutions.
The overall objective of the project is the revival of awareness of youth about their rights, and implemented the following activities:
Lecture on Human Rights
The first activity was the lectures on the theme of human rights and freedoms. The lecture is organized in the premises of the OSCE, and the teacher was Mrs. Milena Savić officer CIPP''''Zvornik, which deals with this problem many years longer. Invited were all representatives of youth organizations, UNDP, OSCE and as a donor and the project. To our satisfaction we have to point out that they are all invited and respond, and that the present representatives of the youth who responded to the leaders in their activism that genuinely contribute to the strengthening of youth initiatives in Bratunac.
After exposure polasatnog somewhere. Savić, developed severely hearing, in which the present was their opinions and observations on the respect for human rights in the municipality and that is the most remarks were sent to police the city of Bratunac because of numerous violations of procedures and rules which are obliged to observe.
Present a representative from the OSCE, Department of Human Rights confirmed that all the failures of the police force iznjeti regular monthly meetings on the Security situation in the city, which is held between SFOR and the police, the municipality and the OSCE.
It also concluded that none nesmije violate human rights, but that individuals nesme hide behind them, and violate the legal regulations and standards.
The meeting ended after more than to 90-minute hearing.
From our side is Rated exceptional, as well as by the speakers, and participants.
Printing brochures and pamphlets
The following activities in the project was the printing of brochures and pamphlets, which had the task to contain all the necessary information about the Declaration of Human Rights, the respect in the world with us. Tract contained only Declaration of Human Rights and the brochure, in addition to the declaration, tumačila general situation in the world of human rights and respect njhovo with some views and examples from life. These materials were djeljeni on the activities of the organization, and the largest amount of the razdjeljena of the following activities.
Rock concert, and sketch''The ratio of youth and the police''
Due to changes that are reflected in shortening the period of the project implementacionog, rock concert and sketch''The ratio of youth and the police''have moved earlier than it was planned and held together 28.05.2004. The concert was held in the old hall, and during the concert and played a skit. Sketch is prepared several days earlier in strict secrecy by enthusiasts from several organizations. The idea was that during the fall concert actors simulating raid and to get greater effect on the audience present at the concert and to show how our organization in the humorous way racije see the police in our community. I have to say that the music side of the point of view was the best concert so far as it is the organization organized, thanks to its rock group''Vulcan''in Pancevo, the Republic of Serbia, which made the older generation of musicians, and thus experienced, better and sadržajnijim repertoire.
Also present were expressed very positive about the sketch and from there, and the fact that the sketch and today prepričava in the community.
Lecture Campaign complaint about the''conscience''
Lecture complaints about the idea of conscience was held 11.06.2004. in the premises of the OSCE in Bratunac. With the present two speakers, and 12 young people interested. The lecture was held by Lord Sanjin Bužo and Pedja Radojevic, leading activists from the campaign office in central Sarajevo.
They held one lecture is serving with the earlier examples of the call to conscience objection in BiH. Compared the methods of chicanery in the RS and the Federation, where it was shown that the process of application for a complaint in the Federation is a lot faster, but the problems appear when upućenju of the service in a civilian instance, while the situation is different in the Republic of Srpska, in fact, reversed. The process of making the civil service is quite slow and long, but much faster in the civil refers to instances in which the RS is a lot faster.
Speakers also responded to a few interesting questions present, because it is just one part of the conscript in the Army of the RS. Postojili them interested in the possibility to apply to the civil service and after recruitment. Are odgovr that is possible because none of them was not informed about the civil service, which are obliged vojinm departments and can be made to neinformisanost.
Two-way street between youth and police
Two-way street between the youth and the police are held 02.07.2004. in the premises of the OSCE in Bratunac, the presence of representatives of youth, OU Sunshine, the OSCE and the CARE International office. Two-way street lasted more than an hour and a half, in the name of Bratunac police station was present mr. Dostanic Dalibor, appointed officer of local police stations to work in the community.
A range of issues between young people and police that are nerješena years are quickly developed a constructive discussion. The first question that is set is not wearing any ID cards by members of the police. Mr. Dostanic said that the telegram arrived from the Ministry of Police to not require police officers to carry the card because of the complete sertifikovanje officers of the IPTF, and the need for them is no more. Also solved the issues like this, the police nepredstavljaju, why move in the civil, I shall punish the flesh arrested. Reply meet the interest of those who have asked for a representative police predočio evident some of the procedures and legal framework within which the police act in which the police have the mandate for all of the above, but in certain limits and conditions.
Two-way street between young people and local authorities
Such activity took place 29.07 at the OSCE, with the 15.00. In the name of the power of the present Deputy Chief of Dragan Nikolic, and appointed a new officer for the Municipality of Bratunac young, Olja Cucić. Deputy Chief of the prenjeo apology that has been hindered due to attend the emergency meeting.
In moderiranju dialogue, we used the survey to the organizations that developed the project and conducted research in the region under the name''The state of youth in the area municipalities Milići, Bratunac and Srebrenica'', conducted last year at this time.
There the young is the most interest cost of funds from the budget namjenjenih youth organizations. The data came to be, but the money used for financing activities and that the Odyssey is 400 KM, OU Sanšajn 1500 KM O.P.O. Key 400 KM and the Council of Secondary pupils KM 2400. Deputy Mayor stressed that his position in connection with the youth organizations that do not need to have a few, but that they should unite. There was quite žučnog''offense'', as if to say, the young, which are a matter of exchange''and why you need us so great a political party, and why no one?''.
Discussed the extension of working time bars in Bratunac to even one hour in the morning, and has to work during the last twelve hours to the farthest. Answer that the young received was that it is better that our children remain until late in Bratunac, but to go to other cities because they were often run youth belonging to the late in the night coming back home cars. Also S.O. is believed to be a stimulus to the local economy because the fact is only right to do catering facilities.
The more a criticism of the rest of doučak in the municipality that is abuse, and workers from the municipality back significantly after the expiration. Deputy Mayor said that It is much earlier, and that is the suppression of such phenomena even though he believes that they now are not so frequent and that the visual problem of a small number of workers because it is a lot of employees dismissed because of the new papers on the number of employees issued by the Government of the Republic
Prodiskutovalo be more certain about the number of questions, and after an hour and ended the set.
Setting the stage for freedom of speech
Setting the stage for freedom of speech is held 05.08.2004. at 7:00 pm. Setting the stage was designed to play and the center of the city and to be a solemn event. Reduction of terms about the project is caused to be setting the stage occurs, instead of in the city center, in high school.
Sorry, Head of the Municipality of Bratunac, had no understanding for our request to the respective stage set in the center of town, and it is after the analysis, this is the educational institution because it is expected a strong educational impact on students of this school.
However, the Organization will continue to exercise pressure to the stage after the set to the center because they come pre-elections and election campaigns zahuhtavaju. This will be the chance to head over discounts and allow us to place in the city center. The main excuse nbačelnika was to be built soon in the big open stage for cultural events.
Setting the stage petnestak was attended by members of the organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cedomir Glavas
Head of the organisation
Cedomir Glavas
Contact (2) Full Name
Miljan Vujevic

Emek Shaveh

National Network

Eleazar Hamodai Street 13

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
“Emek Shaveh” is a public benefit organization, active since October 2007 and officially registered in December 2008. The main part of our work is founded on volunteers (10) and private donors. Due to a generous contribution from the Embassy of Norway, Emek Shaveh will start to employ a project coordinator on a 50% position from September 2009. The organization cooperates with the local Palestinian partner organisation, “Madaa”, which functions as a community centre in the village for the Palestinian residents of Silwan, and also with other Israeli NGO:s active in the area. Our project “From Shiloah to Silwan” aims to increase public awareness in Israel and abroad about the role of archeology in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the means of alternative tours, website campaign, workshops, lectures, research and media outreach. Budgetary resources for 2009: $25,000.
Mission and Objectives

“Emek Shaveh” is a new non-profit association of archaeologists, local residents and human rights activists working to change the role of archeology in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe that archeology can be used as a bridge between peoples and cultures and that it has the power to influence the dynamic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a way that can benefit the future of all the peoples in this region.
Most of our present efforts are concentrated around the site of the “City of David” located in the Palestinian village of Silwan in East Jerusalem, a few dozen meters from the Temple Mount. We believe that this site can be turned into a place for the public to learn about the many different cultures that thrived in ancient and medieval Jerusalem and that this knowledge can be used as a way to connect with and appreciate the cultures of the peoples living there today.

Main Projects / Activities

Tours & workshops: A significant part of our work consists of conducting alternative archaeological tours aimed at increasing public awareness of the role of archeology in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Empowering the local residents (workshops): We believe that archeology can be a powerful instrument for shaping public awareness, strengthening social cohesion and bringing about social change. Engaging in archaeological activities such as digs, cultivation of specific sites or tours within a communal area together with the local residents strengthens the residents’ understanding that the public area is a part of their living space.
Research: The research aims to analyze the role of archeology in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with focus on the connection between archaeological excavation, tourism development and political interest groups, and present an alternative where archeology instead of a tool of conflict can serve as a bridge between peoples and religions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yonathan Mizrachi
Head of the organisation
Yonathan Mizrachi
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Veeder

Turkish-Greek Studies Istanbul Bilgi University

National Network

Istanbul Bilgi University, Kurtuluş Deresi cad. No 47 34440 Dolapdere

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Turkish-Greek Studies is a newly established teaching and research division under the auspices of the European Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University. As a field of study it was established in September 2005, following a generous donation by the J.F. Costopoulos Foundation and a contribution by Istanbul Bilgi University. The directors of the division are Associate Professor Umut Özkırımlı and Assistant Professor Harry Tzimitras. Istanbul Bilgi University’s Turkish-Greek Studies Division, as well as the M.A. programme with the same concentration, is the only one of its kind, not only in Greece and in Turkey but internationally. Through a full schedule of activities and the engagement of key figures in the field, the programme has already quickly become a point of reference for Turkish-Greek studies on both sides of the Aegean. The Turkish-Greek Studies Division has established a strategic partnership with The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, ELIAMEP which extends to the organization of joint events (seminars, lecture series and conferences), a common Summer Programme and the recruitment of students and fellows in Greece. Turkish-Greek Studies also has close links with teaching and research centres internationally, such as the Hellenic Observatory at the London School of Economics and Political Science, The Greek-Turkish Network at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford and the Department of Turkish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cyprus.
Mission and Objectives

Building on the initial experience of a series of successful summer programmes, the division aims at fostering institutional collaboration between the academic communities of the two countries, with a view to contributing to the spirit of rapprochement that characterizes the current state of bilateral relations through joint seminars, conferences, summer programmes, and exchange of students and scholars.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of the division include:
Lecture Series and Panels
Summer Programmes

Contact (1) Full Name
Umut Özkırımlı
Head of the organisation
Ayhan Kaya, Director of European Institute
Contact (2) Full Name
Harry Tzimitras


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Greek regional section of Euroscience is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which aims at the promotion of science, technology and innovation in Greece. Our section is an independent section of the paneuropean organization Euroscience. We work closely with the European Commission and we are the National Contact Point for Greece. It is one of the few non-governmental scientific organizations in Greece which is actively participating in projects for the amelioration of scientific and research conditions at national level. Apart its employees, Euroscience have more than 4.000 members, volunteers and supporters all over Greece.
Mission and Objectives

The Greek regional section of Euroscience is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which aims at the promotion of science, technology and innovation in Greece.
Our section is an independent section of the paneuropean organization Euroscience. We work closely with the European Commission and we are the National Contact Point for Greece.
It is one of the few non-governmental scientific organizations in Greece which is actively participating in projects for the amelioration of scientific and research conditions at national level. Apart its employees, Euroscience have more than 4.000 members, volunteers and supporters all over Greece.
Aim of the organization is: a) the science and arts dissemination, b) the humanitarian aid with the use of technology for the fighting of poverty and natural disasters and finally, c) the development of education for youth and for people who face the racism and the discrimination.
It offers free educational programmes for people with fewer opportunities (disabled, ethnic minorities, women, people in less advantageous areas) and has formed 5 workgroups working on major scientific topics, involving people from academia, enterprises and public sector.

Main Projects / Activities

The Greek section of Euroscience has been involved in the following EU’s projects: “Accessibility to Knowledge” (YOUTH 2005 – Project Coordinator), and “Football against Racism in Europe” (FARE 2005, FARE 2006). The Greek regional section of Euroscience is the coordinator of several national projects, indicatively “Knowledge beyond the city” (2004-2005), “Award for excellence in scientific publications” (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007), “Teach your mum, teach your dad” (2004, conferred a Netdays award 2004), “Competition of scientific photography for students” (2004, conferred a Netdays award 2004, 2005, 2006), “Give PC a chance” (2006, 2007). It addition, the Greek regional section has participated in the “Café Scientifique” (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) project.
Currently, we coordinate two EU-funded projects (with more than 30 partners each) forming and coordinating networks around the world and we are organizing the Euroscience Mediterranean Event 2009 in Athens (

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Individual member: Boulos Nouha

National Network

Nazareth 16000

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
i am applying as an indiviual
Mission and Objectives

my mission is to help unemployed academic Arab women in Israel. To make efforts in order to network between women and employers, as well as to promote creating job opportunities for these women.

Main Projects / Activities

women and work
youth and education

Contact (1) Full Name
Boulos Nouha


National Network

23, Qrempuc Street,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The main objective of SOUNDSCAPES is promotion of contemporary expression and Maltese cultural heritage. To achieve this aim SOUNDSCAPES: 1. organises concerts and performances 2. publishes books 3. produces audio-visual material (including CDs and DVDs) 4. develops products related to culture 5. organises courses, workshops and seminars 6. organises exhibitions 7. collaborates with other institutions SOUNDSCAPES incomes are: 1. profits from events 2. profits from dissemination of cultural products (books, CDs etc) 3. subsidies of corporate bodies 4. donations 5. grants 6. state funding 7. EU funding
Mission and Objectives

SOUNDSCAPES is a cultural organisation committed to Maltese music heritage and contemporary expression. SOUNDSCAPES operates within three particular areas:
Performance-arts: concerts and productions ranging from cultural heritage to contemporary expression.
Product development: the design concept and high production value of our products transpose Maltese heritage to an international platform.
Education: developing educational programmes for schools to foster the awareness of Maltese heritage amongst the younger generation.

Main Projects / Activities

SOUNDSCAPES is a cultural organisation committed to Maltese music heritage and contemporary expression. SOUNDSCAPES operates within three particular areas:
Performance-arts: concerts and productions ranging from cultural heritage to contemporary expression.
Product development: the design concept and high production value of our products transpose Maltese heritage to an international platform.
Education: developing educational programmes for schools to foster the awareness of Maltese heritage amongst the younger generation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruben Zahra
Head of the organisation
Ruben Zahra
Contact (2) Full Name
Deborah Gelly