European School Network

National Network

Satakunnankatu 65 F 86
33230 Tampere

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
A network of 23 school around Europe, funding by annual fees (500e/school), annual budget 10 000e, one part-time employee (secretary Anri Tuohimäki), we organise exchanges and projects for high school students (usually 15 to 18 years old).
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement
European School Network (ESN) is a network of (upper) secondary schools all over Europe that work on mutual understanding through personal contacts to improve the quality of education in the context of the growing reality of European citizenship and lifelong learning.
ESN wants to create an inspiring, open and safe environment for friendships between schools and students from all over Europe.
In this way ESN wants to increase mutual understanding in order to improve the quality of our schools and sustain peace and welfare in Europe.
By building these bridges ESN wants to stimulate the finding of a common ground and respect for the diverse cultural values.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects and exchanges for students

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I teach at Ylöjärvi Upper Secondary School. Many schools in Tampere region are also members of ESN.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To find new contacts and ideas for education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anri Tuohimäki
Job Title
Secretary of the European School Network
Head of the organisation
Ad Zoet

basmet khir

National Network

lot 591
lot 591
03000 laghouat

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
تتكون الجمعية من  مكتب تنفيدي يحتوى 7 اعضاء : رئيس الجمعية و نائبيه  كاتب عام و نائبه  امين مال و نائبه  و ععد المنخرطين 80 عضو  مصادر التموين من اعاناة الدولة المشاركون هيئات الدولية و السلطات المحلية    انشطة الجمعية في ثلاث مجالات : الاجتماعي   الثقافي  الصحي   الرياضي  طريقة عمل مشاريع ملموسة  دورات تكوينية   تعزيز قدرات الجمعية 
Mission and Objectives

تحقيق السلم الاجتماعي 

خفض نسبة الفقر

تبادل الثقافي بين البلدان

تبادل الخبرات و تسير المؤسسات مع مؤسسات اخرى التي لا تتنافى مع اهدافنا و مبادئنا

خفض نسبة الامية 

Main Projects / Activities

تحسين مستوى معيشي لدى الناس  و خلق توازن بين الطبقة الهشة و الطبقة راقية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لكي استفيد من خبرات الموجودة في  الشبكة  و اقدم خبرتي لشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
rennane aissa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
rennane aissa


National Network

Via Nino Martoglio , 5
Via Santangelo, 8
96010 Melilli

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The aim of the Cooperative is to pursue the general interest of the community in the promotion of human beings and the social integration of the citizens by carrying out the activities referred to in art.5 of this Statute, aimed at the management of priority social and health services Non-exclusive, responsive to the needs of people with disabilities and with delays in learning and the employment of disadvantaged persons within the meaning of the first paragraph of Section 1 of Section 1 a) of Law 8 November 1991 n.381. Our cooperative has two structure, a private clinic for Mentally disabled called "VILLA AURORA" and a Community for foreign minors called "MATER DEI". The budgetary resources for year is about 800.000,00 Euro.
Mission and Objectives

1. the management of second-level reception facilities for MSNA also in the SPRAR, housing community for minors and unaccompanied minors (MSNA), welcome, protection and integration projects for migrants, applicants for international protection And asylum, refugees, holders of residence permits for subsidiary or humanitarian protection, providing, where necessary, counseling for the execution of documents aimed at obtaining documents, certificates, residence permits and so on;
2. the management of integrated territorial services for assistance, accompaniment, social and cultural animation for children, young people, adolescents, immigrants, the elderly and people in need, including - in compliance with the current rules In the various institutions - those living in structures such as: housing community, second level reception facilities for unaccompanied minors - MSNA, prisons, mental hygiene centers, assisted residences, orphanage centers or away from families and centers of Reception for immigrants (eg SPRAR, CPSA, CPA, Housing community for MSNA);
3. management of therapeutic communities for the human and civilian cure and emancipation of the disadvantaged persons belonging to the following categories:
• Addicts and former drug addicts also with chronic illnesses.
• Minors and underage persons undergoing alternative measures of detention of the competent judicial authority.
• Generally marginalized and initiated programs for the care and re-socialization of territorial social services.
• People with difficulties in emancipating from their family of origin.
4. the management of all the services provided for by the regional law n.22 / 1986 and s.m.i., laying down rules on the reorganization of social services in Sicily;
5. the organization of initiatives and services aimed at the defense of the family and the protection of human life since its conception

Main Projects / Activities

Private clinic
Community for foreign minors (immigration policies)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the debate on the European cultural cultural integration

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network is an opportunity to create international partnerships, to share opportunity and ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Avv. Daniel AMATO
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Avv. Daniel AMATO
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott.ssa Valentina BLANDINI
Job Title (2)
Social Worker

Youth Can

National Network

EL Manar 1
EL Manar 1
1002 Tunis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Who we are? Youth Can is a non-governmental, non-profit and independent civil organization in Tunisia which aims to empower young people to take active participation in the development of a democratic society through active citizenship and social activism as well active political participation including running for elections. The organization was founded by young people and for young people as to share the idea of the power of youth as catalysts in today’s Tunisian society. Being founded in 2014, we have been managing to grow as an organization and provide structure for young people to learn and develop personally and professionally into critical thinkers and proactive citizens of their community. Today we count over than 40 young members from 24 governorates of Tunisia and more than 100 volunteers.  
Mission and Objectives

What is our mission?
• Initiate personal development of young people through youth work and non-formal education and capacity building trainings
• Raise awareness of young people about active citizenship as a powerful tool to influence social development
• Give opportunities to young people to implement youth initiatives and creatively express their opinions and attitudes
• Promote the rights and liberties of young people (youth mobility and intercultural understanding)
• Engage young people in the political process and elections
Regular activities of Youth Can include:
• Organizing trainings and workshops for capacity building of young people (youth for youth principle)
• Organizing meetings within the four working teams in Youth Can in order to generate ideas to include Youth Can members in the work of the organization and in the work of the government
• Writing proposals for donors in the youth field
• Organizing “Movie Nights” with relevant movies and discussions that promote youth participation and youth rights, as well as familiarization and understanding of global issues and challenges
• Keeping the Youth Can members informed with constant flow of calls for trainings, scholarships and seminars, both on a local and international level
• Networking and advocacy campaigns towards youth participation within our initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

II. Projects:
1. El Ga3da: "EL GA3DA", linguistically is a word coming from the Tunisian dialect means the meeting or the sitting, actually, is a monthly event organized by YouthCan in partnership with the Tunisian Organization for peace and local authorities and NGO’s. New month, new Ga3da and new thrilling subject about the Tunisia post-revolution is discussed, themes are substantially related to youth and obstacles they came across while trying to experience democracy. Meeting are spontaneously taking-place in metro stations, bar..., and covered directly through all our social media channels therefor people watching from their homes can react by questions, notes and remarks immediately. Our main goals from this free open and on ground plate-form is to get-together a group of youth around a controversial topic consequently giving them a chance to express and share their opinion. Also, we aim to make them aware and conscious of the importance of their participation in the public affairs in this transitional era, as well as creating a national network for NGO’s, activists and grassroots movements to extend their work. This Project Extends over 2 years staring from January 2017
2. Café Politique: The political café is a project that extends over 5 years and covers all the 24 governorates of the Tunisian republic. Each month, a hot topic will be tackled all over the 24 governorates, on the same day and at the same time. Our objective is to transform coffee shops and Tunisian public spaces into platforms for discussion between the citizens, civil society and politicians. Until today we succeeded at organizing five "cafés politiques" that took places in multiples Tunisian governorates like Tunis, Nabeul, Sfax, Gafsa , Sousse and at least 3 others governorates and we even succeeded at organizing a "cafés politiques" for the Tunisian citizens living in Paris twice and once in Berlin. The café Politique extends every month to a new state; by December 2018 we reach 24 states of Tunisia. As for the topics, for five months we insisted n choosing the hot topic that was grabbing everyone's attention as example for March café politique we choose to talk about "Panama Leaks" which invaded the social medias and almost every TV political shows and when the Tunisian president BCE went back to discuss the reconciliation law for the third time we took it as a topic to discuss in our fourth "café politique" during May. In the five "cafés politiques" that we organized we had the pleasure to welcome hundreds of Tunisian citizens from different areas, political views and center of interest and different generations too. Those events were animated by a diversity of guests: politicians, jurists, civil society, activists etc. This Project Extends on 5 years staring from January 2017
3. Parliamentary Inquiry Committees: (Panama Papers/Illegal youth deportation to Syria..): Coordinating with Al BAWSALA, I Watch and Dostourna, we noticed that there’s no NGO working specifically on monitoring and observing the work of Parliamentary Inquiry Committees (For now 2 committees), so two of youth caners have access to the parliament and assist all meetings of these committees, report their work on our SM accounts and guarantee that people know what is happening and the progress of their work (Access to information right). Based on developments and progress/Challenges, we will organize events gathering young people and deputies in these committees to discuss the subject in question and to suggest recommendations
4. Impulse Boost Camp: The Impulse Boot Camp is an international training for people between 18 and 27 years who are voluntary active in creative political processes. We will try out project management tools, methods for working in groups and reflect upon our personal and organizational development. Non-formal methods with an innovative and interdisciplinary character will be selected for this purpose. The seminar will be shaped by the participating people from at least 7 different countries, so we can share our stories and learn from each other. Together we want to develop a new project idea that can be implemented either by every participant her- or himself or together as a group. At the end you will take the knowledge back into your communities and take an active part in the political processes. The Impulse Boot Camp will take place from every year August in the countryside of Saxony, Germany (Schneeberg). We will live in a seminar house where we have our own food crew that will cook ecologically, locally and according to our needs. Our seminarhouse is surrounded by wonderful nature. Youth Can will be the exclusive partner in the MENA region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Youth Can is now one of the leading youthLed organizations in Tunisia which works on the 24 governorates of the Country, including expertises and activists. Innvative ideas and international network as well as a good relationship with decision makers is what we are good at and what we intend to add to this network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As much as Youth Can can contribute to this network, this network will also be an important way for youth can to network with other NGO's and work together on common projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Oueled Saad Zyna
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zyna Oueled Saad
Contact (2) Full Name
Rabeb Zaatour
Job Title (2)

Joel Nafuma Refugee Center

National Network

Via Napoli 58
00184 Rome

06 4883339
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
347 871 6651
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
THE JNRC is a non-profit center for refugees and asylum seekers in the center of Rome. It is an utreach of St Paul's Episcopal Church but is non-faith, non-partisan and seeks to bring together all in a spirit of harmony and human kindness. All are welcome. JNRC offers human services, therapy, language and computer classes and a job clinic.
Mission and Objectives

Staff: 6
Volunteers: 50
Funded by grants, online donors, individuals, churches, and others.
Partners include: Universities in Rome, WFP, Casa Scalabrini, Coreis, Centro Astalli, Medu, Baobab Experience and others.

Main Projects / Activities

Breakfast and non-food item supplies
Therapy (music, art, individual)
Language and computer classes
Job Clinic

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partnering with likeminded organisations to improve service delivery and coordination, or to find funding opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

This will help us to coordinate our services and network for the good of our refugee guests at the center.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annika Milisic-Stanley
Job Title
Program Fundraiser
Head of the organisation
The Rev. Austin K. Rios
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela Morales
Job Title (2)
Volunteer Coordinator

Madrasa - School for Arabic Language

National Network

Ramban 39
Jerusalem 9226811

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Madrasa is a free web based school for spoken Arabic. The organization was created from the need to change the fact that a very low number of Israeli Jewish population can speak Arabic. The website has a simple format in order to facilitate learning; The website is divided into four steps from beginners to advanced, to enable students to progress at their own pace and according to their individual level. Each level includes 7 interactive videos lasting 30 minutes each. Each lesson includes helpful studying material, like detailed summary of the didactic material vocabulary and practice exercises. today, even though we're still in the process of building the whole course (12 lessons have been published out of 28 lessons in total), our data shows that tens of thousands of people learn Arabic from the website on a daily basis, and we've become an important and known platform for learning the Colloquial Palestinian Arabic for free.  We registered as an Amuta (NPO), and our team is comprised of 6 people working together to develop the website. our board has 2 proffesional advisors. our yearly budget has not exceeded 50,000 shekels up to now, but we wish to expand our activity, to finish the publishing of the whole course and the have meetings out of the screen. our funding up to now comes from a family who lost their daugther and who wishes to support our activity, and from users who choose to support us even though the materials are free. moreover, we've recieved  support from IHF (Irving Harris Foundation) and from the students union in Israel as a prize for our activity. 
Mission and Objectives

20% of the Israeli citizens speak Arabic as their mother tongue. Arabic is an official language of the state of Israel and neighboring countries. Our vision is to improve our communication with the Arab sector and to create conditions where Arabic is not considered a foreign language and certainly not our enemy language.
Therefore, we wish to:
- Create a 28-lesson-course, absolutely free, which will give opportunity for every Hebrew-speaker to learn Colloquial Palestinian Arabic easily.
- Initiate meetings in different cities in Israel so people could learn together, practice together and meet. 
- Become a handy source for every teacher / student who wish to find out vocabulary sheets, practice sheets and more information about the spoken Arabic language.

Main Projects / Activities

Nowadays we are working on the 3rd level of Madrasa (lessons 15-22), and we wish to finish the building of the 3rd level in Dec 2017.
Other than that, we wish to initiate meeting between Jews who learn Arabic together, and between Jews and Arabs who learn both languages. in these meeting (that we've just started having)  people will meet as a community and share knowledge and experiences related to learning the languages. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be happy to keep on leading the teaching of the Palestinian Arabic as a free and important tool to bring people together.  We believe that language is the most central element of good communication, and good communication is the most cenrtal element of a better society.
We also wish to show an example of an intiative made by students from Jerusalem as a voluntary act. This, we believe, is an important response to the complicated situation that we as Israelis and Palestinians experience here on a daily basis. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to cooperate with other members of the network, to expand our activity and to spread it amongst people who work in the same field. moreover, we wish to ask for support by any person or organization who believes in the cause that we fight for. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Gilad Sevitt
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Gilad Sevitt
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel Dotan
Job Title (2)

Kūrybinės ateities idėjos

National Network

Baltijos pr. 11-12
94134 Klaipėda

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
NGO "Creative Future Ideas" working with different youth groups and organizations in non-formal education field. Teachers have big experience in using non-formal training methods in education, organizing seminars, conferences, events. NGO is open to all youth who wish to participate actively in non-formal education activities, and provides a variety of opportunities to spend their leisure time, develop their creative abilities and knowledge of their profession in scientific, technological, artistic, sports, tourism sections. The rationale behind this aspirational - an intelligent, thinking, creative young person.
Mission and Objectives

Main aim of NGO: to unite and activate the creative youth, institutions and / or organizations to encourage their creativity, to spread a positive experience, to take part in various projects directly related to the activities of the association.
The aim of the association is actively involved in the work of building the culture of Europe, taking care of the development of national cultures, regional, rescue them from the unification of mass global culture. The organization creates a platform for the participation of Lithuanian natural and legal persons in the EU projects.
Association tasks:
1. Organizing of seminars, training, active recreation and other events, contests, an educational support projects, engage in sponsored search, develops creative publishing activities,educational topics;
2. Communicate and cooperate with enterprises, institutions, organizations, spreading positive experience, improving their employees' skills, solving performance problems, provide methodological support professional.
3. Implementation of joint projects;

Main Projects / Activities

Members of the NGO have a wealth of experience based on their work in various institutions. Their substantive knowledge and above all the range of skills related to the management and operation of human resources makes that they are willing to work with the implementation of the project, in the case of most of the members of the project focused on the work and the support of young people from different European countries. Members of the Association are individuals actively involved in the activities carried out at local, regional and international levels.  Members of the NGO promote and support the comprehensive of the socio economics development of regions. Their work contributes to creating conditions for reducing disparities in the development of civilization individual areas of Europe. These activities are primarily through participation in EU projects. NGO provides non formal education trainings focused on boosting transversal skills, above all entrepreneurial, digital, creativity and language learning in order to increase their employability as well as self-employment potential of its youth audience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NGO members will help to transform education and entire communities, while learning from each other and, in turn, increasing each other’s impact in the classroom and beyond. NGO will share the power of exchanging ideas across borders, aiming to support knowledge exchange, strengthen dialogue and intercultural cooperation that are crucial for the stable and sustainable development in the Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network will provide opportunity for our NGO share experience and ideas, transfer good practices to Region countries, Also our ativities contribute to improving Intercultural understanding, tolerance, equality between youth in Region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silva Blažulioniene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Silva Blažulionienė

Individual Member: Laura Olkkonen

National Network

Loutinkatu 57 a 2
04400 Järvenpää

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
I'm a teacher from Keski-Uusimaa with passion and never ending  willingness to learn about cultures, international connections and education. At the moment I am working as a special education teacher. In 2011 I graduated from International Teacher Education programme (Oulu University), which gave me interests and skills for multicultural work. In addition, I have been working with young people, immigrants and volunteered in Egypt as an English teacher, studied bilingual education both on Finland and Sweden, lived in Cyprus for a semester as a home school teacher and studied new languages (French, Spanish, Arabic). I am into music and arts. I have started to make a book for children on values such as self respect.
Mission and Objectives

My aim is to work in the field of intercultural education in a form or another. I wish to build connections with similar minded people and get to know what is going on in the field of intercultural education.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment I am working as a teacher, learning new languages and getting to know more on intercultural education by e.g joining Kehys ry seminars.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With the grass root level experience from the field of basic and special education as well as the experience and knowledge on bilingual (CLIL) education and intercultural views I can give hands on ideas suitable for meeting school kids and young people. Arts education will also be one of my strenghts as well as value and religion based negotiations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn more about intercultural education and meet people on that field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Olkkonen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elementary school

World Dance Company

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
World Dance Company gathers a group of artists and teachers of various genres, with a core team who have been collaborating since 20 years around educational and artistic dance and musique projects. Being an open organisation, many new employees have been added over the years and we have a growing team composed of regular dance instructors and occasional artist. This development positions us today as one of the main cultural actors of Göteborg.  Our sources of funding come from dance classes and public fundings. Our main actions are the organisation of cultural events, often around the thematic of inclusion, using dance therapy, working with refugees and LGTB rights for example. We also have a number of artistic productions.  We have a broad network of partners including artists, ABF (The Workers Educational Association in Sweden) the city of Göteborg, and other organisations engaged in cultural and artistic activities to support social thematics such as integration, support towards minorities etc... (TillT)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to gather people around dances from all over the world and transfer our values: tolerance, acceptance, support and collaboration, integration and love. 
Our objectives are to: 
- Create and animate communities of interests mixing genders, generations, and ethnicities.
- Offer professional quality and inclusive dance classes 
- Deliver strong messages through artistic and engaged artistic production 

Main Projects / Activities

- Dance classes
- Artistic productions
- Organisation of cultural events

Contact (1) Full Name
Elodie Labonne
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Eva Maria Milich


National Network

19010 ATHENS

+30 22910 25039
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Fotoessa in ancient Greek means "full of light". For us, it marks the philosophy that governs our operation: research, education and human-centered actions. Fotoessa is also our mission: the diffusion of understanding, acceptance and solidarity among the citizens of the world without discrimination and segregation, hence the facilitation and the bread of "change makers". Currently, Fotoessa occupies only volunteers (10) and the team that established it (5 officers). Our sources of funding include project related income, fees for the seminars and training, private donations and contributions. The modalities of action includes a variety of formal and informal education approaches, project developments and execution and others.

Mission and Objectives

The Center for Education, Research and Action FOTOESSA is an interdisciplinary initiative aiming to bridge the gap between academic research and the practices and activism of Civil Society. Encourage understanding among people with different cultures and promote participation by young people in political and social events. Our focus, most importantly, is young people by definition the agents of change, while methodologically we will follow an inter-disciplinary and intercultural approach. Through research, education and various actions, we hope to promote the exchange of ideas and practices among the citizens of the world and also to put our hearts in the effort to make a little more understandable the complexity of both the global and the local reality of the world we live in. Our research and educational programs, and also our actions aspire to serve as a meeting place for recognized theoreticians from the academic world as well as civil society educators and specialists of all ages from various scientific fields. We believe and encourage Dialogue and Cooperation between the public and the private sector, between people with different roots, attitudes, religions and ideas (both inside and outside of Greece) and between local and international organizations. Consequently, we consider Fotoessa as a cradle of birth and realization of ideas. As a center that offers opportunities to those who want to evolve, or even discover, their skills and present their scientific achievements.

Main Projects / Activities

The field of Fotoessa’s main concerns are:  Democracy, democratic governance and the promotion of Citizens' Rights  Social Involvement and related training  Human Rights  Mass media and citizens' access to information  Sustainable Development  Intercultural Dialogue and Education  Social Entrepreneurship and Economy  International Relations and Politics Our activities include:  Research programs and related publications  Education, Information and Training  Seminars, Symposia, Lectures and Meetings for the Dialogue  Actions aimed at increasing responsible citizenship  Student Exchange and Student Mobility Programs  Social Offer  Increase the skills, competencies and skills of NGO executives  Training in Project Management We address:  Young people of all ages  Academics and activists around the world  Anyone who wants to be more involved in social, collective activities and become an active citizen

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We share the same values and we are eager to contribute with both our links and contacts and with our knowledge, Also we intend to promote the active presence of the network int he field of civic engagement and education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is the leading institution in the Euro-Med area that addresses issues of common concern with Fotoessa, that leads the way in itntercultural relations and it links such a diverse, yet also complementary, group of peoples, cultures, societal groups and areas of action

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation