Terres méditerranéennes

National Network

63 bis, boulevard du Jardin exotique
Monaco 98000

+33 (0)6 22 800 166
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Trois personnes collaborent actuellement au fonctionnement de l'association. Les ressources budgétaires de l'association varient selon les projets de l'association : - 600 euros (Association Monaco-Italie) en 2006 pour la manifestation "Migrations" (exposition collective, performance et ateliers pour enfants) organisée au Forte dell'Annunziata à Vintimille - 800 euros (Association Monaco-Italie et Mairie de Monaco) en 2008 pour la manifestation "Animal" (exposition collective et ateliers pour enfants) organisée au Jardin exotique de Monaco - 2500 euros en 2009 (Mairie de Monaco) pour le cycle annuel d'ateliers pour enfants organisé au Jardin exotique de Monaco
Mission and Objectives

Terres méditerranéennes est une association monégasque ayant pour ambition la mise en valeur de la création contemporaine dans les domaines de l'art et de l'artisanat méditerranéens par le biais d'expositions, de salons, de marchés et d'ateliers.

Main Projects / Activities

La principale activité de Terres méditerranéennes est l’organisation d’expositions transfrontalières puisqu’il s’agit de rencontres entre artistes de Monaco, de France et d'Italie. Ces manifestations sont le prétexte de rapprochements culturels qui enrichissent les échanges entre les artistes et le public mais aussi entre les artistes eux-mêmes.
En marge des expositions, une part importante de nos activités est également consacrée à la transmission
de savoirs auprès jeune public, à travers des ateliers créatifs (mosaïque, céramique, collage,
construction, tressage...) ou récréatifs (jeux, chant, danse...) dont les thèmes sont en rapport
avec les expositions. L'orientation générale des ateliers tourne autour du recyclage
(utilisation de bouchons de liège, de plastique, chutes de tissus, de laine, de carton,
de papier...) ou de l'utilisation de matériaux naturels (graines, bois flottés, écorces...).
Nous cherchons aussi à véhiculer des connaissances liées à notre "méditerranitude" (enseignement de danses traditionnelles, des techniques de la céramique, découverte de plantes et d'insectes de notre région…) tout en s'ouvrant sur d'autres cultures (création d'origamis, pratique de jeux du monde...).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ninon Hattab
Head of the organisation
Marjorie Gaggino
Contact (2) Full Name
Sophie Panizzi


National Network

7, rue Suffren Reymond MC 98000 Monaco

+377 92 160 430
Telephone (other)
+377 92 160 430
+377 92 160 430
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33(0)6 18 54 43 84
Mobile Phone (other)
+33(0)6 18 54 43 84
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Société de production cinématographique installée en France, Espagne et Monaco : www.kanzaman.com
Mission and Objectives

Produire des films susceptibles de toucher un large public international mais néanmoins chargés de sens.

Main Projects / Activities

Dancing Arabs avec Katia Lund à la réalisation d'après un roman de Sayed Kashua ; Cold Skin, avec David Slade à la réalisation sur une adaptation du roman d'Albert Sanchez Pinol ; Snowheart , en développement d'après un roman de Michel Goeldlin qui permet d'aborder le problème du réchauffement climatique tout en faisant un film de divertissement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucette Legot
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Denise O'Dell

Forum of Tuzla Citizens

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 35 258 075
Telephone (other)
+387 35 258 076
+387 35 258 079
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 132 964
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 61 142 182
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
FTC Main board is an executive body that has 6 members including a president and two vice-presidents. FTC Council is an advisory body consisting of 30 prominent Tuzla citizens.
Mission and Objectives

Forum of Tuzla Citizens (FTC) was founded in 1993 as an answer to the growth of nationalism in its own surrounding, as well as a result of the need and determination to preserve Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole, independent and decentralised sovereign state regulated upon parliamentary democratic principles, within its historical and geo-political borders, recognised by the international community, so that no part of its territory can be considered a part of national territory by any of its nations.
FTC is not a party association, and within it, citizens are gathering by their own free will and personal choice. Affiliation to any political, national, gender, religious, social or age group does not constitute an obstacle to participation in Forum. FTC was founded by citizen-individuals, not by the representatives of political, national, religious, social or age groups. In that regard FTC is open to every citizen who cares for the preservation and development of the traditional democratic, urban, cultural and ethnic values of Tuzla and BiH as a multinational and a mullet-religious civic community.
FTC supports:
- Punishment of all war criminals
- The return of all displaced persons and refugees to their ancient hearths and the return of their property
- Starting a process of mutual trust re-establishment motivated by the humanism and strength of spiritualism.
- Support and active participation in all constructive peaceful initiatives that are in accordance with FTC principles and assignments
- Encouragement of democratic activities in all spheres of life in Tuzla and in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Exerting a strong influence and reacting to all events in the town and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are opposite to democratic principles of FTC programme
-Demanding the full equality of all citizens, disregarding their political, national, religious, gender, social or age affiliation
- Respecting the human rights and freedoms according to the 1948 UN Declaration of the Human Rights.
- Developing the patriotic feelings of B-H peoples on the basis of the positive cultural and ethnic experiences in our region
- Protecting multinational and multi-religious inheritance in accordance with the civilised world’s standards
- Spreading the feeling of love, loyalty and devotion for the town, including the protection of Tuzla town and its traditional, spiritual and cultural essence
- Creating conditions for the establishment of a European quality life and work in all spheres
- Saving, protecting and preserving the environment by taking all ecological measures in that regard.
- Preservation and development of each individual’s potential for their work on realisation of projects which will involve Tuzla in all European trends and processes
-Associating and co-operation with similar associations from BIH, Europe and beyond.

Main Projects / Activities

In the time of ten-month blockade of Tuzla, FTC organised series of public tribunes titled “How To Survive”.
FTC was engaged on providing and distribution of humanitarian aid.
FTC organised two public debates under the titles "Bosnia and Herzegovina In The Light of Geneva" and "The Washington Agreement", in May and July of 1994.
FTC, in co-operation with Verona Forum from Brussels and Association of Independent Intellectuals Circle 99 from Sarajevo organised an International conference under the title "Is Europe Possible Without Multiculturalism?” held in Tuzla on November 3 – 5 1994, under sponsorship of the European Parliament.
FTC, in association with the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly and Municipal Council Tuzla, organised an International conference under the title "Local Democracy in BiH And Europe", held in Tuzla on November 14 – 17 1994.
In February 1995, FTC organised a public debate “Protection of Human Rights”, and in April of the same year, organised a debate that promoted the Ombudsman Office in the Federation of BiH.
Over the system of e-mail communication ZAMIR, FTC organised written communication with all republics of former Yugoslavia and whole world in the time of informative blockade and broken connections. Over the same system, FTC realised project “Letters” that provides written communication to citizens with foreign countries. Over 100 letters daily were sent and received through this system.
FTC has been a co-organiser of the IV General Assembly of Helsinki Citizens Assembly, which was held in Tuzla on October 19 – 22 1995 where we had around 600 participants throughout the country and world.
On October 22, 1995, FTC in co-operation with Association “Circle 99” from Sarajevo published Charter that consists basic principles of organisation of common state of BiH.
FTC published booklet “Introduction to Human Rights” that represent first serious written work in the field of human rights in the history of BiH. This project was supported by NCA (Norwegian Church Aid).
The FTC initiates and leads the project ‘Citizens Alternative Parliament of BiH’ that initiates, encourage and financially support and connect local citizens’ initiatives at the state level. The founding assembly of Citizens Alternative Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on August 31, 1996 in Tuzla. CAP BiH is based in Tuzla.
Since 1997, National Endowment for Democracy, Washington supports work of CAP BiH and its members through project “Citizens Alternative Parliament – Strengthening of Civil Society”. At the beginning CAP BiH had 14 members, and until today it developed network of 30 very respectable NGOs, recognized in their communities.
In co-operation with IKV and Helsinki Board for Human Rights in RS, FTC leads project “The Way Back” that helps displaced persons from Tuzla and Bijeljina to return to their homes. Project was successfully finished in 2001 when we arranged reconstruction of 20 houses in Janja and Požarnica and provided return for refugees and returnees in Janja also received three tractors.
In 2002, also in co-operation with IKV and new established organisation Forum of Srebrenica Citizens, project will be continued in Srebrenica region.
In co-operation with ABF Gothenburg from Sweden, FTC is implementing educational program “ABF-FTC Data Studio” where citizens are educated in the field of information technologies. Beside getting of very useful knowledge, as well internationally acknowledged certificate (ECDL) after passed tests, student are additionally educated in the field of democratisation of society, protection of human rights, role of NGOs, trade unions, media, etc. in building of civil society.
In July 1999, FTC organised international conference “How to Reach Stability in SEE”, where actors of political alternative from the region presented their opinions about Stability Pact for SEE.
Since 1996, FTC has successful co-operation with Olof Palme International Centre from Stockholm. With their support FTC organised many activities aimed to democratisation and building of civil society in BiH. During 2000 and 2001, within joint project titled “NGO Incubator”, FTC supported work and strengthening of three NGOs: “Future” Modriča, “Milićanin” Milići and Forum of Gradačac Citizens. In 2002, co-operation with OPC is continued through the project “Voice of Citizens” aimed to implement rights, obligations and responsibilities of the citizens in relation to authorities and vice versa, as well establishment and affirmation of dialogue between citizens and local authorities.
FTC was actively involved in the work of Citizens Pact for South-East Europe, since it was founded in July 2000. The aim of Citizens Pact for SEE is to promote, develop and organise (implement) models of regional co-operation by local NGOs and municipalities devoted to stability, peace and democracy. Citizens Pact has three sectors: municipalities, youth and civic initiatives.
During 2002 and 2003, FTC in cooperation with IKV and partner-organisations: hCa Banja Luka, Centre for Civic Cooperation Livno and hCa Tuzla realised project titled “How to Integrate BiH, How to Integrate BiH into Europe?”. The main task of this project was integration of BiH at all levels, and basic aims were: to initiate pan-Bosnian discussion about internal BH integration, different European institutions, conditions for entrance of BiH into the Council of Europe, to initiate debate about the role of the citizens in integration processes and to set up campaigns and projects on certain topics.
Through the project “Strengthening of Civil Initiatives at Local Level”, financed by NED, at the beginning of 2003 FTC started strengthening of dialogue between citizens and local administration, as well with administration at higher levels, in several cities of BiH. The general aim was strengthening of democratic processes and democratisation of institutions of society, protection of human rights and citizens’ freedoms, transparency, efficiency and professionalism and quality of the work of public administration and services of local administration in general.
Within Forum of Tuzla Citizens there is also youth group called Urban Culture. It gathers young people that want to actively involve in the work of NGOs and the life of the local community. With support from partner organisation ABF from Gothenburg (Sweden) during 2002 and 2003 they worked on realisation of projects that were aimed to develop discussion groups among young people, engagement of young people in fight against drug-addiction and education of young people in the field of civil society and human right.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vehid Sehic
Head of the organisation
Vehid Sehic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ermin Mustacevic

International Peace Center (Sarajevo Winter Festival)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00 387 33 207 948
00 387 33 207 948
Mobile Phone
00 387 61 480 131
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
IPC has its members, Assembly, Auditing Board, Administrative Board, Sarajevo Winter Festival, Publishing and one employed person. IPC is funding by grants form local and state communities for projects and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

International Peace Center Sarajevo
Geographical coverage: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe, World
Program: Human rights, cooperation with the peace groups and the youth organizations, eco-programs, promotion of BiH tourism, solidarity and humanitarian program within the project Direct action, publishing, organization of the programs related to the solidarity and humanitarian activities, educational and cultural manifestations and other intercultural and inter religious programs in Europe and in the World.

Main Projects / Activities

Competition for the project of the Concert Hall, Sarajevo
Participation of the artist at the Biennale of the Young Artists of the Europe and Mediterranean (Lisbon, Turin, Roma, Athens)
The X Biennale 2001 “Chaos and Communication” in Sarajevo
Presentation of the artists from BiH in the Europe and in the world (in more than 150 cultural centers at all continents).
The Project "Sarajevo, The European Cultural Center ‘93 / ‘94", held under the auspices of UNESCO
The First World Forum, dedicated to the intercultural, inter religious dialogue and the Conference of the Stability Pact and security in the South-Eastern Europe
International scientific and cultural gatherings SARAJEVO – MEETING POINT, since 1991.god.
Peace related activities in Sarajevo, Wien, Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Strasbourg, Roma,
Solidarity activities and humanitarian projects (Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, direct help to the University, hospitals, social welfare institutions, NGO, humanitarian organizations and citizens
Eco-project “Skakavac”, Magazine “EKO-oko”
First cultural and tourist guide along with Good Vibrations

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

La Vie sur Terre

National Network

Palamedesstraat 9-1

+31 618 512 151
Telephone (other)
+31 647 47 0034
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. We are a small, and therefore flexible organization, consisting of 1 artistic director, 1 managing director and 2 producers. For each project we collaborate with many freelancers and interns. Partners: a.o. festivals, theatre/ dance/music groups, theatre halls, music schools and conservatory. 2. approx. € 400.000 (depending on project-financing) 3. each project has to be funded on its own. Main sources of funding come from regular cultural subsidizers and government subsidies. Internationally: cultural centers, European funding, Embassies and the Dutch government. 4. Large (mainly music) projects in divided communities which centralize around local artists and have a positive influence. 5. always different
Mission and Objectives

La Vie sur Terre was initiated by composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven to realise projects that include the audience in an overall experience. By creating a natural setting we want to take art from its pedestal, melt art with its surroundings and by doing this immerse a broad (and mostly inexpert) public in an experience of the senses. We organise frequently extensive events, without the burden of inertia which is frequently own to established institutions. To anticipate on new developments, a project is frequently made in the short term, never repeated and always adapted to the properties of a location.

Main Projects / Activities

Local: community art in Zaandam, small music projects, concert for all senses, piano recital with interaction of singers etc. International: - Ramallah (huge music project with local and international musicians about Palestinan culture to give a positive vibe trough the international world) - Golan Height (music project on both sides Israeli & Syria territory to form unity between the divided Druze people) - Slovakia (Roma project in the east of Slovakia) - Symphony for all in Amman Jordan (a concert for a professional symphony and 200 children and music students)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mories Romkens
Head of the organisation
Mories Romkens
Contact (2) Full Name
Merlijn Twaalfhoven

COC Netherlands

National Network


020 623 45 96
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
COC Netherlands employs 25 professionals at its Amsterdam head office and works nationally with approximately 250 volunteers at 20 local chapters. COC Netherlands is funded by membership, subsidies and donations and its yearly turnover is approximately 3 million Euro's. COC implements national and international projects and has ECOSOC status at the United Nations. Internationally COC works at the Balkan, in Eastern Europe, Turkey, Caucasus and Central Asia. In these areas COC works with 20 local partners.
Mission and Objectives

COC Netherlands is the Dutch federation for the integration of homosexuality. Internationally COC supports, activists, organizations and movements to emancipate lesbians, gays, transgenders and bisexuals.

Main Projects / Activities

Nationally COC works on projects in the field of etnicity, education, seniors, religion, youngsters and law enforcement. Internationally COC supports organizations in Turkey, Croatia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. COC's international policy advisors work with EU, Council of Europe, OSCE and United Nations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pieter Boone
Head of the organisation
Koen van Dijk
Contact (2) Full Name
Liesbeth Devos

Cantiere Giovani

National Network

Via Siepe Nuova 59
80027 Frattamaggiore (NA)

Frattamaggiore (NA)

0039 081 8328076
Telephone (other)
0039 081 3187550
0039 081 3187550
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3201945122
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3200408060
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Cantiere Giovani is a cooperativa sociale, with 7 members and 10 person that co-operate in the projects, the activities and the servicies. Our last balance sheet (2008): 104.183,00 €. Sources of funding: Municipalities, Campania Region, Italian Government, EACEA, private Foundations. Modalities of action: intercultural projects, italian school for migrants, Youth Centers, Centers for kids, workcamps, EVS, communication servicies for no profit organisations. The organization collaborates with Campania Region, the Municipality of Frattamaggiore (Na),the Local Health Authority (Asl Na3), the Center of Juvenile Justice of the Municipality of Naples, secondary and primary schools and other Italian and European non governmental organizations. Furthermore, Cantiere Giovani is member of the National Register of Associations and Authorities which work for Immigrants, the Register of organizations working for peace and human rights of the Campania Region, and the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service - CCIVS.
Mission and Objectives

Cantiere Giovani is a non confessional, non governmental and non profit organization which believes in the individual’s skills of growing and changing in full autonomy and freedom, respecting and recognizing the individual complexity and diversity.
CG aims at spreading the concept of peace and solidarity, the promotion of an active citizenship society and of the youth as a central resource, intercultural training and the promotion of diversity as a positive force. Its intent is to pull down cultural obstacles, which are linked to prejudices and stereotypes, and to stimulate social attitudes towards each person through non formal and informal educational methods and actions to make each one conscious of the diversity of the other, to encourage the integration of immigrant communities in society, to set them at their ease.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003 CG runs intercultural youth and child centers. Among the services for the immigrant communities, there is a counter for legal counseling, a help desk for jobs and house research as well as Italian language courses, structured in three levels to face the different learning difficulties. CG collaborates with schools to organize and manage audiovisual courses. CG promotes International Voluntary Service through the organization and the management of international work camps, EVS projects and other youth exchanges within European and International programs. Cantiere Giovani gives special attention to communication as a tool to let services get closer to citizens and as democratic participation principle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lupoli Mario
Head of the organisation
D'Errico Giovanni
Contact (2) Full Name
Costanzo Pasqualino

Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.

National Network

2503 Costa Mesa Dr. Dallas, TX, USA
1124 Budapest, Tamasi Aron u.34. Hungary


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.® (HMC), 501(c)(3) non-profit, cultural organization. HMC is dedicated to promoting international art and the understanding of world cultures, through high quality art exhibition, ArtFilmFest, residency, seminar, artist talk, cultural exchanges and related educational programs. Based in Dallas and Budapest, the organization operates throughout the world. Founding from membership, grants and public support. Partners: US Embassy, Budapest; Medosz; Jokai klub; City of Balatonfured, Vizivarosi Gallery, Ferencvarosi Gallery, and other organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The AIR-HMC’s mission to bridge cultural, geographic, and linguistic divides by bringing people together through the arts in order to foster a greater understanding of world cultures. The mission at the AIR/HMC, Budapest, Artist In Residencies are inspire, renew and sustain artists and community through education and outreach.

Main Projects / Activities

HMC's principal focus is an international residency program to which artists from around the world are invited. The goal is to provide a supportive community with uninterrupted time to work. The residencies offer participants to interact with other artists representing a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Accepted applicants are expected to speak and understand English. Approximately 6 artists are invited for each session, 6 session per year. The residence offers shared room/bath as living quarters. Studio, room, workshop, exhibition, seminar, Artist Talk and gallery tour.

Contact (1) Full Name
Beata Szechy
Head of the organisation
Beata Szechy

Europa Nova

National Network

Vallus, Rakoczi u 58

+36 83572013
Mobile Phone
+36 30 5556217
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
It is organized as a nonprofit limited partnership The year our overall turnover is about 150K Euro Sources of funding include our own activities / consulting / helping with project preparations for local governments and NGOs, as well as supported research and activities from government bodies and EU funds We mainly organize social innovation projects. Distribute results thru books, television and conferences / workshops
Mission and Objectives

to help communities reinvent themselves

Main Projects / Activities

Reinventing Hungary -- a media campaign and local organization for local community chapters on discussing missions and goals for communities
Uj Reformkor - new social innovations / social entrepreneurship -- working with schools and varions civil society actors to link ongoing work,
Developing regional projects, with similar local NGOs in the Balkan

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Manchin
Head of the organisation
Robert Manchin / Elemer Hankiss

Latvijas - Libānas kultūras biedrība (Latvian Lebanese Cultural Association)

National Network

Slokas iela 37
Rīga, LV-1007

+371 26588961
Telephone (other)
+371 67613638
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

LLIKK is the Latvian Lebanese Cultural and Educational Club. Three years ago this unique idea of the club was born among a group of Latvians and Lebanese friends. The idea soon gained enormous support from various Latvian officials , and was soon embraced by almost all Lebanese residents of Latvia. By the way Europa was the name of the daughter of one of the phoenicians kings having been kidnapped by the Greeks. On the other hand unfortunately Lebanon similar to Latvia has been occupied by many invaders Romans, Ottomans, and Frensh etc... Thus coming from such a wonderful country while realising the common historical events which our both countries have suffered from despite the vast miles that seperate them, we felt the responsibility to bridge the geographical gap by expressing our gratitude to the country which became our second home for providing us with knowledge and in the same time we hoped to present to our Latvian host the true colors of our traditions and culture, so as to lay the foundation for mutual understanding and respect for one another.

Mission and Objectives

We Lebanese have great pride in Lebanon's rich cultural heritage. Despite its small geographical area, 10452 sq. km Lebanon over the ages has been the cradle of great civilisations.The Phoenicians who were the original inhabitants of this beautiful country set sail from its shores which meet the feet of its glorious mountains with their white crowned peaks , to various destinations spreading their language which is considered to be the origin of our currently spoken one Europe included.

Main Projects / Activities

In short we hope that LLIKK will become the new house of every Lebanese in Latvia and every Latvian willing to join this uniqe experience through participating in our various activities which are merely educational and cultural in nature.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Houssam Abou Merhi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Houssam Abou Merhi
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. S. Abdulmassih