Delfino Lavoro soc. cooperativa sociale

National Network

Via Francesco Miceli Picardi 11

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The staff is composed of a chief executive, three executives of area and 5 employees. Resources for activities amounted to about 300,000 per year and come mainly from the sale of services and government grants. DELFINO LAVORO acts mainly through productive activities, practical projects, events and intercultural exchanges. The main partners are associations and networks of association and public institutions.
Mission and Objectives

DELFINOLAVORO's mission is to promote social inclusion and employment of the socially disadvantaged through productive activities in the field of communication, training and event management.
DELFINOLAVORO is also engaged in promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation between social organizations and between youth organizations of Southern Italy and the Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2004, DELFINO LAVORO promotes "Rexpo'- Euro-Mediterranean area of social responsibility", an annual meeting between civil society organizations.
Since 2008 he started the experience of "MeYouMe - Mediterranean Youth Meeting", a meeting attended by over 150 leaders of youth organizations from almost all countries of the Mediterranean.
DELFINO LAVORO also deals with production and graphic design and publishing and professional training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Serra
Head of the organisation
Annamaria Bevilacqua
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandra Luberto

Klobouk film s.r.o.

National Network
Czech Republic

Hlavní 2725/153, Praha 4 - 141 00

+420 608117644
Mobile Phone
+420 608117644
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
-The statute of the Klobouk Film s.r.o. is the Limited Company. The company does not have any permanent employees. The staff is always hired for the particular projects. The companies and individuals from art quarters are ranked among our partners. -With regard to the short existence of the Klobouk Film s.r.o. the budget and financing sources are covered mostly from grants. In the future we are going to generate the earnings from our own art and commercial works, and from the projects in which we are going to participate. -Scholarships, seminars, etc. are not up-to-date subject presently. -The general partners on completed projects: The Czech TV, RGM Entertainment, The Regional Museum Praha východ, Municipality of Pacov.
Mission and Objectives

The Klobouk film s.r.o. company was established in 2008. The company focuses on features and documentary art films, clip art, presentation DVDs etc.
The fundamental mission of the company is production and distribution of the works which are really artistically ambitious; and a support of projects which go beyond cinematography, e.g. towards the humanism and help to others.

Main Projects / Activities

The Klobouk film s.r.o. focuses on the production and distribution of the audiovisual works, a support of young authors and their artistic visions. For the present it concerns mostly documentary films, where the raising generation gets together, works on a project and masters the principles of the professional approach, and brings the new and fresh impulses into the collective works. We are going to apply the same procedure in the work on feature films, which we would like to bring in the production. Our goal is to set up a young team joined by several skilled persons creating together meaningful work of art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tomáš Váňa
Head of the organisation
Tomáš Váňa, Jan Míka ml.


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
1:la structure se compose d'un bureau central(19 membre) et d'un conseil administratif national(84 Membres).les membres sont de l'ordre de 400 adhérents avec une forte progression. La mise en place de bureaux régionaux est en cours. des partenariats sont actés avec le ministère de santé, le ministère de l’éducation national et la banques mondial, ainsi que d’autres organismes partageant les mêmes objectifs 2:pas de ressources autre que les revenus des adhésions et les aides finacière des membre 3: aucune source permanante==> or financement de projets particuliers par des instances tels que la banque mondiale ou l'INDH. 4:Mobilisation nationale anti tuberculose,Table ronde sur les droits de la femme à l'occasion du 8Mars,Organisation d'un atelier auto-géré sur la santé de la femme lors du forum social maghrebin à Eljadida Maroc.... 5: Réseaux Euromed des ONG, Ministère de l'éducation,ministère de la santé, la banque mondial, L'INDH, L'UE via un partenariat avec l'ODT( syndicat marocain)
Mission and Objectives

Lutter contre la précarité et l’analphabétisme.
Lutter contre l’image négative de la femme que donent les médias.
Sensibiliser les femmes sur les problemes de santé et de l’environnement.
Encourager l’éducation des filles.
Favoriser l’intégration de la femme rurale dans le développement social.
Travailler avec les femmes immigrée.
Assiter et encourager l’insertion sociale de la femme handicapée.

Main Projects / Activities

Actions terrain: organisation des cours d'alphabétisation
la sensibilisation au quotidien au code de la famille , au code de travail et au droit de la femme.
Lutte contre toute violence à l'egard de la femme.
Réalisation d'une enquête sur les petites bonnes( petites fille amployées de maison)==> à son issu une lutte est menée pour qu'une loi interdisant cette paratique voit le jour.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Réseau des associtions de développement ait sgougou

National Network

Rue 8 N° 390 Hay Ennahda m'rirt Khénifra

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
le réseau est composé de 15 associations local, ses sources de financement sont généralement à partir des projets ou des cotisations des membres. les principaux partenaires: agence de développement social, IRCAM, Asoociationsà d'autres régions...
Mission and Objectives

la promotion du développement de la région
le renforcement des capacités des associations memebre du réseau

Main Projects / Activities

appui et accomapagnement d'une association local à l'exécution d'un projet d'élevage de bovins
accompagnement des associations membres à l'élaboration de projet
partenariat avec plusieurs associations au Maroc

Contact (1) Full Name
Hicham Otmani

Connections of Hope

National Network

centre socioculturel saaidia

00212- 528 86 77 88
Telephone (other)
00212-528 86 18 05
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00212- 661 58 23 36
Mobile Phone (other)
00212-666 52 01 43
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Association are the membership cards of its members, the city council’s grants and donations from partners sharing the same beliefs. We target mainly the missing dimension of education in our schools, mainly: fostering creativity, team-work, critical thinking, problem solving and cultural diversity through youth workshops and sessions in the socio-cultural centers of the city.
Mission and Objectives

The Connections Of Hope for Cultural Exchange Association started in June 2009 by some prominent educators in Tiznit city as a response to the growing willingness among these to contribute to the improvement of the educational sector in the region by adding other dimensions of youth empowerment, cultural exchange and citizenship through non-formal education and projects for the youth of the region.

Main Projects / Activities

So far, the association has led two main events: one is a collaborative artistic afternoon for the youth to express how learning foreign languages can contribute to a more understanding. The second is called an epal exchange between some high school students and their peers in Boston. The first write Poems and the latter converts these into artistic work.
We are launching a promising program for the primary school kids who are going to benefit from a variety all along the week sessions in civic engagement projects, ICT, story-telling, music, theater, games...etc These are are expected to be led by university graduates seeking to enroll in the public service.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Samira Idelkadi

Association Jeunes pour Jeunes

National Network

485, Avenu Al moukawama quartier El jadid Tiflet 15402 Maroc

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

association à but non lucratif 50 membres •La délégation de l’entraide nationale - khemisset •La délégation de l’éducation nationale – khemisset •La délégation de jeunesse et du sport – khemisset •Initiative nationale de développement humain province de khemisset •Service de coopération et d’action culturelle de l’ambassade de France – Rabat •Peace corps - Rabat •Enda Maghreb (ONG) •Association AMAPPE - Rabat •Association LDDF – Rabat •Association Maamora Tiflet •Forum de la Citoyenneté Casablanca •Associations locales et nationales * financement de notres association c'est dans le cadre des projets dans le cadre l'indh ou bien des projets financés par des notres partenaires. notres projets:

Mission and Objectives

•Intégrer les jeunes à travers l’éducation et la formation. •Implanter dans la société marocaine les principes de l’égalité des sexes, de la démocratie comme outil de changement et du comportement civique. •Aider à la création des Activités Génératrices de Revenus ”AGR“ et Créatrices d’Emploi ”ACE“.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre de formation en fer forgé et menuiserie Aluminium. (INDH) •Création des centres de consultation, d’orientation et d’accompagnement des jeunes entrepreneurs. •Création d’une coopérative de production du coucou traditionnel pour les femmes. * programme égalité et la citoyenneté.(2008) * programme sensibilisation al réforme nouveau code de la famille (2007)

Contact (1) Full Name
Imad Akka
Head of the organisation
Imad Akka

Association Touaghile Pour Le Développement

National Network

College Tekna, Hay Lycée

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Since its creation in 1997, Touaghile Association recruited up to over 500 adherents so far. The structure of the organisation currently includes 11 board members, three of whom are women. Board members represent various social and intellectual backgrounds: teachers, public administration officers, employees and people from civic society. Concerning projects, we have been working on several development projects in collaboration with our different partners: The City Council, Maroc Telecom, Agenda 21, INDH and civic society. As for financial resources, we usually get money allocation from the municipality at the beginning of every year. Except from projects' partners, we do not get any other form of support elsewhere.
Mission and Objectives

The action plan of The Touaghile Association for Development aims at meeting multi-faceted objectives. Firstly, creating and assisting the realisation of developmental projects. Secondly, promoting values of citizenship and civic education among children and youth of the community. Thirdly, sensitizing people to environment-related matters and taking action in handling them. In addition, it is noteworthy to mention that women and children issues are at the heart of the association's concerns.

Main Projects / Activities

The association's policy and principles imply prioritising its projects and activities. Therefore, special interest is given to community development, women and children support and improvement of underprivileged populations' plight. As a matter of fact, the association has achieved great progress in tackling illiteracy, especially among women and the elderly. It also has a kindergarten with qualified staff that takes care of children of the neighbouring districts. Moreover, and as a part of voluntary work, some association members and adherents are engaged in tutoring disadvantaged students from the local area. We should also mention that our association is giving workshops and trainings in the management of NGO's and community service skills to its members. Additionally, cultural activities, sport events and social aid are listed on our action plan as areas to work on.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamid El Ouardi
Head of the organisation
El Houssine Bakhouche
Contact (2) Full Name
Mouhamed Abouhachni

Associations des chantiers et cultures

National Network

hay inbiat rue ain touba 22
Sale 11000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Chantiers des citoyens nettoyage Rue ain touba./sale hay inbiat Dialogue sur le Code de la famille avec des femmes. Dialogue avec les jeunes. Ateliers volontaires. Discussion du roman de voleur et les chiens de « najib mahfoud »avec le film dans le Centre Culturel Egyptien. Rencontre avec les membres de la Direction générale. Sortie pour l’environnement / / / / ateliers volontaires. Discussion du roman Le Dernier Jour d’un Condamné» pour les étudiants du baccalauréat. Discussion du roman ;La Plante du singe» pour les étudiants du baccalauréat. • Discussion du roman boite à merveille» pour les étudiants du baccalauréat. Ateliers volontaire. Education à la citoyenneté et des droits de l’homme . Éducation à la citoyenneté dans les établissements scolaires . La deuxième session de formation sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté . Debat sur les dégâts du travail des enfants . identification des besoins des femmes des institutions sociale . La troisième session de formation pour l’éducation et citoyenneté . Aussi des sorties et des chantiers. Pou les Donateurs sont : Volontaires Bureau exécutif L'assistance de la communauté locale
Mission and Objectives

Il est constitué, le 30 janvier 2008, une association régie par le Dahir N°1-58-376 du 3 Joumada 1er 1378 115 Novembre 1958) organismes pour les associations et conformément à pacanier75.200 n'ont pas fait tomber sa modification L'exportée 23 juillet 2002.Elle n'est pas quel une appartenance religieuse ou politique.
• Créer un développement intégré et avec les exigences de la société - culture - sport –
• médias - éducation.
Le développement des capacités et le développement du volontariat et de la citoyenneté à tous les nombres du société.
• L'intégration des jeunes - hommes et femmes - dans le société.
• La promotion des groupes ayant des besoins spéciaux et ceux du handicap dans les domaines de l'éducation, la culture et le développement social.

Intégration de l'abandon scolaire en formation professionnelle et professionnelle.
• Intégration les ex Prisonniers dans la vie communautaire, en particulier des femmes
• et des mineurs par des stages formations et d'enseignement professionnel.

La promotion de l'industrie et l'artisanat traditionnel.

organisation du Salons et séminaires nationaux et internationaux dans les
• domaines de l'industrie et l'artisanat, la culture.
• le dialogue culturel et Civilisations au profit des migrants.
• *Education sur les principes des l'homme et les défendre. Protection des droits de l'enfant.
L'éducation non formelle et la lutte contre l'analphabétisme.

Protection de l'environnement et les animaux.
sorties touristique à l'intérieur et en dehors du Maroc, et l'échange de groupes culturels et éducatifs.
faire, des chantiers, des camps ,d'été et de printemps et de l'intérieur à l'extérieur de la pays

Main Projects / Activities

Programme « La réussite pour tous » pour les enfants.
centre pour le dialogue avec des jeunes et femmes a hay
Activités avec la participation de quelques volontaires en provenance des États-Unis et des ateliers éducatifs .

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelouahad Bensaid
Head of the organisation
Abdelouahad Bensaid
Contact (2) Full Name
Aninou Fadel

Individual member: StephenSpillane

National Network

14 Patrick Trahy Rd.,
The Lough


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
General Information
A one person blog, who is interested in and partakes in online and offline discussions and actions surrouding human rights, politics, media, Arts, Community Developemnt and Cultural Relations.
Mission and Objectives

To help spread the word about actions and projects that I find interesting

Main Projects / Activities

Publishing information regarding human rights, politics, and other areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stephen Spillane
Head of the organisation
Stephen Spillane

Sport against Racism Ireland

National Network

20 Upper Baggot Street
Dublin 4

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Volunteer driven not for profit, non governmental organisation with all-island brief. Staff includes Full-time Interm CEO, Full-time Outreach Director, Part-time Administrator, Volunteer International Officer. Board of directors has 5 members who also represent the organisation in networks. The budget, which is in the order of 200Keuros, is drawn from private donations, public fundraising, sponsored events and foundations. Projects include, annual Soccerfest, participation in international events,sports symposia, sports mentoring and 'Count us In' education through sport programmes. Partners include Sport in Action of Zambia, Dublin Aids Alliance, UNICEF and UNESCO Global Education Initiatives. SARI is a founder member of Football against Racism Europe, European Network against Racism, Integrating Ireland,Irish NGO Alliance against Racism, Irish Global Campaign for Education, Irish Platform against Child Labour, Amnesty International and United for Intercultural Action.
Mission and Objectives

Cultural Integration and Social Inclusion through the medium of Sport. The organisation combats racism, homophobia, sectarianism and sexism and works for the eradication of xenophobia and elimination off all forms of discrimination in society at home and abroad

Main Projects / Activities

Annual Soccerfest involving up to 5,000 people, Ireland North/South RESPECT anti sectarian and anti racist programme, International activity including streetfootballworld events in euroschools, Balkans and South Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ken Mc Cue
Head of the organisation
Perry Ogden, Chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Eamonn O' Shea