Ege Kardelen Engelliler Derneği

National Network

İsmet İnönü mahallesi 1876 sokak no 30 Menemen İzmir
İsmet İnönü mahallesi 1876 sokak no 30 Menemen İzmir

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Ege Kardelen Disability Association is established for observing statistic of the disabled people's population, help them in fraternity, providing their deploy, education, health,shelter and care and solve their problems related to these factors and building institutions in this area. Association works on internal and external projects, protecting disabled individuals from social pressures, helping them to see the real life by workings in natural rehabilitations rather than keeping them inside of the buildings and virtual rehabilitations. Association, address all types of disabilities in their workings and tries to reintegrate young disabled individuals to the society. Internal projects purpose to contribute disabled individuals and their family's  income and tries to focus on these aims with local authorities. It is believed that, project of mushroom culvation and worm humus will develop disabled individuals  in terms of economical and phsycological in the scope of developing production skills. Association carries out its workings in three major goals: 1- Keeping disabled indiviuals away from buildings and apply rehabilitation programmes in touch with nature. 2-Helping those individuals to develop their personal freedoms and personal development. 3-Raising disabled individuals as 'Volunteer Activist' rather than applying voluntary movements.
Mission and Objectives

This association,  who are working on this project, are quality enough to carry out projects within and out of the institution and they will provide the project to be qualified with their experiences. They will play directly role innovative methods and activities, which are going to be gained by the project,  to be used in the area. Our volunteer employees who are experts in education and social media,  will provide transperancy and expansion of the project

Main Projects / Activities

Our association works on this area since 2011. Also  our association president who has 2 care house and special education center , works on those activities. We are working on social workings and helping disabled individuals to be busy with sport activities by our knowledge and skills.Our primary aims to apply for this project is helping disabled individuals' social lives and psychology with sportive activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Demet Bayraktar
Job Title
Proje Sorumlusu
Head of the organisation
Naciye Koç

Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV)

National Network

Cyberpark, Cyberplaza B Blok 5. Kat
Cyberpark, Cyberplaza B Blok 5. Kat, Bilkent, Ankara
06800 ANKARA/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
TTGV  was founded in 1991 as a result of public-private cooperation in order to introduce technology to the real world by providing support for the private sector’s technology and innovation projects in Turkey. We are an unique organization as the “the non-profit/implementing agency” model in Turkey, which is acknowledged and well-recognized in the European Union as well as in the advanced economic systems in the world Among seven foundations established in Turkey by law, TTGV is the only one which is providing services in the field of technology and innovation. Since we aim at diversifying and extending the scale of our activities by using revenues that we derive from our services and by generating new resources, we have a profile that is close to “non- profit business” model.
Mission and Objectives

Among seven foundations established in Turkey by law, TTGV is the only one which is providing services in the field of technology and innovation.
Since we aim at diversifying and extending the scale of our activities by using revenues that we derive from our services and by generating new resources, we have a profile that is close to “non- profit business” model.
Our Founders’ Committee has 56 members representing reputable entities in Turkey, including public institutions, private sector institutions, chambers, associations, foundations, and private individuals.
Our Board of Directors consists of 15 members, including 10 members elected from among the members of the Founders’ Committee, representing the private sector, and 5 members appointed by the institutions and organizations defined in our Articles of Foundation.

Main Projects / Activities

From the beginning, the business model of TTGV was designed on the basis of financial sustainability and efficiency. The basis of our business model relies on hearing and interpreting the ecosystem, and providing solutions along with the stakeholders of the ecosystem. Within the scope of our business model, which is capable of accommodating to the rapidly changing technology and innovation environment and which can respond to the requirements of the ecosystem, we aim to;
Build partnerships which will generate surplus value in line with our corporate objectives and strategies,
Creating opportunities through which new financial resources can be utilized,
Create thriving references and
Develop opportunities in compliance with strategies that allow to employ current business/network information and specializations, and to create new ones.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To enlarge network of foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mehmet Can İrhan
Job Title
Platform Manager
Head of the organisation
Cengiz Ultav
Contact (2) Full Name
Yücel Telçeken
Job Title (2)

Anka Üreten Kadın Derneği

National Network

Güvenevler M.1901 S.Coşkun A.Zemin Kat no 26
33250 Mersin/

0 324 999 75 45
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0 544 680 24 08
Mobile Phone (other)
0 553 166 36 67
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Anka Üreten Kadın Derneği öncülüğünde “Hikayesi Olan Kadınlar” Projesi  kendini toplumda var edemeyen , sosyal ve ekonomik anlamda kısıtlanmış, şiddet görmüş, cezaevinden çıkmış ya da eşi cezaevinde olan  dezavantajlı kadınları  hedeflemektedir.
Mission and Objectives

Derneğimiz şiddet mağduru kadınların yanı sıra toplumda çok fazla hatırlanmayan ancak sayıları azımsanamayacak kadar çok olan cezaevinden denetimli serbestlikle ya da cezasını doldurarak çıkmış kadınlar ve eşi cezaevinde olup yaşamını sürdürmekte zorlanan kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayatın içinde gerektiği gibi temsil edilebilmelerini amaçlıyoruz.
Özellikle kadın ekonomik ve sosyal haklarına önem vererek   dezavantajlı kadınlar ile   çalışan bir çok sivil toplum kuruluşu ile ortak çalışmaları yürütmek istiyoruz. Dernek öncelikle Türkiye özelinde bölgesel farklılıkların giderilmesi AB-Türkiye üyelik süreci, kadın hakları ve sivil toplumun güçlenmesini hedeflemektedir ve  çalışmalarını yerelden genele , şeffaf ve hesap verilebilir bir yöntemle yürütmektedir. Vizyoner bir  yaklaşım ile insanın eleştirel aklının tüm potansiyeli, tüm yeteneklerinin özgürce harekete geçirdiği, ürettiği , bunun bütün mümkün olduğu, özendirildiği koşulların yaratılmasına destek olmak için varlığını sürdürmektedir.
Bizlerde ANKA Üreten Kadınlar Derneği olarak, bu hedeflerimiz kapsamında özellikle dezavantajlı kadınları hedef alarak onları güçlendirici çalışmalar ile destekleyerek  farklı bir vizyonla üretmelerini sağlamak , kendi kendilerini değerlendirebilecekleri , yönetebilecekleri ve özgürce üretebilecekleri alanlar yaratmak ve kendileri için nitelikli sürdürülebilir gelir getirici çalışmalar yapmalarını istiyoruz.

Main Projects / Activities

Mersin İli 90 ‘lı yılarda sonra yoğun göç alan bir kentimizdir. Yaşanan bu göçlerle birlikte kentleşme gecekondulaşma  yoksulluk düzeyinde ciddi bir artış gözlenmiştir. Gelen göç lerle birlikte açığa çıkan yoksulluğa bağlı olarak İşsizlik, Aile İçi Şiddet,Eğitim Fırsatlarından Yararlanamama, Çocuk İşçiliği, Suça Eğilim ve sosyal hayata entegre olamama gibi sorunlar açığa çıkmıştır. Mersin İli Akdeniz ve Toroslar İlçesinde yoğun göçlere bağlı olarak açığa çıkan yoksulluk özellikle bu İlçedeki  mahallelerde baş göstermektedir. Bu sonuçlar neticesinde Toroslar Belediyesi  ve Akdeniz Belediyesi bir çok alanda mesleki eğitim kursları açmış özellikle kadınlara da Üretim Atölyeleri ( Cam Füzyon, Heykel, Seramik, Hediyelik Eşyalar) kurmuştur .  Bir çok kadın bu kurslarda eğitim görerek  mesleki becerilerini geliştirmiş ve sosyal yaşamına katkıda bulunmuştur.  Fakat  yapılan saha çalışması neticesinde bu kurslarda  eğitim alan ve üretim atölyelerine dahil olan bir çok kadın kendi yaşamlarına yön verecek sürdürülebilir  gelir getirici ekonomik faaliyetler yürütemedikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Bu sorununun en önemli sebepleri ; dezavantajlı kadınlara yönelik mentörlük hizmetinin yetersiz kalması, kurs ve atölye faaliyetleri sonucunda kadınların ürettikleri ürünlerin pazarlama ve  satış yönetimini bilmemesi ve bu yönde doğru yönlendirmelerin sağlanamaması ,eğitmenlerin bu konuda yeterli vizyona sahip olamamaları , yerel yönetimlerin ve sivil toplum kuruluşların bu yöndeki işbirliğinin zayıf kalması, reel ve sanal pazarlama platformlarının deneyimsel olarak oluşturulmamasına dayanmaktadır.
Bizler de ANKA Üreten Kadınlar Derneği olarak  Mersin İlimiz’deki tüm dezavantajlı kadınlar için Mersin Akdeniz  Belediyesi , Mezitli Belediyesi,Toroslar Belediyesi , ile birlikte tüm bu sorunlar özelinde işbirliğine giderek  kadınların ekonomik kalkınmasına daha etkili ve sürdürülebilir çözümler geliştirmek için işbirliği yaptık.Üreten kadınlarla buluştuk , ürettikleri ürünleri değerlendirdik , eğitmenlere eğitici eğitimleri verdik, E ticaret sitemizi kurduk ve yavaş yavaş kadınların ürettikleri ürünleri onlar için nasıl pazarlanacağına dair destekler sunduk. Bunun yanı sıra dernek olarak hem daha dezavantajlı gruplarla çalışmayı hem de siyasi hiçbir taraf olmadan sadece kadın odaklı çalışmayı hedef edinerek kendi alternatif üretim atölyelerimizi (Seramik ,Cam Füzyon ,Keçe,Kil Kumaş-Kırkyama,İğne Oyası ,Miyuki ,Ahşap ,Gümüş Takı,Doğal sabun,Dekoratif Mum ,Amigurumi) kurmayı amaçlamaktayız. Bu proje temelinde Mersin ‘de Mersin Denetimli Serbestlik ve Mersin Sosyal Hizmetler İl Müdürlüğü işbirliği ile  şiddet mağduru kadınların yanı sıra toplumda çok fazla hatırlanmayan ancak sayıları azımsanamayacak kadar çok olan cezaevinden denetimli serbestlikle ya da cezasını doldurarak çıkmış kadınlar ve eşi cezaevinde olup yaşamını sürdürmekte zorlanan kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayatın içinde gerektiği gibi temsil edilebilmelerini amaçlıyoruz.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Toplumda kendini var edemeyen sosyal ve ekonomik anlamda kısıtlanmış şiddet mağduru, mahkum kadınlar , mahkum eşleri  ve kimsesiz yoksul kadınları güçlendirerek  ve önemli ölçüde yaşamlarına yön verecek sürdürülebilir  ekonomik faaliyetlerini  sağlamak,
Sürdürülebilir bu sisteme sürekli yeni dezavantajlı kadınları dahil etmek, bu kadınların ekonomik ve sosyal anlamda güçlenmesiyle de yetiştirdikleri çocukların daha eğitimli ve aydın bireylere dönüşmesini, toplum genelinin kültür, eğitim ve ekonomik düzeyinin arttırılmasının hedeflemekteyiz.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Hak temelli çalışan STÖ'ler ile temas halinde olmak, hibeler ve destekler konusunda bilgi sahibi olmak için bu ağda yer almak istiyoruz

Contact (1) Full Name
Devrim ÖZCAN
Job Title
Dernek Başkanı
Head of the organisation
Devrim ÖZCAN
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Dernek Genel Sekreteri


National Network

ul. Zagaje 23
Mazowiecka 8/9

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Nahda is a non-profit organization registered in 2013 in Poland and established to increase awareness and understanding of the Middle East region. It serves as a cultural awareness platform, where Polish citizens are invited to join various cultural and educational activities and learn more about the region of the Middle East in a friendly environment. Nahda were established by Daniel Gołębiowski and Zofia Jeziorna. As key activities we organise meetings, lectures, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, concerts and film reviews. Also, as experts we were invited as panelist to many public debates. 
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to educate and spread the knowledge about the Middle East and its culture, as we believe it is important to educate Polish citizens about history, cultural heritage, Arabic language, as well as the history of Polish Muslims. With an overall objective to improve cross-cultural understanding, integration and communication between “them and us”, we invite Poles to engage in our on-going activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our flagship event is organized on the yearly basis "Emirati Film Review in Poland". So far we have organized two editions in 2016 and 2017. The review has a honorary patronage of the Embassy of United Arab Emirates in Warsaw. 
On the top of that in order to achieve our goals we have organized and participated in following events:
- IV Arab-European Young Leaders Forum in Doha, Qatar where we were invited by Austrian Federal Ministry of Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, League of Arab States and State of Qatar
- II Health Challenges Congress - Panel on multiculturalism
- "Oriental Silesia. Musical trip to the Middle East"  Concert of Arab Music from variouse parts of Arab world played by Wassim Ibrahim.
- “Orientation Day” for Arab students at the Silesian Medical University in Katowice
- Meeting on multiculturalism in medical service with Aleksandra Chrobak, Polish bloger and traveler, coorganized with Silesia Medical on University.
- Arab Days in Krakow:a weeklong event include student conference, meetings, lectures, exhibitions and workshops
- International conferences: Invest with Emirates, POLandARABIYA - the events were an opportunity to establish and strengthen cooperation between Polish and Middle Eastern companies,
-“North Africa in the process of change. Political, legal, social and economic transformations”
- XXV French and Francophone Culture Days dedicated to Lebanon - we were responsible for the whole program and introductory lecture;
- Raising funds for Syrian students in Poland (8000EUR) Wasssim Ibrahim and Christina Eshak
- Concert of Syrian music “Trip to the East” coorganized with Goethe Institute in Krakow
- Meetings with Polish diplomats serving in MENA i.e. Stanislaw Gulisnski from the Polish Embassy in Cairo

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be glad to share our experiance in the field of Arab culture and its promotion in Poland. Hopefully we will be able to reach other organizations in order to get them involved in our activities and new projects. We are also opened to join others in their projects and initiatives.  Nahda is a reliable partner not only in Poland but also in international consortia. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to increase a range of our activities, find new partners anf get involved in new projects. We want to meet intereting people and reach our and their goals together. We also want to learn from others experiance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Golebiowski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniel Golebiowski
Contact (2) Full Name
Zofia Jeziorna
Job Title (2)


National Network

mafraq_ jarash street
mafraq 00962

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
new stapleshment in 2015 we make cooperation with larger organization in jordan to active function of RAFID in a almafraq community in a 2 program 1- Raqeb 2_Improving the performance of parliamentarians by monitoring their performance in local communities with the participation of ALHaiyat center for Civil Society We did not receive external funding but self-financing in implementing initiatives
Mission and Objectives

Provide an innovative institutional model to empower individuals and institutions to achieve local development
Empowerment of women economically and socially
Promote youth participation in public life
Building the capacity of individuals and institutions to raise knowledge and skills skills to improve the quality of life

Main Projects / Activities

Initiative Monitor - Training young activists to enhance their skills in monitoring the performance of elected local councils
The initiative to improve the performance of MPs in partnership with ALHaiyat center for Civil Society a field study through the questionnaire and public dialogues

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be able to provide all the requirements we have from a site, volunteers and logistics support to invest and benefit from the network's expertise

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is today a network of global scope and has the expertise and opportunities that contribute to building the capacity of civil society institutions to be able to achieve its objectives and a knowledge bank to share experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
yazan alshdeifat
Job Title
director manger
Head of the organisation
Yazan alshdeifat
Contact (2) Full Name
baraa alfalah
Job Title (2)
project coordinators

United Voices 4 Peace

National Network

Rue Darwin, 66
1050 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
United Voices 4 Peace (UV4P) is an international NGO in the field of cultural diplomacy. It is devoted to the promotion of the culture of peace through music and the arts.   
Mission and Objectives

UV4P acts as a Community builder allowing for the engagement of different relevant actors necessary for the implementation of projects in the field of Cultural diplomacy (government, academia, artists, etc). 
It operates in 4 strands of action : artistic co-creation, training activities, health related activities and protection of cultural heritage.
UV4P's structure is made of a Board of 4 members and a general assembly made of 10 members adhering on the basis of collaboration agreements allowing the organisation to operate in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Israel. 
As a recently established NGO, UV4P the budgetary resources are modest (30.000e) coming from private  sources of funding. It is expected that the implementation of the first project will allow UV4P to benefit from  public grants and private donations. 

Main Projects / Activities

The first project taking place in September will aim at developping a model of artistic co-creation between artists (musicians and dancers ) belonging to different cultural and religious communities I.e. : israel/ Palestine/Turkey and Syria. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Due to my long career and experience in international relations within the EU institutions, I believe I can being an added value to the members of the network,Notably, in the newly developed EU policies in the field of cultural diplomacy. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the network in order to contribute to enhancing the impact of the actions in this field by joining forces with other similar initiatives. I also believe the network will allow us to identify possible partners and opportunities for cooperation. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Veronica Sabbag
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Head of the organisation
Veronica Sabbag

Center for Defense of Liberties &Civil Rights "Hurryyat"

National Network

Raha building 2nd floor
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat” is a Palestinian NGO, independent organization. Hurryyat has 10 employees;  we have in hurryat a director, a secretary, legal advisor, lawyers, an accountant, beside our media employee. Hurryyat was established in Jerusalem in 1992, and registered on 2003 at the Palestinian Ministry of Interior under registration number (RA-2276-LS); aspiring for contributing towards democratic and modern Palestinian society. The center’s programs were designed in accordance to the main objectives. Source of funding are several Organizations we list some of them: 1. UNDPD 2. Human Rights secretary- Birzeit  3. Arab Fund for Economic& social evelopment.
Mission and Objectives

Hurryyat supports and thrives to enhance the rule of law through raising awareness and lobbying on human, civic and political rights within the Palestinian society, monitoring human rights violations and providing legal, financial and psychological assistance especially to Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails and their families.
 The center’s programs were designed in accordance to the main objectives of the strategic plan as follows:
1. provide legal, financial and medical assistance to both the Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli jails and their families.
2. Monitoring human rights violations (including torture practices) in the Israeli and Palestinian jails.
3. Provide legal follow up to citizens banned from their right to travel.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects are:

Prisoner Project; which includes lawyer visits, medical assistance and financial & legal support.

Torture Prevention in both Palestinian and Israeli prisons

Right to movement & mobility for Palestinians

Palestinian elections

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Hurryyat envisions an independent, free and democratic Palestinian state where justice and peace, tolerance, respect for the rights and dignity of human beings are guaranteed, and where freedom of expression, social justice, rule of law are promoted, respected and sustained. 

Hurryat aims to contribute towards democratic and modern Palestinian society, that will be achieved in many mechanisms and one of the mechanisms are to be in such a network so we can be in touch with other organization that has the same supreme goal in changing the societies to be a better place to exercise human rights at, also to exchange and provide information between organization in the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Hurryyat wants to joint ELF network because of our beliefs of communication and cooperation with organization on local and regional perspective .Hurryat believes in collaborations to achieve our goals in reinforcing respect for human rights including freedom of expression to guarantee the citizens a safe atmosphere to exercise their basic rights in. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Helmi Mohammad Al-aaraj
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Helmi Alaraj
Contact (2) Full Name
Alaa AlBadarna
Job Title (2)
Legal Advisor

Associazione Giosef Unito

National Network

Via Lanino 3A
10152 Torino

+39 3201926727
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Associazione Giosef Unito is a youth organisation. Giosef is the acronym derived from “GIOvani SEnza Frontiere”, “Youth Without Frontiers”; UNITO stands for “UNIversità di TOrino”, “University of Turin”. Being without frontiers is the strength that help us reaching a better world, breaking the frame with no fear, looking beyond the appearances, stating our believes. We see in our work the opportunity to affirm Human Rights in all their aspects and contradictions, in order to promote a culture of anti-sexism and anti-racism, to fight against homophobia, transphobia, lesbophobia and all forms of discrimination and prejudice. Associazione Giosef Unito works mainly in Non formal education on human rights and intercultural learning, with local and region funds and international funds such as: Erasmus Plus, Euromed and Annalindh foundation. The association organise: youth exchanges, training courses, study sessions and it is accreditated for european voluntary services for sending, hosting and coordinating.  Since we fully believe in the core values of cooperation and networking, Giosef Unito is part of different networks at local, national and international level, each of them considered essential to guarantee a better quality work: CasaArcobaleno: born in 2012 and officially started in 2014, CasaArcobaleno is a co-working space aiming to share ideas and resources among 15 locally active associations, each of them with a specific target, although the majority is dealing with gender issues and LGBT+ rights. The structure is placed in one of the most intercultural neighbourhoods of Torino, Porta Palazzo, thus allowing all of the associations to be contaminated by many different multi-cultural influences. Torino Youth Centre - TYC: created in 2006, this is a youth associations network and an aggregation space, characterized by the sharing and multiplying of experiences and competences. Since its creation, it has been one of the most important promoter of a culture of anti-racism and anti-discrimination in the city of Torino. Giosef Italy: this is a network of youth associations spread all over Italy. The local committees act in a very independent and diversified manner, using the tools and methods most adapt to each one’s local dimension in order to reach each organization’s objectives, but they are all connected by the use of innovative Non Formal Education techniques. Human Rights European Youth Network - HREYN: HREYN main aim is to contribute to Human Rights Education implementation in youth work at a European level. Its objectives are to promote approaches of mutual understanding, peace, solidarity, respect for human dignity and Human Rights, non violent actions and contrast to discrimination, and to take actions in order to contrast Human Rights violations through campaigns, prevention, raising awareness and most of all Informal and Non Formal Education.  
Mission and Objectives

The core objectives pursued by our association are:
1) INCLUSIVE CULTURE: to promote a culture of anti-sexism, anti-racism, against homo-lesbo-transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia and all forms of discrimination;
2) EDUCATION AND CHANGE: to produce social change through Non-Formal Education on Human Rights;
3) INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY: to promote international mobility and intercultural learning among young people;
4) INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION: to promote and active youth participation and citizenship, combating social exclusion;
5) PROJECTS MANAGEMENT AND FUNDING (across the board) seeking funding opportunities on the local, state and international level applying for call for proposals and grants on the local, state and international level.
Founded in 2004, Giosef Unito is actively working with Non Formal Education methodologies for young learners and since 2013 we have started to implement techniques coming from theatrical methodology in the frame of NFE. Our work is based in our conviction that new educational paradigms are needed in a fast changing society where Formal Education strategies cannot respond with the same pace to the recent challenges and developments, like the current migrants and refugees crisis in Europe.
Giosef Unito continued to cooperate with a large range of partners and interlocutors: we believe it is essential to create synergies between Formal and Non Formal Education organizations, third sector, mass media and public administrations in order to maximize the impact of our activities in line with the Agenda 2020 of the European Union.
Giosef Unito is striving for such joint effort among all the above mentioned stakeholders, keeping a permanent flow of communication, cooperation and debate around the main challenges related to the promotion of Human Rights. In order to mantain the widest perspective possible, we have developed a strong focus on intersectionality: we are fully convinced that we need to keep in mind all the identity components that contribute to each one’s self perception if we want to dismantle all the forms of discrimination. We are aware, for example, that it’s impossible to tackle islamophobia without considering the racist dynamics that lay under this specific discriminatory expression, as well as we cannot fight homophobia without analysing the traditionally constructed forms of sexism.
We completely agree with the key concept in Audre Lorde’s work: “there is no such thing as single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives”.

Main Projects / Activities

This is some of the main activities of Associazione Giosef Unito (as promoter and as partner)  in the framework of Euromeditarranean cooperation:
“Across the Lines”
Time: June 2016 - November 2016
Where: Turin
Aim: The project aims to reflect on the different dimensions of international mobility as a tool to encourage active participation and citizenship, intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the field of Euro Mediterranean cooperation, focusing on the elements which support or counteract this cooperation between young people.
The specific objectives of the project are: recognize and deconstruct stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in the area of ethnic and national identity, be part of between minorities within majorities; deepen the concepts related to migration and mobility of young people, clarifying basic terms such as refugee, asylum seeker, migrant worker, stateless person; recognize social, cultural and bureaucratic situations and context which can facilitate cooperation between Mediterranean youth; share the similarities and the differences in the analysis of mobility phenomenon and how its diverse dimensions are perceived in each local context; identify and deconstruct prejudices and stereotypes about different cultures; support and promote the intercultural and interreligious dialogue in order to enrich one’s perception of the world.
Beneficiaries: young people aged 18-25.
Type of funding: Erasmus Plus Programme - KA1 - Youth Exchange
Partner/sponsorship: Giosef Unito (Italy), AMSED (France), Cross Culture Youth Group (Egypt), Dinamik Gelisim Dernegi (Turkey), Club Culturel Ali Belhouane Tunis (Tunisia), Young Women’s Christian Association (Lebanon).
“Gender upon a time”
Time: June 2015 - November 2015
Where: Turin
Aim: The project aims to develop a society inclusive towards every kind of diversity, especially about themes related to gender roles and expression. The traditional gender roles, culturally and historically defined, can threaten the free expression of one’s own gender identity, provoking at the same time exclusion and discrimination of people who reject them, as well as blaming of people who identify with them.
The main objective of the project is to provide to the participants of the exchange occasions of exchanges among different cultures, in order to raise awareness on the socially constructed nature of traditional gender roles; this will be achieved through theatrical and non formal education methodologies.
Beneficiaries: young people aged 18-25.
Type of funding: Erasmus Plus Programme - KA1 - Youth Exchange
Partner/sponsorship: European Commission, Waseela For Training and Development (Egypt), Greenhouse Malta, Club Culturel Ali Belhouane Tunis (Tunisia), Parada ponosa Beograd (Serbia), AleancaLGBT (Albania).
Time: september 2016 - december 2017
Where: International Training Course in Murcia (Spain) - Focus groups and local actions in each partner Country 
Aim: The I-Gender project aims at developing educational methodologies to include and tackle gender  issues efficiently when working with young people in contexts with an intercultural dimension. 
An international training course will be held in February 2017 in Spain for youth workers willing to explore the role of gender in intercultural education and to share, learn and develop non formal learning methodologies to promote gender equality.
The course will be designed as a mutual learning situation where the vast regional diversity of approaches will be endorsed as an opportunity to explore further into social and personal meanings of these concepts. With the support and supervision of the team, participants will develop an educational curricula on gender related issues and gender equality promotion in an intercultural education frame.
In March 2017  each  partner will organize one local focus  group to receive feedback from experts on the developed curricula, to explore with them its strengths  and weaknesses, and,if needed,  to furtherly adapt it to the local context.
Each partner in a workshop of 8 hours will then apply the curricula with minimum 25 young people in their own community between April and June 2017. Each partner in a local press conference between July and  August 2017 will present the results of the project.
Type of funding:
Partnership/sponsorship: Euroaccion - Coordinating Organization (Spain), Giosef Unito (Italy), The Mediterranean  Forum for Youth (Morocco),  I Dare for Sustainable Development (Jordan), IYDA - Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association (Egypt).
- Euromed IV
“Children First”
Time: 28 May - 04 June 2016
Where: Tunis - Tunisia
Aim: the project aims to advance knowledge and respect for children's rights in the society which has many implications: to inform on existing rights and to promote the culture of debate and discussion about children's rights. In many areas, practices and laws must change, we must raise awareness of the existence of fundamental rights that children hold, which implies a change of the mentality. This action is part of an education process which is based of course on the need to enable all actors of society to appropriate the knowledge, principles and standards to build their own perception, opinions and positions.
Beneficiaries: youth workers, facilitators, trainers over 18 years old
Type of funding: Euromed - Training Course
Partnership/sponsorship: Sanabel Tunisia (Tunisia), Giosef Unito (Italy), Sting for Consultancy and Design   (Egypt), United Religions Initiative URI MENA – (Jordan), TERRA DI MEZZO (TDM) 2000 MALTA – (Malta), CISTUS (Portugal).
“EVS in Club Culturel Ali Bolhouane”
Time: december 2015 - July 2016
Where: Tunis - Tunisia
Beneficiaries: Young people - EVS volunteer  
Type of funding: Euromed - EVS
Partnership/sponsorship: Club Culturel, Giosef Unito

“Sans violence...on avans”
Time: 8/16 November 2015
Where: Hammamet, Tunisia
Aim: Education for Non-Violence plays a crucial role in the development of active citizenship and the promotion of a democratic culture. But the success of education for citizenship and democracy relies on the promoting of several other factors and values such as education in non-violence. In this context, the role of this training course is to promote the learning of democracy, citizenship, human rights, through active participatory approaches that focus on strengthening peaceful coexistence and the promotion of a culture of peace without violence.
The project will gather 6 partners from Tunisia, Algeria, Palestine, Belgium, Greece and Italy. And it will be an opportunity for youth workers from different backgrounds to exchange their experiences and good practices in this field and discuss how to build a common action plan in order to create a peaceful environment.
Beneficiaries: youth workers, facilitators, trainers over 18 years old
Type of funding: Euromed - Training Course
Partnership/sponsorship: Sanabel Tounsia (Tunisia); GIOSEF UNITO (Italie); Association éducative et culturelle Arc en Ciel (Algeria); Association pour le Développement et l’Emancipation des Musulmans  (ASBL) (Belgium) AsSamou’ Municipality (Palestine) SOLIDARITY TRACKS (Greece).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Associazione Giosef Unito can contribute with the network in our country with education and advocacy purpose, sharing the results of the projects we implement and involving local partners in actions that have as main objectives tha mission and the value of the ALF networks.
Moreover we are very active in youth field cooperaton with southmeda association of the civil society, cooperating on increase the capacity building of youth workers in all the Mediterranean area, because we believe in the importance of sharing best practices in order to facilitate the social coesion among the Mediterranean area. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network to reiforce our partnership and action in the field, and because we are partner already of a project funding by the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annamaria Simeone
Job Title
Youth worker
Head of the organisation
Annamaria Simeone
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgio Gotra
Job Title (2)
Youth worker


National Network

Bp 76 Mayana
1130 tebourba

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Biofire est une societe fonder en janvier 2017 avec un capital materiel de plus de 80000 euro compose d'une equipe jeune et dynamic de 15 employé 4 pour l'administration et 11 pour la production et l'execution du travail. chiffre d'affaire expecter pour la premiere anne est de 50000 euro. on est l'un des switchers dans le programme switchmed, aussi partenaire avec impcthub berlin pour son programme de accelerate MENA. on a participer dans l'evenement organiser pas la ministere de l'agriculture "la semaine bio" du 2 au 9 mai 2017.  
Mission and Objectives

* valoriser les déchet agroforestière comme source d'énergie renouvelable.
* aider pour la gestion des déchets.
* Minimiser les couts de chauffage domestique.
* minimiser la consommation des énergies fossiles.
*préserver la découpe des arbres.

Main Projects / Activities

Biofire récupère et transforme des résidus végétaux agricoles et forestiers difficilement utilisables en l’état pour les valoriser comme biocombustibles solides pratiques, performants et écologique.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

partager nos experience, participer dans des evenements et des programmes, accepter les jeunes etudiant pour des stages dans notre etablissement.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

on veut aide  puisque on est impliqué dans la protection de l'environnement a sensibiliser la nouvelle generation par le changement climatique et la préservation de la planete. Et on veut aussi aider ALF a propager son but et objectif.

Contact (1) Full Name
radhouan ayadi
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
mourad chanouf

Ali İsmail Korkmaz Bursu

National Network

Bedesten Sokak No:8 Köprübaşı Antakya
31060 Hatay/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Heritage of Ali İsmail Korkmaz ALIKEV is founded by Ali Ismail Korkmaz's family; who was a 19 year old boy when he was killed in a peaceful protest. Founders of ALIKEV, the family of Ali İsmail, declares that ALIKEV should remember Ali İsmail by the way he lived, not by the way he died. Ali İsmail founded a movement when he was 17 and called that movement "youth for society". This movement is seen a heritage by the family; and ALIKEV is built on that basis.
Mission and Objectives

ALIKEV, aims to honour Ali İsmail Korkmaz's memory and make real his "youth for society" dream. To achieve this aim, ALIKEV supports and empowers youth regardless of their gender, race or language, to be both prejudice and conflict free and more equalitarian by participating in projects which aims social benefits.
ALIKEV carries out its activities directly by youth participation towards a world which is socially peaceful and equal, free of all kind of unequal relations, including human-nature relations.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Dream Ambassadors (DA), aims to educate youth (aged 15-25) to build their own projects and then implement and volunteer in those projects. Every DA candidate should take 3 basic courses to be a DA and propose project. Any group with at least 4 people (2 of them must be DA) may propose a project. Every project proposal is mentored by ALIKEV staff for development and every accepted project is funded by ALIKEV. Projects are not limited in any field but must have social beneficial outputs. Projects about vulnerable groups are most encouraged.
2. Scholarship Fund is for high school and university students. Currently 55 students are funded.
3. Enrich Hatay aims to support the city atmosphere socially and culturally. Educational courses, social integration projects are developed in this programme.
4. Remembrance of Ali İsmail Korkmaz programme is just to honour Ali İsmail's memory and remembrance  nights are prepared on his birth and death days.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ALİKEV as an NGO working with and for youth, working a world in which youth to be both prejudice and conflict free. To achieve our organisation's main mission, we believe in cooperation for peace in local, national, regional and international level. We may learn from and feedback on ongoing activies as well as sharing our own experiences. Learning means improvement of our own activies in the means of network's aim as well as collaborating with network members.  ALİKEV has a powerful social impact and we believe that may contribute the newwork as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"The main scope of the ALF is overcoming the misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within the societies of the Region, a task which became of utmost importance in the last decade. As a contribution to the creation of a space of prosperity, coexistence and peace, the ALF works to restore trust in dialogue and bridge the gaps in mutual perceptions, as well as promoting diversity and coexistence." 
We believe that a network with this approach will provide us new horizons: information, experience and new partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ersin Tek
Job Title
General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Emel Korkmaz