Individual Member: Heidi Linsen

National Network

Sammatintie 7 E 43
00510 Helsinki

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Service designer, individual activist.
Mission and Objectives

Spreading knowledge on various issues: multiculturalism, antirasism, LGBT, human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Focus on joint produced mass event, Peli poikki, Save Syria.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Not sure yet, honestly.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For networking, learning more, synergy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heidi Linsén
Head of the organisation

Helsingin sanataidekoulu ry

National Network

Koskelantie 11 E 35
00610 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Helsingin sanataidekoulu is a non-governmental organisation that assembles authors, writers and art educators, embedding the literary arts in Helsinki's art education scene. The organisation has about 20 members, who are actively involved in the advancement and promotion of the literary arts in Helsinki. The association organises workshops, courses and projects to advocate stronger dialogue between different socio-cultural groups, supporting and encouraging Helsinki's development to a city that is accommodating and inclusive. The association is funded by different project grants from foundations and organisations, both public and private. 
Mission and Objectives

Helsingin sanataidekoulu promotes the literary arts and arts education, and through different projects, seeks to develop methods of community art for the advancement of socio-cultural dialogue. 

Main Projects / Activities

Helsingin sanataidekoulu is involved with projects that seek to increase the availability and inclusivity of arts education in Helsinki. It has been working with youth from refugee and asylum-seeker backgrounds, using the literary arts as a way of supporting the development of these youth's voice and agency in the Finnish society. Additionally, the association works to advance the use of literary arts as a method of creating multilngual and -cultural communities. The association is also actively involved in the pedagogigal development of arts education with Finnish universities. Furthermore, Helsingin sanataidekoulu works together with primary and secondary schools, libraries, museums and publishing houses to construct local and national networks for interdisciplinary projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Helsingin sanataidekoulu is excited for any national and international partnerships for the realisation of projects that relate to the literary arts, community art, arts education and citizenship education. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Tuure-Eerik Niemi
Job Title
Postgraduate student, International Relations and Diplomacy, College of Europe
Head of the organisation
Tuure-Eerik Niemi

International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights ICSPR

National Network

Gaza- Tal Al-Hawa- near the old roots restaurant
Palestinian Territories

+970 08 2623435
+970 08 2623435
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
:ICSPR Vision The International Commission to  Support  Palestinian's Rights (ICSPR) is an independent, non-profit organization that aims to protect human rights in Palestine, institutionalizing and strengthening the international solidarity movement in support of Palestinians' rights and supporting their just struggle for freedom and independence and ending the Israeli occupation International Commission to Support Palestinian Right ICSPR depend on various sources of funding such as Grants, voluntary contributions and through our popular goodwill ambassadors : Organizational Structure -Constituent Assembly, which consists of (21) member will seek to build a Board of Trustees of (19) and 100 Ambassador across the world, consist of legal personalities and agreed upon them from Palestine, Arab and international countries. : Executive Staff Commission staff consists of an Executive Director and units comprising lawyers, researchers, trainers, media specialist, communication and international relations Coordinator, Executive Secretaries and other administrative personnel assistance, as a large number of youth volunteers There are 5 employees in the commission and 15 volunteers Main Headquarter: Gaza Strip, the Commission will open Office if needed in West Bank, Brussels, and Geneva. Budgetary resources available in this year were from donations Our partners are legal and youth organizations and Palestinian institutions, the private sector institutions, the Palestinian and Arab civil society organizations, the relevant ministries, the international and Arab friendly institutions that support the Palestinian people's rights, and members of parliaments and personalities, as well as the Arab and international financial institutions and the various UN institutions      
Mission and Objectives

The International Organization for the Support of the Rights of the Palestinian People is an independent, non-profit organization that aims to be one of the enabling strategies for the protection and support of human rights in Palestine and to expose violations of the Israeli occupation and its accountability for its crimes through the building of Palestinian, Arab and international alliances. Bank of Opportunity and Training Academy for Palestinian youth cadres working on developing their professional abilities and showing their initiatives
: Strategic Goals
Contribute to the establishment and activation of international alliances and expand the base of participation and solidarity activities with Palestinian rights in the countries of the world in cooperation with human rights organizations and civil society organizations and international institutions concerned with human rights

To contribute to the launching and organization of international lobbying and advocacy campaigns in all its forms aimed at isolating, boycotting and exposing the violations of the Israeli occupation and its accountability and prosecution for its crimes

Contribute to the building of an Arab and international coalition working to support the rights of the Palestinian people and adopt its issues and provide support for developmental, social, economic and cultural initiatives aimed at enhancing the steadfastness of the people in Palestine

Contribute to the protection and dissemination of human rights culture and activate the use of all national and international mechanisms aimed at protecting human rights in Palestine

To establish a vocational training academy to build the capacities of youth cadres in the professional, technical, administrative, leadership and human rights fields

Main Projects / Activities

:I.C.S.P.R. Will realize its goals through the following programs
 Legal and Human Rights Programs- 
It includes two units, the first unit specializing in Israeli violations, the second unit specializing in internal human rights conditions. The units will work side by side on Israeli violations and responses at national, Arab and international levels, and the second University will work on legal proceedings of internal violations
Researches and Strategic Thinking program
The programs seek to play an influential role in stimulating thinking and serious research to develop objective and democratic alternatives and options contribute to uphold the rights of the Palestinian people, through the production and dissemination of research and policy analysis papers in quality legal and political field, and activate the role of political and Research Forum, And providing competent authorities with specialized analysis and advice, with optimum use of media and electronic media
Advocacy, Media and Information Technology programs:
The units seek to focus on confrontation the occupation by organizing national, folk and international events fit in with the program of national struggle against occupation, which the youth have to be creative in presenting programs to activate the resistance against the occupation and its practices on Palestinians, Arab and international levels
Professional Training Academy for Youth staff:
The Academy will develop and build the capacity of youth in professional, technical, administrative and leadership in human rights areas , As the Academy aimed to stimulate creative faculties and creativity and rediscover their abilities for innovation in work , Add to enable them to move according to a strategy based on examine, analyze and identify  the realism needs and met them efficiently,  the academy will provide an opportunity to learn from the experience of corresponding institutions at Arab and international level. Moreover, it adopts training methods based on practice and workings and activities through dialogue, discussion, teamwork and participation of all in the learning and training process, the academy will provide training programs and activities
:Bank of Opportunities and Initiatives
The Bank aimed to support marginalized and most needed and enable them from acquiring skills to build and manage a small developmental projects, besides fostering and funding initiatives achieve human rights and developmental impact, respond to people’s needs and respect their rights, By building a bridge and networks at national, Arab and international levels to ensure serve the target groups, and make initiatives ensure investing potential energies of our people and especially the youth segment (contests, festivals, creative events, etc…)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights ICSPR aim to promote and raise the awareness of the Palestinian people of their basic rights and ways and means to achieve them and build their state on the basis of democracy to ensure justice and equality for all without exception. therefore; it has established a vocational training unit to achieve this objective, so ICSPR can contribute through
 making long-term training courses which aim to respect and promote human rights*
 organizing workshops- seminars-conference-meetings- talk show to strengthen human rights culture*
publishing articles- position papers- researchers-notes, reports, appeals, letters about the violation of human rights
launch campaigns about different issues which concern about human rights and civil society*

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Commission adopts the work among the Palestinian public in all its Arab and international locations, and devises new means, methods and mechanisms in the international human rights and humanitarian fields in order to achieve justice for the Palestinians inside and outside the country on the to expel the Israeli occupation and building the Palestinian civil democratic state that adopts justice and equality and implements international human rights standards to achieve Sustainable development
 The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights ICSPR aim to achieve this goal through making  alliances and partnerships with other institution that have the same objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanaa Kamal Al Ghussein
Job Title
International Relations Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Salah Abdel Atti
Contact (2) Full Name
Salah Abdel Atti
Job Title (2)
chairman of board of directors

MOREL press agency

National Network

Reboljeva 13
1000 Ljubljana

386 (0)41-511-067
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
386 (0)41-511-067
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Edina neodvisna zasebna tiskovna agencija v Sloveniji, ki je v političnem in gospodarskem pritisku, deluje že četrt stoletja. V vsem tem času države ni prejela niti centa finančne pomoči. Agencija ima samo eno redno zaposlitev, ker nima rednih finančnih prilivov, temveč se financira s prodajo svojih storitev na medijskem trgu. Ta pa v Sloveniji praktično ne obstaja, ker so ostali mediji ali pod nadzorom aktualne oblasti v izbranih medijskih samodržcev.  Agencija MOREL izdaja strokovno zdravstveno revijo revije Vita, ki jo v nakladi 15.000 izvodov razdeli brezplačno po vsej državi.  Agencija MOREL si redno izmenjuje novice z beograjsko tiskano agencijo Fonet. Agencija MOREL ima svojo spletno televizijo MORELTV. Prenaša športne in druge dogodke, ki jih državna televizija ali pa zasebne tuje televizije ne prenašajo ali predvajajo.
Mission and Objectives

Želi ohraniti neodvisno novinarsko stroko in ponuditi bralcem, gledalcem in poslušalcem preveč novic iz Slovenije v tujini.

Main Projects / Activities

Medij- splet - spletna televizija- zdravstvenovzgojna revija

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

V naši državi ne moremo prispevati nič, ker so vsi člani v mreži v naši državi v prid državi, neposredno ali posredno, še posebej kar zadeva financiranje. Lahko pa omrežja pridobijo sredstva, ki niso podlega političnim in gospodarskim pritiskom. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Da bi prenesli čimveč preverjenih informacij iz okolja, kjer deluje omrežje ALF v od zaupanja vrednih virov, seveda v tej mreži obstajajo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emil Lukančič-Mori
Job Title
Chief and editor
Head of the organisation
Emil Lukančič-Mori

Centrum podpory spoluprace z.s.

National Network
Czech Republic

Šmejkalova 1691/40
616 00 Brno

+420 608 373 585
Telephone (other)
+420 603 421 794
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We do not have employees. We work with volunteers and we engage ourselves as volunteers. All of our work is voluntary at the moment. We pay all the activity ourselves. We publish professional articles and occasionally lectures at colleges - Faculty and Universities. If is necessary, we send a CV to get acquainted with the lectures. We also attend conferences as the last was European Summit in Prague. We hope that we will expand our knowledge with your experience.


Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to enrich cooperation with other non-profit organizations in your system - the Mediterranean region, learn and transfer knowledge to our field. At the same time, we would be able to give a glimpse of our activity and make it look better with your suggestions. Based on workshops, we would carry out program activities in our area with the aim of strengthening international and domestic understanding of multicultural cooperation. This would be useful with more views.


Main Projects / Activities

We will prepare some future projects in the field of multicultural education and the integration of individual factors in the field of social work in our area. We are aware that the 4th technological revolution is coming, which will be very painful for some types of occupations and workers in the future. We are preparing special education and acquaintance with a wider range of people on this topic.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1  We are members of the Chamber of Social Enterprises (KPS), where we would organize the integration of multicultural factors into the educational and working system in companies.

2.  We are also members - associations of non-state non-profit organizations (ANNO), and we would like to extend our activities in this field with your help.

3  By organizing training workshops in our field and transferring our knowledge to a multicultural space.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in intercultural dialogue and connections in the Mediterranean region. Therefore, in the future, we will also organize workshops and education, especially in the field of economics, and the inclusion of multicultural factors in the education process.


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Florian Margan Ph.D
Job Title
Director/project manager
Head of the organisation
Mr. Lepka Michael
Contact (2) Full Name
Bc. Michal Lepka
Job Title (2)


National Network

1 Studio Masr st,

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Independent film maker (director and writer) with 18 years experience in making documentary films and a wide experience in the field of online news.
Mission and Objectives

Directing and writing documentary films and live news broadcasting

Main Projects / Activities

16 projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By making films

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe in humanity and the right of freedom,democracy,human rights and education

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Algammal
Job Title
Film maker
Head of the organisation

Individual Member: Tiina Hyyppä

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
I am a Middle East researcher. 
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am available to hold speeches on different topics and promote the networks activities and the network itself. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to participate in different activities that the network organizes. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

UAB Mokomieji filmai

National Network

OLANDŲ 50-104

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Mokomieji filmai has ten employes, the company is structured by different products or services. One educational material creation for privat or public organizations. Second content creation and distrubution on social media networks and third animated infografhics and other graphic design products.  Main partners are company INTEA from Latvia. 
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help companies to have best experience when using e-learning tools and solutions to train employees. And second mission is to provide best content creation services and distribution in our fast changing environment.

Main Projects / Activities

One of main projects was teacher’s TV in 2014. We created more then 50-ty different educational videos for ministry of education. Other projects are done for biggest private companies in Lithuania

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could help to spread the information about the projects and provide value with our knowledge in media production and distribusion as well as help to create tools for education about foundations values. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think we as the company are hitting maturity, our products are taking the right shape and we are ready to provide value back to community, and don't know what would the best way then joining the foundation with whose goals are companies goals are aligned.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

De Gryspeerstraat 94
2100 Antwerp

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organization for Migrants and Non Immigrants for African Education (OMANIAE VZW) is a Non-Governmental Organization, founded by Mr. Richard Osei Bonsu (a two-time asylum seeker) on 11th March 2013 to promote welfare activities aimed at alleviating human suffering through migration and over all amelioration of society, especially for Migrants in Home country (Africa) and Irregular undocumented migrants living in Europe.               Omaniae is a nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest. OMANIAE is an organization of people working independently without any external influence with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community, area or situation, and assisting in the empowerment of undocumented migrants and the less privilege members across Africa.
Mission and Objectives

OMANIAE is an organization of people working independently without any external influence with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community, area or situation, and assisting in the empowerment of undocumented migrants and the less privilege members across Africa.
We are committed to the root causes of irregular migration, trying to better the quality of life especially for the deprived migrants stacked at the transit camps in the desert.
OMANIAE is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established as a result of concern about the conditions of entry, stay and the life of undocumented migrants, the lack of a comprehensive migration policy and the ever-growing incidents of xenophobia.
1.To help generate training programs for the youth/undocumented migrants.
2.To reduce the fatalities through irregular migration over the desert and sea by educating African migrants about the real condition living as undocumented migrants in Europe.
3.To publish flyers, newspapers, magazines, posters, journals and to reproduce works of arts, literature, and other allied works for instruction and imparting useful knowledge.
4.To organize forums, seminars, camps etc. to impact moral values, and methods of
developing self-confidence.
5.To raise funds through collection, Initiatives, Concert, donation or subscription and other means and invest money or incur expenditure in such manner as shall promote the attainment of the aims and objectives of OMANIAE.
6.To undertake any other work or assignment that may be for the general welfare of our members and to identify and nurture exceptionally talented women and support their initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

As one of the fastest growing influential Network with over three thousand (3,000) members nationwide (Belgium), OMANIAE is a non-partisan Organization, which operates in Ghana, Senegal, Guinea and Cameroun… etc. but currently active in Belgium and Ghana.
Our grassroots networks help concerned citizens to use their voices to speak up against irregular migration.
OMANIAE stands as a bridge between Irregular internally displaced undocumented migrants and the government across Europe (Belgium), that is by Campaigning and creating awareness through our empowering skill training program which is to economically enhance our members.
To Sensitize and circulate information concerning the risk which involves migration through the desert or sea. Members who have successfully completed the free skill training program willing to set up a small scale enterprise will benefit financial support through the OMANIAE financial Scheme (O.F.S).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creating awareness about the negative impact migration through the desert and sea and by empowering the youth through skill training program

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain experience, network, share ideas and learn from other networking organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joycilin Shermila
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Richard Osei Bonsu
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Red Cross of Finland, Jyväskylä multicultural group

National Network

Sammonkatu 4
Salokatu 20 aB 46
40100 Jyväskylä

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
A voluntary group of about 10-20 persons under the organisation Red Cross of Jyväskylä,Finland. One employee, MarittaJylhälehto, head of multicultural work. Budget: no budget of our own we act under Red Cross in refugee centers
Mission and Objectives

To make it easier for refugees to be a member of Finnish society

Main Projects / Activities

Visits in a refugee center, partys, to provide help to children with their homework and Finnish language

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By listening and learning from the refugees about their experiences in their formal home country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope we can do our mission in a better way and develope our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tuovi Lievemaa
Job Title
Contact person
Head of the organisation
Maritta Jylhälehto
Contact (2) Full Name
Kirsti Salo
Job Title (2)
Contact person