Ometz Movement

National Network

12 Levontin Street, P.O. Box 191
Tel Aviv-Yafo

+972 3-560-5588
+975 3-560-0469
Mobile Phone
+972 50-847-0748
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
I would like to introduce the Ometz Movement the Israeli NGO for an equal and just Israeli society. The State of Israel was founded on Jewish and democratic values. For 25 years, we have been the leading activists for a state that maintains those values. At present, despite all the good that exists in Israel, there is much work to be done. Social divides (socioeconomic, cultural, regional, etc.), government mismanagement and corruption, life-threatening contention and abuse among religious and cultural groups, all threaten our country’s democratic values. We are convinced that Israel’s extreme socio-economic gaps contribute to public corruption and to destructive social processes, to a young generation that lacks direction, that is losing faith in our country’s future.  Therefore we created an NGO that is devoted to eliminating corruption, bribery and other kinds of miss-use of public resources at government and municipal levels. The main goals of “Ometz” are as follows: Ometz is actively opposed to any form of miss-use of public money or any other means of bribery, used to influence decision and acts taken by the legislator, the executive or the Judiciary. Ometz is committed to act against any attempt to use states’ resources in order to further politicians’ personal ambitions or those of their supporters. Ometz advocates the inclusion of the most stringent use of restraints and control mechanisms, within local and national government organizations. Ometz engages teams of voluntary experts to expose any corruption or acts of dishonesty carried out by elected representatives or senior administrators at municipal and national levels. Ometz encourages any legislation by parliament, which promotes proper ethical codes and administrative integrity. Ometz plans to operate within the educational system – both formal and extracurricular – to promote greater awareness and support for a correct and ethical government.
Mission and Objectives

Ometz Movement employs 21 staff members and 25 layers in addition to having 300 volunteers, in order to fulfill our mission of creating a better society for all Israelis, encouraging social leadership, and fighting against corruption. Our budgetary resources available in a year is $221,852, which we receive from donors, participation fees, and the Altshuler Shaham Investment House. Our projects include Inspiring Social Initiative, Acceptance and Tolerance / Sports, Social Values Education, Arts, Culture, Values, and Leadership Accountability. Our objectives:

  Creating acceptance and coexistence among Jewish, Arab, Druze, Bedouin, Christian, and other Israelis.

  Better resources for Israelis who live in underprivileged communities.

  Improved infrastructure for a socially effective, dedicated, and accountable government.

  Secure and sustainable futures for our young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Inspiring Social Initiative: We encourage creative social activism by educating Israelis about the astonishing work of ordinary citizens, leaders, and professionals from every cultural and religious sector. Throughout the year, we award activists in the areas of equality, social services, and tolerance. We have granted awards for projects like: philanthropic medical advancements, nationwide programs for values, and more. Awardees are recognized at national ceremonies and widely publicized in the media – Israelis learn that every individual can create new solutions for a better country. Objective: To research and identify outstanding social activists; to present them to the Israeli community through the media and in national award ceremonies.

Acceptance and Tolerance / Sports: Too often, contention – even hatred – comes to the fore in Israel’s sports arenas and playing fields. Fist fights and name-calling overwhelm games in both national and youth leagues. Ironically, sports are often valued for their encouragement of social values, teamwork, and acceptance. Our sports and values project reverses that irony through publicity, lectures, and workshops that encourage values in the arena. Sports permeates a great part of Israeli society. Better values for hundreds of thousands of sports fans can significantly affect our entire society. Objective:To hold workshops and lectures for youth and adults, and advertise for better sports values.

Social Values Education: The greatest potential for social change rests in our young generation. Our high school curriculum for social values is authorized by the Ministry of Education and makes social justice relevant for Israeli teens. Each year, we train teachers in a new group of target cities, creating a new youth culture for an Israel of equality and justice. Objective: We will collaborate with five Israeli municipalities for teacher training throughout the city or town. 

Arts, Culture, Values: Our annual arts program gives thousands of Israeli youth a platform for social commentary through the creative arts. Each year, thousands of high school students participate in a program that encourages social values through artistic mediums: film, photography, creative writing, and more. The program culminates in a competition that is judged by artists and social leaders. Outstanding finalists are presented to the Israeli public. Objective: We will publicize and facilitate a nationwide competition for thousands of youth. Finalists will be presented at the Tel Aviv Cinemateque.

Leadership Accountability: For 25 years, we have held government leadership accountable to civic values and laws. We investigate and bring corrupt politics to light, prosecuting and often achieving accountability (incarceration, fines). As corruption is eradicated, Israelis call for better leadership, true leaders step forward. In 2017 we will implement this program on the municipal level where the absence of accountability and transparency is even more extreme than on the national level. Objective: We will initiate a process of investigation and response to reports of municipal corruption. Our legal and social activists will work to develop better laws and infrastructure for transparency.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We envision an Israeli society with stronger social welfare, equal opportunities for success, and leaders who are committed to the welfare of all citizens. In three decades, we will celebrate Israel’s centennial anniversary. We aim to celebrate with stronger infrastructure for equality and human rights, with balanced civic standards for all cultural, social, and religious sectors. We act to create a better society: to resolve the cultural antagonism in our country, to ensure transparency in government, and to assure equal allocation of resources among stronger and weaker populations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sagal Maozia
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sagal Maozia

Fédération L'Air et Moi

National Network

25 Rue Falque (Rdc) - 13006 Marseille
RDC, porte gauche
13006 Marseille

Telephone (other)
09 84 36 11 57
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
L'Air et Moi est un support pédagogique sur la pollution de l'air fait de diaporamas animés, quiz, vidéos, guides pédagogiques regroupant des compléments d'information, chiffres clef, définitions, travaux pratiques, conseils pédagogiques pour accompagner les enseignants, parents et animateurs désireux de sensibiliser des enfants à la qualité de l'air. Naissance du projet En fin d’année 2009, M. Victor Hugo Espinosa, créateur et pilote du projet L’Air et Moi, a proposé à Air PACA de réaliser un support pédagogique sur la pollution de l’air qui serait accessible gratuitement et par internet à tous les enfants, enseignants et parents. Dès la naissance de L’Air et Moi, l’idée était de faire profiter tout le monde, au niveau français, du support et d’en faire un support coopératif et évolutif. Air PACA a accueilli cette proposition avec un vif enthousiasme et cet accord s’est concrétisé par un partenariat avec la Maison de l’Ecologie de Provence, spécialisée dans l’éducation à l’environnement.  
Mission and Objectives

Brochure : 
Objectifs du projet
Le principal objectif du projet L’Air et Moi est de sensibiliser les enfants à l’importance de la qualité de l’air par l’intermédiaire des enseignants, parents et animateurs.
L’Air et Moi a aussi pour objectif de sensibiliser, au-delà des enfants, toute personne quelle qu’elle soit et de mieux faire connaître le travail des associations agréées de surveillance de la qualité de l’air.
L’Air et Moi s’inscrit totalement dans une démarche de développement durable parce qu’il tient compte des enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Chaque enfant est invité à réfléchir aux gestes qu’il peut lui-même faire pour participer à une réduction de la pollution de l’air
A qui s’adresse L’Air et Moi ?
D’un point de vue pédagogique, L’Air et Moi s’adresse aux enfants de niveau CM1, CM2 et 6ème. Mais grâce au guide pédagogique qui accompagne L’Air et Moi et aux enseignants, parents et animateurs en environnement, L’Air et Moi peut être adapté à d’autres niveaux scolaires, pour des plus petits comme pour des plus grands.

Main Projects / Activities

Un projet coopératif et gratuit
L’Air et Moi a été créé grâce à la participation de nombreux acteurs : enseignants, enfants, experts, animateurs, parents... Plus de 500 animations en écoles et collèges ont permis la construction des outils pédagogiques. Actuellement, plus de 100.000 enfants ont été sensibilisés et 50.000 téléchargements ont été réalisés sur notre site Internet
Un déploiement régional
Air PACA a déjà organisé cette année cinq journées de formations de formateurs aux outils pédagogiques L'Air et Moi : à Nice le 3 juin, à Marseille le 10 juin, à Avignon le 1er juillet, à Toulon le 30 septembre et à Martigues le 14 octobre. Chaque formation a été précédée d’une conférence de presse qui a permis de faire connaître le projet à travers de nombreux articles de presse et reportages télévisés régionaux.
Des conférences-débats avec les infirmiers scolaires
Marie-Anne Le Meur, coordinatrice de L’Air et Moi, et moi-même avons eu le plaisir d’animer deux conférences-débats auprès des infirmiers scolaires de l'Académie d'Aix-Marseille dans le cadre des réunions départementales organisées par le Rectorat. Nous avons présenté L'Air et Moi le 21 avril au Collège Henri Bosco de Vitrolles à près de 120 infirmiers scolaires et le 30 juin au Lycée Professionnel du Domaine d'Eguilles à Vedène à 70 infirmiers scolaires. Nous avons constaté l’intérêt du corps médical pour la question de la qualité de l'air à travers le nombre de questions qui a dépassé la moitié des participants. Chaque infirmier travaille dans un lycée qui pourra par la suite  devenir un relais pour la sensibilisation à la qualité de l’air.
L'Air et Moi : projet national
Courant mai 2015, les Présidents de la Fédération Atmo France et d'Air PACA ont écrit une lettre à Madame la Ministre Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, afin de présenter le programme L'Air et Moi et d'envisager avec son ministère un déploiement national. Le 24 juillet dernier, nous avons été reçus au Ministère de l’Education Nationale par Madame Aurélie Lorrain-ltty, conseillère auprès de la Ministre.
L'Air et Moi se déploie au niveau national et nous souhaiterions que la Fédération Atmo France devienne un grand partenaire.
Nous nous sommes rendus également à Nancy, où nous avons rencontré Air Lorraine qui déploiera bientôt L'Air et Moi. Cette association, qui a de bonnes relations avec l'Education Nationale, s'occupera notamment de la validation technique du guide des travaux pratiques de L'Air et Moi avec le soutien de l’association Les Petits Débrouillards de la région Lorraine.
En région Midi-Pyrénées, l'Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) a décidé de financer le poste d'une personne qui, pendant 3 ans, va déployer L'Air et Moi sur le territoire au sein de l’Observatoire Régional de l'Air en Midi-Pyrénées (ORAMIP), l'équivalent d'Air PACA dans la région.
Air Rhône-Alpes a commencé aussi à déployer L'Air et Moi grâce au projet européen SH'AIR. Les 7 et 8 octobre 2015, l'organisme de surveillance a organisé, en collaboration avec Air PACA, une fomation de formateurs aux outils pédagogiques L'Air et Moi. Cette dernière a été très bien reçue.
Airparif a aussi l'intention de déployer L'Air et Moi en Ile-de-France.
L'Air et Moi : projet international
L'Air et Moi fait aussi l'objet d'un déploiement international grâce au projet européen SH'AIR (Système d'Echange Atmosphérique Inter Régional sur la zone ALCOTRA) de coopération entre les régions Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes, Vallée d'Aoste et Piémont, qui nous permet de traduire L'Air et Moi en italien et de l'adapter (projet “Noi e l'Aria”). Le site internet italien est déjà né et devrait être enrichi régulièrement d’ici la fin de l'année 2015, notamment de vidéos pédagogiques. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, L'Air et Moi a reçu le soutien de l'Union Européenne.
L’Air et Moi a besoin de tous et de chacun
L’Air et Moi a besoin de nous tous pour réussir son déploiement national et international. En effet, ce programme a besoin de moyens pour permettre à son équipe de coordonner son évolution. L’Air et Moi a besoin de chacun : de chaque AASQA, de chaque collectivité, de chaque association, de chaque acteur qui pourra faire sien les outils pédagogiques L’Air et Moi pour mieux sensibiliser les enfants à la qualité de l’air.
Air PACA a organisé, le 23 octobre 2015, une réunion de travail L’Air et Moi pour mieux informer les AASQA* et les inviter, dans un esprit coopératif et de partage, à «agir ensemble» afin d'améliorer le contenu et la qualité des outils, participant ainsi à son déploiement dans chaque région
Victor Hugo Espinosa
Créateur et pilote de L’Air et Moi
*AASQA : Association Agréée de Surveillance de la Qualité de l'Air

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Presentation de Victor Hugo ESPINOSA
En quelques mots

 Ingénieur Civil – Spécialiste en Risques Majeurs 1969-1978 : 7 ans Ingénieur + 3 ans « Etudes de Risques » (367 pages)
 Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite (7 mai 2007)
 Chargé de cours de « Communication » (Vacataire - Université des Sciences - Saint-Charles) : master « Gestion des Eaux et des Milieux Aquatiques » (GEMA) - master « Gestion des Risques Naturels et Technologiques » (GERINAT) (jusqu’à 2014) et actuellement du master médiation scientifique et de la Licence Professionnelle Aménagement du Paysage.
 Chargé de cours de « Communication et Développement » du master 1 Affaires Internationales et de la "Gouvernance environnementale » du master 2. (Vacataire LEA - Université des Sciences – Aix en Provence)
 Plus de 1000 animations sur l’environnement et le développement durable dans les écoles, collèges et lycées.
 Pilote et créateur des supports pédagogiques : L’Air et Moi, L’eau et Moi, Les Calanques et Nous.
 Président de la Fédération L’Air et Moi (déploiement national et international)
 Coordinateur du réseau Ecoforum, un collectif d'associations et de scientifiques qui agissent pour l'environnement, la santé, la solidarité et le cadre de vie.
 Plus de 3.000 articles de journaux sur l’environnement.
 Organise régulièrement, depuis plus de 25 ans, des conférences, débats et manifestations pour l'environnement.
 Animation de plus de 2.000 émissions de radio sur l’environnement.
 Coordinateur des conférences PSYCHO-DEBATS sur différents thèmes liés à la psychologie, à la communication et au bien-être.
 Membre du Comité Scientifique du Parc Naturel Régional de Corse (depuis 2008)
 Chargé de mission auprès du Directeur de WWF France (2007-2008)
 Médiateur Développement Durable, Environnement, Santé, Risques du Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône. (à mi-temps jusqu’au 10/2014)
 Prix Renaudot Benjamin en 2011 - Auteur du livre "Chatouille, pourquoi tu fouilles ?" sur les déchets et "Marie, pourquoi tu tousses ? sur la pollution de l’air.
 Conseiller d’arrondissement de Marseille (13/14ème arrondissement) et chargé du Développement Durable et de l’Environnement (2008-2014).
 Conseiller Communautaire de Marseille Provence Métropole (MPM) (2008-2014).
Plus d’informations :  - Facebook
Ecoforum, 24 Bd d’Athènes - 13001 Marseille - - -
 Revue presse :

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Depuis mon arrivé en France, je suis dans l'action notament dans les domaines suivantes : Environnement, Sante, Solidarité et cadre de vie. Plus de 3.000 articles de journaux sur l’environnement. Animation de plus de 2.000 émissions de radio sur l’environnement et Plus de 1000 animations sur l’environnement et le développement durable dans les écoles, collèges et lycées. 
Revue presse : et
Je partage les valeurs et les projets de la fondation Anna Lindh et j'ai la conviction, par mes experiences et competences, d'être un membre actif pour continuer a agir pour un monde meilleur.

Contact (1) Full Name
Victor Hugo ESPINOSA
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Victor Hugo Espinosa
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Anne Le Meur
Job Title (2)

Femmes Forum Méditerranée

National Network

rue de cuques cité universitaire de cuques, bâtiment Ghandi logement G002
13100 aix-en-provence

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
The association is structured as follows, there is a president, treasurer and secretary general and members. Everyone is a volunteer in this NGO. The sources of funding are donations till this date. The NGO's modalities of action are diverse, conferences are held on various subjects related to equality, respect and promotion of women's rights, awareness raising on women's rights lyrics for women, meetings for the sharing of experience and expertise, actions with other NGOs and associations and other activities and actions. This association is in partnership with the Forum Femmes Méditerranées and with osez le féminisme13, LDH, family planning 13 and many other NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

The aim is to advance women's rights, to explicitly denounce violence and discrimination against women, to raise awareness of gender stereotypes to eliminate them and the existing legal rules in favor of women, to highlight the legal and practical problems that impede the advancement of women's rights, which impede equality and access to justice, economic empowerment and so on.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects and main activities are reading, sharing of experiences and expertise, conferences on specific subjects at universities, centers and cafes, actions on the streets, awareness-raising among young people, men and women. women, legal awareness of women victims of violence.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share our experiences and to learn from others, to make connections with others ngo's and put strategies together and make action and work together for peace, equality and justice in the meditarrenean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noura RAAD
Job Title
President of Femmes Forum Méditerranée
Head of the organisation
Noura RAAD
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Humanity Crew

National Network

Saint Lucas 5
Haifa 31041

(+972) 52-309- 2982
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
Humanity Crew is an international aid organization specializing in the provision of psychological aid to refugees and people in crises. We work to deploy mental health and psychosocial support to displaced populations in order to improve their well-being, to restore order in their lives, and to prevent further psychological escalation. Humanity Crew recruits, trains, and deploys mental health professionals and qualified volunteers to deliver psychosocial relief to refugees and displaced populations. Their current mission is to provide psychosocial support for refugees arriving to Europe in their own language. They do this through community based activities, focus group sessions and individual sessions for vulnerable cases. They have 6 employees and over 160 volunteers. All of Humanity Crew’s funding comes from community based support; the entire organization runs on private funding and community led support from volunteers and friends of the organization. In late 2016 Humanity Crew was presented the “Defenders of Refugee Rights” award at the 4th edition of Cities Defending Human Rights in Barcelona. The “Cities Defending Human Rights” project, which takes place in many municipalities around Catalonia was the first official recognition of our work. Upon accepting the award, we toured Catalonia where we held talks for two weeks, speaking to young people, visiting many cities, and meeting human rights activists.
Mission and Objectives

We seek to create a world in which mental health support is a fundamental component in all emergency efforts for victims of humanitarian crises.

Main Projects / Activities

Since November 2015 they have worked in camps, shorelines, ports, and the local hospital in the city of Mytilene, and mainly at Lesvos Solidarity - PIKPA Camp, which became the core of their fieldwork activity in 2016. Later, as a response to the EU-Turkey deal, they expanded to the north to Diavata Camp, Elpída Center, and Floxenia Housing Project on the outskirts of Thessaloniki in mainland Greece. In addition to their work at the camps, they ran significant emergency work during the height of the refugee crisis. They also initiated several emergency operations. These included work on-board rescue boats of our partners Proactiva Open Arms, mental health mobile clinics on shores and ports, and our work with hospital staff once refugees were referred there.
Their work in Greece included activities they held for children and adults which were tailored detailed activities to contribute to the resilience of the refugees, prevent the deterioration of their mental health, and enhance the communal empathy and support mechanisms. The activities, implemented by a team of native Arabic speaking mental health professionals and well-trained volunteers, support the refugees’ recovery by empowering them with tools and skills to cope with the traumas they have endured. They conducted daily activities for children that included recreational activities and non-formal educational activities. They led weekly activities for adults that included crisis intervention for individuals and families in need, as well as support group sessions which included gender and age sensitive groups for men, women and teenagers. From these group sessions, they then earmarked particularly vulnerable cases which they later treated on an individual case by case basis. They also conducted dyadic activities for infants and their primary caregivers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Humanity Crew has a lot of experience on the field and have been one of the few organizations that have dealt exclusively with MHPSS in the refugee's own langauge. We feel there is a lot to be taught and we have a lot to learn and a good way to do that is through wider netowrks that have similar goals towards human rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Similarly to what has been stated above, Anna Lindh is a great network that would potentially provide good contact, conferences, workshops, and general experience. We believe that the more we are exposed to other NGOs the better we become at our jobs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Jammal
Job Title
CEO & Co-Founder
Head of the organisation
Maria Jammal
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Boulus
Job Title (2)
Programs Coordinator

Papion Art Production

National Network

233 st. Deglaa Maadi. Building 9 , cairo

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Our company was established in 2014. It produced many corporate videos and documentaries. We also handled the post production of many projects. “The dream of a scene” short film was our first fiction film production. It was produced and released in 2014. Who talks about women and her rights in life.
“The dream of a scene” participated and was awarded at many film festival around the world. In 2017 Produced other short film called "Berries Island" By Khalid Mansour.  Talking about a child searching for traveling to the moon like her mother. " Film for children".  The feature film "Starting Date" By Yasser Shafiey got a development fund from Luxor Film Festival in 2015 By "Initiative Film" By the consultant "Isabelle Fauvel". The company working on many projects with "Save The Children" in Cairo.  And many Projects with "GIZ" doing videos with them.   Worked with "Beqaa" in Lebanon with " The Syrian refugees ” .doing magic Shows for the children.  still working on many artistic projects step by step. There are many art projects that we are working on in the present time. We welcome any creative projects which we can either produce or develop so stay updated.
Mission and Objectives

Our Company Stablished on Cairo, Egypt. The main staff is 4 artists "Producer, Photographer & videographer, Editor, Graphic Designer". 
Other Staff working with us by Project depending on the target of the project.
We mainly work on short & Feature films "Fiction & Documentary". 
 We support some Projects with Equipment when we find that it helps non-commercial projects. Like in Lebanon " Beqaa" with doing Photoshoot for the children there.
or other awareness projects.
Our Budget depending on our needs. If we will produce a film we search for Grants for it and search for donors, founders. We don't have a High budget but we have the tools that make us achieve our goals. 
We have great contacts with artistic people in our field that want to support our projects always.
Our company does courses to teach Script writing, directing, Filmmaking ".

Main Projects / Activities

Our main Projects are doing Films. 
We are working step by step to do artistic Films can support our society, or to solve some problems that we face, or just can make someone happy. 
We Produced 2 short films, Preparing the third one Now. 
We are now in the development stage of making 2 feature films one fiction and the other is a documentary .
We are preparing awareness videos for Human rights in Egypt. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Company is ready to be a partner with any company or organisation that need a partner here in Egypt. 
We are supporting the unique and artistic projects. hope to see Projects complete by our hands. 
We can find many ways in our field to achieve the victory for the projects we involved on. We can search for another founders and grants for the Projects in our area.
We are ready to work as a production company for any projects starting from location's scout and shooting permissions ending with post production.
We love to be a part of a project with other countries. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our world is too small, and this is the time to work together to achieve all our goals. 
Joining ALF network helps us to know more about the partners, building new networks with other producers, founders and organisations. 
Working with other countries make the projects more value, with more experience, make the road shorter to reach each other.
Our dream is to do international films and projects, so we need to support each other.  
Waiting for that in our new Project throw you.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasser Mohamed Shafiey Khalil
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yasser Shafiey

Humanity Crew

National Network

Saint Lucas 5
Haifa 31041

(+972) 52-309- 2982
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
Humanity Crew is an international aid organization specializing in the provision of psychological aid to refugees and people in crises. We work to deploy mental health and psychosocial support to displaced populations in order to improve their well-being, to restore order in their lives, and to prevent further psychological escalation. Humanity Crew seeks to create a world in which mental health support is a fundamental component in all emergency efforts for victims of humanitarian crises. Humanity Crew recruits, trains, and deploys mental health professionals and qualified volunteers to deliver psychosocial relief to refugees and displaced populations. Our current mission is to provide psychosocial support for refugees arriving to Europe in their own language. We do this through community based activities, focus group sessions and individual sessions for vulnerable cases. Currently we have 6 employees and over 160 volunteers. All of Humanity Crew’s funding currently comes from community based support; our entire organization runs on private funding and community led support from our volunteers and friends of the organization.   
Mission and Objectives

We are an international aid organization specializing in the provision of psychological aid to refugees and people in crises. We work to deploy mental health and psychosocial support to displaced populations in order to improve their wellbeing, to restore order in their lives, and to prevent further psychological escalation. We seek to create a world in which mental health support is a fundamental component in all emergency efforts for victims of humanitarian crises.

Main Projects / Activities

Since November 2015 we have worked in camps, shorelines, ports, and the local hospital in the city of Mytilene, and mainly at Lesvos Solidarity - PIKPA Camp, which became the core of our fieldwork activity in 2016. Later, as a response to the EU-Turkey deal, we expanded our work to the north to Diavata Camp, Elpída Center, and Floxenia Housing Project on the outskirts of Thessaloniki in mainland Greece. In addition to our work at the camps, we ran significant emergency work during the height of the refugee crisis. We also initiated several emergency operations. These included work on-board rescue boats of our partners Proactiva Open Arms, mental health mobile clinics on shores and ports, and our work with hospital staff once refugees were referred there.
Our work in Greece included activities we held for children and adults. We tailored detailed activities to contribute to the resilience of the refugees, prevent the deterioration of their mental health, and enhance the communal empathy and support mechanisms. The activities, implemented by a team of native Arabic speaking mental health professionals and well-trained volunteers, support the refugees’ recovery by empowering them with tools and skills to cope with the traumas they have endured. They conducted daily activities for children that included recreational activities and non-formal educational activities. We led weekly activities for adults that included crisis intervention for individuals and families in need, as well as support group sessions which included gender and age sensitive groups for men, women and teenagers. From these group sessions, we were then able to earmark particularly vulnerable cases which we later treated on an individual case by case basis. We also conducted dyadic activities for infants and their primary caregivers. Furthermore, our team often assisted with translation and interpretation between other professionals and the refugees since our culture and language gave us an added benefit.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Jammal
Job Title
CEO & Co-Founder
Head of the organisation
Maria Jammal
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Boulus
Job Title (2)
Programs Coordinator

Education and Training Boards Ireland

National Network

Piper's Hill
Kilcullen Road

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
General Information
Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) represents Ireland's 16 Education and Training Boards. Education and Training Boards. ETBs are statutory authorities which have responsibility for education and training, youth work and a range of other statutory functions. ETBs manage and operate second-level schools, further education colleges, multi-denominational community national schools and a range of adult and further education centres delivering education and training programmes. I am the support officer for Community National Schools (CNS) which were established in 2008 as Ireland's first State-operated multidenominatioanl schools. My role is in supporting the existing 12 CNS schools and working with ETBs and the Department of Education and Skills on the development of the model nationwide. I am on secondment from my role as principal of Citywest and Saggart CNS ( 
Mission and Objectives

1) Strucutre of organisation - There are currently 12 Communiity National Schools under 5 different ETBs. The schools range in siize from 9 pupils (our newsest school) to over 900. The staff employed ranges from 1 teacher and secretary in our smallest school to over 70 staff in our largest schools. 
2) Budgetary resources - Each school receives grants from the Department of Education and Skills based on the number of pupils they have.
3) Sources of Funding - The Department of Education and Skills
4) The current minister wants to grow the muliltdenominational schools in Ireland from 100 - 400 by 2030. My role is working with the Department of Education to achieve this. A big part of my project is solidifying the characteristic spirit of the CNS model and defining our philosophy. To achieve this, I have been running workshops with existing CNS schools and organising conferences with internal and external speakerrs. We are beginning to arrive at a very strong educational philosophy that I can then use to promote the model across the country. 
5) Main partners - Education and Training Boards, Department of Education and Skills 

Main Projects / Activities

The main project I am concerned with is the CNS model. My main activities are:
- working at policy level on the State's approach to  multidenominatioanl/interculatural education in State primary schools
- developing and implementing a communications plan around the model, including doing lectures and workshops with trainee teachers in all Initital Teacher Education colleges in Ireland
- working with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment on the development of the 'Goodness Me! Goodness You! programme which is the multi-belieff and values education curriculum being used by CNS schools.
- working with the Directors of over 200 post-primary schools on approaches to religoius education and characteristic spirit of their schools 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a principal of a Community National School, I have experience in bringing very diverse communities together to work together for their children. The area I was principal in was relatively newly established area and was used to house many international newcomers. A major part of my role as principal was to build the school community so that everyone had a sense of belonging. This was one of my biggest successes as a principal. I feel I would be able to share these experiences with others working towards achieving something similiar. 
I have used my Masters in Intercultural Education to inform my work as both a principal and now in my current role. My thesis focussed on how the religoius/belief identity of children was catered for in multidenominatioanl contexts. I feel I have a lot of knowledge and experience to bring to the network on my experiences of this. 
I am very fortunate to have direct access to 12 amazing schools. I feel that this access to amazing people and initiatives could benefit the network here in Ireland when considering variious concepts, initiatives, strategies etc. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I know a number of people who are involved in the AFL network and they have recommended it to me as they feel that I would benefit hugely from the learning to be gained from it and that I could bring this learning to a growing network of schools. 
I am always eager to share ideas wiith like-minded people and also be challenged by those who hold different views than me. I have learnt that one of the most important things for me in this challenging role is to be open to the perspectives of others and try and see thingsi from their point of view. I am sure that being part of the ALF network would bring a huge amount to my liife both professionally and personally. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Séamus Conboy
Job Title
Primary School Support Officer
Head of the organisation
Michael Moriarty

University of Limerick- employed as Professor of Education at the University of Limerick.

National Network

Prof. Marie Parker-Jenkins, University of Limerick
School of Education, FEHS, University of Limerick

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Limerick has over 14,000 students & 1,000 staff. The sciences, social seciences, education, medicine and law constitute main discipline areas. The university has received a number of reqrads for teaching excellence, student opportunity,sustainability etc. Most of the aacademic programmes lead to professioanl opportunities upon completion & opportunities to study abroad.
Mission and Objectives

The University of Limerick is publcally- funded , opened to all , regardless of background.
As well as academic achievement the University aims to produce students are equipped for life in a culturally diverse world.

Main Projects / Activities

Across the university a range of reserach projects including tgose relevant to social justice & human rights.
In addition, outreach projects take place with the wider community & globally..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have only 30 years track record in conducting research concerning social justice issues with particular reference to ethnicity and gender. My c.v. includes 8 books & over 100 publications , articles & conference presentations related to social justice issues. I have taught in 7 universities within  4 countries; & undertaken reserarch projects focusing on human rights issues & education. A particualr aspect of my work has been the expansion of schools based on an Islamic basis & responding to cultural diversity within public schools..

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Given my professional & acdemic background I think I am well-placed to contribute to the Network , particularly in terms of my knowledge base of social justice issues.
I have been a taechers, head of dept, vice-principle & professor with a strong background in Education. As well as working at the University of Limerick, I have been honoured with the Aval Martell Chair at Marlander University, Sweden.

Contact (1) Full Name
Professor Marie Parker-Jenkins
Job Title
Professor of Education
Head of the organisation
Dr.Des Fitzgerald

Barone & Associati

National Network

Piazza Sannazaro, 71

081 667383
Telephone (other)
081 7611594
081 681846
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Valerio Barone
Head of the organisation
Valerio Barone

Confcooperative Sardegna

National Network

Piazza Salento n. 5

070 402278
070 485074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
CONFCOOPERATIVE è un'organizzazione che si articola su livelli nazionale, regionale e provinciale. La Confcooperative Sardegna, nel territorio isolano, è presente con una Unione regionale e quattro Unioni Provinciali con sedi a Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro ed Oristano. Le cooperative aderenti sono inoltre rappresentate dalle Federazioni Regionali di settore: Federabitazione, Fedagri, Federcoopesca, Federcultura-Turismo-Sport, Federlavoro e Federsolidarietà. Il Sistema Confcooperative Sardegna comprende diverse organizzazioni che completano la gamma di servizi specialistici rivolti alle cooperative aderenti. I Centri Servizi Co.As.Co (UP Cagliari), Confservizi (UP Oristano) e Puntocooper (UP Nuoro e Sassari) svolgono le loro attività di assistenza amministrativa, contabile e fiscale in stretta connessione con le rispettive Unioni. Fin.Coop., Coop.Fin e Fidicoop Sardegna sono invece le società che offrono assistenza in materia finanziaria.
Mission and Objectives

CONFCOOPERATIVE è un'organizzazione che si articola su livelli nazionale, regionale e provinciale.
La Confcooperative Sardegna, nel territorio isolano, è presente con una Unione regionale e quattro Unioni Provinciali con sedi a Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro ed Oristano.
Le cooperative aderenti sono inoltre rappresentate dalle Federazioni Regionali di settore: Federabitazione, Fedagri, Federcoopesca, Federcultura-Turismo-Sport, Federlavoro e Federsolidarietà.
Il Sistema Confcooperative Sardegna comprende diverse organizzazioni che completano la gamma di servizi specialistici rivolti alle cooperative aderenti.
I Centri Servizi Co.As.Co (UP Cagliari), Confservizi (UP Oristano) e Puntocooper (UP Nuoro e Sassari) svolgono le loro attività di assistenza amministrativa, contabile e fiscale in stretta connessione con le rispettive Unioni.
Fin.Coop., Coop.Fin e Fidicoop Sardegna sono invece le società che offrono assistenza in materia finanziaria.

Main Projects / Activities

CONFCOOPERATIVE è un'organizzazione che si articola su livelli nazionale, regionale e provinciale.
La Confcooperative Sardegna, nel territorio isolano, è presente con una Unione regionale e quattro Unioni Provinciali con sedi a Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro ed Oristano.
Le cooperative aderenti sono inoltre rappresentate dalle Federazioni Regionali di settore: Federabitazione, Fedagri, Federcoopesca, Federcultura-Turismo-Sport, Federlavoro e Federsolidarietà.
Il Sistema Confcooperative Sardegna comprende diverse organizzazioni che completano la gamma di servizi specialistici rivolti alle cooperative aderenti.
I Centri Servizi Co.As.Co (UP Cagliari), Confservizi (UP Oristano) e Puntocooper (UP Nuoro e Sassari) svolgono le loro attività di assistenza amministrativa, contabile e fiscale in stretta connessione con le rispettive Unioni.
Fin.Coop., Coop.Fin e Fidicoop Sardegna sono invece le società che offrono assistenza in materia finanziaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabio Onnis
Head of the organisation
Fabio Onnis