National Network

48018 FAENZA

+39 0546 622999
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 377 277
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Since 35 years, Teatro Due Mondi runs a stable theatre research focusing in particular on street theatre being its mission is to bring theatre where it is especially needed: suburbs, orphanages, socially disadvantaged areas, streets and squares. The group’s work comprehends both theatre teaching and theatre production (street theatre performances and workshops, social committed theatre, theatre for children), organization of events (theatre, music and dance), information and net-working (conferences and meetings about artistic and social issues).  It is operating internationally, touring all over the world with performances and pedagogical activities. It aims to create a theatre form, particularly street theatre, that speaks a universal language accessible to all, and that acts as a communication tool of social issues.  Recently, its work is even more engaged in the social sphere, using theatre pedagogy for the social inclusion of underrepresented groups (migrants, unemployed people).
Mission and Objectives

Non profit association registered as Cultural Associations of Social Promotion, inspired by the principles of democracy and equality of all members. TDM's work includes training, production of shows, promotion (theater, music and dance reviews) and dissemination (conferences and meetings). It acts on the regional, national and foreign territory.
It counts 29 associated, 7 employees, 6 collaborators, 8 volunteers. The legal representative also covers the role of artistic director. Management decisions are taken collectively by the Board of Directors, extraordinary decisions by the Assembly of Associated.
Funding sources:
Emilia Romagna Region since 1993.
Municipality of Faenza (RA) since 1999 agreement for the management of the "Casa del Teatro" supporting local activities.
European Union: since 2010 TDM financed on various project as partner or lead partner
Ministry of Culture support for the tour abroad
Fondazione Cassa Risparmio Ravenna and local Banks for local projects.
Average annual turnover: 160.000 € > 200.000€

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities carried out in the last two years in the field of cultural dialogue
9 shows on tour, 42 performances, Italy and abroadhttp://www.teatroduemondi.it/tournee_2017.htm
CAROSELLO street theatre show on cultural diversity: Dubai, Germany, Montenegro, Ireland, Denmark, Tunisia
THE NINE COMMANDMENTS, a diabolical show on the God of Money, Bielefeld 9.9.17http://bit.ly/2FHqxMD
ACTION FOR WELCOMING with “non-actors” 20 migrants and 20 Italians, Festival delle Culture, Ravenna 9.6.17 http://bit.ly/2re4sC8
IN THE OPEN SPACES OF THE WORLD Intergenerational workshop, Fagagna-UD 6-7.10.17
IMEG Erasmus + Strategic Partnership (Ger, Ita, Au) for a multicultural Europe.http://bit.ly/2B6vVWd Apr, Jun, Sep, Oct 2017
STREET THEATER AS A TOOL OF SOCIAL INCLUSION, El Kef-Tunisia 25-26.3.17 http://bit.ly/2DaWefE
BORDERLESS multicultural theater workshop for “non-actors” and actors, Faenza, 30 migrants, 30 Italians, Oct-Jun 17/18
THEATER OF EVERY DAY for school teachers and parents, Project 0/6 "the city as a laboratory" http://bit.ly/2FKourk
ANOTHER LOOK for secondary school students http://bit.ly/2FKourk
Theater Season 17/18 “A CLOSE THEATER” http://bit.ly/2g66o8W
Nov-Dec 2017: 7 shows, 3 children's shows [continues 2018]
8 shows on tour, 39 performances, Italy and abroadhttp://www.teatroduemondi.it/tournee_2016.htm
THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THE MUSICIANS OF BREMA, a show for families on the issue of welcoming and cultural dialogue , Italian tour
VEDRAI, VEDRAI dedicated to women, theatre show about gender equality and awareness arising about gender violence, Faenza 25.11.16
THOSE REBELS GIRLS stories of courage, for youth sensitizing about equality of gender roles Faenza 26.11.16
BORDERLESS multicultural theater workshop, Oct-Jun 16/17 http://bit.ly/2B5ZOpB
WORKSHOP Borderless INCLUSIVE THEATER, Porsgrunn Intl. Theater Festival, Norway 13-16.6.16 http://bit.ly/2EKCm3p
Theatrical season 16/17 A THEATER OF RELATIONSHIP http://bit.ly/2mMzbSl
20 shows, 7 youth performances, 6 workshops on the use of voice, theatre and street theater, 2 theatre residences, 1 community project "Staffette" http://bit.ly/1Sc7Z9h

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Istituto di Alta Cultura Fondazione " Orestiadi" Onlus

National Network

Baglio Di Stefano
91024 Gibellina

+ 39 0924 67844
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
The Orestiadi Foundation is a no-profit Institute of Higher Culture founded in 1992 through a donation from his president Ludovico Corrao, is based in the Baglio Di Stefano in Gibellina (Sicily) The Foundation, which has since been enriched by further donations, continues the cultural activities first begun in 1968 when leading Italian and International artists were summoned to rebuild the city following devastation by earthquake and lend a hand in its profound reconstruction as an extraordinary home to works of art of all kinds. The Foundation features the participation of representatives from the regional authorities of , the municipality of Gibellina, local administrations and cultural associations. The Foundation sponsors and produces events in the worlds of theatre, visual arts, music and poetry, and sponsors scientific, publishing and professional training activities with a structure capable of providing a tangible contribution to the greater public appreciation and development of both the territory in which its activity is primarily based and other areas of the South Mediterranean
Mission and Objectives

The multicultural strategy of the Fondazione Orestiadi in Gibellina has been stimulated and confirmed by its own interdisciplinary activity. As far as figurative arts are concerned we have acted according to a project capable of seizing themes linked to the current cultural situation, monographic notes and comparisons between artists of different ethnic origins.
The central value pursued and emphasized through the expositive choices is of course that of  the coexistence of art, an essential value in such an age as ours in which selfishness and intolerance seem to prevail.
Thus, our expositive strategy has underlined the possibility of combining artistic presences originating from different continents, from Europe to Africa, to Asia etc., believing that in the linguistic research carried out by the artists of our age there exists a desire for communication which emphasises not so much territorial distinctions but rather the virtuality of anthropological roots extending in space and time.

Main Projects / Activities

In the context of its research into the cultural bonds between Mediterranean peoples, since 2000 the Orestiadi Foundation has continued developing a project for an itinerant exhibition “Islam in Sicily, a garden between two civilizations” dedicated to the influence of Islamic Culture in Sicily starting from the period of its Arabian domination.
This effort is sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and made possible by support from the Sicilian Regional Authorities.
The exhibition  set up  in Dar Bach Hamba in Tunis, and has been subsequently brought to both Cairo,Amman,  Damascus, Sana’a, Ryad , Doha, Islamabad,Karachi and Muscat.
The Foundation has participated at the Biennale Exhibition Art in Venice and displayed works at the Beaubourg Museum in Paris, exhibitions in  New York, London, Basle, Algiers, Beirut, Castel Del Monte (Italy), Matera(Italy), Forlì (Italy).

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Fiammetta
Head of the organisation
Calogero Pumilia

Cyprus Refugee Council

National Network

Stassandrou 9, floor 4
1060 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information

The Cyprus Refugee Council, is an independent, non for profit organization, established as the evolution of the Humanitarian Affairs Unit of the NGO Future Worlds Center. The Unit during its 11 years of operation had grown significantly to become the expert in Cyprus on refugee related issues, making it one of the main actors in Cyprus in the area. Besides implementing a UNHCR funded project since 2006 the Unit has implemented a considerable number of related projects under various funds such as UNVFVT, EU Commission funds, EPIM, ECRE, German Embassy and other. Given the growth of the Unit, the Board of Directors of the Future Worlds Center has supported its evolution into an independent entity, which focuses exclusively on issues related to refugees and asylum seekers as well as other inter-related issues. The independent entity with the name ‘Cyprus Refugee Council’ is the first NGO in Cyprus to focus primarily on refugees. The work carried out by the Unit as well as the existing team is in the process of being transferred on to the CyRC. The organization has a 6 member Board of Directors and 12 people staff. The CyRC's Team includes members who have over 10 years experience in refugee related work and a clear understanding of the population and the environment in Cyprus, including opportunities and challenges. The Team has been able to build significantly on its local knowledge and presence, and over the years it has shown its ability to gain the trust of persons of concern through the rapport established with the refugees and their communities in Cyprus. Furthermore, the team is considered by many national institutions as well as local and International/EU organisations, and NGOs as a credible and reliable source of information on related issues.    

Mission and Objectives

The Cyprus Refugee Council (CyRC) strives to safeguard, support and advocate for the rights of vulnerable groups in Cyprus, promoting their effective integration into the host society. Focusing on refugees, asylum seekers, detainees, trafficking victims and survivors of torture, CyRC works closely with the local society in order to provide quality services at the individual, community and policy level. CyRC aims to; • Promote human rights and social justice. • Contribute towards an inclusive society • Advocate for the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants • Address social inequalities, poverty and exclusion • Combat racism, xenophobia, and discrimination  

Main Projects / Activities

What we do: Advocacy We advocate for the establishment and implementation of positive legislation, policies and practices, in accordance with International and European Law. This is carried out directly towards national, EU and International bodies, through evidence based advocacy. • Case management Our team of experts follows an inter-disciplinary approach, by providing individualized legal, social and psychological support to persons of concern with the aim to ensure access to rights, integration into the local communities and a satisfactory quality of life. • Community Work & Capacity Building At the community level, we pursue the empowerment of individuals and groups as well as their mobilisation, and meaningful participation in all aspects of society. For that purpose, we conduct trainings, workshops, seminars and other capacity building activities to persons of concern, other NGOs and professionals in the field, volunteers and members of local communities, authorities and policy makers. • Public Awareness We promote a positive and respectful public attitude towards vulnerable groups by encouraging open-mindedness, addressing marginalisation and discrimination of persons of concern and combating xenophobia and intolerance. Furthermore, we network with relevant civil society actors, educational institutions and media. • Research In the context of various projects, we undertake research activities in order to develop existing knowledge and conduct sound analysis of the cultural, political and economic context of population of persons of concern and their host communities as well as the community dynamics. Projects: 1. Strengthening Asylum is a project funded by the UNHCR Representation in Cyprus. The project aims to advocate for the enhancement of rights of asylum seekers and refugees, as well as to support, and encourage their integration into the Cypriot society. 2. Pilot Implementation of Alternatives to Detention (AtDs) of TCN in Cyprus, is a 2-year project funded by  the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM). 3. Supporting Victims of Torture is a project funded by the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture. The project aims to support and promote the empowerment and rehabilitation of people who have been subjected to torture, inhumane, degrading treatment or punishment in their country of origin and/or in Cyprus. 4. The project “Co-creating a counseling method for refugee women gender-based violence victims” is funded by the European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Consumers.The projects overall aim is to inform, support and encourage reporting of refugee women GBV victims by offering them access to specific support service. 5. METs:This project is a European project between seven expert refugee rehabilitation centers. It aims in designing and testing an empowerment method for survivors of torture and victims of trafficking. The method will be presented through a conference to all expert centers in Europe.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our team's expertice in matters of refugees we can contribute to the development of a more peaceful and interculture society, with no social inequalities, racism, xenophobia and discrimination.  Refugees, are one part of the society that faces isolation and discrimination, and as our mission suggests we strive to safeguard and support the rights of vulnerable populations.  Furthermore, through advocacy work and our experience we can contribute to the development of policies and shared values that will bring cultures together.   

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will give us the oportunity to meet other organizations to exchange knowledge and good practices.  Moreover, we hope to get funding oportunities that will allow us to utilize and impliment ideas and goals that will assist the quality of life of refugees in Cyprus. Lastly, we know that the ALF Network will open oportunities for CyRC to expand it's work and knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Corina Drousiotou
Head of the organisation
Tonia Loizidou
Contact (2) Full Name
Tonia Loizidou
Job Title (2)
Managing Director

Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo"

National Network

via Saffi 2
61029 Urbino

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Urbino is located in a magnificent Renaissance city, in the  Unesco’s World Heritage List. It started functioning in 1506, under Pope Julius II. Now it is a medium sized University (13,572 students. International Students are 7% of the total). The students are more than the ordinary inhabitants, so the city appears particularly young and vibrant. The departments are mainly housed in buildings of outstanding architectural interest. The Urbino University is a world apart, offering to the students - both national and international - the opportunity to live an intense learning experience. The friendly relations with teachers and administrative staff are an important piece of its academic tradition. The scientific laboratories are mostly  located in a modern  Campus  nearby the city. Some teaching courses are delivered in Pesaro (Oriental languages) and Fano (Biotechnology). Urbino has dormitories and other facilities that even the biggest Italian universities hardly possess. The responsibility to promote and coordinate the Quality Assurance System is entrusted to a Quality Assurance Commission. The statement (in Italian) is available at the following link: www.uniurb.it/Uborse/presidio_qualita.pdf. According to the 2015-2016 Italian Ranking Survey (CENSIS), in the evaluation of didactics, the University of Urbino, among all Italian Universities, is ranked 1st in Education, in Sport and Health Sciences and in Pharmacy. In the Evaluation of Research Activities it is ranked 5th in Economics and Statistics.
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement (in English)
The Urbino University is dedicated to transmit knowledge and skills to undergraduate students, stimulate new interpretation and development of knowledge in graduate students, educate individuals for professional careers, provide them with the tools to continue intellectual development over the lifetime.
Hundreds of disciplines are present in our Departments, in the fields from Biology to Physics, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences and Fine Arts, Literature and Foreign Language, Philosophy and Psychology, Mathematics and Informatics. Our teaching activity, from the BA to the MA and Phd courses, is research-driven. We aim to select strong researchers in order to ensure the students the best possible teachers.
University is strictly connected with the economic and social environment of the Marches Region and of central Italy at large. With an intensive program, agreed with regional stakeholders, the Urbino University disseminates research results and translates scientific discovery and technological application into practical knowledge, especially through industry partner

Main Projects / Activities

Within the framework of the VII FP the University of Urbino is involved in 10 projects financed by the European Union with a total of almost 3 million euros
In 2014 our University held 8 patents, 6 of which were co-patents held with organizations located in Canada and USA (Mc Gill University and the University of California, Irvine).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The University is disposed to promote research and teaching projects as well as lifelong learning initiatives related to the ALF priorities. It is also willing to co-operate with the other Italian members to inform the general public on the activities of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The University of Urbino is involved in several Euro-Med activities. It is a member of the Rete Italiana per il Dialogo Euromediterraneo (RIDE-APS). It is one of the four founding members  of the Slovenian Based Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI), the flagship academic program of the Union for the Mediterranean. It is also member of UNIMED. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe Giliberti
Job Title
Rector's Delegate for international relations
Head of the organisation
Vilberto Stocchi

Associazione "Peripli. Culture e Società Euromediterranee"

National Network

Piazza S. Francesco 5
06023 Gualdo TADINO

0039 075 9108215
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3490974705
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Peripli is a non-profit cultural association. It is endowed with a President, a Board of Directors of 5 members, a Scientific Council and various partners. It has no employees. Its annual budgeting resources amount to around € 1,000 for current expenses. Members self-finance. Among its many modes of action: training courses in high schools, Café Philo, organization of events, conferences, round tables, international meetings, publications, etc. The main partners of Peripli in its actions are: Mediterranean Citizens' Assembly Foundation (FACM) - Valencia (Espagne), CNR, Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies - Naples, Italian Institute of Historical Studes - Naples, COPEAM / RAI / Rome, ARAPRESS / Rome, Turin University, LUISS University - Rome, Movimento Europeo - Italy, IRCM - Tunis, Ecole Normale Supérieure - Rabat, AGM - Rome, SESAMO - Italy, Fondazione Orestiadi of Gibellina and Dar Bash Hamba of Tunis, etc.
Mission and Objectives

PERIPLI (www.peripli.org) is a no-profit organization promoting the dialogue among Euro-Mediterranean cultures and societies through the creation of a permanent discussion board on social and cultural subjects. More specifically, PERIPLI operates in the field of training, education and scientific research by creating partnership with other institutions such as public and private institutions and associations at national and international level mainly in the following areas: cultural heritage and culture and citizenship. PERIPLI develops a dialogue among societies and cultures as a mean to assert fundamental rights (civic, political, economical, social and cultural rights; gender equality), democracy and justice by pursuing values based on mutual respect. PERIPLI operates also through a dynamic and flexible organizational model by establishing collaboration and high-level partnerships to prepare and implement programs and technical multidisciplinary teams to support: publishing and audio-visual products, events, meetings and workshops’ organization; communication activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Among his many activities (see www.peripli.org), in 2010, PERIPLI organized an international conference in Rome on "The Arab world and Europe between conflicts and peace". The Proceedings of the conference were published in 2014 for Ed. L’Harmattan, Paris; in 2013, in collaboration with the Advisory Council of the ACM and the Moroccan Embassy in Italy, PERIPLI organized an international conference on "Europe and the Arab World in the times of transition: what reforms?", whose Proceedings are in preparation. In January 2014 PERIPLI led a conference called “Training and work: a challenge for the Mediterranean area”, during which PERIPLI analysed the crisis of work civilization and consequent challenges of rethinking a “Mediterranean project”. In June 2015 (Naples) "Cultural diversity and citizenship" in collaboration with CNR, "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants Rights in the Mediterranean, University "l'Orientale" Naples, FACM.   Peripli organizes training courses at the Licei G. da Procida of Salerno, Liceo di Pagani, Liceo Casimiri of Gualdo Tadino on issues related to the cultural, social and political problems of the Mediterranean area and its relations with Europe in order to developing the awareness of a Euro-Mediterranean citizenship among the younger generations. The courses are organized in partnership with some national and international institutions and have an annual duration. Moreover Peripli promotes and organizes a Café Philo on current issues such as eg. that of migrations, its causes and its effects in the Mediterranean area. It have an annual duration. In the current year Peripli organizes in May a debate meeting on the topic citizens of the Web / the Web of citizens, in June an event on Islamic cultures, in October an international conference on the theme of tangible and intangible heritages of the Mediterranean.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The activities and objectives of Peripli are in harmony with those of the ALF and its network. They involve various institutional partners both of Italian civil society and of the Mediterranean area. Peripli is open to the collaboration of public and private organizations that share its objectives and values for the construction of joint projects in order to make the dialogue between representatives of various Mediterranean cultures more and more profitable. This dialogue seems to be increasingly urgent in an area where conflicts seem to prevail today. But this sensitization towards the construction of a Mediterranean area of peace requires ever more extensive synergies and increasingly effective partnerships. Peripli provides its experience and expertise to the its country's network, offering itself as a bridge between its partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The presence of Peripli in the ALF Network can help to expand its partnership. Peripli aims to collaborate with institutions from other Mediterranean countries to carry out joint projects at national and international level with an interdisciplinary and intercultural methodology. On the other hand, Peripli intends to make its own contribution to the contents and to the common activities by making available the already consolidated patrimony of partnership, in a perspective of inclusion and cultural growth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Donzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Maria Donzelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Felerico
Job Title (2)

Croatian Arab Friendship Society - Hrvatsko arapsko društvo prijateljstva

National Network

F. Preserna 1
B. Polica 2
51000 Rijeka

Telephone (other)
00 385(0)98426084
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Croatian Arab Friendship society have presidency and Supervisory Board and we have one person employed as a coordinator of our projects. Our budget is for now about 75.000 kn ( 10 000 Euro). Our surce of funding is Croatian Ministry of Forign affaires and Primorsko - goranska county. Our modalitetes of action are culture, humanitarian work  and economic forums.  Our partners are economic organistaon and embassys of arab countries in Croatia (Egypt, Algeire, Tunis, Morroco, UAE) Austrian Arabic Chambre of Economic and other non governmental organizations with the similar coses and aims.

Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is to combat racial discrimination, build peace and bridges between different cultures, nations and religions, promote intercultural dialogue and bring closer to Arabic and Croatian culture, science, history, language, gastronomy and natural and tourist beauties.

Main Projects / Activities

Festival of Arab Films in Zagreb Every year, in the capital of Croatia Zagreb , we organize Arab Film Festival with the aim of acquainted Croatian citizens with Arab culture, cinematography and lifestyle in Arab countries. This is how we work to combat racial discrimination and xenophobia. We had to edition 2016, 2017. We screen movies from Egypt, Tunis, Algeire, United Arab Emirates, Libanon)   Days of Arab Films in Rijeka In city of Rijeka  we have similar cultural manifastion where we want to  additionally promote arab culture and cinematography. Edition 2016., 2017. Croatian Arab Economic Forum This is economic manifestation with the goal to make closer Croatian and Arab economics. Edition 2016. 2017.  Cultural Centar of the Arab World Cultural Centar of the Arab World .is the  centar of 125 m2  where we promote arab and other cultures throughout the year. (conters, exibitions, lecture...)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are the main promoter of the politics of sultural and economic cooperations between Croatia and arab countries and so we promote the politics of cooperation and understanding bettwen diferent Culture. This is very important in events regarding refugee crisis. We would like very much to cooperate with similar organisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Arab culture is very important part of the mediteration culture and our maim goal is promotion of the arab culture in croatia and other countries in region. We woud like to cooperate with similar organisation on Mediterane. We have very goog cooperation with embassys of arab countries in Croatia and we woud like to expand this on other cultural fundation and similar organisation in region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aljosa Babic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Presidency - President Aljosa Babic

Iva Gjurić Smrekar

National Network

Mallionva 7
10000 Zagreb

*385 1 4646428
*386 1 4677522
Mobile Phone
*38598 385844
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Born in 1971, graduated in European studies and Econimics. I was member and president of ALES- Alumni des etudes Europeennes in 2011. Active in NGOs related to sport: Memeber of the Board in Fencing club Rapir 2011-2017 Memeber of the Superviory Board of Fencing Federation of Zagreb 2012-2014 Member od the Dicsiplinary Comitee of Croatian Fencing Federation 2014-2015 Curently a volunteer in Fencing Club Musketeers  

Mission and Objectives

I would like to work on topics of importance of sport in buliding up  and supporting civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently I work on several Youth exchanges under Erasmus+ some of them relatet to sports and civil society at the same time. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I believe basic rules of sport  are strongly linked to civil society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjurić Smrekar
Job Title
volunteer in Fencing Club Musketeers
Head of the organisation
Iva Gjurić Smrekar

ethelon AMK

National Network

Apostolou Paulou 10A
15123 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

ethelon is a non-profit organization which was established in order to emphasize and promote the notion of volunteering within the Greek society. ethelon is the result of the merger between two non-profit organizations, Glovo and Volunteer4Greece, which were both founded in 2012 and remained active in parallel for four years. In May 2016, the two organizations merged and created a new one, aspiring to become the point of reference for volunteering in Greece.  

Mission and Objectives

We aspire to become the point of reference in terms of volunteering in Greece, thus providing every age and social group with the possibility to have access in volunteering events and activities, creating a suitable cooperation framework between NGOs and companies, so that society at large can benefit from it. Our objective is to establish volunteering as a way of life and a dominant value within the Greek society, making the best out of the skills of its members and creating a social net whose basic components will be its very members.

Main Projects / Activities

Through a wide range of activities, events and initiatives, we find, activate and bring together individuals, independent teams, institutions and companies with non-profit organizations, aiming to help them develop synergies, based on volunteering. Moreover, since 2015 we deside to organise the Career Fair.4all, an initiative to bring the Greek labor market close to people with disabilities. The 1st Career fair for people with disabilities in Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could organize Intercultural events or social actions that promote and advocate for mutual respect between different cultures, while supporting civil society. A good idea might be social cooking, hygiene kits, social graffiti. Also, we are participating in communities from all over the world, like Points of Light and we are trying to connect and help more than 280 NGO's from Greece and we are organizing or participating in a daily basis social actions, in order to help the society.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that our history represent our willing to collaborate and network, since we implement the 1st merge between two NGO's in Greece. Furthermore, we believe that bringing together citizens across the Mediterranean, so that to build trust and increase mutual understanding, between each other. This express our values and beliefs and we hope we will have the opportunity to join ALF's team!

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantinos Simaioforidis
Job Title
Chief Operations Manager
Head of the organisation
Kostapanos Miliaresis

Paltamon lukio

National Network

Lampitie 2
88300 Paltamo

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Paltamon lukio is an upper secondary school located in Paltamo. We are an active school and we are willing to work with different projects. We have about 30 teachers and 60 students. Our school is operating in a same building as our comprehensive school, Korpitien koulu.

Mission and Objectives

We are looking forward to meeting new people and educating ourselves and we want to be up-to-date with modern school lfe.

Main Projects / Activities

We have taken part in numerous Comenius and Erasmus+ projects. We have been co-ordinator as well as a partner school. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our school Is using modern technology and modern learning environments. We are always looking for new ideas to  help our students to learn.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Anna Lindh offers versatile possibilities to work with different kind of partners, not only schools. This opens up new possibilities for students and teachers alike.lö

Contact (1) Full Name
Satu Heikura
Job Title
Language teacher
Head of the organisation
Anne Rautaparta
Contact (2) Full Name
Sisko Haataja
Job Title (2)
Class teacher, language teacher

Jouth organisation "Čiekuri"

National Network

Nakotnes street 1
Dubnas pagasts, Dubna
Augsdaugavas novads, LV-5443

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

I am very communicative person, and i want to know something new! Thats why i want be witj you in this organisation.

Mission and Objectives

With my organisation i was in so much projects . For ex. Jaunatne darbībā, we are writting project and winning - do our place better (place where we are communication) , i am Award program leader training. My educarion is Psychology, and thats why i can easy coummunicate with young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Jaunatne darbībā.Erasmus plus

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have internet at home, at work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because i am young, and i want to know and learning something new. I want to help people through intercultural communication with each other, in the social environment as well as in religion

Contact (1) Full Name
Egita Birkmane
Job Title
Youth Specialist
Head of the organisation
Agnese Birkmane