Consorzio ABN A&B network sociale

National Network

Via F.lli Cairoli, 24, 06125 Perugia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ABN Network is a pool of cooperatives (social and common cooperatives) constituted in 1997 on the initiative of some Italian social cooperatives of the Umbrian territory of the province of Perugia. The pool was born with the aim of sharing integrated strategies targeted to pursue human promotion and citizens’ social integration objectives, as established in the art.1 of the L.381/91. Nowadays, in ABN cooperatives work approximately 2500 persons, of which nearly 1600 are employed in social cooperatives of type B and, 570 are disadvantaged persons, and approximately 460 employed in social cooperatives in type A services to people. The pool is structured on the model of the network company, in which various subjects join their own specificities, frameworked in shared strategies, in order to integrate various functions and to optimize the performances, following rigid qualitative standards and the “paper of the values” of the pool. The ABN Pool has developed in the years a managerial system more and more careful to the offered services quality, to the organization efficiency and the effectiveness, to the respect of the atmosphere, the social responsibility towards its own workers. Such engagement is attested and sanctioned, from 2005, also by the attainment of the three certifications concerning: quality management system, in compliance with the international norm UNI EN ISO 9001:2000;, environmental management system in compliance with the international norm UNI EN ISO 14001:2004; social responsibility management system (ethics), in compliance with the norm SA 8000:2001. For the attainment of their own goals, the Association has a common bottom made of: a) associates’ quotes and b) private and publics contributions c)selling services ABN collaborates with trade unions, non-governmental organisations, local development agencies, local authorities, Universities and research centres. ABN has a Balance shet total of euros 35.273.444,00.
Mission and Objectives

ABN has the aim to integrate the type A social cooperation (management of socio-medical and educational services), the type B social cooperation (job inclusion for disadvantaged people) and the common cooperation activities, operating on multiple plans:
- working for the social inclusion, both through the social participation and through the development of the occupation;
- mainstreaming the “good practices” of the job and social integration and inclusion of disadvantaged persons on the regional, national and international territories;
- to guarantee the products’ quality through its trademarks (specificly the “social product” quality and mainly as regards the one tied to the working integration of the disadvantaged persons);
- to realize coordinated plans, in active partnership with the public beings and related to the social realities of the territory, also investing its own resources, in a perspective of “participated” welfare;
- to allow the social companies development and their new entrepreneurial plans, in the “connection strategy” perspective inside the territories.
ABN has, moreover, developed a specific skill in the management of job inclusion for people coming out the job market, both on behalf of public beings and by itself.

Main Projects / Activities

Main fields of activities:
- TRAINING: ABN has an accredit permission by the Umbrian Region in order to exercise the following activities of professional training for the following typologies: advanced training, continuous and permanent training
- START_UP: ABN made the start-up process for many new cooperatives and other companies typologies in the national territory and gave support to many entrepreneurial development plans
- RENEWABLE ENERGETIC SOURCES: activities in the thermic solar area, in the photovoltaic field, biomasses, aeolian,...
- Evironment and sustinable development: with project in Italy and in Albania

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Velloni
Head of the organisation
Roberto Leonardi