The Mediterranean Forum For Social Development

National Network

Morocco , Rabat , agdal
10090 rabat

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The Mediterranean Forum For Social development (MFD) is  an organization involved in enhancing youth development in Morocco in areas of Youth Exchange Programs, International Workcamps, Democracy and Good Governance, Sustainability, Active Citizenship, Culture, Creativity, Education, Employment, Social Entrepreneurship, Health , environment and Wellbeing Leadership Training, Youth Business, Long and Short term volunteer Placements among other programs .On the other hand, MFD has set out among its key objectives the integration of Immigrants living in Morocco to secure a better life for themselves, in partnership with them and with all those who are committed to building a caring society.  

Mission and Objectives

Since it was founded, our association has always worked with young people and potential leaders. Through various theatrical, personal development and sportive events, the association has succeeded in creating important moments of meeting and socialization, in a constructive and stimulating way. Besides the association is involved in the area of the International Mobility Programs actively participating by now for more than 10 projects in different initiatives all over the world.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organising events for immigration that explore and clarify the present situation of immigration in Rabat and in the Region. - To offer to youth immigrants training courses that could be of their interests -youth exchange programs , training courses within erasmus plus platform -work camps with our partners  -volunteering - the Mediterranean forum for social development opens its doors for all every idea / project that could help the social development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

That is the main reason why we are looking for networks which would like to share experiences and collaborate with youth key agents belonging the developing countries such as Morocco. The organization is also looking forward to empowering itself, in order to better serve itself to the community.  We aim to start new projects which include human rights such as; social, educational, By this activities, we will contribute to people who need awareness about this issues and rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we had a deep look  ALF that it  has a good reputation that encourages all NGOs to enroll such unique foundation to benefit from its international experience in different fields as an organization we need this kind of network in order to help foster the cooperation with other NGO's who are working for the social development of their countries 

Contact (1) Full Name
Marghich Issame
Head of the organisation
Marghich issame

association ain bechar pour l environnement et développement rural

National Network

35010 TAZA

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Adresse : Douar Chiker Ain  Bechar Babboudir Taza Adresse postale  BP   736  .Taza Haut 35010Taza Maroc Nombre d’adhérents  : 60 Téléphone:  +212666923570  /  +212662027235    Fax: +212535271054  ou  +212535271100 E-mail: But de l’association : •  Le développent économique, social, culturel et sportif de notre Commune • La réalisation de projets de développement en coopération avec les institutions gouvernementales ou non gouvernementales • Le développement économique et culturel de la femme • La protection du milieu naturel à travers la vulgarisation de la culture environnementale Date de création :    21/08/1999 Zone d’intervention : Commune de Bab Boudir  Taza
Mission and Objectives

•  Le développent économique, social, culturel et sportif de notre Commune
• La réalisation de projets de développement en coopération avec les institutions gouvernementales ou non gouvernementales
• Le développement économique et culturel de la femme
• La protection du milieu naturel à travers la vulgarisation de la culture environnementale

Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (Presente in 93 Paesi del Mondo)

National Network

via dell'Ateneo Salesiano, 81

+39 06872741
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Le Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice, ramo femminile della grande Famiglia Salesiana che vede in Don Bosco il capostipite, è composta nel mondo da oltre 15 mila sorelle, sparse in 94 nazioni, che rispondono al carisma dell’educazione. L’istituto femminile è stato co-fondato da Don Bosco e da Maria Domenica Mazzarello (canonizzata nel 1951), il 5 agosto 1872 a Mornese, in provincia di Alessandria dove c’è tuttora il cuore pulsante di questo Istituto. L'Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice è parte viva della Famiglia salesiana che attualizza nella storia, in diverse forme, lo spirito e la missione di Don Bosco esprimendone la novità perenne. Don Bosco ha ispirato l'inizio di un vasto movimento di persone che in differenti modi lavorano a vantaggio della gioventù. Egli stesso ha fondato non solo la Società di San Francesco di Sales (Salesiani di Don Bosco), ma anche l'Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice e l'Associazione dei Salesiani Cooperatori. Includendo questi e altri che hanno avuto origine in differenti parti del mondo, la Famiglia salesiana oggi comprende 30 gruppi ufficialmente riconosciuti che hanno un totale di 402.500 membri presenti in 132 Paesi del mondo. Questi gruppi vivono in comunione reciproca, condividono lo stesso spirito e con vocazioni specificatamente distinte, prolungano la missione che Don Bosco ha iniziato. Il carisma di don Bosco continua a ispirare persone di buona volontà.
Mission and Objectives

L'impegno educativo è il cuore della missione salesiana femminile. Ogni Figlia di Maria Ausiliatrice sa di giocare la sua vita per Dio e per i giovani, cercando di qualificare la sua presenza per interventi sempre più adeguati alla realtà contemporanea.

Con la scuola, di ogni tipo e grado, le suore rispondono anche oggi all'esigenza di una educazione sistematica, di una formazione critica e, in molte nazioni, permettono ai giovani, soprattutto dei ceti popolari, di acquisire gli strumenti per accedere ai circuiti della cultura.

I corsi di avviamento al lavoro, diversamente configurati in Europa rispetto all'Africa o all'America Latina e all'Asia, esprimono l'attenzione salesiana al mondo del lavoro e al bisogno dei giovani di inserirsi con qualifiche specifiche nei circuiti produttivi di ogni realtà sociale.

L'Oratorio, intuizione salesiana squisitamente educativa perché valorizza tutte le potenzialità giovanili, ha come suo primo obiettivo la promozione umana nei paesi più poveri, mentre in contesti industrializzati cerca di rispondere alla grande domanda dei giovani nel tempo libero. L'aggregazione dei giovani, con le sue domande profonde di vita, continua ad essere la grande sfida dell'educazione.

Opere per bambini/e, adolescenti, giovani in situazioni di rischio. Case famiglia, comunità alloggio, centri di accoglienza attraverso un percorso che ha come punto di partenza la situazione concreta dei destinatari, la loro condizione di precarietà, di abbandono cercando di portare la persona ferita alla libertà e alla maturazione.

L'educazione della giovane donna è una scelta prioritaria che si delinea nei diversi paesi con interventi sempre più precisi: dalla promozione di cooperative femminili nelle missioni, al recupero delle ragazze che nelle periferie delle grandi città sono facilmente vittime della prostituzione, all'inserimento nel lavoro, fino alle iniziative culturali e al "sostegno" perchè le giovani con maggior consapevolezza sappiano lottare per la propria dignità e per la elaborazione di una cultura al femminile.
Case di spiritualità per i giovani. Queste opere offrono alle giovani generazioni la possibilità di sperimentare la via del silenzio e del contatto più prolungato e calmo con la natura e con la Parola di Dio che dà vita.

Main Projects / Activities

L'impegno educativo è il cuore della missione salesiana femminile. Ogni Figlia di Maria Ausiliatrice sa di giocare la sua vita per Dio e per i giovani, cercando di qualificare la sua presenza per interventi sempre più adeguati alla realtà contemporanea.

Con la scuola, di ogni tipo e grado, le suore rispondono anche oggi all'esigenza di una educazione sistematica, di una formazione critica e, in molte nazioni, permettono ai giovani, soprattutto dei ceti popolari, di acquisire gli strumenti per accedere ai circuiti della cultura.

I corsi di avviamento al lavoro, diversamente configurati in Europa rispetto all'Africa o all'America Latina e all'Asia, esprimono l'attenzione salesiana al mondo del lavoro e al bisogno dei giovani di inserirsi con qualifiche specifiche nei circuiti produttivi di ogni realtà sociale.

L'Oratorio, intuizione salesiana squisitamente educativa perché valorizza tutte le potenzialità giovanili, ha come suo primo obiettivo la promozione umana nei paesi più poveri, mentre in contesti industrializzati cerca di rispondere alla grande domanda dei giovani nel tempo libero. L'aggregazione dei giovani, con le sue domande profonde di vita, continua ad essere la grande sfida dell'educazione.

Opere per bambini/e, adolescenti, giovani in situazioni di rischio. Case famiglia, comunità alloggio, centri di accoglienza attraverso un percorso che ha come punto di partenza la situazione concreta dei destinatari, la loro condizione di precarietà, di abbandono cercando di portare la persona ferita alla libertà e alla maturazione.

L'educazione della giovane donna è una scelta prioritaria che si delinea nei diversi paesi con interventi sempre più precisi: dalla promozione di cooperative femminili nelle missioni, al recupero delle ragazze che nelle periferie delle grandi città sono facilmente vittime della prostituzione, all'inserimento nel lavoro, fino alle iniziative culturali e al "sostegno" perchè le giovani con maggior consapevolezza sappiano lottare per la propria dignità e per la elaborazione di una cultura al femminile.
Case di spiritualità per i giovani. Queste opere offrono alle giovani generazioni la possibilità di sperimentare la via del silenzio e del contatto più prolungato e calmo con la natura e con la Parola di Dio che dà vita.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suor Piera Cavaglia
Head of the organisation
Suor Yvonne Reungoat


National Network

80000 AGADIR

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
second year MA student of Applied linguistics and language studies , IBN ZOHR university , Agadir , Morocco
Mission and Objectives

As a student : help imrove education quality via research , organizing events and initiatives

Main Projects / Activities

member of Young Ambassadors For Peace club
vice president of SHINE club 
student ambassador for the conference on education quality to be held in Morocco March 2018

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by building relationships betweeen the youth and education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to be part of something related to education and youth 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachida Moussaoui
Job Title
MA Student
Head of the organisation
Omar Hilli

Consejo Atlántico Juvenil Español (COAJE) Youth Atlantic Treaty Association of Spain

National Network

C/Velazquez 54 2ºFloor
28001 Madrid

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
COAJE (YATA Spain) is the Spanish youth chapter of an international network called the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association. It is structured in the following way: there is an executive board, composed by a president, a secretary general, a treasurer, and four vice-presidents (communication, finance, public diplomacy, and organization). COAJE members (42 in total) are assigned to the different vice-presidencies, depending on their fields on interest and experience. They can also be latent members. Our budgetary resources depend mainly on the membership fee. Our main financial sponsors are the Spanish Ministry of Defence and NATO, which fund the Youth Mediterranean Dialogue (YMD), a one week international conference we organize. Plus, we have other sponsors and supporters, such as the Spanish Atlantic Treaty Association. In addition to the YMD, we organize conferences in collaboration with national and international universities, and our members attend several events throughout the year.
Mission and Objectives

COAJE's main mission is to spread the Culture of Defence and International Security among young people, both in Spain and abroad. Our objective is to get university students and young professionals become more interested in such matters. In particular, we focus on NATO issues, and try to reach people in as many universities as possible. As the Spanish chapter, we also believe in the importance of intercultural dialogue and cooperation. For this reason, we focus on the Southern flank of NATO, believing it is the most relevant for us. We are deeply interested in the North of Africa and Middle East region, and as such, we work with partner countries to get new generations from both cultures cooperate and debate about important international relations and security topics. 

Main Projects / Activities

Our annual flagship event is the Youth Mediterranean Dialogue (YMD), sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Defence and NATO. It is a one week conference that reunites young people from more than 30 different nationalities, from both NATO and MENA region countries. Participants attend lectures, debate in simulations and participate in workshops related to various topics of defence and security. They visit important and interesting places such as military bases or the Spanish Centre for National Defence Studies. Most importantly, they meet people from different countries, cultures and religions and get to learn from each other. 
In addition to the YMD, COAJE collaborates with different institutions from different countries throuhout the year. In June 2017, it organised a two day conference called "NATO's role in the Contemporary World" along with Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the Polish Naval Academy. Fifty Polish and Spanish students participated. 
COAJE members love travelling and participating in the flagship events other YATA youth chapters organise. We have represented Spain in international conferences all over Europe, such as in Portugal, Latvia, Denmark, Slovenia, etc. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Network in different ways: we are strong in social media, and therefore we can help spread other events organised by another members, which can be interesting for the youth. We can contribute by becoming partners of different projects related to International Relations, Security, Politics, etc., or by providing logistic assistance. We are open to discuss any type of collaboration with other members of the Network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF because we believe in international cooperation and multicultural dialogue. We would like to belong to a big international network that can help us reach countries in the Mediterranean and spread our ideas and projects there. We also like hearing from others, seeing what they are participating at, and join them whenever possible. If we all work together and help each other, we can get very far and show the relevance of the region, as well as international dialogue and partnership. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Peña Butrón
Job Title
President of COAJE
Head of the organisation
Ms. Claudia Peña Butrón
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosario Soler Tomé
Job Title (2)
Vice-president of Public Diplomacy of COAJE

Nordic Mediators

National Network

Gunløgsgade 23, 3, th
2300 København S

+ 45 60 88 50 12
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Nordic Mediators is an assocition with around 70 members. We have no staff. All members have taken a Masters Degree in Mediation and conflict resolution at the University of Copenhagen. The association's associate deals with dialogue processes in many different areas of society. The association's economy is based on members' quotas and fees for participation in professional events  
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the association is:
• to disseminate knowledge and use of mediation / mediation / alternative conflict management,
• to work for quality requirements for / for mediators
• To contribute to competence development through further education, as well
• to provide for the establishment of a networking forum for members of the association

Main Projects / Activities

The association does not have current projects as association. But the association is investigating possibilities for using mediation and dialogue processes in connection with the problems that the situation of refugees travels in the Nordic countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association can contribute with knowledge about mediation and other dialogical processes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The association is interested in joining a network that relates to topics about democratic processes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leise Døllner
Job Title
Member of Executive Committe
Head of the organisation
Trond Lexau

Mazg for culture and arts

National Network

10 Mahmoud Basuony St down town

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mazg Foundation for Culture and Arts is a non-profit cultural organization founded in January 2013 by a group of cultural managers.  Our aim is to support non-traditional, under exposed and underground art forms, to help create the right environment for our network of artists to thrive in Egypt. Mazg was founded by four female cultural and civic rights activists, out of their belief in the importance of art in developing societies, with a focus on following an outreach approach to cover not only Cairo, but the various governorates of Egypt our work  focused on the comics arts industry in Egypt. Thus, aiming to refresh and revive it, more especially, after the decline it witnessed during the 90s. Through this work, we identified three main pillars that support the strategic growth, development and sustained successful presence of the industry:
Mission and Objectives

To spread awareness and provide support on art as a society reform tool,  this is achieved through discovering new talents, supporting innovation and creating empowering environments that allow creativity exchange experiences and success stories. Our work is spread to empower both professional artists and beginners.
  Widening the masses fundament of new and unconventional arts
  Break the centralization of art and culture a
  Attract the official and unofficial institutions for all different kinds of new arts
  Support young generations of artists and help them produce their artistic projects and ensure continuity of their activities
  Empower communication channels between artists and audience, media and institutions concerned with art and culture

Main Projects / Activities

Capacity Building Programs:
‘Express yourself through Comics workshop’
Mazg organized its first comics training workshop in February 2013. The 4 days workshop took place at the Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression in Cairo. The workshop was instructed by comics artist: Makhlouf and the scriptwriter Tamer Abdel Hamid. It was attended by 10 university students from Cairo and other governorates. The workshop provided training for young artists on the techniques of creating comics, including drawing and writing, and on promoting the use of comics as an alternative art form to self expression.
®Supported by The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression
Specialized Curriculum of Comics Making
Mazg created a specialized curriculum and training manual in the process of creating comic illustrations.  The content was a result of a long chain of sessions, with 7 of the most prominent comic artists in Egypt, sessions were held in the Arab Digital Expression Foundation (ADEF), throughout April 2013.
The outcomes included a 6 days' workshop, for beginners and faux beginners on the techniques of drawing comics and comics script writing.
The manual is available for free online on the wiki link:
®Supported by ADEF

Time Difference workshop
Mazg seeks to decentralize its activities, and direct its efforts towards outreach and discovering young local talents living in the suburbs and rural areas around Egypt, as well as the centre, Cairo.  Within the context of our Outreach campaigns, we launched the Time Difference Workshop, which is targeted at governorates. The workshop applies the curriculum that Mazg developed in collaboration with ADEF. Participants learn the techniques of creating comics, and writing scripts for comics. We form work groups, which creatively join together to produce a comics novel over the period of 2 months. The novel is produced to completion at a ‘ready for print’ status.   
The first workshop was organized in June 2013, in Alexandria, the second largely populated city in Cairo. This was organised in coordination with Comicsawy, a group that works to promote the art of comics in Egypt. The workshop was instructed by young talents, including Hesham Rahma for comics art and Tamer Abdel Hamid for scriptwriting. Out of 65 applications received through an open call, 14 young artists made it successfully to the workshop.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara El Masry
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Naglaa Saleh

Het Grote Midden Oosten Platform

National Network

Entrepotdok 131
1018 AD Amsterdam

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

We are a flexible organisation, meaning that we are a platform with experts that are almost all self-employed. Our board consists of 5 people and we have a supervisory board as well.  We do not have a central office so we have hardly any overhead costs. Other overhead costs (like our website) are paid with the fee of the members of the platform. Yearly budget around 50.000 euro. We partner with other organisations for concrete projects. Main partners are AIESEC, OXFAM Novib and Pax.  We organise activities, we publish articles in mainstream media and on our website, and we offer our expertise as trainers or consultants to (local) government, businesses and civil society organisations.  We have a broad network and we partner with organisationsthat share our values of dialogue, ‘talking with’ (rather than ‘talking about’), being pro-active (rather than re-active), and connecting different sectors of society and building bridges between cultures.

Mission and Objectives

The Greater Middle East Platform (GMOP) is a foundation that brings together a wide range of Dutch Middle East experts. It offers knowledge and expertise about the Middle East to the general public in the Netherlands, as well as to professionals and policy makers. We are experts in a wide range of fields, and we see a painful lack of objectivity and understanding in Western discourse when it comes to the Arab world and Muslims. The Middle East and North Africa are Europe’s direct neighbours, and we share many concerns and challenges. We at the GMOP work towards neutralizing and humanizing the framing and perceptions of the MENA region, and to increase the level of knowledge in our country. We do this because we want our national policies, and the general interaction between our countries, to be based on knowledge and understanding rather than fear.

Main Projects / Activities

- We publish around 12 articles a year - 2 expert meetings per year - 3 events for the general public per year. For 2017:  - conference about Youth in the Middle East, together with Oxfam - podcast series on the Middle East (in Dutch)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a broad network and we partner with organisationsthat share our values of dialogue, ‘talking with’ (rather than ‘talking about’), being pro-active (rather than re-active), and connecting different sectors of society and building bridges between cultures. We also have a lot of expertise on different subjects (gender, law, financing, languages, religion etc). We can offer different speakers, trainers, consultants of networking events.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Great Middle East Platform wants to work with other organisations that want to build bridges and foster good relationships with the MENA region. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sylva van Rosse
Job Title
chair of the Board
Head of the organisation
Sylva van Rosse, Chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Vanessa Lambrecht
Job Title (2)

Association "Street Warriors"

National Network

Tinuzu pagasts, "Doles" - 7
Ogres novads, LV-5001

+371 28286375
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information

We are youth organisation who make sport events for other youth persons.  We also are profesional fitness trainers and lead traings in our city for free. We make camps, acrobatic and dance performances. We around school and motivate students about heatly life style. 

Mission and Objectives

Make world better place for youth because they are our future.

Main Projects / Activities

Events Camps Sport trainings  Motivational speaches master classies    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can make culture events with other network members to work more efective and do biger things.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we belive that power is only in team work and here we can find good team mates

Contact (1) Full Name
Gatis Kondrāts
Job Title
Valdes priekšsēdētājs
Head of the organisation
Gatis Kondrats

Asociación Building Bridges - YesEuropa

National Network

Calle Cruzada 3
28013 Madrid

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We were founded in 2008 with the aim of giving advice to the demands of information on european and intercultural information Exchange. Abusing on the concept by which we were created the main goals for our association are: • Building up bridges to promote the European social construction. • Bridge a gap encouraging an intercultural dialogue for a better understanding and knowledge of other cultures. • Planning bridges through projects management to foster the citizens participation, specially young people. • Leaving a mark supporting any cultural, educational or artistic manifestación base don the above mentionned projects. We are an experienced association, our personal career and experience is wide. We have thought about creating this association to give shape and to have a closer collaboration that already existed between its partners for more than 10 years.
Mission and Objectives

YES EUROPA YES EUROPE is a portal for support and advice on international mobility and European projects promoted by the Building Bridges Association, based in Madrid.

Our group is composed of professionals delighted to help and advise private and public entities in order to write and manage international projects.

Until present day, thanks to several cooperation agreements with public and private institutions we actively participate in international networks.
We were able to carry out many projects under the old Youth in Action, Citizens Programme and Lifelong Learning Programme. Now we continue our work with Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens and Creative Europe programmes.

The main goal of our group is to promote international mobility and raise awareness among young Spanish and European people on topics such as social inclusion, integration and promotion of active citizenship, using only non-formal education.
Among the projects developed we include the European Voluntary Service, youth exchanges, international trainings, Erasmus+ traineeships and so on.
These projects have many young people able to take advantage of international mobility experience, now it's your turn!.
Most projects are open to young people between 13 and 30 years and allow unforgettable experiences traveling and living without many expenses (in many cases projects  covered the accommodation, food and much of the total trip).

Main Projects / Activities

We were founded in 2008 with the aim of giving advice to the demands of information on european and intercultural information Exchange.
Abusing on the concept by which we were created the main goals for our association are:
• Building up bridges to promote the European social construction.
• Bridge a gap encouraging an intercultural dialogue for a better understanding and knowledge of other cultures.
• Planning bridges through projects management to foster the citizens participation, specially young people.
• Leaving a mark supporting any cultural, educational or artistic manifestación base don the above mentionned projects.

We are an experienced association, our personal career and experience is wide. We have thought about creating this association to give shape and to have a closer collaboration that already existed between its partners for more than 10 years.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promoting your information among our users
We can promote your project in our portals and help you to disseminate results at national level though bulletin, mailing list (over 40.000 contacts), social media (over 20.000 friends) and mail contacts to stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Getting closer to other partners
To provide more opportunities for our groups of young people to get more non formal education skills and knowledge.  We would like to ensure more opportunities for our users in order to promote mobility programmes for young people , specially those from disavantaged backgrounds and long term unemployed candidates.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asociacion Building Bridges
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Antonino Versace
Contact (2) Full Name